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Bilanciai D 410AdvancedUser

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Terminal D410

Terminal D410

Advanced user manual

Code 813717 EDITION March 2004


10.1 Symbols used 2-9
10.2 Strings 2-10
10.2.1 Cb (or Bilanciai) string 2-10
10.2.2 Extended string 2-11
10.2.3 Extraction string 2-13
10.2.4 Visual string 2-14
10.2.5 Idea string 2-15
10.2.6 Cma 2-15
10.2.7 On request with address 2-15
10.2.8 Customized string 2-16
10.3 Protocols for cyclic strings 2-17
10.3.1 ACK-NAK protocol 2-17
10.3.2 Cyclic protocol 2-17
10.3.3 On request protocol 2-17
10.4 Remote commands protocol 2-18
10.4.1 Reply to an incorrect command 2-18
10.4.2 Reply to a correct command 2-19
10.4.3 Suspension of cyclic transmission 2-19
10.4.4 Resumption of cyclic transmission 2-19
10.4.5 Request for gross weight 2-19
10.4.6 Request for net weight 2-19
10.4.7 Request transmission of tare 2-20
10.4.8 Request transmission of scale status 2-20
10.4.9 Request transmission of scale status (version EV2001) 2-22
10.4.10 Scale zeroing 2-22
10.4.11 Tare acquisition 2-22
10.4.12 Tare entering 2-22
10.4.13 Cancellation of an entered tare 2-23
10.4.14 Request transmission of general data table 2-23
10.4.15 Request for general data item "n" 2-23
10.4.16 Request to enter the value "y" in the general data item "n" 2-23
10.4.17 Request for transmission of the net weight and the scale status
10.4.18 Request for transmission of net weight and scale status with 6 bytes
10.4.19 Request for transmission of the net weight, tare and scale status
with 6 bytes 2-26
10.4.20 Print request 2-26
10.4.21 Read last weight acquired 2-26
10.4.22 Cancel last acquired weight 2-26
10.4.23 Request division value 2-26
10.4.24 Request for net weight in high resolution 2-27
10.4.25 Request for maximum capacity value 2-27
10.4.26 Request for net weight without unit of measurement 2-27
10.4.27 Lock keypad and display 2-27
10.4.28 Unlock keypad and display 2-27

10.4.29 Lock keypad 2-28
10.4.30 Unlock keypad 2-28
10.4.31 Remote commands with checksum 2-28
10.4.32 Remote commands with addressing 2-29
10.5 Remote commands for Input/Output management 2-30
10.5.1 How to set a single output 2-30
10.5.2 How to zero-set a single output 2-31
10.5.3 How to test a single output 2-32
10.5.4 How to test a single input 2-33
10.5.5 How to test all the outputs 2-34
10.5.6 How to change the status of all the outputs 2-36
10.5.7 How to test all the inputs 2-37
10.6 Remote commands for digital cells 2-38
10.6.1 Request for cell points 2-38
10.6.2 Request for cell temperature 2-38
10.6.3 Request for version and release of cell software 2-38
10.6.4 Request for power supply 2-39
10.6.5 Request for cell serial numbers 2-39
10.6.6 Request for angle calibration coefficient 2-39
10.6.7 Request for number of cells in system 2-40
10.6.8 Request for cell status 2-40
10.6.9 Request for digital scale status 2-42
10.7 Communication in MPP operation 2-44
10.7.1 Operation 2-44
10.7.2 Weighing request from keypad with data transmission on completion
of operation 2-45
10.7.3 Weighing request from serial command with transmission on
completion of operation 2-48
10.7.4 Weighing request from keypad and transmission request from serial
command 2-48
10.7.5 Weighing and transmission request from serial command 2-49
10.7.6 MP and MC remote commands with checksum 2-49
11.1 Foreword 2-51
11.2 Accessing the parameter configuration function 2-51
11.3 Language 2-51
11.4 Setup menu 2-52
11.4.1 Conditioned menu 2-52
11.4.2 Entering numeric data 2-52
11.4.3 Entering alphanumeric data 2-52
11.4.4 Validating input data 2-52
11.4.5 NOT MODIFIABLE parameter or menu 2-53
11.4.6 NOT AVAILABLE parameter or menu 2-53
11.5 Overview of the menu tree 2-53
11.6 Descriptions of the main menus and parameters 2-56
11.6.1 Setup Menu/Scale/Configurations/Metrological 2-56
11.6.2 Setup Menu/Scale/Configurations/General menu 2-57
11.6.3 Setup Menu/ANALOGUE scale/Analogue scale parameters 2-58
11.6.4 Setup Menu/DIGITAL scale/Digital scale parameters 2-58
11.6.5 Setup Menu/Scale/Calibration/Display data 2-58
11.6.6 Setup Menu/Scale/Test 2-59

11.6.7 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes 2-61
11.6.8 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes /Printer/ Model 2-63
11.6.9 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes /Printer/ Port 2-67
11.6.10 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/ Printer / Prints
11.6.11 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/MPP operation
11.6.12 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/Traffic light 2-71
11.6.13 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Serial/Com xy 2-72
11.6.14 Setup Menu / Personalizations / Outputs / Serial / String /.../ Com xy
configuration 2-74
11.6.15 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Input-Output 2-75
11.6.16 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Analogue output 2-78
11.6.17 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/BCD 2-78
11.6.18 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Messages 2-79
11.6.19 List of modifiable messages 2-80
11.6.20 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Shortcut keys 2-83
11.6.21 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Texts 2-85
11.6.22 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Files 2-86
11.6.23 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Prints-Customized transmis.
memorized 2-87
11.6.24 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Backup-Restore 2-88
11.7 Test procedures 2-91
11.7.1 Terminal Tests/Serial Ports 2-91
11.7.2 Terminal Tests/Inputs-Outputs 2-91
11.7.3 Terminal Tests/Keypad 2-91
11.7.4 Terminal Tests/Terminal Configuration Report 2-92
11.7.5 Terminal Tests/Analogue output 2-92
11.7.6 Terminal Tests/Battery 2-92
11.8 Repeater scale 2-93
11.8.1 Setup Menu/Repeater scale/Repeater scale parameters/Serial
port/Com xy 2-93
11.8.2 Setup Menu/Repeater scale/Repeater scale parameters/String 2-94




This manual describes the procedures for terminal personalization in
order to adapt it to the specific weighing system in which it is installed.
It contains the software commands used to interface the terminal with a
PC, PLC and host computers in general.

The personalization operations described herein do not in
any way influence weighing functions but, unless correctly
performed, they may compromise the operation of the
system as a whole. The operations described in this section
of the manual should only be entrusted to qualified
technicians with specialised experience in this field.





10.1 Symbols used

The following conventions are used to denote the characters used in
serial line communication.
✔ Normal characters are indicated with their usual symbols.
✔ Control characters appear in brackets and are written in uppercase.
For example:
<CR> indicates the carriage return character.
<SP> indicates the space character.
✔ Where necessary, the hexadecimal value of the character is given in
numbers and uppercase letters.
For example: <CR>(0DH) o $(24H).
✔ Variables are written in lower case between brackets.
For example:
<um>= unit of measurement.
This may assume the following values:
kg = kilogrammes
<SP>g = grammes
lb = pounds
<SP>t = tonnes
✔ Numeric fields are indicated with n and y, and may include initial
spaces, a decimal point and a minus sign.


10.2 Strings
The terminal has two serial output ports which may be used for the
connection of external devices, such as printers, personal computers,
PLCs, etc.. The user can choose the type of transmission protocol to be
used from among those already present on the terminal. The user may
also personalize the serial transmission parameters using the specific
menu (see par. 11.6.14 on page 2-74 ).

10.2.1 Cb (or Bilanciai) string

1st character $(24H) start string character

2nd character <s> s=stability

s=0 weight stable
s=1 weight not stable
s=3 weight not valid (negative or
3rd-7th net weight
character if the weight consists of more than 5
digits, the least significant digits will
not be transmitted;
8th character <CR>(ODH) end string character

The following protocols are available: Cyclic (see par. 10.3.2 on page
2-17 ), On request (see par. 10.3.3 on page 2-17 ), ACK-NAK (see
par. 10.3.1 on page 2-17 ).


10.2.2 Extended string

1st character $(24H) start string character

2nd-10th net weight with sign and decimal

character point (if present)

11th character <SP>(20H) space

12th-20th tare with sign and decimal point (if

character present)

21st character <SP>(20H) space

22nd-23rd <um> Unit of measurement

24th character <SP>(20H) space

25th character <s1> scale status

26th character <s2> scale status

27th character <s3> scale status

28th character <s4> scale status

29th character <CR>(0DH)

30th character <LF>(0AH)

The characters <s1>, <s2>, <s3>, <s4> are ASCII characters that must
be interpreted as hexadecimal values. Each character represents 4 bits
of different significance; for example, the incoming ASCII character "A"
must be interpreted as the hexadecimal digit "A";
1 0 1 0
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

When a bit assumes the value "1" the corresponding signal is "true"; the
significance of the signals is as follows:

<s1> bit 0 minimum weighment signal

bit 1 tare locked signal
bit 2 tare preset(1)/self-weighed (0) entered signal
bit 3 centre zero signal
<s2> bit 0 LSB weighing extension signal (ME only)
bit 1 weight stable signal
bit 2 overload signal
bit 3 MSB weighing extension signal (ME only)
<s3> bit 0 tare entered signal
bit 1 tare locked cancelled signal (ME only)
bit 2 weight not valid
bit 3 printing in progress
<s4> bit 0 approved instrument
bit 1 converter fault
bit 2 scale configuration parameters error
bit 3 not utilised

The following protocols are available: Cyclic (see par. 10.3.2 on page
2-17 ), On request (see par. 10.3.3 on page 2-17 ), ACK-NAK (see
par. 10.3.1 on page 2-17 ), Remote commands (see par. 10.4 on page
2-18 ).


10.2.3 Extraction string

In the case of loading or unloading extraction operation, the net weight
and tare (2nd to 10th characters and 12th to 20th characters in the
Extended string) are replaced respectively by the extracted weight and
gross weight characters.

1st character $(24H) start string character

2nd-10th 0(30H) extracted weight with sign and

character decimal point (if present)

11th character <SP>(20H) space

12th-20th gross weight with sign and decimal

character point (if present)

21st character <SP>(20H) space

22nd-23rd <um> Unit of measurement

24th character <SP>(20H) space

25th character <s1> scale status (see note)

26th character <s2> scale status (see note)

27th character <s3> scale status (see note)

28th character <s4> scale status (see note)

29th character <CR>(0DH)

30th character <LF>(0AH)


10.2.4 Visual string

1st character $(24H) start string character

2nd character 0(30H) fixed zero character

3rd character <s> s=stability

s=0 weight stable
s=1 weight not stable
s=3 weight not valid (negative or
4th-8th net weight with sign;
character if the weight consists of more than 5
digits, the least significant digits will
not be transmitted;
if the value includes a decimal point,
the length of the string will be
increased by 1 character
9th character <CR>(0DH) end string character


10.2.5 Idea string

1st character <cis> cis=@(40H)

Start string character on pressing

Start string character in other cases
2nd character <s> s=stability
s=0 weight stable
s=1 weight not stable
s=3 weight not valid (negative or
3rd-7th net weight
character if the weight consists of more than 5
digits, the least significant digits will
not be transmitted;
8th character <CR>(ODH) end string character

10.2.6 Cma
Reserved string, not to be used. Further information supplied on

10.2.7 On request with address

Selecting this option disables the transmission of cyclic strings.
Uses remote commands followed by terminal identification number (see
par. 10.4.32 on page 2-29 ).


10.2.8 Customized string

The string format may be customized using the program "Dialogic".
For further information contact the Manufacturer.


10.3 Protocols for cyclic strings

10.3.1 ACK-NAK protocol

The string is only sent on request of the user via the request

transmission key or from an external input (see par. 11.6.15 on

page 2-75 ). After transmission of the weight, the terminal behaves as
✔ if it receives the "ACK" character (06H) , it awaits a new transmission
✔ if it receives the "NAK" character (15H), it sends the string again
because the previous transmission was not completed successfully;
✔ if it receives three "NAK" characters in succession, the terminal
displays the "NO ACK" message (transmission error).

10.3.2 Cyclic protocol

The selected string (see par. 10.2 on page 2-10 ) is transmitted
cyclically at a rate of 3 times per second.

10.3.3 On request protocol

The selected string is transmitted:

✔ either on pressing the request transmission key ;

✔ or on the activation of an input (see par. 11.6.15 on page 2-75 ).


10.4 Remote commands protocol

There are a number of serial line commands with which various
operations can be commanded from a remote device (PC, PLC etc.).

Remote commands are only enabled if the extended string
format was selected during terminal configuration (see par.
10.2.2 on page 2-11 ).

Remote commands are not executed if cyclic serial
transmission is in progress; in this case cyclic transmission
must be suspended with the command "EX<CR>" before
giving any other remote commands.

Insert a delay of a few ms between the reply to a command
and the next command.

10.4.1 Reply to an incorrect command

This reply string is sent:
✔ if the command syntax is incorrect;
✔ if the command cannot be executed.


10.4.2 Reply to a correct command

In the case of the command being accepted, if the command requests
the transmission of information, the reply will consist of the transmission
of the requested data item; in other cases the reply will consist of the
following string:

10.4.3 Suspension of cyclic transmission

This command is not available with the RS485 protocol, in which
transmission is on request only

10.4.4 Resumption of cyclic transmission

This command is not available with the RS485 protocol, in which
transmission is on request only

10.4.5 Request for gross weight

The terminal responds with the following string:

10.4.6 Request for net weight

The terminal responds with the following string:


10.4.7 Request transmission of tare

The terminal responds with the following string:
if the tare has been entered manually;
if the tare has been acquired.

10.4.8 Request transmission of scale status

The terminal responds with the following string:
The characters s1, s2, s3 and s4 are ASCII characters which must be
interpreted as hexadecimal values. Each character represents 4 bits of
different significance; for example, the incoming ASCII character "A"
must be interpreted as the hexadecimal digit "A";
1 0 1 0
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

When a bit assumes the value "1" the corresponding signal is "true"; the
significance of the signals is as follows:

<s1> bit 0 minimum weighment signal

bit 1 tare locked signal
bit 2 tare preset(1)/self-weighed (0) entered signal
bit 3 centre zero signal
<s2> bit 0 LSB weighing extension signal (ME only)
bit 1 weight stable signal
bit 2 overload signal
bit 3 MSB weighing extension signal (ME only)
<s3> bit 0 tare entered signal
bit 1 tare locked cancelled signal (ME only)
bit 2 weight not valid
bit 3 printing in progress
<s4> bit 0 approved instrument
bit 1 converter fault
bit 2 scale configuration parameters error
bit 3 not utilised


10.4.9 Request transmission of scale status (version EV2001)

In the case of a positive reply, the terminal responds with the following
The characters s1 and s2 are ASCII characters that must be interpreted
as hexadecimal values.
The bits indicate the scale status as follows.

<s1> bit 0 in range

bit 1 weight stable
bit 2 centre zero
bit 3 displayed net weight
<s2> bit 0 not utilised
bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 print request: the print key has been pressed or
input n° 3 is activated.

10.4.10 Scale zeroing


10.4.11 Tare acquisition


10.4.12 Tare entering

The command AT must be preceded by a weight expressed in a
maximum of 7 characters comprising the decimal point, if present.


10.4.13 Cancellation of an entered tare

This command cancels any tare value in memory.

10.4.14 Request transmission of general data table

The terminal responds to this command with a sequence of strings
terminating in <CR><LF> each containing the number of the data item
and its description; the following is an example data table:
1 Date
2 Time
3 Extracted
4 Gross
5 Tare
6 Net
7 Status

10.4.15 Request for general data item "n"

With this command it is possible to read the current value of any of the
general data.

10.4.16 Request to enter the value "y" in the general data item
where "y" is the value you wish to assign to the data item "n". Obviously
the value to be entered must conform to the format of the data item.
Values for some of the general data cannot be entered (e.g. gross
weight, net weight, scale status, etc).

10.4.17 Request for transmission of the net weight and the
scale status
N.B.: the command sent is comprised of an uppercase X and lowercase
n (not to be confused with generic significance assigned to the
lowercase n described in par. 10.1 on page 2-9 ).
In the case of a positive reply, the terminal responds with the following
The characters s1, s2, s3 and s4 are ASCII characters the meaning of
which is explained in par. 10.4.8 on page 2-20 .


10.4.18 Request for transmission of net weight and scale

status with 6 bytes

When the command is received, the terminal replies with the following


The meaning of the <s1>, <s2>, <s3> and <s4> bits is described in par.
10.4.8 on page 2-20 .
The meaning of the <s5> and <s6> bits is as follows:

<s5> bit 0 not utilised

bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 battery low indication
bit 3 Print made, weight acquired
<s6> bit 0 tare changed
bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 not utilised

The bit2 of <s5> is zero-set immediately after the 6 byte status

The bit3 of <s5> is zero-set immediately after the CP remote command
has been received ( par. 10.4.22 on page 2-26 ). You can read the last
weight acquired by means of the PA command ( par. 10.4.21 on page
2-26 ).
The bit0 of <s6> is zero-set after the response has been transmitted to
remote command XT ( par. 10.4.7 on page 2-20 ) or YT ( par. 10.4.19
on page 2-26 ).
Remember that in multi-expansion terminals, the tare is rounded off to
the extension change but the changed tare bit is not altered (the
operator must ask for the tare whenever the extension changes; this
change can be checked through bit0 and bit3 of <s2>).


10.4.19 Request for transmission of the net weight, tare and

scale status with 6 bytes

When the command is received, the terminal replies with the following


n = net weight
y = tare

The meaning of the <s1>, <s2>, <s3>, <s4>, <s5> and <s6> bits has
been described previously ( par. 10.4.18 on page 2-25 and par. 10.4.8
on page 2-20 ).

10.4.20 Print request

Any "printing not performed" message will be signalled only on the

10.4.21 Read last weight acquired

The terminal responds by sending the last net weight to be acquired by
pressing the print key or in response to the remote command PR; the
reply string is as follows:

10.4.22 Cancel last acquired weight


10.4.23 Request division value

The terminal responds with the string:
e= n<SP><um><CR><LF>


10.4.24 Request for net weight in high resolution

The reply string is:
n= net weight
y= net weight in high resolution
s1,s2,s3,s4=see STATUS in extended string ( par. 10.2.2 on page 2-11

10.4.25 Request for maximum capacity value

The reply string is:
Max= n<SP><um><CR><LF>

10.4.26 Request for net weight without unit of measurement

The reply string is:
n= significant digits of weight only
This string does not include the unit of measurement and insignificant
leading zeroes are not transmitted.

10.4.27 Lock keypad and display

The message "DISPLOCK" is displayed in place of the weight and all
keys are disabled.

10.4.28 Unlock keypad and display

The keypad and display are re-enabled.


10.4.29 Lock keypad

Only the keypad is locked and the terminal displays the message

10.4.30 Unlock keypad

The keypad is unlocked.

10.4.31 Remote commands with checksum

Management of remote commands with checksum can be enabled
during the installation phase ( par. 11.6.13 on page 2-72 ).
Checksum mode increases security when the terminal and PC dialogue
with each other since the following precautions are taken:
✔ each remote command transmitted to the terminal must contain two
checksum characters in a dedicated position;
✔ each reply with data that the terminal transmits to the PC after a
remote command must contain two checksum characters in a
dedicated position.
The position of the two checksum characters is immediately prior to the
<CR> character..
Checksum calculation involves making the XOR (exclusive OR) of all the
characters in the string up to the first checksum character excluded. The
result is expressed by two hexadecimal characters.
An example of a gross weight transmission with checksum is given

XB chk1chk2 <CR>

where, supposing that value 1A is obtained from XOR:

chk1 is the first checksum character ("1" or rather 31H)
chk2 is the second checksum character ("A" or rather 41H).

The terminal replies with the following string:

n<SP><um><SP>B chk1chk2 <CR><LF>


10.4.32 Remote commands with addressing

When using the string "On request with address" or if the RS485
communication interface is selected, the remote commands described in
par. 10.4 on page 2-18 will also have to include the number of the
terminal to be interrogated..
The system is comprised of one Master terminal (e.g. a PC) and a
number of Slave terminals (e.g. weighing terminals).
Each weighing terminal is identified by a unique "terminal number" (see
par. 11.6.13 on page 2-72 ).
In this way you can create a network of weighing terminals that can be
interrogated by the Master terminal.
The syntax of the remote commands has to be modified by the addition
of the two characters of the terminal number.
For example, the gross weight transmission command XB <CR>
becomes XB 01 <CR> to indicate that the request from the Master
terminal is addressed to the terminal number 01.
Similarly, in checksum mode the gross weight transmission command
becomes XB01 chk1 chk2 <CR>.
No reply will be sent by the terminal if there are checksum errors.


10.5 Remote commands for Input/Output management

10.5.1 How to set a single output

Output n2 of slot n1 can be set by means of the following command:

SO n1 n2 <CR>


n1 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the slot position of the output;

n2 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the number of the output on
slot n1.

n1 = 0 (30H) output on the terminal

n1 = 1 (31H) output on slot 1
n1 = 2 (32H) output on slot 2

n2 = 1 (31H) output number 1

n2 = 2 (32H) output number 2
n2 = 3 (33H) output number 3
n2 = 4 (34H) output number 4


10.5.2 How to zero-set a single output

Output n2 of slot n1 can be zero-set by means of the following

RO n1 n2 <CR>

n1 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the slot position of the output;

n2 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the number of the output on
slot n1.

n1 = 0 (30H) output on the terminal

n1 = 1 (31H) output on slot 1
n1 = 2 (32H) output on slot 2

n2 = 1 (31H) output number 1

n2 = 2 (32H) output number 2
n2 = 3 (33H) output number 3
n2 = 4 (34H) output number 4


10.5.3 How to test a single output

The status of each output can be requested by means of the following

TO n1 n2 <CR>


n1 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the slot position of the output;

n2 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the number of the output on
slot n1.

n1 = 0 (30H) output on the terminal

n1 = 1 (31H) output on slot 1
n1 = 2 (32H) output on slot 2

n2 = 1 (31H) output number 1

n2 = 2 (32H) output number 2
n2 = 3 (33H) output number 3
n2 = 4 (34H) output number 4

The terminal replies with one of the following messages:

✔ 1<CR><LF> if the output is activated;
✔ 0<CR><LF> if the output is not activated;
✔ -<CR><LF> if there is no slot.


10.5.4 How to test a single input

The status of each input can be requested by means of the following

TI n1 n2 <CR>


n1 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the slot position of the input;

n2 is 1 hexadecimal character that defines the number of the input on
slot n1.

n1 = 0 (30H) input on the terminal

n1 = 1 (31H) input on slot 1
n1 = 2 (32H) input on slot 2

n2 = 1 (31H) input number 1

n2 = 2 (32H) input number 2
n2 = 3 (33H) input number 3
n2 = 4 (34H) input number 4

The terminal replies with one of the following messages:

✔ 1<CR><LF> if the input is activated;
✔ 0<CR><LF> if the input is not activated;
✔ -<CR><LF> if there is no slot.


10.5.5 How to test all the outputs

The status of all the slot outputs can be requested by means of the
following command:


The terminal replies with the following string:



n1 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 2) on the terminal. Its values can be 0 0 (30H) to 3 (33H).

n2 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 4) on slot 1. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H). If there
is no slot 1, the value of n2 will be " - " (2DH).

n3 is a character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 4) on slot 2. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H). If there
is no slot 1, the value of n2 will be " - " (2DH).

The lines will be arranged in the following way:

bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

line 4 line 3 line 2 line 1

where the values of the lines are 0 or 1.

For example, if the following command is received:


1 8 4
01 1000 0100


01 lines on slot 1: line 1 activated (bit 0 = 1), line 2 (bit 1 = 0) not

1000 lines on terminal: line 1 (bit 0 = 0), 2 (bit 1 = 0), 3 (bit 2 = 0) not
activated, line 4 (bit = 1) activated;
0100 lines on slot 2: line 1 (bit 0 = 0), 2 (bit 1 = 0), 4 (bit 3 = 0) not
activated, line 3 (bit 2 = 1) activated.


10.5.6 How to change the status of all the outputs

The status of all the slot outputs can be changed by means of the
following command:



n1 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 2) on the terminal. Its values can be 0 (30H) to 3 (33H).

n2 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 4) on slot 1. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H).

n3 is a character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

outputs (max. 4) on slot 2. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H).


10.5.7 How to test all the inputs

The status of all the slot inputs can be requested by means of the
following command:


The terminal replies with the following string:



n1 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

inputs (max. 2) on the terminal. Its values can be 0 (30H) to 3 (33H).

n2 is 1 character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

inputs (max. 4) on slot 1. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H). If there is
no slot 1, the value of n2 will be " - " (2DH).

n3 is a character that is the logic combination of the status (0 or 1) of the

inputs (max. 4) on slot 2. Its values can be 0 (30H) to F (46H). If there is
no slot 1, the value of n2 will be " - " (2DH).


10.6 Remote commands for digital cells

The following conventions will now be used besides the symbols already
given in par. 10.1 on page 2-9 :
✔ c number that identifies the digital cell;
✔ n and m indicate numerical fields with possible spaces at the
beginning, decimal separator, - sign and + sign.

10.6.1 Request for cell points


The terminal replies with this string:


n = number of points (0 to 200000)

10.6.2 Request for cell temperature


The terminal replies with this string:


n = cell temperature in °C (- 40.0 to 100.0)

10.6.3 Request for version and release of cell software


The terminal replies with this string:


n = cell software version

m = cell software release


10.6.4 Request for power supply

The terminal replies with this string:


n = cell power supply voltage rating;

m = strain gauge power supply voltage rating.

10.6.5 Request for cell serial numbers


The terminal replies with this string:


n = cell serial number recorded on the cell

m = cell serial number recorded on the terminal

10.6.6 Request for angle calibration coefficient


The terminal replies with this string:


n = angle calibration coefficient loaded in cell

m = angle calibration coefficient loaded in terminal

n and m can also take on the exponential format in this case.


10.6.7 Request for number of cells in system

The terminal replies with this string:


n = number of cells that form the system

10.6.8 Request for cell status


The terminal replies with this string:


Characters s1, s2, s3, s4 are ASCII characters that must be interpreted
as hexadecimal value. Each character represents 4 bits with different
meanings. For example, the ASCII "A" character on the input must be
interpreted as hexadecimal figure "A":

1 0 1 0
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

When the value of a bit is "1", this means that the corresponding signal
is in the true status. The meaning of the signals is as follows:

<s1> bit 0 temperature error

bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 not utilised
<s2> bit 0 cell not connected
bit 1 cell not configured
bit 2 serial number error
bit 3 voltage error
<s3> bit 0 reserved
bit 1 reserved
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 cell in warm up status
<s4> bit 0 offset
bit 1 temperature reading phase
bit 2 voltage reading phase
bit 3 calibration reading phase


10.6.9 Request for digital scale status

The terminal replies with this string:


Characters s1, s2, s3, s4 are ASCII characters that must be interpreted
as hexadecimal value. Each character represents 4 bits with different
meanings. For example, the ASCII "A" character on the input must be
interpreted as hexadecimal figure "A":

1 0 1 0
bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0

When the value of a bit is "1", this means that the corresponding signal
is in the true status. The meaning of the signals is as follows:

<s1> bit 0 not utilised

bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 not utilised
<s2> bit 0 voltage error in a cell
bit 1 not utilised
bit 2 not utilised
bit 3 not utilised
<s3> bit 0 at least one cell with temperature value off-range
bit 1 new system
bit 2 scale board replaced
bit 3 one single cell in multiple cell system replaced
<s4> bit 0 at least one cell not connected
bit 1 at least one cell not configured
bit 2 at least one cell with serial number error
bit 3 cell power supply voltage error


10.7 Communication in MPP operation

10.7.1 Operation
Terminals equipped with the MPP option can operate in the four different
modes described in the following paragraphs.
The operating mode used for MPP memory operation is selected during
installation ( par. 11.6.11 on page 2-70 ).


10.7.2 Weighing request from keypad with data transmission

on completion of operation
After having enabled the MPP memory (consult the Options chapter of
the user manual), load the weight onto the scale, wait for weight stable

signal, then press .

The terminal will save the weight data in memory and then transmit
If the Standard item has been selected in the Setup Menu ( par.
11.6.11 on page 2-70 ), the data transmitted are:

1st character $(24H)

2nd character M(4DH)

3rd character P(50H)

4th-10th MPP identification code or scale

character status indications:
NO<SP>STAB weight not stable
NO<SP>VAL<SP> weight not valid
ERRMEM<SP> weight
memorisation error
11th-18th Weight with sign and decimal point,
character if present

19th-20th <um> Unit of measurement

21st-22nd <CRC> String check field; calculated by
character performing an XOR operation
(exclusive OR) of all the preceding
characters. The value calculated is
expressed in two hexadecimal
characters, e.g. if the result is 62H,
the two checksum characters are
"6" (36H) and "2" (32H).

If the Terminal number item has been selected in the Setup Menu (
par. 11.6.11 on page 2-70 ), the data transmitted are:

1st character $(24H)

2nd character M(4DH)

3rd character P(50H)

4th-6th character MPP terminal number

7th-13th MPP identification code or

character indications about the scale status:
NO<SP>STAB weight not stable
NO<SP>VAL<SP> weight not valid
ERRMEM<SP> weight memorizing
14th-21st Weight with sign and possibly a
character decimal separator

22nd-23rd <um> Unit of measurement

24th-25th <CRC> String monitoring field.

If the Serial Number item has been selected in the Setup Menu (
par. 11.6.11 on page 2-70 ), the data transmitted are:

1st character $(24H)

2nd character M(4DH)

3rd character P(50H)

4th-11th Serial number

12th-18th MPP identification code or
character indications about the scale status:
NO<SP>STAB weight not stable
NO<SP>VAL<SP> weight not valid
ERRMEM<SP> weight memorizing
19th-26th Weight with sign and possibly a
character decimal separator

27th-28th <um> Unit of measurement

29th-30th <CRC> String monitoring field.

The computer replies with:

✔ <ACK> if the string has arrived correctly;
✔ <NAK> if the string has not arrived correctly; in which case the
terminal retransmits the data packet. After three negative replies or
no reply, the terminal displays an error message.
Any characters other than <ACK> and <NAK> are interpreted as

The ACK/NACK protocol (see par. 10.3.1 on page 2-17 ) is
automatically enabled in MPP operation.


10.7.3 Weighing request from serial command with

transmission on completion of operation
After having loaded the weight on the scale, send the memorise weight
and data request command via the computer:
If the response is affirmative, the terminal will transmit one of the strings
described in par. 10.7.2 on page 2-45 in the same mode, depending
on the item selected in the Setup menu (Standard, Terminal number,
Serial number).

10.7.4 Weighing request from keypad and transmission

request from serial command
After loading the weight on the scale, wait for the weight stable indication

and then press ; the terminal will memorise the data.

The computer may request the weight data from the terminal with the
The weighing terminal replies:
✔ with one of the strings described in par. 10.7.2 on page 2-45 ;
✔ NP<CR><LF>
if no weight has been memorised;
The data may requested more than once with the command MP<CR>.
At the end of the operation, the computer must transmit the command to
enable the terminal to carry out a new weighing operation:


10.7.5 Weighing and transmission request from serial

After loading the weight on the scale, send the memorise weight
command from the computer:

Once the weight validity conditions are satisfied, the terminal memorises
the data.
The external computer must then transmit the data request command:
The terminal responds with the string described in par. 10.7.2 on page
2-45 .

10.7.6 MP and MC remote commands with checksum

Remote commands MP and MC modify their structure for entry of the
checksum characters. Their format becomes the one below:
MP 1 D <CR>
MC 0 E <CR>




11.1 Foreword

Personalization procedures are strictly reserved for
specialised personnel only.
However, the user is permitted to modify certain of the
terminal operating parameters.
We recommend that extreme care is taken when modifying
these parameters to prevent possible malfunctions caused
by incorrect settings.
The only parameters that may be modified are those directly
related to the program installed on the terminal.

11.2 Accessing the parameter configuration function

To access non-metrological parameters only:

✔ press on switching on the terminal.

11.3 Language
On entering setup, you can select the language in which you want the
menu to be displayed.
After selecting the setup menu language, the following information is
briefly displayed:
✔ program code
✔ version
✔ serial number of terminal (if other than zero, it will match the s/n
(serial number) on the data plate).


11.4 Setup menu

The personalization parameters menu is a tree structure which can be
followed from the roots to the branches using the navigation keys
described in the Use of the terminal chapter of the user manual.

11.4.1 Conditioned menu

During the parameter personalization procedure, the menu adapts
according to the selections made. Some parameters will therefore not be
displayed as they are not required in the selected configuration.

11.4.2 Entering numeric data

See the Use of the terminal chapter of the user manual.

11.4.3 Entering alphanumeric data

See the Use of the terminal chapter of the user manual.

11.4.4 Validating input data

All data entered are validated and if they do not fall within the permitted
ranges, an error message is displayed and you are asked to enter the
data again.


11.4.5 NOT MODIFIABLE parameter or menu

The message "not modifiable" indicates that the parameter displayed
cannot be modified if the setup menu was accessed by pressing the
relative key on power up.

11.4.6 NOT AVAILABLE parameter or menu

The message "not available" indicates that the parameter will only be
available in future versions.

11.5 Overview of the menu tree

The menu tree expanded to the third level is reported below. For details,
refer to the specific paragraphs in this section or the installation section
of the manual.

Configurations Configurations Repeater scale parameters
Metrological Metrological Serial port
General General String
Analogue scale parameters Digital scale parameters
Conversion rate N. of load cells
Calibration Baud Rate
Execute Calibration
Display data Execute
Correction Display data
Test Angle calibr.
Display points Correction
Display weight Test
Converter test Display points
Display weight
Power supply
Angular coefficient
Serial number
Program Release (cells)
Terminal data storage
Terminal data reinstatement
Operating modes
Terminal language
Decimal separator
Automatic printing
MPP operation
Traffic light
Connection to external
Analogue output
Shortcut keys
Customize shortcut keys
Customize key zero-setting
Memory status
File status
Prints/Customized transmis.
Back all

Terminal test
Serial ports
Serial communication ports
Terminal configuration port
Analogue output
Voltage calibr.
Current calibr.
Complete calibr.
Serial line
Serial number
Cancel MPP Board
Inizialize MPP codes
Test report
Copy programme on board
Cell emergency routine


11.6 Descriptions of the main menus and parameters

Unless specified differently, the description of the parameters given in
the following paragraphs is valid for both analogue and digital scales.

11.6.1 Setup Menu/Scale/Configurations/Metrological

The metrological parameters entered during the installation phase can
be displayed (but not modified).


11.6.2 Setup Menu/Scale/Configurations/General menu

Digital filter no, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

Serves to enable/disable a digital filter.
Switches on or off a software filter on the
output from the analogue/digital converter.
The higher the number, the higher the degree
of filtration.
Stability signalling Very fast, Fast, Slow, Very slow
Speed at which the weight stable indication
appears. This parameter is also linked to the
setting of digital filter parameter.
Tare lock Defines tare management on unloading the
Any entered or acquired tares will be
automatically cancelled when the scale returns
to zero, i.e. when the gross weight = 0
Any entered or acquired tares will remain in
memory when the scale is unloaded, i.e. when
the gross weight = 0
Initial zero-setting Defines the terminal operating mode on power
calibrated zero
On power up, the terminal performs the
calibrated zero procedure, i.e. it indicates the
weight on the scale relative to the zero value
programmed during calibration.


On power up, the terminal performs the
autozero procedure. In the case of a legally
approved instrument, the autozero will be
within a range of -5% and +15% of the
full-scale value around the calibrated zero. In
the case of a non-legal weighing instrument,
the range is -50% to +50%.

11.6.3 Setup Menu/ANALOGUE scale/Analogue scale


Conversion rate The number of conversions per second the

AID converter makes can be displayed (but
not modified).

11.6.4 Setup Menu/DIGITAL scale/Digital scale parameters

N. of load cells The number of cells in the system can be

Baud rate The baud rate of the dialogue with the load
cell selected during the installation phase can
be displayed.

11.6.5 Setup Menu/Scale/Calibration/Display data

Calibration data (Zero, Full-scale, 1st intermediate point, 2nd
intermediate point) are displayed both as weight values in the current
unit of measurement and in internal conversion points.


11.6.6 Setup Menu/Scale/Test

Display points ✔ The number of points in the converter can

be displayed if the scale is the analogue
✔ If the scale is the digital type, the number of
output points of each individual scale (scale
0-200.000) can be displayed along with the
number of points of the entire system,
obtained by calculating the average of the
points of all the cells. Each cell is identified
by a number.
Display weight Displays the weight currently present on the
scale. On pressing the High Res. key, the
display switches to high resolution for 5
seconds. Cyclic transmission of the string
containing the weight in high resolution is
enabled on Com 2 with the protocol 9600
Converter test (*) on inserting the optional accessory board
404031, the test 0..20000div. is performed
Temperature (**) The operating temperature is indicated
alongside the identification number of each
cell. The message err. will appear if the
operating temperature is not within the (-40 to
+100) °C range.
Power supply (**) The following information is indicated
alongside the identification number of each
✔ the power supply voltage rating of the cell;
✔ the power supply voltage rating of the strain
gauge in the cell.


Angular coefficient The following information is indicated

(**) alongside the identification number of each
✔ the correction made by means of angular
cell calibration recorded in the cell;
✔ the same correction recorded in the
Serial number (**) The following information is indicated
alongside the identification number of each
✔ the serial number of the cell recorded in the
cell itself;
✔ the serial number of the cell recorded in the
✔ the cell reply address.

This latter is represented by a whole number

belonging to the (1 to 128) range. However, if
this reply number is strictly higher than 32, it
means that the cell is not addressed.
Program Release The following information is indicated
(cells) (**) alongside the identification number of each
✔ the software program of the cell;
✔ the cell release;
✔ the response address of the cell.

(*) Only with analogue cell.

(**) Only with digital cell.


11.6.7 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes

Terminal language Italian, English, Français, Deutsch,

Español, Portugues
The language used during normal operation
(may differ from the menu display language)
Decimal separator Point, Comma
Single Weight Standard, Sum weighing, Unloading
operation extraction, Loading extraction (see Use of the
terminal chapter of the user manual)
Printer see par. 11.6.8 on page 2-63 , par. 11.6.9
on page 2-67 , par. 11.6.10 on page 2-68
Automatic printing NO, YES
MPP operation See the Options chapter of the user manual
and par. 11.6.11 on page 2-70
Traffic Light See par. 11.6.12 on page 2-71
Connection to This function is to be used in conjunction with
external processor the personalization program supplied by the
Manufacturer. This program enables you to:
✔ select which of the data managed by the
terminal are to be transmitted or printed;
✔ select the position which the data are to be
printed on the printout;
✔ insert characters in any position of the
serial transmission string.


To make these modifications, proceed as

✔ select the serial port to which the PC is to
be connected;
✔ make the modifications following the
on-screen instructions on the PC.
To select the printouts see par. 11.6.10 on
page 2-68 ; to delete printouts from memory
see par. 11.6.23 on page 2-87 .


11.6.8 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes /Printer/

You can select the type of printer and its operating parameters.

EZ2 Citoh Thermal labelling machine (formatted to print a

maximum 25 characters per line).
Label length
Corresponds to the distance between the
beginning of one label and the next. Enter the
length in mm for labels less than 49 mm in
length. For longer labels, set to 0. In this latter
case, the printer uses the default length which
corresponds to a length of more than 49 mm.
Peeler Mode
Allows the label to be ejected at the end of
each print and to re-align the next label.
If you select:
✔ Software the feed is controlled by the
✔ Photosensor the feed is controlled by a
photo sensor on the printing head; the new
label re-aligns when the sensor is freed
after the previous label has been fed off;
✔ No peeler label feed-out and successive
re-alignment are not handled.


Extra Feed
Number of line feeds for correct positioning of
the label. Enter a value between 1 and 7.
STB112 Continuous sheet or card printer.
Handles forms 112 mm wide in the standard
version with a maximum 64 characters per
Roll expulsion
Select YES to automatically feed out the
printing form and make it easier to take off,
otherwise select NO.
Type of Cutting
Determines how the cutter operates at the end
of each print-out.
If you select:
✔ NO no cut will be made;
✔ Partial a partial cut will be made;
✔ Complete a full cut will be made.
Paper form
Defines the type of printer module which can
be Roll, Document, Label.
Output Line Feed
Number of advancements to select in order to
position the print on the card on the output (12
by default).
Print width
Determines the width of the print: 80mm,


Print Manufacturer
Select YES to print the name of the
manufacturer of the instrument, otherwise
select NO.
The manufacturer's name can only be printed
if the printer is the tape type.
Epson TM295 Multicopy document printer
Document block
Select YES to enable blocking of the
document on the print plate, otherwise select
Document expulsion
Select YES to obtain automatic expulsion of
the document on completion of printing,
otherwise select NO.
Line Feed
Number of line feeds to adapt the printout to
the document.
Output Line Feed
Number of advancements to select in order to
position the print on the output.
Epson LX300+ 80-column printer (formatted to print 40
characters per line).
Page length
Determines the length of the print page. Enter
the page length in terms of the number of
lines. Enter 0 to have the programmed page
handled by the printer.
Page break: YES, NO


Type of Format
Defines the type of format handled by the
printer, which can be Single or Continuous.
Output Line Feed
Number of advancements to select in order to
position the print.
DPT282 Thermal printer
Roll expulsion: YES, NO
Advances the page so that it is correctly
positioned for tearing.
TM300 Tape printer
Roll expulsion: YES, NO
Advances the paper so that it is correctly
positioned for tearing.
Activate sensor paper running out
The sensor is installed on the paper feeder
and senses when the paper is almost finished
by evaluating the diameter of the reel itself.
A LED comes on to indicate when the paper
has almost terminated.
To enable the sensor select YES, otherwise
select NO.
Activate sensor for paper out
The sensor is installed on the paper reel guide
and senses when there is no more paper.
To enable the sensor select YES, otherwise
select NO.


Type of Cutting
Establishes the way the cutter operates at the
end of each print.
If you select:
✔ NO no cut will be made;
✔ Partial a partial cut will be made;
✔ Complete a full cut will be made.
STB60 Stampante termica
Not yet available.
Neutral Generic printer output.

11.6.9 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes /Printer/

Indicates the possibility to configure a serial port for connection of a text
mode printer (NO, Com01, Com02).


11.6.10 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/

Printer / Prints
You can select the characteristics of the printout format.

Standard Print gross

To enable printing of the gross weight select
YES, otherwise select NO.
Print tare
You can enable printing of the tare.
If you select:
✔ preset the tare will be printed only if it is a
preset tare;
✔ other than 0 the tare will be printed only if
it is other than zero;
✔ always the tare will be printed in all cases.
Print barcode
Select NO if you do not wish to enable a
barcode print, otherwise select the following,
depending on the barcode required:
✔ Net
✔ Product Code + Net (code 128 format)
✔ Product Code + Net (indicod ean13 format)
✔ Generic Code + Net
Print date time
Select YES to print the date and time on the
print, otherwise select NO.


N. of copies weight print

Establishes the number of copies to be printed
automatically (only for STB112 and DPT282).
Enter a numerical value as explained in the
Use of the terminal chapter of the user
Print logo
Select YESto print the logo, otherwise select
Personalized Displays and enables the personalized prints
and/or strings in the memory.


11.6.11 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/MPP

Also consult the Options chapter of the user manual.

MPP with Printer YES, NO

Weighing request from keypad, from serial command
Data transmission at end of weighing, from serial command
PC commun. port NO, com01, com02
if you select NO, it will not be possible to
enable MPP operation
Memorise tare YES, NO
Type of reply Standard, Terminal number, Serial number
If you select Terminal number you must enter
the numerical value (max. 8 figures) as
explained in the Use of the terminal chapter of
the user manual.


11.6.12 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Operating modes/Traffic

Once red output01 and green output02 (or vice versa) have been
entered ( par. 11.6.15 on page 2-75 ), the following parameters must be
entered in order to manage the semaphore:

Weight variation
Traffic light timeout (sec.)

The following conditions may occur:

✔ If no weight variation is entered (weight variation 0), the green light

will come on when the weighing operation has terminated and will
remain on until the measured weight is more than the minimum
weight (20 divisions).
The red light will be on in all other cases.
✔ If the weight variation entered is different from zero, the green light
will remain on once the weighing operation has terminated, until the
weight on the scale changes in relation to the acquired weight by a
quantity lower than the set weight variation. As soon as the weight on
the scale differs from the acquired weight by at least the same
quantity as the set weight variation, the green light will go out and the
red one will come on.
For example, if the acquired weight is 5000 Kg and the set weight
variation is 250 Kg, the green light will go out and the red light will
come on when the weight on the scale reaches 4750 Kg because the
vehicle is driving off the scale (or reaches 5250 Kg because a second
vehicle is driving on to the scale).
✔ Neither light is on. You can select a maximum "on" time (traffic light
timeout) for the red and green lights regardless of the set weight
variation and the status of the operation.


11.6.13 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Serial/Com xy

Com xy string, Bar code reader, not utilised,

occupied by printer
string Extended, Cb, Visual, Idea, Cma, On
request with address, Extraction,
terminal number editor
Only for Cma and on Request with address
protocol Cyclic, On request, Ack-Nak, Remote
Configuration For the hardware characteristics of the serial
port see par. 11.6.14 on page 2-74
Checksum mode Select YES to enable the checksum mode,
otherwise select NO. Can only be set if the
selected string is Extended, Cma, Request
with address or Extraction.
Refer to par. 10.4.31 on page 2-28 for
greater details..
Bar code reader Data associated to
Enter the General Datum Number as
explained in the Use of the terminal chapter of
the user manual.
The list of general data with the relative
associated number is given in par. 11.6.19 on
page 2-80 .


Code type
✔ Standard CB
Enter the check digit as explained in the Use
of the terminal chapter of the user manual.
✔ Neutral
Type of generic code
Consult par. 11.6.14 on page 2-74 for the
hardware specifications of the serial output.


11.6.14 Setup Menu / Personalizations / Outputs / Serial /

String /.../ Com xy configuration
After having selected the string type, you access the menu for
configuration of the hardware characteristics of the serial port, which
contains the following parameters:

Baud rate 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,

57600, 115200
serial line transmission rate
Number of bits 7, 8
Number of stop bits 1, 2
Parity Even, Odd, None
Communication RS232, RS422, RS485
Serial com check Hardware, Software, None
Hardware : uses the CTS and RTS signals.
The CTS input signal must be set to +12V to
enable transmission on the TX pin. The
terminal sets the RTS output to +12V to signal
that it is ready to receive (available on COM1
Software : transmission of the character
enables transmission;
suspends transmission.


11.6.15 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Input-Output

status at rest Norm. open (normally open)

Norm. closed (normally closed)
operation (input) Disab. (disabled)
Zero-set scale
Acquire tare
Cancel tare
Acq/Del. tare (acquire/delete tare)
Print weight
Disab. weigh (disables weighing)
Send (executes a transmission)
Disab. settings (disables settings)
In extraction mode (consult the Use of the
terminal chapter of the user manual), this
handles the START operation by supplying the
Output 1 (Request) and Output 2 (Slow)
output contacts.
The same operation can be carried out by
pressing START on the display of the terminal.
The next START operation is accepted when
the value entered for Set Point 01 has been
reached or after a STOP request.


In extraction mode (consult the Use of the
terminal chapter of the user manual), this
forces the cycle itself to end by deactivating
the Output 1 (Request) and Output 2 (Slow)
The same operation can be carried out by
pressing STOP on the display of the terminal.
operation (output) Disab. (disabled)
Set point
Can only be selected on output 1. It is
activated when a START operation is
requested in extraction mode (consult the Use
of the terminal chapter of the user manual)
and is deactivated when the value entered for
Set Point 01 has been reached.
Can only be selected on output 2. It is
activated when a START operation is
requested in extraction mode (consult the Use
of the terminal chapter of the user manual)
and is deactivated when the extracted weight
reaches the value obtained by the difference
between the value set for Set point 01 and the
value set for Set Point 02.
Print ok
Transmiss. ok (transmission ok)


This must be entered in order to handle the
semaphore ( par. 11.6.12 on page 2-71 ).
This must be entered in order to handle the
semaphore ( par. 11.6.12 on page 2-71 ).


11.6.16 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/Analogue


output data Gross, Net

Output type Voltage 0-10 V
Current 0-20 mA
Current 4-20 mA

11.6.17 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Outputs/BCD

updating time editor

expresses updating time of the port in
hundredths of a second
data not valid time editor
expresses time in ms
Status HIGH, LOW
Select the activated status of DATA VALID
negative HIGH, LOW
Select the activated status.
output data GROSS, NET
terminal number editor
The outputs assume three-state when the
terminal cannot be selected.
To select the terminal number n, set the
CALC0...5 inputs to positive logic.
Also consult the Options chapter of the user


11.6.18 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Messages

Print If a printer is connected, you can print a list of

the current messages. The list printed is
similar to that shown in par. 11.6.19 on page
2-80 . Prints the number, the original
message and, where applicable, the modified
Modify You can modify the messages displayed by
the terminal during normal operation to suit
your specific requirements.
The procedure is as follows:
✔ enter the code of the message to be
modified; this code can be found in the list
in par. 11.6.19 on page 2-80 or by
printing the list of messages;

✔ press ;
✔ enter the new message from the
alphanumeric keypad as described in the
Use of the terminal chapter of the user

✔ press ;
✔ press ESC repeatedly to return to normal
weight display mode.
Reset Modified messages may be reset to their
original form. The menu option Reset
messages is only displayed when there are
modified messages in memory.


11.6.19 List of modifiable messages

✔ General data messages
1 Date 50 General net total
2 Time 51 General weighing number
3 Extracted 52 Partial gross total
4 Gross 53 Partial tare total
5 Tare 54 Partial net total
6 Net 55 Partial weighing number
7 Status 56 Product net total
8 Tare 1 57 Product weighing number
9 Tare 2 58 Total net by generic code
10 Disp. range:lower limit 59 Generic code weighing number
11 Disp. range: upper limit 60 Tare 1 code
12 Set point 01 61 Tare 1 value
13 Set point 02 62 Tare 2 code
14 Set point 11 63 Tare 2 value
15 Set point 12 64 Text 1
16 Set point 13 65 Text 2
17 Set point 14 66 Text 3
18 Set point 21 67 Text 1 at foot of page
19 Set point 22 68 Text 2 at foot of page
20 Set point 23 69 Text 3 at foot of page
21 Set point 24 70 1.Weight
22 Range 01:lower limit 71 2.Weight
23 Range 01:upper limit 72 Weighing net
24 Range 02:lower limit 73 Client Code
25 Range 02:upper limit 74 Client descr.
26 Range 11:lower limit 75 Client net total
27 Range 11:upper limit 76 Client weighing total
28 Range 12:lower limit 77 Plate
29 Range 12:upper limit 78 Plate net total
30 Range 13:lower limit 79 Plate weighing total
31 Range 13:upper limit 80 RCD
32 Range 14:lower limit 81 RCD Plate
33 Range 14:upper limit 82 Input date
34 Range 21:lower limit 83 Input time
35 Range 21:upper limit 84 Input progressive
36 Range 22:lower limit 85 Input product
37 Range 22:upper limit 86 Description of input product
38 Range 23:lower limit 87 Input client
39 Range 23:upper limit 88 Description of input client
40 Range 24:lower limit 89 Input plate
41 Range 24:upper limit 90 RCPD
42 Generic code 91 RCPD plate
43 Product code 92 RCPD net total
44 Description 93 RCPD weighing total
45 Tare code 94 Recal. 1. weight
46 Tare value 95 Coefficient
47 Consecutive 96 Rounding
48 General gross total 97 Result
49 General tare total 98 Operation

✔ Shortcut key messages
208 MPP 226 WEIG.R
209 TOTALS 227 RCD
217 TAR1C 235 T.RCPD
218 TAR2C 236 PLATET
237 COEF

✔ User menu messages
401 User menu 427 With memory
402 Data management 428 With printer
403 Code management 429 Display
404 Entering 430 15 mm digits
405 Reprint 431 30 mm digits
406 Range 432 Selection
407 Range 01 433 Extraction
408 Range 02 434 Display tare
409 Range 11 435 Contrast
410 Range 12 436 Totals management
411 Range 13 437 General total
412 Range 14 438 Partial total
413 Range 21 439 Product code total
414 Range 22 440 Generic code total
415 Range 23 441 Product code list
416 Range 24 442 Preset tare list
417 1st value 443 Memory status
418 2nd value 444 Client code list
419 Set Point 445 RCD list
420 Display range 446 Plate list
421 Display MPP data 447 RCPD list
422 Preset tare 448 Preset plate list
423 N. of packs 449 Client total
424 Date Time 450 RCPD total
425 MPP operation 451 Preset weight
426 De-activated 452 Plate Total


11.6.20 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Shortcut keys

Customize shortcut The quantity and position of the keypad

keys shortcuts assigned to terminal functions can
be modified.
To add shortcut keys to those already
selected (up to a maximum of 20) proceed as
✔ press NEW;
✔ position the cursor in correspondence with
the function you wish to assign to a
shortcut key;
✔ press SELECT;
✔ press ESC repeatedly to return to normal
weight display mode.
The new shortcut key will be added after the
previously assigned keys.
To change the position of shortcut keys
shown on the display, proceed as follows:
✔ position the cursor in correspondence with
the position of the function to be changed ;
✔ press ENTER;
✔ position the cursor in correspondence with
the function you wish to assign to the
previously selected position;
✔ press SELECT;
✔ press ESC repeatedly to return to normal
weight display mode.


This operation causes all the subsequent

functions to be moved forward by one position.
If you enter a function that is already present
in the shortcut key bar, the new position will be
maintained and the old position will be
To delete a function from the shortcut key,
proceed as follows:
✔ position the cursor in correspondence with
function you wish to delete;
✔ press DEL;
✔ press ESC repeatedly to return to normal
weight display mode.
This operation causes all the subsequent
functions to be moved back by one position.
Customize key It is possible to reset customized shortcut
zero-setting keys. The menu option Customize key
zero-setting only appears in the menu if
there customized shortcut keys in memory.


11.6.21 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Texts

Entering Editor
You can define two sets of messages, each
comprising 3 lines of 25 characters, which
may be inserted at the head or foot of a
Proceed as follows:
✔ select the set of messages which you wish
to insert : In heading or At foot of page;
✔ enter Text 1 from the keypad as described
in the Use of the terminal chapter of the
user manual;

✔ press to confirm;
✔ repeat the same procedure to enter Text 2
and Text 3;
✔ press ESC repeatedly to return to normal
weight display mode.
Zero-setting It is possible to reset any inserted texts. The
option Zero-setting only appears in the
menu if texts have been inserted.


11.6.22 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Files

Memory status You can verify how much of the terminal

memory is occupied and, if necessary, recover
used memory. The recovery operation may
take a few minutes. Do not switch off the
terminal during this operation otherwise data
may be lost from memory.
Files status Product code, Preset tares, Prod. Code
Total, Generic Code Total.
The number of files and their functions may
vary according to the operating mode
selected. Each of these files can be
customized in order to optimise memory use
to suit the type of terminal application. The
customizing procedure allows you to vary the
size of each file by defining the number of
elements that it may contain. To customize a
file, position the cursor in correspondence with
the file and press SELECT.
You can create a new file by selecting Create,
delete an existing file by selecting Delete, or
change the size of a file by selecting Resize.
To increase the size of the file, select
Increase and follow the instructions on the
terminal display; to decrease the size of a file
select Reduce.


When a file exceeds the maximum permitted

size, the terminal will display a warning that
there is insufficient space available. In this
case, if you still wish to proceed, you will have
to reduce the size of the other files. Care must
be taken when reducing the size of a file, as
this could lead to the loss of data. If the size
reduction affects memory areas which contain
data , these must first be reset before the file
can be resized.
Zero-setting Product Code, Preset tares, General Total,
Partial Total, Prod. Code Total, Generic
Code Total, Complete Reset
It is possible to reset the contents of the
individual files or reset the memory
completely. The latter operation results in the
loss of all the data stored in the terminal

11.6.23 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Prints-Customized

transmis. memorized
Allows you to delete any customized printouts and/or transmissions from
the memory (Delete all).

This operation permanently deletes customized printouts
from memory. To restore them, the terminal must be
reconfigured using the program supplied by the Manufacturer
(see par. 11.6.7 on page 2-61 ).


11.6.24 Setup Menu/Personalizations/Backup-Restore

This submenu contains the file transfer functions of Backup and Restore.
The files are transferred using a program on a PC which allows the data
in the terminal memory to be saved in binary files. These files can be
subsequently transferred back to the original terminal or to another
terminal of the same model. It also is possible to connect two D410
terminals and transfer data directly from one to the other without using a
PC (file cloning).
Data transmission is normally performed via a free serial port. The
terminal configures the communication parameters automatically. The
selected port, transmission rate, etc. are indicated on the display
(normally COM1 4800, 8, N, 1). On completion of the backup-restore
operation, the previous parameter settings are restored.

Figure 11.1 - PC and terminal connection for Backup-Restore


To transfer files from the terminal to a Personal Computer proceed
as follows:
✔ use a communication program that contains the KERMIT transfer
mode for binary files (e.g. Windows Hyperterminal), and set the same
communication parameter settings as the terminal;
✔ connect the terminal to the PC using a serial line cable as indicated in
Figure 11.1 on page 2-88
✔ if you want to transfer one file at a time, use the Backup function;

select the file to be transferred and confirm by pressing .

If you want to transfer all the files select Backup all.
✔ The transfer procedure now starts. Put the PC kermit reception mode.
The terminal and the PC will display the name of the file and the
percentage of data transferred.
✔ On completion of the transfer, if the Backup all function was used,
press ESC on the terminal to return to normal weight display mode; if
the Backup function was used, select the next file to be transferred (if
any) and repeat the procedure.
On completion of the operation, the binary files relative to the terminal
files can be found in the specific directory on the PC, for example
PRODFILE will contain the product file.
If there is already a file with this name in the directory, it will not be
overwritten but the new file will be saved with a number appended to the
filename, e.g. PRODFILE1.

To transfer files from a Personal Computer to the terminal proceed
as follows:
✔ go to the directory containing the previously transferred files;
✔ connect the terminal to the PC using a serial line cable as previously
described in the Backup procedure;
✔ select the Restore function on the terminal; this function allows you
to transfer one file at a time from a PC to the terminal;
✔ on the PC, select the Kermit mode send procedure for the file to be
transferred to the terminal;
✔ a message will be displayed informing you whether the transmission
was completed successfully.

The name of the file to be transferred must the same as that
of the previously received file. Filenames with added
numbers must be renamed.
For example, change the name of PRODFILE1 to
PRODFILE before transferring it.
The management of files on the PC is the responsibility of
the user.

✔ return to the submenu Restore to transfer further files and repeat

the procedure.


11.7 Test procedures

To access terminal function tests, press on power up and follow the

menu path:

select language>Terminal Tests>select test

11.7.1 Terminal Tests/Serial Ports

✔ Connect the "blind" connector to the ports.
The term "blind" connector denotes a connector that connects the inputs
to the outputs.
For RS232, TX with RX and CTS with RTS.
For RS422, TX+ with RX+, TX- with RX-.
(See drawings in the Consignment and installation chapter of the user

11.7.2 Terminal Tests/Inputs-Outputs

As in the serial port tests, you will need to prepare blind connectors that
connect the inputs directly to the outputs of the same number.
For example, connect input 01 with output 01. Refer to the Consignment
and installation chapter and Options chapter of the user manual for
these connections.

11.7.3 Terminal Tests/Keypad

Follow the instructions given on the display.


11.7.4 Terminal Tests/Terminal Configuration Report

If a printer port has been enabled through the relative menu, the terminal
configuration report will be printed via this port. If no port has been
enabled, connect a printer and a PC to the COM1 serial port with fixed
9600,8,N,1 configuration.
The overall setup of the terminal will be transmitted to it.

11.7.5 Terminal Tests/Analogue output

To calibrate the output voltage, connect a tester with 10V capacity to the
terminals. Adjust the output using the keys indicated on the display to
obtain a voltage reading between 0 and 10V.
To calibrate the output current, proceed in the same way using an
You can also select the Complete calibr. item of the menu to
calibrate both values (current and voltage)..

11.7.6 Terminal Tests/Battery

Indicates the voltage of the internal lithium battery.


11.8 Repeater scale

The following paragraphs describe the parameters required to set up the
repeater scale Refer to all paragraphs from par. 11.6.7 on page 2-61
to par. 11.6.24 on page 2-88 for the Customizing Menu and par. 11.7
on page 2-91 for the Test procedures.

11.8.1 Setup Menu/Repeater scale/Repeater scale

parameters/Serial port/Com xy
The parameters listed below must be entered in an identical way to the
ones in the main terminal if this latter is to dialogue with the slave.

Baud rate 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,

Bit number 7,8
Stop bit number 1,2
Parity Even, Odd, None
Communication RS232, RS422, RS485
Serial com control Hardware, Software, None
Hardware: the CTS and RTS signals are used.
The CTS input signal must be set at +12V to
enable transmission on the TX pins. The
terminals sets the RTS output signal at +12V
to signal that it is ready to receive (only
available on COM1).
Software: transmission of character
enable transmission;
suspend transmission.


11.8.2 Setup Menu/Repeater scale/Repeater scale


Extended See par. 10.2.2 on page 2-11

You can select the type of dialogue between
the slave and main terminal:
✔ Full-duplex: the communication signals
can be transferred at the same time in both
✔ Half-duplex: the signals can flow in one
single direction at a timer along the
transmission line.
Automatic printing
Select YES to enable the extended string to
be automatically printed, otherwise select NO.
The range selected in the installation phase
can be displayed.
This displays the division value (in the
selected unit of measurement) entered during
the installation phase.
This displays the capacity value entered
during the installation phase.
1st range capacity
This displays the 1st range capacity value
entered during the installation phase.


2nd range capacity

This displays the 2nd range capacity value
entered during the installation phase.
CB See par. 10.2.1 on page 2-10
Unit of measurement
Displays the unit of measurement selected
during the installation phase.
Displays the minimum division value
(expressed in the selected unit of
measurement) selected during the installation
Visual See par. 10.2.4 on page 2-14
Unit of measurement
Displays the unit of measurement selected
during the installation phase.
Displays the minimum division value
(expressed in the selected unit of
measurement) selected during the installation
Cma See par. 10.2.6 a pag. 2-15
No. terminal to interrogate: enter as
explained in the Use of the terminal chapter of
the user manual.
Repeater terminal No.: enter as explained in
the Use of the terminal chapter of the user




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