ASTM C203-05a. (2017) PDF
ASTM C203-05a. (2017) PDF
ASTM C203-05a. (2017) PDF
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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C203 − 05a (2017)
4.1.1 Test Method I—The bar rests on two supports and is
loaded by means of a loading fitting or piece midway between
the supports (see Fig. 1).
4.1.2 Test Method II—The bar rests on two supports and is
loaded at the two quarter points (by means of two loading
fittings), each an equal distance from the adjacent support
point. The distance between the loading fittings is one half of
the support span (see Fig. 2).
FIG. 2 Loading System for Test Method II
4.2 The specimen is deflected until rupture occurs, unless
the materials specification indicates termination at a particular
maximum strain level. is useful for quality control inspection and qualification for
specification purposes.
NOTE 1—One criteria used is to limit the strain to 5 %. If failure does
not occur at 5 % strain, the strain rate is increased and the test repeated on 5.3 Test Method II is useful in determining the elastic
a new specimen. modulus in bending as well as the flexural strength. Flexural
4.3 Procedures A and B allow for testing at two different properties determined by these test methods are also useful for
strain rates. Procedure C specifies a stress rate. Procedure D quality control and specification purposes.
specifies a rate of extension or traverse. 5.4 The basic differences between the two test methods is in
4.3.1 Procedure A specifies a strain rate of 0.01 in./in. the location of the maximum bending moment, maximum axial
(mm/mm) that is useful for testing insulations that are very stiff fiber (flexural or tensile) stresses, and the resolved stress state
or break at quite low deflections. in terms of shear stress and tensile/compression stress. The
4.3.2 Procedure B specifies a strain rate of 0.1 in./in. maximum axial fiber stresses occur on a line under the loading
(mm/mm) which is useful for testing insulations that are fitting in Test Method I and over the area between the loading
relatively flexible or break at higher deflections. fittings in Test Method II. Test Method I has a high shear stress
4.3.3 Procedure C specifies a stress rate of 550 psi (3.79 component in the direction of loading, perpendicular to the
MPa)/min except as applicable in the materials specification. axial fiber stress. Sufficient resolved shear stress is capable of
4.3.4 Procedure D specifies a CRE machine with a fixed producing failure by a shear mode rather than a simple
crosshead speed, or a CRT machine with a movable load tension/flexural failure. There is no comparable shear compo-
clamp, such as the Scott tester. Because the strain rate is a nent in the central region between the loading fittings in Test
function of specimen geometry, this procedure does not give a Method II. Test Method II simulates a uniformly loaded beam
constant strain rate for specimens of different thicknesses in terms of equivalent stresses at the center of the specimen.
tested on the same loading fixture.
5.5 Flexural properties are capable of varing with specimen
5. Significance and Use span-to-thickness ratio, temperature, atmospheric conditions,
5.1 These test methods are to be used to determine the and the difference in rate of straining specified in Procedures A
resistance of some types of preformed block insulation when and B. In comparing results it is important that all parameters
transverse loads are normally applied to the surface. Values are be equivalent. Increases in the strain rate typically result in
measured at the maximum load or breaking point under increased strengths and in the elastic modulus.
specified conditions or specimen size, span between supports, 6. Apparatus
and rate of load application. The equations used are based on
the assumption that the materials are uniform and presume that 6.1 Testing Machine—A properly calibrated testing machine
the stress-strain characteristics below the elastic limit are that is capable of being operated at either constant load rates or
linearly elastic. These assumptions are not strictly applicable to constant rates of crosshead motion over the range indicated,
thermal insulations of certain types in which crushing occurs and in which the error in the load-measuring system shall not
before failure is obtained in transverse bending; however, exceed 61 % of maximum load expected to be measured. The
depending upon the accuracy required, these procedures are load-indicating mechanism shall be essentially free of inertial
capable of providing acceptable results. lag. The accuracy and calibration of the testing machine shall
be verified in accordance with Practice E4. If stiffness or
5.2 Test Method I is especially useful when testing only for deflection measurements are to be made, then the machine
the modulus of rupture or the breaking load. This information shall be equipped with a deflection-type measuring device. The
stiffness of the testing machine shall be such that the total
elastic deformation of the system does not exceed 1 % of the
total deflection of the test specimen during test, or appropriate
corrections shall be made.
6.2 Bearing Edges—The loading fittings and supports shall
have cylindrical surfaces. In order to avoid excessive
indentation, or failure due to stress concentration directly under
the loading fitting or fittings, the diameter of these bearing
FIG. 1 Loading System for Test Method I edges shall be 11⁄4 6 1⁄4 in. (32 6 6 mm). The bearing cylinders
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C203 − 05a (2017)
shall be straight and parallel to each other, and they shall be patibility precludes a simple table of commonly used and minimum
self-aligning to maintain full contact with the specimen dimensions.
throughout the test. They shall have a length at least equal to 8.4 The selection of the samples shall conform to Practice
the width of the specimen. C390. The specimens shall be cut from larger blocks or
6.3 Bearing cylindrical supports are described in Test Meth- irregular shapes in such a manner to preserve as many of the
ods C133. original surfaces as acceptable. Only one sample shall be cut
from a single block or board. Multiple specimens are capable
6.4 See Fig. 1 for Test Method I; Fig. 2 for Test Method II. of being cut from a sample such as a large bun of insulation
6.4.1 CRL machines are described in Specification D76. material. If the test specimen is cut to obtain a narrower width
6.4.2 CRE and CRT machines are described in Specification than as received, the cut shall be made lengthwise of the block.
D76. For anisotropic materials, flexural tests are capable of being
run in other than the length direction, such as the cross
7. Safety Precautions direction of the sample. When comparative tests are to be made
7.1 Safety precautions consistent with the normal usage of on preformed materials, all specimens shall be of the same
any universal testing machine shall be observed. Safety glasses thickness, except as applicable in the materials specification.
should be worn when testing all brittle samples. The bearing faces of the test specimens shall be approximately
parallel planes. In preparing specimens from pieces of irregular
7.2 Smoking and open flames shall be avoided when work-
shape, any means such as a band saw, or any method involving
ing with flammable or combustible specimens.
the use of abrasives such as high-speed abrasion wheel or
7.3 Respirators shall be worn during preparation of speci- rubbing bed, that will produce a specimen with approximately
mens that are friable or composed of compacted powder when plane and parallel faces (parallel within 1°) without weakening
dust levels are above permissible limits. Laboratory clothes the structure of the specimen is capable of being used. The
and gloves shall be used when working with such materials or value obtained on specimens with machined surfaces will differ
material that is abrasive or a skin irritant. from those obtained on specimens with original surfaces.
Consequently, the report must state if original surfaces were
8. Test Specimens retained and when only one original surface was retained,
8.1 The number of specimens to be tested shall be given in whether it was on the tension or compression side of the beam.
the materials specification. In the absence of such specification,
test at least four samples. 9. Conditioning
8.2 The specific materials specification shall be consulted 9.1 Dry and condition specimens prior to test, following
for the test specimen geometry and specific directions concern- applicable specifications for the material. In the absence of
ing selection or cutting of specimens. In the absence of such definitive drying specifications, follow accepted practices for
guidance, the preferred test specimen shall be 1 in. thick by 4 conditioning in Practice C870. Where circumstances or re-
in. wide by 12 in. long (25 by 100 by 300 mm) tested on a 10 quirements preclude compliance with these conditioning
in. (250 mm) support span. The test specimens shall be 4 in. procedures, exceptions agreed upon between the manufacturer
(100 mm) unless otherwise specified, but in no case less than and the purchaser shall be made, and will be specifically listed
3 in. (75 mm) in width, and 1 in. (25 mm) thick. The test in the test report.
specimens shall be long enough to accommodate a support
10. Procedure
span of 10 in. (250 mm) in length. The width and thickness of
test specimens shall be recorded to the nearest 0.01 in. (0.3 10.1 Test Method I, Procedure A:
mm). 10.1.1 Use an untested specimen for each measurement.
Measure the width and depth of the specimen to the nearest
NOTE 2—When comparing test results, such data must be obtained
using a common specimen size and the same procedure.
0.01 in. (0.3 mm) at the center of the support span. Each
dimension is to be measured at three points along the center
8.3 The following are commonly used and minimum re- line of the span and to use the average value of these
quirements for the test specimen geometry and test setup: measurements in order to get a better value in case the sides are
Common L/d = 10 Require 20 $ L/d $ 2 not truly parallel.
(Common requirement that the support span be ten times the thickness.)
Common L/b = 2.5 Require L/b $ 0.8
10.1.2 Determine the support span to be used and set up the
(Common requirement that support span be two and a half times the support span to within 1 % of the determined value. Measure
width.) this support span to the nearest 0.1 in. (3.0 mm) at three points
Common b/d = 4 Require b/d $ 1
(Common requirement that the width be four times the thickness.)
and record this measurement.
10.1.3 Calculate the rate of crosshead motion as follows and
where: set the machine for the calculated rate:
L = support span, in. (or mm),
R 5 ZL 2 /6d (1)
d = thickness of specimen, in. (or mm), and
b = width of specimen, in. (or mm). where:
NOTE 3—Examination of the minimum test requirements shows they R = rate of crosshead motion, in./min. (or mm/min.),
are not compatible. They represent a compromise of industrial practices
L = support span, in. (or mm),
with the emphasis toward the commonly used parameters. This incom-
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C203 − 05a (2017)
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Yildiz Teknik Universitesi (Yildiz Teknik Universitesi) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C203 − 05a (2017)
psi (3.79 MPa)/min, except as specified in the appropriate applicable. In this case, the yield strength, if applicable, shall
materials specification. be calculated and the corresponding strain be reported also (see
10.5 Methods I and II, Procedure D: 11.4, 11.5, and 11.6).
10.5.1 Use an untested specimen for each measurement. 11.4 Flexural Yield Strength—Some materials that do not
10.5.2 Test conditions shall be identical to those described break at outer fiber strains up to 5 % are capable of providing
in 10.1 or 10.2 except that the basis of testing shall be based on load-deflection curves that show a point, Y, at which the load
a constant crosshead speed of 10 to 12 in. (250 to 305 mm)/min does not increase with an increase in deflection. In such cases,
except as applicable in the materials specification. the flexural yield strength is calculated in accordance with Eq
6, Eq 7, or Eq 8, by letting P equal the load at point Y.
11. Calculations
11.5 Stress at a Given Strain—The maximum fiber stress at
11.1 Maximum Fiber Stress, Test Method I—When a beam any given strain is calculated in accordance with Eq 6, Eq 7, or
of homogeneous, elastic material is tested in flexure as a simple Eq 8, by letting P equal the load read from the load-deflection
beam supported at two points and loaded at the midpoint, the curve at the deflection corresponding to the applicable strain.
maximum stress in the outer fibers occurs at mid-span. This
stress is capable of being calculated for any point on the 11.6 Maximum Strain, Test Method I—The maximum strain
load-deflection curve by the following equation: in the outer fibers also occurs at midspan, and is calculated as
S 5 3PL/2bd 2 (6) 2
ε 5 6Dd/L (9)
The stress at any position, such as a non-central break
between the supporting bearing edges, is as follows: where:
ε = maximum strain in the outer fibers, in./in. (or mm/mm),
S 5 3PX/bd 2 (7)
D = maximum deflection of the center of the beam, in. (or
where: mm),
S = stress in the outer fibers, psi (or MPa), L = support span, in. (or mm), and
P = load at a given point on the load-deflection curve, lbf (or d = depth, in. (or mm).
N), 11.7 Maximum Strain, Test Method II—The maximum strain
L = support span, in. (or mm), in the outer fibers also occurs at midspan and is calculated as
b = width of beam tested, in. (or mm), follows:
d = depth of beam tested, in. (or mm), and 2
X = minimum distance from non-central break to support ε 5 6Fd/L (10)
bearing edge, in. (or mm). where D, d, L, and ε are the same as in Eq 4. Only for linear
Eq 6 applies strictly to materials for which the stress is elastic materials is the strain uniform in the central region
linearly proportional to strain up to the point of rupture, and for between the load fittings. In this case the strain is calculated as
which the strains are small. Use of the equations for simple follows:
beams cited in these methods assumes small deflection, linear ε 5 6Fd/L 2
beam theory which is applicable where L/d ≤ 16, D/d ≤ 1.0,
D/L ≤ 0.2. where F = deflection at load fixture at position L/4 or 3L/4,
in. (or mm).
11.2 Maximum Fiber Stress, Test Method II—When a beam
is loaded in flexure at two central points and supported at two NOTE 4—If the midspan deflection exceeds the depth of the test beam,
outer points, the maximum stress in the outer fibers occurs the assumption of a small deflection, linear beam theory is of questionable
validity. Corrections or a cautionary note, or both, must be included in the
between the two central loading points that define the load span report for the large deflection case where either D/d> 1 or D/L> 0.2.
(Fig. 2). This stress is capable of being calculated for any point
on the load-deflection curve for relatively small deflections by 11.8 Elastic Modulus:
the following equation: 11.8.1 Moment of Inertia—The moment of inertia is calcu-
lated as follows:
S 5 3PL/4bd 2 (8)
I 5 bd3 /12 (12)
S = stress in the outer fiber throughout central load span
between the two load fittings (L/4 ≤ X ≤ 3L/4), psi (or I = moment of inertia, in.4 (mm4),
b = specimen width, in. (mm), and
d = specimen thickness, in. (mm)
P = load at a given point on the load deflection curve, lbf (or
N), and 11.8.2 Elastic Modulus, Test Method I—The elastic modulus
L = support span, in. (or mm). in bending is calculated by the following equation:
11.3 Flexural Strength (Modulus of Rupture)—The flexural E 5 PL3 /48 I D (13)
strength is equal to the maximum stress in the outer fibers at the
moment of break. It is calculated in accordance with Eq 6, Eq
7, or Eq 8, by letting P equal the load at the moment of break. E = elastic modulus, psi (MPa),
If the material does not break, this part of the test is not D = corrected deflection at center of sample, in. (mm),
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C203 − 05a (2017)
I = moment of inertia, in.4 (mm4), 12.1.11 Maximum strain in the outer fibers of the
L = support span, in. (mm), and specimens,
P = load at a given deformation within the proportional limit 12.1.12 Breaking load, average value, and standard
of the specimen, lbf (N). deviation,
11.8.3 Elastic Modulus, Test Method II—The elastic modu- 12.1.13 Flexural strength (if applicable), average value, and
lus in bending is calculated by the following equations: standard deviation. Average deflection to depth ratio and
deflection to support span ratio at given flexural strength,
E 5 5PL 3 /384 I D or E 5 PL 3 /96 I δ (14)
12.1.14 Flexural yield strength, average value, and standard
where: deviation, and
D = corrected deflection at center of sample, in. (mm), and 12.1.15 Stress at any given strain up to and including 5 % ,
δ = corrected deflection at load fixture, in. (mm) and the rest with strain used, average value, and standard deviation.
of the parameters are as previously defined.
As discussed in 10.1.5, correct the apparent deflection of the 13. Precision and Bias
specimen to minimize errors due to any indentation of the 13.1 An interlaboratory study (ILS) on the breaking load
specimen at the support fixture and at the loading fixture(s). and flexural properties of block-type thermal insulation was
NOTE 5—Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus) is defined as the conducted in 2005. The eight laboratories participating in the
rate of change of unit stress with respect to unit strain within the ILS measured the breaking load/flexural property of five
proportional limit of a material. The load, P, must be selected within the randomly selected samples of four different block-type EPS/
proportional limit. XPS thermal insulations at two different cross-head speeds.
11.9 Arithmetic Mean—For each series of tests, calculate The ILS was conducted in accordance to Test Method C203-
the arithmetic mean of all values obtained to three significant 99, Method 1, Procedures A and B and Practice E691. 3
figures and report as the “average value” for the particular 13.2 Test Results—The precision information given below is
property in question. for the average breaking load/flexural property reported at
11.10 Standard Deviation (Normal, Gaussian)—Calculate yield, break or 5 % deflection, whichever occurs first, in the
the standard deviation (estimated) as follows and report to two units of measurement (psi) at a cross-head speed of 0.2in./min:
significant figures: Material Material Material Material
s5 Œ( X 2 2 n X̄
Average Test
Value, psi
91.17 30.52 40.81 45.40
s5 Œ( ~ X 2 X̄ !
(16) 95%
9.409 5.263 4.125 6.738
where: (between
s = estimated standard deviation, laboratories)
X = value of single observation, The precision information given below is for the average
n = number of observations, and breaking load/flexural property reported at yield, break or 5%
X̄ = arithmetic mean of the set of observations. deflection, whichever occurs first, in the units of measurement
NOTE 6—The Gaussian distribution is not always followed. other (psi) at a cross-head speed of 2.0in. /min:
distributions, such as the Weibull distribution are acceptable.
Material Material Material Material
12. Report Average Test 90.52 31.37 40.94 48.52
Value, psi
12.1 Report the following information:
12.1.1 Complete identification of the material tested, includ- 95% 7.385 4.215 3.314 3.509
repeatability limit
ing type, source, manufacturer’s code number, form, principal (within laboratory)
dimensions, and previous history,
12.1.2 Direction of cutting and loading specimens, 95% 11.624 4.877 3.723 7.040
reproducibility limit
12.1.3 Conditioning procedure, (between
12.1.4 Depth and width of specimen, laboratories)
12.1.5 Method used, 13.3 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
12.1.6 Procedure used, suitable for the bias for this flexural property test method, no
12.1.7 Support span length, statement on bias is being made.
12.1.8 Support span-to-depth ratio (L/d ratio); support span-
to-width ratio (L/b ratio); width-to-depth ratio (b/d ratio),
12.1.9 Radius of supports and loading fittings, 3
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
12.1.10 Rate of crosshead speed, be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C16-1032.
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C203 − 05a (2017)
13.4 Due to the nature of the equations involved, the is necessary, then the accuracy of the dimensional measure-
accuracy of the resultant flexural stress depends on the accu- ments of the specimen given in 10.1.1 shall be increased.
racy of the measured variables such as load, span, specimen
width, and thickness. For example, a variance or uncertainty of 14. Keywords
2 % in each of these measured variables will lead to a variance 14.1 breaking load; breaking strength; flexural strength;
of 4.5 % in the apparent flexural strength. If increased accuracy modulus of elasticity; modulus of rupture
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