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IE 3 Safe Area Motors 1

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LV Motors: Premium Efficiency IE3 Safe Area

Reliable | Energy Efficient



2018 Ultra Premium Energy Efficient

IE5 Motor:
Winner of CII’s Most Innovative
Energy Saving Product 2018
Super Premium Energy Efficient 2016
IE4 Motor:
Winner of CII’s Most Innovative
Energy Saving Product 2016
MV Plant for
IC411 motors

ToC journey begins

LT range upto
400 frame

Own Sales & Marketing - 1990

Sales organisation
segmented geographically
Marketing by Siemens
and its affiliates

collaboration with
Siemens AG until 1981
Started manufacturing


Customised motors for special applications

Supply chain based on Theory of Constraints

principles ensures short lead times, reliable deliveries
and superior availability

Annual production capacity of 250,000 motors

Rigorous process control and quality assurance

Complete range of energy efficient motors available

from stock

Pan-India Dealer and Service network

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area

In the past few decades, India has witnessed significant economic Organiza ons which have proac vely invested in energy efficient
growth due to liberaliza on and industrializa on. The contribu on motors have reaped the benefits of be er output, increased cost
of industries and services towards the Indian economy (GDP) has savings or both.
been increasing over a period of me. However, this is accompanied Bharat Bijlee has been a fore runner in energy efficiency. With
by an increase in energy demand, most of which is obtained a strong in-house design team, indigenous and state of the art
through conven onal sources of energy, which today contributes manufacturing facility equipped with a SCADA controlled test bed,
to 82% of the total power produced in our country. This we have successfully developed a wide range of premium
ever-increasing demand leads to increase in all other aspects efficiency IE3 series motors. Over the years, Bharat Bijlee has gained
associated with it, which include air pollu on and emission of the trust of its customers and with the ability to deliver beyond
greenhouse gases due to burning of fossil fuels (non-renewable customers' expecta ons, this trust has only grown stronger. Known
source of energy). In view of this situa on, it becomes impera ve for its product and service quality, there is more to what makes
to explore new and viable solu ons to save energy. This includes Bharat Bijlee a preferred brand across the country.
usage of energy efficient equipment especially in industries, as it
Our IE3 motors have been successfully working across all
accounts for over half the consump on of electricity and 60 to 70%
sectors and in all possible applica ons over the years and
of which is u lized by electric motors.
have exceeded expecta ons of performance and reliability.
The opera ng cost of an electric motor is about 95% of the total Owing to this, Bharat Bijlee is one of the most trusted brands
cost incurred during its lifecycle that ranges between 15 to 20 years. in the country today.

Why Bharat Bijlee?

Motors suited for all applica ons across The most suitable solu ons to extremely harsh
all sectors and severe applica ons

Customized motors designed and manufactured

Motors conform to relevant IS/IEC standards
to suit applica on specific needs


LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


Three Phase Induc on motor specifica ons (“Rota ng Bearing Nos.
IS/IEC 60034-1 Fr. Size
Electrical Machines - Part 1: Ra ng & Performance”)
IS : 900
D.E. N.D.E.
Code of prac ce for installa on & maintenance of induc on motors
IS : 1231 Dimensions of foot mounted A.C induc on motors 80 6004 2Z 6004 2Z

IS : 2223 Dimensions of flange mounted A.C induc on motors 90 S & L 6205 2Z 6205 2Z

Guide for tes ng three phase induc on motors (For Standard 100L 6206 2Z 6205 2Z
IS : 4029
TEFC SCR Motors) 112M 6206 2Z 6205 2Z
Methods of determina on of efficiency of rota ng electric 132 S / M 6208 2Z 6208 2Z
IS : 4889
machines (For Standard TEFC SCR Motors) 160 M/L 6309 2Z 6209 2Z
Degree of protec on provided by the integral design of 180 M/L 4P 6310 2Z 6309 2Z
IS/IEC 60034-5
Rota ng Electrical Machines (IP code classifica on)
180 M/L
Designa on of method of cooling for Rota ng Electrical 6310 2Z 6210 2Z
(2, 6, 8 Pole)
IS : 6362/IEC 60034-6
Machines / Method of cooling (IC code)
200 L 6312 2Z 6212 2Z
IS:12065/IEC 60034-9 Permissible limits of noise level for Rota ng Electric Machines
225 S/M 6313 6213
IS : 12075 Mechanical Vibra on of Rota ng Electrical Machines
250M 6315 6215
Energy Efficient Induc on Motors Three Phase
IS : 12615 280S/M
Squirrel Cage 6316 6316
(2 Pole)
Rota ng Electrical Machines - Efficiency classes of line
IEC 60034-30
operated AC motors (IE code) 280S/M
6317 6316
(4, 6, 8 Pole)
IEC 60072-1 Dimension & Output ra ng of Rota ng Electrical machines
IS : 15999 (Part 2 Standard Methods for determining Losses and Efficiency from 315S/M & L 6319 6319
/Sec 1) Tests (For IE Series Motors) 355L 6322 6322

3 Ph.Sq.Cage Ind.Motor
3 CM/L 7800028518
No. L1502874 3H22S4B3CT000 225S
kW/HP 37/50 In.Cl. F / B Rise p.f. 0.84
V Range V A Eff% 93.9% Duty S1
415 65.3 Amb 50°C IP 55
Hz 50 ±5% RPM 1482 420 Kg
Grease: LGMT3/K3K-30 6313 C3 6213 C3
Regreasing Hrs: 4000, 20g/BRG IS/IEC60034-1

Works: No.2, MIDC, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, India

SCADA Test Facility

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


Op mized ven la on
Higher efficiency system for cooler opera on
and reduced noise

Highly reliable under most

Reduced life cycle cost demanding condi ons

Short payback Carbon Credits


Inverter grade winding A sustainable future

The opera ng cost of a motor accounts for major expenditure during

its life cycle. Op ng for premium efficient motors allows the user to realize
energy cost savings in a reasonably short me span.

Comparison of IE2 v/s IE3 motor for 2.2 kW & 22 kW is depicted in the table below clearly showing:

Annual energy saving Payback Total savings over the

for one motor period lifespan of one motor

Energy Savings Observed in Energy Savings Observed in

Aspect 2.2 kW / 4Pole motor 22 kW / 4Pole motor


kW Ra ng 2.2 2.2 22 22

Purchase Cost of Motor (INR) 10696 9352 62892 54821

Motor Efficiency 86.70% 84.30% 93.00% 91.60%

Per Hour kW Consump on 2.54 2.61 23.66 24.02

Annual running Hours: 300 Days X 16 Hrs 4800 4800 4800 4800

Power Consump on/Annum (kW) 12180 12527 113548 115284

Average energy cost (INR/kWH) 7 7 7 7

Average energy cost /annum (INR) 85260 87687 794839 806987

Annual Saving when IE3 motor is used (INR) 2,427 12,148

Motor Cost Differen al (INR) 1,344 8,071

Payback Period for differen al amount (Months) 7 8

Saving Over 20 year Life (INR) 48,546 2,42,964

For 20 motors each of 2.2 & 22 kW, the savings shall be Rs.10 & 50 lakhs respec vely thus totaling to 60 lakhs during the motors’ lifespan of 20 years.

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


● Series: 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction,
IE3 Safe Area Motors
● kW Ra ng: 0.55 to 355
● Frame: 80 to 355
● Polarity: 2, 4, 6, 8

Standard Feature Op onal Feature

Voltage: 415V Any other voltage on request
Frequency: 50 Hz 60 Hz
IP55 IP56, IP65, IP66
B3 Moun ng B5, B35, B14 (upto 132 Frame)
Ambient: 50°C Any other on request
TB Posi on : Top Any other on request
Aluminium Construc on: 90 to 132 Frame
Cast Iron construc on: 90 to 132 Frame
Cast Iron Construc on: 80 Frame, 160 Frame & Above
Insula on: Class F Insula on: Class H
IC410: Natural Ven la on
IC411: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
IC416: Forced Cooling for 132 Frame & above
Sealed Bearing: upto 200 Frame
Online Greasing Arrangement: 160 to 200 Frame
Online Greasing Arrangement: 225 Frame & Above
Paint Shade: Acrylic base, RAL5000 Any other shade or material on request
Fan Cover: Steel

Simplex & duplex RTD: 250 Frame & Above

Thermal Protec on in DCCA** Motors: 3 nos. simplex RTD BTD: 250 Frame & above
Thermister: 80 Frame & Above
Space Heater for DCCA Motors Space Heater: 90 Frame & Above
Inverter Duty Applica on for all frames
Packing: Thermocol / Corrugated Boxes: Upto 132 Frame Wooden Pallets
Packing: Wooden Packing Boxes: 160 Frame & Above Sea Worthy / Export Packing Case

Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame & Above /

For standard bearings, kindly refer to the bearing chart Hybrid Bearing: 132 to 225 Frame
Cylindrical Roller Bearing on DE Side: 160 Frame & Above

Our other op onal features:

● Space heater for 90 frame & above ● Provision for hollow sha encoder moun ng
● Non standard sha material, diameter & extension ● High temperature grease
● Front bearing locking arrangement ● Reduced & special grades of vibra on as per
● SS Hardware, canopy, water flinger, non standard IS 12075 can be provided on request
paint & paint shade, cable gland

** Please confirm with our nearest sales office

Performance Data : IE3 Efficiency Series for Safe Area Applica on

Applicable standard for tes ng & efficiency determina on : IS15999

Voltage: 415V +/- 10% Ambient: 50°C Insula on: Class F
Frequency: 50Hz +/- 5% Duty: S1 (Con nuous) Temperature Rise: Class B
Combined Varia on: +/- 10% 3000 rpm (2 Pole) Protec on: IP55

Operating characteristics at rated output With DOL starting Net

Type Starting Starting Pullout Rotor Weight
Rated Output Rated Rated Rated
Reference Power Factor % Efficiency Current to Torque to Torque to GD² B3 constr.
Frame size Speed Current Torque
Rated Rated Rated
B3 Current Torque Torque
kW HP construction RPM Amps. kg- m FL 3/4L 1/2L FL 3/4L 1/2L Ratio kgm² kg
Ratio Ratio
0.75 1.0 80 3H0802B3CT000 2840 1.54 0.257 0.84 0.80 0.68 80.7 80.7 78.0 6.0 3.0 3.5 0.0091 17
1.1 1.50 80 3H0802E3CT000 2840 2.20 0.377 0.84 0.80 0.68 82.7 82.7 80.0 6.0 3.0 3.5 0.0113 18
1.5 2.0 90S 3H09S2B3AT000 2850 2.88 0.510 0.86 0.81 0.72 84.2 84.2 84.2 6.5 2.8 3.0 0.0066 18
2.2 3.0 90L 3H09L2E3AT000 2850 4.14 0.75 0.86 0.80 0.71 85.9 85.9 85.5 6.5 3.0 3.3 0.0084 21
3.7 5.0 100L 3H10L2B3AT000 2890 6.74 1.25 0.87 0.82 0.73 87.8 87.8 87.3 7.0 3.0 3.1 0.0158 26
5.5 7.5 132S 3H13S2C3AT000 2935 9.53 1.83 0.90 0.87 0.81 89.2 89.2 87.5 7.0 2.3 3.0 0.0878 62
7.50 10.00 132S 3H13S2H3AT000 2935 12.90 2.49 0.90 0.87 0.81 90.10 90.10 88.70 7.00 2.30 3.00 0.0936 65
9.30 12.50 160M 3H16M2B3CT000 2945 16.59 3.08 0.86 0.83 0.76 90.70 90.70 88.70 6.50 2.50 3.00 0.1900 120
11 15 160M 3H16M2E3CT000 2945 19.5 3.64 0.86 0.83 0.76 91.2 91.2 89.2 6.5 2.5 3.0 0.2200 127
15 20.0 160M 3H16M2H3CT000 2945 26.1 4.96 0.87 0.84 0.77 91.9 91.9 90.0 6.5 2.5 3.0 0.3000 144
18.5 25 160L 3H16L2M3CT000 2945 31.7 6.1 0.88 0.86 0.79 92.4 92.4 90.8 6.5 2.5 3.0 0.3740 161
22 30 180M 3H18M2B3CT000 2960 37.5 7.2 0.88 0.84 0.78 92.7 92.7 91.0 6.5 2.6 3.0 0.5000 192
30 40 200L 3H20L2B3CT000 2970 51.4 9.8 0.87 0.85 0.79 93.3 93.3 91.5 6.5 2.2 2.8 0.91 306
37 50 200L 3H20L2E3CT000 2970 63.1 12.1 0.87 0.85 0.79 93.7 93.7 92.0 6.5 2.2 2.8 1.13 315
45 60 225M 3H22M2B3CT000 2970 74.0 14.8 0.90 0.88 0.82 94.0 94.0 93.0 6.6 2.1 2.7 2.11 475
55 75 250M 3H25M2E3CT000 2970 91.2 18.0 0.89 0.86 0.80 94.3 94.3 93.0 6.5 2.4 2.8 2.60 550
75 100 280S 3H28S2E3CT000 2970 121.1 24.6 0.91 0.89 0.86 94.7 94.7 92.7 7.0 2.0 2.7 3.08 675
90 120 280M 3H28M2H3CT000 2970 144.8 29.5 0.91 0.89 0.86 95.0 95.0 93.0 7.0 2.0 2.7 3.69 760
110 150 315S 3H31S2E3CT000 2982 179 35.9 0.90 0.86 0.80 95.2 94.6 93.0 7.0 2.2 2.5 5.00 940
132 180 315L 3H31L2H3CT000 2982 214 43.1 0.90 0.86 0.80 95.4 94.8 93.2 7.0 2.2 2.5 6.20 1100
150 200 315L 3H31L2A3CT000 2982 246 49 0.89 0.85 0.80 95.5 94.9 93.5 7.0 2.2 2.5 7.70 1390
160 215 315L 3H31L2M3CT000 2982 262 52 0.89 0.85 0.80 95.6 95.0 93.6 7.0 2.2 2.5 7.70 1390
180 240 355L 3H35L2A3CT000 2987 284 59 0.92 0.89 0.86 95.7 95.7 93.7 7.0 1.8 2.4 12.00 1680
200 270 355L 3H35L2B3CT000 2988 316 65 0.92 0.89 0.84 95.8 95.8 93.8 7.0 2.0 2.5 12.00 1680
225 335 355L 3H35L2C3CT000 2987 355 73 0.92 0.89 0.84 95.8 95.8 93.8 6.5 1.8 2.4 12.00 1680
250 335 355L 3H35L2E3CT000 2988 395 81 0.92 0.90 0.86 95.8 95.8 93.8 7.0 2.0 2.5 14.70 1870
280 375 355L 3H35L2G3CT000 2987 442 91 0.92 0.90 0.86 95.8 95.8 93.8 6.5 1.8 2.4 14.70 1870

Note: All performance values are subject to tolerance as per IS/IEC 60034-1
Performance Data : IE3 Efficiency Series for Safe Area Applica on

Applicable standard for tes ng & efficiency determina on : IS15999

Voltage: 415V +/- 10% Ambient: 50°C Insula on: Class F
Frequency: 50Hz +/- 5% Duty: S1 (Con nuous) Temperature Rise: Class B
Combined Varia on: +/- 10% 1500 rpm (4 Pole) Protec on: IP55

Operating characteristics at rated output With DOL starting Net

Type Starting Starting Pullout Rotor Weight
Rated Output Rated Rated Rated
Reference Power Factor % Efficiency Current to Torque to Torque to GD² B3 constr.
Frame size Speed Current Torque
Rated Rated Rated
B3 Current Torque Torque
kW HP construction RPM Amps. kg- m FL 3/4L 1/2L FL 3/4L 1/2L Ratio kgm² kg
Ratio Ratio
0.55 0.8 80 3H0804B3CT000 1425 1.26 0.376 0.78 0.74 0.60 78.0 78.0 77.0 5.0 2.2 2.8 0.0110 17
0.75 1.00 80 3H0804E3CT000 1430 1.62 0.511 0.78 0.74 0.60 82.5 82.5 82.5 5.0 2.6 2.8 0.0150 19
1.1 1.5 90S 3H09S4B3AT000 1425 2.33 0.750 0.78 0.70 0.55 84.1 84.1 82.5 5.5 2.5 2.7 0.0121 17
1.5 2.0 90L 3H09L4E3AT000 1425 3.14 1.03 0.78 0.70 0.55 85.3 85.3 84.5 6.0 2.5 2.7 0.0149 20
2.2 3.0 100L 3H10L4B3AT000 1435 4.53 1.49 0.78 0.72 0.60 86.7 86.7 85.8 6.0 2.5 3.0 0.0245 26
3.7 5.0 112M 3H11M4B3AT000 1455 7.37 2.48 0.79 0.74 0.60 88.4 88.4 86.5 6.5 3.0 3.5 0.0588 37
5.50 7.50 132S 3H13S4C3AT000 1455 10.30 3.68 0.83 0.78 0.66 89.60 89.60 88.40 6.50 2.50 3.00 0.1173 52
7.50 10.00 132M 3H13M4H3AT000 1455 13.90 5.02 0.83 0.78 0.66 90.40 90.40 89.40 6.50 2.50 3.30 0.1570 70
9.3 12.5 160M 3H16M4E3CT000 1470 17.3 6.16 0.82 0.77 0.68 91.0 91.0 90.0 6.5 2.7 3.2 0.3400 124
11 15.0 160M 3H16M4H3CT000 1470 20.4 7.29 0.82 0.77 0.68 91.4 91.4 90.8 6.5 2.7 3.2 0.3750 135
15 20 160L 3H16L4M3CT000 1470 27.3 9.9 0.83 0.78 0.70 92.1 92.1 91.1 6.5 2.7 3.2 0.5200 153
18.5 25 180M 3H18M4B3CT000 1470 31.9 12.3 0.87 0.84 0.76 92.6 92.6 92.0 6.5 2.5 3.0 0.7500 200
22 30 180L 3H18L4E3CT000 1470 37.8 14.6 0.87 0.84 0.76 93.0 93.0 92.5 6.5 2.5 3.0 0.86 220
30 40 200L 3H20L4B3CT000 1475 51.3 19.8 0.87 0.84 0.77 93.6 93.6 91.5 6.5 2.6 3.0 1.38 295
37 50 225S 3H22S4B3CT000 1482 66.0 24.3 0.83 0.80 0.74 93.9 93.9 93.4 6.0 2.0 2.6 2.30 400
45 60 225M 3H22M4E3CT000 1482 80.1 29.6 0.83 0.80 0.74 94.2 94.2 93.6 6.0 2.0 2.6 2.83 430
55 75 250M 3H25M4B3CT000 1480 96.3 36.2 0.84 0.80 0.72 94.6 94.6 93.8 6.0 2.0 2.6 3.06 500
75 100 280S 3H28S4B3CT000 1485 127.7 49.2 0.86 0.82 0.74 95.0 95.0 94.5 6.5 2.5 3.0 5.53 670
90 120 280M 3H28M4H3CT000 1485 153 59.0 0.86 0.82 0.74 95.2 95.2 95.0 6.5 2.5 3.0 6.36 735
110 150 315S 3H31S4G3CT000 1488 189 72.0 0.85 0.82 0.74 95.4 95.4 93.9 6.8 2.5 3.0 11.70 965
132 180 315M 3H31M4K3CT000 1488 226 86 0.85 0.82 0.74 95.6 95.6 94.1 6.8 2.5 3.0 14.00 1115
160 215 315L 3H31L4P3CT000 1490 277 105 0.84 0.80 0.72 95.8 95.8 94.5 6.6 2.5 3.0 15.60 1225
180 240 315L 3H31L4T3CT000 1491 311 118 0.84 0.80 0.72 95.9 95.9 94.6 6.6 2.7 3.0 17.80 1290
200 270 315L 3H31L4W3CT000 1491 345 131 0.84 0.80 0.72 96.0 96.0 95.0 6.6 2.7 3.0 17.80 1290
225 300 355L 3H35L4B3CT000 1490 375 147 0.87 0.83 0.72 96.0 96.0 95.0 6.0 1.7 2.4 23.30 1680
250 335 355L 3H35L4E3CT000 1492 416 163 0.87 0.83 0.72 96 96 95.0 6.5 1.8 2.4 32.70 1855
315 422 355L 3H35L4H3CT000 1492 525 206 0.87 0.83 0.72 96.0 96 95.0 6.5 1.8 2.4 37.90 2025

Note: All performance values are subject to tolerance as per IS/IEC 60034-1

Performance Data: IE3 Efficiency Series for Safe Area Applica on

Applicable standard for tes ng & efficiency determina on : IS15999

Voltage: 415V +/- 10% Ambient: 50°C Insula on: Class F
Frequency: 50Hz +/- 5% Duty: S1 (Con nuous) Temperature Rise: Class B
Combined Varia on: +/- 10% 1000 rpm (6 Pole) Protec on: IP55

Operating characteristics at rated output With DOL starting Net

Type Starting Starting Pullout Rotor Weight
Rated Output Rated Rated Rated
Reference Power Factor % Efficiency Current to Torque to Torque to GD² B3 constr.
Frame size Speed Current Torque
Rated Rated Rated
B3 Current Torque Torque
kW HP construction RPM Amps. kg- m FL 3/4L 1/2L FL 3/4L 1/2L Ratio kgm² kg
Ratio Ratio
0.75 1.0 90S 3H09S6B3AT000 945 1.84 0.773 0.72 0.62 0.52 78.9 78.9 78.9 4.0 2.1 2.5 0.0174 25
1.1 1.50 90L 3H09L6E3AT000 945 2.62 1.134 0.72 0.62 0.52 81.0 81.0 81.0 4.0 2.1 2.5 0.0250 27
1.5 2.0 100L 3H10L6B3AT000 935 3.51 1.560 0.72 0.62 0.54 82.5 82.5 81.0 4.5 2.3 2.5 0.0275 24
2.2 3.0 112M 3H11M6B3AT000 960 4.84 2.23 0.75 0.68 0.55 84.3 84.3 81.0 6.0 2.3 2.5 0.0691 36
3.7 5.0 132S 3H13S6C3AT000 960 7.83 3.75 0.76 0.70 0.58 86.5 86.5 86.0 5.5 2.2 2.6 0.1210 50
5.5 7.5 132M 3H13M6H3AT000 965 11.30 5.55 0.77 0.70 0.60 88.0 88.0 87.5 5.5 2.2 2.6 0.1800 70
7.50 10.00 160M 3H16M6B3CT000 970 14.64 7.53 0.80 0.76 0.68 89.10 89.10 89.10 5.50 2.50 3.00 0.4500 125
9.30 12.50 160L 3H16L6E3CT000 975 18.01 9.29 0.80 0.76 0.68 89.80 89.80 89.80 5.50 2.50 3.00 0.5600 138
11 15 160L 3H16L6H3CT000 975 21.2 10.99 0.80 0.76 0.68 90.3 90.3 90.3 5.5 2.5 3.0 0.6460 145
15 20.0 180L 3H18L6B3CT000 977 27.6 14.95 0.83 0.78 0.72 91.2 91.2 91.2 5.5 2.5 3.0 1.2000 210
18.5 25 200L 3H20L6B3CT000 977 32.3 18.4 0.87 0.83 0.75 91.7 91.7 91.5 6.5 2.6 3.2 1.8100 295
22 30 200L 3H20L6E3CT000 977 37.7 21.9 0.88 0.85 0.76 92.2 92.2 92.2 6.5 2.6 3.2 2.1000 302
30 40 225M 3H22M6B3CT000 984 51.1 29.7 0.88 0.84 0.77 92.9 92.9 92.5 6.5 3.0 3.5 3.51 410
37 50 250M 3H25M6B3CT000 982 62.0 36.7 0.89 0.86 0.79 93.3 93.3 92.8 6.5 2.8 3.2 3.72 528
45 60 280S 3H28S6B3CT000 984 78.6 44.5 0.85 0.80 0.72 93.7 93.7 92.9 6.0 2.6 3.2 5.11 573
55 75 280M 3H28M6E3CT000 984 93.5 54.4 0.87 0.84 0.78 94.1 94.1 93.2 6.0 2.6 3.2 6.16 620
75 100 315S 3H31S6B3CT000 992 129.8 73.6 0.85 0.82 0.72 94.6 94.6 93.6 6.0 2.5 3.0 10.70 830
90 120 315M 3H31M6E3CT000 992 155.2 88.4 0.85 0.82 0.72 94.9 94.9 93.9 6.0 2.5 3.0 12.40 912
110 150 315M 3H31M6H3CT000 992 189 108.0 0.85 0.82 0.72 95.1 95.1 94.2 6.0 2.5 3.0 15.50 1010
132 180 315L 3H31L6M3CT000 992 229 129.6 0.84 0.80 0.72 95.4 95.4 94.4 6.0 2.5 3.0 18.00 1175
160 215 355L 3H35L6B3CT000 990 277 157 0.84 0.81 0.71 95.6 95.6 93.0 6.0 2.0 2.5 28.70 1670
180 240 355L 3H35L6C3CT000 990 319 177 0.82 0.78 0.66 95.7 95.7 94.0 6.0 2.0 2.5 28.70 1670
200 270 355L 3H35L6E3CT000 991 346 197 0.84 0.80 0.70 95.8 95.8 94.1 6.0 2.0 2.5 35.50 1780
250 335 355L 3H35L6H3CT000 991 432 246 0.84 0.80 0.70 95.8 95.8 94.1 6.0 2.0 2.5 43.30 1995

Note: All performance values are subject to tolerance as per IS/IEC 60034-1
LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


L 10 LV

d5 d5





I I1
Sec on A-A BC Sec on B-B
(For FS 180M/L, 200M/L, 225S/M, 280S/M & 315S/M)



Pole A* B* B1* C* H* K* L LV** AC V AG d5
Size BSC DA* EA* FA* GC* I1

80 2&4 125 100 — 50 80 10 150 124 32 36 — 12 9 168 220 292 30 174 191 40 1x3/4" 19 40 6 21.5 35 M6
2,4&6 336
90S 100 125
8 302
140 — 56 90 10 168 34 31.5 — 13 12 177 230 35 174 199 52 2x3/4" 24 50 8 27 45 M8
2,4&6 361
90L 125 150
8 327
2&4 387
100L 160 140 — 63 100 12 190 174 43.5 36 — 17 12 198 257 40 195 225 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
6&8 366
4&6 419
112M 190 140 — 70 112 12 220 174 47 36 — 17 12 222 282 45 220 246 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
8 388
2 518
132S 4 140 180 50 475
216 — 89 132 12 256 54 — 20 16 262 328 50 260 291 63 2x1" 38 80 10 41 70 M12
6&8 459
132M 4&6 178 218 54 556
2(9.3kW),4(9.3kW)&6 605
2(11kW)&4(11kW) 635
160M 210 250
2(15kW) 654
8 585
254 — 108 160 15 310 58 70 — 20 20 318 383 60 316 346 63 2x1" 42 110 12 45 105 M16
2 697
4&6(11kW) 679
160L 254 294
6 649
8 629
180M/L 2,4&6 279 241 279 121 180 15 344 319 65 70 108 20 26 377 470 728 70 394 414 97 2x1 1/2" 48 110 14 51.5 100 M16
200M/L 2,4&6 318 267 305 133 200 19 398 355 85 85 120 25 32 419 536 803 80 438 468 155 2x2" 55 110 16 59 100 M20
2 855 55 110 16 59 100
225S/M 356 286 311 149 225 19 436 361 85 85 85 25 34 461 579 90 472 511 155 2x2" M20
4&6 885 60 140 18 64 130
2 993 60 140 18 64 130
250M 406 349 — 168 250 24 506 425 100 115 — 46 42 495 665 100 489 578 243 2x2" M20
4&6 914 65 140 18 69 130
2 65 140 18 69 130
280S/M 457 368 419 190 280 24 540 490 100 110 149 37 42 552 725 1010 115 544 638 243 2x2" M20
4&6 75 140 20 79.5 130
2 1175 65 140 18 69 130
315S/M 406 457 540 155 2x2"
4&6 1167 80 170 22 85 160 M20
508 216 315 28 605 120 120 43 45 617 834 130 604 728 278
2 1342 65 140 18 69 130
315L 508 — 593 — 2x2 1/2"
4&6 1332 90 170 25 95 160 M24
2 1461 75 140 20 79.5 130 M20
355L 610 630 — 254 355 28 710 770 110 170 — 70 45 703 939 145 695 850 403 2x3"
4&6 1491 95 170 25 100 160 M24

Notes: * This is a mandatory dimension for all standard motors Notes: 1. Eyebolt is not provided for frame sizes 80 & 90
**Minimum distance for efficient cooling of motor to be maintained by user 2. TB Posi on: To be read as: when viewed from DE side / viewed parallel to the
1. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified sha / Cable Entry
2. Tolerances on mandatory dimensions are as per IS:1231 (a) 160 to 225 Frame: Top / Center /RHS when viewed from DE side
3. For non standard motors, dimensions may change. Please contact sales (b) 80 to 132 Frame: 250 to 355 Frame: Top / Towards drive end / RHS
office for details when viewed from DE side

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area



L 10 LV

d5 d5






Sec on A-A Sec on B-B
E EA 4- Drilled holes 8- Drilled holes
For FS 80-FS 200 For FS 225-FS 355


IEC Fr. AD L AC V AG S2 D* E* F* GA* I

Pole P* N* M* S* T* LA* LV** d5
Size BSC DA* EA* FA* GC* I1

80 2&4 200 130 165 40 12 3.5 10 140 292 30 174 111 40 1x3/4" 19 40 6 21.5 35 M6
2,4&6 336
8 302
200 130 165 50 12 3.5 10 140 35 174 109 52 2x3/4" 24 50 8 27 45 M8
2,4&6 361
8 327
2&4 387
100L 250 180 215 60 15 4 11 157 40 195 125 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
6&8 366
4&6 419
112M 250 180 215 60 15 4 11 170 45 220 134 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
8 388
2 518
132S 4 475
300 230 265 80 15 4 12 196 50 260 159 63 2x1" 38 80 10 41 70 M12
6&8 459
132M 4&6 556
2(9.3kW),4(9.3kW)&6 605
2(11kW)&4(11kW) 635
2(15kW) 654
8 585
350 250 300 110 19 5 13 220 60 316 186 63 2x1" 42 110 12 45 105 M16
2 697
4&6(11kW) 679
6 649
8 629
180M/L 2,4&6 350 250 300 110 19 5 13 290 728 70 394 234 97 2x1 1/2" 48 110 14 51.5 100 M16
200M/L 2,4&6 400 300 350 110 19 5 15 336 803 80 438 268 155 2x2" 55 110 16 59 100 M20
2 110 855 55 110 16 59 100
225S/M 450 350 400 19 5 16 354 90 472 286 155 2x2" M20
4&6 140 885 60 140 18 64 130
2 993 60 140 18 64 130
250M 550 450 500 140 19 5 18 415 100 489 328 243 2x2" M20
4&6 914 65 140 18 69 130
2 65 140 18 69 130
280S/M 550 450 500 140 19 5 18 445 1010 115 544 358 243 2x2" M20
4&6 75 140 20 79.5 130
2 140 1175 65 140 18 69 130
315S/M 2x2"
4&6 170 1167 80 170 22 85 160 M20
660 550 600 24 6 22 519 130 604 413 278
2 140 1342 65 140 18 69 130
315L 2x2 1/2"
4&6 170 1332 90 170 25 95 160 M24
2 140 1461 75 140 20 79.5 130 M20
355L 800 680 740 24 6 25 584 145 695 495 403 2x3"
4&6 170 1491 95 170 25 100 160 M24

Notes: * This is a mandatory dimension for all standard motors Notes: 1. Eyebolt is not provided for frame sizes 80 & 90
**Minimum distance for efficient cooling of motor to be maintained by user 2. TB Posi on: To be read as: when viewed parallel to the sha
1. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified (a) 160 to 225 Frame: Center
2. Tolerances on mandatory dimensions are as per IS:2223 (b) 80 to 132 Frame: 250 to 355 Frame: Towards drive end
3. For non standard motors, dimensions may change. Please contact
sales office for details

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


L 10 LV


d5 d5




Tapped Holes
Sec on A-A ‘A’ Sec on B-B


Size Pole P* N* M* S* T* LV** d5
DA* EA* FA* GC* I1

2,4&6 336
8 302
140 95 115 50 M8X12 3 140 35 174 109 52 2x3/4" 24 50 8 27 45 M8
2,4&6 361
8 327
2&4 387
100L 160 110 130 60 M8X12 3.5 157 40 195 125 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
6&8 366
4&6 419
112M 160 110 130 60 M8X12 3.5 170 45 220 134 56 2x1" 28 60 8 31 55 M10
8 388

Notes: * This is a mandatory dimension for all standard motors Notes: 1. Eyebolt is not provided for frame size 90
**Minimum distance for efficient cooling of motor to be maintained by user 2. For the dimensional drawing of 132 frame / B14 moun ng, kindly
1. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified contact our nearest sales office
2. Tolerances on mandatory dimensions are as per IS: 2223 3. TB Posi on: To be read as: when viewed parallel to the sha
3. For non standard motors, dimensions may change. Please contact (a) 90 to 132 Frame: Towards drive end
sales office for details

Raw Material Warehouse Motor Assembly

Torque Transducer Large Motor Test Facility

Motors Conform to relevant Indian Standards (IS) & IEC 60034 series
Voltage: 415V +/- 10%, Frequency: 50 Hz +/- 5%, Combined Varia on: +/- 10%
Motor Type Frame Power (kW) Polarity Standard Technical Specifica ons

IE2 Motors 71 to 355 0.37 to 355 2, 4, 6

● Ambient: 50° C
● Ambient for DCCA: 40° C
● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35, V1
IE3 Motors 80 to 355 0.55 to 355 2, 4, 6
● Inverter Grade Winding: For IE3 and DCCA
● Duty: S1
● RTD & BTD: For DCCA motors
Large LT Motors (DCCA) 355 to 450 250 to 1250 2, 4, 6, 8

● Ambient: 50° C
● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35, V1
IE4 MOTORS 112 to 225 1.5 to 45 4 ● Inverter Duty Winding
● Duty: S1
● VPI: With Class H solvent less Resin

Standard Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.37 to 200 2, 4, 6, 8

● Ambient: 45° C
IE2 Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.37 to 200 2, 4, 6, 8 ● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35, V1
● Inverter Grade Winding: For IE3 Motors
● Duty: S1
IE3 Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.75 to 180 2, 4, 6

● Ambient: 50° C
IE2 Non - Sparking Motors 71 to 355 0.37 to 355 2, 4, 6 ● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35, V1 (B14 upto 132 Frame)
● Duty: S1

● Ambient: 45° C
● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35, V1 (B14 upto 132 Frame)
Crane & Hoist Duty Motors 71 to 355 0.37 to 400 4, 6, 8
● Duty: S2, S3, S4, S5
● Offered in DOL & Converter Fed Supply

● Ambient: 50° C
Brake Motors ● Duty: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5
71 to 132 0.37 to 9.3 2, 4, 6, 8
(With Integral DC Brake) ● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35
● Integral DC Brake

● Ambient: 50° C
Brake Motors ● Duty: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5
71 to 200 0.37 to 22 2, 4, 6
(With External Mounted Brake) ● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35
● External Mounted DC Brake/Arrangement

● Ambient: 45° C
Slip Ring Motors 100 to 160 1.1 to 10 4, 6 ● Moun ng: B3, B35
● Duty: S3, S4, S5

● Ambient: 50° C
Tex le Motors 100 to 160 1.1 to 15 4, 6, 8 ● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35
● Duty: S1

● Ambient: 45° C
● Start/Stop per Hour: upto 900
● Moun ng: B3, B5, B35
Cane Unloader Motors 160 to 225 11 to 30 6 ● Forced Cooling
● Thermostat
● Duty: S5, 50% CDF
● Sha Material: EN24

Insula on: Class F with temperature rise limited to Class 'B’
Cooling: IC411, Al tude: up to 1000m above MSL, Rota on: Bi-direc onal
Op onal Features Applica ons

● Non Standard Voltage: upto 690V ● Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame onwards Most common applica ons comprising of:
● Sha Material: EN24 ● High Temperature Grease: Suitable up to 200° C Pump, Fan, Compressor, Packing Machinery,
● Enclosure: IP56 / 65 / 66 ● Higher Polarity on request Coiler/De-coiler, Agro Equipment,
● Forced Cooling: 132 to 450 Frame ● SS Hardware Food Processing Equipment, Paper Machinery,
● Space Heater: 90 Frame onwards ● Non std sha diameter / extension Agitator, Dairy Equipment, Machine Tool,
● Roller Bearing: 160 Frame onwards (subject to confirma on) Air Condi oning, Material Handling,
● RTD & BTD: 250 Frame onwards ● Non Standard Paint Plas c Machinery, Tex le Machinery,
● Insula on: Class H ● Provision for Encoder Moun ng Cooling Tower, Crusher, Material Handling
● Thermistor: 80 to 355L ● Low Vibra on as per IS or IEC

● Sha Material: EN24

● Non std sha diameter / extension (subject to
● Enclosure: IP56 / 65 / 66
confirma on)
● Roller Bearing: 160 Frame onwards
● Non Standard Paint Fans, HVAC, Pumps,Tex les,hydraulic press
● Insula on: Class H
● Provision for Encoder Moun ng
● Space Heater: 90 frame onwards
● Low Vibra on as per IS or IEC
● Thermistor: 80 to 225 Frame

● Non Standard Voltage: 550V ● Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame onwards

● Sha Material: EN24 ● Intermi ent Duty S3, S4: 80 to 132 Most common applica ons comprising
● Enclosure: IP56 / 65 / 66 Frame in 4 pole only of: Pump, Fan, Compressor, Material
● Space Heater: 90 Frame onwards ● Non std sha diameter / extension Handling, Agitator, LPG Bo ling Plant,
● Roller Bearing: 160 Frame onwards ● Motors for Inverter Duty Pharma Machinery,
● Insula on: Class H ● Test facility for combined Tes ng with VFD Chemical Plant Machinery, Machinery
● 8 pole motor on request ● Non Standard Paint for mines
● Thermistor: 80 to 315 L ● Low Vibra on as per IS or IEC

● Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame onwards

● Higher Polarity on request
● Sha Material: EN24
● Non std sha diameter / extension Pump, Fan, Compressor,
● Enclosure: IP56 / 65 / 66
● Motors for Inverter Duty Material Handling, Agitator,
● Roller Bearing: 160 Frame onwards
● Test facility for combined tes ng with VFD Pharma Machinery
● Insula on: Class H
● Non Standard Paint
● Low Vibra on as per IS or IEC

● Non Standard Voltage: 380 to 460V

● Sha Material: EN24
● Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame onwards
● Enclosure: IP56 / 65 / 66 Crane, Hoist, Li ,
● Non std sha diameter & extension
● Space Heater: 90 Frame onwards Material Handling,
● Motors for Inverter Duty
● Roller Bearing: 160 Frame onwards Car Stacker,
● Non Standard Paint
● BTD: 250 Frame & above Door Opening
● Low Vibra on as per IS or IEC
● Insula on: Class H
● Thermistor: 80 to 355 L

● Non Standard Voltage: upto 460V

● Non std sha diameter & extension
● Manual Release Arrangement: For 90 to Crane, Hoist, Material Handling, Tex le,
● Double Sha Extension for brake arrangement
132 Frame Pharma to name a few
● Non Standard Paint
● Motors for Inverter Duty

● Non Standard Voltage: upto 460V ● Double Sha Extension for brake arrangement
Crane, Hoist, Material Handling,
● Manual Release Arrangement ● Non Standard Paint
Tex le, Pharma to name a few
● Motors for Inverter Duty ● Higher Braking Torque

● Non std sha diameter & extension ● Non Standard Paint Crane, Hoist, Li , Material Handling

● Motors for Inverter Duty

● Non Standard Voltage: upto 500V Ginning, Tex le Machinery
● Non Standard Paint
● Insula on: Class H
● Low Vibra on as per IS

● Insula on: Class H ● Insulated Bearing: 160 Frame onwards

Cane Loading-Unloading Machine
● Thermistor ● Non Standard Paint

LV Motors IE3: Safe Area


Super Premium Energy Efficient Ultra Premium Energy Efficient

IE4 Motor: IE5 Motor:
Winner of CII’s Most Innovative Winner of CII’s Most Innovative
Energy Saving Product 2016 Energy Saving Product 2018

New Product Upcoming Product

ISO 14001:2015 OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 9001:2015


Visualisation & HMI




Bharat Bijlee’s Industrial Systems product portfolio caters to a spectrum of applications and
spans the machine automation pyramid.

Regional Offices


Authorised Service Centre: Motors

Service Centre: Servo Motors

Faridabad Panipat
New Delhi
Bhiwadi, Alwar
Udaipur Rewa

Ahmedabad Bhopal
Baroda Indore
Bilaspur Ramgarh
Rajkot Ankleshwar
Surat Nagpur Jamshedpur
Vapi Raipur


Mumbai Bhuvaneshwar

Pune Visakhapattanam
Mumbai T: +91 22 6145 7200
Secunderabad Pune T: 7410011272 / 7410011271
Ahmedabad T: +91 79 6604 9200
New Delhi T: +91 11 2581 6931 / 6932 / 6933
Hubli Indore T: +91 731 2524 474 / 2514 486
Bengaluru Ludhiana T: +91 161 2775 692 / 93
Jaipur T: +91 141 2377 223
Veppadai Kolkata T: +91 33 2443 2368 / 2382 / 2383
Coimbatore Bengaluru T: +91 80 2559 2646 / 2137 / 2681
Chennai T: +91 44 2815 4794 / 4793
Secunderabad T: +91 40 2780 1791 / 2781 4512
Coimbatore T: +91 422 4204314

For any enquiries please write to motorlvsales@bharatbijlee.com

With effect from September 2018

+91 22 - 2763 7290 | serviceline@bharatbijlee.com

Customer Service Helpdesk for Industrial Systems


Electric Mansion, 6th Floor, No. 2, MIDC Thane-Belapur Road, Airoli,
Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Navi Mumbai 400 708
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 T: +91 22 2763 7200 / +91 22 2760 0401

T: +91 22 2430 6237 / 6375

E: bblcorporate@bharatbijlee.com
CIN: L31300MH1946PLC005017 www.bharatbijlee.com

Product improvement is a continuous process and technical information herein is subject to change. Please contact our nearest sales office for the latest information.

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