Maths Class 11 Chapter 5 Part - 1 Quadratic Equations
Maths Class 11 Chapter 5 Part - 1 Quadratic Equations
Maths Class 11 Chapter 5 Part - 1 Quadratic Equations
2. Complex Polynomial: If a0, a1, a2, … , an be complex numbers and x is a varying complex
number, then f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + an – 1xn – 1 + anxn is called a complex polynomial or a
polynomial of complex variable with complex coefficients.
Roots of a Quadratic Equation: The values of variable x .which satisfy the quadratic equation
is called roots of quadratic equation.
Nature of Roots
(ii) If a, b, C ∈ Q, a ≠ 0, then
(a) If D > 0 and D is a perfect square => Roots are unequal and rational.
(c) If D > and D is not a perfect square. => Roots are irrational and unequal.
(iii) Conjugate Roots The irrational and complex roots of a quadratic equation always occur in
pairs. Therefore,
(b) If D1 + D2 < 0, then At least one of D1 and D2 < 0 If D1 > 0, then D2 < 0
(i) If b = 0 => Roots are real/complex as (c < 0/c > 0) and equal in magnitude but of opposite
(v) If a > 0, c < 0, a < 0, c > 0} => Roots are of opposite sign.
(vi) If a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, a < 0, b < 0, c < 0} => Both roots are negative, provided D ≥ 0
(vii) If a > 0, b < 0, c > 0, a < 0, b > 0, c < 0} => Both roots are positive, provided D ≥ 0
2. Cubic Equation: If α, β and γ are the roots of cubic equation ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0.
3. Biquadratic Equation: If α, β, γ and δ are the roots of the biquadratic equation ax4 + bx3 +
cx2 + dx + e = 0, then
If a1, a2 a3,…, an are the roots of an nth degree equation, then the equation is xn – S1Xn – 1 +
S2Xn – 2 – S3Xn – 3 +…+( _l)n Sn = 0 where Sn denotes the sum of the products of roots taken n at
a time.
1. Quadratic Equation
If α and β are the roots of ‘a quadratic equation, then the equation is x 2 – S1X + S2 = 0
i.e., x2 – (α + β) x + αβ = 0
2. Cubic Equation
3. Biquadratic Equation
If α, β are roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, then the equation whose roots are.
The quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c is always resolvable into linear
factor, iff
a1x2 + b1x + C1 = 0,
By Cramer’s Rule
a1 / a2 = b1 / b2 = c1 / c2
(i) To find the common root of two equations, make the coefficient of second degree term in
the two equations equal and subtract. The value of x obtained is the required common root.
(ii) Two different quadratic equations with rational coefficient can not have single common
root which is complex or irrational as imaginary and surd roots always occur in pair.
(i) f(a) . f(b) < 0, then at least one or in general odd number of roots of the equation f(x) = 0 lies
between a and b.
(ii) f( a) . f( b) > 0, then in general even number of roots of the equation f(x) = 0 lies between a
and b or no root exist f(a) = f(b), then there exists a point c between a and b such that f'(c) = 0,
a < c < b.
(iii) If the roots of the quadratic equation a1x2 + b1x + c1 = 0, a2x2 + b2x + c2 = 0 are in the ratio
(i.e., &alpha1;/β1 = &alpha2;/β2), then
(iv) If one root is k times the other root of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 ,then
(k + 1)2 / k = b2 / ac
Quadratic Expression
We have
y = ax2 + bx + c = f(x)
Y = a * X2 => X2 = Y / a
(i) For D > 0, parabola cuts X-axis in two real and distinct points
i.e, x = -b ± √D / 2a
(iii) For D < O,parabola does not cut X-axis (i.e., imaginary value of x).
(i) If a > 0, quadratic expression has least value at x = b / 2a. This least value is given by 4ac –
b2 / 4a = – D/4a. But their is no greatest
(ii) If a < 0, quadratic expression has greatest value at x = – b/2a . This greatest value is given
by 4ac – b2 / 4a = – D/4a. But their is no least value.
(i) a > 0 and D < 0, so f(x) > 0 for all x ∈ R i.e., f(x) is positive for all real values of x.
(ii) a < 0 and D < 0, so f(x) < 0 for all x ∈ R i.e., f(x) is negative for all real values of x.
(iii) a > 0 and D = 0, so f(x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ R i.e., f(x) is positive for all real values of x except
at vertex, where f(x) = 0.
(iv) a < 0 and D = 0, so f(x) ≤ 0 for all x ∈ R i.e., f(x) is negative for all real values of x except
at vertex, where f(x) = 0.
5. Intervals of Roots
In some problems, we want the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 to lie in a given interval.
For this we impose conditions on a, b and c.
Since, a ≠ 0, we can take f(x) = x2 + b/a x + c/a.
(i) Both the roots are positive i.e., they lie in (0,∞), if and only if roots are real, the sum of the
roots as well as the product of the roots is positive.
Similarly, both the roots are negative i.e., they lie in (- ∞,0) ifF roots are real, the sum of the
roots is negative and the product of the roots is positive.
(ii) Both the roots are greater than a given number k, iFf the following conditions are satisfied
(iii) Both .the roots are less than a given number k, iff the following conditions are satisfied
(iv) Both the roots lie in a’ given interval (k1, k2), iff the following conditions are satisfied
(v) Exactly one of the roots lie in a given interval (k1, k2), iff
(vi) A given number k lies between the roots iff f(k) < O. In particular, the roots of the equation
will be of opposite sign, iff 0 lies between the roots.
⇒ f(0) < 0
where k1, k2, k3,…, kn ∈ N and a1, a2, a3,…, an are fixed natural numbers satisfying the
First we mark the numbers a1, a2, a3,…, an on the real axis and the plus sign in the interval of
the right of the largest of these numbers, i.e., on the right of an. If kn is even, we put plus sign
on the left of anand if kn is odd, then we put minus sign on the left of an In the next interval we
put a sign according to the following rule.
When passing through the point an – 1 the polynomial f(x) changes sign . if kn – 1 is an odd
number and the polynomial f(x) has same sign if kn – 1 is an even number. Then, we consider
the next interval and put a sign in it using the same rule.
Thus, we consider all the intervals. The solution of f(x) > 0 is the union of all interval in which
we have put the plus sign and the solution of f(x) < 0 is the union of all intervals in which we
have put the minus Sign.
The maximum number of positive real roots of a polynomial equation f(x) = 0 is the number of
changes of sign from positive to negative and negative to positive in f(x) .
The maximum number of negative real roots of a polynomial equation f(x) = 0 is the number of
changes of sign from positive to negative and negative to positive in f(x).
(i) Values of Rational Expression P(x)/Q(x) for Real Values of x, where P(x) and Q(x) are
Quadratic Expressions To find the values attained by rational expression of the form a1x2 +
b1x + c1 / a2x2 + b2x + c2
(ii) Solution of Rational Algebraic In equation If P(x) and Q(x) are polynomial in x, then the
in equation P(x) / Q(x) > 0,
P(x) / Q(x) < 0, P(x) / Q(x) ≥ 0 and P(x) / Q(x) ≤ 0 are known as rational algebraic in
Lagrange’s identity
Let f (x) be a polynomial having α and β as its roots such that α < β, f(α) = f(β) = 0.Also, a
polynomial function is everywhere continuous and differentiable, then there exist θ ∈ (α, β)
such that f'(θ) = 0. Algebraically, we can say between any two zeros of a polynomial f(x) there
is always a derivative f’ (x) = 0.
If |f(x) + g(x)| = |f(x)| + g(x)|, then it is equivalent to the system f(x) . g(x) ≥ 0.
If |f(x) – g(x)| = |f(x)| – g(x)|, then it is equivalent to the system f(x) . g(x) ≤ 0.
Let a and b be real numbers. If a – b is negative, we say that a is less than b (a < b) and if a – b
is positive, then a is greater than b (a > b).
(i) If a > b and b > c, then a > c. Generally, if a1 > a2, a2 > a3,…., an – 1 > an, then a1 > an.
(vii) If a < x < b and a, b are positive real numbers then a2 < x2 < b2
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Important Inequality
(iii) If a1, a2,…, an are n positive real numbers and m1, m2,…,mn are n positive rational
numbers, then
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(c) If a1, a2,…, an and b1, b2,…, bn are rational numbers and M is a rational number, then
(v) If a1, a2, a3,…, an are distinct positive real numbers and p, ,q, r are natural numbers, then
If a1, a2,…, an and b1, b2,…, bn are real numbers, such that
3. Tchebychef’s Inequality
Let a1, a2,…, an and b1, b2,…, bn are real numbers, such that
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4. Weierstrass Inequality
5. Logarithm Inequality
(ii) (a) When 0 < y < 1 and logy x > z ⇒ 0 < x < yz
(i) If xl,x2,…,xn are n positive variables such that xl + x2 +…+ xn = c (constant), then the
product xl * x2 *….* xn is greatest when x1 = x2 =… =xn = c/n and the greatest value is (c/n)n.
(ii) If xl,x2,…,xn are positive variables such that xl,x2,…,xn = c (constant), then the sum xl +
x2 +….+ xn is least when x1 = x2 =… =xn = c1/n and the least value of the sum is n (c1/n).
(iii) If xl,x2,…,xn are variables and ml,m2,…,mn are positive real number such that xl + x2 +….+
xn = c (constant), then xlml * x2m2 *… * xnmn is greatest, when
xl / ml = x2 / m2 =…= xn / mn
= xl + x2 +….+ xn / ml + m2 +….+ mn
The square root of a negative real number is called an imaginary quantity or imaginary number.
e.g., √-3, √-7/2
In other words,
Complex Number
The numbers x and y are called respectively real and imaginary parts of complex number z.
i.e., Im (z) = 0. And purely imaginary if its real part is 0 i.e., Re (z)= 0.
Two complex numbers z1 = a1 + ib1 and z2 = a2 + ib2 are equal, if a2= a2 and b1 = b2 i.e., Re (z1)
= Re (z2) and Im (z1) = Im (z2).
Let z1 = (x1 + iyi) and z2 = (x2 + iy2) be any two complex numbers, then their sum defined as
Properties of Addition
(i) Commutative z1 + z2 = z2 + z1
Let z1 = (x1 + iy1) and z2 = (x2 + iy2) be any two complex numbers, then their difference is
defined as
Let z1 = (x1 + iyi) and z2 = (x2 + iy2) be any two complex numbers, then their multiplication is
defined as
Properties of Multiplication
(iv) Multiplicative Inverse Every non-zero complex number z there exists a complex number
z1 such that z.z1 = 1 = z1 • z
Let z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2 be any two complex numbers, then their division is defined as
where z2 # 0.
i.e., z = x – iy
Properties of Conjugate
|z| = x2 + y2.
In the set of complex number C, the order relation is not defined i.e., z1> z2 or zi <z2 has no
meaning but |z1|>|z2| or |z1|< | z2 | has got its meaning, since |z| and |z2| are real numbers.
Properties of Modulus
Any complex number z=x+iy can be represented geometrically by a point (x, y) in a plane,
called Argand plane or Gaussian plane. The angle made by the line joining point z to the origin,
with the x-axis is called argument of that complex number. It is denoted by the symbol arg (z)
or amp (z).
Argument of z is not unique, general value of the argument of z is 2nπ + θ. But arg (0) is not
There exists a one-one correspondence between the points of the plane and the members of the
set C of all complex numbers.
The length of the line segment OP is called the modulus of z and is denoted by |z|.
The value of the argument which lies in the interval (- π, π] is called principal value of
Properties of Argument
If z = x + iy, then
Polar Form
z = rei0, where
This is called Eulerian form and ei0= cosθ + i sinθ and e-i0 = cosθ — i sinθ.
De-Moivre’s Theorem
A simplest formula for calculating powers of complex number known as De-Moivre’s theorem.
If n ∈ I (set of integers), then (cosθ + i sinθ)n = cos nθ + i sin nθ and if n ∈ Q (set of rational
numbers), then cos nθ + i sin nθ is one of the values of (cos θ + i sin θ)n.
The nth roots of unity, it means any complex number z, which satisfies the equation zn = 1 or z
= (1)1/n
ω3r + 1 = ω, ω3r + 2 = ω2
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(i) 1 + ω + ω2r =
0, if r is not a multiple of 3.
3, if r is,a multiple of 3.
(ii) ω3 = ω3r = 1
(iv) Cube roots of unity lie on the unit circle |z| = 1 and divide its circumference into 3 equal
If two points P and Q represent complex numbers z1 and z2 respectively, in the Argand plane,
then the sum z1 + z2 is represented
Let z1 = a1 + ib1 and z2 = a2 + ia2 be two complex numbers represented by points P (a1, b1) and
Q(a2, b2) in the Argand plane. Q’ represents the complex number (—z2). Complete the
parallelogram OPRQ’ by taking OP and OQ’ as two adjacent sides.
The sum of z1 and —z2 is represented by the extremity R of the diagonal OR of parallelogram
OPRQ’. R represents the complex number z1 — z2.
R has the polar coordinates (r1r2, θ1 + θ2) and it represents the complex numbers z1z2.
R has the polar coordinates (r1/r2, θ1 – θ2) and it represents the complex number z1/z2.
|z|=|z| and arg (z) = – arg (z). The general value of arg (z) is 2nπ – arg (z).
If a point P represents a complex number z, then its conjugate i is represented by the image of P
in the real axis.
Concept of Rotation
Let z1, z2 and z3 be the vertices of a ΔABC described in anti-clockwise sense. Draw OP and
OQ parallel and equal to AB and AC, respectively. Then, point P is z2 – z1 and Q is z3 – z1. If
OP is rotated through angle a in anti-clockwise, sense it coincides with OQ.
(ii) If z1, z2, z3 and z4 are the affixes of the points A, B,C and D, respectively in the Argand
(b) If CD is inclines at 90° to AB, then arg [(z2 – z1)/(z4 – z3)] = ±(π/2).
(c) If z1 and z2 are fixed complex numbers, then the locus of a point z satisfying arg [([(z –
z1)/(z – z2)] = ±(π/2).
In general,
z = rei(θ + 2nπ)
(ii) The point P (z) which divides the join of segment AB in the ratio m : n is given by
z = (mz2 + nz1)/(m + n)
z = (mz2 – nz1)/(m – n)
(i) Let ABC be a triangle with vertices A (z1), B(z2) and C(z3 ) then
z = 1/3(z1 + z2 + z3)
(ii) Area of the triangle with vertices A(z1), B(z2) and C(z3) is given by
(iii) The triangle whose vertices are the points represented by complex numbers z 1, z2 and z3 is
equilateral, if
(i) The general equation of a straight line is az + az + b = 0, where a is a complex number and b
is a real number.
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(ii) The complex and real slopes of the line az + az are -a/a and – i[(a + a)/(a – a)].
(iii) The equation of straight line through z1 and z2 is z = tz1 + (1 — t)z2, where t is real.
(iv) If z1 and z2 are two fixed points, then |z — z1| = z — z2| represents perpendicular bisector
of the line segment joining z1 and z2.
This is also, the equation of the line passing through 1, z2 and z3 and slope is defined to be (z1 –
z2)/z1 – z2
Locus is the arc of a circle which the segment joining z1 and z2 as a chord.
(x) If z1 and z2 are two fixed points, then I z — z11 =I z z21 represents perpendicular bisector
of the segment joining A(z1) and B(z2).
(xi) The equation of a line perpendicular to the plane z(z1 – z2) + z(z1 – z2) = |z1|2 – |z2|2.
(xii) If z1, z2 and z3 are the affixes of the points A, B and C in the Argand plane, then
(b) [(z3 – z1)/(z2 – z1)] = |z3 – z1|/|z2 – z1| (cos α + isin α), where α = ∠BAC.
(xiii) If z is a variable point in the argand plane such that arg (z) = θ, then locus of z is a
straight line through the origin inclined at an angle θ with X-axis.
(xiv) If z is a variable point and z1 is fixed point in the argand plane such that (z — z1)= θ, then
locus of z is a straight line passing through the point z1 and inclined at an angle θ with the X-
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(xv) If z is a variable point and z1, z2 are two fixed points in the Argand plane, then
Locus of z is a straight line joining z1 and z2 but z does not lie between z1 and z2.
|z – z0| = r
or zz – z0z – z0z + z0
zz – az – az + b = 0
(iii) The equation of a circle described on the line segment joining z1 and 1 as diameter is (z –
z1) (z – z2) + (z – z2) (z — z1) = 0
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(iv) If z1, and z2 are the fixed complex numbers, then the locus of a point z satisfying arg [(z –
z1)/(z – z2)] = ± π / 2 is a circle having z1 and z2 at the end points of a diameter.
(i) Let z1 and z2 be two fixed points, and k be a positive real number.
If k >|z1- z2|, then |z – z1| + |z – z2| = k represents an ellipse with foci at A(z1) and B(z2) and
length of the major axis is k.
(ii) Let z1 and z2 be two fixed points and k be a positive real number.
If k ≠ |z1- z2| , then |z – z1| – |z – z2| = k represents hyperbola with foci at A(z1) and B(z2).
(a) perpendicular, if ω1 + ω2 = 0.
(b) parallel, if ω1 = ω2.