General Physics SPLM Week 3
General Physics SPLM Week 3
General Physics SPLM Week 3
Learning Resources
A. Textbook
B. ICT Integration: PPT presentation, pre-recorded video, stored learning packets in
OTG- Flashdrive
A. Getting Started
Error- the deviation of a measured value from the expected or true value.
Uncertainty- is a way of expressing this error. The equation below shows the
relationship of these factors.
- refers to the closeness of a
measured value to the expected
or true value of a physical
Random vs. Systematic Errors
Random Error
- Results from unpredictable or
inevitable changes during data
- Affect the precision of the
- These may be reduced by
increasing the number of trials of a
measurement and averaging out the
Systematic Error
- Usually come from the measuring instrument or in the design of the experiment
- These errors limit the accuracy of results.
Percent Difference
- The measure of how far apart the different measured values are from each other.
- This is an indication of precision.
- The formula is given below:
Sample problem 1:
Lv1 = 532 cal/g
Lv2 = 536 cal/g
percent difference=¿ x 1−x 2∨ ¿ ×100 ¿
x 1 + x2
cal cal
percent difference=
cal cal
532 +536
g g
Sample problem 2:
Referring to the given in Sample problem 1, find the percent error for each
measurement if the accepted value of Lv of water at 100℃ is 540 cal/g.
Given for Lv1:
Lv1 = 532 cal/g
Lv of water at 100℃ is 540 cal/g
percent error=¿ x−x T ∨ ¿ ×100 ¿
cal cal
percent error=
g |
percent error =1.48%
percent error=¿ x−x T ∨ ¿ ×100 ¿
cal cal
percent error=
× 100
- Another way to estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity
is to determine the variance of the set of measurements.
- It measures the squared deviation of each number in the set from the mean
- A variance of zero means all the measurements are identical. A small variance
indicates that the values are close to one another, meaning they are precise.
In symbols, variance is
δ 2=
∑ ( x−x )2
Standard Deviation
- It is the measure of how diverse or spread out are a set of measurements from
their average.
- A small standard deviation means that the most of the measurements are close
to their average.
- A large standard deviation means that the measurements are very diverse.
- The measurement of x of a physical quality in a set of measurements is usually
reported as:
X=x ± δ
Sample problem 3:
a. x=
x =2.3 s
b. δ 2=
∑ ( x−x ) 2
2 (2.3 s−2.3 s)2 +(2.3 s−2.4 s )2 +(2.3 s−2.2 s )2 +(2.3 s−2.1 s)2 +(2.3 s−2.5 s)2
δ =
δ 2 = 0.02 s2
∑ ( x−x )2
c. δ =
√ N
δ 2=0.14 s ≈ 0.1 s
To determine what you have learned, you are tasked to answer the given
C. Assessing Learning
Activity 1: Solve me! Given below are practice problems regarding percent errors,
percent difference and variance. Write your solution in the space provided. You may use
extra sheets of paper. Make sure that the erasure is minimal.
1. In an experiment, 10 trials were 2. The reaction time of a student as
done to determine the range of a determined by her teammates in the
projectile. The measurements for laboratory are as follows:
the range of the projectile in
centimeters are as follows 2.1 s, 1.5 s, 1.9 s, 1.6 s
Good job! Proceed to the next activity!
138. 133.9 135.1 134.7 135.3 Determine the following (a) mean,
(b)variance, (c) standard deviation,
8 2: Bullseye! Tell whether the target below receives, a good/bad accuracy and
(d)measured range of time
good/bad precision.
134. 135.2 134.8 135.5 135.4
Determine the following (a) mean,
(b)variance, (c) standard deviation,
(d)measured range of projectile
Good job!
D. Enhancing Skills
Now that you learned about Measurement Uncertainties; you are tasked to apply
the knowledge you have learned to the skills you have acquired.
It is nutrition month! You are tasked by your teacher to measure you pulse rate (beat per
minute) 5 times after a sport activity. Use the data you have gathered and compute the
following (a) mean, (b)variance, (c) standard deviation, (d)measured range of bpm
Put your data in a table.
E. Reflection
The one thing that struck me the most in the lesson was_______________________