Readings in Philippine History: Module Overview: Course: Learning Objectives
Readings in Philippine History: Module Overview: Course: Learning Objectives
Readings in Philippine History: Module Overview: Course: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate primary sources for their credibility, authenticity and provenance.
Analyze the context, content and perspective of different kinds of primary sources.
Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding Philippine
Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources.
Demonstrate the ability to use primary sources to argue in favor or against a particular issue.
Effectively communicate, using various techniques and genres, their historical analysis of a
particular event or issue that could help others understand the chosen topic.
Propose recommendations/ solutions to present- day problems based on their understanding of
root causes and their anticipation of future scenarios.
Display the ability to work in a team and contribute to a group project.
Manifest interest in local history and concern in promoting and preserving our country’s national
and cultural heritage.
4. Assignment:
1. To be able to familiarize oneself with
the documents pertaining to the
Alfred McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons:
Political Caricature of the American
Era and Corazon Aquino’s Speech
Before the US Congress
2. To be able to develop critical and
analytical skills with exposure to
primary sources.
Instruction: Students will write an analysis
Alfred McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons:
Political Caricature of the American
Corazon Aquino’s Speech Before
the US Congress
Scoring Rubric:
Content/Relevance – 12
Structure/Form - 8
Syntax - 5
Clarity of Ideas - 5
Total: 30
Reference Material:
Candelaria, J.L. et. al. (2018) Readings in Philippine
History. Rex Book Store. Manila. (Pages 31-44)
Facilitator’s Guide:
Time Content Activity Materials
30 Preliminary Activity AVP Internet
The Power and danger of a good Political Cartoons Online Laptop, Reflection Mobile Phone
or Tablet
Ang Pangulo ko: Corazon C. Aquino
To be able to familiarize oneself with the documents
pertaining to Alfred McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons:
Political Caricature of the American Era and Corazon
Aquino’s Speech Before the US Congress
To be able to develop critical and analytical skills with
exposure to primary sources.
Scoring Rubric:
Content/Relevance – 12
Structure/Form - 8
Syntax - 5
Clarity of Ideas - 5
Total: 30
3 Hrs.