NAME 254 Labsheet
NAME 254 Labsheet
NAME 254 Labsheet
1.1 General:
The determination of the exact section where the pressure is taken, will allow us to obtain
the exact hydrostatic energy system and to verify Bernoulli’s equation.
Pitot tube:
A pitot tube is a pressure measurement instrument used to measure fluid flow velocity. The
basic pitot tube consists of a tube pointing directly into the fluid flow. As this tube contains
fluid, a pressure can be measured; the moving fluid is brought to rest as there is no outlet to
allow flow to continue. This pressure is the stagnation pressure of the fluid, also known as
the total pressure or the pitot pressure.
1.2 Applications:
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To get the exact hydrostatic energy and verify Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli's Energy
Equation can be applied in practice for the construction of flow measuring devices such as
Venturi meter, flow nozzle, orifice meter and Pitot tube, Furthermore, it can be applied to the
problems of flow under a sluice gate, free liquid jet, radial flow and free vortex motion.
1.3 Theory:
Assuming frictionless flow, Bernoulli's Theorem states that, for a horizontal conduit,
Total Energy = Pressure Head+Velocity Head+ Detum Head
For same elevation, Detum head, Z = 0
𝑃 𝑣2
So, Htotal = + 2𝑔
Total pressure we obtain from pitot tube, If we know static pressure than we find out Kinetic
𝑣2 𝑣2 𝑃
pressure, h= 2𝑔 (2𝑔 = Htotal- )
So, the section by the following equation, A = 𝑣
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉
Q= 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
= 𝑡
1.4 Objectives:
1.5 Apparatus:
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Hydraulic Bench
- Connect the unit to the hydraulic bench or hydraulic group and connect the pipe
with the quick connector. Introduce the end of the pipe in the pitot tube.
- Fill all the menometric tube as indicated in previous section.
- Open the flow valve of the hydraulic bench slowly.
- Fix the water flow
- When the heights of both tubes are stable, determine the difference of height
between the two manometer tube, static pressure and total pressure (Pitot tube)
- This difference corresponds to the kinetic pressure
- Determine the required section.
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1.1.7Experiment No. 1
Determination of the exact section of the one tube
Experimental Data Sheet
3 x 10-3 6.8 4.41 x 10-4 0.155 0.136 0.019 0.61 7.23 x 30.35
1 10-4
Signature of the Teacher
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1.8 Calculation:
h1 = 155 mm
h2 = 136 mm
H = h1 – h2 = 19 mm = 0.019 m
= 0.61 m/sec
We know, Q = Av
𝑄 4.41 𝑥 10−4
Or, A = 𝑣 = 0.61 = 7.23 x 10-4 m2
So, D = 30.32 mm
1.10 Assignment:
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2.1 General:
Velocity profile is a factor, that you could find the velocity in any depth of fluid by changing
the variable.
Basically, the profile of velocity not only shows you the magnitude of velocity but also shows
you the characteristics of the flow like direction, change due to shape of the domain or
increase-decrease in the velocity magnitude with respect to the geometry and so on. So in
general, it helps you to understand how the fluid behaves while it is transported through the
2.2 Theory:
The velocity in the pipe is not constant across the cross section. Crossing the center line of
the pipe, the velocity is zero at the walls increasing to a maximum at the center then
decreasing symmetrically to the other wall. This variation across the section is known as the
velocity profile or distribution. A typical one is shown in the figure below.
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If we know the size of a pipe, and we know the discharge, we can deduce the mean velocity.
Q = Av
Or, v = Q/A
Here, Q is the actual discharge and A is cross sectional area of the tube.
2.4 Objectives:
- To plot velocity profile using pitot tube
2.4 Procedure:
- Connect the unit to the hydraulic bench or hydraulic group and connect the pipe
with the quick connector. Introduce the end of the pipe in the pitot tube.
- Fill all the menometric tube as indicated in previous section.
- Open the flow valve of the hydraulic bench slowly.
- Fix the water flow
- Place the pitot tube to the bottom of the pipe and write down the measurement of
the pitot tube at that point
- Move the pitot tube slightly to the top and write down the measurement of the pitot
- Repeat the measurement placing the pitot tube in all positions along the pipe.
- Repeat the experiment with other flows.
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Experiment No. 2
Determination of the flow speed profiles in a tube
Experimental Data Sheet
Signature of the Teacher
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2.6 Calculation:
At 0 position:
h1 = 161 mm
h2 = 140 mm
Ho = h1 –h2 = 0.021 m
V0 = √2 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 0.021 = 0.64 m/sec
At 0.2 position:
h1 = 160 mm
h2 = 138 mm
Ho.2 = h1 –h2 = 0.022 m
V0.2 = √2 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 0.022 = 0.66 m/sec
At 0.4 position:
h1 = 155 mm
h2 = 136 mm
Ho.4 = h1 –h2 = 0.019 m
V0.4 = √2 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 0.019 = 0.61 m/sec
2.7 Discussion:
2.8 Assignment:
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3.2 Theory:
The difference between the flow measurement with the hydraulic bench and the calculated
flow from mathematical expressions will be observed.
The actual flow rate Qa will be directly given by the electromagnetic flow meter. It is
supposed that the volume measured with the pitot should be the same and it will be given by
the following expression,
V = [2 △ 𝑃/𝜌]1/2
△ 𝑃 = Po-Ps
Po = Total pressure at that point
Ps = Static pressure at that point
V = velocity of water
3.3 Objectives:
1. Measure error in flow measurements using the pitot tube as a measuring
3.4 Procedure:
- Connect the unit to the hydraulic bench or hydraulic group and connect the pipe
with the quick connector. Introduce the end of the pipe in the pitot tube.
- Fill all the menometric tube as indicated in previous section.
- Open the flow valve of the hydraulic bench slowly.
- Fix the water flow
- Put the pitot tube in the middle of the pipe and connect the hydraulic bench pump.
Write down the pressure measured with the pitot tube and the flow measured with
the hydraulic bench.
- Repeat the measurement placing the pitot tube in all positions along the pipe.
- Repeat the experiment with other flows.
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Signature of the Teacher
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3.6 Calculation:
V = 3 x 10-3 m3
t = 6.8 sec
Q = V/t = 4.41 x 10-4 m3/sec
h1 = 155 mm
h2 = 136 mm
H = h1 –h2 = 0.019 m
Velocity, v = √2 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 0.019 = 0.61 m/sec
D = 32 mm
A = 8.04 x 10 -4 m2
Qt = Av = 4.9 x 10-4 m3/sec
3.8 Assignment:
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Experiment No. 4
Determination of ship stability
4.1 General:
An inclining test is a test performed on a ship to determine its stability, lightship weight and
the coordinates of its center of gravity. The test is applied to newly constructed ships
greater than 24m in length, and to ships altered in ways that could affect stability. Inclining
test proceduresare specified by the International Maritime Organization and other
international associations.
The weight of a vessel can be readily determined by reading draughts and comparing with
the known hydrostatic properties. The metacentric height (GM), which dominates stability,
can be estimated from the design, but an accurate value must be determined by an inclining
The inclining test is usually done inshore in calm weather, in still water, and free of mooring
restraints to achieve accuracy. The GM position is determined by moving weights
transversely to produce a known overturning moment in the range of 1-4 degrees if
possible. Knowing the restoring properties (buoyancy) of the vessel from its dimensions and
floating position and measuring the equilibrium angle of the weighted vessel, the GM can be
Inclining can be performed in service by averaging out the effects of motions caused by
waves. As in a new ship test, the weight shifts have to be known and the angles of tilt
measured. The effects of any mooring can be calculated and deducted. A series of weight
(usually ballast) movements are used to obtain an average and variance for GM.
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4.2 Theory:
Stability is an area of naval architecture and ship design that deals with how a ship behaves
at sea, both in still water and in waves, whether intact or damaged. Stability calculations
focus on the center of gravity, center of buoyancy and metacenter of vessels and on how it
Center of gravity: The center of gravity is a geometric property of any object. The center of
gravity is the average location of the weight of an object.
Metacenter: The theoretical point at which an imaginary vertical line passing through the
center of buoyancy and center of gravity intersects.
Metacentric height: The metacentric height is a measurement of initial static stability of
floating body. It is calculated as the distance between the center of gravity of a ship and its
Center Of Buoyancy: It is an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an
immersed object.
Port and starboard: Port and starboard are nautical terms for left and right, respectively.
Port is the left hand side of or direction from a vessel, facing forward. Starboard is the right
hand side, facing forward.
Keel: The principal structural member of a ship, running along the center of the hull from
bow to stern, to which the ribs are attached.
A projecting ridge or fin on the bottom of the hull of a ship that improves directional control
and often weighted for added stability.
Hull: A hull is the watertight body of a ship. It is the main body of the ship below the main
outside deck. The hull consists of outside covering and an inside frame work to which the
skin is secured.
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The purpose of the experiment is to find the vertical position of the center of gravity of the
model, KG, through first finding the transverse metacentric height, GMT, and then using the
hydrostatic data to find KMT and hence,
4.3 Objectives:
1. Find the vertical position of the center of gravity of the model
2. Finding the transverse metacentric height
4.4 Apparatus:
Ships flotation tank, Clinometers, General cargo vessel with ballast weights etc.
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General cargo vessel
4.5 Procedure:
- First mark two parallel lines running fore and aft on the deck near amidships; the lines
should be positioned so that the weights are clear of the deck edge. Measure the distance
between lines spaced d mm apart. All six inclining weights may be used, initially assembled
three to port and three to starboard, with one long edge of each weight on a line as shown
When an inclining weight is moved from say A to A1 the center of gravity of the weight will
move through a distance of d mm. Each weight may be moved from port to starboard or
from starboard to port then back to their original positions giving three different angles of
heel to port and three to starboard: for each of the movements the clinometer should be
read. From these six angles of heel the mean heal for the shift of one weight can be
When the clinometer reads exactly zero this does not necessarily mean that the model is
exactly upright but since mean change in heel for the shift of one weight required, it is not
necessary to start with the model exactly upright provided the maximum angle of heel does
not exact say 2 or 30. Larger angles than about 20 are liable to invalidate the linear
relationship between moment and tanθ. The linearity may be checked during the
experiment by plotting the moment against tanθ. It should be noted that the reading on the
clinometer will rise or fall depending upon the direction of heel.
This inclining experiment should be carried out each time the vassel is loaded to a different
condition to determine the position of the center of gravity KG. The position of KG can be
calculated as follows:
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Total ship mass △ kg
Weight of one inclining weight W kg
Distance moved by inclining weight d mm
Moment for the shift of one inclining weight w.d
Mean change in heel for one weight shift θ degree
GMT = 𝑡𝑎𝑛θ
Form the following hydrostatic data in values for the draught T, KB and BM T can be
Therefore, KMT = KB + BMT
Tables for General Cargo Vessel NA8-13:
Draft Ship KB Ix Iy Volume BMt Water BMI
Mass in plane
fresh area
mm Kg mm m4 m4 m3 m m2 m
5 2.139 2.39 0.003 0.119 0.002 1.500 0.494 59.500
10 4.742 5.14 0.004 0.137 0.005 0.800 0.541 27.400
15 7.528 7.95 0.004 0.150 0.008 0.500 0.563 18.750
20 10.376 10.5 0.004 0.16 0.01 0.4 0.577 16.000
25 13.28 13.2 0.005 0.167 0.013 0.385 0.588 12.846
30 16.203 15.8 0.005 0.174 0.016 0.313 0.597 10.875
35 19.223 18.4 0.005 0.18 0.019 0.263 0.605 9.474
40 22.267 21 0.005 0.185 0.022 0.227 0.611 8.409
45 25.406 23.7 0.005 0.188 0.025 0.200 0.615 7.52
50 28.419 26.2 0.005 0.195 0.028 0.179 0.623 6.964
55 31.551 28.8 0.005 0.201 0.032 0.156 0.638 6.281
60 34.634 31.4 0.005 0.203 0.035 0.143 0.631 5.800
65 37.886 34 0.005 0.210 0.038 0.132 0.638 5.526
70 41.067 36.6 0.005 0.215 0.041 0.122 0.644 5.244
75 44.423 39.2 0.005 0.221 0.045 0.111 0.650 4.911
80 47.417 41.8 0.005 0.255 0.048 0.104 0.654 4.688
85 50.718 44.5 0.005 0.233 0.051 0.098 0.663 4.569
90 54.018 47.1 0.005 0.239 0.054 0.093 0.667 4.426
95 57.436 49.8 0.005 0.246 0.058 0.086 0.675 4.241
100 60.680 52.4 0.005 0.253 0.061 0.082 0.681 4.148
105 64.136 55.1 0.005 0.260 0.064 0.078 0.687 4.063
110 67.522 57.7 0.006 0.266 0.068 0.088 0.693 3.912
115 71.017 60.4 0.006 0.273 0.071 0.085 0.700 3.845
120 74.528 63.1 0.006 0.279 0.075 0.080 0.705 3.720
125 78.041 65.8 0.006 0.284 0.078 0.077 0.71 3.641
130 81.562 68.5 0.006 0.289 0.082 0.073 0.714 3.524
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The following worked examples apply a correction for hog in the model and require a
different hydrostatic table that has not been corrected:
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Total Inclining Distance Mean Metacentric KB, BMT KMT Center
ship weight, moved change height, (from (table- = KB of
mass, w by in heel GMT table- 1) + gravity,
△ inclining for 1) BMT KG =
weight, one KMT -
d weight GMT
shift, θ
kg Kg mm degree
Signature of the Teacher
4.7 Calculation:
4.8 Discussion:
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Comment on results:
Sources of errors:
4.9 Assignment:
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Experiment No. 5
Cavitation Phenomenon Demonstration
5.1 General:
Under certain conditions, areas of low pressure can occur locally in a flowing fluid. If the
pressure in such areas falls below the vapor pressure, there will be local boiling and a cloud
of vapor bubbles will form. This phenomenon is known as cavitation and can cause serious
problems, since the flow of liquid can sweep this cloud of bubbles on into an area of higher
pressure where the bubbles will collapse suddenly. Cavitation can affect the performance of
hydraulic machinery such as pumps, turbines and propellers, and the impact of collapsing
bubbles can cause local erosion of metal surfaces.
In accordance with Bernoulli's equation the pressure at the throat of the Venturishaped test
section falls as the velocity of the water increases. However, the pressure can only falls as
far as the vapor pressure of the water at which point the water starts to vaporize -
Cavitation occurs. Any further increase in velocity cannot reduce the pressure below the
vapor pressure so the water vaporizes faster – stronger Cavitation occurs and Bernoulli's
equation is not obeyed.
5.2 Theory:
Water, as any other liquid, contains certain amounts. In the case of water, for example, the
amount of air dissolved in it will be inversely proportional to pressure and temperature of
However, when a liquid is under its saturation pressure or vapor pressure,Pv, a phenomena
known as cavitation occurs.
Thus, if liquid flows through a certain tube to a pressure lower than saturation pressure,
proportional to its temperature, bubbles of vapor and of air will form, making cavitation
easily visible and audible.
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In the throat of the venturi tube of the equipment cavitation will occur with certain volume
of flow due to the geometrical dimensions. Applying the conservation of energy law to the
inlet section and to the throat the following equation is obtained:
𝑃1 𝑣1 2 𝑃2 𝑣2 2
+ = + + hL
2𝑔 2𝑔
Q = V1σ1 = V2σ2
𝑉1 𝐴1
V2 = = 4.166 x V1
Then, together with the conservation of energy equation, it can be written that:
𝑃1 −𝑃2 (4.166𝑉1 )2 𝑉2
1 17.36𝑉12
= - 2𝑔 + hL= + hL
2𝑔 2𝑔
𝑘1 𝑉12
hL = 2𝑔
That is:
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𝑃1 𝑉2
This equation represents a straight line with a slope of K2 and a y-axis cutoff of 𝑣.
5.3 Objectives:
5.4 Apparatus:
Hydraulic Bench
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5.5 Procedure:
- Place the equipment over the bench. By the flexible tube of fast connection, connect
the equipment to the bench’s impulsion inlet. Set the end of the other flexible tube,
connected to the outlet of the equipment, in the volumetric tank of the bench with
the purpose of measure the flow.
- Once the equipment has installed, the flow control valve of the bench will be closed.
Start the equipment and open its control valve slowly until it is totally open to obtain
the maximum value of flow able to flow through the system and to observe the
formation of foam, what indicates the existence of cavitation. Notice also the noise
that goes with a fast opening of the value.
- Measure the flow in such conditions, and write down the pressure manometer and
of the vacuum gage.
- Reduce gradually the pressure in the inlet section (indicated by the manometer), at
0.05 bars intervals, until cavitation stops, writing down the values of flow and
pressure at the inlet and at the throat for each position of the flow control valve.
- Measure the temperature of water, since in function of it, the value of specific
weight of water,, will be different. The following chart shows the different values of
for a rank of temperatures between 0 and300C.The value of vapor pressure, 1 , for
that rank of temperatures is specified in the same way.
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5.6 Data Sheet
Cavitation Phenomenon Demonstration
Experimental Data Sheet
Signature of the Teacher
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5.7 Calculation:
𝑃1 950,00
= = 9.71 m
V = 3 x 10-3 m3
T = 4.5 sec
= 0.99
5.8 Discussion:
5.9 Assignment:
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6.1 General:
When a jet of water flowing with a steady velocity strikes a solid surface the water is
deflected to flow along the surface. If friction is neglected by assuming an in viscid fluid and
it is also assumed that there are no losses due to shocks then the magnitude of the water
velocity is unchanged. The pressure exerted by the water on the solid surface will
everywhere be at right angles to the surface. Consider a jet of water which impacts on to a
target surface causing the direction of the jet to be changed through an angle. In the
absence of friction the magnitude of the velocity across the surface is equal to the incident
velocity. The impulse force exerted on the target will be equal and opposite to the force
which acts on the water to impart the change in direction.
6.2 Applications:
Impact of jets apparatus enables experiments to be carried out on the reaction force
produced on vanes when a jet of water impacts on to the vane. The study of these reaction
forces is an essential step in the subject of mechanics of fluids which can be applied to
hydraulic machinery such as the Pelton wheel and the impulse turbine.
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6.3 Theory:
The force made by a jet which hits a surface is obtained by applying the conservation
equation of the movement quantity. This force, for a stationary regime and taking into
account that its horizontal component is canceled, comes given by the expression:
Fy = 𝛒Q(V-Vcos𝛼) (N)
𝛒 = density of fluid (kg/m3)
Q = Flow rate (m3/sec)
𝛼 = angle, in degree, formed by the fluid that has come out, with the normal vector at
the impact surface
V = velocity of a jet which hits over the problem surface (m/sec). This velocity is related
with the flow by means of the equation:
V = Q/A (m/sec)
A = transverse area of the jet (m2)
For a flat surface (𝛼 = 900) the previous equation form:
Fy = Fy = 𝛒Q(V-0) = 𝛒Q2/A
For a curve surface (𝛼 = 1200)the equation is:
Fy = 𝛒Q(V+V/2)
=3/2 (𝛒Q2/A)
Fy = 𝛒Q(V+V)
= 2𝛒Q2/A
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6.4 Objectives:
6.5 Apparatus:
Hydraulic Bench
6.6 Procedure:
- Disassemble the top that is placed over the transparent water tank and screw in the flat
surface (𝛼 = 900) in the vertical axis joined to the support on which the weights are
- Cover the tank again
- Place the device on the Hydraulic bench channel or on the hydraulic group, connecting
its water inlet to T1 with fast connector.
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- Balance the equipment using the help of the bubble level placed on the cover of the
cylinder. For it, regulate the height of the adjustable supports until the bubble stabilizes
in the center of the gauge.
- Adjust the gauge until it is situated at the same level as the signal of the auxiliary
- Place on the platform a weight and write down its value.
- Close the flow control valve of the bench and then switch on the pump.
- Using the help of VCC, regulate the flow that impacts against the surface to get that the
platform signal is at the same height as the gauge indication, that is to say, it has to
come back at its initial position
- In this balance situation, measure the outlet flow through the nozzle. For that purpose,
close the drain of the bench and take measures of volume in a determined time,
obtaining in this way the liters per time unit (flow).
- Repeat the previous steps increasing step by step weights and flows.
- We must make sure that we establish the balance between the force made by the jet
and the force made by the weights. The spring may lead to errors if the plate over
which the weights are placed exerts force over it. Given that this balance is static, we
will not take into account the friction effect produced between the bar which supports
the problem surface and the cover of the cylinder, which is a potential error source,
which is unavoidable since the equipment cannot measure such friction.
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(N) (N)
𝛼 =
𝛼 =
Signature of the Teacher
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6.8 Calculation:
At 𝛼 = 900
Weight = 300 gm = 0.3 kg
Fm = mg = 0.3 x 9.81 = 2.94 N
V = 3 x 10-3 m3
T = 12.74 sec
Q = V/T = 3.92 x 10-4 m3/sec
Q2 = 1.54 x 10-7
D = 8mm
A = 5.02 x 10-5 m2
Fa = 𝛒Q2/A
= 3.06
6.9 Discussion:
6.10 Assignment:
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7.1 General:
A vortex arises, when a gas flows along a rotating device. If the inertia of the gas is small and
the device rotates at a high speed, the device will transfer part of its rotational energy to the
gas. This is called a forced vortex. It is characterized by an increasing tangential velocity for
increasing values of the radius.
The following are the two types of Vortex flow:
- Free Vortex Flow and
- Forced Vortex Flow
5.2 Theory:
When a fluid is turn in a closed cylinder, the speed of its particles decreases as long as they
move away from the center. The movement of the fluid is then made in concentric circles,
creating a vortex or twister.
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r = radius (m)
v = speed of the flow with a radius r (m/s)
If we usethe horizontal plane through the vortex, the theory shows us that:
h = h0 + (m)
Which is the equation of a parabola.
When the water flows out the recipient through the central hole in the base, the forced
vortex with discharge orifice is formed. In this case, the main characteristic is that the speed
varies inversely with the distance to the rotation axis, that is:
V = K/r (m/s)
K = Constant (m2/s)
r = Radius from the center of the vortex to the considered position (m)
The equation that governs the surface profile is obtained from Bernoulli’s theorem. Not
considering the pressure, as it is atmospheric in every point of the vortex surface.
+z = c = Constant
Where z (m) is the height of the considered point. With the two previous equations we get
+Z = c
2𝑔𝑟 2
Or, C-Z = 2𝑔𝑟 2
This is the equation of the hyperbolic curve of the form Yx2 = A, which is an asymptote with
the rotation axis and through the horizontal, Z = C.
C-Z is the kinetic term, that is to say, the total energy (C, which is the Bernoulli constant)
minus the potential energy (z or height). This term can be obtained by using the Pitot tubes
and the needles supplied in the equipment.
In the experiment, the value of x has been measured for the different radius. We can
calculate h in this way:
h = H0 – x (m)
Now, we just have to check that the values obtained adjust to a theoretical curve like the
following one:
h = h0 + (m)
7.3 Objectives:
2. Determine the profile surface of a forced vortex without discharge orifice
3. Determine the influence of the inlet direction of the fluid in the system
4. Determine the influence of the fluid inlet flow
7.4 Apparatus:
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Equipment accessories of the forced and free vortex, Chronometer, hydraulic bench, stop
watch etc.
Hydraulic Bench
7.5 Procedure:
- Place the equipment in the bench according to any of the two possibilities indicated
in figure 1.1.9 and connect it to the bench with a fast connector in the taking T1 (fig
1.1.10). Place the blind mouthpiece (fig 1.1.2) inside the central hollow in the base of
the cylinder (fig 1.1.1). Introduce the helix with the axis in the mouthpiece, so that it
turns correctly.
- Close the outlet valve and connect the pump in the bench with VCC closed (fig
- Open gradually the control valve of the bench, open three way valve to the left so
that the water goes into the cylinder from a tangential inlet placed 60 0 away and so
that it goes out through the injectors (fig 3.1.1)
- Start to open the outlet valve of the equipment when the water almost gets to the
limit of the outflow and level the cylinder with that level, unloading inside the
volumetric tank. Fill with water the outlet flexible hose, when it is full, pick up the
hose and introduce it by the drain spillway of the volumetric tank, in order to avoid
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that the bench pump runs out of water. This operation induces a siphon effect that
increases the unload speed.
- For each value of flux speed, the outlet valve must be adjusted until the water flows
through the overflow. Place the measure probes through the superior part of
cylinder (fig 1.1.3).
- The surface profile is determined by lowering the measure probes (needles) until
they touch the surface of the water (fig 3.1.3). Then, taking as a reference the
spillway level as zero and the marks in the needles, we can get to know the depth
that each probe has descended.
- We can also use the diameter, in order to determine the vortex diameter at different
levels of depth (fig 1.1.5)
- The rotation speed of the helix is measured by timing the number of rotations of the
helix using the axis marked as reference.
- Once the height of the different needles is registered, remove the support of the
needles and repeat the procedure for different inlet flows, graduating the VCC (fig
1.1.10) with both inlet pipes (turn 1800 the key of the three-way valve of fig 3.1.1)
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Calculated h
X1 = H0– h
Signature of the Teacher
7.7 Calculation:
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7.8 Discussion:
7.9 Assignment:
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8.1 General:
A flow can be Laminar, Turbulent or Transitional in nature. This becomes a very important
classification of flows and is brought out vividly by the experiment conducted by Osborne
Reynolds (1842 - 1912). Into a flow through a glass tube (Fig.5.1) he injected a dye to
observe the nature of flow. When the speeds were small the flow seemed to follow a
straight line path (with a slight blurring due to dye diffusion). As the flow speed was
increased the dye fluctuates and one observes intermittent bursts. As the flow speed is
further increased the dye is blurred and seems to fill the entire pipe. These are what we
callLaminar, Transitional and Turbulent Flows.
It is also found that a flow in a pipe is laminar if the Reynolds Number (based on diameter of
the pipe) is less than 2000 and is turbulent if it is greater than4000. Transitional Flow
prevails between these two limits. But it should be pointed out that people have preserved
laminar flow at very high Reynolds number through carefully monitored conditions.
8.2 Theory:
Reynolds number R, is used as a parameter to classify the type of regime in a flow.
Calculation of the Reynolds number is determined by the critical velocity of the fluid, which
corresponds to the transition velocity from laminar to turbulent flow. Osborne Reynolds
demonstrated that two types of currents could be established inside a pipe.
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8.3 Objectives:
8.4 Apparatus:
Hydraulic Bench
8.5 Procedure:
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8.6 Observation:
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0 1.781 40 0.653
5 1.518 50 0.547
10 1.307 60 0.466
15 1.139 70 0.404
20 1.002 80 0.354
25 0.890 90 0.315
30 0.798 100 0.282
8.2 Objective:
- The aim of this practical exercise is to relate the value of Reynolds number to each flow.
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Signature of the Teacher
8.4 Calculation:
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8.5 Discussion:
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9.1 General:
Laminar flow visualization allows a complete study of the bi-dimensional problems
associated to the laminar flow, by the visualization of the different model flow, which can be
visualized with the help of an efficient system of ink injection. It consists on an enlargement
of the device of Hale-Shaw.
9.2 Theory:
In most of the studies of fluids, they are considered as “ideal” (rejecting some of their
properties as variables to be considered), and text, the theoretical values obtained are
adjusted with correction factors experimentally obtained.
The laminar flow table is designed to show the flow of a fluid in a bi-dimensional plane. A
slow fluid speed and a small space between the upper and lower badges will give as a result
a low value for the number of Reynolds. Since the number of Reynolds is the relation of the
inertia forces and the viscous ones, the first one can be rejected, so the flow reached
depends completely on the potential. This condition gives a close simulation of an ideal flow
and the models of flow obtained can be considered as an ideal flow. Since the flow depends
on the potential, the flow table can be used to simulate any system that obeys to the
Equation of Laplace.
For example, the bi-dimensional stable heat flow can be demonstrated, representing the
potential and the difference of temperature in the system.
9.3 Objectives:
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9.4 Apparatus:
9.5 Procedure:
- In the overflow badge, the control value will have to be adjusted to give the
minimum value of the available stable flow, without admitting air between the glass
badges. This will provide conditions of almost ideal flow. Install the system of
coloring liquid injection as described in the section of installation. When entering the
models in the test section, they should be placed in the center of the test section,
using the grid of the superior glass barge, to line the coloring liquid injector. Be
especially careful when lowering the upper glass barge. Once the object to be
observed is adjusted, the adjustment value of the coloring liquid will be opened and
adjusted to give currents for the coloring liquid clearly defined and thin, which will
indicate the relevant lines of current. The position of the lines of coloring liquid
relative to the model can have a fine adjustment, sliding carefully the laterals of the
injector to the wanted position.
- Place the cylinder in a central position of the test section with the axis in line with a
current of coloring liquid. The resulting model lines of current will have to be
symmetric, without formations of whirls or separations. The narrowing of the lines of
current in the laterals of the cylinder indicates an area of reduced pressure. The
symmetry model, in both planes, shows that there is no resulting pressure.
9.6 Discussion:
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9.1 General:
Fig 7.2.1 shows a nicely "streamlined'' body (as opposed to the bluff-shaped house) in a
wind tunnel. At time to the tunnel is not running and no air is flowing. At time t 1 the tunnel
is started and air begins flowing about the body; the flow develops further at time t 2 and
finally reaches a constant pattern at time t3. The flow appears unchanged at time t4 and
time t5. When the flow starts. It passes through an unsteady transient state; that is.
Particlepath lines and streamlines are not the same. From time t3 onwards a steady flow is
established. Streamlines appear fixed in position with respect to the body. A particle P
shown on a streamline at time t3 moves downstream along that streamline as shown at
times t4 and t5. The particle pathline coincides with the streamline.
Fig: 9.1
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9.2 Apparatus:
9.3 Procedure:
- The section of the surface is placed in a central position in the test section with a
small angle of incidence with the flow. The stagnation point in the guide edge must
be placed in a position adjacent to the current of the coloring liquid. A narrowing of
the spaces in the line of current should appear on the surface, and the
corresponding widening in the lower part, which shows the suction and pressure
forces in the surface, which generate an elevation. Repeat the previous process for
different angles of incidence to demonstrate the change in the stagnation point.
9.4 Discussion:
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10.1 General: An open channel flow is a watercourse, which allows part of the flow to be
exposed to the atmosphere. This type of channel includes rivers, culverts, storm water
systems that flow by gravity, roadside ditches, and roadway gutters.
An open channel is a conduit in which water flows with a free surface. Open channels are
classified on different criteria as follows:
Artificial: Irrigation canals, Laboratory flumes, drops, culverts, roadside gutters etc.
1. Steady flow
a. Uniform flow
b. Gradually varied flow
c. Rapidly varied flow
d. Spatially varied flow
2. Unsteady flow
a. Gradually varied flow
b. Rapidly varied flow
c. Spatially varied flow
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10.2.1 Applications: Open channel flow design criteria are used in several areas of
transportation design including:
10.3 Theory:
We will estimate the velocity distribution V2 (h) over the weir by using the Bernoulli’s
𝑉12 𝑉2
+ H + Y = 2𝑔 + H + Y-h
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2 𝑉12 3 𝐻 𝑉2 3
= 3 √2𝑔 [ ( H + )2 - ( 3 - 2𝑔 )2 ]
Where it is accepted the free surface has a height of 2 H/3 over weir. Normally, the kinetic
height upstream is worthless, so we will use the following equation,
Qa = Cw. 3 √2𝑔 H 3/2
Or, Qa = Cw. Qt
So, Cw = Qa/Qt
Qt =3 √2𝑔 H 3/2
10.4 Objectives:
5. To demonstrate the phenomenon associated to the flow in an open channel.
10.5 Apparatus:
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Hydraulic Bench
10.6 Procedure:
- Place the model in use in the channel using the setscrews. The model will be placed
in the appropriate hole in the lower part of the channel.
- In case of not using any model, it will be necerrary to place the screws, for the
practical procedure, the hole we are not using will be covered with screw.
- For better visualization of the flow, we should use ink, injected through the
hypodermic needles. These must be placed at the channel inlet. We will regulate the
ink outlet with the pointer of the main value of the proportioner.
- It is recommended to use a vegetable ink with density similar to that of the water, so
the flow lines are clear. The use of fluorceine is recommended.
- Start the pump, in order that the water begins to circulate through the channel being
the ink control valve closed. Adjust the flow through the channel with the control
valve of the bench and regulating the outlet floodgate of the channel. To study the
weirs, lift the adjustable board up, so the water doesn’t find any obstruction in the
drain. As we increase the flow with the flow control valve of the bench, we will get
down the adjustable plate in order that the water doesn’t overflow on top of the
Open the ink control valve located in the base of the tank and adjust the current
- Once the model of corresponding flow has been visualized, turn off the pump and
remove the model from the channel, placing the corresponding screw instead.
- To see the visualization of the flow lines clearly, we can place a blank sheet at the
back part of the channel.
- Measure the heights upstream of the weir for different flows. Take note of the flow
obtained by the bench.
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Experiment No. 10
To demonstrate the phenomenon associated to the flow in an open channel
Experimental Data Sheet
Signature of the Teacher
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10.8 Calculation:
H = 0.030 m
V = 3 litre = 3 x 10-3 m3
T = 23.1 sec
Qa = V/T = 1.29 x 10-4 m3/sec
Qt =3 √2𝑔 H 3/2
Cd = Qa/Qt = 0.56
10.9 Discussion:
10.10 Assignment:
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