Lecture 1 - Engineering Properties of Rocks
Lecture 1 - Engineering Properties of Rocks
Lecture 1 - Engineering Properties of Rocks
• Physical Properties of Rock Material
– Hardness
– Abrasivity
– Permeability, porosity, water content
– Weathering of rocks
– Wave (P and S) Velocity
• Mechanical Properties of Rock Material
– Compressive Strength
– Tensile Strength
– Shear Strength
– Stress
– Strain
– Elasticity
• From an engineering standpoint, there is a difference
between a rock and a stone. There is also a difference
between soil and dirt.
• 'Rock' is used to denote the mass of material in-situ, it is a
part of the bedrock and has not been moved or disturbed.
• 'Stone' is used to denote rock material that has been
removed from its bedrock location.
• In the same way, 'soil' refers to that material naturally in
place and 'dirt' is most often used to define soil that has been
removed and is, or has, been transported.
Engineering Uses of Rocks
Rock is used for engineering purposes in 2 primary ways:
1. as a building material: items such as cut stones, beams,
support columns, decorative panels, etc. Each student can
envision examples where rock has been used in one of these
2. as a foundation: For example, on Manhattan Island, the
skyscapers are founded on granite. In Central Park, just a
short distance to the south, there are no buildings over a few
stories. Why? The bedrock under the Park consists of marine
shale and metamorphic rocks that will not support the weight
of a skyscraper.
Thus, knowing and understanding basic rock properties will
allow structures to be founded correctly so the required
support will be there.
Density/specific gravity
• Density is a measure of mass per unit of volume.
Density of rock material various, and often related to
the porosity of the rock. It is sometimes defined by
unit weight and specific gravity. Most rocks have
density between 2,500nd 2,800 kg/m3.
• Density is common physical properties. It is
influenced by the specific gravity of the composition
minerals and the compaction of the minerals.
However, most rocks are well compacted and then
have specific gravity between 2.5 to 2.8. Density is
used to estimate overburden stress.
Specific Gravity
This term describes the weight of a volume of rock with respect to
an equal volume of water, which weighs 1.0 gm/cm3. By weighing
equal volumes of water and different rocks, a 'specific gravity' (SG)
for that rock can be determined. These experiments are conducted
in a controlled laboratory using very specific guidelines so there are
no unexpected variations. After such work has been performed,
typical SG's for common rock types are:
Shale: ~2.75
Granite: ~2.65
Sandstone: ~2.2
Basalt: ~2.65
Marble: ~2.7
Limestone: ~2.45
Gold: ~14
• Porosity describes how densely the material is
packed. It is the ratio of the non-solid volume
to the total volume of material. Porosity
therefore is a fraction between 0 and 1.
• The value is typically ranging from less than
0.01 for solid granite to up to 0.5 for porous
sandstone. It may also be represented in
percent terms by multiplying the fraction by
Water content
• Water content is a measure indicating the
amount of water the rock material contains. It
is simply the ratio of the volume of water to
the bulk volume of the rock material.
• Porosity is one of the governing factors for the
permeability. Porosity provides the void for
water to flow through in a rock material. High
porosity therefore naturally leads to high
• The minus sign gives a positive value to the material parameter since positive
longitudinal strains usually produce negative lateral strain. As seen from the
table, Poisson's ratio is usually about 0.3. It can be shown that a Poisson's ratio
of 0.5 is needed for the volume to stay the same as it was originally.
• An elastic solid will return to its original size and shape when the deforming
force is removed.
• Normal Stress is Normal Force/Area,
Shear Stress is Tangential Force/Area, and
Bulk Stress is the Pressure.
• Normal Strain is Extension (force direction)/Length (force direction),
Shear Strain is Extension (force direction)/Length (at right angles to force
direction), and
Bulk Stress is the Change in Volume/Unstressed Volume.
• An elastic modulus shows how much strain results from the stress.
Young's Modulus is Normal Stress/Normal Strain,
Shear Modulus is Shear Stress/Shear Strain, and
Bulk Modulus is the Pressure/Bulk Strain.
Residual stresses in rocks
• Additional stresses created in rocks by excessive loading or
some other disturbance may remain in the rock for a long
time after the disturbance is over.
• These are residual stresses
• Generally a stress cannot produce a deformation if the
material on which it acts is confined
• Removal of some rock materials close to the rock face
relieves the rock and the released strain can be measured
using a strainmeter
Rock deformation in nature
• These include fractures, joints, faults and folds
• Any break in a mass of rock can be defined as a fracture
regardless of its size Fractures are caused by strains
• When a series of fractures are more or less continous and
shows a well-defined patterns bearing a relation to each
other or to elements of the rock mass, they are called joints
• If the rock mass on each side of a fracture indicate a
displacement along the fracture plane, the plane is classified
as a fault.
• When several faults occur in close proximity and parallel to
each other, the resulting zone is called a shear or fault zone