Obtl Art Appreciation
Obtl Art Appreciation
Obtl Art Appreciation
This is course aims to provide students the opportunity to observe, participate in, or otherwise experience works of art, ranging from the
Course Description
classical art forms to modern art installations, performance art, indie films, enhance e-books, and multimedia aesthetics. These works of art
(Based on & CMO No. 19 will be examined from an aesthetic point of view and also as reflections or critiques of the societies that produced them. The course will thus
Series of 2017) build upon and hone the skill of understanding, critical appreciation and expression of one’s view.
At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:
o Articulate and discuss the developments in financial accounting and reporting.
o Effectively present and explain financial report.
o Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural terms.
o Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility.
o Preserve and promote Filipino history and culture.
o Perform the basic functions of financial accounting and reporting.
o Apply he basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business.
o Use the proper decision-making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
Program Intended o Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written forms.
Learning Outcomes o Apply information and communication technology skills as required by the business environment.
(PILO) o Plan and implement business-related activities.
o Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
o Exercise high personal moral and ethical responsibility.
o Provide general administrative and clerical support to high-level executives guided by the Code of Ethics for Professionals.
o Coordinate office management activities.
o Manage office communications.
o Organize files, information, and office supplies effectively.
o Exhibit acceptable human relations skills in a diverse environment.
o Engage in lifelong learning to keep abreast of the development in the international employment market.
Course Intended At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Learning Outcomes
o Competently approach a work of art from a perspective informed by the history and tradition of art and the social milieu in which it was
produced as well as the perspective of aesthetic.
o Confidently demonstrate a sense of the works importance in life and history.
(CILO) o Appraises the meaning and value of the work of art taken up in class and possibly some within the immediate vicinity of his/her
a. Definition of Art
Demonstrate b. Assumption of Art Describing nature,
1-3 State and illustrate the nature, Lecturing Work Along
knowledge of c. Purpose of Art principle and elements of
principle and elements of the art. Lecture Forum Exercises
research. d. Nature of Art the arts.
e. Basic elements of
the Art
Art Appreciation:
a. Styles of Art
4-7 b. Functions of Arts
c. Methods of Discussing art as a
Collaborative Learning Work Along
Demonstrate art presenting the art product of imagination Explain the methods of presenting
Interactive Lecturing Exercises
appreciation. subject and imagination as a the art subject for appreciation.
d. Art as a product of product of art.
imagination as a
product of art
Demonstrate Art as Expression Discussing art as an Explain art as an expression Collaborative Learning Work Along
knowledge of a. Visual Arts expression. Interactive Lecturing Exercises
presenting arts in b. Films
various ways. c. Performance Art
8-9 d. Poetry
e. Architecture
f. Dance
g. Theatre
h. Applied Art
10 a. History of painting
. b. Famous Foreign
c. Historical
Demonstrate Background of Work Along
Describing painting as a Collaborative Learning
knowledge of Painting in the Illustrate painting as an art. Exercises
form of art. Interactive Lecturing
painting Philippines
d. Great Filipino
e. Types of Painting
f. Elements of
11 - 12 a. Development of
Demonstrate sculpture outside Work Along
Discussing the Collaborative Learning
knowledge of the Philippines Illustrate sculpture as a form of art. Exercises
development of sculpture. Interactive Lecturing
sculpture. b. Development of
sculpture in the
a. Four main
properties of
musical sounds
Demonstrate Classifying drama as a Collaborative Learning
13 - 14 knowledge of music.
b. Elements of music
form of arts.
Illustrate music as a form of art
Interactive Lecturing
Group Exercises
c. Ensemble of
d. History of music
e. Kinds of music
Basic Readings Financial Accounting and Reporting (2014) Ma. Elenita Balatbat Cabrera
Financial Accounting (2012) Conrado T. Valix
Basic Accounting (2010) Mercedes J. Hinayon
Extended Readings Resource materials pertaining to topic available on internet, downloaded/sourced from scholarly websites.
Course Assessment Work Along Exercises
Course Policies
As identified in the student handbook
Grading System
Class Attendance : 10%
Assignment, Recitation, Seat Work : 35%
Major Examinations : 40%
Reporting : 25%