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Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete - C900 - 15

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Designation: C900 − 15

Standard Test Method for

Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C900; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers determination of the pullout 3.1 Definitions:
strength of hardened concrete by measuring the force required 3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer to
to pull an embedded metal insert and the attached concrete Terminology C125.
fragment from a concrete test specimen or structure. The insert
is either cast into fresh concrete or installed in hardened 4. Summary of Test Method
concrete. This test method does not provide statistical proce- 4.1 A metal insert is either cast into fresh concrete or
dures to estimate other strength properties. installed into hardened concrete. When a measure of the
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the in-place pullout strength is desired, the insert is pulled by
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this means of a jack reacting against a bearing ring. The pullout
test method. strength is determined by measuring the maximum force
required to pull the insert from the concrete mass.
1.3 The text of this test method references notes and
Alternatively, the insert is loaded to a specified load to verify
footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and
whether a minimum level of in-place pullout strength has been
footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be
considered as requirements of this test method.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 5. Significance and Use
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 5.1 For a given concrete and a given test apparatus, pullout
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- strengths can be related to compressive strength test results.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Such strength relationships are affected by the configuration of
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (Warning—Fresh the embedded insert, bearing ring dimensions, depth of
hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may cause embedment, and the type of aggregate (lightweight or normal
chemical burns to skin and tissue upon prolonged exposure.2) weight). Before use, the relationships must be established for
2. Referenced Documents each test system and each new concrete mixture. Such rela-
tionships are more reliable if both pullout test specimens and
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 compressive strength test specimens are of similar size, con-
C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag- solidated to similar density, and cured under similar conditions.
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements NOTE 1—Published reports (1-17)4 by different researchers present their
for Test Methods for Construction Materials experiences in the use of pullout test equipment. Refer to ACI 228.1R (14)
for guidance on establishing a strength relationship and interpreting test
E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines results. The Appendix provides a means for comparing pullout strengths
E74 Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instruments obtained using different configurations.
for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Machines 5.2 If a strength relationship has been established experi-
mentally and accepted by the specifier of tests, pullout tests are
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on used to estimate the in-place strength of concrete to establish
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee whether it has reached a specified level so that, for example:
C09.64 on Nondestructive and In-Place Testing.
Current edition approved May 1, 2015. Published June 2015. Originally
(1) post-tensioning may proceed;
approved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as C900 – 14. DOI: (2) forms and shores may be removed;
10.1520/C0900-15. (3) structure may be placed into service; or
Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, (4) winter protection and curing may be terminated.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The boldface numbers refer to the list of references at the end of this test
the ASTM website. method.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C900 − 15
In addition, post-installed pullout tests may be used to NOTE 2—A center-pull hydraulic jack with a pressure gauge that has
estimate the strength of concrete in existing construction. been standardized according to Annex A1 and that reacts against a bearing
ring has been used satisfactorily.
5.3 When planning pullout tests and analyzing test results,
consideration should be given to the normally expected de- 6.1.1 Cast-in-place inserts shall be made of metal that does
crease of concrete strength with increasing height within a not react with the constituents of the concrete. The insert shall
given concrete placement in a structural element. consist of a cylindrical head and a shaft to fix embedment
depth. The shaft shall be attached firmly to the center of the
5.4 The measured pullout strength is indicative of the head (see Fig. 1). The insert shaft shall be threaded to the insert
strength of concrete within the region represented by the conic head so that it can be removed and replaced by a stronger shaft
frustum defined by the insert head and bearing ring. For typical to pullout the insert, or it shall be an integral part of the insert
surface installations, pullout strengths are indicative of the and also function as the pullout shaft. Metal components of
quality of the outer zone of concrete members and can be of cast-in-place inserts and attachment hardware shall be of
benefit in evaluating the cover zone of reinforced concrete similar material to prevent galvanic corrosion. Post-installed
members. inserts shall be designed so that they will fit into the drilled
5.5 Cast-in-place inserts require that their locations in the holes, and can be expanded subsequently to fit into the grooves
structure be planned in advance of concrete placement. Post- that are undercut at a predetermined depth (see Fig. 2).
installed inserts can be placed at any desired location in the NOTE 3—A successful post-installed system uses a split ring that is
structure provided the requirements of 7.1 are satisfied. coiled to fit into the core hole and then expanded into the groove.
5.6 This test method is not applicable to other types of 6.1.2 The loading system shall consist of a bearing ring to
post-installed tests that, if tested to failure, do not involve the be placed against the hardened concrete surface (see Figs. 1
same failure mechanism and do not produce the same conic and 2) and a tensile loading apparatus, with a load-measuring
frustum as for the cast-in-place test described in this test device that can be attached to the pullout shaft.
method (16). 6.1.3 The test apparatus shall include centering features to
6. Apparatus ensure that the bearing ring is concentric with the insert, and
that the applied load is axial to the pullout shaft, perpendicular
6.1 The apparatus requires three basic sub-systems: a pull- to the bearing ring, and uniform on the bearing ring.
out insert, a loading system, and a load-measuring system
(Note 2). For post-installed inserts, additional equipment 6.2 Equipment dimensions shall be determined as follows
includes a core drill, a planing tool to prepare a flat bearing (see Fig. 1):
surface, a grinding tool to undercut a groove to engage the 6.2.1 The diameter of the insert head (d2) is the basis for
insert, and an expansion tool to expand the insert into the defining the test geometry. The thickness of the insert head and
groove. the yield strength of the metal shall be sufficient to prevent

FIG. 1 Schematic Cross Section of Cast-in-Place Pullout Test

C900 − 15

FIG. 2 Schematic of Procedure for Post-Installed Pullout Test

yielding of the insert during test. The sides of the insert head vibration of the surrounding concrete.
shall be smooth (see Note 5). The insert head diameter shall be 6.2.2 For cast-in–place inserts, the distance from the insert
at least 2⁄3 of the nominal maximum size of aggregate. head to the concrete surface (h) shall equal the diameter of the
NOTE 4—Typical insert diameters are 25 and 30 mm, but larger insert head (d2). The diameter of the insert shaft at the head (d1)
diameters have been used (1, 3). Tests (15) have shown that nominal shall not exceed 0.60 d2.
maximum aggregate sizes up to 1.5 times the head diameter do not have 6.2.3 For post-installed inserts, the groove to accept the
significant effects on the strength relationships. Larger aggregate sizes
may result in increased scatter of the test results because the large particles expandable insert shall be cut so that the distance between the
can interfere with normal pullout of the conic frustum. bearing surface of the groove and concrete surface equals the
NOTE 5—Cast-in–place inserts may be coated with a release agent to insert diameter after expansion (d2). The difference between
minimize bonding with the concrete, and they may be tapered to minimize the diameters of the undercut groove (d2) and the core hole (d1)
side friction during testing. The insert head should be provided with the
shall be sufficient to prevent localized failure and ensure that a
means, such as a notch, to prevent rotation in the concrete if the insert
shaft has to be removed prior to performing the test. As a further conic frustum of concrete is extracted during the test (see Note
precaution against rotation of the insert head, all threaded hardware should 6). The expanded insert shall bear uniformly on the entire
be checked prior to installation to ensure that it is free-turning and can be bearing area of the groove.
easily removed. A thread-lock compound is recommended to prevent
loosening of the insert head from the shaft during installation and during NOTE 6—A core hole diameter of 18 mm and an undercut groove

C900 − 15
diameter of 25 mm have been used successfully. 7.3 When pullout tests are used for other purposes, the
6.2.4 The bearing ring shall have an inside diameter (d3) of number of tests shall be determined by the specifier of the test.
2.0 to 2.4 times the insert head diameter (d2), and shall have an 8. Procedure
outside diameter (d4) of at least 1.25 times the inside diameter.
The thickness of the ring (t) shall be at least 0.4 times the 8.1 Cast-in-Place Inserts:
pullout insert head diameter. For a given test system, the same 8.1.1 Attach the pullout inserts to the forms using bolts or
bearing ring dimensions shall be used. by other methods that firmly secure the insert in its proper
6.2.5 Tolerances for dimensions of the pullout test inserts, location prior to concrete placement. All inserts shall be
bearing ring and embedment depth shall be 62 % within a embedded to the same depth. The axis of each shaft shall be
given system. perpendicular to the formed surface.
8.1.2 Alternatively, when instructed by the specifier of tests,
NOTE 7—The limits for dimensions and configurations for pullout test manually place inserts into unformed horizontal concrete
inserts and apparatus are intended to accommodate various systems.
surfaces. The inserts shall be embedded into the fresh concrete
6.2.6 The loading apparatus shall have sufficient capacity to by means that ensure a uniform embedment depth and a surface
provide the loading rate prescribed in 8.4. to support the bearing ring that is plane and perpendicular to
NOTE 8—Hydraulic pumps that permit continuous loading may give the axis of the insert shaft. Installation of inserts shall be
more uniform test results than pumps that apply load intermittently. performed or supervised by personnel trained by the manufac-
6.2.7 The gauge to measure pullout force is permitted to be turer or manufacturer’s representative.
of the analog or digital type. Analog gauges shall be designed NOTE 11—Experience indicates that pullout strengths are of lower value
so that the pullout force can be estimated to the nearest 0.5 kN. and more variable for manually-placed surface inserts than for inserts
Digital gauges shall display the pullout force to the nearest 0.1 attached to formwork (12).
kN. 8.1.3 When pullout strength of the concrete is to be
6.2.8 The force gauge shall have a means to preserve the measured, remove all hardware used for securing the pullout
maximum value of the load during a test. inserts in position. Before mounting the loading system,
6.2.9 Pullout apparatus shall be standardized in accordance remove any debris or surface abnormalities to ensure a flat
with Annex A1 at least once a year and after all repairs. bearing surface that is perpendicular to the axis of the insert.
Standardize the pullout apparatus using a testing machine 8.2 Post-Installed Inserts:
verified in accordance with Practices E4 or using a Class A load 8.2.1 The selected test surface shall be flat to provide a
cell as defined in Practice E74. The indicated pullout force suitable working surface for drilling the core and undercutting
based on the developed relationship shall be within 62 % of the groove. Drill a core hole perpendicular to the surface to
the force measured by the testing machine or load cell. provide a reference point for subsequent operations and to
7. Sampling accommodate the expandable insert and associated hardware.
The use of an impact drill is not permitted.
7.1 Pullout test locations shall be separated so that the clear
8.2.2 If necessary, use a surface planing tool to prepare a flat
spacing between inserts is at least seven times the pullout insert
surface so that the base of the tool for cutting the groove is
head diameter. Clear spacing between the inserts and the edges
supported firmly and so that the bearing ring is supported
of the concrete shall be at least 3.5 times the head diameter.
uniformly during testing. The prepared surface shall be per-
Inserts shall be placed so that reinforcement is outside the
pendicular to the axis of the core hole.
expected conical failure surface by more than one bar diameter,
8.2.3 Use the grinding tool in accordance with the manu-
or the maximum size of aggregate, whichever is greater.
facturer’s instructions to undercut a groove of the correct
NOTE 9—A reinforcement locator is recommended to assist in avoiding diameter and at the correct depth in the core hole. The groove
reinforcement when planning the locations of post-installed tests. Follow shall be concentric with the core hole.
the manufacturer’s instructions for proper operation of such devices.
NOTE 12—To control the accuracy of these operations, a support system
7.2 When pullout test results are used to assess the in-place should be used to hold the apparatus in the proper position during these
strength in order to allow the start of critical construction steps.
operations, such as formwork removal or application of post
8.2.4 If water is used as a coolant, remove free-standing
tensioning, at least five individual pullout tests shall be
water from the hole at the completion of the drilling, planing,
performed as follows:
and undercutting operations. Protect the hole from ingress of
7.2.1 For every 115 m3, or a fraction thereof, of a given
additional water until completion of the test.
placement; or
7.2.2 For every 470 m2 , or a fraction thereof, of the surface NOTE 13—Penetration of water into the failure zone could affect the
area of one face of a slab or wall. measured pullout strength.

NOTE 10—More than the minimum number of inserts should be

8.2.5 Use the expansion tool to position the expandable
provided in case a test result is not valid or testing begins before adequate insert into the groove and expand the insert to its proper size in
strength has developed. accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
7.2.3 Inserts shall be located in those portions of the 8.3 Bearing Ring—Place the bearing ring around the pullout
structure that are critical in terms of exposure conditions and insert shaft, connect the pullout shaft to the hydraulic ram, and
structural requirements. tighten the pullout assembly snugly against the bearing surface.

C900 − 15
Ensure that the bearing ring is centered around the shaft and 10. Report
flush against the concrete. 10.1 Report the following information:
8.4 Loading Rate—Apply load at a uniform rate so that the 10.1.1 Dimension of the pullout insert and bearing ring
nominal normal stress on the assumed conical fracture surface (sketch or define dimensions),
increases at a rate of 70 6 30 kPa/s (Note 14). If the insert is 10.1.2 Identification by which the specific location of the
to be tested to rupture of the concrete, load at the specified pullout test can be identified,
uniform rate until rupture occurs. Record the maximum gauge 10.1.3 Date and time when the pullout test was performed.
reading to the nearest 0.5 kN for analog gauges and to the 10.1.4 For tests to failure, maximum pullout load of indi-
nearest 0.1 kN for digital gauges. If the insert is to be tested vidual tests, average, and standard deviation, kN. For tests to a
only to a specified load to verify whether a minimum in-place specified load, the pullout load applied in each test, kN.
pullout strength has been attained, load at the specified uniform 10.1.5 Description of any surface abnormalities beneath the
rate until the specified pullout load is reached. Maintain the reaction ring at the test location,
specified load for at least 10 s. 10.1.6 Abnormalities in the ruptured specimen and in the
loading cycle,
NOTE 14—The loading rate is specified in terms of a nominal stress rate
to accommodate different sizes of pullout test systems. See Appendix X1
10.1.7 Concrete curing methods used and moisture condi-
for the formula relating the nominal normal stress and the pullout load. tion of the concrete at time of test, and
For a commonly used pullout test system in which d2 = 25 mm and d3 = 10.1.8 Other information regarding unusual job conditions
55 mm, the specified stress rate corresponds to a loading rate of that may affect the pullout strength.
approximately 0.5 6 0.2 kN/s. If this system is used, the ranges of the
times to complete a test for different anticipated ultimate pullout loads 11. Precision and Bias
would be as follows:
11.1 Single Operator Precision—Based on the data summa-
Anticipated Pullout Load, Minimum Time, Maximum Time,
kN s s
rized in ACI 228.1 R (14) for cast-in-place pullout tests with
10 14 33 embedment of about 25 mm, the average coefficient of varia-
20 29 67 tion for tests made on concrete with maximum aggregate of 19
30 43 100
40 57 133
mm by a single operator using the same test device is 8 %.5
50 71 167 Therefore, the range in individual test results, expressed as a
60 86 200 percentage of the average, should not exceed the following:
70 100 233
80 114 267 Number of Tests Acceptable range, (percent of average)
90 129 300 5 31 %
100 143 333 7 34 %
10 36 %
8.4.1 Do not test frozen concrete. Similar values of within-test variability have been reported
8.5 Rejection—Reject a test result if one or more of the for post-installed pullout tests of the same geometry as
following conditions are encountered: cast-in-place tests (15).
8.5.1 The large end of the conic frustum is not a complete NOTE 15—If the range of tests results exceeds the acceptable range,
circle of the same diameter as the inside diameter of the further investigation should be carried out. Abnormal test results could be
bearing ring; due to improper procedures or equipment malfunction. The user should
8.5.2 The distance from the surface to the insert head (h in investigate potential causes of outliers and disregard those test results for
which reasons for the outlying results can be identified positively. If there
Fig. 1 or Fig. 2) is not equal to the insert diameter; are no obvious causes of the extreme values, it is probable that there are
8.5.3 The diameter of the groove in a post-installed test is real differences in concrete strength at different test locations. These
not equal to the manufacturer’s design value; differences could be due to variations in mixture proportions, degree of
consolidation, or curing conditions.
8.5.4 The expanded insert diameter in a post-installed test is
not equal to the manufacturer’s design value; or, 11.2 Multi-Operator Precision—Test data are not available
8.5.5 A reinforcing bar is visible within the failure zone to develop a multi-operator precision statement.
after the conic frustum is removed. 11.3 Bias—The bias of this test method cannot be evaluated
since pullout strength can only be determined in terms of this
9. Calculation test method.
9.1 Convert gauge readings to pullout force on the basis of 12. Keywords
relationship developed in accordance with Annex A1.
12.1 concrete strength; in-place strength; in-place testing;
9.2 Compute the average and standard deviation of the pullout test
pullout forces that represent tests of a given concrete place-
ment. 5
This number represents the (1s%) limit as described in Practice C670.

C900 − 15

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The objective of the procedure in this annex is to accordance with Practice E74. The time interval between
establish a relationship between the reading of the pullout force testing machine verifications or load cell calibrations shall be
measuring system and the tensile force in the shaft used to as defined in Practices E4 or E74.
pullout the insert. This relationship is established using alter-
native approaches as indicated in Fig. A1.1. In general, A1.2 Position the pullout loading system on the force
standardization is achieved by correlating the gauge reading of measurement apparatus. Align all components so that the
the pullout loading system with the force measured by a testing pullout force is concentric with the loading system and the
machine that has been verified in accordance with Practices E4 force measurement system. Use spherical seats or other similar
or measured with a Class A load cell that has been calibrated in means to minimize bending effects in the loading system.

FIG. A1.1 Schematics of Acceptable Methods to Standardize Pullout Load Measuring System

C900 − 15
NOTE A1.1—When a compression-testing machine is used to measure A1.4 Use the readings obtained in A1.3 to calculate an
the force, the bearing blocks should be protected against damage. appropriate regression equation using the least-squares curve-
Cold-rolled steel plate at least 13 mm thick is recommended.
fitting method.
A1.3 Using the pullout loading system, apply increasing NOTE A1.3—Appendix X2 provides an example to illustrate the
loads over the operating range, and record the gauge reading development of the regression equation. Additional information is pro-
and the corresponding force measured by the testing machine vided in Practice E74.
or load cell. Take readings at approximately 10 load levels A1.5 The difference between the force based on the regres-
distributed over the operating range of the pullout loading sion equation and the force measured by the testing machine or
system. the load cell shall not be greater than 62 % of the measured
NOTE A1.2—Low values of force should be avoided in the standard-
ization process because the effects of friction may introduce significant
force over the operating range. If this tolerance is not met, the
errors. The manufacturer should provide the operating range of the pullout pullout loading system shall not be used until this requirement
loading system. is satisfied.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 When a stress calculation is desired, compute a P = pullout force, N,

nominal normal stress on the assumed conical fracture surface α = ⁄ the frustum apex angle, or tan−1 (d3 − d2)/2h,

by dividing the pullout force by the area of the frustum and A = fracture surface area, mm2 ,
multiplying by the sine of one-half the apex angle (see Fig. 1). d2 = diameter of pullout insert head, mm,
Use the following equations: d3 = inside diameter of bearing ring or large base diameter
of assumed conic frustum, mm,
P h = height of conic frustum, from insert head to large-base
fn 5 sinα (X1.1)
A surface, mm , and
d3 2 d2 S = slant length of the frustum, mm.
sin α 5 (X1.2)
d 3 1d 2
X1.2 The above calculation gives the value of the average
(X1.3) normal stress on the assumed failure surface shown in Fig. 1.
Because the state of stress on the conic frustum is not uniform,
S5 ΠSh 21
d3 2 d2
2 D 2
the calculated normal stress is a fictitious value. The calculated
normal stress is useful when comparing pullout strengths
where: obtained with different test geometries that fall within the
fn = nominal normal stress, MPa, limits of this test method.


TABLE X2.1 Example of Gauge Reading Versus Force Data and
X2.1 This appendix provides an example to illustrate the Residuals After Fitting Regression Equation
development of the regression equation to convert the gauge Gauge Reading, kN Measured Force, kN Residuals, kN

reading of the pullout loading system to the force acting on the 2.0 1.6 0.03
5.0 4.8 0.09
insert. Table X2.1 shows data that were obtained using the 10.0 10.5 −0.16
procedure in the annex. The first column shows the gauge 15.0 15.8 −0.02
20.0 21.2 0.03
reading and the second column shows the measured force. 25.0 26.7 −0.03
30.0 32.0 0.12
X2.2 Fig. X2.1 shows a plot of the data in Table X2.1 along 35.0 37.4 0.16
40.0 42.8 0.21
with the best-fit straight line to the data. A straight line was 45.0 48.6 −0.14
fitted using a commercial computer program for graphing and 50.0 54.2 −0.30
statistical analysis. The equation of the line is shown in the 55.0 59.4 −0.06
60.0 64.5 0.29
table of results on the graph and is as follows:
P ~ kN! 5 20.5511.089 G ~ kN! (X2.1)

C900 − 15

FIG. X2.1 Plot of Data from Table X2.1 and Best-Fit Straight Line

where: Fig. X2.2 are the 62 % limits required in accordance with

P = estimated pullout force, kN, and 6.2.9. It is seen that, with the exception of the first three points,
G = pullout force indicated by gauge of pullout loading the residuals are well within the permitted tolerance. Thus, the
system, kN. regression equation for this particular apparatus satisfies the
requirements of 6.2.9 provided that the pullout force is greater
The column labeled “error” in the table shown within Fig.
than about 10 kN.
X2.1 represents the standard deviations of the estimated
intercept and slope. The low values of these standard devia-
X2.4 Fig. X2.2 shows that the residuals are not randomly
tions relative to the slope and intercept indicate that the
distributed but appear to have a periodic variation with the
intercept is not zero and that the slope is not equal to 1.00.
level of force. This indicates that the true regression equation
X2.3 Fig. X2.2 is a plot of the residuals of the best-fit line is not a straight line. However, because the residuals are well
as a function of the measured force. These residuals are shown below the 62 % limits, it is not necessary to try to fit a higher
in the third column of Table X2.1, and they are the differences order (polynomial) equation, and the straight line is adequate.
between the estimated force based on the best-fit equation and Additional discussion on fitting higher order equations is
the measured force (Column 2 in Table X2.1). Also shown in provided in Practice E74.

C900 − 15

FIG. X2.2 Residuals of Best-Fit Equation as a Function of Measured Force


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Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, American Concrete Institute,
1984, pp. 111–141.

C900 − 15


Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C900 – 14, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved May 1, 2015.)

(1) Revised 5.2.

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