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Astm C-94

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C 94/C 94M – 04

13.1.7 Specific class or designation of the concrete in statement that all tests performed by the laboratory or its agents
conformance with that employed in job specifications, were in accordance with the applicable test methods or shall
13.1.8 Amount of concrete in cubic yards (or cubic metres), note all known deviations from the prescribed procedures
13.1.9 Time loaded or of first mixing of cement and (Note 17). The reports shall also list any part of the test
aggregates, and methods not performed by the laboratory.
13.1.10 Water added by receiver of concrete and his initials.
13.2 Additional information for certification purposes as NOTE 17—Deviation from standard test methods may adversely affect
designated by the purchaser and required by the job specifica- test results.
tions shall be furnished when requested; such information as: NOTE 18—Deviation from standard moisture and temperature curing
conditions is often a reason for low strength test results. Such deviations
13.2.1 Reading of revolution counter at the first addition of
may invalidate the use of such test results as a basis for rejection of the
water, concrete.
13.2.2 Type, brand, and amount of cement,
13.2.3 Class, brand, and amount of coal fly ash, or raw or 16. Sampling and Testing Fresh Concrete
calcined natural pozzolans,
13.2.4 Grade, brand, and amount of ground granulated 16.1 The contractor shall afford the inspector all reasonable
blast-furnace slag, access and assistance, without charge, for the procurement of
13.2.5 Type, brand, and amount of silica fume, samples of fresh concrete at time of placement to determine
13.2.6 Type, brand, and amount of admixtures conformance of it to this specification.
13.2.7 Type, brand, and amount of fiber reinforcement, 16.2 Tests of concrete required to determine compliance
13.2.8 Source and amount of each metered or weighed with this specification shall be made by a certified ACI
water or recycled slurry, Concrete Field Testing Technician, Grade I or equivalent.
13.2.9 Information necessary to calculate the total mixing Equivalent personnel certification programs shall include both
water. Total mixing water includes free water on aggregates, written and performance examinations as outlined in ACI
batch water (metered or weighed) including ice batched at the CP-1.
plant, wash water retained in the mixing drum, and water added 16.3 Samples of concrete shall be obtained in accordance
by the truck operator from the mixer tank, with Practice C 172, except when taken to determine unifor-
13.2.10 Maximum size of aggregate, mity of slump within any one batch or load of concrete (10.4,
13.2.11 Mass (amount) of fine and coarse aggregate, 11.3.3, 11.5.1, and 12.4).
13.2.12 Ingredients certified as being previously approved,
and 16.4 Slump, air-content, density, and temperature tests shall
13.2.13 Signature or initials of producer’s representative. be made at the time of placement at the option of the inspector
as often as is necessary for control checks. In addition, these
14. Plant Inspection tests shall be made when specified and always when strength
14.1 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reason- specimens are made.
able access, without charge, for making necessary checks of 16.5 Strength tests as well as slump, temperature, density,
the production facilities and for securing necessary samples to and air content tests shall generally be made with a frequency
determine if the concrete is being produced in accordance with of not less than one test for each 150 yd3 (115 m3). Each test
this specification. All tests and inspection shall be so conducted shall be made from a separate batch. On each day concrete is
as not to interfere unnecessarily with the manufacture and delivered, at least one strength test shall be made for each class
delivery of concrete. of concrete.
15. Practices, Test Methods, and Reporting 16.6 If preliminary checks of slump or air content are made,
a single sample shall be taken after the discharge of not less
15.1 Test ready-mixed concrete in accordance with the than 1⁄4 yd3[1⁄4 m3]. All other requirements of Practice C 172
following methods: shall be retained. If the preliminary measurement of slump
15.1.1 Compression Test Specimens—Practice C 31/C 31M, (11.7) or air content (7.3) falls outside the specified limits,
using standard moist curing in accordance with the applicable
address as indicated in section 16.6.1 or 16.6.2 as appropriate.
provisions of Practice C 31/C 31M.
15.1.2 Compression Tests—Test Method C 39/C 39M. 16.6.1 If the measured slump or air content, or both is
15.1.3 Yield, Mass per Cubic Foot—Test Method C 138/ greater than the specified upper limit, a check test shall be
C 138M. made immediately on a new test sample. In the event the check
15.1.4 Air Content—Test Method C 138/C 138M; Test test fails, the concrete shall be considered to have failed the
Method C 173/C 173M or Test Method C 231. requirements of the specification.
15.1.5 Slump—Test Method C 143/C 143M. 16.6.2 If the measured slump or air content, or both is less
15.1.6 Sampling Fresh Concrete—Practice C 172. than the lower limit, permit adjustments in accordance with
15.1.7 Temperature—Test Method C 1064/C 1064M. 11.7 or 7.3 or both, as appropriate, and obtain a new sample. If
15.2 The testing laboratory performing acceptance tests of the sample of the adjusted concrete fails, a check test shall be
concrete shall meet the requirements of Practice C 1077. made immediately on a new sample of the adjusted concrete. In
15.3 Laboratory reports of concrete test results used to the event the check test fails, the concrete shall be considered
determine compliance with this specification shall include a to have failed the requirements of the specification.

C 94/C 94M – 04
17. Strength tially higher than the specified strength. The amount higher depends upon
the standard deviation of the test results and the accuracy with which that
17.1 When strength is used as a basis for acceptance of value can be estimated from prior data as explained in ACI 318 and
concrete, standard specimens shall be made in accordance to ACI 301. Pertinent data are given in Table 4.
Practice C 31/C 31M. The specimens shall be cured under
standard moisture and temperature conditions in accordance 18. Failure to Meet Strength Requirements
with the applicable provisions of Practice C 31/C 31M. The 18.1 In the event that concrete tested in accordance with the
technician performing the strength test shall be certified as an requirements of Section 17 fails to meet the strength require-
ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician, Concrete Labora- ments of this specification, the manufacturer of the ready-
tory Testing Technician—Grade II or by an equivalent written mixed concrete and the purchaser shall confer to determine
and performance test program covering the relevant test whether agreement can be reached as to what adjustment, if
methods. If acceptance is based upon compressive strength test any, shall be made. If an agreement on a mutually satisfactory
results, the certification requirement is satisfied by certification adjustment cannot be reached by the manufacturer and the
as an ACI Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade I or purchaser, a decision shall be made by a panel of three
by an equivalent written and performance test program. qualified engineers, one of whom shall be designated by the
17.2 For a strength test, at least two standard test specimens purchaser, one by the manufacturer, and the third chosen by
shall be made from a composite sample secured as required in these two members of the panel. The question of responsibility
Section 16. A test shall be the average of the strengths of the for the cost of such arbitration shall be determined by the
specimens tested at the age specified in or (Note panel. Its decision shall be binding, except as modified by a
19). If a specimen shows definite evidence other than low court decision.
strength, of improper sampling, molding, handling, curing, or
19. Keywords
testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining
cylinder shall then be considered the test result. 19.1 accuracy; blended hydraulic cement; certification;
ready-mixed concrete; scales; testing
NOTE 19—Additional tests may be made at other ages to obtain
information for determining form removal time or when a structure may TABLE 4 Overdesign Necessary to Meet Strength RequirementsA
be put in service. Specimens for such tests are cured according to the Number of Standard Deviation, psi Unknown
section on Field Curing in Practice C 31/C 31M. TestsB 300 400 500 600 700
15 466 622 851 1122 1392
17.3 The representative of the purchaser shall ascertain and 20 434 579 758 1010 1261 C
record the delivery-ticket number for the concrete and the exact 30 or more 402 526 665 898 1131
Standard Deviation, MPa
location in the work at which each load represented by a 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Unknown
strength test is deposited. 15 3.1 4.7 7.3 10.0 C
17.4 To conform to the requirements of this specification, 20 2.9 4.3 6.6 9.1
30 or more 2.7 4.0 5.8 8.2
strength tests representing each class of concrete must meet the
Add the tabulated amounts to the specified strength to obtain the required
following two requirements (Note 20): average strengths.
17.4.1 The average of any three consecutive strength tests B
Number of tests of a concrete mixture used to estimate the standard deviation
shall be equal to, or greater than, the specified strength, f 8c, and of a concrete production facility. The mixture used must have a strength within
1000 psi [7.0 MPa] of that specified and be made with similar materials. See
17.4.2 No individual strength test shall be more than 500 psi ACI 318.
[3.5 MPa] below the specified strength, f 8c. C
If less than 15 prior tests are available, the overdesign should be 1000 psi [7.0
MPa] for specified strength less than 3000 psi [20 MPa], 1200 psi [8.5 MPa] for
NOTE 20—Due to variations in materials, operations, and testing, the specified strengths from 3000 to 5000 psi [20 to 35 MPa] and 1400 psi [10.0 MPa]
average strength necessary to meet these requirements will be substan- for specified strengths greater than 5000 psi [35 MPa].


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The variation within a batch as provided in Table A1.1 conforming to the limits of five of the six tests listed in Table
shall be determined for each property listed as the difference A1.1 shall indicate uniform concrete within the limits of this
between the highest value and the lowest value obtained from specification.
the different portions of the same batch. For this specification
the comparison will be between two samples, representing the A1.2 Coarse Aggregate Content, using the washout test,
first and last portions of the batch being tested. Test results shall be computed from the following relations:

C 94/C 94M – 04
TABLE A1.1 Requirements for Uniformity of Concrete
Requirement, Expressed as
Maximum Permissible Difference in
Test Results of Tests of Samples
Taken from Two Locations
in the Concrete Batch
Mass per cubic foot [mass per cubic meter] calculated to an air-free basis, lb/ft3[kg/m3] 1.0 [16]
Air content, volume % of concrete 1.0
If average slump is 4 in. [100 mm] or less, in. [mm] 1.0 [25]
If average slump is 4 to 6 in. [100 to 150 mm], in. [mm] 1.5 [40]
Coarse aggregate content, portion by mass of each sample retained on No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, % 6.0
Mass per unit volume of air-free mortarA based on average for all comparative samples tested, %. 1.6
Average compressive strength at 7 days for each sample,B based on average strength of all comparative test specimens, % 7.5C
“Test for Variability of Constituents in Concrete,” Designation 26, Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual, 7th Edition.4
Not less than 3 cylinders will be molded and tested from each of the samples.
Approval of the mixer shall be tentative, pending results of the 7-day compressive strength tests.

P 5 ~c/b! 3 100 (A1.1) SI units:


where: M5 (A1.3)
V3A c
P = mass % of coarse aggregate in concrete, V 2 100 1 G
c = saturated-surface-dry mass in lb [kg] of aggregate
retained on the No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, resulting from where:
washing all material finer than this sieve from the fresh M = mass per unit volume of air-free mortar, lb/ft3 [kg/
concrete, and m3],
b = mass of sample of fresh concrete in mass per unit b = mass of concrete sample in mass container, lb [kg],
volume container, lb [kg]. c = saturated-surface-dry mass of aggregate retained on
No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, lb [kg],
A1.3 Mass per Unit Volume of Air Free Mortar shall be V = volume of mass per unit volume container, ft3 [m3],
calculated as follows: A = air content of concrete, %, measured in accordance
Inch-pound units: with 15.1.4 on the sample being tested, and
G = density of coarse aggregate (SSD).

M5 V3A c (A1.2)
V 2 100 1 G

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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