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Election - Humss

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Politics and Governance

Peejay Babao ‣ Kimverly Torres

Elections 1.
Parties and Party System
2. Civil Society and Social Movement

The Role of Church and Religion

Extras: Peejay’s song and TASK SHEET
Elections 1.
What is Election ?
Election is the means by
which the people choose
their officials for definite
and fixed periods.
That first election was
exercised not to choose a
leader to lead a nation but to
lead the rebellion against
Spain because during that
the revolucionarios were
divided into two factions:
the Mágdalo, led by Significantly, our country’s first president,
Aguinaldo and his cousin Emilio Aguinaldo, was not elected by the
Baldomero Aguinaldo, and; Filipino people. He was elected by his
theMagdiwang, led by
Katipunan comrades and fellow
Mariano Álvarez.
The Electoral System
•Executive and senators elected at large.

•Existence of legislative districts and local

government units.

•Electorate: duly registered citizens 18 years

of age and above.
The Electoral System
The elections in the Philippines have several types.
The president, vice-president, and the senators are elected
for a six-year term, while the members of the House of
Representatives, governors, vice-governors, provincial
board members, mayors, vice-mayors, city/municipal
councilors, barangay officials are elected to serve for a
three-year term.
Every citizen 18 years old or above on Election Day, is a
resident of the Philippines for at least a year and for at least six
months on the place he is registering, and is not otherwise
disqualified by law, may vote. In order to actually vote, a
citizen has to register. The COMELEC has a registration period
for several months prior to the election. Those who are not
registered will not appear on the voters' list and is ineligible to
vote despite being qualified to do so.
Parties and Party System
Civil Society and Social Movement
Political parties in the Philippines are of
diverse ideologies and are plentiful in
number. Most of these parties do not have
actual grassroots membership among
ordinary voters but rather that of political
figures and leaders.
What is a Political Party?

A group of people that is organized for

the purpose of winning government
power, by electoral or other means.

1. Has an organized structure with lines of authority

and power distribution.
2. Seek to attract popular support in the form of votes.
3. Seeks political power directly thru electoral method
4. Prepared to support a candidate and fight for
victory in an election. (to gain power)

1. For patronage
2. To get special treatment from the government
3. To enhance their own career
4. Economic benefit
5. Personal gratification
6. To have and to use an influence on the others
7. Ideological fulfillment

mainstream 13
Linked to political and economic elites

Linked to civil society and grassroots

Politics and Governance
Thank you!

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