Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens
Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens
Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 684 – 99
4.2 Important characteristics of these procedures are shown 7.2 Molds:
in Table 1. 7.2.1 Cylinder molds for test specimens used in Procedures
A, B, and C shall conform to Specification C 470. Paper molds
5. Significance and Use
are excluded. When specimens are to be tested without
5.1 The accelerated curing procedures provide, at the earli- capping, use only reusable molds with machined end plates
est practical time, an indication of the potential strength of a that can be securely connected to both top and bottom of the
specific concrete mixture. These procedures also provide mold. The end plates shall produce specimens with bearing
information on the variability of the production process for use surfaces that are plane within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) and whose
in quality control. ends do not depart from perpendicularity to the axis of the
5.2 The accelerated early strength obtained from any of the cylinder by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 10
procedures in this test method can be used to evaluate concrete mm/m (1⁄8 in. in 12 in.). When assembled, the mold assembly
strengths in the same way conventional 28-day strengths have is sufficiently tight to permit the filled mold to be turned from
been used in the past, with suitable changes in the expected
the vertical filling position to a horizontal curing position
strength values. Since the practice of using strength values
without loss of mortar or damage to the test specimen.
obtained from standard-cured cylinders at 28 days is long
established and widespread, the results of accelerated strength 7.2.2 Cylinder molds for Procedure D shall conform to the
tests are often used to estimate the later-age strength under following:
standard curing. Such estimates should be limited to concretes Made of stainless steel,
using the same materials and mixture proportions as those used Equipped with removable top and bottom metal
for establishing the correlation. Appendix X2 provides a plugs and O-ring seals,
procedure to estimate the 90 % confidence interval of the Equipped with a heating element capable of raising
average later-age strength based on accelerated strength test the concrete temperature within the mold to 150 6 3°C (300 6
results. 5°F) within 30 6 5 min, and are capable of maintaining this
5.3 Correlation between accelerated strength and strength temperature throughout the time required by the test procedure,
achieved at some later age by using conventional curing
methods depends upon the materials comprising the concrete, Equipped with devices to measure the temperature
the mixture proportions, and the specific accelerated test within each mold to ascertain that the temperature of the
procedure. concrete satisfies the temperature requirements stated herein,
5.4 The user shall choose which procedure to use on the and
basis of experience and local conditions. These procedures, in Equipped with a companion loading component
general, will be practical when a field laboratory is available to capable of maintaining a pressure of 10.3 MPa 6 0.2 MPa
house the curing containers and the testing equipment to (1500 6 25 psi) on the concrete during the curing period.
measure compressive strength within the specified time limits. 7.3 Curing Apparatus:
6. Interferences 7.3.1 Accelerated Curing Tank for Procedures A and B: The tank is of any configuration suitable for the
6.1 When wet sieving of the concrete sample is required
number of cylinders to be tested. Arrange the cylinders in any
prior to molding the test specimens due to maximum aggregate
configuration that provides a clearance of at least 50 mm (2 in.)
size limitations (such as Procedure D, which is limited to 25
mm maximum), consider the effect of wet sieving on the air between the side of each cylinder and the side of the tank, and
content and strength of the test specimens. at least 100 mm (4 in.) between adjacent cylinders. Maintain
the water level at least 100 mm (4 in.) above the tops of the
7. Apparatus cylinders.
7.1 Equipment and small tools for fabricating specimens, NOTE 1—Provision for an overflow pipe is a convenience in controlling
measuring slump, and determining air content shall conform to the maximum depth of water. A number of different tanks have been used
Practice C 31/C 31M. successfully. Guidelines are given in Appendix X1.
C 684 – 99 Equip the tank with environmental control ele- 9.2 Observe the additional safety measures indicated when
ment(s) capable of: (1) providing the specified water tempera- using Procedure B to prevent scalding or other burns resulting
ture, (2) maintaining the water temperature within 63°C from the use of boiling water as a curing medium.
(65°F) of the specified value at any point in the water, and (3) 9.3 Observe the additional safety measures indicated when
limiting the temperature drop, after immersion of specimens, to using Procedure D to prevent injury due to the high tempera-
less than 3°C (5°F) and returning to the specified water ture and pressure used for curing.
temperature within 15 min. Thermometers or other temperature
recording devices are required, independent of the thermostat, 10. Sampling
to check the temperature of the water. 10.1 Determine the number of tests required from the
NOTE 2—Depending upon the design features of the tank, insulation or concrete lot(s) or process. Use a random or systematic plan that
mechanical agitation, or both, might be necessary to meet the specified provides the number of tests needed to characterize the strength
temperature requirements. Electrical immersion heaters controlled by a of the concrete used in the construction.
thermostat are one suitable form of heating elements. For a particular 10.2 If the lot(s) or process is stratified into sublots, locate
procedure, the size of the heating element required will depend upon the the samples using a stratified random procedure. If circum-
size of the tank and the number of specimens to be cured at one time. stances dictate a non-stratified approach, use a random proce- The plate supporting the specimens is perforated to dure.
permit circulation of the water.
NOTE 4—A stratified random sampling procedure can be implemented A close fitting lid to reduce evaporation is required by dividing each lot of concrete into a number of equal-sized sublots, and
for Procedure B but is optional for Procedure A. randomly selecting a sample from each sublot. The number of sublots
7.3.2 Curing Container for Procedure C: equals the number of samples that were scheduled to be taken from the lot. The container consists of thermal insulation meeting For example, if the job requirements called for each 500 m3 of concrete to
heat retention requirements of 12.2.1 and closely surrounding be treated as a lot and that five samples be obtained from each lot to
the concrete specimen. determine compressive strength, divide the lot into five equal-sized
sublots of 100 m3 each. Randomly obtain one sample from each sublot. The container is capable of being opened to permit Test results from the five samples obtained in this manner provide
insertion and withdrawal of the specimen and has an outer unbiased estimates of the compressive strength of the 500 m3 lot. This is
casing and inner liner to protect the insulation from mechanical the most practical approach to ensure that the samples obtained include the
damage. entire range of concrete in the production process. If unequal size sublots The container has a maximum-minimum recording occur due to the construction process, weighting of the test results may be
thermometer which is not insulated from the concrete specimen appropriate to maintain the fairness and defensibility of the sampling
(see Note 10).
NOTE 5—Practice D 3665 contains a table of random numbers, includ- The container has a lid or other means to provide ing instructions for use. Practices E 105, E 122, and E 141 contain
secure closure during the specified curing period. The lid additional information concerning sampling practices.
includes a heat seal that satisfies the requirements of 12.2.2.
10.3 Sample the freshly mixed concrete in accordance with The container is capable of holding either one or two
Practice C 172. Record in the job records the location at which
the sampled batch is used in the structure.
NOTE 3—Examples of suitable containers are included in Appendix X1.
Any configuration is acceptable provided it meets the performance 11. Preparation of Apparatus
requirements of 12.2.
11.1 Methods A and B:
7.3.3 Curing Apparatus for Procedure D: 11.1.1 Activate the environmental control elements at least The curing apparatus consists of a loading system to 1 h prior to the start of a scheduled test to allow the temperature
apply the specified pressure to the concrete specimens and of the water and equipment to stabilize.
special molds to maintain the concrete specimens at the 11.2 Method C:
specified temperature during the curing period. The curing 11.2.1 Conduct the proving tests specified in Section 12
apparatus can be of any configuration suitable for the number prior to scheduling tests.
of cylindrical specimens to be tested. Appendix X1 describes a 11.3 Method D:
successful apparatus designed for curing three specimens. 11.3.1 Clean and check the molds and end plugs before
7.4 Capping Apparatus: starting a test. Standardize the loading system in accordance
7.4.1 If capping of the test specimens is required, use the with Section 12 prior to scheduling tests.
apparatus specified in Practice C 617 or Practice C 1231.
12. Standardization
8. Materials 12.1 For all methods, verify the calibration of temperature
8.1 Capping compound or pad caps for use when the ends of measurement, control, and recording components on a frequent
the test specimens are unsuitable for testing without capping. periodic basis. Calibrate such components in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations or standard laboratory
9. Hazards practice.
9.1 Observe OSHA requirements and standard laboratory 12.2 Method C Requirements:
and field safety precautions when sampling, molding, curing, 12.2.1 Heat Retention—Place a watertight cylindrical con-
and testing concrete. tainer with internal dimensions of 300 mm (12 in.) in height by
C 684 – 99
150 mm (6 in.) in diameter into the autogenous curing After curing for 23.5 h 6 30 min, remove the
container. Fill the container to within 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) of the brim specimens from the tank and remove the molds.
with water at a temperature of 82°C (180°F). Insert a thermo- 14.1.3 Capping and Testing:
couple into the water and measure the initial temperature of the Cap the ends of specimens that are not plane within
water with a suitable readout device. Then seal the water 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) or that depart from perpendicularity to the
container with a cap or plastic bag and close the autogenous central axis by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 10
container. When the autogenous curing container is stored in mm/m (1⁄8 in. in 12 in.)) as specified in Practice C 617 or
still air at 21 6 1°C (70 6 2°F), the water temperature Practice C 1231 (see Note 7).
requirements are as follows:
NOTE 7—Grinding of cylinders to achieve the flatness requirements is
Elapsed time, h °C °F permitted provided the specimens are tested within the specified time
12 67 6 3 152 6 5
24 58 6 3 136 6 6 For bonded caps, use capping material that devel-
48 45 6 4 114 6 7
72 38 6 4 100 6 8 ops, at an age of 30 min when tested in accordance with the
provisions of Practice C 617, a strength equal to or greater than
12.2.2 Tightness Test for Gasket Heat Seal—When the the strength of the specimens to be tested.
autogenous curing container is immersed in water to a depth of If bonded caps are used, do not test specimens
150 mm (6 in.) above the joint between the separable parts, no sooner than 30 min after capping.
air shall escape through the heat seal within a period of 5 min. Test the specimens for strength in accordance with
12.2.3 Stability of the Container—The container, or any part Test Method C 39 at the age of 24 h 6 15 min.
thereof, shall not display embrittlement, fracturing, or distor- 14.2 Procedure B—Boiling Water Method:
tion when maintained in an ambient temperature of − 30°C 14.2.1 Preparation of Test Specimens:
(−20°F) for 72 h, nor softening or distortion when maintained Prepare specimens in accordance with 14.1.1.
at an ambient temperature of 60°C (140°F) for 72 h. The gasket 14.2.2 Initial Curing:
type heat seal immediately shall recover fully its original Cover the specimens to prevent loss of moisture
thickness after 50 % compression under the temperature con- and store so that they will not be disturbed. Maintain the
ditions specified above. storage area temperature at 21 6 6°C (70 6 10°F). Adhere to
12.3 Method D: the requirements of Practice C 31/C 31M in the protection and
12.3.1 Verify the calibration of the loading component on a storage of test specimens.
periodic basis. If the loading component is also used for
compression testing of the specimens, follow the requirements NOTE 8—Strict attention to the protection and storage of the specimens
during this initial period is necessary for meaningful results because of the
of Test Method C 39.
short total curing period.
C 684 – 99
14.3.1 Preparation of Test Specimens: 14.4.2 Curing: Prepare specimens in accordance with 14.1.1. Immediately after molding, cover each mold with a
metal plug to seal the concrete inside the mold during the
NOTE 11—Metal, reusable molds with end plates and clamps may be
impracticable for Procedure C. curing process. Stack the molds vertically and place them in the
14.3.2 Curing: loading apparatus described in Apply and maintain a Immediately after molding, cover the mold with a pressure of 10.3 6 0.2 MPa (1500 6 25 psi) on the concrete
metal plate or a tightly fitted cap and place in a heavy-duty within the molds.
plastic bag from which as much of the entrapped air as possible Activate the heating element specified in 7.2.2 to
is expelled prior to tying the neck. (Alternatively, a moisture- elevate the temperature of the specimen to 150 6 3°C (300 6
tight plastic cap may be used.) Use a plastic bag of sufficient 5°F) within 30 6 5 minutes. The curing period begins when the
strength to resist punctures and serve as a lifting grip for heating element is activated.
placing and removing the specimen from the autogenous The curing period lasts 5 h 6 5 min. During the
container. first 3 h, maintain the specimen temperature at 150 6 3°C Reset the maximum-minimum thermometer, and, (3006 5°F). After 3 h, turn off the heating element and
after the specimen is inserted into the container, secure the maintain the pressure at 10.3 6 0.2 MPa (1500 6 25 psi) for
container lid. the remainder of the curing period. Clearly record the time of molding to the nearest 15 At the end of the curing period, release the pres-
min and the temperature of the freshly molded concrete on the sure, remove the molds from the loading apparatus, and
outside of the curing container. extrude the specimens from the molds. Store the curing container for at least 12 h in a
location not subject to disturbance or direct sunlight, and NOTE 14—Precaution: The use of high temperature and pressure
preferably at a temperature of 21 6 6°C (70 6 10°F). imposes the need for safety measures to prevent scalding or eye burns
resulting from sudden escape of steam upon removal of plugs from the At the age of 48 h 6 15 min after the specimen was molds. In addition to other precautions, wear eye, face, and hand
molded, remove the specimen from the container and remove protection, while removing the specimens from the molds. It is suggested
the mold. Allow to stand at room temperature for 30 min. that the plugs be removed by prying in a direction away from the operator. Record the maximum and minimum temperatures NOTE 15—Polypropylene plastic liners can be used inside the molds to
in the container indicated on the thermometer. facilitate extrusion of the cured concrete from the molds.
NOTE 12—Comparison of the maximum and minimum temperatures 14.4.3 Capping and Testing:
with the recorded temperature of the fresh concrete will provide an Normally the specimens do not need to be capped
indication of abnormal or interrupted curing which may cause high or low for testing since the metal plugs produce suitably plane bearing
strength results. surfaces. If the end surfaces do not meet the requirements of
14.3.3 Capping and Testing:, cap the specimens in accordance with 14.1.3. Cap and test the specimens in accordance with Test the specimens for strength in accordance with
14.1.3, except that the age at the time of test is 49 h 6 15 min. Test Method C 39 within 15 min after removing the molds.
When capping is required, test the specimens 30 min after
NOTE 13—Capping and testing may be performed at an age different
from that specified in 14.3.3. Agencies using the procedure have, for
convenience, established relationships between test results at 24, 72, and NOTE 16—The loading apparatus used for the curing period can also be
96 h with those obtained by standard moist curing. However, at 24 h, the designed to function as a suitable compression testing machine (see
relationship is less satisfactory than those obtained by accelerated autog- Appendix X1).
enous curing for 48, 72, or 96 h. Where the curing period is other than that
specified in 14.3.3, the age at testing should be the curing period plus 1 h. 15. Interpretation of Results6
The tolerance of 615 min should still apply.
15.1 Strength requirements in existing specifications and
14.4 Procedure D—High Temperature and Pressure codes are not based upon accelerated curing; therefore, apply
Method: results from this test method in the prediction of specification
14.4.1 Preparation of Test Specimens: compliance of strengths at later ages with great caution. As For the curing apparatus described in Appendix stated in Section 17, the variability of the test method is the
X1, the molds are 75 3 150 mm (3 3 6 in.) cylinders. Seal the same or less than that from traditional methods. Thus, results
molds with their bottom plugs before filling with concrete. can be used in rapid assessment of variability for process Procedure D is limited to concrete containing control and signalling the need for indicated adjustments. On
25-mm (1-in.) maximum size aggregate. Wet sieve concrete the other hand, the magnitude of the strength values obtained is
containing aggregate larger than 25 mm (1 in.) in accordance influenced by the specific combination of materials so that the
with Practice C 172. use of the results from either conventional tests at any arbitrary Place the concrete in the molds in two equal layers age or those from this test method must be supported by
and rod each layer 10 times. Screed the top of the concrete with
a special tool (see Fig. X1.3) to achieve the level of concrete
required to receive the top metal plug that transmits the 6
Carino, N. J., “Prediction of Potential Concrete Strength at Later Ages,” ASTM
designated pressure of 10.36 0.2 MPa (1500 6 25 psi) to the STP 169C, Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete Making
concrete in the mold. Materials, 1994, pp. 140–152.
C 684 – 99
experience or correlations developed by the specific agency for 17. Precision and Bias
the existing local conditions and materials.
17.1 Precision:
15.2 When this test method is used as a means to estimate
standard-cured strength at a specified age, statistical methods 17.1.1 The data used to prepare the following precision
shall be used to account for the various uncertainties associated statements was obtained using measurements in the inch-pound
with making such estimates. Appendix X2 provides an accept- system.
able procedure for this purpose. Prior to using this test method 17.1.2 The single-laboratory coefficient of variation for
to estimate standard-cured strength, all interested parties shall specimens cast from the same batch has been determined as
agree on the statistical procedures to be used and how the 3.6 % for 150 3 300-mm (6 3 12-in.) cylinders (as used in
results are to be interpreted. If this test method is used for Procedures A, B, and C) and as 6.7 % for 75 3 150-mm
acceptance testing, the acceptance criterion shall be stated in (3 3 6-in.) cylinders (as used in Procedure D) (Note 18).
the project documents. Therefore, for 150 3 300-mm (6 3 12-in.) cylinders tested
according to Procedures A, B, and C, individual results of two
NOTE 17—A recommended criterion for acceptance of concrete on the
basis of accelerated strength testing is that the lower limit of the 90 %
properly conducted strength tests, by the same laboratory on
confidence interval of the estimated average strength of the sample tested specimens made from the same batch, should not differ more
should conform to the acceptance criteria for standard moist-cured than 10.1 % of their average. For 75 3 150-mm (3 3 6-in.)
cylinders. cylinders tested according to Procedure D, the maximum
acceptable difference between three individual test results is
16. Report 22.1 %.
16.1 Report the following for each test specimen: 17.1.3 The single-laboratory, coefficient of variation for test
16.1.1 Identification number, results among batches cast on different days has been deter-
16.1.2 Diameter (and length, if not standard) in millimetres mined as 8.7 % for 150 3 300-mm (6 3 12-in.) cylinders as
(or inches), used in Procedures A, B, and C, and as 20 % for 75 3 150-mm
16.1.3 Cross-sectional area, in square millimetres (or square (3 3 6-in.) cylinders as used in Procedure D (Note 19). A test
inches), result is the average strength of two specimens for Procedures
16.1.4 Maximum load, in newtons (or pounds-force), A, B, and C and the average of three specimens for Procedure
16.1.5 Compressive strength calculated to the nearest 0.1 D. Therefore, results of two properly conducted strength tests
MPa (10 psi), from different batches of the same materials cast on different
16.1.6 Type of fracture, if other than the usual cone, days should differ by no more than 24.4 % of their average for
16.1.7 Defects in either the specimen or the caps (if used), 150 3 300-mm (6 3 12-in.) cylinders and 56.0 % for
16.1.8 Age of the specimens, 75 3 150-mm (3 3 6-in.) cylinders (Note 19).
16.1.9 Accelerated curing procedure used,
16.1.10 Maximum and minimum temperature to the near- NOTE 18—These numbers represent the (1s %) limit as described in
est° C (°F) if Procedure C was used. Practice C 670.
16.1.11 If applicable, method of transportation used for NOTE 19—These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s %) and
shipping the specimens to the laboratory, and (d2s %) limits as described in Practice C 670.
16.1.12 Ambient temperature of the specimen during initial
curing in Procedure B or of the container during storage for 18. Keywords
Procedure C. 18.1 accelerated curing; compressive strength; testing
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Accelerated Curing Tank (Procedures A and B) X1.1.3 For a tank containing two or three specimens, two
X1.1.1 Curing tanks similar to that shown in Fig. X1.1 have coupled elements (1500 and 5000 W) have been found suitable
been used successfully. for use with Procedure B. While the smaller elements will
X1.1.2 Properly designed tanks will ensure an almost uni- maintain the specified curing temperature, the larger element is
form temperature throughout the tank without the need for a required as a booster to reestablish boiling within the specified
mechanical stirrer. Locate the immersion heaters centrally in time after the specimens have been immersed. Where the tank
the plan and as near to the bottom of the tank as possible. The is to be used solely for Procedure A, the above heaters are also
water above the heater will then be kept in circulation by suitable, but a single 3000-W element has also been found
convection currents. suitable. With the 3000-W element, the tank may be of larger
C 684 – 99
and 12.2.3 are met. A suitable gasket is flexible polyurethane
foam (32 kg/m3 or 2 lb/ft3) maintained when closed at 50 %
X1.2.4 Foamed-in-place closed-cell polyurethane having a
density of between 32 and 48 kg/m3(2 and 3 lb/ft3) and thermal
conductivity equal to or less than 0.02 W/m·K (0.15 Btu·in./
h·ft3°F) in accordance with Test Method C 177 has been found
to be a suitable insulating material at the thicknesses specified
to meet the heat retention requirements of 12.2.1.
X1.2.5 The maximum-minimum thermometer should cover
a range from − 10 to 65°C (20 to 150°F) in 1° increments.
FIG. X1.2 Autogenous Curing Container for One or Two Cylinders FIG. X1.3 Schematic of High-Temperature and Pressure Curing
(Procedure C) Apparatus (Procedure D)
C 684 – 99
X1.3.4 The hydraulic jack and accumulator shall be X1.3.5 If it is desired to use the apparatus to test the
equipped with a pressure gage to indicate the pressure being specimens, then the apparatus shall be designed to function as
applied to the concrete in the molds. The accumulator shall be a compression testing machine satisfying the requirements of
calibrated so that it will maintain the required pressure of 10.3 Test Method C 39.
6 0.2 MPa (1500 6 25 psi).
least-squares regression analysis is used to obtain the equation
of the line representing the relationship between standard- 1 Sxy2
Se 5 n–2 Syy – S (X2.8)
cured and accelerated strengths (1,2).7 This relationship is xx
C 684 – 99
Therefore, the equation of the relationship between accelerated lower and upper 90 % confidence limits, which are shown in
strength (X) and standard-cured strength (Y) is as follows: Fig. X2.1. Note that the width of the confidence band is
Y 5 19.50 1 1.19 X ~MPa! (X2.10) narrowest when Xi equals X̄, because the second term under the
square root sign in Eq X2.12 equals zero.
Fig. X2.1 shows the 12 data pairs and the calculated best-fit
line. The residual standard deviation of the line, se, is as X2.3 Estimate of Later-Age Strength
X2.3.1 Suppose that the average accelerated strength of two
se 5 Œ S
1 125.222
10 164.14 – 105.32 D 5 1.23 MPa ~178 psi!
cylinders made in the field from similar concrete is 17.0 MPa
(2470 psi). From the regression equation, the estimated average
(X2.11) 28-day, standard-cured strength is 39.7 MPa (5760 psi). If the
accelerated strength was known without error, the 90 % con-
X2.2 Confidence Band for Regression Line
fidence interval for the average 28-day strength would be 38.8
X2.2.1 Because of the uncertainties in the estimates of the to 40.6 MPa (5630 to 5890 psi) (see the bottom of Table X2.1).
slope and the intercept of the line, there will be uncertainty However, the accelerated strength has an uncertainty that is
when the line is used to estimate the average standard-cured described by the within-batch standard deviation, which can be
strength from a measured accelerated strength. This uncer- estimated from the differences between the accelerated
tainty may be expressed by constructing the 90 % confidence strengths of pairs of cylinders (6). Assume that the compressive
band for the line (1,5). This band is obtained by calculating Yi strengths measured on field-prepared cylinders by the specific
for selected values of Xi using the equation of the line and accelerated test method has a within-batch coefficient of
plotting Yi 6 Wi, versus Xi. The term Wi is the half-width of the variation of 3.0 %. Therefore, the standard deviation, s, at an
confidence band at Xi and is given by the following equation: average strength of 17.0 MPa is 0.51 MPa (74 psi). The 90 %
Wi 5 se =2 F Œ1 ~Xi – X̄!2
n 1 Sxx (X2.12)
confidence interval for the average accelerated strength of the
two cylinders is as follows:
where: 17.0 6 z0.05 5 17.0 6 1.645 3 0.51 3 0.707
se = residual standard deviation for the best-fit line (Eq 5 17.0 6 0.6 MPa ~2470 6 90 psi! (X2.13)
F = value from F-distribution for 2 and n-2 degrees of where z0.05 is the value from the standard normal distribution
freedom and significance level 0.10, corresponding to 5 % of the area under the curve. Thus the
n = number of data points used to establish regression 90 % confidence interval8 for the average accelerated strength
line, is 16.4 to 17.6 MPa (2380 to 2550 psi). Projecting the limits of
Xi = selected value of accelerated strength, and this interval to the lower and upper confidence bands of the
X̄ = grand average value of accelerated strength for all data regression line results in 38.2 to 41.4 MPa (5540 to 6010 psi)
used to establish the regression line. for the approximate 90 % confidence interval for the average
The third column in Table X2.1 lists the estimated average standard-cured, 28-day strength. Each different measurement
28-day strengths for the accelerated strengths in Column 1. The of accelerated strength produces a new confidence interval for
value of Wi at each value Xi is listed in the fourth column of the average 28-day strength. The use of a personal computer is
Table X2.1. Finally, Columns 5 and 6 list the values of the recommended for implementing the preceding calculations for
routine use.
X2.3.2 As the regression equation starts to be used on the
project, companion cylinders should be prepared along with
cylinders for accelerated testing. The companion cylinders
would be subjected to standard curing and tested for compres-
sive strength at the designated age. The measured standard-
cured strengths should be compared with the confidence
intervals for the estimated strengths based on the companion
accelerated strengths. If the measured strengths consistently
fall outside the estimated confidence intervals, the reliability of
the regression line and its associated statistics is questionable.
The 90 % confidence interval is often interpreted to mean that there is a 90 %
probability that the true mean falls within the interval. However, the correct
interpretation is as follows: If 100 repeated samples are taken from the same
population and the 90 % confidence intervals for the mean are computed in each
case, 90 of the intervals would include the true mean. The 90 % confidence band for
the regression line has a similar interpretation: If 100 groups of data are taken from
the same population and the 90 % confidence bands are computed for the regression
FIG. X2.1 Confidence Bands for the Estimated 28-day Strength equations, 90 % of those bands would include the true regression line for the
Based on Measured Accelerated Strength; 90 % Confidence population. See Mendenhall and Sincich (7) for further explanations on the proper
Interval for an Accelerated Strength of 17.0 MPa are Shown interpretation of confidence intervals.
C 684 – 99
The new companion results should be added to the data set strength test results. The procedure accounts for the uncertainty
from the laboratory correlation testing to calculate a new in the regression line and in the measured accelerated strength.
regression line and its corresponding statistics. This new line It is insufficient to simply use the regression equation to
should be used for subsequent estimates of potential later-age convert the accelerated strength to an equivalent 28-day
strength. The making of companion sets of accelerated and strength. Additional information on the procedure presented in
standard-cured cylinders should be continued until the mea- the example may be found in the references by Moore and
sured strengths consistently fall within the corresponding Taylor (8) and in Miller (5). Finally, it is emphasized that a
calculated confidence intervals. Once the reliability of the particular regression equation is valid only for a specific
procedure has been demonstrated, companion cylinders should accelerated test procedure and combination of materials.
be made at random intervals to reconfirm that the procedure Therefore, each laboratory must conduct enough tests with a
continues to be reliable. given set of materials and a certain procedure to establish the
X2.4 Summary regression line and its confidence bands before estimations of
X2.4.1 A procedure has been presented to estimate the standard-cured strengths are possible.
average standard-cured, 28-day strength from accelerated
(1) Natrella, M. G., Experimental Statistics, NBS Handbook 91, National (5) Miller, R.G., Simultaneous Statistical Inference, 2nd ed., Springer-
Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, August 1963. Verlag, New York, 1981.
(2) Draper, N.R., and Smith, H., Applied Regression Analysis, 2nd ed., (6) “Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results of
John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1981. Concrete,” ACI 214-77(97), Reported by ACI Committee 214, Ameri-
(3) Wills, M.H., “Early Assessment of Concrete Quality by Accelerating can Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
Compressive Strength Development with Heat (Results of ASTM
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No. 4, July 1975, pp. 251-262. Sciences, 3rd ed., Dellen Publishing Co., San Francisco, CA, 1992.
(4) Carino, N.J., “Prediction of Potential Strength at Later Ages,” Chapter (8) Moore, J.K., and Taylor, M.A., “Statistical Properties of Techniques
15, ASTM STP 169C, Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete for Predicting Concrete Strength and Examples of Their Use,” ACI
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eds., 1994, pp. 140-152. Concrete Institute, 1978, pp. 259-283.
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