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50,5 Technological evolution of
wind energy with social
network analysis
1180 Fatma Altuntas and Mehmet S ahin Gök
Department of Business, Gebze Technical University, Gebze, Turkey
Received 16 November 2019
Revised 21 February 2020
1 April 2020
Accepted 3 April 2020 Abstract
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the wind energy technologies using the social network
analysis based on patent information. Analysis of patent documents with social network analysis is used to
identify the most influential and connected technologies in the field of wind energy.
Design/methodology/approach – In the literature, patent data are often used to evaluate technologies.
Patents related to wind energy technologies are obtained from the United States Patent and Trademark Office
database and the relationships among sub-technologies based on Corporate Patent Classification (CPC) codes
are analyzed in this study. The results of two-phase algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets
algorithm, which is one of the utility mining algorithm in data mining, is used to find associations among
wind energy technologies for social network analysis.
Findings – The results of this study show that it is very important to focus on wind motors and
technologies related to energy conversion or management systems reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The
results of this study imply that Y02E, F03D and F05B CPC codes are the most influential CPC codes based on
social network analysis.
Originality/value – Analysis of patent documents with social network analysis for technology evaluation
is extremely limited in the literature. There is no research related to the analysis of patent documents with
social network analysis, in particular CPC codes, for wind energy technology. This paper fills this gap in the
literature. This study explores technologies related to wind energy technologies and identifies the most
influential wind energy technologies in practice. This study also extracts useful information and knowledge
to identify core corporate patent class (es) in the field of wind energy technology.
Keywords Patent analysis, Social network analysis, Renewable energy, Wind energy technologies
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Energy is a significant factor in economic development and considered a prime agent in the
generation of wealth (Sharma et al., 2012). Energy is considered as one of the most powerful
devices to drive a nation from developing to developed or from stable to more stable position
(Islam et al., 2011). In addition, energy is accepted as an essential ingredient of socio-economic
development and economic growth (Herbert et al., 2007). Currently, renewable energy has taken
more attention among alternative energy researches. Renewable energy sources are getting
more importance for sustainable energy development and environmental protection in practice
due to disadvantages of fossil fuels (Kaygusuz, 2010). Renewable energy deployment provides
a unique opportunity for developing countries to embark upon a clean development trajectory

Kybernetes This study is supported by Council of Higher Education 100/2000 scholarship by the Republic of
Vol. 50 No. 5, 2021
pp. 1180-1211 Turkey. The authors thank the Council of Higher Education for its support. The authors would like
© Emerald Publishing Limited to thank the four anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions that have
DOI 10.1108/K-11-2019-0761 significantly improved the paper.
in practice (Benecke, 2011). The utilization of renewable energy resources is one of the most Wind energy
efficient and effective ways in achieving sustainable development (Hepbasli and Ozgener, with social
2004). Utilization of renewable energy technologies is one of the strategies of the governments
to increase the level of energy security (Madavar et al., 2017). Therefore, renewable energy has a
very important role for the strategic development of the countries as well. analysis
One of the widest recognized and important renewable energy is wind energy (Phan and
Daim, 2013). Wind energy is a reliable and promising renewable energy (Dincer, 2011) and
welcomed by society, industry and politics as a clean, practical, economical and
environmentally friendly alternative (Sahin, 2004). Wind energy has advanced in both products
and technologies (Daim et al., 2012). Power generation through wind has an edge because of its
technological maturity, good infrastructure and relative cost competitiveness compared to
other applications of renewable energy technologies (Herbert et al., 2007). Wind power supply
has had a significant increase among renewable energies (Bagheri Moghaddam et al., 2011). It
should be noted that wind power is the fastest growing energy technology at the turn of the
millennium, and wind capacity worldwide has doubled approximately every three years
(Kaygusuz, 2004). The economic viability and political appeal of wind power is on the increase
(Venkata and Krishnamurthy, 2003). Wind energy is considered as sustainable source for
generating electricity, and it is regarded as one of the most promising forms of green energy
developed to date (Guo et al., 2014). To meet all the world’s electricity needs, the wind energy
potential on the Earth is huge and enough (Sesto and Casale, 1998). The history of wind power
is more than 3,000 years old, and people began to use it to generate electrical power about
120 years ago (Leung and Yang, 2012). Wind energy becomes more and more attractive
because it is one of the clean renewable energy resources (Dincer, 2011). Renewable electricity
generation by energy source is illustrated in Figure 1. As can be seen from Figure 1, wind
energy is the second most used renewable energy. In addition, according to Global Wind
Report (2018), the average growth rate is 2.7% annually; Herbert et al. (2007) highlighted that
wind energy is expected to play a significant role in the future national energy scene.
The development of wind energy technology has increased extremely rapidly
(Milborrow, 2002; Leung and Yang, 2012). In recent year, wind energy is an alternative to
conventional energy systems (Erdogdu, 2009). Blanco (2009) indicated that “wind energy is
a capital-intensive technology, with the fixed assets (wind turbine, grid connection and civil

Figure 1.
Renewable electricity
generation by energy
K works) accounting for as much as 80% of the total cost.” Therefore, it is very important to
50,5 know relationships among wind energy technologies and to identify the most influential or
connected technologies in the field of wind energy. In this study, wind energy technologies
are evaluated by using social network analysis based on patent information. Social network
analysis is used in various disciplines to reveal the relationships between nodes visually.
However, application of social network analysis to technology evaluation field is relatively a
1182 new area and a hot topic in the literature. The network in social network analysis is
graphically illustrated using lines, arcs and symbols so the viewer can visualize and analyze
the structure of the network more easily and the links in the network can represent any
relationship between them (e.g. route, distance, family membership and reporting structure)
(Mcculloh et al., 2013). In practice, wind energy systems draw on a wide range of disciplines
(Johnson, 2001). These disciplines may affect the development of wind energy technologies.
It is necessary to analyses these technologies having high diversity due to its relation with
wide range of disciplines. With this intent, social network analysis of wind energy
technology is conducted based on patent data. The use of social network analysis in this
study helps us to map the relationships among wind energy technologies in a network. It
also provides evaluation of a huge amount of patent data related to wind energy
Using publicly available information effectively is very significant to remain competitive
in technology related industries in practice (Daim et al., 2012). Patents information is
publicly available for researchers. Patent information is extensively used for technology
evaluation and analysis in the literature. In addition, patent analysis is a beneficial approach
that uses patent data to derive information about a particular industry or technology used in
forecasting (Daim et al., 2006). It can be used to construct corporate technology strategy
and to evaluate the technical capability of a company as the basis for corporate mergers and
acquisition strategies (Hsu and Lin, 2016). Patents granted by the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) have become a reliable and frequently used statistical source in
the literature (Wang and Li-Ying, 2014). The USPTO is expensively preferred patent
database to obtain patent data. Patents provide legal rights to holders for up to 20 years to
prevent others from selling or manufacturing the invention (Doran and Webster, 2019):
Inventors who apply for and receive a patent may experience a wide range of personal benefits,
including heightened prestige, increased income, promotions, new job opportunities, and
increased professional networks (Iancu and Peter, 2019).
There are various patenting systems offering firms different routes for patenting: one can
patent nationally, internationally or at the regional level such as the EPO (Leydesdorff et al.,
2014). The USPTO is the federal agency for registering trademarks and granting US patents
(https://www.uspto.gov/about-us). The USPTO patent database is the most appropriate
database among alternatives for studies on global innovation patterns (Kim and Lee, 2015).
The USPTO patent database has 3,500-4,000 newly granted patents each week (Li et al.,
2007). It has information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant
patents and SIR documents) (http://patft.uspto.gov). It has online search interface for
researchers. Quick search, advanced search and number search can be performed using the
USPTO database. The most valuable and influential inventions are prone to patenting in the
most important countries, particularly in the USA, the largest and most technologically
developed market in the world (Wang and Li-Ying, 2014). Therefore, patent data related to
wind energy technologies are obtained from the USPTO database in this study.
Analysis of patent documents with social network analysis is used to identify the most
effective and connected technologies in the field of wind energy. The result of this study can
be beneficial for energy sector investors to manage technological change in the field of wind Wind energy
energy. This study extracts useful information and knowledge to identify core corporate with social
patent class (es) in the field of wind energy technology. It should be noted that technological
change has a very strong role to decrease the overall cost of wind energy (Blanco, 2009). The
result of this study can also be used to prepare large-scale wind energy implementation analysis
plans by governments. Public policy has a very significant role in the development of wind
energy technology (Dai and Xue, 2015). Analysis of patent documents related to wind
energy technology with social network analysis is performed in this study to help decision-
making process of public policy in practice.
The research question of this study is given as follows:

RQ1. What are the relationships among wind energy technologies?

Answer to this question is very important for energy sector investors to identify the most
effective and connected technologies, and core corporate patent class (es) in the field of wind
The remaining part of this study is organized as follows: Literature review is conducted
in Section 2. Application of social network analysis to wind energy technologies is given in
Section 3. Conclusions and discussions are provided in Section 4.

2. Literature review
This section is grouped into three parts: wind energy; patent information for the evaluation
of wind energy technology and social network analysis.

2.1 Wind energy

There has been considerable attention to the analysis of wind energy in the literature. The
most basic and related researches are summarized in this section. Kaygusuz (2004)
highlighted progress and potential of wind energy and indicated that wind turbine
technology has experienced an important evolution over time due to the fast market
development. He concluded that wind power is the fastest growing energy technology at the
turn of the millennium and will continue to grow in the future. Clarke (1991) assessed wind
energy progress and the technology’s degree of maturity. Sahin (2004) is also provided
progress and recent trends in wind energy and found that there will probably be bigger
turbines for offshore applications, faster tip speeds for non-populated areas and the
development of new manufacturers outside Europe. In another study, Wang and Wang
(2015) reviewed the impacts of wind energy on environment. They concluded that wind
energy has a very important role to play in future energy generation.
An assessment of wind energy potentials in several counties are performed in the
literature. For example, Exell (1985) analyzed the wind energy potential of Thailand and
indicated that mean power densities of surface winds in Thailand are typically in the range
10-20 Wm2. Exell and Fook (1986) evaluated wind energy potentials in Malaysia in detail
and found that the station at Mersing has the greatest potential. In addition, wind energy
potentials are also evaluated for Nigeria (Fagbenle et al., 2011; Adekoya and Adewale, 1992),
Kütahya province in Turkey (Köse, 2004), Jordan (Bataineh and Dalalah, 2013), Iran
(Bagheri Moghaddam et al., 2011), India (Sharma et al., 2012), Turkey (Kaygusuz, 2010;
Erdogdu, 2009; Alboyaci and Dursun, 2008), Algeria (Himri et al., 2009), Malaysia (Islam
et al., 2011), China (Liu and Kokko, 2010; Dong and Shi, 2019), Uzbekistan (Bahrami et al.,
2019) and Egypt (Ahmed, 2010). Cameron and Zwaan (2015) provided a literature review on
employment opportunities associated with the deployment of renewable energy technology
K and demonstrated the existence of a large spread in reported employment factors, for
50,5 manufacturing, installation and O&M activities. Ozerdem and Turkeli (2003) investigated
wind characteristics on the campus of Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey and
found that there has a considerable wind energy potential in the region. Dincer (2011)
discussed wind energy electricity generation status, potential and policies in the world. He
concluded that wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources among alternative
1184 renewable energy sources and the installed capacity of wind power is increasing in recent
Furthermore, Milborrow (2002) provided the state of the art of wind energy technology
and indicated that energy productivity per unit of rotor area has steadily improved. Zhang
et al. (2001) identified major constraints related to wind technology development and
suggested relevant policy recommendations for wind energy technology. They found that
the main success in house-hold wind generators diffusion is depend to the strong support of
the local government, including direct subsidies, public R&D, information campaigns and
infra-structure development (service networks). Daim et al. (2012) developed technology
roadmap for the wind energy sector of Pacific Northwest and highlighted that good quality
wind resource and plenty of land in the Pacific NW region is available for harvesting wind
In another study, Richards et al. (2012) identified the barriers to wind energy
development in Saskatchewan, Canada. They concluded that there is no one reason of the
barriers and multi-dimensional understanding of the barriers is needed in practice. Blanco
(2009) analyzed the economics of wind energy and highlighted that wind energy
investments have a competitive position of vis-à-vis other technologies. Dai and Xue (2015)
highlighted China’s policy initiatives for the development of wind energy technology in
detail and found that technological capacity is the fundamental factor for achieving
sustainable leapfrogging. Lewis and Wiser (2007) explored the motivations behind
establishing a local wind power industry and provided an international comparison of
support mechanisms. Their study showed that there is a relationship between a
manufacturer’s success in its home country market and its eventual success in the global
wind power market. Islam et al. (2013) discussed recent trends of wind turbine technology,
its effectivity and status. The result of Islam et al.’s (2013) study showed that the energy
storage system is very much needed, and there are areas where improvements are required
to reduce the cost of wind energy.
Lee and Shih (2011) discussed the development of Taiwan’s renewable energy policy,
status and incentive measures and the results of the study can be used as valuable reference
for governmental efforts to evaluate the merits and limitations of related policies concisely
for wind energy technologies.
Furthermore, Lee (2011) used real option analysis and sensitivity analysis to examine
wind energy technology investment and concluded that the value of developing renewable
energy increases when increasing the underlying price, time to maturity, risk-free rate and
volatility, while the value of developing renewable energy decreases when increasing the
exercise price.
Onar et al. (2015) proposed interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy approach to select the
appropriate wind energy technology for investment and found that the first alternative is
the best one among the four alternative wind energy technologies by the proposed approach.
Keeley and Ikeda (2017) researched the determinants of foreign direct investment in wind
energy in developing countries using structural equation modeling and found that three
determinants (improving access to finance, trade openness and easing general investment
restrictions) are strong measures to attract more foreign direct investment related to Wind energy
renewable energy sector. with social
In addition to the above basic studies related to wind energy, the environmental impact of
wind energy is also assessed in the literature. Among these studies, Leung and Yang (2012)
reviewed wind energy development and its environmental impact. They concluded that wind analysis
energy can be a strong alternative source of energy with proper and supportive policies toward
wind power. Langer et al. (2018) indicated that technological aspects with environmental and
societally aspects should be considered for wind energy project and analyzed factors 1185
influencing citizens’ acceptance and non-acceptance of wind energy in Germany.
There are several studies related to review of wind energy in the literature. Among these
studies, Herbert et al. (2007) conducted a study to review wind energy technologies and
discussed the wind resources assessment models, site selection models and aerodynamic
models including wake effect. Hepbasli and Ozgener (2004) reviewed the development of
wind energy in Turkey and concluded that wind power has grown at an impressive rate in
Turkey. In addition, Wu and Hong (2007) presented a critical literature review and an up-to-
date bibliography on wind forecasting technologies. In another study, Ackermann (2000)
reviewed the historical development of wind energy technology and discusses the current
status grid-connected as well as stand-alone wind power generation worldwide. Finally,
Vargas et al. (2019) examined 145 articles related to wind power generation and provided an
overview of the analysis of wind energy.

2.2 Patent information for the evaluation of wind energy technology

The use of patent information for the evaluation of wind energy technology is also
performed in the literature. Among these studies, Dubaric et al. (2011) used patent
information to analyze the level of maturity of wind power technology. They found that
rotor form, regulation and pitch adjusting are three different segments of wind power
technology. Braun et al. (2010) examined knowledge spillovers for wind energy technology
based on patent data and the result of the study showed that wind and solar technologies
have distinct innovation characteristics. Daim et al. (2012) used patent information related to
wind energy technology for technology watch and trend changes in the field of wind energy
technology are evaluated. Benson and Magee (2014) used patent application counts to
measure the impact of different types of renewable energy policies on innovation in the wind
power sector. They found that there are significant and sizeable differences between the
improvement rates of solar PV, wind turbines, capacitors and batteries.
Kapoor et al. (2015) examined patent portfolios of European wind industry and the
results obtained from the study showed that there is substantial overlap among the patent
portfolios of top wind power firm. In another study, Lindman and Söderholm (2016)
researched the impacts of public R&D support and feed-in tariff schemes on innovation in
the wind energy sector using patent data. Their study showed that public R&D support has
significant impacts on innovation.
Lee and Lee (2013) used a patent-based approach to examine the patterns of innovation
and to evaluate energy technologies including wind energy technology. The study of Lee
and Lee (2013) provided maps (intensity map, interaction map and quality map) to visualize
the characteristics of the energy technologies and concluded that each energy technology’s
innovation and evolution patterns had different characteristics. Phan and Daim (2013)
conducted a patent analysis and concluded that wind turbines are expected to be produced
started in 2011 or 2012 and implemented widely around 2014-2016.
Lei et al. (2011) conducted a research on the wind energy technology of Germany based
on patent analysis and concluded that the development of wind energy technology in
K Germany has a fast increasing tendency. Nordensvard et al. (2018) performed citation
50,5 network analysis based on patent data to analyze knowledge flows among firms operating
in wind sector. Rübbelke and Weiss (2011) conducted a panel data study on wind turbines
based on patent applications collected from the patent database of the European Patent
Office to assess the impact of environmental policy instruments on innovation activities for
wind turbines. The results of Rübbelke and Weiss’s (2011) study showed that there is a
1186 strong and highly significant effect of environmental tax revenues, and foreign demand for
wind turbines on innovation activities.
Popp et al. (2011) obtained a list of patents related to each of renewable energy
technologies including wind energy to assess the impact of technological change on
investment in renewable energy capacity and the diffusion of renewable energy. They found
that technological advances do lead to greater investment, but the effect is small. Madavar
et al. (2017) used technology life cycle approach based on patent data related to wind power
technologies and found that wind technology is at the productivity phase in its technology
life cycle. Schleich et al. (2017) examined the effects of policies and other factors driving
innovation in wind power technologies in 12 OECD countries over more than two decades,
and they used patent counts as an indicator for innovation. They concluded that patenting
in wind power technology is positively related to public R&D, the stock of wind capacity,
the number of patents per capita and the share of Green party voters.
As can be seen from the above-mentioned literature, studies can be classified into four
categories. In the first category, studies were focused on wind energy potentials in several
counties and highlighted progress and potential of wind energy. In the second category, wind
energy technology investments were researched in detail. In the third category, authors discuss
the environmental impact of wind energy. Finally, the evaluation of wind energy technology
was performed based on patent information in the last category. There is no research and
discussion about analysis of patent documents with social network analysis, in particular
corporate patent classification (CPC) codes, for wind energy technology. This paper fills this
gap in the literature. Development of wind power is mostly depended on its related technologies
(Madavar et al., 2017). This study explores technologies related to wind energy technologies
and identify which of these technologies are most effective in practice.

2.3 Social network analysis

A network is a structure formed by connecting nodes with different weight values to each
other with edge. Some examples of nodes and edges in networks for various fields are given
in Table 1. Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows
between nodes such as people, groups, organizations, animals, computers or other

Network Node Edge

Internet Computer or router Cable or wireless data connection

World wide web Web page Hyperlink
Citation network Article, patent or legal case Citation
Power grid Generating station or substation Transmission line
Friendship network Person Friendship
Metabolic network Metabolite Metabolic reaction
Table 1. Neural network Neuron Synapse
Some examples of Food web Species Predation
nodes and edges in
networks Source: Newman (2018)
information/knowledge processing entities (Jamali and Abolhassani, 2006). It analyzes the Wind energy
patterns of ties in a network (Kim et al., 2011). The first researcher who used the term of the with social
social network in a study was John A. Barnes and Barnes (1954) examined the connections
between people living in Norway in the literature (Can and Alatas, 2019). Social network
analysis is an attractive tool for various disciplines such as economics, marketing or analysis
industrial engineering (Sharma and Purohit, 2014). It is a rapidly growing and developing
scientific field over the past 50 years (Maltseva and Batagelj, 2018) and network research is a
hot topic in the literature (Borgatti et al., 2009). Social network analysis are extensively used
by researchers in the literature to examine the structure of communities, to describe the
network structures and to model the existing connections by visualizing the relationships
between the communities (Su et al., 2019). Social network analysis can be used in many
fields such as the economy, commerce, health and banking (Can and Alatas, 2019).
In the literature, authors paid attention to the development of the social network analysis
within different disciplines (Maltseva and Batagelj, 2018; Can and Alatas, 2019; Borgatti et al.,
2009). Applications of social network analysis in behavioral information security (Dang-Pham
et al., 2017), the knowledge sharing behavior (Stewart and Abidi, 2012), health care (Jang et al.,
2012), business applications (Bonchı et al., 2011), the assessment of organization infrastructure
for service delivery (Ssengooba et al., 2017), team sports (Lusher et al., 2010), structural
investigation of supply networks (Kim et al., 2011), psychology (Shao-Qi et al., 2011) and the
study of open source software (Xu et al., 2006) have been conducted in the literature so far. In
addition, Altuntas and Yilmaz (2017) used social network analysis based on patent data in
the field of unmanned vessel technologies to construct technology network. Examples for the
application of social network analysis in recent years are given in Table 2. Details on the
applications of social network analysis can be found in Furht (2010) and McCulloh et al. (2013).
Furthermore, details on social network analysis can be found in review studies such as
Leppink and Pérez-Fuster (2018), Aslam et al. (2018), Khalid (2019), Pachayappan and
Venkatesakumar (2018), Su et al. (2019).
The top ten subject areas for social network analysis are business economics, computer
science, information and library science, environmental sciences ecology, psychology,
education research, sociology, engineering, public environmental occupational health and
social sciences other topics (Su et al., 2019). Analysis of these topics in different years is
given in Table 3.

Author(s) (year) Application

Li et al. (2019) Analysis of group position, popularity and sleep behaviors among US adolescents
Woods et al. (2019) Analysis of small and medium-sized enterprise manufacturing cluster
Zhang et al. (2019) Analysis of sustainable human resource management
Playford et al. (2019) Analysis of rural medical networks after medical school immersion in a rural
clinical school
Reynolds and Hafez Analysis of German foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq
Lazzari et al. (2019) Analysis of dementia wards in psychiatric hospitals to explore the advancement
of personhood in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Table 2.
Wang et al. (2019) Analysis of summary acoustic indices of audio recordings of the environments
Abdulkarim and Analysis of the diversity of business partnerships Examples for the
Abdallah (2019) application of social
Hepworth et al. (2019) Analysis of patterns of social relationships among food bloggers on Twitter network analysis in
Appel et al. (2018) Analysis of modeling health insurance claims data recent years
K Subject area Subject area Subject area Subject area
50,5 Rank (1999-2003) (2004-2008) (2009-2013) (2014-2018)

1 Sociology Information science Information science Information science

library science library science library science
2 Information science Management Management Environmental studies
library science
1188 3 Anthropology Sociology Business Management
4 Management Computer science Computer science Education educational
information systems information systems Research
5 Public environmental Education Public environmental Environmental sciences
occupational health educational occupational health
6 Computer science Public environmental Computer science Computer science
interdisciplinary occupational health interdisciplinary interdisciplinary
applications applications applications
7 Social sciences Computer science Sociology Public environmental
mathematical interdisciplinary occupational health
methods applications
8 Computer science Business Education educational Sociology
Table 3. information systems research
9 Business Social sciences Environmental studies Computer science
Analysis of social interdisciplinary information systems
network analysis 10 Communication Anthropology Geography Business
topic trend in
different years Source: Su et al. (2019)

The density in a directed network and an undirected network is calculated based on Golbeck
(2013) as follows:
Density in a directed network ¼ (1)
n*ðn  1Þ

Density in an undirected network with ¼ (2)
n* n  1Þ=2

n = nodes; and
e = edges.
The degree centrality of each node is calculated in equation (3) based on Srinivas and
Velusamy (2015):
Cð *  Cðv Þ
Degree ðGÞ ¼
H ðvi Þ

v* = the vertex with highest associations in the whole graph; and
 i = the connections of the selected node.
H = node level centrality, i.e. the centrality corresponding to a number of nodes associated
with the selected node  i. The value of H can be calculated using equation (4):
jyj   Wind energy
Hvi ¼ C y*  C yj Þ (4) with social
Here, the node y* and yj are from the connected graph Y, where Y is a subset of graph G with the analysis
nodes which are directly connected to  i. The node y* represents the node with highest number of
connections in graph Y. The node Yj is one of the adjacent node to node  i (Srinivas and
Velusamy, 2015). 1189
The closeness centrality is calculated based on Newman (2010) in equation (6):
‘i ¼ dij (5)
n j

1 n
Ci ¼ (6)

dij = the length of a geodesic path from i to j; and
Ci = Closeness centrality i.
The eigenvector centrality is calculated based on Maharani and Gozali (2014) in equation (7). A
denote an (n  n) similarity matrix. Then the eigenvector centrality xi of node i is defined as the
i-th entry in the normalized eigenvector belonging to the largest eigenvalue of A and xi is
proportional to the sum of similarity scores of all nodes connected to it (m = 1/l ) (Maharani and
Gozali, 2014):

x¼ Ax and xi ¼ m aij xj (7)


3. Application of social network analysis to wind energy technologies

Application of social network analysis to wind energy technologies is presented in this
section. CPC is shown to be better than the International Patent Classification (IPC) for
identifying patents relevant to the wind power industry (Kapoor et al., 2015). Therefore,
CPC codes are used to represent each node for social network analysis application. In
this study, two-phase algorithm for mining high average-utility item sets (TPAU)
algorithm proposed by Hong et al. (2011) is used to reveal associations among wind
energy technologies. The TPAU algorithm is one of the utility mining algorithms in
data mining. The “support” values, which are obtained from the result of the
application of the TPAU algorithm, are taken into consideration as the “weight” value
indicating the strength of the relations between each pair of CPC codes in social
network analysis. The relationships among the technologies is researched by social
network analysis considering the results of the TPAU algorithm. The results are
compared with the algorithm results of classical association rules mining, namely, FP-
Growth algorithm. At the beginning of the research, the following query is used to
obtain patent documents from the USPTO via AcclimIP software:

Research Query: CPC: ðY02E10=70þÞ AND ANA_INREF_CT : ½1 to *

K Totally, 7,494 patent documents related to wind energy is gathered by this research query.
50,5 The meanings of CPC codes in the study are given in the Appendix 1. The studies carried
out during the implementation phase are summarized in Figure 2.
There is a need to determine the number of association rules that will be subjected to
social network analysis after data acquisition. Social network analysis of the association
rules obtained using both the TPAU algorithm and the FP-Growth algorithm is performed
1190 in this study. As the TPAU algorithm does not provide information about the direction of
the relationships, directed links cannot be shown in the layouts obtained by the use of social
network analysis. On the other hand, as the FP-Growth algorithm provides information
about the direction of the relationships, the layouts obtained by the use of social network
analysis are shown with directed links for the FP-Growth algorithm. Figure 3 shows the
number of association rules obtained by the TPAU algorithm to determine the threshold
value, while Figure 4 illustrates the number of association rules obtained by the FP-Growth
algorithm to determine the threshold value. The number of associations obtained from the
analysis depends on the threshold. The use of a large number of associations for social
network analysis complicates the clarity of the layouts created. In addition, it can be very

Figure 2.
Application of social
network analysis to
wind energy

Figure 3.
Determination of the
threshold value for
the TPAU algorithm
Wind energy
with social


Figure 4.
Determination of the
threshold value for
the FP-Growth

difficult and time-consuming for humans to analyze the associations found if a huge number
of associations is found (Fournier-Viger, et al., 2019). The threshold value used in this study
is determined according to Figures 3 and 4 considering two following criteria:
(1) Threshold value should clearly show and reflect relationships.
(2) Threshold value should show the most influential and powerful wind energy
technologies well.

The threshold value presenting a reasonable number of association rules to be used for
social network analysis is determined intuitively in Figures 3 and 4. Herein, the y-axis
represents the number of association rules, while the x-axis represents the support
value, which is considered a threshold value. In the literature, the threshold value is
mostly determined according to the opinions of the decision maker or users in practice.
Sometimes, it can be determined intuitively as it is done in this study. As can be seen
from Figure 3, if the threshold value is 21,000, social network analysis can be performed
with a reasonable number (272) association rules for the analysis. In total, 272
association rules are created with 111 CPC codes for the TPAU algorithm. Social
network analysis is conducted based on 274 association rules and 67 CPC codes for the
FP-Growth algorithm.
It should be noted that the number of CPC codes used and the number of association
rules obtained differ from each other, as the threshold values used in both algorithms are
different from each other. The purpose of data mining is to reveal hidden and meaningful
patterns in the data set. It is not possible to use all CPC codes in analysis because both
significant and meaningful relationships can be overlooked and threshold value must be set
to zero.
Social network analysis for CPC codes showing wind energy sub-technologies is
performed with Gephi 0.9.1 software. The section level of codes represents the overall body
of the technological domain and the subclass level of the code provides better results than
other level (Park et al., 2015). Studies using CPC codes generally examine the CPC codes at
the subclass level and only the first four digits are used in the literature. The first layout is
obtained by using the Fruchterman Reingold layout. The Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm
places nodes with stronger and/or more connections closer together (Fried et al., 2016). In the
Fruchterman-Reingold, nodes having many links to other nodes are located in the middle of
K the graph (Oberg and Walgenbach, 2009). The layouts obtained from the results of the
50,5 TPAU algorithm and the FP-Growth algorithm according to the Fructerman Reingold
layout are given in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
As it can be seen from Figures 5 and 6, F03D, Y02E and F05B CPC codes are located in
the center of the network. These codes have the most connections in the network. As these
CPC codes have more connections, they are centrally located and the node sizes are higher
1192 than the other node sizes according to the “degree” values.
The network of wind energy technologies using the Force Atlas layout is given in
Figure 7 for the TPAU algorithm and Figure 8 for the FP-Growth algorithm. The Force
Atlas layout algorithm pushes the most connected nodes away from each other, while
aligning the nodes that are connected to the hubs in clusters around them (Paranyushkin,
2011). Figures 7 and 8 show that the CPC codes F03D, Y02E and F05B are positioned away
from each other, while the CPC codes associated with these CPC codes are positioned around
them. It means that these three CPC codes are the most influences of all the CPC codes. In
Figure 7, three groups were formed in terms of modularity statistics and the groups are
shown in pink, yellow and light blue. In modularity, the distance between the nodes in the
same group is tried to be minimized. Two of the three most effective CPC codes, namely,
Y02E and F05B, are in the same group. Therefore, these two CPC codes are shown with the

Figure 5.
The Fructerman
Reingold layout
Wind energy
with social


Figure 6.
The Fructerman
Reingold layout (FP-

same color. This implies that CPC codes of the group shown in pink are CPC codes that
intensely interact with Y02E and F05B. The group shown in pink has the highest number of
CPC codes, which is 56.76% of the total CPC code. The amount of the group shown in yellow
as the nodes color is 31.53% of the total CPC code, while the amount of the group shown in
blue as the nodes color is 11.71% of the total CPC code.
The circle pack layout of the TPAU algorithm in terms of the centrality measure is given
in Figure 9. There are six clusters in Figure 9. In the first cluster, F28F, H01R, G06F and
H01L CPC codes appear to be associated only with Y02E CPC code. In the second cluster,
there are 24 different CPC codes, which are only linked to F03D CPC code. The third cluster
in which the maximum number of CPC codes are clustered is associated with F03D, Y02E
and F05B CPC codes. The fourth cluster, in which 17 different CPC codes are clustered, is
associated with F03D and Y02E CPC codes. The fifth cluster contains five CPC codes,
namely, B60L, H02M, Y02P, Y02B and H02K.
The CPC codes having relations with the fifth cluster in the circle pack layout are shown
in Figure 10. Finally, there are four different CPC codes, B60K, H02S, Y04S and B29C in the
sixth cluster. The CPC codes having relations with the sixth cluster in the circle pack layout
are shown in Figure 11.


Figure 7.
The force atlas layout

As the results of the FP-Growth algorithm can be represented by redirected connections, a

circular layout can be created according to centrality measures. Figure 12 shows the circular
layout according to the degree measures for the FP Growth algorithm. As can be seen from
Figure 12, the CPC codes are positioned in a circular layout in the clockwise direction
according to their effect level.
The centrality measures for the top 20 CPC codes are given in Table 4 for the TPAU
algorithm and Table 5 for the FP-Growth algorithm. The degree refers to the number of
other CPC codes to which a CPC code is connected. A CPC code may be linked to other CPC
codes, both due to the spread of technology and because of the technologies covered. The
greater the degree, the more important the CPC code is Kim et al. (2017).
The other centrality measure used in this study is the closeness centrality. The measure of
the closeness centrality indicates the closeness of a CPC code to the CPC codes outside of it. A
CPC code having high closeness centrality is the code having a minimum total distance to
other CPC codes. It should be noted that a higher closeness centrality indicates a higher
influence on other nodes (Hsu and Lin, 2016).
Wind energy
with social


Figure 8.
The force atlas layout

Finally, the eigenvector centrality is used in this study. The eigenvector centrality also takes
into account the quality (importance) of a CPC code in addition to its links to other CPC
codes. The eigenvector centrality measures a node’s importance while considering the
importance of its neighbors and the main logic behind the eigenvector centrality measures is
that links from important nodes are worth more than links from unimportant nodes
(Golbeck, 2013). The eigenvector centrality measures the degree to which an node is
connected to other well connected nodes (Denny, 2014).
According to the TPAU algorithm, the code having the highest number of links is F03D,
while the code having the highest number of links is Y02E according to the FP-Growth
algorithm. Any change, improvement or decline in these codes will highly affect other CPC
codes. According to the degree measure of the results of both algorithms, the first three CPC
codes are the same, but the rankings in the top three are different. According to the Closeness
centrality, the rankings obtained from the two algorithms are different. In addition, F03D
CPC code has the highest value according to the TPAU algorithm, while Y02E CPC code has
the highest value according to the FP-Growth algorithm.


Figure 9.
The circle pack layout
in terms of closeness
centrality (TPAU)

Figure 10.
The CPC codes
having relations with
the fifth cluster in the
circle pack layout

Another measure used in social network analysis is density of a network. The density of a
network implies the degree of overall connections between nodes in the network and it is
used to evaluate how the nodes are related with other nodes in a network (Han and Park,
2006). The density of the network created for TPAU algorithm is 0.045, while the density of
the network created for FP-Growth algorithm is 0.062. This means that the network is not Wind energy
very dense and the CPC codes in these networks have fewer linkages. In other words, it can with social
be concluded that the nodes (CPC codes) in the network vary and may be able to connect to
different fields in the future. Top 20 CPC codes obtained using different threshold values for
both algorithms and their comparison are given in Appendix 2. analysis

4. Conclusions 1197
The associations among wind energy technologies were researched using social
network analysis based on the results of TPAU algorithm. The results obtained were
compared with the FP-Growth, which is a well-known classic association rules. The
structure and behavior of CPC codes reflecting wind energy technologies were
examined in detail. Force Atlas, Fructerman Reingold, Circle pack and Circular layouts
were applied to wind energy technologies and the associations between CPC codes
reflecting wind energy technologies are presented. Furthermore, several centrality
measures were also calculated to go into the detail of wind energy technology in this

4.1 Key findings

The following findings were obtained in this study:
 According to the results of both the TPAU algorithm and the FP-Growth algorithm,
it can be concluded that Y02E, F03D and F05B CPC codes have the most influential
CPC codes based on social network analysis.
 Y02E, F03D and F05B CPC codes can be determined to be the best candidate for a
sustainable and emerging technology.
 The TPAU algorithm, which is a utility mining algorithm in data mining, takes into
account quantity of the CPC codes appeared in a patent and importance of the CPC
codes in practice. On the other hand, the FP-Growth considers only associations
among CPC codes.

The following recommendations are proposed based on the results of this study:
 R&D researches related to Y02E, F03D and F05B CPC codes should be conducted to
increase the development of wind energy technologies.

Figure 11.
The CPC codes
having relations with
the sixth cluster in
the circle pack layout


Figure 12:
The circular layout
according to the
degree measures (FP-

 The use of the TPAU should be preferred over the FP-Growth for the analysis of
patent documents. In classic association rules, an item is assumed to repeat only
once in a transaction. In addition, the importance level of each item is not taken
into account in the calculation process. Due to these limitations, classic association
rules cannot fully take into account real-life problems. To eliminate these
shortcomings, utility mining area has emerged in the literature. The TAPU
algorithm used in the study is better than the FP growth algorithm, as it also takes
No. CPC Code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality
Wind energy
with social
1 F03D 106 0.965 1.000 network
2 Y02E 85 0.815 0.913
3 F05B 65 0.710 0.786 analysis
4 H02J 12 0.529 0.278
5 Y10T 11 0.526 0.268
6 Y02T 7 0.516 0.221 1199
7 H02P 6 0.514 0.210
8 Y02P 5 0.512 0.199
9 H02K 5 0.512 0.195
10 Y02B 5 0.512 0.199
11 B60L 5 0.512 0.196
12 H02M 5 0.512 0.199
13 H02S 4 0.509 0.182
14 B60K 4 0.509 0.179
15 Y04S 4 0.509 0.182
16 B29C 4 0.509 0.182
17 Y10S 3 0.506 0.165
18 F03B 3 0.506 0.165 Table 4.
19 F16H 3 0.506 0.165 Centrality measures
20 B64C 3 0.506 0.165 (TPAU)

No. CPC code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality

1 Y02E 66 1.000 0.000

2 F03D 59 0.953 0.004
3 F05B 44 0.862 0.015
4 Y10T 28 0.694 0.035
5 Y02P 23 0.645 0.070
6 H02J 18 0.634 0.128
7 Y02T 18 0.778 0.491
8 Y02B 17 0.636 0.308
9 H02K 12 0.556 0.491
10 F03B 11 0.667 0.930
11 F01D 10 1.000 1.000
12 F16H 10 1.000 0.839
13 B29C 9 1.000 0.218
14 Y10S 9 0.500 0.128
15 B29L 9 1.000 0.355
16 H02P 8 1.000 0.607
17 H02S 8 1.000 0.607
18 B64C 7 0.667 0.335 Table 5.
19 E04H 7 1.000 0.128 Centrality measures
20 F05C 7 0.667 0.128 (FP-Growth)

into account the issues that classic association rules do not take into account.
Thanks to the TPAU algorithm, both the frequency (repetition) of each CPC code
belonging to a patent and the importance level of CPC codes was taken into
consideration in this study.
 Decision makers, technology futurists, policymakers and governments should
closely monitor technological investments in wind energy technologies.
K 4.2 Theoretical implications
50,5 It is crucial for policymakers and decision makers to know behavioral relationships among
wind energy technologies. This study explored and visualized wind energy technologies
using social network analysis based on patent information.
The wind industry is rapidly growing and new technologies are introduced very
frequently (Daim et al., 2012). In addition, wind energy is the first of the new renewable
1200 energy technologies to be realized on a commercial scale (Kaygusuz, 2004). Wind energy is a
type of resource that has great added value in economic development and in providing
sustainable energy resources for the future of the country. Energy policy is the country’s
strategy to address issues of energy development along with the development of the energy
industry to sustain its growth including energy production distribution and consumption
(Saidur et al., 2010). Hence, analysis of patent documents related to wind energy technology
with social network analysis is of great significance for decision makers. It is expected that
the results obtained from this study make a significant contribution to the energy policies of
the countries.
The results of this study show that F03D CPC code, which indicates wind motors, has the
most effective power based on social network analysis. Dubaric et al. (2011) highlighted that
wind motors entered the growth stage of its technology life cycle. In addition, the
development of wind energy technology has increased extremely rapidly (Milborrow, 2002;
Leung and Yang, 2012). Therefore, it can be concluded that development of wind motors
highly effects the development of wind energy technology.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no study analyzing patent documents with social
network analysis, in particular CPC codes, for wind energy technology. Development of
wind power is mostly depended on its related technologies (Madavar et al., 2017). The
results of this study showed that technologies development in the field of Y02E, F03D and
F05B CPC codes are most effective for the development of wind energy technologies in

4.3 Research implications

It is extremely important to examine the development of renewable energy technologies. In
the future research, studies can be carried out to examine the development of other
renewable energy technologies except for wind energy through a social network analysis. In
future research, the blue ocean strategy can be implemented based on the results obtained
from this study by the decision makers to increase innovation potential of the countries. In
addition, rapid storage technologies for wind energy, R&D studies aimed at reducing costs,
transmission problems of generated energy and the relationship between storage system
technologies can be evaluated. It is expected that the social network analysis of these
technologies will reveal the relationships among the technologies. Finally, social network
analysis can be performed based on the association rules found using other utility mining

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Appendix 1 Wind energy
with social
No. CPC Description
1 Y02E Reduction of greenhouse gas [ghg] emissions, related to energy
generation, transmission or distribution
2 F03D Wind motors 1207
3 F05B Indexing scheme relating to machines or engines other than non-
positive-displacement machines or engines, to wind motors, to non-
positive displacement pumps, and to generating combustion products
of high pressure or high velocity
4 Y10T Technical subjects covered by former us classification
5 Y02P Climate change mitigation technologies ın the production or
processing of goods
6 H02J Circuit arrangements or systems for supplying or distributing electric
power; systems for storing electric energy
7 Y10S Technical subjects covered by f ormer uspc cross-reference art
collectıons [xracs] and digests
8 Y02B Climate change mitigation technologies related to buildings, e.g.
housing, house appliances or related end-user applications
9 H02K Dynamo-electric machines
10 H02P Control or regulation of electrıc motors, electric generators or dynamo-
electric converters; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils
11 Y02T Climate change mitigation technologies related to transportation
12 F03B Machines or engines for liquids
13 F16H Gearing
14 B64C Aeroplanes; helicopters
15 B29C Shaping or joining of plastics; shaping of material in a plastic state,
not otherwise provided for; after-treatment of the shaped products, e.g.
16 H02S Generation of electric power by conversion of infra-red radiation,
visible light or ultravıolet light, e.g. using photovoltaic [pv] modules
17 H02M Apparatus for conversıon between ac and ac, between ac and dc, or
between dc and dc, and for use with mains or similar power supply
systems; conversion of dc or ac input power into surge output
power; control or regulation thereof
18 F01D Non-positive displacement machines or engines, e.g. steam turbines
19 B60L Propulsion of electrically propelled vehicles ; supplying electric power
for auxiliary equipment of electrically-propelled
vehicles; electrodynamic brake systems for vehicles in
general ; magnetic suspension or levitation for vehicles; monitoring
operating variables of electrically propelled vehicles; electric safety
devices for electrically propelled vehicles
20 Y04S Systems integrating technologies related to power network operation,
communication or information technologies for improving the
electrical power generation, transmission, distribution, management or
usage, i.e. smart grids
21 B29L Indexing scheme associated with subclass B29C, relating to particular
articles Table A1.
22 E04H Buildings or like structures for particular purposes; swimming or CPC Codes and their
splash baths or pools; masts; fencing; tents or canopies, in general technological
(continued) description
50,5 No. CPC Description

23 F05C Indexing scheme relating to materials, material properties or material

characteristics for machines, engines or pumps other than non-
positive-displacement machines or engines
24 B60K Arrangement or mounting of propulsion units or of transmissions in
1208 vehicles; arrangement or mounting of plural diverse prime-movers in
vehicles; auxiliary drives for vehicles; instrumentation or dashboards
for vehicles; arrangements in connection with cooling, air intake, gas
exhaust or fuel supply of propulsion units in vehicles
25 F01B Machines or engines, in general or of positive-displacement type, e.g.
steam engines (of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F01C; of non-
positive-displacement type F01D; internal-combustion aspects of
reciprocating-piston engines F02B57/00, F02B59/00; crankshafts,
crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; flywheels F16F; gearings for
interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion in general
F16H; pistons, piston rods, cylinders, for engines in general F16J)
26 F01C Rotary-piston or oscillating-piston machines or engines (internal-
combustion aspects F02B53/00, F02B55/00)
27 F01K Steam engine plants; steam accumulators; engine plants not otherwise
provided for; engines using special working fluids or cycles (gas-
turbine or jet-propulsion plants F02; nuclear power plants, engine
arrangements therein G21D)
28 F02G Hot gas or combustion-product positive-displacement engine plants
(steam engine plants, special vapour plants, plants operating on either
hot gas or combustion-product gases together with other fluid F01K;
gas-turbine plants F02C; jet-propulsion plants F02K); use of waste heat
of combustion engines; not otherwise provided for
29 F04B Positive-displacement machines for liquids; pumps (machines for
liquids, or pumps, of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F04C;
non-positive-displacement pumps F04D; pumping of fluid by direct
contact of another fluid or by using inertia of fluid to be pumped F04F)
30 F05D Indexing scheme for aspects relating to non-positive-displacement
machines or engines, gas-turbines or jet-propulsion plants
31 F15B Systems acting by means of fluids in general; fluid-pressure actuators,
e.g. servomotors; details of fluid-pressure systems, not otherwise
provided for
32 F16C Shafts; flexible shafts; elements or crankshaft mechanisms; rotary
bodies other than gearing elements; bearings
33 G05B Control or regulating systems in general; functional elements of such
systems; monitoring or testing arrangements for such systems or
elements (fluid-pressure actuators or systems acting by means of
fluids in general F15B; valves per se F16K; characterized by
mechanical features only G05G; sensitive elements, see the appropriate
subclass, e.g. G12B, subclass of G01, H01; correcting units, see the
appropriate subclass, e.g. H02K)

Table A1. Source: Prepared based on https://worldwide.espacenet.com/classification#!/CPC=F16C

Appendix 2 Wind energy
with social
No. CPC code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality network
1 Y02E 86 1.0 0.0 analysis
2 F03D 74 0.986 0.001
3 F05B 51 0.826 0.004
4 Y10T 35 0.710 0.009 1209
5 Y02P 31 0.68 0.018
6 Y02T 29 0.756 0.159
7 H02J 28 0.626 0.031
8 Y02B 26 0.654 0.071
9 F16H 16 1.0 0.209
10 F03B 15 0.692 0.209
11 H02K 14 0.508 0.108
12 F04B 14 1.0 0.243
13 F01D 13 0.8 0.300
14 Y10S 13 0.528 0.031 Table A2.
15 H02S 12 0.8 0.178
Centrality measures
16 F01B 12 1.0 0.317
17 F01K 12 1.0 0.430 (FP-Growth) [l =
18 F15B 12 1.0 0.576 0.0022; the number of
19 F02G 12 1.0 0.762 association rules =
20 F01C 12 0.0 1.0 401]

No. CPC code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality

1 Y02E 46 1.0 0.0

2 F03D 38 0.974 0.003
3 F05B 33 0.897 0.012
4 Y10T 15 0.657 0.035
5 Y02P 15 0.564 0.081
6 Y02T 13 1.0 0.763
7 Y02B 13 0.65 0.480
8 H02J 11 0.636 0.169
9 B29C 7 1.0 0.169
10 Y10S 7 0.518 0.169
11 H02P 7 1.0 0.618
12 H02K 7 0.666 0.540
13 B29L 7 1.0 0.324
14 H02M 6 0.0 1.0 Table A3.
15 B60K 5 1.0 0.564
Centrality measures
16 F01D 5 1.0 0.564
17 F03B 5 0.0 0.494 (FP-Growth) [l =
18 H02S 5 0.0 0.561 0.005; the number of
19 B60L 5 0.0 0.907 association rules =
20 F05D 5 0.0 0.907 165]
K No. CPC code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality
1 F03D 85 0.988 1.0
2 Y02E 65 0.803 0.889
3 F05B 44 0.671 0.699
4 H02J 10 0.530 0.290
5 Y10T 7 0.521 0.250
1210 6 Y02P 5 0.514 0.222
7 Y02B 5 0.514 0.222
8 H02K 4 0.511 0.201
9 H02P 4 0.511 0.204
10 Y02T 4 0.511 0.204
11 H02M 4 0.511 0.204
12 Y04S 4 0.511 0.204
13 Y10S 3 0.508 0.184
Table A4. 14 F03B 3 0.508 0.184
15 H02S 3 0.508 0.184
Centrality measures
16 F16H 3 0.508 0.184
(TPAU) [l = 36,000; 17 B60K 3 0.508 0.184
the number of 18 B64C 3 0.508 0.184
association rules = 19 B60L 3 0.508 0.184
201] 20 F16C 3 0.508 0.184

No. CPC code Degree Closeness centrality Eigenvector centrality

1 F03D 116 0.983 1.0

2 Y02E 97 0.848 0.925
3 F05B 73 0.723 0.780
4 H02J 17 0.538 0.310
5 Y10T 14 0.531 0.280
6 Y02T 7 0.515 0.209
7 H02K 7 0.515 0.212
8 Y02P 6 0.513 0.201
9 H02P 6 0.513 0.201
10 Y02B 5 0.510 0.189
11 B60L 5 0.510 0.185
12 H02M 5 0.510 0.189
13 Y10S 4 0.508 0.171
Table A5. 14 H02S 4 0.508 0.173
15 F16H 4 0.508 0.171
Centrality measures
16 B60K 4 0.508 0.167
(TPAU) [l = 15,700; 17 Y04S 4 0.508 0.173
the number of 18 B29C 4 0.508 0.171
association rules = 19 G05B 4 0.508 0.173
311] 20 B29L 4 0.508 0.171
The TPAU algorithm The Fp-Growth algorithm
Wind energy
No. l = 21,000 l = 36,000 l = 15,700 l = 0.003 l = 0.0022 l = 0.005 with social
1 F03D F03D F03D Y02E Y02E Y02E
2 Y02E Y02E Y02E F03D F03D F03D analysis
3 F05B F05B F05B F05B F05B F05B
4 H02J H02J H02J Y10T Y10T Y10T
5 Y10T Y10T Y10T Y02P Y02P Y02P 1211
6 Y02T Y02P Y02T H02J Y02T Y02T
7 H02P Y02B H02K Y02T H02J Y02B
8 Y02P H02K Y02P Y02B Y02B H02J
9 H02K H02P H02P H02K F16H B29C
10 Y02B Y02T Y02B F03B F03B Y10S
11 B60L H02M B60L F01D H02K H02P
12 H02M Y04S H02M F16H F04B H02K
13 H02S Y10S Y10S B29C F01D B29L
14 B60K F03B H02S Y10S Y10S H02M
15 Y04S H02S F16H B29L H02S B60K
16 B29C F16H B60K H02P F01B F01D
17 Y10S B60K Y04S H02S F01K F03B
18 F03B B64C B29C B64C F15B H02S Table A6.
19 F16H B60L G05B E04H F02G B60L Comparison of two
20 B64C F16C B29L F05C F01C F05D algorithms

Corresponding author
Fatma Altuntas can be contacted at: fatmaaltuntas@gtu.edu.tr

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