Technology For Teaching and Learning: Elementary Grades
Technology For Teaching and Learning: Elementary Grades
Technology For Teaching and Learning: Elementary Grades
4,Tanauan City
Batangas Philippines 4232
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611
“Quality Education with Quality Service”
for Teaching and Learning
Learning Module
Elementary Grades
Modular Objective:
Different kinds of problems require different kinds of learning approaches and different
socio-technical environments to support them. Outside the classroom, much learning
and problem solving takes place as individuals explore personally meaningful problems
and engage with each other in collaborative activities while making extensive use of
media and technologies.
PBL process was developed for medical education and has since been broadened in
applications for other programs of learning. The process allows for learners to develop
skills used for their future practice. It enhances critical appraisal, literature retrieval and
encourages on going learning in a team environment.
10. Students choose a solution to the problem and evaluate that solution.
11. Students determine ways to monitor their solution.
12. Students continue to determine new learning issues related to the problem.
PBL can have many forms according to Atherton J.S (2005). A good PBL can have the
following factors:
A PBL course design in such a way to provide students with authentic, hands-on real
life problems and practices that encourage students to think outside the box.
The students grouped to form groups that usually supervise by the teacher or any
teaching associate from their respective departments. In traditional learning methods,
pupils often burden by the topics they teach and the whole studying experience
becomes boring and cumbersome. Moreover, students expect to study and memorize
topics, which do not even seem relevant to the day to day life activities. This makes
studying just a mere tool for getting a job and nothing more. Students don’t feel any
enthusiasm towards studying and do not show any interest in taking the initiative to
study what teaches in the classroom. The main reason for this issue is that no effective
discussions are going on within the classroom about the topics, and the students cannot
share their ideas on how they can use a certain topic that they studied and apply it to
real-life problems. The main advantage of PBL is that it makes the whole learning
experience interesting. PBL is a challenging program because they need to understand
the design of the organization and how it works by the motivation of the whole team.
The information provided is apparent; the students feel a need to search for information
when they solve and discuss problems. Hence students can feel genuinely interested in
Types of PBL:
SC PBL has the same factor as PS PBL, and it also adds one more factor; updating life-
long skills. This factor is beneficial for people who have been teaching and practicing in
certain filed, for a long time.
Constantly updating their skill set is important. This applies to individuals such as
doctors, engineers, and executive professionals.
3. Case-based PBL:
Determine what type of solution present, what should use to solve the given scenario
and focus and stress on that topic to study.
Search for alternative methods and see how the scenario can solve more efficiently.
This method also knows as learning by design.
Although definitions and project parameters may vary from school to school, and PBL is
sometimes used interchangeably with "experiential learning" or "discovery learning," the
characteristics of project-based learning are clear and constant.
1. Focuses the student on a big open-ended question, challenge, or problem to
research and respond to and/or solve.
2. Brings what students should academically know, understand, and be able to do into
the equation.
3. Is inquiry-based.
4. Uses 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and
creativity, among others.
5. Builds student choice into the process.
6. Provides opportunities for feedback and revision of the plan and the project.
7. Requires students to present their problems, research process, methods, and
Process of PBL
KWI Table
Role Changes
Advantages of PBL
Disadvantages of PBL
Thomas, J.W. (1998). Project-based learning: Overview. Novato, CA: Buck
Institute for Education.
Internet Source 33001/32941. lem_based_learning. 8