Issn 0976-8645: A First Epqrst Journal-/^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ A First Epqrst Journal- /^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ
Issn 0976-8645: A First Epqrst Journal-/^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ A First Epqrst Journal- /^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ
Issn 0976-8645: A First Epqrst Journal-/^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ A First Epqrst Journal- /^^Eϵϳϲͳθϲϰϱ
ISSN 0976-8645
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5th Issue
February 2011 -
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Ancient Hindu Law against women’s property rights and their"
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Polysemy Homonymy: Problem and Solution
The Process of Inference in the Light of Mimamsa System
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• ᭠֑֑֞֘֞ᳫ֞֟֏ֆեᮧ᭜֑ᭃ֧֭֔ոշզ֑֢֠֙շ֞᭠ֆֈ֠֟ᭃֆզ
• ֒պ֡֗ե֧֘ ֑֞ᭅ֗֒օ֭֒֞վ֧᳡֚֒֞֗֞֊զ
• ը։֡֟֊շ֑֡չ֧ ᮧ᳤֘֞ᳫ֑֞᭭ᮧ֚֞ե֟չշֆ֞֊֠֔ւչ֧֔֞
• ᭠֑֑֞ᮧ֧֢֚֗֘ᮢ֭ᱶ֛֧᭜֗֞֏֧֚֞֟֗֗ռ֊փ֩᮰֠ֆ֠֔᭯֠֫֒ዘ
ᮧշ֞֘շᳱ֑֭ • ֚֞ե֑֊᳥֑֧֣֚֟ᮧᳰᮓ֑֞֊֫վի֞᭟֑֑֞զ
• ֞֟օ֟֊᳞֞շ֒օ֑᭭֫֞ֈ֧֑᭜֭֗ᮧ֫շ֔֞֏֞֒᳇֞վզ
• ֛֚֞֟֟᭜֑շզ֛֚֞֟᭜֑֟֗᳒֞֟֗Წ֒֞վ֧֘ո֒զ֚֡ֈ֠ռᮓ֗ᱫᱮ
• ᳞֞շ֒օ֘֞ᳫ֧շ֒օ᭜֗֠֞ե֚֞փ֧֞֟֗֔֘տ֞
• ֗֨ᳰֈշ֗֞ջ֑֧֗֞᭭ֆ᭄֡֟֗֞֊֭փ֚֞֡᭠ֈ֒֊֑֞֒֞օտ֞
• ᮧ֞օ֑֞֞ձշ֑֫չ֞ե չ'U6KDVKLNDQW'ZLYHGL
• ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֗֞Ც֑֧էևᭅ֟֗ռ֞֒զփ֩֟ᮢ֔֫շտ֞
• ֡᭭ֆշ֚֠ᭃ֞׀
• ռ֞օ֑զյ֟փը֢֔զದփ֞էᱧօ֒Ჳ֊֟᮰զ
वस9तांकात LकाUशतेयं जाHनवी सु Zचरं सव_C Lवह9ती सXदयजनमानसे शाि9तं सु खं स9तोषं च Lय{छात ्
मु "यस%पादक*यम ्
sु FतSवFन मनोहरा मधु रसा शु भापावनी
सु 7व@दतमिBत तC भवतां य@दयं भारतीयसंBकृ Fत सु धोपमरसंदधाना जाHनवी पICका J7वहायना पदे पदे
LFतकू लवाताहतगFतर7प बु धजनसहयोगमासाJय अ3पीयसा कालेनैव आसंसारं 2वRरततर गतीमेलमाSयमेन
पRरTम9ती रUसक पाठकान ् Lसादय9ती 7वJवWजन XदयहाRरतया 7वकाससरYणमZधगता मानकपICका
LFत[ठामासा@दवती 7वJयते।
Lबलवेगं Lवह92या अBयाः जाHनaयाः शाBCरUसकानां मनः Lसादय92या चतु थाjकBय पारे सागरं
संयु pतराजेऽमेRरकाया अटलाhटानगरे डा० द`नब9धु च9दौरा महाशयेन वैदेUशकानां 7वदु षां समु पिBथतौ
लोकाप_ णमrbयत।
अतः सवा_नेतान ् लोकाप_णकृ तः सारBवतसाधना संल0नXदो7वपि]चतः LFत सLsयं कृ तtतां LकटयाUम यैरC वयं
साधु Lो2सा@हता अभू म। अBमाकं सौभा0यादे व अ9ताराि[dयवैद ु षी"याFतं लuधवFvः लालबहादु रशािBCराि[dयमाFनत
7व]व7वJयालये नैर9तiयwण कु लपFतपदमलंकु व_Fvः Bवनामध9यः FनYखलबु धवि9दतपदै वा_चBपाFतBपZध_Uभः
वाचBप2यु पाSयायमहाभागैः अBयाः पICकायाः पंचमांकBय लोकाप_ णकाय_ bमाय शारदा सपiयy2सवावसरे Bवीया
सि%%तः Lद2ताऽिBत। अतBतेnयः सानFत कृ तtता 7वtाzयते।
7वUभ9नLा9तेnयः येषां 7वदु षां बैद ु [यपू णा_ आलेखाः पं चमांके Lकाशनाय स%Lे7षताः सि9त येषां साहायबलेनेयं
जाHनवी सारBवत जगFत Bवीयां LFत[ठामाध2ते; तेnयोभू योभू यः सादरभरं ध9यवादान ् 7वतराUमं
GकाशकQयम ् सा"हि%यकः सा"ह%य)व+या)व,च राजशेखरः
या चाBमै समु दा2BवराWयमYखलं Bवीयं Xतं शCु Uभः संBकृ त-सा@ह2य-नभUस “क7वः” “काaयम ्” चेFत पदJवययोः aयवहारः स%यक् -तया
इह अंके या काZचत ् Cु @टः अिBत तBय सू चनां ददातु तBयाः पRर[करं कRर[यते।
वोSयते। काaयत22वम ् अलंकारशाBCं वेFत पदJवयं सा@ह2य7वJयायाः पया_यवाचकम ् इFत। परवFत_ Fन
सादरम ्
Iब7पन कु मार झा काले उvट-भोज-शारदातनयानां 7व]लेषणैः “सा@ह2यम”् इFत पदBय Bवीकृ Fतः भवFत। स@हत + [यञ ् =
Lकाशकः स%पादनLब9धकBच
सा@ह2य। नपु ंसकUलं गBयएकवचने (सा@ह2यम ् — स@हतBय भावLकाशकम ् )। अतः शaदाथ_योः वा{य-
अधु नातनकाले राजशेखरBय प}च9थाFन समु पलnय9ते। ताFन तावत ् — कपू _रम}जर`,
Literature ”) चा7प राजशेखरे ण LणीताFन काaयाFन। तु Lमाणाभावे मतUमदं न सव_जन-ाHम ् इFत। म3प-9थेन अ[टदशाZधकRरणी Lणीता” (क)वरह=यम ् — का;यमीमांसा)। तु LथमाZधकरणं 7वहाय
अतः वालरामायणम ् वालभारतम ् च नाटकJवयम ् ; कपू _रम}जर` इFत सकम;् 7वशालभि}जका 9थBयाBय अवUशषटाYण अZधकरणाFन नाधु ना समु पलnय9ते। अC मीमांसा शuदBयाथy 7वचारः।
चेFत ना@टका-रचनात ् कारणात ् राजशेखरः “सा@हि2यकः”। तBय सा@हि2यक7वJया-7वषयक-9थम ् सा@ह2य7वJया @ह प}चमं 7वJयाBथानUमFत तBय मतम ् — “प}चमी ... Fन[य9दः।”
भवFत अ7वBमरणीया।
राजशेखरो भू योदश, वहु शाBCFन[णातः, काaयत22वtः चासीत ् ।काaयगु णाFन अ7प तत ्-
कृ त-9थे अBमाUभः LाzताFन भवि9त। तBय चRरC-ZचCण-मता, वण_नानैपु hयम7प This article is being presented to be published in
֡᭭ֆշ֟֗֗֒օ֭ ֊֧֑ե ֏֙֞ ֊ ֗֞ շ֞᭡֑᭠֑֞ ֞ֆ֣֏֞֙֞᭟֑֑֊ᮓ֭ ի֟᭕տ᭜֗֞ ֑֘֞ ᳧֚֡֡ ᭄֞ֆ֡֟֟ֆ չֆ֧֙֡
շ֟ֆ֙֡֟ռֆ֭ ֗֙ᱷ֙֡ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆւ֊֞ւ֊֑֫ ֒ֆ֧֊ ֑֞ է֊֡֎֫֏֢֑ֆֿ֧ ֆ᳖֞ ըֈ֬ ᮰֗օ֏֙օ֧
᳟֞ֆ֭ ւ֊֧֔ո֊ֿ֧ թֈե ֛֟ ֚֗ᱺ֒֟ է᭑չ֠ᳰᮓ֑ֆ֧ ռֿ ֒ե ֊ ֏᭄֞֙֞֞֊֧ ᳞֞շ֒օե ᳰշ֟Ჱֈ֟
֧֔ոշվ֊ֈᭅ֊֛֧չփ֧ ֛ᱬ֛֗֞֗֟ֆ թ֟ֆ ֆ֡ ֊֞᭑չ֠ᳰᮓ֑ֆ֧ շ֧ ֊ֿ֞֟ ֆ᭭֞ֈ֧֗ ֚֗ᭅᮢ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֞ւ֊֧֚֞֗֒ ᳞֞շ֒օե
ᮧշ֞֟֘շ֞ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֏֞֒ֆ֠էᭃ֭֒ի֞չᭅ׃պᲵ֟չᳯ֒֊չ֭֒֎֧᭑չ֢֔ᱧ ֟֊֧֑֗᭫ֆ֧ ձֿ֗ ֊ ֏᭄֞֙֞֞֊֧ ᳞֞շ֭֒ իշ֞֒շֿ֭ ᳞֞շ֒օ᭠ֆ֡ ᭄֞ֆ֏֞֙֞շ֑᭭ ֚ե᭭շ֞֒֞ᮢե
ׇׁׁׅ֟׆ᮔ᭭ֆ֞᭣ֈׁׁ֑ׅ᭭֙֗׃ᱷᮧշ֞֟֘ֆֿ֭ շ֒֫֟ֆֿ ֊ ֆ֞֗ֆ֭ ֏֭֞֙֞ է։֑֠֞֊֑᭭ ᳞֞շ֒օ֧֊ ᳰշ֟ ᮧ֑֫վ֊ե ֈ֣ ֑᭫ֆֿ֧ ֆֆ ձ֗ ֊
ᳰᮓ֑֞օ֞֊֭ ᮧ֑֫չ֞֊֭ ᮰֞֗ե ᮰֭֞֗ ֆ֞ե᳟֞֊֚֡֞֒ե ֿ֧֚֞֒֗ ֆ֧֊֨֗ ᮓ֧օ ըֈ֬ ֚֒֔֞ ᮧ֑֫չ֞
ի᭒֑᭠ֆ֧ ᳟֞ֆ֭ռ᳥ֿ֟֘֞ձ֗եᮧշ֧֞֒ օւ֊֞չᱷձ֗֏֞֙֞֟֗֟ᮧ֑֫չ֧֚֞֗֒ ձ֗ᳯ᭬֒շ֞֒֞
ի᭒֑᭠ֆֿ֧ ձ֗ե ֊ ֗֞᭒֑֭ ձ֗ե ֗֞᭒֑֟᭜֑֞ᳰֈᱨֿ֞ ձ֗ե ᮓ֧օ֨֗ ֏֙֞ᳯ᭄֒֞֊ֿ֭ ֆ᭜ᮢ ֘ᳫ֧
֘֡֟ թ֟ֆ ֈ֨֗֞ᳰֈշ֞ֆ֭ ֘֡։ ֘֡֬ թ֟ֆ ։֞ֆ֫ ֟Ღ᭠ᮧ᭜ֿ֑֑ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֧֊ ֟֔֟ոֆ֟ֈե ֟ռ᭠ֆ֊֑֘֠֔֗֨֞շ֒օ է֟᭭ֆֿվ֞֊֞᭜֑֑ե ֑ֆ֭ ֆ֊֏֑֞ֆ֭ ֑ᳰֈ շ֑֫֝֟֞֊ռ֞֔֊ե ֊֞֒֏֧ֈ֧֗
֚ե᭭շ֣ ᭜֏֑֞֙֞֟֗֙շե ֡᭭ֆշֿ֭էֆ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֏֞֙֞֘֡֟ձ֗էᮢէ֟֏ᮧ֧ֆֿ֞շ֬֡ֈ֠թ֟ֆշ֡ ֡ֈ֭ ֆ֞ᳶ֛ ֊ շֈ֞֟ ֚ ֑֞֊ռ֞֔֊ե ֟֘ᭃ֧ֆֿ ֑֧ ֆ֞֗ֆ֭ ֆ֊֏֑֞ֆ֭ ֊֨֗ ᮧ֑ᱫ֗᭠ֆ ֆ֧֙֞ե ֆ֡ թֆ֫֝֟
ֈ֡ ֒֗᭭ևֿ֞ ֒᭠ֆ֡ է֘֡ᮧ֑֫չ֞֊֭ ᳰᮓ֑֞օ֞֊֭ ᮰֡᭜֗֞֟ո᳒ֆ֧ ֧֔ոշ֑᭭֊ ֆ᭭֞ֈ֑ե ֟֔ո֟ֆ ᳰշ֟֞ե ֘᭣ֈ֚֞։֡᭜֚֗֞֞։֡᭜֗ᮧ֟ֆ֞ֈ֊֚֒օ֠֊֚֡֒᭠ֆ֠ ֗ֆᭅֆ֧ շ֞᭡֑᭠֑֞ շ֣ ֟ֆ" թ֟ֆ
ಯ֊ ֆև֞ ֎֞։ֆ֧ ᭭շ᭠։ ֑և֞ ֎։֟ֆ ֎֞։ֆ֧ թ֟ֆ շ֧ ֊֟ռֆ֭ ֟֘֟֎շ֛֞֗֞շ֧ ֊ ֎֞։ֆ֠֟ֆ ᮧ֑֫չե ռ֧ֆ֭ ֗ֆᭅֆֿ֧ ֑᳒֟ ֛֟ֆ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֛֚֞֟᭜֑֧ ᮧ֑֞ ֚֗֞ᭅ է֟ շ֣ ֆ֑֞֟օ֟֊᳞֞շ֒օ֞֊֡չ֡օֆ֑֞
շ֣ ֆ֗֞֊֭ ֟᭛փֆշ᳟֊իᲦթ֟ֆշ֞֟ռֆ֭շև֞᮰֢֑ֆֿ֧է᳒ֆ֡֎֞։֟ֆ֚ֈ֣ ֘֞֔ᭃ֘ᮧ֑֫չ֞ ձ֗ ֒֟ռֆ֞ ֆև֞֟ ֆ֚֞֡ է֞֟օ֊֑֠֞ ᮧ֑֫չ֞ ֊ ֚֟᭠ֆ ձ֗ թ֟ֆ ֊ֿ ֟᭭ևֆ֑᭭ չ֟ֆ
ֈ֣ ֑᭫᭠ֆ֧շև֑֚᭭ե᭭շ֣ ֆվչֆ֟ֆ᭬շ֞֒"ರթ֟ֆֿձ֗ե ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֧֊᳞֛֗֒ֆ֞֟ֈ֞֊ᱭ֘֡ᮧ֑֫չե ֟ռ᭠ֆ֊֑֠֞ թ᭜֑ֆ ֆ֞ֈ֣ ֘֞֊֭ ᮧ֑֫չ֞֊֭ ֚᭑չ֣᳭ ֘֒օֈ֧֗ ֈ֡ պᭅց֣֗ᳲᱫ ֒ռֿ֑֚֞֞ ᮧշ֞֒֞᭠ֆ֧֒ օ
ᮧ֟ֆ ᮧ֣֗֟ᱫ ֑᭭֞ᳰֈ֟ֆ ֟։֑֞ ֡᭭ֆշ֟ֈե ֟֗֒֟ռֆֿ֭ ֈ֧ ֈ֧ թֈե ֘֡֟ֈե ռ֞֘֡֟֟ֆ ֑֧֙֞ե֚ևᭅ֊ե֑֘եֆ֧ֆ᭜ᮢ֚ᳶևֆ֑֧֚֞֗ᭅև֚֞ևᭅ֊֞֊֛֞ᭅֆ֧ռ֟ֆ֒᭭շ֣ ֆֿ֞ֈ֡ պᭅց֞֊֞ե֑֧֔᭯֙֡
֧֔ոշ ֟֔ո֟ֆ ದ ᮧ֚֟᭞᭟֑֞շ֞᭑ᭃ֞ ֈ֞᳒֞շ֞᭑ᭃ֞ ֗֞ ձֆ֑᭭֞ շ֣ ֆ֧ ի֧֘ ֊ֿ ᮧ᭭ֆ֡ֆ֡᭭ֆշ֧ ֘֬֊շ֚ե֛֟ֆ֞ իᱫ֒֒֞ռᳯ֒ֆ֭ ֛֟ֆ֫ֈ֧֘ ֛֞֏֞֒ֆ֭ ֑֒֞֞օ֭
շ֑֞ᭅշֆ֤ᭅօ֞ե ֚᭥֏֙օ֞᭠ֈ֫֔֊֧ ֚ᳰᮓ֑֞օ֭֞ ֏֞֙֞ᳯ᭬֒շ֞֒ շևե ֑᭭֞ֆ֭ շᳱֈ֣ ֘ե ֛֚֞֞᭦֑ե ֈᱫե ֧պֈ֢ ֆ֭ ֞ֆᲳ֛֔֞֏᭬֑֭֞ ֣᭒սշᳯցշ֭ ֏֗᳄֠ֆ֞ շ֞ֈ᭥֎֒֠ ֒պ֭֡֗֘ ֘֞շ֡ ᭠ֆ֭֔
ռ֧ֆ֭ ֆ֧ ֔֞֏֞֟᭠֗ֆ֞ ֏֧֑֗֡ շ֧ ֙֡ շ֧ ֙֡ էե֧֘֙֡ ֆ֨ է֗։֞֊ե ֈ֞ֆ᳞֭ թ᭜֑֞ᳰֈշ֧֗ է֑᭭֞ շ֣ ֆ֧ ռ֒շ֚ե֛֟ֆ֞ ֘֞֒֏᭬֑֭֞ ֊֣֡᭭֟ֆ չ᭑չ֛֞֔֒֠ շ֡ ֚֞֒᭥֏֭֗ թ᭜֑ᳰֈ᭤֑ ֑֗֞֞֟֊
ᮧ֗ֆᭅշֿ֭ իֈ֞ᱡֆ֞֟֊֚֟᭠ֆֿէ֊֧֊֧֨֗֔ոշ֑᭭է֊᭨եᮕ᭠և֞֗֔֫շ֊ե᳥ֿ֭᭭
է֘᭣ֈ֫ ֟֗֟֗Ღֿ ֊ ռ ֆᮢ ֗Ღ֣ ֑֧֟֗֙ ֚᭥֏֞֗֊֞ ᮧ֟ֆ֧֙֟։շ֞ է֏֢ֆ֭ ֊ ֗֞ թֆ֒֟᭭֊֭
֡᭭ֆշ֧ ֝֟᭭֊֭֘᭣ֈ֞֊֞ե֚֞᭟֚֗֞։֡᭜֗֟ռ᭠ֆ֊եշ֣ ֆ֟᭭ֆթ֟ֆֆ֢֡֗ᭅ֧֗ի֟᭨֔֟ոֆֿ֭ֆֆ֭
᮪վ֊շ֞ᮧռ֠֊ᮧ֑֫չ֞ ֚֗օᭅ֚᭠։֬ շ֣ ֆ֧ ֞ֆ֞ᭅ᭛փ ֑᭭֞ᳰֈ֟ֆ շ֫֝֟ ֟ռ᭠ֆ֑֧ֆֿ֭ ֆֈ֚֞։ֿ֡ ֘շ᭠᭟֗֞ᳰֈ֙֡ ֒ᱨե ֗֞᭒֑֭
թ֟ֆ ֗ᳶֆշ֧ ֊ ֒ᱨ֭ էᮢֿ ֆ᭭֞ֆ֭ ֆᭅ᭛փ թ᭜֑֧֗ ᱨֿ֭ ֑ֆ ֬ᳶօ֞ թ֟ֆ ᱨե ի᭒֑ֆ֧
ᮧֈ֧֟֘շ֏֚֞֙֞֡ ֆֆ ֆᮤ֢ ե ֑֑֫֟֟ֆ ֚᭥᮪ ֑᭭֞ֆֿ֭ ֢ᳶօ֞ ֗֞ ֬օᭅ֚֞֠ ֗֞ ֬օᭅ֠ ֗֞
թ֟ֆ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֧֊ի᭒֑ֆֿ֭֞
էᮢ֧֔ո֊֧֚֞֗֒ ֑֧ֈ֧֫֙֞֔ոշ֧ ֊֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֧֔ո֊֧֙֡է֗֔֫ᳰշֆ֞ֆ֧֙֞ե֚᭑ᮕ֛֟֗᳒ֆֿ֧
ֆ᭜ᮢ շ֚֞֒֒֗օᭅ֧֔ո֊֑֧֟֗֙ ᮩ֡֗ֆ֞ ֫֝֊֡᭭֗֞֒ է֊֑֡᭭֗֞֒᭭ ֑֑֟ ֚֒֗օᭅ ֗֞
֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֏֑֞֙֞֞ե ֟֔᭑չ᳞֗᭭և֞ է֟ֆ֟֗֔ᭃօֿ֞ շ ֘᭣ֈ ᳴շ֟֔᭑չշ թ֟ֆ ᭄֞ֆ֡ե ֊
ֈ֞᭠ֆ֑᭭ದ ռ֧֟ֆ ֢֚ᮢᮢ֑֧օ ᳰᮓ֑֞օ֞֊֞ե ֟֊֑֞֊֞ե ռռ֞ᭅ շ֣ ֆֿ֞ ֊ Ფ֟ռֈ֟ ֆ֒օ֘֞ᳫ֞ᮢե
֑֘ֆ֧ է᭨֧֊ ᮧ֑֧֚֞֊ֿ ֑ᭅ֑ֈ֞֟֊ է֟ ֚֟֔᭑չշ֞֟֊ ֊ ֏֗֟᭠ֆ Ფ֟ռֆֿ֭ ֘֒֠֒ե ֔֠֎֧
ᳯւ᭜֗֞ ֆ֒֠ֆ֡֡᳒֡Ღ ֚֍֔ ֏֧֗ֆֿ֭ ֆֈևᲈ ֆ֡ ֆ֒օֆ᭠ᮢ֑᭭ ᭄֞֊ե ֆ֒օ֞᭤֑֚֞ ռ ի֏֬ է֟
շ֑֞ թ֟ֆ ֆֈևᱮ֑ ձ֗ ֡եֿ֚֟ շօᭅ ֡ե֚֟ ֆֈևᭅշ ձ֗ ᮰֫ᮢե ֊֡ե֚շ֧ ֿ ձշ᳖֧֟᭭֗ է֑֗֟֗֟֊
ը֑֗᭫շֿ֬ ֆ᳇ֆ֭ է֑᭭ ֟֊֑ᮢ֑֑᭭ ᭄֞֊֞ᮢ֧օ ֟֊ֈ֡ᭅ᳥ ե ֧֔ո֊ե ֊ ֏֗֟ֆֿ ᭄֞ֆ֑᭭ է֑᭭
֢֚ᮢᮢ֑֑֧᭭֔ո֊֧֚֞֗֒ ֚᭥֑շ֭ ᭭֒օե֬֊֡᭠֑֧֊ռᮧ֑֫չշֆᭅֿ᳞֬
֧֒֘ ֟ᮢ֭ է֟᭭ֆֿ թ᭜֑ᮢ ֧֒֘֘᭣ֈ֑᭭ ֧֟֗֘֙օ᭜֧֗֊ ֟᭭ևֆ ֚֡ᱡ᭜֑֞ᭅ֑ ֟ᮢ֘᭣ֈ ֊
֟᳇᭜֧֗֔ո֊֧ է֟ Ფ֟ռֆ֭ պց᭜֗ց᭜֗֞ֈ֠֊֭ ֘᭣ֈ֞֊֭ է֊֡շ֡֗ᭅֆ֞ շ֫֝֟ ֛ᱬ֗᭭֗ᱬ֗
֧᭬֑֟֗֘֟֊Ჩֿ֒᭠ֆ֡ ֟֊֑ֆ֟֔᭑չշէֆ֊֡ե֚շ֧ ձ֑֗֟֔ֆֿ֧ֆ᳇ֆ֭ ֎᭠ֈ֠թ֟ֆ֑ᳰֈ֡ᱧ֑֙᭭
ֆᱬ֗֞ᳰֈ֘᭣ֈ֞֊֭ ֆշ֑֞֒᭭ ֟᳇᭜֗շ֡ ֗ᭅֆ֞ ձ֗ ֟֔ո֧ֆֿ֭ ֆ֟᳇֑֧֙ ֚֞֗։֞֊֨ ֏ֿ᳞֭֞ ֡ե֟֔᭑չ
֧֟֗֘֙օեֆև֞֟֟֊᭜֑ᳫ֠֟֔᭑չֿ᳞֠֞֟։֚֟᭠։թ᭜֑ֈ֑֟֊᭜֑ե ֡ե֚֟շ֡ ց֡ ᭥֎᭭ֆ֡ի֏֑֟֔᭑չֿ֠
թ֟ֆ֚֗֞֞֊֡֊֚֞֟շ֧ ֊֔շ֧֞֒ օ֑֡Ღե֧֗֞֔ո֊եֿ֑֑֭֫֊ֆ֡֡ե֟᭨֔᭑չթ֟ֆֿ
֊֚թ֟ֆ֡ե֚֟իᲦ֧ ֊֣֚֗ᭃե֎֫։֑֟ֆ֒ե ֔֠֎֧֚ձ֗֘᭣ֈ֊֚֍֔ե֎֫։֑֟ֆֿձ֗եᮧ֑
ձշ᭜֧֗ ձշ֗ռ֊ե ֟᳇᭜֧֗ ֟᳇֗ռ֊ե֎ᱟ᭜֧֗ ֎ᱟ֗ռ֊֟֟ֆֆ֡ ֚֞᭠֑᳞֗᭭ևֿ֞֒᭠ֆ֡ ը
֊᭜֗օ᭜֑֗֟֗֙֞ ֈ֫֙֞ ᱨ֑֧֟֗֙ ᮪ թ᭜֑֞ֈ֑ է᭠ֆ֏ᭅ֗֟᭠ֆֿ ֑և֞ ֚ե᭄֞ թ᭜֑֑᭭ ᭭և֞֊֧
վ֊֞֡ո֧֊ոֈ֟᭠ֆթ֟ֆ֗֞֗Ღ᳞ե ֡ո֨ ո֞ֈ֟᭠ֆթ֟ֆ֗֞֗Ღ᳞֭"ֆֆ֡ո֧֊ոֈ֟᭠ֆթ֟ֆ
֚ե֑֞թ֟ֆ֧֔ո֊ֿ֭᭭֘֞֊֭ թ֟ֆէ֘᭣ֈ᭫֘֞֊֭ թ֟ֆ֗Ღֿ᳞֭᳡֞֊֑ᮢ֧֘֒ֆ֧ ֆֆֿ֭
ձ֗ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆֿ֘֨֔֠ ֑֗ե ֈ֞᭤֑֞ե ռ֔ ֈ֨ ֗֞ ռ֔" ֈ᭤֑֞ե թ᭜֑֧֗ ֗Ღֿ᳞֭ ֆ֟᳇֑֧֙
ֆֆ֭ ռ ֘շ֞֒֞ᳰֈ ֊ ֚շ֞֒֞ᳰֈֿ ֚֟֗չᭅֈ֫֙ ֑և֞ ֔᭯֠ թ᭜֑ᮢ ֚֟֗չᭅ֑᭭ է֧֔ո֊ֿ֭ էᮢ
֧֔ոշ֑᭭ ֘᭣ֈ֞ թ֧ ಯ֑᳒֟ ձֆ֧ ֘᭣ֈ֞ ֎ᱟ֟֏ է֟֏֚᭥֎֞ ֏֗֟᭠ֆ ֆև֞֡ ֆ֧֙֞ե շֆե ᳰֈ֊֭ է֑֑֚᭭֞᭭"թ᭜֑ᮢ֞֟շֆֆ֭ թ֟ֆ֭֘֡ ֑᭭֞ֆֿ֭է֡֊֞ᮓ֧օ֚֡֎᭠ֆ֧֙֡ ֎ᱠ֊֞ե
֟᳇֗ռ֊֞᭠ֆᮧ֑֫չ ձ֗ ֔֫շ֧ ᮧ֑֘᭭ֆֿ֧ ձֆ֟᳇֑֧֙ ֗֞֊ ֗ֈ֟ֆ ದ ᭭ֆ֊֞ֈ֠֊֞ե ֟᳇᭜᳥֗֟֗֟֘֞ ᮧ֞ֈ֧֟֘շ֏֚֞֙֞֡ ի֑֡Ღ᭜֗֞ֆ֭ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֧֝֟ ᱨե ֑᭭֞ᳰֈ֟ֆ ᮪֞᭠᭜֑֞ ᮧ֑֡᭔֑֞֊֞֊֞ե ᱨօ֞ե
վ֞֟ֆᮧ֑֧֞օթ֟ֆರֿ ֧֟֗֗ռ֊ե֟֗᳒ֆֿ֧
շ֒օֿ֭ ֆֆ ֘֡ե ֑֭֗֞ ದ ը֒ᭃշ֞ ռ֫֒ե ֛᭭ֆ֧ ֟֊չփ֧֊ ֎֗᭠ֆֿ ֒᭠ֆ֡ ֗ց֡ ֟֘ո֞ե
֚֡᭠ֈ֒֞ թ֟ֆ էֿ֭֘֡ ֚֡᭠ֈ֒֠ թ֟ֆ ֎Ღֿ᳞֭ ֚֡᭠ֈ֒֘᭣ֈ֑᭭ չ֬֒֞ᳰֈչօ֧ ֞ւ֞ֆֿ֭ ֟֙ֈ֭
֎᳔֞֟ֆ թ֟ֆ ֑֗֞ե ֆ֡ ֿ֑֑֭֫ ֑ֆ էᮢ ֎᭠։֊ե ֊֞ ը֒ռ֊ֿ֭ ձ֭֗ ձ֗ ֚ ֟ᮢ֑᭭ ֛᭭ֆ֧
չ֬֒֞ᳰֈ᭤֑᳟ թ֟ֆ ջ֭֠֙ ֿ֊ֆᭅշᳱ֊ᳶֆշ֞ռ֧֟ֆի֏֞֗֟֘᭣ֈ֚֬᭥֏֗ֆ֒᭠ֆ֡ ᳇֑֛֫֒֟֞֊֭
֏֧ֈ ֟֘֟᭨֟֊ ᭬֗֡֊֭ ֆ֧֊֊֣ֆ։֞ֆ֫֊ֆᭅշթ֟ֆֿ֚֭֟֟֙ᳰֈᱬ֗֞ֆ֭ ֟ᳫ֑֞ե ջֿ֭֠֙ֆֆ֊ֆᭅշᳱֿ
֑ᳰֈ֊ֆᭅ֊շ֛֬֘֔֒֟ֆ֞ ֆֈ֞ ֟֘֟᭨֟֊ ᭬֗֡֊֭ ֊ֿ ֆֆ ᭛ֿ֭֗֡֔ ֡֊ ֊ֆᭅշթ֟ֆ ֘᭣ֈ֚᭥֏֗֟ֆֿ ᳰᮓ֑ֈ֟֊
ᳰᮓ֑֞ֈ֧֙֡ է֟ ֆ֧֙֞ե ֚շᭅշ᭜֭֗ էշᭅշ᭜֗ե ֗֞ ֚᭥շ֑շ֭ ֎֫᭟ֿ֑֭ Ფ֟ռֆ֭ ֚շᭅշե
ᮧշ֒օ֧շ֣ ֆֿ֞
ᳰᮓ֑ֈ֭ էշᭅշ᭜֧֗֊֞֟ ᮧ֑֡᭔֑ֆֿ֧ Ფ֟ռᲬ ֆ֟᳇֒֠ֆ֟ ֏֗֟ֆֿ ᳰᮓ֑ֈᮧ֑֫չ֑֧֚ ֆ֧֙֞ե
էᮢ ֚֚֞շ֒օ֧ ֚᭥֏֗᭠ֆ ֈ֫֙֞ ᳧֚֡֡ ֟֊ֈᳶ֘ց֞ ֚֟᭠ֆ ᮕ᭠ևշ֧֞֒ օֿ ֚֚շ֒օ֧
֟֊᭜֑᭜֧֗֊ ᳰᮓ֑֞օ֧ ֚֟᭠։շᭅ֟օ ᭭ո֔֟᭠ֆ ֎ֿ֛֗ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ᭒ս֞ᮢ֞ թ᭜֑ᮢ ս֧ ռ թ֟ֆ
֑᳒ֈ֞ռ֒֟ֆ ᮰᳧֧ ֆᱫֈ֧֧֗ֆ֒֫ վ֊ թ֟ֆ ֆ֡ ֚᭜ֿ֑֧֗ ֒᭠ֆ֡ շ֧ ռ֊ ᮧռ֠֊ᮧ֑֫չ֞
ֆ֡չ֞չ֟֗։֑շ֢֚ᮢ֑᭭ᮧ֏֗֊֟֗᭭ֆᭅֿ᳞֣᭛֑թ᭜֑ᮢ֣֞֟᭠֑թ֟ֆ֊շ֑֞֒֡ֆե ᱨ֧֗
ը֙ᭅᮧ֑֫չ֞ ֛֞շ֟֗ᮧ֑֫չ֞ ֿ֗֞ ֆ᭭֞ֈ֧֗ ֟օ᭠֑֊֊֡չ֡օ֞ է֟ ֚։֡ֆ֛֞֞֗֟᭠ֆֿ ֒ե ֊ ֆ֧
֚֞։֡ ֑ֆ ᮧ᭜֑֑֧ ֏֑֙֞֞ե ֟֊᭜֑֟֟ֆ ֗֞ᳶֆշե ֒֙֞᭤֑֞ե ֊֫օ ֚֞֊ֈ֧ թ֟ֆ ֢֚ᮢ֞ֆ֭ ֒ֆֿ֭֒
֚֞֞᭠֑֞֊֭֞ է֊֡շ֒օֿ֑֑֫֞ Ფ֟ռֆ֭ ֟֔᭑չ᳞᭜֑֚֞֞ ֗ռ֊᳞᭜֑֚֞֞ ֚֚֚֞᭠᭟֑֞ֈ֠֊֞ե
֘֞֟ᳫ֛֫ֈ֑ թ᭜֑ᮢ ֘֞֟ᳫ֊֭ թ֟ֆ թ᳖᭠ֆᱨ֑᭭ ֧֚֚ ֈ֚ե᭄֫ᱫ֒ե ֊֔֫ ֆ᭭֞ֆ֭ ᮳֑᭭֗᭭
֟֊֑֞֊֊֡չ֡օֆ֞ ռ թ֛ ֏֗֟᭠ֆֿ Ფ֟ռֆ֭ ը᭜֊֧ֈ֧ ᮧ֑֫Ღ᳞֧ ֒᭭֨ֈե ᮧ֑֡Ღ֭ Ფ֟ռֆ֭ ֆ֡
ձ֗ թշ֑֞֒᭭ ᮰֗օֿ֭ ֚֠ֆ֞ֆ֑֧ թ᭜֑֞ᳰֈ֙֡ ᱨ֧֙֡ ֟ֆ ֚֚ ձ֗ թ᭜֑֞ֈ֠֊֞ե ᮧ֏֞֗ թ᭜֑֧֗
֟᭑Ღ֚ֈ֑֨֗᭭֞֞ᭅֿֈ֘֞᭠ֆ֚֞ե֑֧֑֞ᮢ֧ ᳲ֗֘᭜֑֚֞᳒֞ե֑֧֑֞ևᱷ ֚ե֑֞ևᱷ ռ֏֗֟᭠ֆթ᭜֑֟ ֊ շ֞ֈ᭥֎֚֒֠ֈ֣ ֘ե ֈ֡ ֎ᲃ։֭ թ֛ ֧֔ո֊֟᭭ֆֿ ֡֒֞ ᳰշ֔ ֧֔ո֊֧֔֘֞ ᭭և֑֔֞ᭅֈ֞
էᮢ֎֫᭟֑ֆֿ֧ ֟֔֟ոֆ֑֚᭭ե֒ᭃօ֚֞֬շ֑ᭅ֭ թ᭜֑֞ֈ֑֎֛֑֚֗᭭֞ը֚֊ֿ֭է᳒᭜֧֗ ֆ֡ ᭄֟֗֞ֆ᭠ᮢ᭄֞֊ᮧչֆ֧
ᮧ֎᭠։ֿ֧ ֚ե᭭շ֣ ֆ֘֨֔֠֒ᭃօ֧ էֆ֠֗ վ֞չᱨշ ֟֗᳒ֆ֧ ֿ֚ ᮧ֎᭠։֑֫֝ե ᭄֞ֆ֚᭥֏֙օ֞ᮢ֞օ֞ե շ֣ ֆ֧
է։֠ֆ᳞֞շ֒օ֞֊֞ե շ֣ ֆ֧ ռիշ֞֒շե ֟֗᳒ֆֿ֧ֆᮢ֑և֞֞֒֞օ֞ե շ֣ ֆ֧ թֈե շ֡ ᱧթֈե ռ֞շ֡ ᱧ
թ᭜֑֧ֆ֞֗ֆ֞իᲦ֧ ֊է֔ե֒ե ֆᱬ᭄֗֞ֆ֞֒ֆ֡ ᳴շշ֑֞ᲈ ᳰշշ֑֞ᭅ֟֟ֆ᭄֞ֆ֑᭭ֆᱬ֑֗᭭ը։֧֞֒ օ
֚֠֗ֆᱮշ֞֔թ֟ֆ֚᭥֏᳞֞֗ֆᭅ֞֊֧շ֞եᮧ֑֫չեշ֡ ֑֞ᭅֆ֭֗Ღ֞թ֟ֆֆ֡֟ռ᭠ֆ֊ֿ֭֡᭭ֆշ֧
֡ᮤօֈ֫֙֞ ֎ᱟᮢ ֔֟ᭃֆ֞ ֿ չֆ֧ ֧֚֞ ձ֗ է֑᭭ ֡᭭ֆշ֑᭭ ֟᳇ֆ֧֑֣֞֗֟ᱫ ᮧշ֞֟֘ֆֿ֞ ֆ᭜ᮢ
է֠֙֞ե ᳯ᭬֒շ֞֒ վ֞ֆ֞ ֑᭭֞ֆ֭ թ֟ֆ֟ռ᭠ֆֿ֑֟ ֊֧֛᳞֞շ֒օ֑᭭ շ֑᭭֟ռֆ֭ ֢֚ᮢ᭄֑᭭֞֊֑֞
իֈ֛֞֒օ֞֟֊ ֈᱫ֟֊ է֟ֆ֡ ֈ֨֊֟᭠ֈ֊᳞֛֧֗֞֒ ի֑֡Ღ֞֊֭֞ իֈ֛֞֒օ֞֊֞ե ֚֞։֡᭜֗ֈ֘ᭅ֊֑֞
ի᭡֑֡Ღե֏֗֟ֆը᭜֊֧֔ո֊ե֏֙օե֚ե֟ռշᳱ֢֙ᭅօ֞եշ֣ ֆֿ֧֟֗֒᭥֑ֆ֧ձֆ֞֗ֆ֑֨֗ֆ
թᭃ֡ᮤ֞᭫չ֡փ֞ֈ֠֊֞ե֞։֑֡ᭅ֑᭭֞᭠ֆ֒ե ֛ֆֿ֭
1सधः भू मेः उjथाय oकि.चदwधकं चीjकृ तवान ् . “एggमृ तोहम ् । एgggमMर_या1मए मां गृ हं नयत।
त5य मृ jयु वाताK 2ु jवा सव] महता वेगेन अधावन ् । ?वासोyवासjयागपू वaकं सव] आगjय रणनAयाः
ओ!डआ.मू लः – डा0 अ+णर.जन 1म2ः वालु कासु लु RठतवYतः। घgटाAवयं Cयतीतम ् ए घgटाEयं च Cयतीतम ् । सव] wचिYततवYतः यत ् 1सधः
एतावता मृ तः 5यात ् । मरणात ् पू वK तेन सव]षां नामाDन अOप उiताDन 5यु ः। 1सध5य माता आरpभवनं
सं5कृ तानु वादः – बनमाल= >ब?वालः
गता 5यात ् । अ5माकं Oपतरः ातर?च अमMरका_ठदgडं गृ ह=jवा अ5मान ् सवaE अिYव
_यYतः 5यु ः। एवं
@ामाA यदा CयावसाDयकः याEा.;नाFयG.दलः नाटकम.चनाथK LसाMरतं 5व1शOवरमपसारयDत त5मादे व wचYतयतां तेषां सव]षां शर=राxण Lाणह=नाDन जाताDन।
Rदनात ् त5य @ाम5य बालकानां नाटकमारभते। नाटक5य Oवषयः यः कोOप भवतु 1सध5य ;तYनाZनः
अYते चdधरः अवदत ् – मु Yनां @ामं LेषDय_यामः। सः सवK s_Fवा अE आगjय वRद_यDत तE oकम ्
बालक5यG कृ ते तु मAयप5य भू 1मका सु Dनि?चता एव। सव] अYये च बालकाः त5माA >ब^यDत 5म।
अजायत इDत। मु Yना सव]^यः कDन_ठः अि5त। तेन तु बालकचYlगु hत5य भू 1मका DनवढCया आसीत ् ।
व5तु तः @ाम5य बालकेषु स ब1ल_ठः वतaते इDत Lचारः आसीत ् । सः यत ् कथDय_यDत तत ् कMर_यDत
oकYतु इदानीं सः सवaLथमं चाणiय5य मृ jयु ं l_टु ं ग1म_यDत। तत ् 2ु jवा मु Yना dिYदतु मारnधवान ् । तं
अOप। अYयथा यRद सः dुGः भवDत तRहa सः Lहारै ः सवाaन ् OपgडीकMर_यDत। सः सवaदा मAयपभू 1मकायाम ्
s_Fवा अपरे अOप केचन तथा कतु aमु Aयताः आसन ् । oकYतु उपि5थतानाम ् अYयेषां भयं तथा
एतदथaमवतरDतए यतोRह नाटकम.चनसमये कू hयां शकaरायु iतं जलं पू रDयjवा त5मै पातु ं द=यते।
सावधान1मw2तं LDतवाद5वरं च 2ु jवा ते सव] रोदनं Oवहाय तु _णीम ् अवलिZवतवYतः।
@ामे यदा ‘सkाF चYlगु hतः’ इDत नाटकम1भनीतमभवत ् तjपरवDतa Dन Rदने बालका5तेषां नाटकं
मु Yना शनैः शनैः प?चादवलोकनपू वaकं महादे वमिYदरम ् अDतdा1मतवान ् । एका1भमु खः सन ् सः
LारnधवYतः। 1सधाय चाणiय5य चMरEं भृ शमरोचत। यतोRह 5वयं चYlगु hतः त5य Lभावात ् सkाF
.गृ ह5य
1सध5य गृ हं यावA अधावत ् । पwथ न कोOप तं पृ _टवान ् ए न वा भयं Lद1शaतवान ् । 1सध
अभवत ् । oकYतु सkाF सYनOप सः त5य पादतले शीषK नमयDत 5म। सव] बालकाः LसYनाः सYतः
यAवारम ् OपRहतम ् आसीत ् । कपाटं oकि.चत ् अपसारDय
jवा सः गोपनेन अYतः अप?यत ् । oकYतु सः
1सध5य एति5मन ् L5तावे सहमताः अभवन ् ।
तE oकं प?यDत घ ् Lा|गणे 1सधः भोiतु मु पOव_टः!
@ामLाYते वटवृ pतले नाटक5य LारZभाjपू वK मAयकूपीमिYव_टवान ् 1सधः। oकमा?चयaकरं वृ jताYतम ् घ ्
. ‘‘कु E कू दaते 5म कु लpणः’’ इDत वदYती त5य माता तjसमpं पMरवेOषत5य Lpा1लताYनपाE5य
चाणiयः भू jवा मAयं पा5यDतघ ् सव] पर5पर5य मु खं s_टवYतः। 1सधः अवदत ् – ‘‘आZgण ् आम ् ।
समीपे शु _काkकटोरं 5थापयYती आसीत ् । नीरवः सन ् मु Yना ततः साpा
त ् 5वगृ हं गतवान ् । ggggतम ् अOप
अ5माकं चाणiयः मAयं पा5यDत। तE oकमसौOवuयZघ ् को वा दोषःघ ् क5य पा?व] कू पी वतaतेघ ्
pुधा बाधते 5म।
कू पीमाने_यDत अथवा सव]षां नासाः 5फोटDय_या1म।’’
jवरयैव चdधरः अधावत ् गृ हात ् कू पीमानेतु म ् । एतेन 1सध5य dोधः प.चमं Lाhतवान ् । ?यालः?चन
आwधकरxणकः स.जातः। दा5या1म पानमेकम ् ।
ggggण ् gह5ते कूपीं गृ ह=jवा चाणiयः अ1भनयमारnधवान ् । कू hयु _णीषमु Yमोyय सः वा5तOवकमAयपशैzया
कू hयाः अधaभागं एकेन Dनः?वासेन पीतवान ् । तदनYतरं चाणiयः गyछे त ् चेत ् कु E गyछे jघ ्
. “मातः! मातःgण ् ! एते ?यालकाः मां माMरतवYतः। अरे ?यालकाः! यु _माकं Oपतरः 1kयYताम ् । मां
wचoकjसालयं नयत। ”
तावत ् सव]षां बालकानां पदाDन कZपYते 5म। सव] पर5परं सं5पृ शYतः आ1ल|गYत?च 1सधमप?यन ् ।
1सध5य चीjकारः dमशः अवधaत। ततः बालकाः महादे वमिYदर5य पा?वaवDतapेEमuये भू jवा
रणनद=म1भल}य अधावन ् ।
धमाaथaकाममोpाणामवताम ् इवा|गवान ् ।।̉̉ (रघु वंश 10/84)
सं5कृ तवा|मये अथaOवचारः
एव च का1लदासेन DनयिYEात5याथa5य आव?यकता LDतपाRदता 5वकये काCये।
डॉ0 >Eलोक झा
धमाaदनपेतjवेन समु पािजaतो अथaः नैव कzयाणाय भवDत Lजानाम ् इjयाOप संसाwधतं तेनैव। तथा Rह-
नCयCयाकरणाचायaः, सवaदशaनाचायaः,
‘‘ि5थjयै दgडयतो दgडयान ् पMरणेतु ः Lसू तये।
धमाaथaकाममोpाjमकपु +षाथaचतु _Fय5य साधनं सं5कृ तवा|मयमेव। काCये अथaप5य अरे र वा Lणीपातेनमा5मृ Eोषु मनःकृ था।।̉̉ (Oवदु र नीDत)
पु +षाथa5य महDत LDत_ठा 2ू यते। यथा वेदे रामायणे दशaने उपDनषRद मनु _यमृ तौ चाथa5याDनवायaता LDतपाRदता
अथाaत ् य5याथa5यागमेन उjतरोjतरं धनं धमa?च वध]ते तौ Aवौ @ायौ य5यागमेन @ीयगतमOप
तथैव काCयेऽOप। धमाaथaकाममोpाः पु +षाथaचतु _Fयं मYयते। एतत ् पु +षाथaचतु _Fयमेव जीवन5य ल}यjवेन
धनमपैDत तYन @ायम ् ।
Dनधाaयaते वेदाRद@Yथे। एकेनाhय|गेन ह=नं पु +षाथaचतु _Fयं न जीवनोे?यपू तaये LभवDत। अथaOवषये कोशकारे ण
यदु iतम-् चतु वaगaफलLािhतRहa काCयतो रामाRदवत ् LवDतa तCय न रावणाRदवत ् इjयाRद
कृ jयाकृ jयLवृ DतDनवृ jयु पदे शAवारे ण सु Lतीतैव̉ इDत साRहjयदपaणकारः।
‘‘अथोऽ1भधेयरै वव5तु Lयोजन Dनवृ aDतषु ।̉̉ (अमरकोशः नाFयवगaः)
काCयाGमaLािhतभगवYनारायणचरण5तवाRदना, अथaLािhत?च धमाaदथa?च काम?चेDत धमaOव1श_टादथaः, वै1श_Fय
उपयु aiतकोशवचनानुसारे ण रै शnद5य भू Zमाकर रjन5वरं धनपशु पु Eादयोऽथाaः Oवबpताः च 5वDन_ठजनकताDनOपतजYयतावjव5वDनOपत तादाjZयवjjवोभयसZबYधेन बोuयम ् । तथा च
सिYत। अधु ना Cयवहारसौकयाaय राजमु lांoकत पEाRद+पेणाOप अथaः सं@ीयYते। धमाaनु कू लोऽथa एव अथaः नाYयः। अथाaत ् अधमaयोऽथ नानाऽनथaकरः। इjयेवं Lामाxणकं धमaशा5Eानु कू लं वचः।
परमानYदरसामृ तमू त]भaगवतो रामचYl5य या माधु यaसारसवa5वपा- परमाYतर|गाभिiतः ̉, इjयाद=Dन सिYत। अथाaजaनं Oवतोपाजaनं lOवणDनचयावािhतवाa oकं Dनःसjवेन oकं +जाकाYतेन oकं pीणबलेन
महाल}मीः वतaते सैव अथaपाऽOप ल}मीः। सैव ल}मीः मOवAयापेण, Eायीपेण, वाताaपेण च Cययते। वा साuयम ्, अथपाजaने शिiतमjjव5य, उjसाह5य, आरोया5य च LDतपदम ् आव?यकताऽनु भू यते। अत एव -
2ीलालबहादु रशा5Eा◌ीराि_यसं5कृ तOवAयापीठम ् अपंशशnदै ?च सं5कृ तं Oवकृ तं स जातम ् । पत ज1लना Cयाकरणेनैव भाषा पMरमािजa ता। ‘शा5Eापू वaके
शnदLयोगे uमaः̉ इjयु ijवा भाषा साध ् ◌ुjवंLDतपाRदतम ् ।Cयाकरणाuययन5योपेpया भाषा5वपमOप सु रpतं
नवदे हल=
सवंधर् ◌्ि◌तं संरpतं भOवतु ं न शiयते। अतएव भाषा संवधर् ◌्नाथK, भाषागतानां Oवकृ तीनां संशोuनाथK
तमः चाानजं 1भÂ◌ं त5मै पाxणनये नमः।। परं साZLDतके{ि5मन ् आंलभाषायाः आिuपjयCयाhते , संगणकयािYEाकयु गे च सं5कृ तभाषायाः संरpणं,
पMरवधर् ◌्नं, LचारLसारः पाxणDनCयाकरणेनैव भOवतु ं शiयते। ध1मaक-साRहिjयक-सां5कृ Dतकभाषेयं वैाDनक
सू Eाकार पाxणDनना भाषासZब(मYuकारं Lण?य ानLकाशनेनालोoकता, शnपयोजलधरा1भः
भाषापेण L1स(◌ा। सं5कृ त5य ानOवानवैभवेन LभाOवतैः वैाDनकैः ससZमानं अ5याः वैाDनकता 5वीकृ ताः।
मा1लYयमपाकृ jय भाषा सं5कृ ता, सु सं5कृ ता। अतएव शnदसाध ् ◌ुjवOवषयासैषा Cयाकरणा 5मृ Dतः इDत वचो1भः
सं5कृ तवामय5य वेदामणरामायणमहाभारतuमaशा5EाRदषु शा5Eोषु अथवा लोकरजकसाRहjये
भतृ aहMरणा LDतपाRदतम ् यत ् शnदसाध ् ◌ुjवLDतपादनपराCयाकरण5मृ Dतः
, लोके सु Oव
याता। सं5कृ तCयाकरणेषु
LDतपाAयOवषये Lमाxणतं यÂ केवलं लनाRदकालात ् अOपतु आध ् ◌ुDनक{े Oप सू चनाLौAयोwगकdािYतकाले
5मृ jयार5याः आAयः Lवiता महOषaपाxणDनः शnदशा5Eाकु लगु +तां भजते। यAयOप पाxणDनपू वaमOप नैके
सं5कृ तभाषा, सवपयु iता भाषा Oवशेषतः पाxणनीयCयाकरणs_टढा, योDतषs_टढा, Oव?व5य
वैयाकरणाः अभू वन ् परं तेषां उ(रणाDन तु यEा-तEा OवOवध ् ◌ेषु @Yथे_वावलोiयYते। तेषां पू वाaचायाaणां कृ तयो{Oप
Oव1भÂभाषाणामनु वाद5य माuयमभाषाs_टढा च। आध ् ◌ुDनकवैाDनकयु गे संगणकसं5कृ तभाषयो?च
सू Eापेणैव Dनब(◌ा◌ः आसन ्। परं महjया सू }मेpकया वैाDनकपरZपरानु सारYतु पाxणDननैव सैषा
पर5परमु पादे यjवं LDतपादयन ् Aवे तये Oवचारणीयो Lतीयेते -
Cयाकरण5मृ Dतः सू Eोषु Dनब(◌ा। लोकवेदोभयशnदानु शासनपरमतादाjZयपरकेण चाuययनेन पाxणनीयतYEां
Oव?वसाRहjये सवaथा सु द ु लaभम ् । अतएव सवaशा5Eोपकारकjवात ् पाxणनीयशा5EाOवषये पाxणनीयं काणादं च ;1G कZhयू टर Lो@ा1मं ग कृ त सं5कृ तम ्
s_टाYतमू लकYयायै?च LDत_ठाOपताः। अनेनैकत5तु पाxणDन अYयत5तु पतज1लOवषये यथोjतरं मु नीनां येन उभयोसaZबिYuवषये गभीरं wचYतनं उू तम ् ।यYEाभाषापेण, सं5कृ त5य कृ >Eम बु(◌े?च ;।तजपOपबपंस
Lामाgय1मjयाभाणकं L1स(मभू त ् ।परं पतज1लना सामयaयोगाÂ Rह oकि◌चदEा प?या1म शा5Eो यदनथaकं hदजमससपहमदबमG, संरचनाjमक5वपसाZयs_टढै व ानLDतपादनाय ;दवू समकहम
5याRदDत वचनेन आचायa पाxणDनरे व सZमाDनतः। jमचतमेमदजंजपवदG सवपयु iता सं5कृ तभाषा।
पाxणDनयु गे सं5कृ तं 1श_टसमाज5य भाषा आसीत ् । Oव1भÂसू Eोषु दू रादानान-अ1भवादन-Ljय1भवादन- संगणकयYEा5य भाषायाः Lापः Cयाकरणाjमकs_टढा Oवशु(◌ः 5प_ट?च भOवतCयः। सं5कृ त5य
पृ _ट-LDतवचन-L?नाYत-आशीः-Lैषः-असू याRदLसघõ◌ेषु Lयु iतशnदे ^यः Dनब(◌ै◌ः 1स(◌ाYतैः Lमाxणत1मदं तयं Cयाकरणाjमक5वपमाकलयन ् >गस ् सं5कृ ते कZhयू Rटंग ;गxणतीयG pमतां 5वीकरोDत। Oवशेषतः
यत ् यु ग{े ि5मन ् सं5कृ तं लोकCयवहार भाषा{{सीत ् । पत ज1लकाले{Oप Cयवहारभाषैवा1भÂता भा_यानु सारं पाxणDनCयाकरणसYदभ] च ् ंदपदपष ् ◌ेहतंउउमत ◌ी◌ं◌े जीम बवउचनजपदह चवू मत मु नपअंसमदज जव ◌ं
वेदमध ् ◌ीjयjवMरता वiतारो भविYत, वेदाÂ◌ो वैRदकाः शnदाः 1स(◌ा◌ः लोकाyच लौoककाः। अनाथaकं Cयाकरणम ् जनतदपदह उं बीपदमण ् तेन पाxणDन थ ् ंजीमत व ि◌nवउचनजपदह उमकपबपदम अ1भमतः। Lाकृ Dतकभाषाः
इDत माYयताOवलोके Lच1लता। अतएव केचन 1श_टाः अOप Cयाकरणपरामु खाः अभवन ् । Lाचीनकाले संगणकायोपLयु कताः इDत OवगतदशकEाय5य सततLयासानYतरं संगणकवैाDनकैः ातम ् । परं
उपनयनानYतरं आदौ Cयाकरणाuययनं अनYतरच वैRदकशnदाः उपRद?यYते 5म उiतमOप-पु राकzप एतदासीत ् सhतमशताnAयामेव आचायaपाxणDनना संगणकभाषासZब(◌ा◌ः आध ् ◌ुDनकसंभाOषतसम5यानांसमाधनं L5तु तम ्
इDत Lतीयते। Lायः चतु ःसहसू Eोषु सं5कृ तCयाकरणं वैाDनकताoकaकसु Cयवि5थतसु Dनब(शैzयां L5तु तम ् ।
सां7यनये सृ ि:ट<=>या
अ_टाuयाÕयां Dनब(◌ानां Dनयमानां महjता संगणकLो@ा1मं ग कृ ते वै1श_टढे न 5वीodयते-
मनोज उपाuयायः
ऽ पाxणनीयDनयमाः मु
यतः शnदानां Oव?लेषणमथवा शnदानु शासनसZब(◌ा◌ः। अतः वाiयसंरचनायां,
वाiयOव?लेषणे च साहाÕयाः 1सuयिYत। शोuyछाEाः ;सां
ऽ पाxणDनसू Eोषु पMरभाषाः, भाषावैाDनकतयाDन, Dनयमाः उपDनयमा?च Dनब(◌ा◌ः। 2ीलालबहादु रशा5Eा◌ीराि_यसं5कृ तOवAयापीठम ्
अथaपMरवतaनमादधनाः सिYत।
Lकृ Dतपु +षयोः संयोगादे व सृ ि_टभaवDत। यथा5कYu5कYuमा+य पगु ः 5वाभी_टं 5थानमिuगyछDत,
ऽ वाiयसंरचनाjमकेन च वै1श_टढे न संगणकाय Cयाकरणमेतत ् उपयु iतम ् । अYu?च पगु नेEाDनRदa_टपथा तेन सहै व 5वे_टं 5थानम ् । अयं संयोगो महदाRदसृ ि_टं Oवना पु +ष5य भोगाय
कैवzयाय च समथ भOवतुÂ◌ाहaDत, अतः Lकृ Dतपु +षयोः संयोग एव भोगापवगाaय सृ ि_टघढरोDत।
पदसमू हो वाiयमथaसमाhतौ अथाaत ् अथाa1भCयiतये नैक पदानां समू हः वाiयम ् । सं5कृ तCयाकरणे
OवभिiतLयोगात ् वाiये पदानां ि5थतौ पMरवतaने सjयOप वाiयाथaः अपMरवDतa त एव वतaते। तEा तु केवलं पदानां सjjवरज5तमसां साZयाव5था Lकृ Dतः, Lकृ तेमaहान ् महतो{हघढारो{हघढारात ् प चतYमाEाxण
पर5परसZबYध ् ःअथवा अYवयबोध ् ःआव?यकः। पद1स(ये Lकृ DतLjययमू लभू तावयवाः सिYत। सु िhतघैरेव शnदः एकादशेिYlयाxण च। प चतYमाEो^यः प चमहाभू ताDन Lादु भू aताDन।
पदं न 1सuयDत। उiतमOप ‘अपदं न Lयुजीत̉। संगणकयYEामाuयमेन Cयाकरण5य सरल=करणे साहाÕयं कथन5या1भLाय?शnदतYमाEात?शnदगु xणन आकाश5योjपिjतः। शnदतYमाEासRहतात ् 5पशaतYमाEाA
भवDत। Cयाकरण5य दु बuतां िiल_टताचापाकतु K संगणकं सहायकम ् । Lकरणानु सारं सू Eाणां वैाDनकर=jया वायोjपिjतः। य?च गु ण?शnद5पशa?चाि5त। पतYमाEात?शnद5पशaपगु णा OवAयYते।
वगकरणं शािnदकLodयां 1सuयDत। यथा पाxणनीयधतु पाठे Lोiताः AOवसहः धतू नां दशगणेषु रसतYमाEात?शnद5पशaपतYमाEाणां सहयोगेन जलमु jपAयते। यि5मन ् शnद5पशaपरसगु णा OवAयYते।
पर5मैपदाjमनेपदयोः नवDत पाणां 5मरणं िiल_टं वतaते। CयाकरणाjमकLodयानु सारं 1स(ि◌रे षां गYuतYमाEात?शnद5पशaपतYमाEाणां सहयोगेन पृ wथवी जायते, य5यां शnद5पशaपरसगYध गु णाः
अuययनसापेpम ् ।संगणकाय Cयाकरणशा5EोjसगाaपवादDनयमाः अOप महjjवपू णाaः वतaYते। सं5कृ तCयाकरण5य OवAयमानाः। एतेषाZपEभू तानां शnद5पशaपरसगYध एते dमेण प चOव1श_टOवषयाः। परं सहै व
Dन_कषaतः सू Eाकाराचायa पाxणDनना शnदसाध ् ◌ुjवLDतपादनs_टढा, लोकLच1लतLयोगाणां 1लघõशर=रम ् - 1लघõशर=रं सवaLथमं सृ _टे ः समारZभकालादे वोjपAयते। इदं सू }मशर=रं Lकृ jया
1स(ि◌s_टढा, वैाDनकताoकaकs_टढा, सू }मेpकया याDन सू Eाxण LणीताDन तेषां वैलpgयेन वै1श_टढे न च LDतपु +षमेकमेकं Dनमयते तथैदमसiतं 1शलायामOप गमनशीलं Dनयत सृ _टे रार^य महाLलयपयaYतEौरYतय]ण
आध ् ◌ुDनकयु ग{Oप
े LासDघõकjवं महदु पादे यjवं च 1सuयDत। Dत_ठDत, अ5य 5वपं महjjवमहघढार-एकादशेिYlयाxण पचतYमाEाxण चेjथम_टादशावयवानां समु दाय एव
सू }मशर=र1मदम ् ।
Lधनसृ ि_टः पराथaम ् - महदाRद Oवशेषभू ताDन याDन सिYत 5थू लभू ताDन तjपयaYत5सगaः Lकृ jयैव कृ तः वMर_ठ Cया याEा◌ी, योDतषOवभागः
ने?वरे ण न मोपादानः, नाhय कारणः। Lकृ DतDनajया, यRदLकृ DतमाEोणैव संसारो भOव_यDत तRहa सदै व
2ीलालबहादु रशा5Eा◌ीराि_यसं5कृ तOवAयापीठम ्
भOवतCयम ् । Lकृ तेः Lवृ िjतः LDतपु +षZमोpाय एव। अत इयZपदाथाa भवDत। यदा पु +षः Lकृ तेबaYuनाA मु yयते
तदा Lकृ DतरOप त5मात ् पृ थभवDत।अत एव Lकृ तेः Lवृ िjत5थापना 5वाथaवदि5त। Lकृ jया पु +षमु िiतरे व 5वाथaः। नवदे हल=
कायa1स(ि◌योगाः - अ5माकं पू वाaचायः RदCयsि_टसZपÂ◌ै◌ः )Oष-मु Dन1भ?च 5वकयLDतभाचpुAवारा 3. लनेशः काय]या?च पर5परं यRद प?येताम ् ।
काल5य शु भाशु भतायाः Oवषये मानवकzयाणाय योDतषादार^य मनु भगणयु गयावत ् काल5य सZयग ्
4. लनेश तथा काय]श5य यु Dतः लने यRद 5यात ् ।
Oववरणमि5मन ् शा5Eो L5तु तमि5त। RदCयsि_टसZपÂ◌ै◌ः योDताशा5EाLवतaकैः Aवादशराशीनां Oवभाजनं कृ jवा
नव@हे षु तासां 5थापनं Oवधय मानवशर=रOपgडे याsशी Ljयpता Lद1शaता न ताsशी Ljयpता अYयेषु शा5Eोषु 5. लनेशकाय]शयोयु aDतःकायaभावे यRद 5यात ् ।
एताsशः जनो भOव_यDत लोके, यो 5वकयभOव_यं ातु ं नेyछिYत, अथाaत ् सव] इyछिYत। तEा भOव_यानाथK
8. लन5य अथवा कायa5थ भावोपMर शु भ@हाणां sि_ट यRद 5यात ् ।
जYमकाल=नसमयवारDतwथवषाaद=नां ानं भOवतCयम ् । येषां पा?व] जYमकाल=न समयाRदानं भOव_यDत, ते तु
आjमनः भOव_यं सZयतया ा5यYjयेव। परं जYमकालDतwथवाराRदानOवह=नतनाः केन Lकारे ण नामसsशलनेश5य बलं OवwचYjय, पचवलाDन, 5थानRदiकालचे_टानैसwगaकLभृ तीDन जातके यत ्
5वकयशु भाशु भकालOवषये ानवYतः भOव_यYतीDत wचYतया अ5माकं पू वाaचायः योDतषशा5EाLवतaकैः आ याताDन सिYत, तेषामOप सZयग ्, बलं Dनर=pणं तEा लनेश5य शु भाशु भjवं वiतCयम ् । लनेशकाय]शयोः
योDतषाYतगaतं L?नशा5Eा5य उपयोगी सव]षां Rहतकारकं आOव_कारं कृ तम ् । य5याOव_कारे ण Dनमाaणेन च न ि5थDतं वी}य तEाभी_टL?न5य समाधनं कjतaCयम ् ।यथोiतं लाभL?ने भु वनद=Oपकाकारे ण -
लनेशो वी}यते लनं काय]शः कायaमीpते। Gयायशा-DाHभमतं <1यKम ्
L?नकाले लनं लनेशः तथा काय]शः कायaभावं प?यDत, तदा कायa1स(ि◌योगो भवDत। तEा L_टा यRद इदं
पृ yछे त ् यत ् कDतRदनाRद यावत ् कायa1स(ि◌◌ः भOव_यतीDत L?ने चYl5य तथा चYlगतेOवaचारः अतीवोपयोगी
आYवीpकDत नाZना Lwथतं Yयायशा5Eां सवaOवAयानां Lद=प5थानीय1मDत OवRदतमेव Oवदु षाम ् ।
वतaते। तEा RदनानLसघõ◌ेDत Dन?चये चYlः लाभभावे कि5मन ् Rदने LOव_यDत यदा चYlः लाभेशेन सह यु Dतः
OवAयोेशLकरणे कौRटzयेनाOप मु iतकgठे न Lोiतम-्
लाभ भावे अथवाYयभावे कMर_यDत, तावत ् RदनाDन यावत ् अथवा तRने यावत ् लाभो भOव_यतीDत।
यथा Lद=पः पMरतः ि5थतं सZब(◌ं सवaमेवाथaजातं LकाशयDत तथैव Yयायशा5Eाम ् अनु पदम ्
अYवीpया Lवतaमानं यि5मन ् कि5मYनOप शा5Eो 5थानमाOव_करोDत तEा OवAयमानं शा5Eा◌ीयं तjवं
सरह5यं Lकाशयjयेव। या चाYवीpक OवAया सवaOवAयानां Lका1शका सा आYवीpiयां OवAयमानानां
तjjवानां Lका1शका तावदा×ज5येन 5वतः भवjयेवेDत नाDतरोRहतं सु िuयाम ् ।
‘यAयOप Lमाणादयः पदाथाaः’ इjयेवं Oवध ् ◌ेन वाiयेन, Lथमसू Eाjमकेन वाiयेन वा Lमाणाद=नां
तjjवानं तु भवjयेव परं Lमाणjव-LमेयjवाRदसामाYयuम]ण Lमाणाद=नां ानमेव तjjवानjवेन
नाEा1भमतम ् महष]ः गौतम5य, Ljयु त Lमाण-LमेयाRदतjjवानाम ् उेश-लpण-पर=pामु खेन यAOव1श_य
ानं तदे वाEा व5तु तः तjjवानjवेना{नु मत1मDत Oवशेषतो Oवभावनीयम ् ।
Yयायदशaने Lथमसू Eो Lथमं समु R?ट5य Lमाणतjjव5य ‘Ljयpानु मानोपमानशnदाः LमाणाDन’ एवम ् ‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjपYनं ानं’ Ljयpम ् इDत LjयpLमालpणम ् सू पपYनं भवDत। अEा
इjयेवं चतु धa Oवभजनं Oवधय चतु धa Oवभiतेषु Lमाणेषु Lथमोपाjत5य Ljयp5य लpणम- ् LjयpLमालpणे यRद Oवशे_यवाचकं ानपदं न द=यते चेत ् ‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjपYनम ्’ Ljयp1मDत
‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjमYनं ानमCयपदे ?यमCय1भचाMर Cयवसायाjमकं Ljयpम ्’ इjयेवं Yयायसू Eो गौतमः पयaव1सतं Ljयpलpणम ् मनो 5वप5य इिYlय5य आjम5वपेण अथ]न सिYनकष] सDत उjपYने सु ख-
L5तौDत। यAयOप Lमायाः करण5वप5य Lमाण5य OवभागानYतरं Ljयp-Lमाण5यैव लpणं दु ःखादौ अDतCयाhतं भवDत। अ5याः अDतCयाhतेः DनवारणाथK LjयpLमालpणे ानपदसिYनवेशो{Dनवायaः।
समु पयु iत1मjयापाततः LDतभाDत परं लpणतः LjयpLमाणLjययं Oवना LjयpLमाकरणप5य DनOव_टे च ानपदे , सु ख-दु ःखादौ ‘मन आjमसिYनकषjपYनjव5य’ सjjवे{Oप ानjव5याभावादDतCयािhतः
LjयpLमालpण5याOप पMरानम ् असZभवीDत LjयpLमाया एव सवaतः Lथमं यzलpणं DनRदa_टं तत ् सु द ू रपराहतेDत uयेयम ् ।
सू पपAयत इDत Oवेयम ् । लpणमRहZना ाताया×च LjयpLमायां LjयpLमाकरणjवपं
Ljयpलpणे ानपदसिYनवेशेन अनु पदमेवोपाjता सु खदु ःखादावDतCयािhतः भवतु ताविYनर5ता परं
LjयpLमाणलpणYतु आ×ज5येन Oवातं भवjयेवेDत सवaमवदातम ् ।
LjयpLमा1भYन5य सवa5याOप ान5य अनु 1मjयु प1मDतशाnदाjमक5य, मनो पेिYlय5य आjम5वपाथ]न
Ljयpलpणं Cयाकुवaन ् मु Dनः वाj5यायनः ‘इिYlय5याथ]न सिYनकषाaद ु jपAयते यानं, तत ् सिYनकष] सjयेव जायमानjवात ् इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjपYनानjवप5य LjयpLमालpण5य
Ljयpम ्’ इjयेवं 5वAयं AयोतयDत। अEायं L?नः समवतरDत यत ् यथा Ljयpं जनDयतु ं इिYlय5याथ]न अनु 1मjयाRदाने{DतCयािhतः व¡लेपायमाना Dत_ठDत, oक×च Ljयpलpण1मदं Dनjये परमे?वरLjयpे
सिYनकषaः आव?यकः तथैव इिYlयाथaसिYनकषाaत ् पू वK तावदाjमनः मनसा संयोगः मनस?चेिYlयेण अCयाhतमOप भवDत परमे?वरLjयp5याजYयjवाRदDत तु नाशघढनीयम,् LjयpLमालpणे ानपदे न
योगो{Oप Dनतरामाव?यकः। एवं सDत Ljयpलpणे महOषaणा गौतमेन कथYनाjम-मन5संयोग5य मन साpाjकरोमीjयनु Cयवसाय1स(साpाjवजाjयविyछYन5यैवावबोधत ् । एव×चानु 1मjयु प1मDतशाnदLमायां
इिYlयसंयोग5य च समु zलेखो Ljयpजनकjवेन OवRहत इDत। L?न1ममं समादuता वाj5यायनेन मु Dनना ईsशसाpाjjवजातेः अOवAयमानjवात ् लpणसमYवयाभावात ् नाDतCयािhतः । परमेवं पMर_कृ त5याOप
Lोyयते यत ् Ljयp-Lमालpणसू Eो ‘एतावत ् Ljयpे कारणम’ ् इDत गौतम5य नैव LDतOपपादDयOषतं Ljयु त LjयpLमालpण5याCयािhत5तु परमे?वरLjयpे तदव5थैव Dत_ठतीDत ेयम ् ।
Ljयp-Lमायाः यAOव1श_टमDनतरसाधरणं कारणं तदे व Oवशेषतो Oववpत1मDत, सू Eो{ि5मन ् LjयpLमायाः
ई?वरLjयpे जातायाः अCयाhतेः DनवारणाथK तु ‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjपYन1मDत’ सावधरणम^यु पेjय
Oव1श_टं यत ् कारणं त5यैव Dनद] शात ् । एतावता आjममन5संयोग5य मन इिYlयसंयोग5य च Ljयp
‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषाDतMरiतानु jपYनं ानं Ljयpम’ ् इjयेवं पMर_कृ तं LjयpLमालpणम^यु पगYतCयम ् । एवं
Lमाकारणjवं तावत ् कथमOप LDतOष(◌ं न भवDत।
LjयpलpणपMर_कारे सDत ई?वरLjयp5य केनाhयनुjपYनjवात ् इिYlयाथaसिYनकषाaDतMरiतानु jपYनjवं
यथा इिYlय5याथ]न सिYनकषाaत ् केवलं Ljयp-Lमा जYयते न तथा आjमनः मनसा संयोगेन ानjव×च DनराबाuमेवेDत तEा लpणसमYवयाYनाDतCयािhतः।
केवलं LjयpLमोपजायते Ljयु त अनु 1मतौ, उप1मतौ शाnदे चाOप आjमनः मनसा योगः कारणं भवतीDत
एवं पMर_कृ त5या5य LjयpLमालpण5य अनु 1मjयु प1मDतशाnदLमायां समYवयाभावात ्
सवाaपरोpम ् ।
अDतCयािhतरOप पू वaद1शaता Dनर5ता भवDत अनु 1मjयाRदLमायां इिYlयाथaसिYनकषाaDतMरiतेन ;मन
एवं सDत मनसः इिYlयेण संयोग5तु Ljयp-Lमाजनने एवोपयु यते, अ5य च मन आjमसंयोगाDतMरiतेनG परामशa-साs?यान-पदानेन समु jपYनjव5यैव 1स(jवेन
इिYlयसंयोग5य अनु 1मjयु प1मDतशाnदLमायामनु पयोगात ् कथं न Ljयpलpणे समु लेखो OवRहत इDत ‘इिYlयाथaसिYनकषाaDतMरiतानु jपYनानjवपLjयp-Lमालpण5य समYवयासZभवाRदDत
िजासा{Cयाहतैव Dत_ठDत। एं पMर_कृ त5य ‘ानाकरणकं ानम ्’ इDत L1स(◌े Ljयp-
Oवशेषतो{वध ् ◌ेयम ् । व5तु तः लpण5या5य व
Lमालpणे एव ताjपयaमु Yनेयम ् ।
िजसायाः अ5याः समाधनं L5तावयता वाj5यायनेन मन इिYlयसंयोग5य
LjयpLमा{साधरणकारणjवं ाणज-रासन-चाpुष-jवाच-2ावणभेदेन Oव1भYने{Oप Ljयpे समानपेण Ljयpलpणे{ि5मन ् ‘अCयपदे ?य’पदं शाnदे LjयpलpणाDतCयािhतDनवारणाथa1मDत uयेयम ् ।
कारणjवात ् Dनर5तम ् । वाj5यायनभा_यानु सारं यावदथK वै नामध ् ◌ेयशnदाः, नामध ् ◌ेयशnदै ?चाथaसZLjययो आOवAवदघõनागोपालं
(◌ा◌ः सिYत
जायते। अथाaत ् जगतीतले यावYतः अथाaः पदाथाaः वा सिYत तावYतः नामध ् ◌ेया अOप L1स
इिYlय5य, अथ]न गYध ्-रस-प-5पशa-शnदे न पर5परं 1भYनेन सिYनकषa5तु Dनतरां 1भYन एव
अथ च ए1भः नामध ् ◌ेयाjमकैः शnदै 5तावदथaOवानं सव]षां भवDत। शnदे न च अथaOवाने जाते संसारे
पफलतः इिYlयाथaसिYनकषaप5य LjयpLमाकारण5य ाणजाRदLभेद1भYने_वOप Ljयpेषु समानपेण
Cयवहारो{Oप आ×ज5येन 1स(ढDत। वाj5यायनRदशा इिYlय5याथ]न सिYनकषाaत ् समु jपYनम ् अथaानं
कारणjवं ना5तीDत इिYlयाथaसिYनकषa5यैव LjयpLमाOव1श_टकारणjवेनासाधरणकारणjवेन वा Ljयpसू Eो
‘प1मDत’ ‘रस’ इjयेवं वा OवOवyयते। L1स(◌ा◌ः परसशnदा?च अथa5य ानOवषय5य वा नामध ् ◌ेयम ् ।
समु zलेखः समु wचत इDत सु Dन?चीयते।
पशnदे न रसशnदे न च ‘प1मDत जानीते’ इDत ान5य ‘रस इDत जानीते’ इjयाकरकान5य च Cयपदे शो
भवDत। परसाRदशnदे न CयपRद?यमान5य ान5याकारः वाj5यायनमु DनRदशा ‘प1मDत जानीते’ ‘रस इDत Cयवसायः अनYतरं पु नः मनसा Cयवसाय5य Cयवसायः अथाaत ् अनु Cयवसायः जायते।
जानीते’ इjयाAयाकारको 5वीodयते। अ5य Oववरणं ‘प1मDत ानवान ्’ ‘रस इDत ानवान ्’ इjयेवं एताsशDनयमवशादे व येषां पु +षाणाम ् इिYlयम ् उपहतं भवDत तेषां तेन इिYlयेण ानाभावात ् मनसा
सZभवDत। इदं ानं CयपRद?यमानं सत ् शाnदं Lसयते इjयि5त वाj5यायन5य समु Aघोषः। यतः इदं अनु Cयवसायो{Oप नानु भव1स(◌ः।
शाnदं ानं इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjपYनेन ‘प1मDत’ ‘रस इDत’ वा साpाjकारे ण सZब(मि5त अतः इदमOप
Yयायदशaने मनः अOप इिYlयं परम ् अ5य पृ थगु पदे शः मनोगतuमaभेदात ् अ^यु पेयः। भू ते^यः
इिYlयाथaसिYनकषjमYनानjवेन स@ह=तं भवतीDत नामध ् ◌ेयCयपदे ?ये{ि5मन ् शाnदाने{DतCयािhतः
समु jपYनाDन ाण-रसन-चpु5jवक् -2ोEाxण बRहMरिYlयाxण गYध ्-रस-प-5पशa-शnदपेषु Oवषयेषु यथाdमं
Ljयpलpण5य सु 5पफतैव, अ5याः वारणं लpणे अCयपदे ?यपदLवेशे सारzयेन भवतीDत सवाaपरोpम ् ।
DनयताDन भविYत अथ चेमाDन इिYlयाgयOप सगु णाDन परं मन5तु न भौDतकं नाOप सगु ण1मDत अEा
वाj5यायनमहOषaः अथाOप इिYlय5याथ]न सिYनकषाaद ु jपAयमाने ाने ानOवषयनामध ् ◌ेयैः CयपRद?यमाने
मन1स Oवशेषः 5मरणीयः। आjमनः, आjमDन OवAयमान5य सु ख5य च मानसं Ljयpं 5वीodयते यAयOप
शाnदे ाने Oवभेदं Oववेचयत ् DनRदaशDत यत ् ‘अनु पयु iते शnदाथaसZबYध ् ◌े यRददमथaानं ‘प1मDत’ ‘रस
Yयायदशaने मनसः इिYlयjवं नोiतं परं तYEाYतरे षु मनसः इिYlयjवम^यु पगतं Yयायदशaने न
इDत’ 5वपकं तत ् नामध ् ◌ेयशnदे न नैव CयपRद?यते
, 5याYनाम शnदाथaयोः मuये OवAयमानः वृ िjत5वपः
LDतOष(1मDत अनु मतमेव भवतीDत 1स(◌ाYतात ् आjमान5य सु खान5याOप मनो प इिYlय5य आjम
सZबYध ् ः क5यwचAOवातः अOवातो वा। यदा चोपयु iते शnदाथaसZबYध ् ◌े ‘अ5याथa5य अयं शnदो
पेण सु ख5वपेण वा अथ]न यः संयोगः सवाaनु भव1स(◌ः तेनैव जYयjवात ् Ljयpjवं सू पपAयत इDत सवK
नामध ् ◌ेयम’ ् इDत ानपु र5सरम ् अथaः पाAयाjमकः गृ हढते तदा यRददमथaानं तत ् चpुषा
चतु रम ् ।
जायमानेनाथaानेन न Oव1श_यते अनयोः अथaानयोः वाj5यायनRदशा क?चन अYयः समा
नाि5त। येन Lतीयमानो Cयवहारः 1स(ढे त ् अLतीयमानेन च न Cयवहारः अतः त5याेय5याथa5य
वाj5यायनेन इDतकरणयु iतेन संाशnदे न ‘प1मDत ानं’ ‘रस इDत ानं’ इjयेवं Dनद] शः कृ तः। एतावता
अथaानकाले समा
याशnदः न CयाOLयते, Cयवहारकाले तु CयाOLयत इDत सु 1स(ढDत वाj5यायनाकू तम ् ।
पMर $ आ| $ वृ $ zयू F Ljययेन Dन_पYने पयाaवरण शnदे न यदावृ णोDत सवाaन ् तत ् ‘‘मा मू दा2म पीडेDत पMरमेयपु रः सरै ।
पयाaवरण1मDत। अOप च पMरतः आवृ यते जीवः अनेनेDत Cयु jपjया पयाaवरणशnद5य Dन_पDतभaवतीDत। अनया
अनु भाव Oवशेषाjतु सेना पMरवृ ताOवव।।̉̉ (रघु वंश 1/37)
Cयु jपjया इदं 1सGयDत यत ् संसाMरक5य जीव5य संरpणाय 5वा5यलाभाय च वतaते oकमOप महjjवं
पयाaवरण5य। पयाaवरणेषु पृ wथCयhतेजोवा£वाकाशाद=Dन प च भौDतक तjjवाDन Oवशेषेण Oव2ु ताDन। नानासंdामरोगाणं सू }मकटाणु 1भरOप पयाaवरणे Lदू षणोjपिjतभaवDत। यतः
आकाशाAवायु ः, वायोरिनः, अनेरापः, अद^यः पृ वी समु jपYनेDत OवRदतम ् । एताDन Lाकृ Dतक पयाaवरणाDन राजय}माLभृ Dतसंdामकरोगानां कटाणु Lभावः Lजासु पयाaवरणLदू षणेनन Lसरे दYयEा कु Eाwचत ् ।कु शलमं>E1भः
सवaथैव मानवोपकारकाxण सवाaनावृ jय Dत_ठिYत। सावधानतयाः राजय}मा@5त5य मृ तराज एकाYते
् गृ होपवनेएवदाहसं5कारः कृ तः -
कOवकु ल गु +ः का1लदासः 5वकय काCय कृ Dतषु सु रZयवनरािजषु पयाaवरणशोधकानां ‘‘तं गृ होपवनएव संगताः पि?चमdतु Oवदा पु रोधसा।
पावनतपोवनानां साथaकपMरकzपनां कृ jवाऽमीषां चा+wचEाणं कृ तवान ् । नानाOवधैः सामDयकयैः पयाaवरण5य
रोगशािYतमपRद?य मं>Eणः संम ृ ते 1शxखDन गू ढमादधु ः।।̉̉(रघु वंश 19/54)
संशु AOवसाधaमाjमनः शु AOवरOप भवjयेव। तय1मदमवगjयका1लदासः रघु वंशारZभे व1श_ठा2मे Rदल=पशnदे _वेवं
LकटयDत- Lकृ तOवषये संpेपेण कथDयतु ं शiयते यत ् महाकOवका1लदासः पयाaवरणOवाने परमLवीण
आसीत ् । पयाaवरण Lदू षकान ् Lमु ख तjवान ् LDत पू णa तः पMरwचत इव पMरल}यतेऽसौ। सघनवनरािजषु
‘‘सोऽहं यया Oवशु Gाjमा LजालोपDनमी1लतः।
सु रZयतपोवनेषु तपोधनैययसु गिYधत धू मेन पावनधेनू नां रजसां संdामककटाणु नाशात ् पयाaवरणLायःपOवEां
Lकाश?चा Lकश?च लोकालोक इवाचलः।।̉̉ (रघु वंश ) शु Gच सजायते तेनानु सारम ् ।
रघु वंशे वxणaतगु णपू णाa गावोऽOप @ह=यपयाaवरण Dनवारणे महjवपू णाaः कारकाः सिYत। यीय 2ीलालबहादु रशा5Eा◌ीराि_यसं5कृ तOवAयापीठम ्
धु मनदासां खु रोGूतैः रजः कणैरCयपावन Lदू षककटाणू नां सहा एव Oवनाशो भवDत। सु रZयवने
नवदे हल=-16
पु रः अ@े Rहतं करोDत यजमान5य स पु रोRहतः त5य भावः पौरोRहjयम ् । पौरोRहjये यजमान5य कzयाणाय सं5काराः। अ_टौ आjमगु णाः- दया सवaभू तेष,ु शािYतः, अनसू या, अनायासोमांगzयम ्, अकापagयम ्, अ5पृ हा चेDत।
wचYjयते। यजते मान1मDत यजमानः। अथाaत ् सः जनः यः मानपू वaकं 2Gापू वaकं॰च दे वानां यजनं करोDत य5य ऐते चjवाMरंशत ् सं5काराः सिYत परच अ_टौ आjमगु णाः न सिYत स मणः लोकं न गyछDत
यजमानसंया 5वीodयते। एतAयजनं यजमान5या^यु दयाय भवDत। समू हः समाजेDत
यापको भवDत। सायु यमOप न LाhनोDतjयथaः। य5य जन5य पा?व] ऐते सं5काराः तथा चा_टौ आjमगु णाः सिYत स मणः लोकं
समाज5या^यु दयं पौरोRहjय Aवारा भOवतु ं शiनोDत। गyछDत सायु यमOप Lाhनोतीjयथaः।
वेद5य षवेदांगाDन सु L1सGाDन। 1शpाकzपोCयाकरणं Dन+iतं छYदं योDतषं॰च। वंदांगे_वेषु कzपनाZनः महOषa आंwगरसेन पचOवं शDतसं5काराः DनगRदताः। पचOवं शDतसं5काराणां
वेदांगः पौरोRहjय5य पु ि_टं करोDत। कzपो वेदOवRहतानां कमaणामानु पू Cय]णकzपनाशा5Eम ् । 5प_टमि5त यत ् नै1मिjतकवाOषaकमा1सकDनjयभेदेनचातु Oवauयमाहा?वलायनः। नै1मिjतकाः षोडशोiता समु Aवाहावसानकाः।
वेदOवRहतानां कमaणां शा5Eं कzपशा5Eामि5त। य5तु odयावान ् पु +षः स OवAवान ् इDत Lमाणीodयते यत ् सhतैवा@यणाAया?च सं5काराः वाOषaकाः मताः। मा1सकं पावaणं Lोiतमशiतानां तु वाOषaकम ् ।महाया5तु Dनjयाः
odयावान ् पु +ष एव व5तु तः OवAवांसोऽि5त। odया कमaकाgडे DनRहतमि5त यतोRह कमaणः काgडम ् 5यु ः सYuयावyचािनहोEवRदDत।
कमaकाgडमि5त। काgडं नाम dमः। तRहa कमaणः dमः कमaकाgडे सु शो1भते। तमेवाधारमि5त पौरोRहjय5य।
पार5करगृ यसू E5यLणेता महOषa पार5कराचायः Eयोदशसं5काराः 5वीodयYते। तE Oववाहः, गभाaधानम ्,
यतः कzपसू Eाxण चातु OवaधाDन। 2ौतसू Eम,् गृ यसू Eम, ् धमaसू Eम ् शु zवसू Eं॰चेDत। 2ौतसू Eे पु ंसवनम,् सीमYतोYनयनम ्, जातकमa, नामकरणम ्, Dन_dमणम ्, अYनLाशनम ्, चू णाकरणम,् उपनयनम ्,
ामण@Yथवxणaतानां 2ौतािनयागानां dमबG वणaनमि5त। वjतaमाने 2ौतयागानां Lचलनं लु hतLायदर=s?यते। केशाYतम ्, समावतaनमYjयेि_टसं5कारा_च। येषां समेषां सं5काराणां सZपादनं जनानाम^यु दयाय भवDत।
यतोRह इदानीYतने जनाः ताsशा न सिYत याsशाः तदानीYतने आसन ् । 2ौतयागाद=नां कृ ते अwधकारDनपणं अDतसमासेनेदं Oवचायaत-े
काjयायन2ौतसू Eे Lाhयते। तE Lथमसू E5य Cया
यायां वेदाuययने वृ jते तदनYतरं ताsशवेदLDतपाRदतेषु कमaसु
Oववाहसं5कारः-Oव1श_टं दाDयjव5य वहनं Oववाहोऽि5त। सव] सु पMरwचताः सYjयनेन सं5कारे ण। अ5माA
अwधकारः अनु _ठानपो Cयापारः क5य इDत Oवचायaते। तE Dनणaयः मनु _याणामेव कमa5वwधकारः। तेषामेव Rह
सं5कारादे व गृ ह5था2मार^यते। सं5कारे णानेन पDतं पjनी पjनी पDतच LाhनोDत। अE Oव_टर@हणLकरणे-
अनु _ठानसामयa मि5त। दे वाद=नां तु दे वताYतराAयभावात ्, Dतयaगाद=नां कमाaनु _ठानाशiते?च न तेषामwधकारः।
वषऽि5म समानानामु Aयता1मवसू यaः। इमं तम1भDत_ठा1म यो मा क?चा1भदासती। Lकरणेऽि5मन ् गदाधरभा_ये
वेदोiताDन सवाaxण कमाaxण पु gयफलजनकाYयेवेDत। 2ौतयागाAयwधकार=णां Dनपणे तE बहू Dन सू Eाxण LाhयYते।
उiतम ्- कु लानाचारवपु वaयोगु णैरहं समनानां सजातीयानां मuये व_मaः 2े_ठः ये_ठः अि5म भवा1म।
ताDन सवाagयE OववेचनीयाDन न भOवतु ं शiनु ते। अ5माकं भावः केवलं 2ौतसूEयु iताDन कमाaxण समाज5या^यु दये
उAयतामु दयं Lकाशं कु वaतां @हनpEाद=नां मuये सू यa इव। oकच इमं Oव_टरं तं पु +षमु R?य Oव_टरवत ्
OवAयते। तेनाचरणेन सZपादनेन च उपकारो भवDत। दशaपू णa मासा^यां यजेत ् 5वगaकामः इjयाRद वाiयैMरदं
बGम1भलpीकृ jय Dत_ठा1म अधः कृ jवोपयु aपOवशा1म। यः क?चन ् मा माम1भदासDत उपpीणं कतु K इyछDत।
1सGम ् ।
मYEोऽि5मन ् यावमु ू तंतम^यु दय5यभावम ् ।जन5या^यु दयः तदा न भOवतु ं शiनु ते यदा अ^यु दय5य भाव5य
AOवतीयमि5त गृ यसू Eम ् । गृ यसू Eेषु षोडशसं5काराणां Oव1श_टं वणaनमि5त। समेषां मानवानां जीवने
Cयु jपिjत नa भवDत। पर5परं भावयYतः कमाaxण सZपादने अ^यु दयो भवDत। सjयमेवमु iतम-्
सं5काराणां महjjवं कsशमि5त इjयवणaनीयमि5त परं ॰च समाज5या^यु दये संpेपतोऽE LDतपाAयते।
सYतु _टो भायaया भEाa भEाa भायाa तथैव च।
सम ्-कृ ◌ा◌्-घ◌ा◌् Ljययेन Dन_पYनोऽयं सं5कारशnदः। संि5dयते येन कमaणा स सं5कारः।
आjमशर=राYयतरDन_ठो OवRहतodयाजYयोऽDतशयOवशेषः सं5कारः। आjमशु Gेः Lodया सं5कारLodयाः। यतोRह ति5मYनेव कु ले Dनjयं कzयाणं तE वै ु वम ् ।।
अशु wचभू ajवा 2ु Dत5मृ jयु Rदतं कमa न कु याaRदDत महOषa भृ गु मतं OवAयते। पु +षाथaचतु _टय5य संLाhतये
गृ ह5थजीवनं कzयाणसंपi
ृ तं भवेदेतदथK उिiतMरयमतीवसमीचीना वतaते। Oववाह- सं5कारे ऽOप
2ु Dत5मृ jयु RदताDनकमाagयव?यमेव कjतaCयाDन। एतदथaमाjमशु OGपीodया सं5काराः समेषां कृ ते आव?यकम ् ।
दयालZभनLकरणैरेताsशाः Oवचाराः समु देjयि5मन मYEे
् -
परच सं5काराणां सं
या OवDन?चयOवषये वैमjयं s?यते। महOषaगौतम5यमतानु सारे ण अ_टचjवाMरंशत ्
सं5काराः OवDनि?चताः। ते सिYत गभाaधानम ्, पु ंसवनम,् सीमYतोYनयनम ्, जातकमa, नामकरणम ्, अYनLाशनम ्, मम ¥ते ते दयं दधा1म मम wचjतमनु wचjतं तेऽ5तु
अjयिन_टोम, उiय, षोडशी, वाजपेय, अDतराE, आhतोयाaम इDत सhतसोमयसं5थाः एते चjवाMरंशत ् दधा1म 5थापया1म। oकच मम wचjतमनु मम wचjतानु कू लं ते तव wचjतम5तु । jवं च मम वाचं वचनं एकमना
अCय1भचाMर मनोवृ aिjतजु aष5व _टwचjतादरे ण कु +_व। jव jवां स च एवं LजापDतमaयं मदथK मा भवDत। अजीणaजनकjवेन रोगमरणहेतु jवात ् । अ5वयK च 5वगaहेतु यागाRद Oवरोwधjवात ् ।
LसादDयतु 1मjयथaः Dनयु नiतु Dनयोजयतु । मYE5या5योपयोwगjवं अ^यु दयाय वतaते । पDतपjYययोमauये भेदो मा अपु gय1मतरपु gयLDतपpjवात ् ।यथा-
भवेRदDत ताjपयाaयः। Lकारे णानेन Lकरणेऽि5मन ् बहू Yयु दाहरणाDन LाhयYते पर॰च सव]षामE वणaनं न कतु K
अनारोयमनायु _यम5वयK चाDतभोजनम ् ।
अपु gयं लोकOवAOव_टं त5माjतjपMरवजaयेत ् ।।
2- गभाaधानसं5कारः- गभाaधानसं5कारे ण बैिजकंगा1भaकं दोषचोपशमयDत। बैिजकदोष5य गा1भaकदोष5य च
Lभावः गभaगत1शशो+पMर भवDत। अनेनैव Lभावेण वंशानु गत+जाः सYतानं LDत परZपरया गyछDत। दोषयु iतं Lकारे णानेन सं5काराः समाज5या^यु दये महती भू 1मकां DनवaहYती।
1शशु माaभवेदेतदथK सं5कारोऽयं सZपाAयते। यतोRह 1शशु सZयक् पेण न भवेत ् चेत ् सं5कार5य का कथा?
तृ तीयमि5त धमaसू Eाम-् इदानीं ये मनु 5मृ Dत-यावziय5मृ DतLभृ Dत@Yथाः धमaशा5Ejवेन गृ णYते ते सव]
3- पु ंसवनसं5कारः- गभa5थ1शशु ः वीयaवान ् भवेदेतदथK पु ंसवनसं5कारः odयते । कू मaOपjतं चोप5थे कृ jवा स यRद कzपसू Eमेव Lाणसंयु iतं कु वaिYत। धमaसू Eाणां सं5कृ तवांमये Oव1श_टं सZमानं आदरचाि5त। धमaसू Eेषु
कामयेत ् वीयaवाYj5याRदDत Oवकृ jयैनम1भमYEयते। सं5कारे णानेन गभa5थ1शशोः बलं OववGaDत। LDतपाRदताः सव] धमाaः सू Eकारै नa Lकिzपताः अOपतु तै Lाiतने^यः ोते^यः यथा समये Cया
याताः। महOषa
बौधायन5य मतं बौधायन5मृ तौ- उपRद_टो धमaः LDतवेदम ् त5यानु Cया
या5यामः। आप5तZबोऽOप अथातः
4- सीमYतोYनयनसं5कारः- अयमु जाaवतो वृ pउजव फ1लनीभव इjयनेनमYEोण सं5कारोऽयं सZपाAयते। अE
समयाचाMरकान ् धमाaन ् Cया
या5यामः। इjथं धमaसू Eाxण Lाiतनानामेव धमाaणां Cया
यानपाxण सिYत।
Dनद] शो OवAयते औदु ZबराRदपुजमाबuनाDत भताa अयमू जाaवत इDत मYEेण। गभa5थ1शशु ः उजाaवान ् भवेदेतदथK
सीमYतोYनयनं odयते। धमaसू Eाकाराः धमK चतु षु a भागेषु OवभजYते। साधरणधमaः, Oवशेषधमaः, असाधारणधमaः आपGमa?च। तE
साधारण धमaः दानतपोयभेदेन >EOवधः। अथaदान-मदान-अभयदानच दाने भविYत। अथaदाने अथa5य
Lकारे णानेन जातकमaसं5कारः मेधजननायु _ये करोDत। नामकरणDन_dमणाRदकं कृ jवा ष_ठे मा1स
अYनाRदक5य वा दानं odयते। मदान5य संबंधः OवAयादानेन सह OवAयते। अभयदानं भयातु राणां कृ ते
अYनLाशनम ् इjयनेन अYनLाशनसं5कारः कjतaCयः। ष_ठमासानYतरं शर=र5य सZयक् Oवकासाय अYनLाशनं
Lदे यमि5त। तपोऽOप >EOवधः शर=रतपः मानसतपो वाiतप?च। शर=रतपे ¥ताRदकं DनयमाRदकच 5वीodयते।
odयते। अYन5य भpणं शर=र5य कृ ते शु भं भवेदेतदथaमYनLाशनसं5कारो भवDत। उपनयनाRदकं ान5या1भवृ Gये
मानसतपेन मनः शु Gं odयते। वाiतपेन वाणीशु Gं odयते। मनसावाचाकमaणा शु Gो पू तो जनः सZमानयोयं
कjतaCयम ् । गु रोः समीपे 1शpाथK बालक5यानयनमु पनयनमि5त। सं5कारे णानेन बटु मचार= 5व तनु ं ामीयं
भवDत। य5य अ_टादशभेदाः भविYत। य5य >EOवध ् ं◌ा पं कमaयः, उपासनायः ानय?च OवAयते।
करोDत। यथा-
Dनjयनै1मिjतककाZयाuयाjमाwधदै वाwधभू तभेदैः कमaयः षOवधः Lोiतः। उपासनायः नवOवधः
5वाuयायेन¥तैहमै5EैOवAयेनेययासु तैः। Dनगु aणोपासना, सगु णोपासना, अवतारोपासना, ऋOषOपतृ दे वतोपासना, भू तLेतासु राAयु पासना, मYEयोगोपासना,
हठयोगोपासना, लययोगोपासना, राजयोगोपासना च । ानयः >EOवधः 2वणमननDनRदuयासनभेदेन।
महायै?चयै?च ामीयं odयते तनु म ् ।।
अE दानतपो यानां संकलने कृ ते चतु OवKशDतभेदाः अभवन ् ।सािjवकाRदगु णEयैः >Eगु णीकरणेन AOवसhतDतjवं
आचारOवचारCयवहार5य 1शpा अि5मन ् सं5कारे Lद=यते। OवAया कथं Lाhयते? OवAयायाः महjjवं oकमि5त
Lाhयते। Lकारे णानेन Oवचारणेन सवाaxण धमाaxण सनातनधम]ऽ- Yतभू aताDन सिYत। सनातनधमa5येदं 5वपं
जीवने ? एताsशाणां सव]षामु पMर गु +ः 1श_यं ानं ददाDत। oकं कjतaCयमकjतaCयं वा इDत सवaमEा Oवचायaते। क5यां
सवaलोककzयाणकरं वतaते।
Rदशायां मु खं कृ jवा भुजीतेjयादयः Oवषयाः 1श}यते। अE Lाhयते-
Oवशेषधमaः यथा पु +ष5य iते पु +षधमaः तथैव नायaः कृ ते नार=धमaः। गृ ह5थ5य कृ ते Lवृ िjतधमaः, सYयासीनां कृ ते
आयु _यं L ् रं ◌ामु खोभं◌ुiते यश5यं दpणामु खं।
Dनवृ िjतधमaः। एवमेव ामणाद=नां कृ ते पृ थक्-पृ थक् धम य उiतः सो Oवशेष धमaः।
w2यं Ljयंमु खोभु ंiते §तं भु ंiते यु दंमु खे।।
असाधारणधमaः असाधारणजनानां कृ ते धरणीयमि5त। न साधारणमनु _याः तदwधकाMरणो भविYत।
अथाaत ् आयु षो RहतमYनं Lांमु खो भु ंiते। यशसे Rहतं दpणामु खः। w2य1मyछYL- jयंमु खो भु ंiते §तं सjयं
आपGमaः-OवपRद Dनपjय जीवः 5वं मु
यमु े?यं लnधं चेत ् पापमापGमajवेन मjवाऽऽचरDत तदा न स पापभाक्
पु gयफल1मyछन ् उदं मु खो भुजीत ् । पु जयेदशनं Dनjय1मjयु ijवा भोयाYन5य पू जनं कृ jवा Lाशये◌ेत ् । तेन
भवDत। आjमरpायै आपGम धमaOवDनaRदa_टः।
पू जनेन बलमू जaच Lाhनु ते। अपू िजतमYनमु भयं बलमू जaच Oवन?यDत। अDतभोजनमनारोयमनायु _यं च
धमa5य लpणं मनु रेव॰चकार-
धृ Dतpमादमोऽ5तेयंशौच1मिYlयDन@हः।
चतु थK शु zवसू Eम-् शु zवशCद5याथaः रजू भवDत। रवामाOपतवेAया रचना शु zवसू E5य LDतपाAयOवषयो वतaते।
भवनाRद Dनमाaणाय अ5य महjjवं नाि5त LyछYनम ् । रे खागxणत5य पु रातनानाय शु zवसू Eाणामuययनमतीव
महjjवपू णa मि5त।
एतदDतMरiतं अYयेऽOप OवOवधाः Oवषयाः पौरोRहjये OवAयYते येषां महjjवं सव]षां जनानां कृ ते सिYत।
यAयेवमु yयते पौरोRहjये भारतीया सं5कृ Dतः साpात ् भवDत चेत ् नाDतशयोिiतः। अतः समाज5या^यु दयः
सं5कृ तसं5कृ Dतसंरpणे अव?यं भOव_यDत।
समाज5या^यु दये पौरोRहjय5यावदानम ् अशु wचभू ajवा 2ु Dत5मृ jयु Rदतं कमa न कु याaRदDत महOषa भृ गु मतं OवAयते। पु +षाथaचतु _टय5य संLाhतये
2ु Dत5मृ jयु RदताDनकमाagयव?यमेव कjतaCयाDन। एतदथaमाjमशु OGपीodया सं5काराः समेषां कृ ते आव?यकम ् ।
डा. रामराजउपाuयायः
परच सं5काराणां सं
या OवDन?चयOवषये वैमjयं s?यते। महOषaगौतम5यमतानु सारे ण अ_टचjवाMरंशत ्
पौरोRहjयOवभागाuयpः सं5काराः OवDनि?चताः। ते सिYत गभाaधानम ्, पु ंसवनम,् सीमYतोYनयनम ्, जातकमa, नामकरणम ्, अYनLाशनम ्,
चौलम ्, उपनयनम ्, चjवाMरवेद¥ताDन, 5नानम ्, सहधमaचाMरणीसंयोगः, पचमहायानामनु _ठानम,्
2ीलालबहादु रशा5Eा◌ीराि_यसं5कृ तOवAयापीठम ्
अ_टकापावaणं 2ाGं, 2ावणी, आ@हायणी, चैEी, आ?वयु जी, सhतपाकसं5थाः, अYयाuयेयम ्, अिनहोEम ्,
नवदे हल=-16 दशaपू णa मासौ चातु माa5याDन, आ@यणेि_टः, Dनढपशु बYधः, सौEामxणः इDत सhतहOवयaसं5थाः, अिन_टोम,
अjयिन_टोम, उiय, षोडशी, वाजपेय, अDतराE, आhतोयाaम इDत सhतसोमयसं5थाः एते चjवाMरंशत ्
पु रः अ@े Rहतं करोDत यजमान5य स पु रोRहतः त5य भावः पौरोRहjयम ् । पौरोRहjये यजमान5य कzयाणाय
सं5काराः। अ_टौ आjमगु णाः- दया सवaभू तेष,ु शािYतः, अनसू या, अनायासोमांगzयम ्, अकापagयम ्, अ5पृ हा चेDत।
wचYjयते। यजते मान1मDत यजमानः। अथाaत ् सः जनः यः मानपू वaकं 2Gापू वaकं॰च दे वानां यजनं करोDत
य5य ऐते चjवाMरंशत ् सं5काराः सिYत परच अ_टौ आjमगु णाः न सिYत स मणः लोकं न गyछDत
यजमानसंया 5वीodयते। एतAयजनं यजमान5या^यु दयाय भवDत। समू हः समाजेDत
यापको भवDत।
सायु यमOप न LाhनोDतjयथaः। य5य जन5य पा?व] ऐते सं5काराः तथा चा_टौ आjमगु णाः सिYत स मणः लोकं
समाज5या^यु दयं पौरोRहjय Aवारा भOवतु ं शiनोDत।
गyछDत सायु यमOप Lाhनोतीjयथaः।
वेद5य षवेदांगाDन सु L1सGाDन। 1शpाकzपोCयाकरणं Dन+iतं छYदं योDतषं॰च। वंदांगे_वेषु कzपनाZनः
महOषa आंwगरसेन पचOवं शDतसं5काराः DनगRदताः। पचOवं शDतसं5काराणां
वेदांगः पौरोRहjय5य पु ि_टं करोDत। कzपो वेदOवRहतानां कमaणामानु पू Cय]णकzपनाशा5Eम ् । 5प_टमि5त यत ्
नै1मिjतकवाOषaकमा1सकDनjयभेदेनचातु Oवauयमाहा?वलायनः। नै1मिjतकाः षोडशोiता समु Aवाहावसानकाः।
वेदOवRहतानां कमaणां शा5Eं कzपशा5Eामि5त। य5तु odयावान ् पु +षः स OवAवान ् इDत Lमाणीodयते यत ्
सhतैवा@यणाAया?च सं5काराः वाOषaकाः मताः। मा1सकं पावaणं Lोiतमशiतानां तु वाOषaकम ् ।महाया5तु Dनjयाः
odयावान ् पु +ष एव व5तु तः OवAवांसोऽि5त। odया कमaकाgडे DनRहतमि5त यतोRह कमaणः काgडम ्
5यु ः सYuयावyचािनहोEवRदDत।
कमaकाgडमि5त। काgडं नाम dमः। तRहa कमaणः dमः कमaकाgडे सु शो1भते। तमेवाधारमि5त पौरोRहjय5य।
AOवतीयमि5त गृ यसू Eम ् । गृ यसू Eेषु षोडशसं5काराणां Oव1श_टं वणaनमि5त। समेषां मानवानां जीवने मYEोऽि5मन ् यावमु ू तंतम^यु दय5यभावम ् ।जन5या^यु दयः तदा न भOवतु ं शiनु ते यदा अ^यु दय5य भाव5य
सं5काराणां महjjवं कsशमि5त इjयवणaनीयमि5त परं ॰च समाज5या^यु दये संpेपतोऽE LDतपाAयते। Cयु jपिjत नa भवDत। पर5परं भावयYतः कमाaxण सZपादने अ^यु दयो भवDत। सjयमेवमु iतम-्
सम ्-कृ ◌ा◌्-घ◌ा◌् Ljययेन Dन_पYनोऽयं सं5कारशnदः। संि5dयते येन कमaणा स सं5कारः। सYतु _टो भायaया भEाa भEाa भायाa तथैव च।
आjमशर=राYयतरDन_ठो OवRहतodयाजYयोऽDतशयOवशेषः सं5कारः। आjमशु Gेः Lodया सं5कारLodयाः। यतोRह
ति5मYनेव कु ले Dनjयं कzयाणं तE वै ु वम ् ।।
गृ ह5थजीवनं कzयाणसंप ृ iतं भवेदेतदथK उिiतMरयमतीवसमीचीना वतaते। Oववाह- सं5कारे ऽOप आयु _यं L ् रं ◌ामु खोभं◌ुiते यश5यं दpणामु खं।
दयालZभनLकरणैरेताsशाः Oवचाराः समु देjयि5मन मYEे
् -
w2यं Ljयंमु खोभु ंiते §तं भु ंiते यु दंमु खे।।
मम ¥ते ते दयं दधा1म मम wचjतमनु wचjतं तेऽ5तु
अथाaत ् आयु षो RहतमYनं Lांमु खो भुi
ं ते। यशसे Rहतं दpणामु खः। w2य1मyछYL- jयंमु खो भु ंiते §तं सjयं
मम वाचमेकमना जु ष5व LजापDत_Fवा Dनयु नiतु मयम ् ।। पु gयफल1मyछन ् उदं मु खो भुजीत ् । पु जयेदशनं Dनjय1मjयु ijवा भोयाYन5य पू जनं कृ jवा Lाशये◌ेत ् । तेन
पू जनेन बलमू जaच Lाhनु ते। अपू िजतमYनमु भयं बलमू जaच Oवन?यDत। अDतभोजनमनारोयमनायु _यं च
मYE5या5य Cया
यानावसरे गदाधरमहोदयैः LDतपाRदतम ्- मम ¥ते शा5EOवRहतDनयमादौ ते तव दयं मनः
भवDत। अजीणaजनकjवेन रोगमरणहेतु jवात ् । अ5वयK च 5वगaहेतु यागाRद Oवरोwधjवात ् ।
दधा1म 5थापया1म। oकच मम wचjतमनु मम wचjतानु कू लं ते तव wचjतम5तु । jवं च मम वाचं वचनं एकमना
अपु gय1मतरपु gयLDतपpjवात ् ।यथा-
अCय1भचाMर मनोवृ aिjतजु aष5व _टwचjतादरे ण कु +_व। jव jवां स च एवं LजापDतमaयं मदथK मा
LसादDयतु 1मjयथaः Dनयु नiतु Dनयोजयतु । मYE5या5योपयोwगjवं अ^यु दयाय वतaते । पDतपjYययोमauये भेदो मा अनारोयमनायु _यम5वयK चाDतभोजनम ् ।
भवेRदDत ताjपयाaयः। Lकारे णानेन Lकरणेऽि5मन ् बहू Yयु दाहरणाDन LाhयYते पर॰च सव]षामE वणaनं न कतु K
अपु gयं लोकOवAOव_टं त5माjतjपMरवजaयेत ् ।।
Lकारे णानेन सं5काराः समाज5या^यु दये महती भू 1मकां DनवaहYती।
2- गभाaधानसं5कारः- गभाaधानसं5कारे ण बैिजकंगा1भaकं दोषचोपशमयDत। बैिजकदोष5य गा1भaकदोष5य च
Lभावः गभaगत1शशो+पMर भवDत। अनेनैव Lभावेण वंशानु गत+जाः सYतानं LDत परZपरया गyछDत। दोषयु iतं तृ तीयमि5त धमaसू Eाम-् इदानीं ये मनु 5मृ Dत-यावziय5मृ DतLभृ Dत@Yथाः धमaशा5Ejवेन गृ णYते ते सव]
1शशु माaभवेदेतदथK सं5कारोऽयं सZपाAयते। यतोRह 1शशु सZयक् पेण न भवेत ् चेत ् सं5कार5य का कथा? कzपसू Eमेव Lाणसंयु iतं कु वaिYत। धमaसू Eाणां सं5कृ तवांमये Oव1श_टं सZमानं आदरचाि5त। धमaसू Eेषु
LDतपाRदताः सव] धमाaः सू Eकारै नa Lकिzपताः अOपतु तै Lाiतने^यः ोते^यः यथा समये Cया
याताः। महOषa
3- पु ंसवनसं5कारः- गभa5थ1शशु ः वीयaवान ् भवेदेतदथK पु ंसवनसं5कारः odयते । कू मaOपjतं चोप5थे कृ jवा स यRद
बौधायन5य मतं बौधायन5मृ तौ- उपRद_टो धमaः LDतवेदम ् त5यानु Cया
या5यामः। आप5तZबोऽOप अथातः
कामयेत ् वीयaवाYj5याRदDत Oवकृ jयैनम1भमYEयते। सं5कारे णानेन गभa5थ1शशोः बलं OववGaDत।
समयाचाMरकान ् धमाaन ् Cया
या5यामः। इjथं धमaसू Eाxण Lाiतनानामेव धमाaणां Cया
यानपाxण सिYत।
4- सीमYतोYनयनसं5कारः- अयमु जाaवतो वृ pउजव फ1लनीभव इjयनेनमYEोण सं5कारोऽयं सZपाAयते। अE
धमaसू Eाकाराः धमK चतु षु a भागेषु OवभजYते। साधरणधमaः, Oवशेषधमaः, असाधारणधमaः आपGमa?च। तE
Dनद] शो OवAयते औदु ZबराRदपुजमाबuनाDत भताa अयमू जाaवत इDत मYEेण। गभa5थ1शशु ः उजाaवान ् भवेदेतदथK
साधारण धमaः दानतपोयभेदेन >EOवधः। अथaदान-मदान-अभयदानच दाने भविYत। अथaदाने अथa5य
सीमYतोYनयनं odयते।
अYनाRदक5य वा दानं odयते। मदान5य संबंधः OवAयादानेन सह OवAयते। अभयदानं भयातु राणां कृ ते
Lकारे णानेन जातकमaसं5कारः मेधजननायु _ये करोDत। नामकरणDन_dमणाRदकं कृ jवा ष_ठे मा1स Lदे यमि5त। तपोऽOप >EOवधः शर=रतपः मानसतपो वाiतप?च। शर=रतपे ¥ताRदकं DनयमाRदकच 5वीodयते।
अYनLाशनम ् इjयनेन अYनLाशनसं5कारः कjतaCयः। ष_ठमासानYतरं शर=र5य सZयक् Oवकासाय अYनLाशनं मानसतपेन मनः शु Gं odयते। वाiतपेन वाणीशु Gं odयते। मनसावाचाकमaणा शु Gो पू तो जनः सZमानयोयं
odयते। अYन5य भpणं शर=र5य कृ ते शु भं भवेदेतदथaमYनLाशनसं5कारो भवDत। उपनयनाRदकं ान5या1भवृ Gये भवDत। य5य अ_टादशभेदाः भविYत। य5य >EOवध ् ं◌ा पं कमaयः, उपासनायः ानय?च OवAयते।
कjतaCयम ् । गु रोः समीपे 1शpाथK बालक5यानयनमु पनयनमि5त। सं5कारे णानेन बटु मचार= 5व तनु ं ामीयं Dनjयनै1मिjतककाZयाuयाjमाwधदै वाwधभू तभेदैः कमaयः षOवधः Lोiतः। उपासनायः नवOवधः
करोDत। यथा- Dनगु aणोपासना, सगु णोपासना, अवतारोपासना, ऋOषOपतृ दे वतोपासना, भू तLेतासु राAयु पासना, मYEयोगोपासना,
हठयोगोपासना, लययोगोपासना, राजयोगोपासना च । ानयः >EOवधः 2वणमननDनRदuयासनभेदेन।
5वाuयायेन¥तैहमै5EैOवAयेनेययासु तैः।
अE दानतपो यानां संकलने कृ ते चतु OवKशDतभेदाः अभवन ् ।सािjवकाRदगु णEयैः >Eगु णीकरणेन AOवसhतDतjवं
महायै?चयै?च ामीयं odयते तनु म ् ।।
Lाhयते। Lकारे णानेन Oवचारणेन सवाaxण धमाaxण सनातनधम]ऽ- Yतभू aताDन सिYत। सनातनधमa5येदं 5वपं
आचारOवचारCयवहार5य 1शpा अि5मन ् सं5कारे Lद=यते। OवAया कथं Lाhयते? OवAयायाः महjjवं oकमि5त सवaलोककzयाणकरं वतaते।
जीवने ? एताsशाणां सव]षामु पMर गु +ः 1श_यं ानं ददाDत। oकं कjतaCयमकjतaCयं वा इDत सवaमEा Oवचायaते। क5यां
Rदशायां मु खं कृ jवा भुजीतेjयादयः Oवषयाः 1श}यते। अE Lाhयते-
Oवशेषधमaः यथा पु +ष5य iते पु +षधमaः तथैव नायaः कृ ते नार=धमaः। गृ ह5थ5य कृ ते Lवृ िjतधमaः, सYयासीनां कृ ते तjjवतो वेदाः Dनjयाः। वेदानां Dनjयjवे सDत शnदानामhयDनjयjव1मjयाहु ः। नैवं शiयं शnदाः Dनjयाः।
Dनवृ िjतधमaः। एवमेव ामणाद=नां कृ ते पृ थक्-पृ थक् धम य उiतः सो Oवशेष धमaः। शnदानां Dनjयjवात ् वेदानामOप Dनjयjवम ् ।तदु iतं पतज1लना-
असाधारणधमaः असाधारणजनानां कृ ते धरणीयमि5त। न साधारणमनु _याः तदwधकाMरणो भविYत। ‘Dनjयाः शnदाः। Dनjयेषु शnदे षु कू ट5थैरOवचा1ल{1भवaणभaOवतCयमन- पायोपजनOवकाMर1भः।̉
आपGमaः-OवपRद Dनपjय जीवः 5वं मु
यमु े?यं लnधं चेत ् पापमापGमajवेन मjवाऽऽचरDत तदा न स पापभाक् तथा - ‘2ोEोपलिnuबु(a ि◌Dन@ाaयः Lयोगेणा{1भ{व1लत-आकाशदे शः शnद̉ इDत।
भवDत। आjमरpायै आपGम धमaOवDनaRदa_टः।
अथाaत ् वैRदकाः लौoकका?च सव] शnदाः Dनjयाः। शnदाथaसZबYधनां Dनjयतां Lमायन ् तदु iतं भतृ aहMरणा-
धमa5य लpणं मनु रेव॰चकार-
Dनjयाः शnदाथaसZबYध5तEाZनाता महOषa1भः।
धृ Dतpमादमोऽ5तेयंशौच1मिYlयDन@हः।
सू Eाणामनु तYEाणां भा_याणाच Lणेत ृ 1भः।।
धीOवaAया सjयमdोधो दशकं धमaलpणम ् ।।
शnद5य Dनjयjवे सDत आध ् ◌ुDनकयु गसं
े 5कृ तवामये Cयाकरणशा5Eा5य वै1श_Fयम5jयेव। यथा शर=रं
चतु थK शु zवसू Eम-् शु zवशCद5याथaः रजू भवDत। रवामाOपतवेAया रचना शु zवसू E5य LDतपाAयOवषयो वतaते। नेjतद5तपादाAयघõमYतरे ण सु खं नावDत_ठते, तथैव वेदाuययनमOप न सZभवDत वेदाघõमYतरे ण। तथा च
भवनाRद Dनमाaणाय अ5य महjjवं नाि5त LyछYनम ् । रे खागxणत5य पु रातनानाय शु zवसू Eाणामuययनमतीव वेदाघõ◌ाDन षF-‘1शpा-Cयाकरण- छYद-योDतष-Dन+iत-कzप?चे̉Dत। तथा चोiतम ् -
महjjवपू णa मि5त।
छYदः पादौ तु वेद5य ह5तौ कzपो{थप©यते।
एतदDतMरiतं अYयेऽOप OवOवधाः Oवषयाः पौरोRहjये OवAयYते येषां महjjवं सव]षां जनानां कृ ते सिYत।
योDतषामयनं चpुDनa+iतं 2ोEामु yयते।।
यAयेवमु yयते पौरोRहjये भारतीया सं5कृ Dतः साpात ् भवDत चेत ् नाDतशयोिiतः। अतः समाज5या^यु दयः
सं5कृ तसं5कृ Dतसंरpणे अव?यं भOव_यDत। 1शpा ाणं तु वेद5य मु खं Cयाकरण5मृ तम ् ।
यथा शर=रावयवेषु Lधनाघõ◌ं मु ख1मव वेदाघõ◌ेषु Cयाकरणं Lधनम ् ।Cयाकरणं वेद5य मु खं वतaते। Lोiतं
सं-कृ तवाLमये *याकरण-य वैHश:टNढम ् भतृ aहMरणा- अOप च -
̈ामणेन Dन_कारणो uमaः षडघõ◌ो वेदो{uयेयो ेय?चेDत̉ CयाodयYते Cयु jपाAयYते शnदा अनेनेDत Cयु jपjjया करणाथaकzयु FLjययाYतो{यं ‘Cयाकरण̉ शnदः।
‘शnदानु शासनम̉
् इDत Cयाकरण5या{YवथK नाम। अनु 1श_यYते असाध ् ◌ुशnदे ^यो OवOवyय बोuयYते
वेदाः मानवसं5कृ तेमू aलभू ताःमहाDनuयः, परमे?वरोपRद_टjवाÂि◌jया?च। तदु iतम यजु
् व]दे -
इjयनु शासनम,् शnदानामनु शासनम,् शnदानु शासन1मDत Cयु jपjjया करणाथaकzयु FLjययाYतः ‘शnदानु शासन̉ वाiयपद=यकृ तः भतृ aहरे ः s_टौ मोp1मyछतां जनानां कृ ते अकु Rटलो{थाaÂ◌ासा@वत सरलः Lश5त?च
शnदो Dन_पAयते। अत एव भगवता पतज1लना - राजमाग OवAयते Cयाकरणशा5Eाम ् ।लौoकका^यु दयानां Lांशु ल^यानामू uवaमवि5थतानां सोपानAवारै व सZभवDत
लाभ5तEा सोपाने Lथमः पद5थापनाधरः Cयाकरणशा5Eा1मदं भवDत-
̈अथ शnदानु शासनम̉
् इDत Cयाकरण5य साpाjLयोजन1भRहतम ् ।
इदमाAयं पद5थानं 1स(ि◌सोपानपवaणाम ् ।
यAयOप OवAयापदं चतु ^य धतु ^यो Dन_पAयते OवA ाने, OवA Oवचारणे, OवA सjतायां, OवAलृ लाभे चेDत।
तथापीह ानOवचाराथaकधतु ^यो Dन_पÂ◌ं OवAयापदं OवAयते LासDघõकम ् । ानपयाaया Oवचार5वपा वा सा इयं सा मोpमाणानामिजना राजप(Dतः।।
Cयु jपिjतOवaना नािuगYतु ं शiयते Cयु jपjjयाधयक5य Cयाकरणशा5Eा5य सावaका1लक सावaदै1शक च
आनYदवधर् ◌्नाचायaः uवDनलpणकाMरकायां समागत5य ‘स uवDनMरDत सू Mर1भः कwथतः̉ इjय5य
LासDघõकता न याDत LयjनLDतपादनीयताम ् । उपपिjत5व5या एवमाकलनीया तथाRह-Cयु jपjते दु लaभjवं
यायां DनगदDत-
मDतमjसु OवRदतम ्-
‘OवAवदु पैयमु िiतः न यथाकथि◌चत ् Lवृ jतेDत। Lथमे Rह OवAवांसो वैयाकरणाः। Cयाकरणमू लjवात ्
नरjवं दु लaभं लोके OवAया तEा सु द ु लaभा।
सवaOवAयानाम ् ।̉
कOवjवं दु लaभं तEा Cयु jपिjत5तु सु द ु लaभा।।
भगवाYपतज1ल5तु )वेदमYEां समु «◌ृjय वैयाकरणानां मतमु पपादयDत-
शnद5य सु बYताjमक5य DतघYताjमक5य वा ानं CयाकरणLodयाया Oवना नैव सZभवDत। ानेन Oवना
सiतु 1मव Dततउना पु नYतो यEा ध ् ◌ीराःमनसा वाचमdत।
त5य LयोगमOप कjतु K न शiनोDत कि?चदतः Cयाकरणशा5Eां भवतीहोपयोwग। तदे व Lोiतम ्-
अEा सखायाः स
याDन जानते भlै षां ल}मीDनaRहतािuवाwच।।
̈यAयOप बहु नाध ् ◌ीषेतथा{Oप पठपु Eा Cयाकरणम ्̉
अथाaदेष दु गaमोमागaः एकगZयो वािवषयः। के पु न5ते एताsशा ये जानते वािवषय1मDत चेA वैयाकरणाः।
एवच महाभा_ये पतज1लDनगaदDत-
एषां वैयाकरणानां वाwच भlा ल}मीDनRहa ता भवDत। एवम ्-
̈एकः शnदः सZयातः सु _ठु Lयु iतः5वग] लोके च कामध ् ◌ुभवतीDत̉।
उतjवः प?यÂ ददशaवाचमु तjवः शृ gवÂ शृ णोjयेनाम ् ।
वेदमYEो{Oप 5पु फटं CयाकरणLodयां DनRदaशतीDत महाभा_ये -
उतो jव5मै तYवं Oवसे जायते पjये उशती सु वासः।।
चjवाMर शृ घõ◌ाxण Eायो अ5य पादा Aवे शीष] सhतह5तासो अ5य।
अथाaत ् अवैयाकरणः प?यÂOप नैव प?यDत शृ gवÂOप नैव शृ णोDत यथा- वयं सपaमYEाRदकं नैव जानीमः न
>Eध ब(◌ो वृ षभो रोरवीDत महो दे वो मjयां आ Oववेश।। चा1भLायम5यावगyछामः साuनाभावात ् । oकYतु साuनायां सवK सािuयतु ं शiयम ् । एवं वागOप वािवदे
Cयाकरणशा5EापMरशीलनपराय 5वमाjमानं Oववृ णु ते। यथा-कामयमाना जायापjये सु वासाः 5वमातमानं Oववृ णु ते
महाभा_ये DनगRदतम ् - Lधनच वेदाघõ◌ेषु Cयाकरणम ् । Lधने च कृ तो यjन पफलवान ् भवती̉Dत।
इDत। 5वतः Lामाgये वेदे वाचः Cयु jपिjतशा1लनामेताsशी 5तु Dत+पल^यते। अतः एवं वiतु ं शiयते यत ् - Oवना
मYये याDन मु
यLयोजनाDन तEा DनRदa_टाDन OवAयYते तेषां Cयु jपjjयाधन एव समावेशो भOवतु महaDत।
CयाकरणLodयापMरानाA भाषायां सं5कारः न कदाOप सZभवDत। Oवना सं5कारे ण भाषा तु सं5कृ तैव न भवेत ् ।
यद1भलa}य पदमजयाK हरदjत DनगRदतम ्-
अथाaत ् सं5कृ ता पMर_कृ ता दोषरRहता भाषा सं5कृ तभाषा कयते। अतैव सं5कृ तवामये Cयाकरण5य
उपासनीयं यjनेन शा5Eां Cयाकरणं महत ् । वै1श_टढम5jयेव। वैयाकरणं LDत Dनतरां 2(◌ालु ः पु _पदYतः संलपDत-
Lद=पभू तं सवाaसां OवAयानां यदवि5थतम ् ।। _टः शापेन दे Cया 1शवपु रवसतेवaYAयहं मYदभायः।
जगतः Oपतरौ वYदे पावaतीपरमे?वरौ।। अहं य5य AOवतीया 5याA AOवतीया 5यामहं कथम ्̉।। इDत
वागथ सिZभÂ◌ौ तयोः LDतपिjतः Cयाकरणेनैव भवतीDत तदथK सृ ि_टसZपादक- यो5तlू पेणैव 5तु Dतः एवं कि?चÂधर् ◌्नः uनवYतं uनं याचमानः Cयाकरण5य केवलं समासLकरणाDन सं5मारयDत-
कृ ता।
AवYAवो AOवगु रOप चाहं मAगेहे DनjयमCययीभावः।
शnदमवादो Rह Cयाकरणदशaन5य सवa5वं यत ् LाyयनCयोभयCयाकरणानु मतं महाभा_ये
तjपु +षकमaधरय येनाहं 5यां बहु ¥ीRहः।। इDत
बीजपेणाकु Mरतं वाiयपद=येषु तA Cया
यासु अYयEा च पzलOवतं सत ् पु _पपफलोपगमपेण पMरणत1मDत
s?यते। यथा-‘त5याRद उदाjतमधर् ◌्̍5वम ्̉ ;1/2/32G इDत सू Eाभा_ये यदु iतं भगवता पत ज1लना- त5मात ् लोकवेदयोः शा5Eोषु च सं5कृ तवामये Cयाकरण5य वै1श_टढं सावaका1लक सावaदै1शक च।
‘Cयाकरणं नाम इयमु jतरा OवAया̉। अEोjतरा OवAयापदे न दशaनम1भLेतं त5येDत मYये। यथा-उjतरमीमांसा इjयलम ् ।
इदमYध ् तमः
ं कृ j5नं जायेत भु वनEायम ् ।
who is stable-minded, self-confident, courageous, self-determined, and intelligent; and who has desirable for being a knower of Brahman with a discriminative power between ♣reyas and
patience together with a purified mind and heart, who is detached from sensual pleasures.iii In preyas or good and pleasure. Man is free to choose preyas or ♣reyas, yet, from the point of
Gītā also, it is said- samadukhasukha⋅ dhīram (2.15); tulyapriyāpriyo dhīra (14.24). This view of means and ends; ♣reyas and preyas approach man in a mixed-up form, as it were, in a
connotation has a very significant presence in the Upani•adic Philosophy. The significance form difficult to discriminate by a man of poor understanding. But the dh×ra can discriminate
comes in relation to the teachings of the Upani•ads, i.e. the realization of Brahman. Upani•adic between them and through the ♣reyas path acquire the knowledge of Brahman. Śruti says-
philosophy is the philosophy of Self-realization. It says that one should know the Self which is “Śreyas ca preyas ca manusyam etas tau samparitya vivinakti dhīra,
identical with the ultimate reality or Brahman , and thereby one can become immortal and Śreyo hi dhīro’bhipreyaso v♦nite, preyo mando yoga-k•emād v♦nite.”xi
whose nature becomes full of bliss. But it is not possible to know or realize Brahman for Ranganathananda sums up like this-
everyone because it requires fulfilling some pre-conditions after which only, he becomes “The word dhira means ‘the wise one’ and indicates a combination of intelligence and
competent to be initiated and instructed by a guru. The spiritual journey is like walking in the courage. The Upani•ads speak of man’s greatness in two forms-first, his intelligence by which
v vi
sharp edge of a razor. The weak cannot realize this atman. Yama says that even the devat s, he understand the facts of the outer and the inner worlds; second, his courage, heroism, by
living in svargaloka, previously doubted about the existence of tma after death; but they were which he not only merely knows but also achieves truth and excellence. Mere intelligence is not
not capable of knowing this Ultimate Truth.vii It means- the qualities, devat s keep, are not enough; courage is also necessary. Their combination makes for the highest character where the
enough for being a knower of tm . When Yama says - “♣caryo vakt ku♣alo’sya labdh , power of knowledge becomes transmuted into the energy of vision. xii Indra and Virocana
♣caryo j t ku♣al nu♣i•↑a”viii, it is overstated that the knower as well as the teacher of shows this contrast of intelligence though both can be considered as courageous in their inquiry
brahmavidy are very rare to be found. to Brahman through Prajāpati.xiii The perfect combination of intelligence and courage is seen in
case of Nāciketā who raised his voice against his father, went to Yama and regarding the third
So, the Upani•ads have used the
boon, i.e. what happens to ātman after death, show his intelligence as well as courage. He was
term dhīra to differentiate the ordinary people from the discussion of self-knowledge. Most of
not attracted by the worldly desires or prosperities, lavishly given by Yama, instead of asking
the principal Upani•ads have used this term to designate the “knower of Brahman’. For
that third boon. But Nāciketā was intelligent enough in discrimination between the eternal Self
example- ‘dh×r prety sm llok dam♦ta bhavanti’ (Kena Up.-2.13.); ‘Iti ♣u♣rum
and non-eternal phenomenal world, finding out the right question to ask to the right person.xiv
dh×r n m’ (I♣opani•ad-10); ‘Uddh sm dukthaviddh×rasti•↑hati’(B♦hdāranyakopani•ads-
Naciketā after having being tested by Yama before imparting him brahmajñāna, afterwards he permanent and the transient, renunciation of the fruits of action in this world and in the
has been praised by Yama for his renunciation of worldly possessions by the term dhirah-
other, the six treasures of ama etc. and the desire for emancipation.xxii Ācārya a≡kara
‘Dh♦ty dh×rao naciketo’tyasr k•×h.’xv We can summarizes the qualities of a dhīrapurū•a in
also says that an aspirant has to calm his mind, has to be victorious over his senses,
the Upani•adic Philosophy from the example of Nāciketā, in the following points-
1. Non-attachment and indifference towards worldly objects as compared to the ordinary should have least bad habits, obedient, and should have an immense desire of
people. Yama, praising this attitude, also says that he believes N ciket as one who is emancipation.xxiii
desirous of knowledge, for even many objects of pleasure have not shaken him.xvi He In all those references, it becomes clear that ‘dh×ra’ is a term which indicates a state where
one prepares himself fully to take the journey of realization of Brahman. Since, the realization
was not allured by the temptations and the glamour of the immediate pleasant.xvii
of Brahman is not easy; it demands of man of extraordinary intelligence, courage and
2. Enormous perceptivity and ability to opt between good or bad. N ciket ’s intellectual endurance; this is the dhīra whose glory is sung in all the Upani•ads and the dhīra, the wise
integrity is blown up through his understanding, determination xviii
and discriminative one, alone is entitled to realize Brahman. Sruti says- ‘Tena dhārā apiyanti brahmavida svarga⋅
lokamita urdha⋅ vimuktā.’xxiv
power between ♣reyas and preyas.xix In the beginning, when his father gives useless
d na, he quickly realized its wrong direction and took necessary precaution for him. It
3. Complete absorption in one thought or one pointed yearning for the Ultimate truth or
4. The qualities like sincerity, faith, devotion and purity are also desperately required.
devoted to his duty as a son or as a student, sincere in every business of life with a
purified mind.
and Sam hita.xxi nta means a person who ceases himself from the activities of the
external organs while D nta from the activities of the internal organs. Uparata means
Lाणायाम का वणaन योगषा5E म® सवaE योगांग के प म® ह= Lाhत होता है । योगषा5E म® मतभेद यह अथाaत ् Lाणवायु के गमनागमन और धारण या रोकने क odया का नाम Lाणायाम है । या
है oक कह=ं Lाणायाम योगाग म® चतु थa तो कह=ं AOवतीय और कह=ं बारहव® अंग के प म® 5वीकार उपDनषद के आधार पर कह सकते ह± oक वायु का चार Lकार(रे चन,पू रण,षोधन,रे चन) से iलेषन या
oकया गया है । पतंज1ल आRद आचाय¯ या य°◌ू कह® oक राजयोग म® यम Dनयम आसन के बाद Lाणायाम संकोच को ह= Lाणायाम कहते ह±।
को चतु थa योगांग कहा गया है, जबक हठयोग के @Yथ म® यम Dनयम का वणaन न होने से Lायः सवaE
रे चनं पू रणं वायोः शोधनं रे चनं तथा।।
आसन के बाद दू सरे योगांग के प म® वणaन Lाhत होता है । अपरोpानु भू Dत तथा तYE म® Lाणायाम को
बारहव® योगांग के प म® 5वीकार oकया गया है । चतु 1भaः iलेषनं वायोः Lाणायाम उद=यaते।
Lाणायाम का एक Lयोजन- Lाणायामैरेव सव] Lषु _यिYत मला इDत। इस वचन के आधार पर Lाणायाम Lाणायाम कब कर® -
के अलावा कोई दूसरा मलषोधक साधन नह=ं है । योगसू Eकार ने भी कहा है oक- ततः pीयते
हठयोगLद=Oपकाकार कहते ह± oक षFकमa के अनYतर Lाणायाम करने से Lाणायम क 1सOG होती है
Lकाषावरणम ् । अथाaत ् इस Lाणायाम से बढकर कोई दू सरा तप नह=ं है । इससे सारे मल धु ल जाते ह±
जैसा oक-
और ानप द=पOषखा Lद=hत हो जाती है । यह=ं पर Cयासभा_य म® भी कहा गया है oक - ‘‘तपो न परं
Lाणायामात ्, ततो Oवषु OGमaलानां द=िhत_च ान5य।’’ हठयोगLद=Oपका म® Lाणायाम के सZबYध म® कहा षFकमaDनगaत5थौzयकफदोषमलाRदकः।
गया है oक Oवwधपू वaक Lाणायाम के अ^यास से सम5त नाडी समू ह के Dनमaल होने पर Lाणवायु सु षु Zना
Lाणायामं ततः कु याaदनायासेन 1सGî◌ाDत।।
के मु ख का भेदन कर उसम® सु खपू वaक LOव_ट हो जाता है । Lाणवायु का सु षु Zना म® Lवेष होने पर मन
म® ि5थरता उjपYन होती है । मन का भल= Lकार से ि5थर हो जाना ह= मनोYमनी अव5था कह= जाती परYतु कु छ आचाय (यावziयाRद) के मत म® ढFकमाaRद का आनYतयa क आव_यकता नह=ं है । जैसा
है । हठयोग को 5वयं गोरpनाथ ने वायु एवं >बYदु के भेद से दो भेद 5वीकार oकया है- हठोऽOप oक-
AOवOवधः iवाOप वायु >बYदु Dनवेषणात ् । इस Lकार Lाणायाम के Dनवेष से हठयोग म® भी भेद Lाhत होता
आचायाaणां तु केषांwचदYjयकमa न सZमतम ् ।। हठयोगLद=Oपका 2/37
है ।
परYतु EOषxखामणोपDनषA म® कहा गया है oक यम, Dनयम, आसन म® सु संयत होकर और नाडीषु OG को
Lाणायाम iया है -
LारZभ म® करने के प_चात ् Lाणायाम का अ^यास करना चाRहए।
2ीमगवAगीता के माहाjZय म® 1लखा है oक Lाणायामपरायण पु +ष के इस लोक तो iया पू वaजYम के
यमै_च Dनयमै_चैव यासनै_च सु संयतः।
भी oकये पाप नह=ं रहते ह±। तो oकसे Lाणायाम Lाhत करने क इyछा oकसको नह=ं होगी। आधु Dनक
लोग म® भी िजधर दे xखये उधर ह= सब Lाणायाम के 1लए उjसु क Rदखायी दे ते ह±। अतः सवaLथम नाडीषु OGं च कृ jवादौ Lाणायामं समाचरे त ् ।।
उपOषद म® सRहत कु Zभक के चार भेद भी Lाhत होते ह± - सू यaभेद=, उजायी, शीतल=, तथा भ5Eीका, परYतु
सु षु Zनामuयगं कृ jवा Aवा>Eं षYमाEया शनैः।
हठयोगLद=Oपका म® आठ भेद - सू यaभेद=, उजायी, सीjकार=, शीतल=, भ5Eीका, ामर=, मू yछाa, hलावनी ये
भेद Lाhत होते ह±। नाया Oप¯लया चैनं रे चयेA योगOवjतमः।।
जबक सगभa Lाणायाम के 5वप को 5प_ट करते समय यह कहा गया है oक पहले रे चक 16
Lाणायाम म® रे चक और पू रक को छोडकर जो वायु धारण करने क Oवwध है उस Oवwध को केवल
माEा काल म® कर® तjप_चात ् पू रक 32 माEा काल म® कर® तjप_चात ् कु Zभक 64 माEा काल म® कर® । यहॉ ं
कु Zभक कहते ह± एवं रे चक पू रक के साथ जो कु Zभक क Oवwध है उसे सRहत कु Zभक कहते ह± जैसा oक
- माEा से ताjपयa मYE म® Lयुiत Ð5व, द=घa एवं hलु त के आधार पर dमषः एक, दो एवं तीन माEा का
काल नह=ं लेना है अOपतु एक ?वास को एक माEा जानना चाRहए। जैसा oक -
रे चकं पू रकं jयijवा मु
यं यAवायु धारणम ् ।
Lाणायाम योग का अंग इस sि_ट से भी है oक योग का चरम ल}य समाwध है । उस समाwध प अंगी सहायक-आचायa:; वेद-Oवभाग:
को Lाhत करने के 1लए Lाणायाम अंग के प म® 5वीकृ त है । इस Lकार से Lाणायाम का संpेप म®
योगांग के प म® 5वप एवं भेद का Dनपण @Yथ को uयान म® रख कर oकया गया।
भारतीयानग¯◌ोEया: मू लाधर5वपा5सिYत Íयजु 5सामाथवाa
या: वेदा: । वैRदका Íषयो येषां
वैाDनकतjjवानां Oवषये गZभीरतमं wचYतनZमनन×चा- कु वK5ते Oवषया अEा वैRदकसाRहjये Oव5तृ तपेण
Oववेwचता5सिYत । यथा ‘वेद’ इDत पदे न चतसृ णां मYEासंRहतानां बोधे जायते तथैव वैRदकवाङमय-
1मjयेतेन षड~वेदा¯बz◌ाãणारgयकोपDनषRदDतहासपु राणाद=नां सम5तसं5कृ त- शा5Eा◌ाणामवबोधे जायत
एव । वैRदकं वाङमयं खलु समु दzवदपारमगा- ध ्×चाकाशवjसवaCयापकं कालाRदवदOविyछYनं सदz◌ाजते ।
Oव?व5या5य सम5तमOप वाङमयमेते^य एव Dन:सृ त1मDत । तेन 5पफुटमेतAयAवैRदकवाङमये
OवOवuानOवानाjमका: Oवषया: साध ् ◌ु Oववेwचता: । तेषु वैाDनकOवषयेषु LाxणमाEो^य
एकमjयYतमु पयुä. Rहतकारक×च wचYतनं वा5तु Dन1मjत1मDत ।
व5तु त: सव]¿Oप Lाxणन: कि?मंि?चदOप 5थानOवशेषे DनवसिYत । यथा वैकु gठे Oव_णु: ,
कैलाशे 1शव: , 5वग] इYदz◌ादयो दे वा: , पाताले दानवा: , पृ wथCयां गृ ह -भवन - Lासाद -आलय -Dनलय -
पु र - वे?माRदषु च मानवा:, समु दzनद=तड़ागाRदषु जलचरजीवा:, वृ pकोटरे षु नीडेषु वा खगा:, गु हासु
गहनवनेषु च 1सं हCयाघz◌ादयो वनचरा वYयLाxणन:, >बलेषु मू षकमgडू कसपaOपपी1लकादय: पशव:,
णीमाw2jय वृ pवन5प- jयYनौषuयादयो DनवसिYत ।
Dतसृ _वाव?यकता5वOप आAये Aवे आव?यकते तदैव सZपू ण] भवत: यदा¿िYतमा आवासजYयाव?यकता
‘गृ हा गाहaपjय:’ ;मै0 -1@5@10G
पू णाa भवDत । यत: आवास5थानं Oवना भोयव5तू नां पMरधनाना×च रpणमसZभवम~ ।
त5माjतयोर1भवृ.Ôथa- मिYतमाव?यकता खzवावासपा¿jयYतमहjjवपू णाa¿ि5त । अत एव ‘गृ हा वै LDत_ठा’ ;श0 प0 बz◌ा0-1@1@1@19G
अ5तम~, शाला,शरण1मjयादय:। तEा◌ाOप Dन+äशा5Eो ‘गृ हनामाDन AवाOवं शDत:’ गय:, कृ दर:, गतa:, ह´यम~,
;5G सद:- ‘यि5मिYव?वेदेवा असीदं 5त5माjसदो नाम त¿उ¿एवाि5मYनेते बz◌ाãणा Oव?वगोEा◌ा:
इjयेवमाद=Dन ।
सीदिYत । ;श0प0बz◌ा0-3@5@3@5G
8 दु रोणम~- दु रोण इDत गृ हनाम , दु रवा भविYत दु 5तपाa: । दु रवा दु:खेनाOवतु ं शiया भविYत ।
‘अYतMरpं वा अपां सu5थम~’ ;श.प.बz◌ा.-7@5@2@57G
‘अYतMरpं वै सव]षां दे वानामायतनम~’ ;श.प.बz◌ा.-14@3@2@6G
9 अ5तम~- आjमीयमावासम~ ;Dन.पृ.510G
अत एतै+पयुä◌ै
a Dनaवaचनैवाa5तु 5वपं भृ शं वxणa तम~ । इदानीं Oवचायaते यAवा5तु सZब.. अEा◌ाह सायण: - हे वा5तो_पते दे व! शमया E सु खकयाa रgवया E रमणीयया, गातु मjया E uनवjया ते
यyछा5Eां किzपतमासीjत5य नाम 5थापjय1मDत । 5थापjय1मDत शnद5य Cयु jपिjतल^यो¿थि5त jवया दे यया संसदा E 5थानेन सpीमRह E वयं स¯yछे मRह। jवमOप pेमे उत E Lाhत5य रpणे उत E
‘5थपतेभाaव इDत 5थापjयम~ । 5थपDत: 1शzपकार: Lभु र=?वरú◌ा । तदुä. ककाaचाय]ण अOप च योगे E अLाhत5य Lापणे, वरं E वरणीयं, नो¿5मद=यं uनं पाRह E रp । हे वा5तो_पते! यू यं E
काjयायन2ौतसू Eा5य ‘Dनषाद5थपDतगाaवेध ् ◌ुक¿े िuकृ त:’ इDत सू EाCया
या- नावसरे -‘Dनषादú◌ा◌ासौ jवं नो¿5मान~ सदा E सवaदा 5वि5त1भ: E कzयाणै: पात E पाRह ।
5थपDतú◌ा Dनषाद5थपDतMरDत । 5थपDतMरDत शnद आिuपjयवचन: । अथाaAयो Rह नर:
अ5य सूä5य >Eा1भमaYEौवाa5तो_पDतदे व: 5तु तो¿ि5त । वा5तो_पDतदे वं 5तु jवेदानीं कsशं वासयोयं
क5यwचजाDतOवशेष5यािuपDत: 1शzपकारो वा भवDत स 5थपDतMरjयु yयते वामन1शवराम आhटे महोदयेन
गृ हं भOवतCय1मjयि5मन~ Oवषये वैRदकानामृ षीणां Oवचार: L5तू यते । तAयथा-
5वकये सं5कृ त-RहYद=-शnदकोशे ‘5थपDत’ शnद5य ;5था$क,त5य पDत:Gराजा, Lभु:, वा5तु कार:, रथकार:,
सारwथ:, अYत:पु ररpक:, बृ ह5पDतय5य यजमान:, कु बेरú◌ोjयादय अथाa: DनRदa_टा: । तेनाEा ता वां वा5तू Yयु ?म1स गमuयै यEा गावो भू Mर2ृ ंगा अयास: ।
5थापjयशnदे न वा5तु कार, 1शzपकारो वा सZब.◌ो s?यते । त5मात~ 5था- पjय1मDत DनमाaणकलाOवशेष5य
अEा◌ाह तदु +गाय5य वृ _ण: परमं पदमवभाDत भू Mर ।।
शा5Eाम~ इDत बु uयते । 5थापjयOवAयाया: LकाशकjवाRददं शा5Eां 5थापjयवेद इDत नाZना CयवRहªयते ।
वेदो¿यमथवa- वेद5योपवेदjवेन 5वीकृ त: । 5थापjयवेद5यैवापरं नाम वा5तु शा5Eा1मDत । अथाaदावां E पjनीयजमानौ ता E ताDन सु खDनवासयोयाDन 5थानाDन गमuयै E Dनवासाय गYतु ं
वा5तु शा5Eा5यािu_ठातृ jवेन वा5तोDनaवास5थान5य चािu_ठातृ jवेन वा5तो_पDत- दे व: वा5तु पु +ष: वेदेषु कामयावहै , यEा E यि5मY5थाने भू Mर2ृ ंगा E बहु द=hतय: गाव: E सू यa र?मय: अयास: E भृ शं गYEयो
5तु तो¿ि5त । वा5तो_पDतदे वसZब.. Íवेद=यं वा5तो_पDतसूäमEा L5तू यते - भवYतु, अEा◌ाह E अEा खलु वा5jवाधरभू ते Aयु लोक,े उ+गाय5य E बहु 1भगयमान5य वृ _ण: E कामानां
वOषaतु: Oव_णोमaहागते: तjपरमम~ E L1स.. DनरDतशयं 5थानं ;Oव_णु लोक: , वैकु gठ:, आRदjय-मgडलं वाG
वा5तो_पते LDतजानीá5माYj5वावशो अनमीवो भवा न: ।
5वमRहZना भू Mर E Lभू तं अवभाDत E 5पफुरतीjयथa: ।
अEा◌ाह सायण: -हे वा5तो_पते ! गृ ह5य पालDयतद] व jवम5मान~ E jवद=यान~ 5तोतृ DनDत सहसzAवारसZपYनो¿ि5त, यशो1भतो¿ि5त सवaसु खसZपYन?चाि5त । तदुäमृ वेदे-
LDतजानीRह E Lबु uय5व । तदनYतरं नो¿5माकं 5वावेश: E शोभन: Dनवेश: अनमीव: E अरोगकृ yच भव
‘‘ बृ हYतं मानं व+ण 5वधव: सहसzAवारं जगमा गृ हं ते ।’’
। oकं च वयं jवा E jवां य.नमीमहे E याचामहे jवमOप त.नं नो¿5म^यं LDत जु ष5व E Lयyछ । अOप च
नो¿5माकं AOवपदे E पु EापौEा◌ाRदजनाय शं E सु खकरो भव । चतु _पदे E अ5मद=याय गवाÜवाRद पशवे अथाaत~ हे व+ण! यत~ व: E यु _माकं 5वध E 5वभावानु कूलं गृ हमि5त, ते E तव ताsशं बृ हYतं मानं
वा5तो_पते Lतरणो न एध ् ि◌गय5पफानो गो1भर?वे1भMरYदो । यत: Dनवासाथaमु wचतं 5थानं तदे वाि5त । तथा च-
अजरास5ते स ये 5याम Oपतेव पु Eा◌ान~ LDत नो जु ष5व ।। 2 ।। ‘‘मो षु व+ण मृ gमयं गृ हं राजYनहं गमम~ ।’’
अEा◌ाह सायण: - हे वा5तो_पते! गृ ह5य पालDयतद] व ! jवं नो¿5माकं Lतरण: E Lबधर् ◌्क:, अथाaत~ हे राजन~! व+णदे व! वयं मृ gमयं गृ हं मा गमम~ E न गYतु 1मyछाम इjयथa: । तRहa कsशं गृ हं
गय5पफान: E अ5मद=य5य uन5य Lवधर् ◌्क: एध ् ि◌E भव । हे इYदो! E सोमवदाÈ◌ादक! ते E jवया वय1मyछाम:? तEा◌ोyयते यत~-
सह स
ये सDत वयं गो1भ: E पशु 1भ: , अ?वे1भ: E अ?वै?च सRहता अजरास: E जरारRहता: 5याम E
‘‘ता यंसतो मघव‰Ô◌ो ध ्z◌ुवं यश?छRदaर5म^यं नासjया ’’ इDत।
भवेम । Oपतेव पु Eा◌ान~ E यथा Oपता पु Eा◌ान~ रpकjवेन सेवते तथा jवमOप नो¿5मान~ LDत जु ष5व E
सेव5व । अथाaत~ यद~ गृ हं वय1मyछाम: तद~ध ्z◌ुवं , यशो1भतं छRदaभaवेत~ । असjया छRदaनa भवेRदjयथa: । अथाaत~
हे परमे?वर! अ5म^यं ताsशं गृ हं Lयyछतु यYमृ gमयं तृ णाRद1भOवaDन1मaतं च न भवेदOपतु‘ध ्z◌ुवं छRदa:’
वा5तो_पते शमया संसदा ते सpीमRह रgवया गातु मjया ।
यशो1भतं बृ हjतमेन मानेन सZपYनं सहसzAवारयु तं इ_टका1भ: L5तरै :;पाषाणै:Gवा OवDन1मaतं 5यात~ ।
वा5तु शा5Eामाw2jयैव सZपाRदतम5तीDत सु 5प_टमेव LDतभाDत । यतो Rह दे वमिYदर×च DनमाaतCयम~ । तदुä. सनjकु मार=यवा5तु शा5Eो-
अत एवाDतLाचीनकालादे व Oव?वकमaLभृ Dत1भ: वा5तु शा5EाOव‰ि◌: शीतो_णवषाaRद1भ: ‘‘5नान5य पाकशयना5Eाभु जे?च धYयभाgडारदै वतगृ हाxण च पू वaत: 5यु: ।
;इjयलमDतOव5तरे णG
वृ.व1स_ठमतानु सारम~-
यमराpसयोमauये पु र=षjयागमिYदरम~ ।।
एवमु पयुäOविuना
a वा5तु शा5EासZमतं गृ हं Dनमाaय य: कि?चदOप DनवसDत सो¿पू वK पफलं LाhनोDत ।
Hindu law is generally believed to have been derived mainly from Vedas, followed by not only the specific kinds of property enumerated in the smritis, but also other species of
Dharmashastras, which are supposed to have been preceded by and elaborated from the property acquired or owned by a woman over which she has absolute control and she forms the
Dharmasutra. Dharma was in fact a much wider term including religion, social, moral, domestic stok of descent in respect of such property, which accordingly devolves upon her own heirs4.
and other regulations including legal rules as well. There are usually three principal sources
In the ancient smritis and ‘Dharma shastras’ (for the most part dating back to 200 BC-
of dharma in the Dharmaśāstra
400 AD), which were the first systematic treatment of hindu law, the question of property rights
1) śruti - literally "what is heard," but referring to the Vedas or Vedic literature, and inheritance formed one of the important aspects of civil law, with the more controversial
question of women’s rights also being discussed. This topic contains explanation of these things
2)smŗti literally "what is remembered," but referring to the Dharmaśāstra texts as well regarding woman’s property. These are as follows:-
as other Sanskrit texts such as the Purāņas and the Epics (Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaņa),
1- What constitutes stridhan ?
3) ācāra literally "practice," but referring to the norms and standards established by 2- What are the rights of a woman over her stridhan?
educated people who know and live by the first two sources of dharma. 3- What is the order of succession to stridhan ?
4- What is the Property rights status of widow women?
The smŗtis are metrical texts. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of texts that fall
into this category, but the famous smŗtis among them are Manu and yājnavalkya. The ancient First of all I will start with the first question, what constitutes stridhan ? The old sages like
Hindu jurists generally distinguished between the rules relating to religious and moral manu, the mitakshara and Jimutavahana have given their views regarding this
observances(Aachara and Prayaschita) on the one hand, and those relating to positive stridhana(woman’s property).
law(Vyavahara) on the other. The succession (dayabhaga) comes under the vyavahara bhaga.
The two major law treatise the Dayabhaga of Jimutavahana and the Mitakshara by vijnanesvara The Mitakshara and the authorities took the term “stridhana” in its etymological sense as
focus on succession procedure incluiding all kinds of property of which a woman had become the owner, whatever the extent
of her right over it.5 Jimutavahana restricted the term to that property of the woman over which
Succession implies the act of succeeding or following, as of events, objects, places in a she had absolute control even during the life of her husband. 6 Following the Mitakshara
series. In the eyes of law however, it holds a different and particular meaning. It implies the Vyavahara mayukha made a distinction between technical and non-technical stridhana for the
transmission or passing of rights from one to another. In every system of law provision has to purpose of inheritance. According to him all kinds of stridhana that are enumerated in the
be made for a readjustment of things or goods on the death of the human beings who owned smritis as technical stridhna, 7 while non-technical stridhana includes every type property
and enjoyed them.
Jhon D.Mayne, treatise on hindu law and usages(west Bengal: Bharat law house,1986), at 840.
Mitakshara,11, xi,2-3
Dayabhaga, iv, 1, 18
3 7
excluding the technical stridhana. Manu says six fold property of woman.8 Followings are six It is usually practical and preferable that any girl especially educated girls of today
fold property:- maintain a list of their Stridhan as also become capable of looking after their own Stridhan in
terms of its security such as opening a bank locker in their single names for the purposes of
1- What was given before the nuptial fire(Adhyagni)
storing jewellery and instruments of money, property etc. or keeping it under their lock and
2- What was given at the bridal procession(Adhyavahanika)
3- What was given in token of love (Pritikarmani dattam)
4- What was received from a brother The husband’s right over the property that the wife brought with her subsequent to her
5- Received from a mother marriage was absolute. All the property that belonged to the wife that was not included in the
6- Received from a father dowry was called paraphernalia. This was her absolute property over which the husband had no
control10. Also, the husband acquired no beneficial interest in his wife’s property by marriage.
According to Vijaneswar in Mitakshara the stridhana are as follows: “That which was given
It was only in times of pressing need that he could use his wife’s separate property,11 but he
by the father, by the mother, by the husband or by a brother and that which was presented by
would have a strong moral obligation to return the same or the value of it.
the maternal uncles and the rest at the time of wedding before the nuptial fire; and a gift on a
second marriage or gratuity on account of supersession. The author of the Dayabhaga makes this absolute dominion follow from his definition
of stridhan; for he applies the name stridhan only to such descriptions of property as are
Jimutavahana has described stridhan affirmatively and negatively. According to him,
absolutely at the disposal of a woman.12 The Mitakshara contains no express provision on the
affirmatively means all gifts from relations constitute stridhana except a gift of immovable
property made by the husband, and that gifts from strangers also constitute stridhana if made
before the marriage. In the Vedic age, we do not learn much about the property rights of females. From one
verse, we learn that an unmarried girl has a share in her father's property even if she has
Now I am going to explain about the second question; What are the rights of a woman
brothers. But it is vague. However as society flourished and became more complex, inheritance
over her stridhan?
and transmission of private property became of paramount importance.
Manu stated that a wife, a son, and a slave could have no wealth exclusively their own,
Now I am starting the explanation about the third question; What is the order of
the wealth which they may earn is regularly acquired for the man to whom they belong.9But the
succession to stridhan ?
effect of these texts has been counteracted by others of a contrary import, and there has been
gradually developed the law of stridhan, which forms a singular chapter of In the Hindu law, the order of succession is partly given by direct enumeration of heirs,
ancient law and is partly left to be deduced from certain general rules. From the earliest ages various laws
The woman has an absolute, exclusive dominion over all her Stridhan including were set down. But we do not learn much about the position of daughters. It was agreed that
movable and immovable property and has the power to sell, alienate or give it away as she just as a son had the first claim on his father's property, so too daughter shall inherit her
pleases both during her lifetime and thereafter. Her husband and / or his family members have mother's Stridhan. The order of preference was unmarried daughters, married but poor
no rights over a woman's Stridhan. daughters, married and well-off daughters. A son can claim it only if there were no daughters or
if the mother in her lifetime had made it over to him. Similarly the consensus was that if there
A.N. Saha, Marriage and Divorce (Calcutta: Eastern Law House, 1996), at 7.
8 11
Manusmriti, ix-184 E.J. Trevelyan, Hindu Family Law (London: W. Thackeray & Co., 1908), at 73.
9 12
Manusmriti,viii, 416. Dayabhaga, Ch. IV, Sec. I, 18.
were no sons, then the daughter shall inherit all her father's property. It was explained that both property which was given to the mother on her marriage(yautaka) was to go to her unmarried
the son and daughter come from the father's body and therefore there is no essential difference daughters.17
between them. Hence "No one else can be a heir when a daughter is present. If there is no son,
Giving focus on the Property right status of widow women Vedic age did not give
then the daughters or the only daughter shall inherit everything.
rights to widow women to inherit her husband’s property. Boudhayana18 states that the Vedas
First, the important texts of the smritis on succession to stridhana may be brought declared no inheritance to a widow. Apastamba19also rejected the widow as the successor of her
together. Manu said that the six kinds of stridhana, as also anvadheya stridhana and gifts husband’s property.
made by the husband through affection, should go to her progeny if she dies in her husband’s
The above discussion giving a clear conclusion that a women as a widow enjoyed very
lifetime. Manu 14 further said that when a woman was married in one of the five forms of
limited legal and economic status during vedic time.
marriage example – Brahma, Daiva, Arsa, Prajapatya and Gandharva and died without issue her
stridhana goes to her husband and if she was married in the Asura and the other two forms it Hndu Succession Act 1956
went, if she died issueless, to her mother and father.
Till 1956 which hindu law was ruling over this society, that was little changed on June
Mitakshara order of succession for all kinds of stridhana, other than sulka and maiden’s
1956. According to this act womens should get same share of property as men.the Hindu
property, is as follows: (1) unmarried daughter; (2) married daughter who is indigent (3)
Succession Act of 1956 (September 2005), have improved the property rights of Hindu women.
married daughter who is well provided for; (4) daughter’s daughters; (5) daughter’s
By this act the daughter is recognized as heir by birth in the same manner as her brothers. The
son; (6) sons; (7) son’s sons; (8) husband (if the woman was married in one of the four
sections of the Act did not allow widows remarrying to inherit the property of their deceased
approved forms); (9) sapindas of the husband in the order of propinquity; on failure of any
husband, have been repealed. The hindu succession act 16 has discussed about the procedure of
sapinda of the husband, her mother, then her father and then the sapindas of the father (before it stridhana property partion. According to this heirs are as follows -
goes to the Crown). But if the woman was married in one of the unapproved forms, then on
failure of her descendants her stridhana went to her mother, then to her father and then to the stridhana
father’s sapindas in the order of propinquity. On failure of the sapindas of the father it would First heir (Her son/daughter)
(by analogy) go to her husband and then to his sapindas (before going to the Crown).
The Dayabhaga provides for a readjustment of the order of succession, which was Second heir (husband)
originally confined to the family, by the recognition of consanguity to some extent, in addition
to the agnatic relationship. Dayabhaga’s rules on the subject are not simple. Jimutabahana Father
devides stridhana property into four categories; 1- Sulka, 2- Yautaka, 3- Anvadheyaka and 4-
ayautaka.15As regards sulka , Jimutabahana16 follows the rules which were propounded by the Father’s blood relatives
mitakshara. For the yautaka type of stridhana, Jimutabahana quoted the verses of manu that the Mother’s blood relatives
13 Manu,IX. 131
Manu IX, 195
IX, 196-197 18
Boudhayana D-
Daya, ch.IV 19
Apastamba D-
Daya, IV. 3. 29
Hindu Succession Act, daughters still has limited rights regarding ancestral property. Regarding The process of inference in the light of Mimamsa System
widow it stated that now it is possible for hindu widow to succeed even to the whole property
Dr. Bhagaban Panda
of her husband by will, subject to the legal right of certain dependents of the deceased husband
Dept. of Sanskrit, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science
for maintance.
& Humanities, Amravati, Maharashtra
from these above discussion it appears that a women as a maiden as a wife and as
widow enjoyed very limited rights on property during veda and smriti time, but present hindu
law is different from ancient. It given focus on womens’ equal share on her parental property as
Knowledge, as it is defined in Mimamsa system, is of two kinds valid and invalid. Valid
like a men.
knowledge is the knowledge of an unknown real knowledgexxv. The means of valid knowledge or
pramanas, according to Bhatta school of Purva Mimamsa, is a knowledge which does not fail to
recognizexxvi whereas, Prabhakaras hold pramana as 'valid knowledge' (but not the means of valid
knowledge). He opines that pramana or valid knowledge as 'experience, which is totally different from
remembrance'xxvii. However, the numbers of pramana, according to Kumarila Bhatta, is six whereas;
according to Prabhakara it is only fivexxviii. Those six pramanas are Perception, Inference, Similarity,
Analogy, Presumption and Negation.
Among these pramanas, inference or anumana as defined in Shabara Bhashya is 'a cognition of
an object not in direct contact and forming one of the two sides to a known relation, one of which is
directly apprehended'xxix. Let us analyze the above definition of inference given by Shabarasvamin. This
definition contains three necessary conditions. Those are asannikruste buddhih, jnatasambadha and
Asannikruste buddhih means, ‘the knowledge of an object, which is not in direct contact with
sense organs’. The term ‘jnatasambadhasmarana’ indicates that there should be a known relation
between two objects, which are invariably related with each other.
Ekadeshadarshana means ‘of which one should be directly apprehended’. It means out of
those two objects, which are invariably connected with each other, one should be seen from a
distance. In simple language, ekadeshadarshana refers to vyapya darshana.
1. Dhuma darshana
The paksha and sapaksha both are ekadeshin (the instance) whereas smoke and fire both are ekadesha
2. Vyapti smarana
(the relata). To fit the present context we may quote Parthasarathi Mishra’s definition of inference.
3. Anumiti
Inference, according to him, is an ekadesha (for example, smoke), of a sapakshaikadeshin (for example,
There is no scope for ‘application’ on paramarsha here as Nyaya holds. Mimamsakas hold
kitchen), where invariable concomitance of smoke and fire has already been recognized. And when it
‘buddhi’ or knowledge as inference. From the above process of inference it is clear that Mimamsa
will be perceived in the pakshaeikadeshin (i.e. mountain) there arises the cognition of another
system does not require the third component called paramarsha at all.
ekadesha and this later cognition is called inference’xxxv. Therefore, the form of inference on the basis
This definition of inference as given by Shabarasvamin, contains two important terms like of second interpretation is ‘anuman sapakshasya ekadeshadarshanadekadeshantare asannikruste
jnatasambadha and asannikrustabuddhi. These two terms have been interpreted by later Mimamsakas budhih’.
in various ways. Let us discuss them one by one.
Third Interpretation:
Four alternative interpretations of jnatasambadha given by Kumarila:
The third alternative interpretation of Kumarila Bhatta takes a new turn. Here, he derives the meaning
Kumarila Bhatta, the author of Shlokavarttika, derives four possible alternative meanings of of the compound jnasambadha as a ‘known relationship’. He dissolves the term with the help of
the term jnatasambadha. karmadharaya samasaxxxvi. And the word ekadesha refers to a member of this relationship. The
relationship only can occur between two terms and members. Here, the members are smoke and fire.
First Interpretation:
So, the inference, according to his third interpretation, is the cognition of fire (say, second member) of
The first interpretation, as he suggests, is pramata jnatasambadhahxxx. Jnatasambadha means a known relationship holding from the perception of smoke i.e. first member.
the knower, who knows the invariable relationship of probans and probandum i.e. between smoke and
Fourth Interpretation:
fire. The compound has been dissolved by him in two ways such as: bahuvrihi and karmadharaya.
When it is bahuvrihi it expresses the meaning like jnata sambhadhah yena sahxxxi (the knower, who The fourth possible interpretation of the compound ‘jnatambadha’ refers both linga and lingin, whose
already has experienced the sambandha). When it is karmadharaya it expresses the meaning like relationship is knownxxxvii. That which includes another thing is called linga and lingin is that whose
jnatah sambadhah yatraxxxii (where the sambadha has been experienced i.e. pakshaekadesha). Thus, presence is inferred by linga. Smoke always indicates the presence of fire therefore it is linga and fire is
the form of inference, according to his first interpretation, follows like this: when such a person being indicated by smoke therefore it is called lingin. Hence, inference occurs when on the perception
(pramata, who knows the invariable concomitance of smoke and fire) happens to see smoke from a of one part (smoke) of a logical whole, the cognition of the second part (fire) arises from a known
distance (somewhere in the mountain), then he remembers the invariable concomitance and relationship i.e. invariable concomitance between two partsxxxviii.
immediately the inferential concomitance i.e. this mountain possesses fire arises in him.
Second Interpretation:
Prabhakara theories of inference parartha (Inference for others). Inference for oneself (svartha) occurs when fire etc. is inferred after
On the other hand, Prabhakara Mimamsaka, another commentator of Shabara Bhashya, seeing smoke etc. through the remembrance of invariable concomitancexliv. So, this process needs
interprets the compound jnatasambadha as a ‘known relation’. So, the inference, in the words of three steps.
Prabhakara, is ‘a knowledge which arises of that which is not in contact with sense organs and which
Hetu darshana (perception of smoke somewhere in the mountain)
arises after the perception of one part’xxxix. Smoke is such an object whose relationship is established
with fire and which takes place somewhere in the mountain. The knowledge of fire, which arises from Vyaptismarana (remembrance of invariable concomitance of probans and
the perception of the same, is not in contact with the sense organs. probandum)
The interpretation of the word asannikrushta Anumiti (the knowledge ‘that there is fire on the
Further, both the Mimamsakas have come forward to define the word asannikrushta. According to
Kumarilabhatta, the word asannikrushta, which literally means ‘not in contact with the sense organs’,
is non-determined. By giving the meaning ‘non-determined’ he means to exclude two things such as: A close observation can direct that the definition given by Shabarasvamin and that of present one is in
‘the determination of the inferable object in that form’ and ‘the determination of that in the contrary no way different.
form’ . For example, the inferential cause like fire etc. According to him, if the very existence of
The inference for others, as it is defined in Manameyodaya, is ‘some object (some inferable object i.e.
inferable object i.e. fire will be previously determined through sense perception etc. then it would be a
fire etc.) are known through the words of another’. This is an inference of statements. Here, somebody
restatement here (i.e. in the case of inference). Similarly, it would be non-valid if it is determined as
after experiencing for himself tries to convince to somebody else through some statements. Those
non-existing. Therefore, he has explained the term as non-determined.
statements, which are known as syllogism, are like this:
On the other hand, Prabhakar Mimamsaka, explains the term in a different way. According to
Proposition (pratijna) - ‘mountain is fiery’
him, the word ‘sannikrushta’ means remembrancexli, and asannikrushta means that which is different
from remembrance. Because this can be a cause to dust etc. As a matter fact, Shalikanatha, the author Reason (hetu) - ‘because there is smoke’
of Prakaranapanjika, explains the word keeping the meaning unchanged .
Example (udaharana) - ‘where there is smoke there is fire as in the
A comparative study of both the schools provides some notable observations. The way kitchen’
Kumarila explains is little complicated one. He gives all possible interpretations, from various angles. Here, a further discussion continues regarding the numbers of avayavas. Narayana, the author of
On the other hand, Prabhakara’s definitions are seem to be simpler and to the point. Hence, the later Manameyodaya, criticizes Naiyayikas saying ‘we, unable to put up with repetition, speak of three
one seems to be more approaching. members, either ending with the example or beginning with the example’xlv. In either way they accept
only three-membered syllogisms. We have seen the statement ending with example. Now let us see
the proposition beginning with example.
Kinds of inference:
Example (udaharana) : where there is smoke there is fire
First type
Application (upanaya): mountain possesses smoke (which is pervaded by fire)
The tradition of classifying inference into svartha and parartha, perhaps, has been started from Conclusion (niganama): therefore, the mountain is fiery.
Dignaga. Pre-Dignaga school of Indian philosophy has nothing to say in this regardxliii. However, there is
no reference of such division either in Jaiminiya sutra or in Shabara’s commentary. But in Mimamsakas hold that by premise the purpose of the conclusion and by the reason that all the
Manameyodaya the inference has been divided into two such as: svartha (inference for oneself) and application are served. Then why unnecessarily five statements will be accepted?
Second type: exists on mountain, which is not in contact with our sense organs. It is called so because it is based
A further division of inference is available in the commentary of Shabara svamin on Jaiminiya upon a particular relation of a particular perceptionli.
Mimamsa sutra xlvi . He divides inference into two like pratyakshatodrushta sambdha and
On the other hand, Samanyatodrushta is knowledge of the relation by perception of two
samanyatodrushta sambadha. The definition of these terms has not been defined but has been
general objects. Kumarila keeps the idea unchanged with Shabara in this connectionlii. However,
illustrated by him. The commentator explains pratyakshatodrushta sambdha as ‘from the perception of
samanyatodrushtanumana deals with the class of objects.
smoke the form of fire is inferred’xlvii. Because it is based on the relationship, that which is directly
perceived. The relationship, which has been experienced previously somewhere in the kitchen etc. The example is the familiar inference of the fire with smoke in the hill.
After remembering invariable relationship between smoke and fire, whenever, somebody sees smoke
Prabhakara Mishra’s interpretation on second type:
somewhere on the mountain, a certain knowledge arises in him like ‘this mountain is fiery’. This is
what is called pratyakshhodrushtam. Prabhakara Mimamsakas explain Shabara’s division of inference in a different way. He classifies
inference on the basis of the self-property of the object of inference (sadhya). Sometimes the self-
The inference that based upon a generalized relationship has been illustrated by
property of the probandum is perceptible and sometimes it is imperceptible.
Shabarasvamin like this: one can infer that there is motion in the sun because it changes its place like
other movable objects like Devadatta etc’xlviii. Here, the movement of the sun cannot be perceived When it is perceptible it is called drushtasvalakshana and when it is not perceptible it is called
directly but can be inferred from its motion (i.e. changing place from time to time). So, from the above adrushtasvalakshana. So according to him, inference is of two kinds that is drushtasvalakshana and
instance we can formulate a general statement like: ‘whenever an object changes its place it has adrushtasvalakshana liii. The self-property of the object of inference that is fire-ness is perceptible. That
motion. This instance is based upon a known fact. Therefore, it is called inference with generalized is why this is the example of the first categoryliv. But in the case of second one the self-property of the
relationship or samanyatodrushta sambadha. prabandum is imperceptible. For example, action or movement and potency (shakti)lv.
The above division of inference created a room for Kumarila Bhatta to raise an objection. He opposes it Third type of classification of inference also has been accepted by the system. Of course,
saying ‘there is mutually exclusiveness between these two classes of inference’ . He finds no Shabarabhashya has nothing to say about it. Prabhakaras do not say anything about it also. Kumarila
difference. The relation of smoke with fire is not directly seen. So, all so the case of changing position Bhatta also does not mention this classification. But it is Narayana, the follower of Bhatta school of
and movement. On the other hand, if somebody claims saying that though the relationship is not Mimamsa, who classifies inference into three like anvaya-vyatireki, kevalanvayi and kevela-vyatirekilvi.
directly seen but it has been experienced directly in kitchen etc. we reply them like the relation This classification is based upon the invariable concomitance.
between change of position and movement is also cannot be seen directly but it can be assumed from
The first one is kevalanvayi linga or purely positively concomitant. The existence of Prabandum
the activities of Devadatta. Hence, both the illustrations can be applied in samanyatodrushtal. He,
where there is the existence of probans is called kevalanvayi vyapti or positive pervasion. And
therefore, rejects the term pratyakshatodrushta and puts visheshyatodrushta in its place. According to
inference, which possesses anavayivyapti is called kevalanvayi or only positive inferencelvii . For
Kumarila, a division must possess some unique characteristics. But it does not happen in case of
example, the knowledge manifested by knowledge, because it’s knowledge like jar etc. Here one
pratyakshatodrushta and samanyatodrushta, because vishesha is opposite to samanya but not to
cannot produce a negative example because all the objects can be illustrated by knowledge. As it is
pratyaksha. Visheshyatodrushta or seen by particulars type of inference, according to Kumarila Bhatta,
impossible to produce a negative example of the inference hence it is called Kevalanvayi anumana.
is based on an invariable relation between two particulars. It has been illustrated like this. A person
observes a particular fire produced out of some fuel like cow dung etc. with its effect that is smoke. A kevalavyatireki vyapti or only negative perversion occurs there where the non-existence of
And one day he happens to see a particular string of smoke somewhere in the mountain then he probans is seen in case of non-existence of the probandum. And the inference, which possesses only
remembers the relation between the two particulars and then he concludes that a particular fire which negative invariable concomitance or kevalavyatireki vyapti, is called only negative inferencelviii. For
example, every cognition is self-manifesting because it is cognition. Where there is no self-
*याकरणषा-Dे करण1वमीमांसा
manifestedness there is absence of cognition-ness. For example, say a pot. Here it is not possible to
produce a positive example i.e. what is self-manifesting is also cognition. Therefore, it is called only डा0 Oवमलेश झा
negative inference.
Aवारा मधु काYत1म2,पो5टलकालोनी,
That is called an inference of both positive and negative or anvayavyatireka
बरार=,भागलपु र; >बहारम ्
anumana, which contains both the type of invariable concomitancelix. In other words, the
inference containing both the positive and negative pervasion is called anvayavyatireka. For
example, the mountain possesses fire because of smoke. We can have it in both the ways नापMरwचतं यA Oव1भYनेषु शा5Eेषु करणjविYनOपतं OवAवDः। तAयथा Cयाकरणषा5Eे कारकपेण,
i.e. ‘where there is smoke there is fire’ – positive pervasion and ‘where there is no smoke साRहjयषा5Eे इिYlयपेण, शर=रपेण च योDतःषा5Eे Rदन5यैकभागपेण, दषaनषा5Eेऽसाधारणकारणपेण
there is no fire’ – negative pervasion. And the combination of both the pervasions generates ,Oवwधषा5Eे च 1लxखतLमाणपेण गणना करण5य odयते। उiतषा5Eेषु करण5य Cया
या ल^यते परu◌्चा5य
a third one called positive and negative pervasion as well. OवOष_टा Cया
या Cयाकरणदषaनषा5Eयोः एवाYयषा5Eापेpया वृ हjतमा Lाhयते। अतः करण5य OवOष_टCया
Among these three types of inferences, the followers of Kumarila, however, do not accept the सवaLथम1मदं ानमाव_यकं यA Cयाकरणषा5Eेषु अनYयतमपाxणनीयCयाकरणे करण5वपं कsषम ् ? अOप
only negative inference . And in its place they put the fifth variety of valid knowledge called चाYयेषु सं5कृ तRहYद= आ|लCयाकरणेषु करणलpणं Cया
या च कथZLDतपाRदते वैयाकरणैः ? पु न_च दषaनषा5Eे
8. लघु षnदे Yदु षेखरकारकL0 पृ0 587 30. नारदपु राणम ् 52/5
12. वृ हyछnदे Yदु षेखरAOवतीयभाग पृ0 870 34 YयायपMरषु AOवः 1 ◌़1 ◌़1 पृ0 115
50 5वाथाaनु 1मDतपदाथनु 1मjयो1लa|गपरामषaएव करणम ्,तEैव पृ0 33 J×vi•y mo y vad× ♣i•yasi tva⋅
asannikrustapadam smaranabhimananirasarthamityuktam.
Epistemology of the Bhatta School of Purva Mimamsa, p. 254
Manameyodaya, p. 63
Ibid, p. 63
Shabarabhashya, 1.1.5
Shlokavarttika, verse 138
Ibid, verse 140
Ibid, verse 140-142
Ibid, verse 145
Prakaranapanjika, p. 214 prameyamanumanasya drustadrustasvalakshanam.
Manameyodaya, p. 53 tacchanumantrividham anvayavyatireki kevalanvayi