Chapter-1-Properties of Rock and Rock Masses
Chapter-1-Properties of Rock and Rock Masses
Chapter-1-Properties of Rock and Rock Masses
Chapter 1: Properties of Rocks and Rock Masses:
• Introduction
• Physical properties of rocks
• Strength of rocks
• Jointing of rock mass
• Shear strength of joints
• Weakness joints and faults
Rock and rock masses
• Rock in an engineering
scale is generally a
mass of rock at the site.
This mass of rock, often
termed as rock mass, is
the whole body of the
rock in situ, consists of
intact rock blocks and
all types of
discontinuities (joints,
faults etc).
• A rock mass is a material quite different from
other structural materials used in civil
engineering. Ideally, it is composed of a system of
rock blocks and fragments separated by
discontinuities forming a material in which all
elements behave in mutual dependence as a unit,
Physical Properties of Rock
Density, Porosity and Water Content
• Density is a measure of mass per unit of volume.
Density of rock material various, and often related to
the porosity of the rock. It is sometimes defined by unit
weight and specific gravity. Most rocks have density
between 2,500 and 2,800 kg/m3.
• Porosity describes how densely the material is packed.
It is the ratio of the non-solid volume to the total
volume of material. Porosity therefore is a fraction
between 0 and 1. The value is typically ranging from
less than 0.01 for solid granite to up to 0.5 for porous
sandstone. It may also be represented in percent terms
by multiplying the fraction by 100%.
• Water content is a measure indicating the amount of
water the rock material contains. It is simply the ratio
of the volume of water to the bulk volume of the rock
Hardness is the characteristic of a solid material
expressing its resistance to permanent
deformation. Hardness of a rock materials
depends on several factors, including mineral
composition and density. A typical measure is the
Schmidt rebound hardness number.
Abrasivity measures the abrasiveness (roughness)
of a rock materials against other materials, e.g.,
steel. It is an important measure for estimate
wear of rock drilling and boring equipment.
Abrasivity is highly influenced by the amount of
quartz mineral in the rock material. The higher
quartz content gives higher abrasivity.
Permeability is a measure of the ability of a
material to transmit fluids. Most rocks, including
igneous, metamorphic and chemical sedimentary
rocks, generally have very low permeability.
Permeability of rock material is governed by
porosity. Porous rocks such as sandstones usually
have high permeability while granites have low
permeability. Permeability of rock materials,
except for those porous one, has limited interests
as in the rock mass, flow is concentrated in
fractures in the rock mass.
• Hydraulic permeability and conductivity
Wave Velocity
Measurements of wave are often done by using P wave and
sometimes, S waves. P wave velocity measures the travel
speed of longitudinal (primary) wave in the material, while
S-wave velocity measures the travel speed of shear
(secondary) wave in the material. The velocity
measurements provide correlation to physical properties in
terms of compaction degree of the material. A well
compacted rock has generally high velocity as the grains are
all in good contact and wave are travelling through the
For a poorly compact rock material, the grains are not in
good contact, so the wave will partially travel through void
(air or water) and the velocity will be reduced (P-wave
velocities in air and in water are 340 and 1500 m/s
respectively and are much lower than that in solid).
Slaking and Durability
Durability (Toughness/ Strength)
• Durability of rocks is fundamentally important for all
applications. Changes in the properties of rocks are
produced by exfoliation, hydration, decrepitation
(slaking), solution, oxidation abrasion and other
• Slaking is the process in which rock materials
disintegrate and crumble when exposed to moisture
• Some rock loose their strength or change their
properties when exposed to water or air. This durability
or rocks may decrease markedly and rapidly.
• Exfoliation Exfoliation is the term used to describe the
peeling away of sheets of rock millimeters to meters in
thickness from a rock's surface due a range of physical
and chemical processes during exhumation
and weathering
• Hydration Mineral hydration is an inorganic chemical
reaction where water is added to the crystal structure
of a mineral, usually creating a new mineral
• oxidation the breakdown of rock by oxygen and water,
often giving iron-rich rocks a rusty-coloured weathered
• abrasion Rocks break down into smaller pieces through
weathering. Rocks and sediment grinding against each
other wear away surfaces. The rocks become smoother
as rough and jagged edges break off
• Other physical /Engineering properties
– Hardness
– Elasticity
– Thermal properties
– Rock strength (Point Load Strength Index )
– Fracture Toughness
– Brittleness
– Indentation
– Swelling
Strength of rocks
• Compressive strength
– (a) Uniaxial Compression Strength Test
– (b) Triaxial Compression Strength Test
• Tensile strength
– (a) Direct Tension Test
– (b) Brazilian Tensile Strength Test
– (c) Flexure Tension Test
• Factors affecting strength of rock
Compressive Strength
Compressive strength is the capacity of a material
to withstand axially directed compressive forces.
The most common measure of compressive
strength is the uniaxial compressive strength or
unconfined compressive strength. Usually
compressive strength of rock is defined by the
ultimate stress. It is one of the most important
mechanical properties of rock material, used in
design, analysis and modelling.
Young's Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio
Young's Modulus is modulus of elasticity measuring
of the stiffness of a rock material. It is defined as
the ratio, for small strains, of the rate of change of
stress with strain. This can be experimentally
determined from the slope of a stress-strain curve
obtained during compressional or tensile tests
conducted on a rock sample.
Poisson’s ratio measures the ratio of lateral strain to
axial strain, at linearly-elastic region. For most
rocks, the Poisson’s ratio is between 0.15 and 0.4.
Tensile Strength
– Tensile strength of rock material is normally
defined by the ultimate strength in tension, i.e.,
maximum tensile stress the rock material can
withstand. Rock material generally has a low
tensile strength. The low tensile strength is due to
the existence of microcracks in the rock.
– The existence of microcracks may also be the
cause of rock failing suddenly in tension with a
small strain.
Factors affecting strength of rock
• Effect of confining pressure and temperature
• Effect of moisture content
• Effect of pore pressure
• Effect of loading rates
• Effect of sample size
Jointing of the rock mass
• Joints
• Main features of joints and jointing
• Various types of joints
• Measurements of the degree of jointing
• There is a difficulty in giving a concise definition of what
constitutes a joint. During the years there have been
several discussions whether 'joint', 'fracture', 'break' or
other terms should be preferred in rock mechanics,
engineering geology and rock engineering. ISRM (1975)
has chosen 'joint' defined as: "Joint is a discontinuity
plane of natural origin along which there has been no
visible displacement."
where JRC is the joint roughness coefficient and JCS is the joint
wall compressive strength .
• Field estimates of JRC
• The joint roughness coefficient JRC is a number that
can be estimated by comparing the appearance of a
discontinuity surface with standard profiles published
by Barton and others.
• One of the most useful of these profile sets was
published by Barton and Choubey (1977) and is
reproduced in Figure 4.2.
• The appearance of the discontinuity surface is
compared visually with the profiles shown and the JRC
value corresponding to the profile which most closely
matches that of the discontinuity surface is chosen.
• In the field the length of the surface of interest may be
several metres or even tens of metres and the JRC
value must be estimated for the full scale surface.
• Field estimates of JCS
• Suggested methods for estimating the joint
wall compressive strength were published by
the ISRM (1978).
• The use of the Schmidt rebound hammer for
estimating joint wall compressive strength was
proposed by Deere and Miller (1966), as
illustrated in Figure 4.7