Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation
This evaluation instrument aims to gather remarks and comments of the
participants related to the conduct of the Provide Food and Beverage
Services NC II. This will serve as a tool in the improvement and
strengthening of the program.
Please rate the following program components in terms of the indicators
provided below by ticking () the column that best describes your evaluation
of each program component. Your rating will be treated confidentially.
Outstanding 5
Very Good/Very Adequate 4
Good/Adequate 3
Fair/Satisfactory/Average 2
Inadequate/Unsatisfactory/Poo 1
5 4 3 2 1
A. Program Design and Delivery/ Training Methodology
1. Course contents are sufficient to attain objectives
2. CBLM are logically organized and presented
3. Information Sheet are comprehensive in providing the
required knowledge
4. Examples, illustrations and demonstrations help you
5. Practice exercises like Task/Job Sheets are sufficient to
learn required skills
5 4 3 2 1
6. Valuable knowledge are learned through the contents
of the course
7. Training Methodologies are effective
8. Assessment Methods and evaluation system are
suitable for the trainees and the competency
9. Recording of achievements and competencies acquired
is prompt and comprehensive
10. Feedback about the performance of learners are
given immediately
B. Preparation
1. Workshop layout conforms with the components of a
CBT workshop
2. Number of CBLM is sufficient
3. Objectives of every training session is well explained
4. Expected activities/outputs are clarified
C. Training Resources and Facilities
1. Training Resources are adequate
2. Training Venue is conducive and appropriate
3. Equipment, Supplies, and Materials are Sufficient
4. Equipment, Supplies and Materials are suitable and
5. Promptness in providing Supplies and Materials
D. Facilitator/Trainer
Write the corresponding number to rate each
5 Outstanding 4 Very Good 3 Good
2 Average 1 Poor NA Not
1. Orients trainees about CBT, the use of CBLM and the
evaluation system
2. Discusses clearly the unit of competencies and
outcomes to be attained at the start of every module
3. Exhibits mastery of the subject/course he/she is
4. Motivates and elicits active participation from the
students or trainees
5. Keeps records of evidence/s of competency attainment
of each student/trainees
6. Instils value of safety and orderliness in the classrooms
and workshops
7. Instils the value of teamwork and positive work values
8. Instills good grooming and hygiene
9. Instills value of time
10. Quality of voice while teaching
11. Clarity of language/dialect used in teaching
5 4 3 2 1
12. Provides extra attention to trainees and students with
specific learning needs
13. Attends classes regularly and promptly
14. Shows energy and enthusiasm while teaching
15. Maximizes use of training supplies and materials
16. Dresses appropriately
17. Shows empathy
18. Demonstrates self-control
E. Please indicate your recommended training programs to be offered by this training
Prepared by:
Rated by: