Exp 10 Flow Visualization
Exp 10 Flow Visualization
Exp 10 Flow Visualization
10.1 General: An open channel flow is a watercourse, which allows part of the flow to be
exposed to the atmosphere. This type of channel includes rivers, culverts, storm water
systems that flow by gravity, roadside ditches, and roadway gutters.
An open channel is a conduit in which water flows with a free surface. Open channels are
classified on different criteria as follows:
Artificial: Irrigation canals, Laboratory flumes, drops, culverts, roadside gutters etc.
1. Steady flow
a. Uniform flow
b. Gradually varied flow
c. Rapidly varied flow
d. Spatially varied flow
2. Unsteady flow
a. Gradually varied flow
b. Rapidly varied flow
c. Spatially varied flow
10.2.1 Applications: Open channel flow design criteria are used in several areas of
transportation design including:
10.3 Theory:
We will estimate the velocity distribution V 2 (h) over the weir by using the Bernoulli’s
V 21 V2
+ H + Y = 2 + H + Y-h
2g 2g
V 22 = 2gh + V 21
Q = ∫ V 2 dh
= ∫ √ 2 gh+ V 1 dh
2 3 2 3
2 H
= √ 2 g [ ( H + V 1 ¿2 - ( - V 1 ¿2 ]
3 2 3 2g
Where it is accepted the free surface has a height of 2 H/3 over weir. Normally, the kinetic
height upstream is worthless, so we will use the following equation,
Qa = Cw. √ 2 g H 3/2
Or, Qa = Cw. Qt
So, Cw = Qa/Qt
Qt = √ 2 g H 3/2
10.4 Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the phenomenon associated to the flow in an open channel.
10.5 Apparatus:
Hydraulic Bench
10.6 Procedure:
- Place the model in use in the channel using the setscrews. The model will be placed
in the appropriate hole in the lower part of the channel.
- In case of not using any model, it will be necerrary to place the screws, for the
practical procedure, the hole we are not using will be covered with screw.
- For better visualization of the flow, we should use ink, injected through the
hypodermic needles. These must be placed at the channel inlet. We will regulate the
ink outlet with the pointer of the main value of the proportioner.
- It is recommended to use a vegetable ink with density similar to that of the water, so
the flow lines are clear. The use of fluorceine is recommended.
- Start the pump, in order that the water begins to circulate through the channel being
the ink control valve closed. Adjust the flow through the channel with the control
valve of the bench and regulating the outlet floodgate of the channel. To study the
weirs, lift the adjustable board up, so the water doesn’t find any obstruction in the
drain. As we increase the flow with the flow control valve of the bench, we will get
down the adjustable plate in order that the water doesn’t overflow on top of the
Open the ink control valve located in the base of the tank and adjust the current
- Once the model of corresponding flow has been visualized, turn off the pump and
remove the model from the channel, placing the corresponding screw instead.
- To see the visualization of the flow lines clearly, we can place a blank sheet at the
back part of the channel.
- Measure the heights upstream of the weir for different flows. Take note of the flow
obtained by the bench.
Experiment No. 10
To demonstrate the phenomenon associated to the flow in an open channel
Experimental Data Sheet
Signature of the Teacher
10.8 Calculation:
H = 0.030 m
V = 3 litre = 3 x 10-3 m3
T = 23.1 sec
Qa = V/T = 1.29 x 10-4 m3/sec
Qt = √ 2 g H 3/2
Cd = Qa/Qt = 0.56
10.9 Discussion:
10.10 Assignment: