Lovecraftian Spells v2.0
Lovecraftian Spells v2.0
Lovecraftian Spells v2.0
Making Magic
Gary Dupuis
Wandering Alchemist and their associated logos are trademarks of the Notes of the Wandering Alchemist Blog and
products released under the title Wandering Alchemist Games.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section I(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, proper names (such as characters, place names,
etc.), plots, story elements, locations, characters, and side bars. (Elements that have been previously designated as Open
Game Content are not included in this declaration. Nor are elements of Lovecraftian literature or the Cthulhu mythos not
explicitly created by John Crowley III.)
Open Game Content: The Open Content in this product includes the spell names, spell descriptions, spell statistics, and
spell lists. No other portion of this work may be reproduced without permission.
Appendix A: Class Spell Lists.....................20
Appendix A: Base Spells Re-Skinned..........23
Appendix B: Themes For Your Caster.........24
Appendix C: Mythos Entity Themes...........25
Now, a lot of that can be ignored. The important thing Matt Morrow
to remember for changing descriptions is that we need
the mechanics to stay the same. It will still be a wall and
it is still going to deal slashing damage. So how can we
make this spell unique to the PC, NPC, or group? Take Changing Damage Types
a look at the first part: “whirling, razor-sharp blades”.
This makes me picture a swarming mass of spinning saw Another really simple way to change the spells you cast
blades, personally, but it doesn’t have to do that. is to tweak the type of damage that they deal. Keep
in mind it is highly likely that the design of the spell
Instead we can go ahead and tweak that part specifically. is based on its damage type. Fire spells are designed
We need is to come up with alternatives for saw blades around what fire is and the way it works. Lightning
that would also deal slashing damage. Our options can spells are similarly designed with electricity in mind.
be found in various places. The weapons table gives But what if you want to cast a line of fire? How about
us axes, sickles, swords, and even whips. Monster stat throwing a giant ball of acid? Well, with a little work and
blocks give us claws, tusks, and talons. Other ideas some help from your GM, you can easily work out some
could include shards of glass, scythes, or playing cards. “new” spells to use.
This is a great way to make your character stand out to In a case where you are looking to get a specific effect
the other party members. It is also a good way to make consider a few things first. What damage type will
an NPC or group of enemies unique and recognizable create that effect? Use inspiration from and let other
from others. Either side of the screen you are on, this spells guide your methodology. There is no perfect
becomes doubly true when the players know of blade method of doing all this, but with practice we can create
barrier. It is a bit familiar but new and exciting! a near unlimited number of spells! Don't be afraid to
experiment and don't be afraid to tweak the power of
the spells, both up and down, as needed.
Changing Mechanics
Now that we’ve started stretching our legs a little and
moved from tweaking how we describe a spell into
changing the damage type it deals, I think we can begin
to manipulate the spells further. Once we get here we
are dangerously close to simply making new spells.
That’s okay though! The nice thing is that making new
spells is best done with frameworks that already exist.
Exploring and pushing boundaries with spells that
already are in the rules will help you figure out what
works and what doesn’t, even more so than playing a
caster for a long time.
There are two ways that we can approach this. The first
is to think about the implied effects from manipulating
the damage type and the description. Ask what else
might happen from changing these factors. The other
way to do this is by deciding what effects you are looking
to get out of the spell. Ask what you want the results to
be from casting the spell. Why are you changing it?
Psychic Damage
And Ignoring It
Brett Neufeld You might believe that the easiest way to make things
more Lovecraftian and insane in 5th Edition would
be to make spells deal psychic damage. Honestly, you
aren’t wrong. Psychic damage is our best representation
of the hardship that learning of Azathoth or seeing
Yog-Sothoth induces. Let’s do an example of this by
adjusting the spell thunderwave to fit Ithaqua.
Avatar of Tulzscha
7nd-level evocation
Gary Dupuis
This spell imbues your allies with the single-minded You utter a curse in an alien tongue that causes the
tenacity of Kephru. Choose any number of creatures target to witness the might of the Great Old One
within range. For the duration, each target has Ghatanathoa. If the target’s body is made of flesh,
advantage on saving throws against abilities that would even strange or magical, the creature must make
push, pull, immobilize, restrain, or otherwise affect a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is
the target’s movement. In addition each target has restrained as all its soft tissues begin to stiffen. On a
disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws but have successful save the creature isn’t affected.
resistance to damage dealt by such affects. A creature restrained by this spell must make another
In the case of effects which require a Dexterity saving Constitution save at the end of each of its turns. Three
throw but include a movement-related affect, the successful saves will cause the spell to end. Three failed
target can make two saving throws. One with advantage saves and the creature gains the petrified condition.
against the effect and one at disadvantage against the This lasts for the duration of the spell. Saving throws
damage. do not need to be consecutive; keep track of both
successes and failures until the target collects three of
the same kind.
Brood of the Father While petrified, the creature is completely aware of
5st-level conjuration everything going on around them and their mind runs
wild with the possibility of being trapped like this. At
Casting Time: 1 action the start of each turn the creature takes 1d8 psychic
Range: 300 feet damage. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points from
Components: V, S, M (the shed skin of an asp) this damage, they are not killed but driven insane.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute Should they be restored they come back with a Wisdom
score of 5 and their Charisma score is reduced by 4.
An angry, twisting throng of snakes fills a 20-foot If you maintain concentration on this spell for
square at a location you choose within range. The the entire possible duration, the creature becomes
square spreads around corners. The throng remains petrified as a statue of hard leather but is still aware to
for the duration, and the area is considered difficult their surroundings and continues to be subjected to the
terrain. spell’s psychic damage.
When the area appears, each
creature in it takes 2d6 piercing
damage and must make a Defiance Of Kephru
Constitution saving throw. 4th-level abjuration
A creature takes 4d10
poison damage on Casting Time: 1 action
a failed save, or Range: Touch
half as much on a Components: V, S, M (clean linen cloth)
successful one. Duration: 8 hours
A creature also
takes piercing You ouch a creature and grant it the ability to deny the
damage and scythe of death.
must make a The first time the target would drop to 0 hit points as
saving throw the result of taking damage, the target instead drops to
when it enters 1 hit point and gain 4d10 temporary hit points. For the
the spell’s area next minute the target has advantage on death saving
for the first throws after which the spell ends.
time on a turn If the spell is still in effect when the target is
or starts its subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously
turn there. without dealing damage, that effect is instead negated
At Higher by the target and the source of the effect (if a creature)
Levels: When you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the
cast this spell using a creature takes 4d6 psychic damage, or half as much on a
spell slot of 6th or higher, successful save.
the poison damage increases by 1d10
for each slot level above 5th.
Susann Mielke
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to Casting Time: 1 action
being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that Range: 100 feet
you can see Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous You cause a rift to open beneath a creature forcing them
into the maddening realm of Yog-Sothoth and opening
You utter the name of the Dragon of Change and invoke an escape route wherever you desire within 500 feet.
an imbalancing of the cosmic scales. The creature must The exit spot can be a place you can see, one you can
make a Wisdom saving throw. It takes 1d6 + your spell visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance
ability modifier psychic damage on a failed save. You and direction, such as “200 feet straight downward.”
may reduce the triggering damage by 1d6 + your spell The target must make a Dexterity saving throw to
ability modifier regardless of the creatures save. avoid falling in the dimensional fissure, with creatures
If these two numbers are equal, a different effect is of huge size or greater automatically succeeding. On a
triggered. Instead you take the rolled psychic damage failed save the creature takes 4d8 psychic damage and
and the target creature gains temporary hit points equal is teleported to the spot you previously designated.
to the number rolled. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a (from witnessing the other side of the portal) and is not
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases teleported.
by one die type for very other slot level above 1st (d8 at Teleported creatures bring with them their gear or
3rd, d10 at 5th, d12 at 7th, and d20 at 9th). carried objects so long as their weight does not exceed
what they can carry. Objects they are holding onto at
the time are brought, up to this limit, otherwise the
Ithaqua’s Gaze creature releases it. If the affected creature would be
Evocation cantrip teleported into a solid object it is instead teleported
100 feet from the caster in a random direction.
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
Range: 60 feet spell slot of 5th or higher, you may target one additional
Components: V, S creature and the target must be one size category larger
Duration: Instantaneous to automatically save for each slot level above 4th.
Casting Time: 1 action A strange, cold mist drifts into creation amidst the
Range: 300 feet sound of crashing waves. You create 20-foot-radius
Components: V, S, M (powdered yeti’s horn) sphere of fog centered on a point within range. The
Duration: Instantaneous sphere spreads around corners , and its area is heavily
obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of
A 20-foot-tall avatar of Ithaqua strides a straight line great speed (at least 25 miles per hour) disperses it.
horrifying nearby creatures and creating a slippery path When the area appears, each enemy in it must make
of ice and frost that is 10 feet wide and 80 feet long. a Wisdom saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 psychic
Each creature within the area must make a Wisdom damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 psychic damage and one. A creature must also make a saving throw when
3d8 cold damage on a failed save, and half as much on a it enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or
successful one. begins its turn there.
A layer of ice and frost turn the path traversed by the Allies within the area are instead granted the ability
Wind-Walker into difficult terrain until the end of your to regenerate from their wounds. Any allied creature
next turn. that ends its turn within the area heals 2d6 hp.
Sight of Yog-sothoth
1st-level evocation Skin of Atlach-nacha
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, Components: V, S, M (the moult from a spider)
up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined You touch a willing creature and turn their skin to a
in a silver-grey light. Any creature in the area when hard, shimmering black chitin. Until the spell ends,
this spell is cast is also outlined in this light if it fails a the target’s AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what
Wisdom saving throw. Additionally, each creature takes kind of armor they are wearing. In addition, the target
2d6 psychic damage on a failed save, and half as much has advantage on Intimidation checks made while they
on a successful one. look like this.
For the duration , objects and affected creatures shed
dim light in a 10-foot radius. Any attack roll against an
affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker Slumber of the Daemon Sultan
can see it, and the affected creature or object can’t 1st-level enchantment
benefit from being invisible, nor can they teleport or be
teleported in any way. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (twisted flute of bone)
Duration: 1 minute
Ulthar’s Padlock
3nd-level abjuration
Madness is presented in a format where there are We need to parse these out for 5th Edition and the type
a couple of assumptions. The first we have already of game it plays as. As we have discussed heroes are not
mentioned: adventurers rarely encounter things that prone to the horrors of the universe the way characters
cause madness. The other assumption is that you either of the literature are. Many of them also use or see magic
already know what type of madness you will be rolling used every single day. As such, we should manipulate
for based on the cause or that you are creating an effect this list a little bit. We need to give the heroes some
and choosing that table yourself. So to move forward we leeway in what would prompt such a roll.
must first assess what we have to work with.
• reading a book about the Mythos
In the madness rules there are three tables: short- • learning or using Lovecraftian spells
term, long-term, and indefinite. These last minutes, • encountering Great Old Ones or Outer Gods
hours, and “until cured” respectively. When looking
at these durations there seems to be an implication This list may feel limited but, like the original madness
about the design of the game. Things that adversely rules, you should feel free to determine when some
effect characters should either be something that is other happenstance calls for some Wisdom saves
concerning over the course of a day (short- and long- against madness. It will also be up to you which type of
term madness) or for a prolonged and potentially madness and the duration of that madness.
dangerous amount of time (indefinite madness). We
can gain some traction and grittiness into a more Spells are most parsable for this so let’s use the
Lovecraftian world quite easily though. All we need to following rules. Learning and using a spell for the first
do is add a little bit more possibility to durations. time requires a roll. Cantrips to level 3 spells induce
minor madness, level 4 to level 6 induce major, and
Let’s start by taking out the phrases “short-term” and level 7 to level 9 induce indefinite. Hard DCs is a good
“long-term”. Instead we can refer to these as minor place to get the lesser duration, but Very Hard is for no
and major madness. Generally speaking, these tables madness effect.
contain effects that aren’t just shorter or longer, but the
Level 7
Bard Star-spawned Vigor
Touch of Cleansing Fire
Level 1
Imbalanced Scales
Noden’s Dark Distraction
Sight of Yog-sothoth
Slumber of the Daemon Sultan Druid
Level 2 Cantrips (Level 0)
Broken But Resolute Ithaqua’s Gaze
Silent Song Yig’s Venemous Spit
Level 3 Level 1
Stray Path Wail of the Wind Walker
Level 4 Level 2
Defiance of Kephru Atlatch-nacha’s Grasp
Eldritch Symbol Atlatch-nacha’s Snare
Kephru’s Bolstering Presence Breath of Dymirg-tha
Skin of Atlach-nacha
Level 6
Refusal of Alhazred Level 3
Mists of Hali
R’lyehian Gloom
Touch of the Wendigo
Wall of White Silence
Level 4
Cantrips (Level 0) Path of the Wind Walker
Blind Foresight Tulzscha’s Protection
Touch of the Feeder
Yig’s Venemous Spit Level 5
Breath of Ithaqua
Level 1 Brood of the Father
Imbalanced Scales
Sight of Yog-sothoth Level 6
Slumber of the Daemon Sultan Refusal of Alhazred
Level 2 Level 7
Breath of Dymirg-tha Star-spawned Vigor
Broken But Resolute Touch of Cleansing Fire
Level 3
Stray Path
Ubbo-sathla’s Embrace
Ulthar’s Padlock
Level 2
Green Blade of Tulzscha
Level 3
Level 2 Mists of Hali
Breath of Dymirg-tha Orb of Green Flame
Green Blade of Tulzscha R’lyehian Gloom
Touch of the Wendigo
Level 3 Ubbo-sathla’s Embrace
Stray Path Ulthar’s Padlock
Ulthar’s Padlock
Level 4
Blessing of Shulgr’zx
Eldritch Symbol
Gift of Tulzscha
Sorcerer Grasp of the Yellow King
Keyless Passage
Cantrips (Level 0) Tulzscha’s Protection
Ithaqua’s Gaze Typhlotic Sight of Tklatchka
Sting of Aphoom-Zhah
Level 6
Level 1 Curse of Ghatanathoa
Touch of the Green Flame Eyes of Carcosa
Wail of the Wind Walker
Level 7
Level 2 Avatar of Tulzscha
Atlatch-nacha’s Grasp
Atlatch-nacha’s Snare
Glaaki’s Spine
Skin of Atlach-nacha
Level 3
Orb of Green Flame Cantrips (Level 0)
Touch of the Wendigo Blind Foresight
Ubbo-sathla’s Embrace Ithaqua’s Gaze
Wall of White Silence Sting of Aphoom-Zhah
Touch of the Feeder
Level 4 Yig’s Venemous Spit
Eldritch Symbol
Gift of Tulzscha Level 1
Path of the Wind Walker Noden’s Dark Distraction
Tulzscha’s Protection Sight of Yog-sothoth
Slumber of the Daemon Sultan
Level 5 Touch of the Green Flame
Breath of Ithaqua Wail of the Wind Walker
Level 6
Eyes of Carcosa
Level 7
Avatar of Tulzscha
Level 3
Mists of Hali
Orb of Green Flame
R’lyehian Gloom
Stray Path
Touch of the Wendigo
Ubbo-sathla’s Embrace
Ulthar’s Padlock
Wall of White Silence
Level 4
Blessing of Shulgr’zx
Eldritch Symbol
Gift of Tulzscha
Grasp of the Yellow King
Keyless Passage
Path of the Wind Walker
Tulzscha’s Protection
Typhlotic Sight of Tklatchka
Level 5
Breath of Ithaqua
Brood of the Father
Level 6
Curse of Ghatanathoa
Eyes of Carcosa
Refusal of Alhazred
Level 7
Avatar of Tulzscha
Star-spawned Vigor
Touch of Cleansing Fire
refusal of Alhazred
ice storm
Below are the spells that were reskinning from spells sight of Yog-sothoth faerie fire
existing within the 5E SRD. Listed are the new spells,
in alphabetical order, with the corresponding originals silent song silence
listed in the second column.
skin of Atlach-nacha barkskin
Entity Themes •
• earth
• petrification
• amorphous
• ugliness
Cthulhu Azathoth
• water • chaos
• regeneration • creation
• dirty
• dreams • sleeping
• putrid
• fog/mist • dominance
• festering
• unaware
• disease
• ooze
Dagon / Hydra
• water Yog-Sothoth
• regeneration • knowledge
• dreams • clairvoyance
• winds
• fog/mist • reality shaping
• frozen wastes
• space
• snow
• time
• cold
Nyarlathotep • etherealness
• wendigos
• chaos
• wailing sounds
• deception
• loneliness
• shapshifting Tzulscha
• madness • fire
• delivering messages • power
• undeath
• shepards
• yellow
Chaugnar Faughn
• madness
• knowledge Gla’aki
• deception
• patience • water
• power in names
• vampirism • slugs
• elephants • spines
• undead
• frogs Nodens
• bats • sleep
• laziness • dreams
• sleep • oceans
• shapeshifting • hunting
• gluttony
Atlach-nacha • protection
• spiders • patience
• caves • cats
• dreams