Plant Design For Methanol Distillation Unit: February 2021
Plant Design For Methanol Distillation Unit: February 2021
Plant Design For Methanol Distillation Unit: February 2021
1.1 General introduction 2
1.2 Problem statement 5
1.3 Objective of project 5
1.4 Scope of project 6
1.5 Importance of project 6
2.1 Background 8
2.2 History 8
2.3 Methanol formulas and structures 9
2.4 Identity 10
2.5 Methanol physical and chemical properties 11
2.6 Methanol demand 14
2.7 Uses of methanol 14
2.8 Applications of methanol 15
2.9 Production methanol methods 16
2.9.1 The production of methanol from natural gas 16
2.9.2 The production of methanol from biomass 17
2.9.3 Methanol production by gasification of heavy residues 18
2.10 Production methanol by formating natural gas 19
2.10.1 Reforming 19
2.10.2 Compression and Synthesis 20
2.10.3 Distillation 22
Figure No page
CH3OH Methanol
H2O Water
MTG Methanol-to-Gasoline
Cu O copper oxide
Zn O zinc oxide
CH4 methane
C carbon
H2 hydrogen
OH Hydroxyl group
O Oxygen
Chapter I
Chapter I
Methanol (CH3OH), also called methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, or wood spirit, the
simplest of a long series of organic compounds called alcohols, consisting of a methyl
group (CH3) linked with a hydroxy group (OH). Methanol was formerly produced by
the destructive distillation of wood. The modern method of preparing methanol is based
on the direct combination of carbon monoxide gas and hydrogen in the presence of
a catalyst. Increasingly, syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide derived
from biomass, is used for methanol production.
Pure methanol is an important material in chemical synthesis. Its derivatives are used in
great quantities for building up a vast number of compounds, among them many
important synthetic dyestuffs, resins, pharmaceuticals, and perfumes. Large quantities are
converted to dimethylaniline for dyestuffs and to formaldehyde for synthetic resins. It is
also used in automotive antifreezes, in rocket fuels, and as a general solvent. The
methanol derived from wood is used chiefly for rendering industrial ethyl alcohol unfit
to drink . Methanol is a colorless liquid that boils at 64.96 °C (148.93 °F) and solidifies
at −93.9 °C (−137 °F). It forms explosive mixtures with air and burns with a nonluminous
flame. It is completely miscible in water. Methanol has an odour that is similar to ethyl
alcohol, the intoxicant of alcoholic beverages, but is a dangerous poison; many cases of
blindness or death have been caused by drinking mixtures containing it [1].
vehicle fuels have widespread use in China and have been introduced in several countries
outside of China. Methanol is also used as a cooking fuel and in thermal applications
(industrial boilers, furnaces, and kilns), primarily in China. Methanol is also emerging as
a clean-burning marine fuel that can cost-effectively meet the shipping industry’s
increasingly stringent emissions regulations. In recent years, the use of methanol in the
production of olefins or methanol-to-olefins (MTO) has grown rapidly.Methanol is used
to produce methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a gasoline component that improves air
quality, and dimethyl ether (DME), a clean-burning fuel with similar properties to
propane.Methanol is also a key component in biodiesel, a renewable fuel that can be used
in place of, or blended with conventional diesel fuel. The renewable sources are presented
with their yearly quantity while the finite resources are shown with their total quantity. It
shows that for the renewable resources solar has by far the largest supply quantity and
both solar and wind energy could cover the world’s total energy demand by themselves
.However, both wind and solar energy are highly variable and depend on the season, the
time of the day and the weather. This non-controllable variance in the available energy
can be combated on twofronts. On one side, storage technologies can work as a bridge to
overlap the production and demand curve. On the other side, other energy resources,
which are more constant and dispatchable, can be added to the energy mix to cover the
gap between production and demand. The major methanol end-uses in fuels applications
include: 1) Gasoline Blend stock: In some countries, methanol is blended directly with
gasoline. Methanol has attractive properties as a fuel blending component; it has a high
octane number, combusts efficiently, emits fewer harmful by- products than gasoline, and
is relatively low-cost . 2) Dimethyl Ether (DME): DME can be used to blend into LPG,
as a replacement for LPG fuel in heating and cooking applications, as a transportation
fuel in modified diesel engines, and for power generation . 3) Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether
(MTBE): MTBE (an oxygenate) is added to gasoline to increase its octane number. Use
of MTBE in a gasoline blend also allows for a cleaner combustion process, emitting less
pollution . 4) Biodiesel: Biodiesel is the product obtained when vegetable oil or animal
fat is chemically reacted with an alcohol - methanol, for example - to produce a compound
known as a fatty acid alkyl ester. When methanol is used, the product is fatty acid methyl
ester (FAME) . 5) Methanol-to-Gasoline (MTG): MTG refers to the process of making
gasoline via a methanol route. In some ways, MTG is a misnomer, because methanol is
often an intermediate in the process, and units are back-integrated to coal or natural gas.
Some MTG units in China may run on merchant methanol . 6) Others: Methanol can also
be used as a fuel in power generation plants and in methanol fuel cells. [2]
Although some is still produced from old and inefficient coal gasification plants,
Methanol is mainly produced in areas of the world where a large supply of Natural Gas
is available at an economical supply cost. By creating the necessary chemical reactions
within the process, natural gas is converted into a valuable liquid product that is easily
transported to markets in Europe, Asia and America by ship. The two main essential
ingredients, (feedstock) to produce Methanol here at ‘Ampco’ are basically Natural Gas
and Water. However it is simply not enough to mix gas and water, (as steam) together. A
lot of other conditions are also necessary. These extra conditions include a lot of heat and
pressure, in addition to another necessary material. This other material is called a Catalyst.
This is something that promotes, (encourages) the ingredients in this particular process to
‘crack’ and ‘reform’ into something entirely different from the original feedstock. This is
the first major step in the production of Methanol, and the process is given the general
name of ‘Steam Reforming . In order to understand the Steam Reforming process, First,
most people will know what H2O is. It is of course water, but it is still H2O even if it is
in solid form, (ice), or as a vapor (steam). crack H2O into its basic elements of H2 and
O to get two types of gas :Hydrogen and Oxygen. This is what is done in a Steam
Reformer, some of that H2O, (as steam) cracks to go back to the elements that originally
formed it . However, not only is H2O cracked, something similar happens to the Natural
gas. Natural gas is composed of Hydrocarbons and the major part of this gas that feeds
Ampco is the simplest type of Hydrocarbon, Methane, (CH4) . The formula CH4 shows
that there is one piece (atom) of Carbon (C), and four pieces, (atoms), of Hydrogen, (H)
in this molecule. When this Methane molecule also cracks into its basic parts, so these
elements can be reformed into something else. And if controlled correctly, the result is
exactly the correct mixture of gases to make Methanol[4].
The world methanol consumption has surpassed 25 million tons per annum and is still
growing steadily ,indicating an increasing importance of methanol in the bulk chemicals
market. The most valued property is its ability to transport energy efficiently . Methanol
is produce as crude that contain many different impurities from natural gas after that it
sold in the local and international markets with less purity and lower prices .Therefore
,some companies resorted to increasing its purity after production by the equivalent of
100% and increasing its marketing value ,as well as for its unlimited uses that require
high purity of methanol . This project was done depending on design a methanol
distillation unit to purification crude methanol to cover increasing of local and
international market request.
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Scope of Project:
The goal of the project is to increase the purity of methanol produced by other
companies that sell it at low prices. Through purification, we obtain the highest market
value of methanol by removing impurities that reduce the price of methanol during the
methanol distillation unit. It is also considered an important investment through the
positive use of methanol in full compliance with all applicable local and international
environmental requirements.
Chapter II
Literature Review
Chapter II
2.1 Background
Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol amongst other names, is a chemical with
the formula CH3OH (a methyl group linked to a hydroxyl group,
often abbreviated MeOH). It is a light, volatile, colorless, flammable liquid with a
distinctive alcoholic od our similar to that of ethanol. Methanol, known as methyl alcohol,
is a transparent liquid with chemical formula CH3 OH. It is volatile, flammable, and toxic
for human consumption Methanol is a polar substance, soluble in water. The -OH group
is responsible for its polarity. The electronegativity difference between atoms in the -OH
group generates a negative region. This region influences the carbon and hydrogens
region making it positive [ 5 ].
2.2 History
Methanol has been produced and used for millennia, with the ancient Egyptians using it
in the embalming process – it was part of the mixture of substances produced in the
destructive distillation (pyrolysis) of wood. However, it was not until 1661 that Robert
Boyle produced pure methanol through further distillation, and only in 1834 was the
elemental composition determined by Jean-Baptiste Dumas and Eugene Peligot. At a
similar time, commercial operations using destructive distillation were beginning to
operate .There are many parallels between the industrial production of methanol and
ammonia and it was the early development of the high pressure catalytic process for the
production of ammonia that triggered investigations into organic compounds:
hydrocarbons, alcohols and so on. At high pressure and temperature, hydrogen and
nitrogen will only form ammonia, however the story is very different when combining
hydrogen and carbon oxides at high pressure and temperature, where the list of potential
products is lengthy and almost all processes result in a mixture of products. Through
variations in the process, the catalyst, the conditions, the equipment or the feedstock, a
massive slate of industrial ingredients suddenly became available and a race to develop
commercial processes ensued [ 6 ] .
Methanol Sticks
Structural Model
Methanol Wire-Frame
Structural Model
Methanol Space-Filling
Structural Model
2.4 Identity [ 8 ]
Chemical structure:
Abbreviations: None
EC number: 603-001-00-X
2.5 Methanol Physical and chemical properties
Property Value
UV cutoff 210 nm
Table (2.3) : Physical and chemical properties of methanol [ 7 ] :
Property Value
log P −0.69
UV cutoff 210 nm
Table (2.4): Constant pressure heat capacity of liquid methanol [ 7 ]
Temperature Ideal Gas Heat Temperature Ideal Gas Heat
[K] Capacity [K] Capacity
[J/(mol*K)] [J/(mol*K)]
2.6 Methanol demand [ 10 ]
'There are over 90 methanol plants worldwide with a combined production capacity of
about 110 million metric tons (almost 36.6 billion gallons or 138 billion liters), According
to the consulting firm IHS, global methanol demand reached 70 million metric tons in
2015, driven in large part by emerging energy applications for methanol which now
account for over 40% of methanol consumption, Demand growth for methanol is being
driven by its energy use applications. In 2017, 57% of global demand for methanol came
from China, with other parts of the Asia, Pacific accounting for 16%, Europe 150/0, North
America 9% and Latin America 3%. The primary buyers of methanol are large chemical
companies who process methanol for other applications. These buyers include Celanese,
BP, Momentive, Sanjiang, Sailboat, Sabiq and BASF.
• This compound is also used as an antifreeze (an additive that is used to lower the
freezing point of a liquid) in many pipelines.
2.8 Applications of methanol [ 10 ]:
Methanol can be arine i i ta that have been specially designed for this purpose. Methanol
ignificantly re issions of sulphur oxides (SOX), nitrogen oxides (NOx) a p rt!fya e matter.
mbared) to conventional bunker fuel or marine diesel. Methalfbl al sed in smaller
volumes to produce fuel cells, for power generation (notably f eking rposes), and for
industrial boilers (notably in China).
2.9 Production methanol methods
Natural gas
Methanol distillation
Pure methanol
2.9.2 The production of methanol from biomass [ 13 ] :
Particulate matter
gaseous emission
Heat charach, liquid
Gaseous emission ,
Steam Distillation Partriculate matter,
Liquied waste
2.9.3 Methanol Production by Gasification of Heavy Residues [14]
Approximately 2.5 million metric tons per year or about 10% of the estimated 1994 world
methanol production capacity is based on the gasification of coal or heavy residues. 87%
of this gasification- based capacity is located in onIy two countries, namely the United
States of America and Germany. Over 90% of gasification-based methanol production
operates with LURGI isothermal reactors. This includes all the large capacity ones.
Against this background of current experience it is clear that there is a case to be made
for the statement that, given the right circumstances, gasification can be an alternative to
natural gas. The kind of synthesis gas produced by a gasification plant has, however,
certain implications for the synthesis technology. The purpose of this paper is to review
the technological aspects of methanol production from residual oil gasification using the
SHELL Gasification Process ("SGP") as a typical proven oil gasification process for this
application and to review the economic circumstances in which such a technology is a
real alternative to natural gas.
2.10 Production methanol by formation of natural gas [15 , 16]
The main process area of the plant can be divided into three sections as shown in Figure
2.1 :
• Reforming
• Compression and Synthesis
• Distillation
2.10.1 Reforming
CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2 ∆H = +206 kJ mol-1
Under these conditions, the water gas shift reaction also occurs to a small extent:
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 ∆H = +206 kJ mol-1
Thus the products of the reforming reaction ("synthesis gas") include carbon oxides and
hydrogen as well as unreacted methane, nitrogen, and steam. They leave the furnace at
over 800oC. Heat is recovered from this stream as it is cooled to 32 oC.
The recovered heat is used to generate high-pressure steam; heat boiler feed water, and
to supply heat to the distillation section. Some heat, which cannot be recovered, is
4y45rejected to the atmosphere (air coolers) and the cooling water system. After
cooling, steam in the reformed gas is condensed and recycled to water treatment. Waste
flue gases leave the furnace at over 1000°C. In order to increase plant efficiency and
decrease thermal pollution, the flue gas is used to generate and superheat high pressure
steam, preheat the reactants (steam and hydrocarbons), and heat the combustion air to
the furnace. The flue gas leaves the stack at 150oC. Maui gas is considered almost
sulphur-free but, as sulphur in only trace amounts is a poison to the reformer catalyst, a
sulphur removal system is included in the process as a precautionary measure.
Desulphurization of the hydrocarbon feedstock is carried out at 400 oC. It is mixed with
a small amount of hydrogen-rich purge gas from the converter and passed over a cobalt-
molybdenum catalyst that converts any thiols, sulphides and carbonyl sulphides to
hydrogen sulphide H2S. It then passes through a zinc-oxide bed where the H2S is
absorbed by the zinc oxide.
The "synthesis gas" from the reformer is then compressed in a centrifugal compressor.
A turbine which draws its power from the high pressure steam system drives this
compressor. Extraction steam from the turbine is used in the reforming reaction and
drives other turbines in the process. The compressed synthesis gas enters the converter
reactor containing copper zinc and catalyst and the synthesis reaction occurs, according
to the equation:
This reaction is highly exothermic and this excess heat is used to heat boiler feed water
and to pre-heat reactant gas.
These reactions combine to produce approximately 40% conversion of carbon oxides to
methanol each pass through the reactor. On leaving the reactor the gas mixture is
cooled and methanol and water condense out. The remaining gas is returned to the
circulator, mixed with incoming compressed synthesis gas and recycled through the
methanol converter.
Hence, the overall reactions by which methanol is produced from synthesis gas may be
summarized into the following equation:
CO2 + CO + 5H2 2CH3OH + H2O + heat
A feature of the steam reforming reaction and the methanol synthesis reaction is that for
every three moles of hydrogen gas produced in the steam reformer, only two moles are
used in the recycled gas being returned to the methanol converter and the mixture must
be purged to remove this excess. At present this purge is used as fuel in the reformer,
but the potential for using hydrogen as a feedstock for other reactions (e.g. production
of ammonia, reduction of iron sands) should be noted.
It should also be noted that although the converter catalyst is highly specific in
producing methanol, some side reactions occur which produce higher alcohols (ethanol,
propanol, butanol) and alkanes. These may be summarized:
The crude methanol and water produced in the converter are reduced in pressure in a
letdown "flash" vessel. Gas from this vessel is recycled to the furnace as fuel. The
crude is then sent to "in process storage". This crude methanol contains a large range
of impurities which have to be removed to produce methanol of chemical grade quality.
The technique used for purification is distillation.
2.103 Distillation methanol :
The raw methanol produced in the methanol synthesis unit contains dissolved gase s and
a quantity of undesired but unavoidable by-products that have either lower or higher
boiling point than methanol the purpose of the distillation unit is to remove those
impurities in order to achieve the desired methanol purity specification three -column
methanol distillation This is accomplished in the following process step Degas sing
Removal of low-boiling by-products Removal of high-boiling by-products Dissolved
gases are driven out of the raw methanol simply by flashing it at a low pressure into t he
expansion -gas vessel of light and remaining dissolved gases is carried out in a light ends
column finally the methanol is separated from the heavy ends in a pure methanol
distillation section consisting of one or two columns the split of steam and inves tment
cost depend on the distillation concept The first pure methanol column operat es at
elevated pressure and the second column at atmospheric pressure the overhead vapors of
the pressurized column heat the sump of the atmospheric column thus about 40 per cent
of the heating steam and in turn about 40 percent of the cooling capacity are saved the
split of the refining column into tow allows for very high single -train capacities [14 ].
miscible with the feed and the solutes of the mixture are distributed between the two
phases. A quantitative measure of the how a component will distribute between the two
phases is called the distribution or partition coefficient. Distribution coefficient is the ratio
of the concentrations of the solute in the two different solvents when the system reaches
equilibrium. LLE as a method of separation is used if the distillation process is not
feasible, requires more energy or is too complex. LLE is also used if the material is heat
sensitive and non-volatile [ 17 ]. Liquid-liquid extraction is an efficient way of removing
pollutants or products from an aqueous mixture. It can be applied widely in different
fields, for example in the separation of hydrocarbons in petroleum industry, aromatics
removal from fuel oils to improve their burning qualities or in the extraction of phenol
from coal tar liquor .LLE is also applicable to many separation processes in the bioprocess
technology field. These include for example high boiling organics from wastewater,
essential oil extractions and protein purifications [18]. The advantages of this process
include its effectiveness towards compounds with high boiling points even in low
concentrations, azeotropic mixtures (mixtures with points that when boiled, have the
same composition in vapor than initially, thus cannot be altered by simple distillation)
and with heat sensitive compounds like large organic molecules. Disadvantages are the
large consumption of possibly toxic solvent, which also when recycled in the system
requires costly equipment. Thus, right selection of the solvent in achieving a sustainable
process is required and creates challenges to the large-scale industry implementation of
the process. If the aim of the process is to achieve a pure extract, the LLE as a downstream
process is most often only the initial step. Further purification, such as distillation,
crystallization or second extraction might be needed. This can heavily influence the cost
and complicity of the process design and has to be taken into consideration when planning
an overall efficient process [19] .
2.11.2 Membrane Method [ 20 ] :
coefficients in a LM. The efficiency and selectivity of transport across the LM may be
markedly enhanced by the presence of a mobile complexation agent (carrier) in the liquid
membrane. Carrier in the membrane phase reacts rapidly and reversibly with the desired
solute to form a complex. This process is known as facilitated or carrier-mediated liquid
membrane separation. In many cases of LM transport, the facilitated transport is
combined with coupling counter- or cotransport of different ions through LM. The
coupling effect supplies the energy for uphill transport of the solute.The general
properties of liquid membrane systems have been a subject of extensive theoretical and
experimental studies. Some general characteristics
of LM processes are :
(1) Liquid membrane separation is a rate process and the separation occurs due to a
chemical potential gradient, not by equilibrium between phases.
(2) LMis defined based on its function, not thematerial used in fabrication
Distillation is one of the oldest and most common methods for the purification
of liquids. It has been used for centuries to concentrate dilute alcoholic beverages and to
obtain perfumes from fruits and flowers. In this paper various methods of distillation,
operating principles ,equipment for distillation are discussed in detail. Various design
and operating policies for binary distillation columns are discussed with objective
of maximizing production rate .Significant increasing in capacity can be realized
by optimum design of column-i.e. number of trays, trays hold up ,reflux drum hold up
etc and optimum operation -i.e .reflux ratio and start up procedure .Equipment and
column size issues discussed here may be useful to practicing engineers in early
stage of distillation design .Some issues in the design and operation of a batch and
continuous distillation column are addressed [ 21 ].
common method for chemical separation. Historically one of the most known application
is the production of spirits from wine. Today many industries use distillation for
separation within many categories of products:
petroleum refining, petrochemicals, natural gas processing and, of course, beverages are
just some examples. The purpose is typically the removal of a light component from a
mixture of heavy components, or the other way around, the separation of a heavy product
from a mixture of light components.
The aim of this practicum is to refresh your theoretical knowledge on distillation and to
show you working distillation column in real life. One of the goals of this practicum is
also to write a good report which contains physically correct explanations for the
phenomena you observed. In the following sections a description of the distillation
column is given, your theoretical knowledge is refreshed and the practical tasks are
discussed. The nal section is about the report you are expected to hand in to pass the
practicum. The report is an important part of the practicum as it trains your ability to
present results in a sciatic way [ 22 ].
The liquid – liquid extraction is not appropriate method to use because it need chemicals
solvent and need several columns to extraction and recovery solvents .also, membrane
method cannot be used due to the purification rate in this method is low and membrane
cost is high. However, the use of distillation is the best method compare with liquid –
liquid extraction and membrane methods because it has less cost.
2.13 Description of methanol distillation process:
Materials come from one of the method of productio n (crude methanol) contains
substances which boils in temperature less than boiling point of methanol and other
substances which boil in temperature more than boiling point of methanol, so we can
get pure methanol of 100% by distillation. The feed enters to the distillation unit in the
weight percentages of composition are: 83% methanol, 16% water, 0.8%light end (which
are acetone and methyl format) & 0.2% fu el gas (02+CO2+CO) [ 23 ]. First stage the feed
enters to the expansion gas vessel where the full gas is completely separated under
conditions of 1 bar and 30°C .Second stage the liquid stream from the vessel enter to the
first distillation tower in composition Of 83.166% methanol,16.0 32% water and
0.802 % light ends. the temperature of the bottom of the tower is 68 C° & at the top
is79 C° and the pressure at the top is 1.4 bar and at the bottom is 1.6 bar. The heating
at the bottom of the tower by reboiler From the highest point of the tower we get light
materials where cooled & pu mped part of these materials return through the top part of
the to the tower in order to achieve the principle of distillation .Third stage from the
bottom of the first tower feed come out through the pump which raise the pressure to the
second tower and enter the second tower in composition of 83.8 38% methanol and
16.162% water . That works under conditions of 118 C° in the top of the tower and
130.8 C in the bottom and 6 bar pressure in the top and 7 bar pressure in the bottom.
From the top of the tower we get 100% pure methanol & it's cooled to 30°C & pumped
part of these materials return through the top part of the tower as reflex Fourth stage the
bottom liquid of the second tower we get 59% water 41% methanol which enter to
the Third tower which works under condition which in the top of the tower 64.5 C° &
in the bottom of the tower 74 C°and 1 bar pressure in the top and 1.2 bar pressure in the we can get from the top of th e tower 100% pure methanol &from the bottom
of the tower we get 100% water & by this unite we get 100% pure methanol ready for
using in several field .
Figure ( 2.4 ) : Process flaw diagram for crude methanol distillation unit [ 24 ]
Table(2.5): Equipment summary table for the methanol distillation process.
Chapter III
Material Balance
It is will known that the material and energy balance calculations are one of the most
important steps in the design of chemical industry systems.In this chapter the mass
balance of various units in the methanol distillation plant is carried out.
3.1 Overall material balance :
The basis of design ( production rate ) is 300000 ton per year of pure methanol
ton 1000 kg year day kg
m10 (CH3OH) =300000 × × × = 37878.79
year ton 330 day 24 hr hr
To calculate the amount of feed (m1 ) of the process make overall material balance of
❖ Overall material balance of methanol :
Input = Output
m1 (CH3OH) = m10 (CH3OH)
0.83 × m1 = 37878.79
m1 = 45637.1 hr
Amount of components in the feed :
❖ Amount of methanol :
m 1(CH3OH) = 0.83 × 45637.1 = 37878.79 hr
❖ Amount of water :
m 1 (H2O)= 0.16 × 45637.1 = 7301.94 hr
Stream No kg kg
Input ( ) Out put ( )
hr hr
3.2 Material balance around Expansion Gas Vessel
37878.79 =0 + m3(CH3OH)
m3 (CH3OH) = 37878.79 hr
❖ Material balance of water :
Input = Output
m1 (H2O) = m2 (H2O) + m3 (H2O)
7301.94 = 0 + m3 (H2O)
m3(H2O) = 7301.94 hr
3.3 Material balance around first distillation column:
Table ( 3.4 ): Material balance around the first distillation column.
Stream NO kg Output ( hr )
Input ( hr )
Stream (3)
Stream (5)
Component Stream (4)
45545.83 45545.83
3.4 Material balance around second distillation column:
❖ Material balance of water (H2O):
Input = Output
m5 (H2O) = m6 (H2O) + m7 (H2O)
7301.94 =0 + m7 (H2O)
m7 (H2O) = 7301.94
7301.94 =0 + m7 (H2O)
m7 (H2O) = 7301.94 hr
Stream NO 𝑘𝑔
𝑘𝑔 Output (ℎ𝑟 )
Input( ℎ𝑟 )
Stream (5)
Stream (7)
Stream (6)
45180.73 45180.73
3.5 material balance around third distillation column
Table ( 3.6 ): Material balance around the third distillation column .
Stream NO kg
kg Output( hr)
Input( hr)
Table (3.7): Summary of all units streams by mass flow rate(kg/hr).
Stream NO.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Methanol 37878.79 ---- 37878.79 ---- 37878.79 32795.46 5083.33 5083.33 ---- 37878.79
Water 7301.94 ---- 7301.94 ---- 7301.94 ---- 7301.94 ---- 7301.94 ----
Light Ends 365.1 ---- 365.1 365.1 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Fuel Gas 91.27 91.27 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Total 45637.1 91.27 45545.83 365.1 45180.73 32795.46 12385.27 5083.33 7301.94 37878.79
Table (3.8): Summary of all units streams by weight fraction
Stream NO.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Methanol 83% ---- 83.166% ---- 83.838% 100% 41% 100% ----
16% 16.032%
Water ---- ---- 16.162% ---- 59% ---- 100% ----
Light Ends 0.8% ---- 0.802% 100% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Fuel Gas 0.2% 100% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
[2] HIS Chemical Prospectus, Methanol into Fuels Applications, Special Report Prospectus,
[3] Company Browser, Methanol, Uhde GmbH, 2005.
[4]J.Jackson, March, 2006,” AMPCO Methanol process basic description” .
[5] National Institute for Occupaional Safety and Health ,22 August 2008,”The Emergency
Response Safety and Health Database : Methanol “. Retrieved 17 March 2009.
[7] Lide , D,R,ed. (2005) . CRC Handbook of Chemistry and physics(86th ed). BocaRaton
(FL):CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5
[17] Kubek, D. J., “Liquid-liquid extraction”, in Protein Purification Process Engineering ,
Rogger Harrison (ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York (1994) pp 87- 91.
[18] Richardson J.F., Harker C.H., Backhurst J.R. Coulson and Richardson's Chemical
Engineering Volume 2 - Particle Technology and Separation Processes 2001. 5th Edition.
Elsevier Ltd.
[19] Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Process part 1; Lecture Material 2016.
[20] Prof.Dr.Marco Mazzotti and Dr. Matteo Gazzani,Octoper 7,2016”Membrane Separations
Rate Controlled Separation Processes”.
[24] Qingjuan Zheng1. Shiyu Li1, 10 April 2018,” Process Optimization of Coke Oven Gas to
Methanol Based on the Downgrade of By‑Product Steam”.