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Manuscript Sigma
Manuscript Sigma
1. Introduction
The classical Korovkin theory is mainly connected with the approximation to
continuous functions by means of positive linear operators (see, for instance, [4, 22]).
However, this theory was generalized by using the notion of B-continuity instead of
the ordinary continuity [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Furthermore, in recent years, with the help of
the concept of statistical convergence, various statistical approximation results have
been proved [1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 20]. Recall that every convergent sequence (in the usual
sense) is statistically convergent but its converse is not always true. Also, statistical
convergent sequences are neither convergent nor statistically convergent. So, the
usage of this method of convergence in the approximation theory provides us many
advantages. The main goal of this paper is to obtain a statistical approximation
theorem for sequences of positive linear operators de…ned on the space of all real
valued B-continuous functions on a compact subset of the real line.
Let K be the subset of positive integers. Then the natural density of K is given
by (K) = lim n1 jKn j if it exists, where Kn = fk 2 K : k ng and the vertical
bars denote the cardinality of the set. A sequence x = fxk g is called statistical
convergent to the number L if for each " > 0,
lim jfk n : jxk Lj "gj = 0;
n n
i.e. if the set K = K (") := fk n : jxk Lj "g has natural density zero [18, 19,
21]. In this case we write st lim x = L.
Recently various kinds of statistical convergence for sequences have been intro-
duced by Mursaleen and Edely [25]. Now we recall this concept
Let be a mapping of the set of N in to itself. A continuous linear functional '
de…ned on the space l1 of all bounded sequences is called an invariant mean ( or
mean) [26] if and only if
(i) '(x) 0 when the sequence x = fxk g has xk 0 for all k;
Key words and phrases. Statistical convergence, statistical convergence, the Korovkin the-
orem, B-continuity.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classi…cation. 41A25, 41A36.
xm + x
+ x 2 (m) + ::: + x p (m)
tpm (xm ) := :
We say that a bounded sequence x = fxk g is convergent if and only if x 2 V .
( )
Vs = x 2 l1 : st lim tpm (xm ) = L uniformly in m, L = lim x :
from the fact that, for any function of the type f (u; v) = g(u) + h(v); we have
x;y [f (u; v)] = 0 for all (x; y); (u; v) 2 D.
The following lemma for B-continuous functions was proved by Badea et. al.
Lemma A ([7]). If f 2 Cb (D); then, for every " > 0; there are two positive
numbers A(") = A("; f ) and B(") = B("; f ) such that
x;y [f (u; v)] + A(")(u x)2 + B(")(v y)2
holds for all (x; y), (u; v) 2 D:
Let L be a linear operator from Cb (D) into B (D). Then, as usual, we say that
L is positive linear operator provided that f 0 implies L (f ) 0. Also, we denote
the value of L (f )at a point (x; y) 2 D by L(f (u; v); x; y) or, brie‡y, L(f ; x; y):
Throughout the paper, for …xed (x; y) 2 D and f 2 Cb (D); we use the function
Fx;y de…ned as follows:
(2.1) Fx;y (u; v) = f (u; y) + f (x; v) f (u; v) for (u; v) 2 D:
x;y [Fx;y (u; v)] = x;y [f (u; v)]
holds for all (x; y); (u; v) 2 D; the B continuity of f implies the B continuity of
Fx;y for every …xed (x; y) 2 D: We also use the following test functions
e0 (u; v) = 1; e1 (u; v) = u; e2 (u; v) = v and e3 (u; v) = u2 + v 2 :
With this terminology we have the classical Korovkin theorem in two variables
for B continuous functions as follows:
Theorem 2.1. Let fLm g be a sequence of positive linear operators mapping from
Cb (D) into B (D) :Assume that the following conditions hold:
(i) Lm (e0 ; x; y) = 1 for all (x; y) 2 D and m 2 N;
(ii) Lm (e1 ; x; y) = e1 (x; y) + um (x; y) ;
(iii) Lm (e2 ; x; y) = e2 (x; y) + vm (x; y) ;
(iv) Lm (e3 ; x; y) = e3 (x; y) + wm (x; y) ;
where fum (x; y)g, fvm (x; y)g and fwm (x; y)g converge to zero uniformly on D
as m approach in…nity. Then, the sequence fLm (Fx;y ; x; y)g converges uniformly
to f (x; y) with respect to (x; y) 2 D, where Fx;y is given by (2.1).
Then, we have the following statistical version of Theorem 2.1 by applying the
statistical limit operator instead of the limit operator in Theorem 2.1.
Theorem 2.3. Let fLm g be a sequence of positive linear operators mapping from
Cb (D) into B (D) :Assume that the following conditions hold:
Proof. Let f 2 Cb (D) and (x; y) 2 D be …xed. Using the B continuity of the
function Fx;y given by (2.1), Lemma A implies that, for every " > 0; there exist
two positive numbers A(") and B(") such that
(2.2) j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j + A(")(u x)2 + B(")(v y)2
holds for all m 2 N: Then, using the monotonicity and the linearity of the operators
Lm ; for all m 2 N; it follows from (2.2) and (2.3) that
jtpm (Lm (Fx;y ; x; y)) f (x; y)j
Lm (Fx;y ; x; y) + L (m) (Fx;y ; x; y) + ::: + L p (m) (Fx;y ; x; y) (p + 1) f (x; y)
p+1 p+1
(Lm (Fx;y ; x; y) f (x; y)) + L (m) (Fx;y ; x; y) f (x; y) + ::: + L p (m) (Fx;y ; x; y) f (x; y)
Lm ( x;y [Fx;y (u; v)] ; x; y) + L (m) (
[Fx;y (u; v)] ; x; y) + ::: + L p (m) ( x;y [Fx;y (u; v)] ; x; y)
Lm (j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j ; x; y) + L (m) (j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j ; x; y) + ::: + L p (m) (j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j ; x; y)
+ C (") jtpm (Lm (e3 ; x; y)) e3 (x; y)j + 2C (") d jtpm (Lm (e2 ; x; y)) e2 (x; y)j
+2C (") d jtpm (Lm (e1 ; x; y)) e1 (x; y)j
where C (") = max fA("); B(")g and d = max fjxj ; jyjg : Then we get easily
(2.4) jtpm (Lm (Fx;y ; x; y)) f (x; y)j
+ U (") jtpm (Lm (e3 ; x; y)) e3 (x; y)j
+U (") jtpm (Lm (e2 ; x; y)) e2 (x; y)j
+U (") jtpm (Lm (e1 ; x; y)) e1 (x; y)j :
where U (") = max fC (") ; 2dC (")g. Taking supremum over (x; y) 2 D on the
both-side of (2.4) we obtain, for all m 2 N, that
" n
(2.5) ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D) + U (") ktpm (Lm (e3 )) e3 kB(D)
+ ktpm (Lm (e2 )) e2 kB(D)
+ ktpm (Lm (e1 )) e1 kB(D) :
Now for a given r > 0, choose " > 0 such that " < 3r. Then, form (2.5), we obtain
1 n o 3
1X 3r "
p n : ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D) r p n : ktpm (Lm (ei )) ei kB(D) :
n n i=1 9U (")
Remark 2.1. We know that, for some f 2 Cb (D), the function f may be unbounded
on the compact set D. However, we can say from the conditions (i), (2.2) and (2.3)
that the number
ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D)
in Theorem 2.3 is …nite for each m; p 2 N:
Remark 2.2. We now show that our result Theorem 2.3 is stronger than its clas-
sical version Theorem 2.1 and statistical version Theorem 2.2. To see this …rst
consider the following Bernstein-type operators introduced by Lorentz [23]
m m
X Xs s t m m s
(2.6) Hm (f ; x; y) = Fx;y ; xs y t (1 x y)m s t
s=0 t=0
m m s t
where Fx;y is given by (2.1), and (x; y) 2 I 2 = [0; 1] [0; 1]; f 2 Cb (D): Then, by
Theorem 2.1, we obtain that, for any f 2 Cb (D)
(2.7) lim kHn (Fx;y ) f kB(D) = 0:
Using 2.6, we introduce the following positive linear operators on Cb (D) :
1; f (u; v) = 1;
(2.8) Lm (f (u; v) ; x; y) =
(1 + um )Hm (f ; x; y) f 2 Cb (D) and f (u; v) 6= 1
where fum g is given by 1.1. By (2.7) and ( ) lim um = 0, we observe that the
sequence of positive linear operators fLm g de…ned by (2.8) satisfy all hypotheses of
Theorem 2.3. So, we have
( ) lim ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D) = 0:
However, since fum g is not convergent and statistical convergent, we conclude that
Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.2 do not work for the operators Lm in (2.8) while our
Theorem 2.3 still works.
Now by taking the limit as n ! 1 in (3.1) and using the hypotheses, we conclude
jfp n : j(tpm (xm ) L1 ) (tpm (ym ) L2 )j "gj
lim = 0; uniformly in m,
n n1
which completes the proof of (i). Since the proof of (ii) is similar, we omit it.
for 1 ; 2 > 0: In order to obtain our result, we will make use of the elementary
! mixed (f ; 1 1; 2 2) (1 + 1 ) (1 + 2 ) ! mixed (f ; 1; 2)
for 1 ; 2 > 0. The modulus ! mixed has been used by several authors in the frame-
work of “Boolean sum type” approximation (see, for example, [13]). Elementary
properties of ! mixed can be found in [27] (see also [3]) and in particular for the case
of B-continuous functions in [5].
Then we have the following result.
Theorem 3.2. Let fLm g be a sequence of positive linear operators mapping from
Cb (D) into B (D). Assume that the following conditions holds:
(i) Lm (e0 ; x; y) = 1 for all m 2 N; q
(ii) ! mixed (f ; m ; m ) = o(n 1 ) ( ( )) as m ! 1 where m := ktpm (Lm ('))kB(D)
2 2
and m := ktpm (Lm ( ))kB(D) with ' (u; v) = (u x) ; (u; v) = (v y)
Then, for all f 2 Cb (D); we have
ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D) = o(n 1 ) ( ( )) ;
Proof. Let f 2 Cb (D) and (x; y) 2 D be …xed. Using the B continuity of the
function Fx;y given by (2.1), Lemma A implies that, for every " > 0; there exist
two positive numbers A(") and B(") such that
j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j + A(")(u x)2 + B(")(v y)2
holds for every (u; v) 2 D. Also, by (i), observe that
Lm (Fx;y ; x; y) f (x; y) = Lm ( x;y [Fx;y (u; v)] ; x; y)
holds for all m 2 N: Then, using the properties of ! mixed we obtain
(3.2) j x;y [Fx;y (u; v)]j
! mixed (f ; ju xj ; jv yj)
1 1
1+ ju xj 1+ jv yj ! mixed (f ; 1; 2) :
1 2
Hence, using the monotonicity and the linearity of the operators Lm , for all m 2 N,
it follows from (3.2) that
q q
where 1 := m := ktpm (Lm ('))kB(D) and 2 := m := ktpm (Lm ( ))kB(D) :
Now, given " > 0, it follows from (3.4) that
n o
p n : ktpm (Lm (Fx;y )) f kB(D) " p n : ! mixed (f ; "
m; m) 4
n1 1 n1 1
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Sevda Karakuş
Sinop University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts,
Department of Mathematics, TR-57000, Sinop, Turkey
Kamil Demirci
Sinop University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts,
Department of Mathematics, TR-57000, Sinop, Turkey