Food Code of Practice: Assda
Food Code of Practice: Assda
Food Code of Practice: Assda
2.2 Units 9
2.3 Conflict in Documentation 9 - TANKS AND VESSELS ETC 20
6.1 General 20
6.2 Preparation 20
3.1 Supplier Accreditation 10
6.3 Welding 20
3.2 Quality Systems 10
6.4 Inspection and Witnessing 21
3.3 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and
Environmental Compliance 10 6.5 Finishing 21
5.3.2 Tube and Pipe and Associated Fittings 16 8.5.1 External Tube Finish 28
14.1 Commissioning Plan 34
14.2 Hydrotesting 34
The document includes four appendices which list relevant Standards, a discussion on the pros and cons of
autogenous and filler metal use in welding of tubing, the requirements for purged welding of tube and a
discussion on commonly used valves and fittings in Australia. This document is not intended to replace accepted
national and international standards but rather to weave their requirements into the design and fabrication
process for food and beverage plant. The Code of Practice is intended as a step forward from and a more precise
prescription than the more generic advice offered by the well known “Blue Book” published by ASSDA’s sister
organisation, NZSSDA.
This document has drawn on the work of many large and small operators in the industry and their assistance is
gratefully acknowledged. They include:
Since its formation in 1992, ASSDA has promoted the correct use of stainless steels. This work has included the
provision of technical advice, writing standards and codes of practice and the establishment of an Accreditation
scheme. In 2004, ASSDA was asked to consider means of improving the quality of fabrication in the food
industry with particular reference to welder qualification in the dairy derived processed food sector. Discussions
with asset owners showed that standards were quite varied across the sector and that fabrication quality was
causing significant losses in time and operating costs. The problems were broader than welder qualification and
included cases where there was no fabrication specification or it was provided by the fabricator.
This Code of Practice is a co-operative venture by the food industry to standardise fabrication practices in
Australia and thus to improve efficiency and reliability by raising the standard of delivered quality. Since it
was first published in 2006 (as the ASSDA Food Specification), there have been a number of comments and
suggestions on the content and form of this publication. This revision addresses these comments and updates
other sections based on changes in standards and developments in materials and processes
This Code of Practice covers the requirements for the design, fabrication, inspection, transport and installation
of stainless steel plant and equipment used in the food industry. It is intended to provide a technical basis and to
supplement the purchaser’s specification and contract. The default condition is that the purchaser shall set the
performance criteria and the design shall be set by the supplier.
Abraded/ground/polished surfaces have all had metal removed by use of abrasives. This leaves a surface where
roughness is determined by the abrasive size and type, pressure applied, lubrication etc. in contrast to mill
finishes where roughness is less for thinner materials. The scratches may be randomly oriented or approximately
An acronym for ‘Clean in Place’. This term applies to automatically (computer) controlled washing and rinsing
systems that deliver pre-described washing/rinsing fluids to specific process plant items and/or process piping
systems. For a particular plant, the process is defined as a specified and proven range for flow, temperature,
reagent concentration and exposure time.
The absence of soil on product contact surfaces as determined by visual and analytical methods. Note that some
product based soils cannot be removed completely by normal cleaning methods. Note also that the acceptable
measurement of “clean” will be determined by the respective asset owner.
The suitability of materials of construction, design and fabrication required to assure that the process equipment
can be freed of soil either by manual or CIP processes. Where process plant and equipment is to be sanitised
and/or sterilised through the application of heat, then all components of the process system shall be designed
and constructed to cope with the internal stresses generated so that there is compliance to the performance
criteria described in this document.
A narrow but deep gap which traps product with the potential for product contamination. Crevices may also be
initiating locations for corrosion in liquids or when exposed to moist atmospheres.
A combination of surface finish and material selection which will not degrade due to corrosion during its
predicted service life. The description applies for exposure to the conditions encountered in the intended
environment, including contact with product, cleaning and sanitising chemicals, steam, or sterilisation
compounds/ solutions.
A dead leg is a section of pipe that is difficult to clean because it is blanked off. They usually arise from planned
provision for expansion or inadequately executed modifications to existing plant. A pipe with low flow may also
be difficult to clean, but it is not a dead leg.
Electropolishing is an electrochemical process normally carried out in an acidic bath off site. It applies a current
to remove metallic contamination, strengthen the passive film, slightly reduce the surface roughness and round
peaks or sharp edges to improve cleanability.
The “owner” of the assets (or operation) or the organisation that will operate the processing system, or the
organisation’s authorised representative. The owner may be the purchaser of the asset or may be dealing
through an intermediary.
This is a process applied to a cleaned surface that is capable of reducing the numbers of the most resistant
human pathogens by between 5 and 7 orders of magnitude. The process may be manual or automatic and may
use hot water, steam or approved sanitising agents.
Areas on product contact surfaces where cleaning solutions will not flow or are restricted from flowing.
See also CIP. Also known as ‘‘Steam in Place’’ or ‘‘Sterilise in Place’’.
Unwanted organic residue or inorganic matter usually on a product contact surface.
A process applied to clean product contact surfaces that ensures the destruction of all vegetative micro-
organisms and inactivates the relevant microbial spores. A sterilised surface has also been sanitised.
Person or company who has been requested by the purchaser/owner to provide equipment or services defined.
Surface roughness is a measure of the micro level undulations of a surface. The most common measure is
Roughness Average (Ra). It is usually measured by an instrument which draws a fine pointer over the surface,
calculates the average profile and determines the average deviation from this line. Previously it was known as
CLA or AA. Other parameters (such as Rz or Rmax) are sometimes used to assess maximum peak heights and
“stickability” of organic materials. Pointer instruments are not reliable for measuring near mirror finishes and
optical methods may be used.
Throughout this document “tube” is defined as a hollow product defined by its outside diameter and its specific
wall thickness and is usually manufactured to AS 1528.1. In most cases it is thin walled tube.
a) Statutory Authority
b) Purchaser’s Specification
c) This Code of Practice
d) Other Process Specification
e) Australian Standards
f) International Standards
Should the supplier identify any such conflict, he shall immediately advise the purchaser in writing and shall
obtain the purchaser’s agreement to the proposed method of resolution before proceeding.
Any design features that create a crevice open to the product or a hollow body adjacent to the product
shall be avoided. In addition, threads shall not contact product.
The design of the plant or equipment shall ensure that all surfaces in contact with the product are readily
accessible for inspection, cleaning and maintenance. Where agreed, provisions shall be made to remove or
expose parts for cleaning and/or inspection.
Spray type CIP equipment shall be designed to ensure that all surfaces can be adequately cleaned.
Attention shall be directed to the possibility of internal fittings or ledges masking surfaces or creating
shadow areas on surfaces, or having integral shadow areas themselves.
All lids or access covers shall be designed so that when opened, contaminants on the exterior of the
equipment or lids/covers are prevented from entering the plant or equipment.
Dry-mix product plant has similar requirements with the added necessity of avoiding condensation,
contamination by lubricants or adjacent washing processes, bridging in hoppers, preventing static sparks
and considering the slope of product stacks.
The design shall ensure that all non-product contact surfaces can be readily cleaned. During cleaning
of non-product contact surfaces, no material from these surfaces shall be able to contaminate product
contact surfaces.
All non-product contact surfaces and supporting structures shall be designed to shed water and prevent
any risk of harbouring dirt or pests. Horizontal surfaces are undesirable. Particular attention should be
paid to the positioning and orientation of shapes such as channels or angles and also protruding weld
profiles. To control “stickability” of organic materials, surface roughness parameters such as Rz or Rmax
may be specified.
All ancillary equipment and services relating to the plant or equipment shall be located sufficiently clear
of the plant or equipment to allow proper maintenance and cleaning. Adequate space shall be provided
between processing equipment and between equipment and the walls so that access for cleaning and
inspection is not impaired.
Tanks, vessels or equipment not mounted flush to the floor or plinth shall have a minimum of 300mm
clearance between the base of the item and the floor to allow the floor beneath and the underside of the
equipment to the cleaned and inspected.
Due consideration should be given to possible galvanic corrosion effects arising from contact between
dissimilar metals and alloys or metals and conductive non-metals such as graphite seals. Suitable
allowances shall be made for thermal expansion and contraction between various grades of stainless
steels and other materials, e.g. in stiffeners supporting plant or equipment. The effect of heat flow on
the thermal expansion of materials with thickness variations shall also be considered. Multiple thermal
cycles (e.g. by steam cleaning followed by cool rinsing) may cause long term thermal fatigue. Mechanical
fatigue may arise from pumps, mixers or other vibrations. AS/NZS 1554.6 - 2012 has recommendations
for controlling fatigue in welded structures.
Stairways, handrails, platforms and walkways shall be designed, fabricated and installed in accordance
with the current Australian Standard AS 1657.
The requirements of AS/NZS 2865 Safe Working in a Confined Space shall be addressed. These are listed
in APPENDIX D – Means of entry and exit of AS/NZS 2865. State regulations on confined space entry may
impose more stringent conditions.
Insulation required for vessels or pipes operating at non-ambient temperatures shall be chloride free,
fitted to avoid interference with normal operating and maintenance procedures and shall be protected
from water and physical damage by an outer cladding. The cladding (and any other cladding applied for
hygienic reasons) shall be smooth, continuous and impervious. If chloride containing water could wet
insulation over austenitic stainless steel vessels consistently hotter than 55°C, further protection such
as coatings or aluminium wrapping shall be considered. NACE RP0198 provides further guidance. In
circumstances where heat loss is not an issue, consideration of barriers for personnel protection may be
considered instead of insulation.
In the design phase, consideration shall be given to safe access for inspection and maintenance of
equipment. Consideration shall also be given to a means (e.g. dismantling, borescope) of final inspection
of, and possible debris removal from, the product contact surfaces prior to commissioning.
Consideration is required of lighting levels to allow the state of cleanliness of the plant to be assessed.
Operation of the installed plant (including cleaning methods and frequency) is the responsibility of the
asset owner. The plant design shall be based on the operating practices as specified by the purchaser.
Drawings shall identify all features that are crucial to the safe and proper functioning of the equipment.
These include, but are not limited to, minimum radius and surface finish requirements for cleanability, as
well as designing to avoid contamination by foreign matter.
Carbon steel shall not be welded directly to stainless steel component surfaces in wet areas. When joining
carbon steel to stainless steel, an intermediate stainless steel doubler plate shall be used that shall not
exceed the parent material’s thickness.
Welds should be located away from highly stressed or cold worked areas such as knuckles. Welds should
not cross as the residual longitudinal stress in the welds will cause a highly stressed region. Fillet weld
attachments shall not be welded over butt welds.
Butt welds between severe thickness variances shall be avoided, with a taper ratio of 1:4 preferred.
AS/NZS 1554.6:2012 has more details.
Lap joints and intermittent fillet welds shall be avoided because of crevice and contamination issues.
Heat tint not only reduces corrosion resistance, but also degrades cleanability and may increase mircobial
activity. Sections 5.4 to 5.6 deal with control of heat tint and, if there are excessive levels, techniques to
ensure its complete removal.
Vacuum breaks and vents shall be designed to allow the air volume to return to the silo/tank after the hot
wash cycle and before the cold water wash cycle. The design shall consider issues such as process and cleaning
procedures, whether silo/tank doors are normally closed and if the site uses solid covers over openings. Reliance
on code vent sizes may not be safe if rapid cooling and condensation is possible. Consideration shall be given to
improving the surface finish or other means of facilitating flow for sticky materials.
Subsidiary items such as structural supports, vessel or pump supports, handrails, platforms and stairways shall be
designed for appropriate life, cleanability and hygienic operation. The general avoidance of problem areas such
as crevices, soil traps, hollow cavities and intermittent welds shall also apply to these non-product surfaces.
Lifting points shall be designed and positioned to ensure the equipment can be lifted, transported and installed
without causing damage to the equipment or associated plant. Restrictions of access for transport, unloading
and installation shall be considered.
Generally plant shall be constructed from grades 304/304L or 316/316L stainless steel and specified with
recognised national or international standards. Some sections refer to wrought grades. When cast grades are
used, these sections shall be read to include equivalent cast grades.
Carbon content where not otherwise specified shall be ≤ 0.08% for ≤ 3mm thickness material and
≤ 0.03% for > 3mm thickness material. This is to avoid sensitisation and consequent risk of corrosion in welded
Grade 304 stainless steel shall be considered for lighter duties and is suitable for perpetual contact with chlorides
up to 200ppm at ambient temperature at neutral pH. Grade 316 stainless steel shall be considered for heavier
halide duties and is suitable for perpetual contact with chlorides up to 1000ppm at ambient temperature at
neutral pH. The chloride limits are increased if the pH is alkaline or the temperature is lower. Conversely, acidic
pH or higher temperatures reduce the chloride resistance limits for stainless steels.
For hot water systems the purchaser will need a considered reason to use a material other than grade 2205 for
extended temperature duties over 55ºC. This is to avoid the potential for stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Ferritic
stainless steels are also resistant to SCC but require significantly more care and expertise for satisfactory welding.
Ferritic tubing is available, but is not generally used in Australia.
Modern stabilised ferritic stainless steels are also resistant to SCC, but their welding requires scrupulous
cleanliness, excellent gas purging and strict adherence to heat input and interpass temperature limits. If oxidising
biocides such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, preacetic acid etc. are used, then the chloride limits will be lower if
the oxidant levels are high.
Slicers, cutters and blades are usually made from martensitic stainless steels which are hardened by heat
treatment in the same manner as carbon steels. They will have high hardness and good wear resistance, but
relatively low toughness, and may fracture if flexed excessively or if they suffer impact loads. Typically they have
lower corrosion resistance than the austenitic grades used.
If equipment is intended for cryogenic service, e.g. for snap freezing, then the possibility of low temperature
embrittlement and consequent fracture may require the use of austenitic stainless steels such as 304/304L or
› Tube and tube fittings: AS 1528 and as per purchaser’s specification with regard to grade of stainless steel,
its heat treatment and surface finish. Tube and tube fittings shall display this information and shall be readily
identifiable. Any part tube lengths, tube offcuts and re-used tube sections shall be positively identified as
conforming to the above requirements in all respects including grade, heat treatment, etc. ASTM A554 is
not acceptable for fluid containment.
› Pipe: ASTM A312 Standard specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel pipes
is most common in Australia.
› High pressure screwed fittings: ASTM A182 (screwed and socket welded fittings). Discussion on fittings and
their selection is given in Appendix D.
› Flanges: AS 2129 (Table) or ASME B16.5 (ANSI) are used. However, flanges in product lines are not desirable.
They are a potential source of contamination because it is extremely difficult to avoid a crevice.
› Bar: ASTM A276 Stainless and heat resisting steel bars and shapes.
› Insulation materials: Insulation is required to have very low levels of aggressive ions (particularly chlorides) as
specified in ASTM A795. Installation and testing of insulation shall be to BS5970 or NACE RP0198 – Code of
Practice for Thermal Insulation of Pipework and Equipment. Calculation rules for insulation are given in BS
EN ISO 12241 – Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations.
› The fabricator’s fabrication methods and techniques shall not cause any damage and/or
failure that would lead to reducing the designed service life.
› Stainless steel products shall be stored separately from mild steel and from other materials
that can result in contamination. Contamination by carbon steel (or low alloy steel, cast iron)
or by salt shall be avoided, as these reduce the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel.
› Stainless steel product awaiting fabrication should if possible be stored inside. If stored outside it must
be protected from the weather.
› Tube and pipe are often very flexible - lift carefully to prevent distortion.
› Handle and store in boxes or strapped bundles and store in well supported racks where possible.
› All tube and fittings should be stored with the protective plastic wrap provided for shipping and
delivery intact, and preferably in its timber shipping container.
› Stainless steel tube may be stored on stainless steel or plastic clad racks.
› Tube end caps or plastic bag protection shall be kept in place at all times to avoid any internal damage
or contamination.
› Plastic and stainless steel straps are available and plastic tape or electrical cable ties are lower strength
› Protect MIG wire spools - these are easily broken, making the wire unusable.
› Flux coated electrodes require careful storage - refer to the instructions from the manufacturer.
› Some product is packed under tension - the main one is cold rolled coil. Take great care in cutting
straps for these products. Wear safety glasses and strong gloves as a minimum, and stand to one side
of the straps.
› Ensure product does not slip off fork lifts or out of slings - it can be slippery.
› Be careful of dangerous product - pickling and passivating chemicals contain very strong acids.
This normally requires an oxygen content of 50ppm or less and maintenance of the gas purge until
the weld has cooled below ~250°C. In the absence of an oxygen meter, a mildly turbulent purge of
10 volumes prior to welding has been used as a rule of thumb. With tube or pipe of more than about
150mm diameter, it is difficult to generate sufficient turbulence to ensure low oxygen levels at the metal
surface. If nitrogen is used in the purge gas, the root run may suffer hot cracking in austenitics and
the ferrite may be too low in duplex alloys. If welding ferritics, other than 12% chromium alloys, both
purge and shielding gas must have very low oxygen and nitrogen levels to avoid corrosion problems.
Alternatively, level 5 of EHEDG Guideline No. 35 may be used as a pictorial guideline as it references
similar oxygen levels for acceptably low levels of heat tint.
AWS D18.1:1999
AWS D18.1:2009
Prior to welding, heavily oxidised surfaces must be ground back and the weld surfaces shall be cleaned
free of any grease and dirt. As shown in AS/NZS 1554.6, weld preparations require more access than
carbon steel because of the nickel content in austenitic and duplex alloys.
These Ra values are primarily based on cleanability but it is also possible (although less common) to specify peak
heights or number of peaks per area instead or in addition. AS1554.6 allows average and/or peak roughness
at the discretion of the purchaser. Abrading cast or HRAP surfaces is usually specified for cleanability reasons
rather than corrosion resistace. The Ra of pickled, electropolished and mill finishes will depend on the processing
history. The Ra of a cold rolled mill surface will be smaller for thinner sheet. The Ra of a machined surface
is generally rougher than an abraded surface. All surfaces shall be passivated if high corrosion resistance is
A surface finish with Ra < 1.0µm can normally can be achieved by polishing using 180 grit polish, while a 320
grit polish is normally required for Ra < 0.5µm. Pharmaceutical and some architectural (decorative) or kitchen
finishes may require a higher grit finish, i.e. 220 – 400, or higher. These grit sizes are given for guidance only as
the relation between grit size and Ra depends on pressure, polishing time, age and type of abrasive, lubrication,
etc. If required, a surface roughness meter shall be used.
The most common finish is different in various product forms. Tanks generally are cold rolled 2B finishes with
abraded strips along the welds. The actual surface roughness of cold rolled material reduces with thickness and a
3mm thick sheet would typically have an Ra of approximately 0.5µm. A cold rolled, bright annealed (BA) surface
is mirror like and typically 30% smoother than a 2B surface for the same thickness. Embossed surfaces are used
in chutes to reduce adhesion of sticky solids. They are formed from BA or 2B micro-smooth materials with good
Cast and HRAP (hot rolled annealed and pickled) surfaces have much higher Ra and will require substantial
abrasion to achieve the specified finishes if used for product contact surfaces.
› Pickling in hydrofluoric/nitric acid (to ASTM A380) if there is heat tint or deeply embedded steel particles
on a surface which is NOT to be abraded.
› Grinding with the required size grit followed by a passivation process using nitric acid solution
as per ASTM A967. Passivation shall follow the last abrasive removal of metal.
› Electropolishing which typically reduces Ra by a few tenths of a micrometer and will smooth out rough
edges improving slidability. Electropolishing is normally an offsite factory process.
Pickling will slightly increase the Ra and will cause a slightly matte appearance. Both pickling and passivation
can be applied by paste rather than immersion in a bath. Bath treatments are slightly more effective. All acid
treatments shall incorporate a thorough clean water rinse followed by exposure to clean air preferably for 24
hours. Surfaces must not be permitted to dry during the pickling and/or passivation process as it generally causes
Portable electrocleaning has evolved from using wetted sponges through cooled sponges to carbon fibre
brushes. All use a mild acid mixture and apply a low voltage current to remove weld tints after fabrication. Their
effectiveness depends on operator competence. All are intended for strip cleaning of welds rather than large
open areas.
This section covers tanks, mixers, vessels, etc fabricated as part of the supply under this Code of Practice. The
supplier shall bear in mind the prevention of contamination and damage during fabrication to avoid unnecessary
(and aesthetically poor and potentially damaging) rectification works after fabrication. The details set out in this
Code of Practice are generally the best practice carried out by a competent organisation who would comply with
the requirements of the ASSDA Accreditation scheme.
The material shall only be cut to size by machining, grinding, shearing, laser-cutting, water jet-cutting, or
plasma arc-cutting. Material shall not be cut using “oxy-cutting” methods. All burrs and ragged edges shall be
removed prior to any welding operation. Any cut edge that will be left in the as-cut condition shall be dressed
to remove all sharp edges. Heavily oxidised cutting surfaces shall be ground back to raw metal prior to welding.
Contamination by carbonaceous material, steel or other metals shall be avoided.
The material may be formed to the required shape by any process that will not impair the quality and properties
of the material for its intended use. Cold forming or bending of the material should be by gradually applied
pressure. Hammering of the material as a forming method shall be avoided. The thickness of any material should
not be reduced by greater than 10% of the original thickness during any general forming operation. If greater
metal loss is unavoidable (as in dished ends), the residual thickness must exceed minimum design value.
The fabrication shall be free from any mechanical damage (such as dents, scratches or bulges) that will impair
its intended functions, interfere with CIP effectiveness or create potential sites for corrosion attack. Machined
surfaces shall comply with the surface roughness requirements and shall be passivated after last metal removal.
Knuckle radii shall be free of kinks, ripples or dents of the above paragraphs and meet the client’s aesthetic
requirements. Forming marks on the non-product contact side are acceptable providing they comply with the
requirements of the above clause. Internal profile marks generated by the forming process may be accepted
providing they are open and accessible for cleaning.
Where possible the construction of cylindrical parts shall be from a single sheet or plate. Where two or
more pieces make up a circumferential strake, these pieces shall be joined prior to commencement of the
circumferential weld.
The requirements of Section 5.4 apply to all welding. All welding shall be carried out to the requirements of
AS/NZS 1554.6 with surface finishes defined by Section 5.5 of this code. AS/NZS 1554.6 (2012) has significant
revisions in its Section 6 incuding as-welded finishes stated to be suitable for hygienic service.
Welding procedures are listed in AS/NZS 1554.6 for typical joint designs and pre-qualified procedures. Where the
configuration does not comply with AS/NZS 1554.6, the weld will require a procedure test to the requirements
of AS/NZS 1554.6.
All welders shall prove they can weld all required procedures and tests. Joint mock-ups are to be witnessed
where required. Joint mock-ups where there is no procedure will be inspected by the purchaser’s inspector and
certified for use. The mock-ups will be given to the client for future reference.
Peening may be used on intermediate weld runs for control of shrinkage stresses in thick welds to prevent
cracking. No peening shall be used on the root or surface layer of the weld or in the base metal at the edges of
the weld.
Vertical Joints Minimum 5 times the thickness of the thicker plate in the joint
- stagger
Circumference D > 600mm ± 0.25% of circumference
Circularity Nominal ID Dmax – Dmin Deviation from
designed form over a
chord length of 0.25D
D ≤ 900 1% of ID 0.375% of ID
900 < D ≤ 1500 1% of ID 0.35% of ID
D > 1500 1% of ID 0.30% of ID
Peaking at vertical joints shall not exceed 6mm measured using a 900mm long
sweepboard made to the nominal radius of the tank.
Straightness of The maximum-out-of plumbness of the top of the shell relative to the bottom of the shell
Cylindrical Shells shall not exceed 1/200 (0.5%) of the total tank height.
The measurement shall be made to the surface of the parent plate, not to a weld, fitting
or other raised point.
Banding at horizontal joints shall not exceed 6mm measured using a 900mm long straight
edge sweepboard.
Misalignment Longitudinal joint t ≤ 6mm 0.5mm
6mm < t ≤ 12mm 1.5mm
Circumferential joints t ≤ 6mm 0.5mm
6mm < t ≤ 12mm 1.5mm
Where welds are accessible and are not required to be ground flush, they shall be manually wire brushed while
still warm after welding to remove thick slag and flux residues, followed by pickling. Light manual abrasion,
such as by Scotchbrite®, may also be required to remove heavy tints especially if the purge was poor. Pickling
chemicals shall not be left in contact with the material for a period exceeding that recommended by the
manufacturer. All residues shall be completely removed using fresh, clean water. A neutraliser may be required
to comply with environmental requirements for disposal and/or if the fabrication has crevices which could trap
pickling acids.
Alternatively, where required, welds on the product contact side shall be ground flush and polished to the
Where the purchaser requires a polished surface finish in excess of the requirements of Section 5.5, the
purchaser shall provide the supplier with a sample and an agreed definition of assessment of the finish required.
The weld roots and interior heat affected zones of welds that cannot be ground and polished shall be protected
from oxidation by back purging during welding as set out in Section 5.5. This is critical as heavy heat tint caused
by poor purging is extremely difficult to remove by chemical pickling alone.
Reduction of parent material thickness during grinding and polishing shall not exceed the greater of 0.25mm
or 5% of material thickness. During grinding and polishing, localised heat build-up or “blueing” of the material
shall be avoided.
Iron-free particles shall be used for all shot or abrasive blasting processes.
If abrasive blasting is used to remove heat tint, the surface roughness is normally increased and care is required
to ensure the Ra provisions are satisfied. Because blasting does not usually remove the chromium-depleted layer
under heat tint, chemical finishing is required as described in Section 5.6 both to remove the chromium-depleted
layer and any sulphides exposed by the metal removal. The metal flow caused by the impact of the abrasives may
trap blasting debris and form crevices which promote corrosion and limit cleanability.
The design requirements of Section 4.4 apply to items in this section. Items covered by this section are in two
› The units such as pumps, mixers, heat exchangers, valves, conveying media, etc., fabricated by others and
supplied for installation; and
› The ancillary supports, mountings, fixings, handrails, stairways, etc. required on site.
This section covers the fabrication of tube systems that have product contact. It includes the selection and
preparation of tube as well as welding methodology, surface finish, inspection and acceptance criteria.
Tube and tube fittings shall display this information and be readily identifiable.
Any part tube lengths, tube off-cuts and re-used tube sections being used shall be positively identified as
conforming to the above requirements in all respects including grade, heat treatment, etc.
Tube ends may be squared up where applicable using appropriate tube squaring tools specifically
designed for this purpose.
Tube ends may also be prepared by machining. In the case of wet machining, the cutting fluids shall be
low in chloride, free of chlorine and approved for such use.
The use of abrasive and thermal cut off methodologies shall be avoided.
Tube end ovality shall be within the tolerance defined for outside diameter as given in AS 1528.1.
All burrs shall be removed from the inside and outside of the tube or tube fitting. Deburring of the tube
shall be undertaken with tungsten carbide burr removal tools. Both internal and external de-burring
tools shall be of a construction that will not scratch or mark the internal tube surface during operation.
Operation of these tools shall be such that the metal thickness of the tube is not reduced at the mating
face by bevelling or rounding of the corners.
Clamps, grippers, vices, etc. for holding tubes during the cutting process and other tube preparation
processes shall not deform the tube or cause the tube to become oval (out of round), or mark the tube, or
result in contamination.
The mating faces of tube and tube fittings to be welded shall be matched for shape (roundness),
wall thickness and squareness so that the gap between the mating faces does not exceed 0.16mm as
measured by feeler gauge.
Every care shall be taken to ensure that the weld area after preparation remains clean and that
contamination and high temperature scale of the area is avoided or removed.
All stainless steel tube and tube fittings shall be protected from damage and marking (scratching
during fabrication. Tube end caps shall be kept in place at all times to avoid any internal damage or
contamination. Stainless steel tube and tube fittings shall be segregated from mild steel and other
materials during the fabrication processes.
The preparation, fabrication, welding, assembly works, and inspection of stainless steel tube components
should be carried out in an area segregated from other activities.
The area where welding is to be carried out should be free from draughts created by open doorways, air
conditioning systems and general personnel traffic/activities.
Where cutting, grinding or welding is carried out, all process equipment located in the immediate vicinity
should be protected by drop sheets, screens or other appropriate measures.
Alternatively, welders may be quallified either using pre-qualified configurations from AS/NZS 1554.6 or
by procedures qualified under clause 4.7 of AS/NZS 1554.6. In both cases, the acceptance criteria are set
out in Table 8.4.5 of this code.
8.3.3 TACK-UP
Tacking of the tube joint shall be carried out to maintain the correct alignment or fit-up.
Gas purging shall be carried out during tack welding to the same discolouration requirements given
in Section 5.4 of this code. Tack welds (surface tack welds only) shall be kept as small as possible. Tack
welds shall not penetrate to the inside surface of the tube. The number of tack welds shall be kept to a
minimum, sufficient only to preserve the alignment of mating faces. For example, on a 100mm diameter
tube, 4 to 6 welds should suffice.
Special clamps for holding tube with no deformation during tack-up may be used. The joint will need to
be disassembled if the weld surface is contaminated after tacking but before welding. The surface to be
welded is then required to be re-cleaned before re-welding.
Machine (orbital) welding is permitted subject to a satisfactory test weld for the conditions.
At the commencement of work each day, each individual welder should submit sample welds for the size
and material assigned for that section or area of process tube system that he will be involved with at the
start of that day.
Similarly, at a change of tube size during any day, each welder should again submit sample welds of the
new tube size.
A record should be kept by each welder of the specific welding parameters (welding machine, weld
settings, etc.) associated with his respective sample welds.
Sample welds should be cut to 30mm to 40mm in length, tagged for identification, and stored
appropriately for the duration of the job.
Following the welding process, the internal and external surfaces of the weld samples shall remain in an
“as-welded” condition until after inspection. They shall not be pickled, buffed, ground, wire brushed or
polished. Heat affected zones, physical weld attributes and surface finish shall be evident for subsequent
If, despite the planning required by 8.4.3, some welds are inaccessible for remote inspection or unable to
be reached by “borescope”, equipment may require to be cut from the pipelines for subsequent visual
Where the removed weld is proven as acceptable the cost of rectification and re-instatement shall be
borne by the purchaser.
Where a weld is deemed unsatisfactory, suspect welded tube may be removed until welds of acceptable
standard are evident in the completed system. The cost of removal, replacement of defective materials,
and re-instatement of the piping system shall be borne by the installation supplier.
Visual inspection of the external weld surfaces under bright white light may be supplemented with dye
penetrant for detection of surface defects or cracks, if required. If the external surface is only marginally
compliant (see table in Section 8.4.5), then internal inspection of the weld is required. Welders shall examine every weld they make. The welding supervisor shall examine a
representative sample of each welder’s production to verify that the work is satisfactory.
.4.4.2 Outside surfaces of all welds shall be visually examined by the fabricator’s welding supervisor.
Internal surfaces of welds shall be examined at frequencies stipulated by the purchaser. All ...
welds that do not meet the external requirements of Section 8.4.5 shall be examined internally.
.4.4.3 Product contact surfaces of internal welds shall be visually examined directly or by borescopes or
similar special tools. The internal weld surfaces shall meet the requirements of 8.4.5. Welds fabricated with the addition of filler metal shall be visually examined on all
product contact surfaces. The product contact surfaces shall meet the requirements of Section
1. T is tube wall thickness.
2. Colour specified as in clause 5.4 of this code.
3. Islands are mainly slag oxides of Al, Ca and Si. The main concern is possible detachment of islands into product.
The external weld surface shall be pickled using an effective stainless steel pickling formulation used
strictly in accordance with OH&S requirements and the manufacturer’s directions. The pickling agent shall
be removed by thorough washing. Neutralisation may be necessary to achieve complete removal and to
comply with environmental regulations. More efficient removal of tenacious residues may be possible
with light mechanical (manual) abrasion such as Scotchbrite®.
Alternatively, if the external weld surface has been abrasively cleaned, it may be passivated by a nitric acid
formulation as provided in ASTM A967.
› Routine soil removal by manual cleaning (whenever possible during fabrication), followed by
removal of loose soil by turbulent rinsing with clean water.
› Cleaning by circulation of caustic detergent solutions followed by rinsing with clean warm water.
› Circulation of an effective passivating solution may be based on ASTM A967 nitric or citric acid
formulations or may use proven proprietary solutions for a predetermined duration. All acid
treatment shall be followed by clean air exposure (preferably for at least 24 hours).
Note that this passivation process will not remove heat tint if the purging was inadequate.
This section covers the fabrication of pressurised pipe systems that have product contact. It includes the selection
and preparation of pipe as well as welding methodology, surface finish, inspection and acceptance criteria. The
design for pipe and fittings shall be to AS 4041 or equivalent.
Pipe selection, pipe end preparation and surface preparation prior to welding shall be as described for tube in
Section 8.2 except:
The welding environment, welder qualification, tack up, welding consumables and weld procedures shall be as
described for tube in Section 8.3 except:
› In addition to the inspection required for hygienic requirements, weld defect assessment
shall follow AS 4037.
The external and internal pipe finish shall be as described for tube in Section 8.5.
This section covers non-product contact tube systems such as electrical and instrumentation conduits, and
mechanical services tube systems carrying fluids (including but not limited to chilled water, cold water, hot
water, etc.), compressed air at a pressure less than 70kPa, vents, waste, etc. at an internal pressure that does not
require design to AS 4041.
Tube selection, tube end preparation and surface preparation prior to welding shall be as described for tube in
Section 8.2 except:
› Spiral welded tube to ASTM A778 or equivalent may be substituted for tube supplied to AS 1528
provided that it has been pickled after fabrication. The requirement for internal weld bead treatment is
relaxed, although the weld bead profile must be smooth and satisfy the requirements of Section 10.5.
The welding environment, welder qualification, tack up, welding consumables and weld procedures shall be as
described for tube in Section 8.3.
› The non-product surfaces criteria shall apply for tube not containing fluids;
› The product contact surfaces criteria shall apply for tubing that contains fluids.
The external tube surface finish shall be consistent with other plant tube and pipe systems. Tubes containing
fluid shall be marked with “identifiers” (preferably following AS 1345) to show function and direction of flow.
Internal finish of fluid containing tubes shall be smooth and passivated. Internal surfaces of tubes not carrying
fluid need not be passivated but the weld profile shall be smooth and shall comply with the non-product surface
specification of Section 8.4.5.
This section covers non-product contact pipe such as mechanical services pipe systems carrying fluids (including
but not limited to chilled water, cold water, hot water, etc.), compressed air at a pressure greater than 70kPa,
vents, waste, etc. at an internal pressure that normally requires design to AS 4041.
Pipe selection, pipe end preparation and surface preparation prior to welding shall be as described for tube in
Section 8.2 except:
The welding environment, welder qualification, tack up, welding consumables and weld procedures shall be as
described for tube in Section 8.3 except:
The external pipe surface finish shall be consistent with other plant tube and pipe systems. Pipes shall be marked
with “identifiers” (preferably following AS 1345) to show content and direction of flow.
Prior to transport to the installation site, the supplier shall ensure that the fabrication has been internally and
externally cleaned to remove swarf, dirt and other contamination.
The supplier shall ensure that the fabrication is clearly identified and protected from damage and contamination
during loading, transportation and unloading. Where installation forms part of the contract, the supplier shall
ensure that the fabrication is protected from damage and contamination during installation. Mild steel lifting
forks, hooks, chains and wire ropes shall not be permitted to come into contact with stainless steel equipment.
Suitable lifting lugs or attachments for handling during loading, unloading and installation shall be provided by
the supplier. Even where such lugs or attachments are temporary the provisions of the welding standards shall
Bracing shall be provided, where necessary, to prevent distortion during transportation. Transport cradles shall be
suitably designed.
All silos, vessels and major pieces of equipment shall be identified with a name plate identifying the serial
number and supplier. A register should be kept by the supplier.
Responsibility for insurance during transport and storage shall be specified in the purchase documents. The
default position is that the responsibility changes when the item is delivered for installation by others or, if
installation is part of the contract, when the plant is handed over for commissioning tests..The hand over point
must be precise, e.g. when the item is no longer resting on the tray of the truck.
Hydrotesting is an option for agreement between purchaser and supplier. It shall be carried out with potable
water, but preferably less than 50ppm chloride. However, if there is doubt about draindown, if the material is
austenitic and if service operation is to be above 55˚C, then chloride levels should be less than 1ppm to avoid the
risk of stress corrosion cracking. Untreated bore water, untreated river water, seawater, or contaminated recycled
water shall not be used.
Water shall be drained from inside plant and process equipment promptly after hydrotesting. If the hydrotest
water is to be re-used in other new plant, it shall be checked for contamination and circulated sufficiently to
maintain dissolved oxygen levels. After draining the hydrotest water, check that there are no areas of ponding
(stagnant water). The tester shall wipe the stainless steel equipment dry with clean cloths.
The supplier shall provide full documentation with the goods including drawings, commissioning and operating
instructions, together with agreed test certificates and certifications. The document may be provided in electronic
form, but at least 2 sets of documents must be in hard copy.
The asset owner may specify particular aesthetic requirements to maintain a house style for the facility. Such
specification shall be provided with the design brief. It could include items such as the particular orientation of
the machinery or pipework, curvatures of pipes or vessels, external surface finishes, label colour schemes or any
other appearance and quality issues specified by the purchaser.
› Commonwealth of Australia; Export Control (Processed Food) Orders, No.9 of 1992
› The current Occupational Health and Safety Act applicable to the respective state or territory.
› AS/NZS 1170.4 SAA loading code - earthquake loads
› AS 1210 Pressure vessels
› AS 1345 Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts
› AS 1528 Tubes and tube fittings for the food industry
Part 1: Tubes
Part 2: Screwed couplings
Part 3: Butt weld tube fittings.
Part 4: Clamp liners with gaskets
› AS/NZS 1554.6 Welding stainless steels for structural purposes
› AS 1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders – design, construction and .........
› AS 1692 Tanks for flammable and combustible liquids
› AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids: Appendix D - Tank
venting a Appendix G - Storage and handling of potable spirits in bulk
› AS/NZS 2865 Safe working in a confined space
› AS/NZS 2980 Qualification of welders - specifically Appendix F on welding food tube
› AS/NZS 3992 Pressure equipment – Welding and brazing qualifications
› AS 4037 Pressure equipment – Examination and testing
› AS 4041 Pressure piping
› AS 4458 Pressure equipment - Manufacture
› AS 4709 Guide to cleaning and sanitizing of plant and equipment in the food industry
› AS 4749 NDT definitions and abbreviations
In corrosive environments, all welds should use appropriate filler material as specified in AS/NZS 1554.6. If there
is no filler material or if a filler of the same pre-weld composition is used, then the weld will have lower corrosion
resistance because of the needle-like, upset microstructure and the lower alloy content after oxidation during
welding. This difference in corrosion resistance applies even after passivation. In benign environments, where
even the lower corrosion resistance of the weld metal is sufficient to resist corrosion, then autogenous welding
can be satisfactory.
Some purchasers insist on autogenous welding for thin wall tubing because it ensures the fitup is precise, i.e.
there is no filler metal bead to hide misalignment. If poor alignment is a concern, then routine weld inspection
and assessment of welder competence are better options (although they will incur an up-front cost, which
is more than offset by less repair work). In contrast, inexperienced welders using filler metal may form icicles
or excessive reinforcement which require rectification or, if they are not detected, are very difficult to clean
in service. In tube used for wiring conduit or non-product fluids which may cause corrosion, such defects are
likely to cause failures. Again, improved welder competence and inspection are suitable options if filler metal is
required for particular conditions.
Automated welding of tube using orbital welding equipment has a substantial history of rapid, quality
production in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries and has also been widely used in food and
beverage industry fabrication. The standard method is autogenous and it is successful because the joint must
be accurately prepared and match its joining face. This accurate matching, the excellent gas blanketing and the
invariance of the weld speed and heat input provide excellent quality welds. The notional disadvantages are the
capital cost and the requirement for access either side of the join. Some modern orbital welding equipment uses
filler metal if the product is intended for extremely corrosive service.
This procedure is to ensure that the root of TIG welds in tube or pipe has no more than a pale straw heat tint.
This level of colouration is specified in AS/NZS 1554.6 and AWS D18.1 (condition 3 - see Section 5.4) as the
maximum permitted for tube to be used in the as-welded condition. It is achieved by maintaining oxygen levels
<50ppm (0.005%) while the metal is hotter than 250°C. It is assumed that weld preparation, heat input and
weld technique are controlled to provide a full penetration weld with a smooth, cleanable profile suitable for
CIP. Mechanical orbital TIG welding equipment should give the same result if the manufacturer’s instructions are
If a consumable is used it shall be at least as corrosion resistant as the tube or pipe material. Purge gas is
normally argon but low oxygen nitrogen is also acceptable even for duplex tubing, provided there is no
uncontrolled leakage into the arc. For long lengths of tube or pipe it is common to use removable dams to
contain the purge gas. There are two main types of dam:
Custom made tapered foam discs with a rubber backing and a covering
hat may also be used if externally welding a flange to a pipe.
Ensure the welder is qualified and competent to weld on the day. Carry out the weld preparation including
verification that the longitudinal weld profile will permit a gas tight seal
for purging.
Insert the dams into each section of the tube or pipe ensuring the feed
tube and extraction wire are not tangled. Wipe the weld area with a clean
wipe and volatile solvent, allow to dry and check the area is clean. Do not
touch the weld area.
Align the matching faces and start the purge. The flow must be mildly
turbulent. Either monitor the exit purge gas with a meter (shown)
until the oxygen level is acceptable or purge until at least 10 times the
dammed volume has flowed. Reduce the gas flow to avoid blowing out
the weld and commence welding.
Plan the welding to minimise positional welding. If the ends are not well
restrained by a jig, tack them while ensuring the tack is also gas shielded.
Thicker wall materials may require a trailing shield to ensure air does not
contact metal hot enough to oxidise. If external mechanical cleaning is acceptable, then a trailing shield is not
The comments provided in this Appendix are necessarily general because of the breadth of the food and
beverage industry. The products section of ASSDA’s Australian Stainless Reference Manual has a reasonably
detailed listing of fittings (including photographs) and cross sections of unions. Some suppliers have
comprehensive catalogues of fittings, valves and unions on their websites. While of limited relevance to food
industry pipework, the products section also contains data on pipe flanges. Note that some AS2129 “Table”
flanges are also available bored to take tube.
There is a significant volume of imported equipment used in the Australian food industry. The equipment will
come with valves and fittings characteristic of the country or supplier of origin. These must then interface with
the connecting pipework or equipment. Whilst items may look similar, there are often sufficient differences
(especially for seals in valves) that finding the matching component (or a replacement at a later date) requires
some effort. Rigorous documentation of fittings and their dimensions during procurement or, at latest on
delivery, significantly reduces wasted time and potential difficulties in timely repair or replacement.
For many processes, when the process fluid is waterlike and reasonably homogeneous, the fitting dimensions will
be determined by the geometry and space available. However, with viscous fluids such as yoghurt or honey or
with powders, sharp bends or diameter changes are likely to unduly restrict and, with powders, even block flow.
Apart from process changes to control viscosity, using large radius bends or more slowly tapered reducers are
obvious means of reducing flow restrictions.
Non homogenous fluids such as slurries/pastes or wine crushings may clog flow by build up on dividers (such
as the edge of a butterfly valve or entrance to a heat exchanger) or protruding gaskets, seals or steps. Such
discontinuities could also cause dead spots (and potential hygiene issues) in a homogenous flow, but the
likelihood of problems is much greater if solids can be trapped.
Inspection of the union cross sections in ASSDA’s Australian Stainless Reference Manual shows that some have
crevices and are therefore difficult to clean, while others have shaped seals which are readily cleanable but
require careful installation.
In conveying media/platforms, stainless steels are widely used for transport and on-belt processing in several forms:
› Continuous, seamless belt/band in 301 or 316 with hardened pins in precipitation hardening 630;
› Woven wire mesh belts in 300 series stainless steels;
› Slat chain in 400 series for bottle/can handling in wet areas or wider belts in fabricated 300 series that are side
› 300 series pan/tray conveyors for very specific duties such as abattoir envisceration service;
› Various grade stainless chain, drive and sprocket smaller components that could be subject to periodic hose cleaning in
wet area food plants;
› 300 series stainless steels are also used for chutes/conveyors in fruit/vegetable washing and grading but with non-
metallic transport rollers.
ASSDA Accreditation gives owners and specifiers of stainless steel greater certainty that
applications using stainless steel will be performed by technically competent industry
ASSDA Accreditation is an industry-based scheme designed to establish a benchmark for stainless steel
fabricators to become recognised providers (ASSDA Accredited Fabricators) of a standardised level of quality.
Demand for stainless steel and its use in fabrication has grown, both in volume and in areas of application
resulting in new metal fabricators moving into the stainless steel industry, sometimes with limited skills and
experience in using the material.
As different skills and practices are required in fabricating stainless steel compared to other materials, there is
industry concern about the quality of service provided by inexperienced operators.
The Accreditation Scheme aims to reduce the risk to end users and fabricators of exposure to the ‘learning curve’
of parties new to stainless steel, which parties will be better able to understand the steps necessary to convert
skills and practices appropriate for other materials to stainless steel as a result of the Scheme.
ASSDA Accreditation is a sharp instrument that targets the key issues of stainless steel fabrication expertise and
aims to meet the expectation of asset owners and specifiers that the job will be properly specified and trouble
The Scheme promotes an industry focus on the skills and performance of competently trained specialists and
encourages a consistently high standard through industry self-regulation.
The Accreditation Scheme criteria requires all fabricators to conform to stringent standards of competence,
training and education, personal and professional conduct, adhering to a Code of Ethics and a Code of Practice,
and committing themselves to continuing competency development.
The ASSDA Accredited logo provides end users and specifiers of stainless steel with an assurance that ASSDA
Accredited Fabricators are committed to the highest quality practices and professionalism.
A database of ASSDA Accredited Fabricators identified as good practitioners in stainless steel can be
found in the Stainless Steel Specialists Register - visit
The Australian Stainless Steel Development Association (ASSDA) is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to increase the
consumption and correct use of stainless steel in Australia.
Established in 1992, ASSDA represents over 200 member companies representing the stainless steek spectrum, including
overseas mills, stockists and distributors, fabricators, engineering consultants, end-users and service providers.
ASSDA could not continue without the valuable support of its sponsors and members, who work with ASSDA to grow the
market for stainless steel.
From the east to west coasts, ASSDA’s seminars and conferences offer
opportunities to share ideas and knowledge, discuss key issues and
network with other industry professionals.
ASSDA’s consistent media generation has elevated the profile and
reputation of its members. Leading industry publications including
Australian Stainless magazine, publicity and marketing activities all aim to
boost interest and promote the use of stainless steel in Australia.
ASSDA’s education vehicles include the popular Stainless Steel Specialist
Course, seminars and interactive packages. ASSDA also offers free in-
house architectural and engineering seminars for specifiers.
Taking the lead to safeguard the reputation of stainless steel, ASSDA
Accreditation gives asset owners and specifiers confidence that
applications using stainless steel will be performed by technically
competent industry specialists.
ASSDA supports and represents the interests of member companies and
the industry as a whole on a range of issues, from technical specifications
and standards to local content requirements.
problem solving
ASSDA answers around 1000 technical enquiries every year, using its
own technical specialist, as well as a wide network of metallurgists and
stainless steel experts.