Name: Aprilia Putri Handayani NPM: 1711040023 Class: 6A
Name: Aprilia Putri Handayani NPM: 1711040023 Class: 6A
Name: Aprilia Putri Handayani NPM: 1711040023 Class: 6A
NPM : 1711040023
Class : 6A
One of the basic skills in English is speaking. Speaking is the ability that
and vocabulary. There are some factors which influence speaking ability. One of them
is personality. Students’ personality has an important role in the teaching and learning
perceive, and react to the external world, which has been thought of by different
workers since ancient times.1 It means that personality is defined as the subjective
There are many personalities, one of the personalities which is most assumed
social, practical, appear affectionate, good conversationalists, active and lively. They
influential towards their speaking ability. She said that some students were able to
Krishnamurthy Kavirayani, “Historical Perspectives on Personality – The Past and Current
Concept: The Search is Not Yet Over”,Nepal,2018,P. 180
speak English as senior high school students, but some others were not able to speak
Types as Predictors of Oral Fluency in Palestine. The objective of this study was to
reveal any correlation between extrovert-introvert Palestinian EFL learners and their
oral fluency. The participants of this study were 36 people of the fourth year EFL
undergraduates whose age were around 21 to 22 years old. The psychometrics tool used
in this study was Eysenck Personality Questionnaire which is useful to measure the
To begin with, this study differs from the previous ones in terms of focus. This
research is specifically focusing on the speaking ability. Different place and participants
are also being the writer’s consideration to take this issue which may produce the
different results. Finally, the writer concludes to make a research as “The correlation
C. Limitation of Problem
and their speaking ability in the first semester of tenth grade of SMAN 1 Tulang
Based on the background of the study above the problem of this research can be
extroversion personality and their speaking ability in the first semester of tenth grade of
A. Definition of Speaking
involving complex cognitive, linguistic, and motor skills.2 It means that, speaking has
an important skill in daily life, because it is the main skill in communication. Without
four main language skills. It is described as the ability to express oneself in life situation
or the ability to express sequence of ideas fluently.3 It means that, speaking is to send
B. Definition of Personality
feel, perceive, and react to the external world, which has been thought of by different
workers since ancient times.4 It means that personality is defined as the subjective
Anna Burns,”Research and The Teaching of Speaking In The Second Language
Classroom”,Sydney,2017,P. 245
Lumettu, Runtuwene,”Developing the Students’ English Speaking Ability Through Impromptu
Speaking Method”,Manado,2018, P. 2
Krishnamurthy Kavirayani, “Historical Perspectives on Personality – The Past and Current
Concept: The Search is Not Yet Over”,Nepal,2018,P. 180
Jana Uher stated that personality as “a person’s characteristic pattern of
behaviors in the broad sense (including thoughts, feelings, and motivation) .5 It means
that personality is the whole aspects of someone’s behavior which make him different
Personality consists of several variables and they are found different from one
Brown states that extroversion is the extent to which a person has a deep-seated
to receive ego enhancement, self-esteem, and a sense of wholeness from other people as
opposed to receiving that affirmation within oneself. 6Extrovert is not always talkative
Fatma Hsain stated that extrovert is a person who is more concerned with what
is happening around him than in his own emotions and thoughts.While, introvert means
a person who is more concerned with his own emotions and feelings than in issues
outside himself.
Jana Uher,”Basic Definitions in Personality Psychology: Challenges for Conceptual
Integrations”,London,2017,P. 2
Brown, D. H.,Principle of Language Learning & Teaching (4th Edition). (New York:
A. Research Design
is the relationship of two variables or more are studied without any attempt to influence
because it describes an existing relationship between two variables. So the research was
only focused on whether there is correlation between students’ personality and their
speaking ability.
The researcher was it by analyzing the data, which were taken from the test of
students’ between students’ extroversion personality and and their speaking ability.
Then, data (score) were gained from test were analyzed to see whether students’
focal point of research.8 In this research, there are two variables used to investigate
Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education(7thEd),(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009), p. 328
Suharsimi Arikunto. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: RenekaCipta,
2006), p.96
2. The Dependent variable (Y) The dependent variable is the students speaking skill.
D. Sampling Technique
In getting the sample from population, the researcher is using cluster random
sampling. Fraenkel and Wallen state that the selection of groups, or cluster, of subject
rather than individuals is known as cluster random sampling.9 The name of each class
was written in small piece of paper, and then the paper will roll and put in a box. After
that, the box would shake, and then the researcher is tooking a piece of the roll papers
The next step of this research is collecting the data; the function of data is to determine
the result of the research. In collecting data, the writer used two techniques,
1. Questionnaire
written statement to the respondent answer.10. In this research, the writer used Five
Factor Model questionnaire which is consists of close ended questions. This model was
writer chose Five Factor Model as psychometric tools to measure students’ personality
traits because it is a combination and renovation of all traits from the previous experts
Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education(7thEd),(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009), p. 98
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D),
(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), p. 7
and can be applied in any assessment technique of personality, objective test, and
2. Speaking Test
Before administering speaking test, the writer had previously prepared some
topics that are suitable to the speaking class students’ ability. Then, she also prepared
some aspects that will be scored during speaking test such as: pauses, comprehensibility
and pronunciation, repetition and hesitation. The speaking test aims to test the English
speaking fluency of the selected participants who are classified in Extrovert and
Introvert based on the results of the questionnaire. All participants were speaking
English and were tape-recorded. Each individual took about 3-5 minutes to complete
F. Data Analysis
To analyze the data, the researcher was used parametric statistics. In parametric
statistics, there are two assumption which must be fulfilled, they were normality test and
homogenity test.
Parametric statistical significances tests, such as analysis of variance and least squares
parametric test to produce accurate results, the assumption underlying them such as
a. Normality Tes
Normality test was used to know whether the data had a normal distribution or not.
When the data had been collected, the normality test was applied. In this research,
statistical computation by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) was used
b. Linearity Test
Linearity test used to know the size of the linear relationship between two
variable x and y. To know the data obtained are linear or not,the writer used SPSS
(Stastistical Program for Social Science) to check it in order to make the writer easy.
Thus,the writer check the result of linearity by comparing with significant level (α =
0.05). If the result is higher than α,it means that the data are linear.