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What Does It Cost To Build A Power Plant?: ILAR Working Paper #17 September 2012

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ILAR Working Paper

September 2012



About the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation


The Laboratory on International Law and Regulation (ILAR) is an international, interdisciplinary

laboratory that explores when and why international laws actually work. Among scholars, this
question has triggered a lively debate that ILAR is engaging with better theories and evidence.
ILAR research examines a wide array of issues from environment and energy to human rights,
trade and security issues. The ILAR team looks at these issues from the international perspective
and also through comparisons across countries.

The Laboratory is part of School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at University of
California, San Diego. ILAR gratefully acknowledges anchor funding from the nonpartisan
Electric Power Research Institute, BP, plc, the Norwegian Research Foundation and from UC San
Diego’s School of International Relations and Pacific Studies.

Laboratory on International Law and Regulation

School of International Relations and Pacific Studies
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0519
What does it Cost to Build a Power Plant?

Fang Rong1 and David G. Victor

Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, School of International Relations and

Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA

92093, USA

Corresponding e-mail address: farong@ucsd.edu. Tel: (01)-949-3356986. ILAR's research is funded by
EPRI, BP, UCSD, and the Norwegian Research Foundation and their support is gratefully acknowledged.

Page 1

The massive size of the investment in the electric power sector—along with other important

consequences—hinge on the relative cost of different types of power plants. Surprisingly, within

the literature on energy modeling and forecasting there has been little attention to the factors

that determine these capital costs. Where scholars have studied these factors in detail they

have focused mainly on a particular subset of power plants. This essay offers a review of these

capex factors along with a case study on China. Our aim is to help the energy modeling

community take a closer look at pivotal assumptions in their models and suggest ways of

framing future scenarios for capital costs. We suggest that capital costs for new power plants is

likely to vary worldwide to a much greater degree than widely assumed—largely because labor

costs and various state-sponsored mechanism for risk management vary so much. We also

suggest that labor saving innovations, such as in robotics and through international trade in pre-

assembled components, may substantially lower costs even for plants that have long been

thought immune to such improvements, such as large coal and nuclear facilities.

1. Introduction

The central scenario in International Energy Agency (IEA)’s World Energy Outlook (WEO)

2011—the so-called New Policies (NPS) Scenario which assumes recent government policy

commitments are implemented in a cautious manner—envisions that world primary demand for

energy will increase by one-third between 2010 and 2035 (IEA, 2011). Electricity is expected to

grow faster than any other final form of energy. Of the total $38 trillion in global investment in

energy-supply infrastructure IEA projects will be needed, the power sector alone will claim

about half. Those investment needs vary, of course, with scenario. In IEA’s “450 Scenario”—a

scenario which prescribes strong policy actions to limit climate change— total investment is

Page 2
slightly lower but the share for electricity is higher as IEA’s model assumes there are advantages

to reducing world emissions through even more rapid electrification (IEA, 2011). While we focus

here on the IEA results, other large world energy models make similar projections.

Pivotal to these forecasts is the capital cost of building new power plants. While other

costs—notably fuel—along with plant performance play central roles in determining which

power plants and fuels will be selected, capital costs are central. For some technologies, such as

nuclear and hydro, nearly all of the levelized cost of electricity stems from construction costs

and related charges such as interest. In the last decade, capital costs have been rising much

faster than inflation in all developed countries, and that trend has led analysts to expect that

capital costs will be high into the future as well. Yet the experience in other countries—

including in the most capital intensive technologies such as nuclear power—suggests that this

trend is not universal. For example, a Joint report by the IEA and the OECD Nuclear Energy

Agency (NEA)—which examined the cost of building a wide array of types of power plants—

found that while costs vary substantially. Nuclear costs are as low as 1,560 USD/kWe (Korea)

and 1,750 USD/kWe (China), or about half the overnight costs in the United States and one-third

the likely cost in Belgium (IEA and NEA, 2010). Many analysts have explored the reasons for

these variations in costs, including whether low costs in one country might be “portable” to

other jurisdictions (e.g., Yang 2011 which includes a comparison of U.S. and Chinese nuclear

costs). Yet, for the most part, the results of detailed assessments of the driving factors of plant

costs are not accessible in the energy modeling community, and a close look at those analyses

suggests that the long-term future for capital costs could be quite different from the

assumptions that typically drive these models.

The assumed level of capital cost for power plants has potentially profound implications for

policy. Capital (and fuel) costs play a central role in determining the structure of the energy

Page 3
system and thus on the kinds of externalities such as insecurity and environmental emissions

that have been a central focus of policy makers. There is a huge literature that looks closely at

how policy instruments could affect deployment of technology (e.g. Victor, 2002; Rai, et al.,

2010; Fischer et al., 2008; Nemet, 2012). The choice of those policy instruments and design of

the interventions depends, in part, on the existing and potential relative costs of different

technologies—factors that partially determine the level of expenditure (and difficulty in

attaining political support) required for policies that try to advance otherwise uneconomic

technologies. These challenges are particularly apparent today as fiscally constrained

governments attempt to deploy renewable energy technologies that are more expensive than

fossil-based rivals (Victor and Vanosek, 2011). For decades there has been an active literature

on national systems of innovation; a few scholars have applied those concepts to innovation in

energy-related technologies in particular (Gallagher et al., 2012). For policy makers, one

implication is that efforts to enhance innovation in energy policy—a goal that many recent

studies have advocated (Holliday, et al, 2010; Victor, 2011; Pielke, 2011; Wessner and Wolff,

2012; Chu and Majumdar, 2012)—should look at the full array of policy factors that affect how

firms mobilize and deploy capital for fixed investments such as power plants.

This paper offers an in-depth review of major studies on capital costs of building new power

plants while exploring the major factors that determine these costs with an eye to how those

driving forces might change in the future. In addition, it offers a brief case study on how those

same factors affect capital costs in China. We make six arguments.

First, the capital cost of new power plants varies substantially across countries. Costs for

most power generating technologies including both fossil fuel plants (e.g., advanced coal) and

renewables (e.g., onshore wind) are much lower in some emerging Asian countries, particularly

China. The cost to build a supercritical power plant in China, for example, is possibly less than

Page 4
one third of building the similar one in the United States. The variation in costs for constructing

nuclear plants appears to be even greater.

Second, on average the cost of building new plants in the advanced industrialized world has

risen three times faster than inflation over the last decade. The financial crisis imposed a short-

lived decline, but costs have rebounded quickly due to sustained economic growth in Asia that

has yielded higher commodity prices and shortages in supply of skilled labor and engineering

services. Over the last decade, major energy models have reflected this pattern by substantially

raising their assumed cost for the construction of new power plants. However, since the

patterns of the last decade are extremely unusual and likely a very poor guide for long-term

evolution of capital costs, it would be questionable whether the trend will continue into the

future or not, assuming real costs actually stabilize as the construction market reaches


Third, while there has been much scholarly attention to “learning,” three other factors also

play major roles in determining capital costs: the price of commodities (e.g., steel), labor, and a

country’s business and regulatory context. (This last factor includes environmental regulation,

subsidies and other incentives, and the broader context that how government and business

interact.) For mature technologies, labor costs are usually the single largest contributor to total

cost. In a nuclear plant built in a typical western country, labor is 90% of the total cost. For

emerging technologies “learning” plays a larger and often-decisive role.

Fourth, China has surged as a worldwide leader not only in building most of the world’s

energy efficient super-critical coal power plants but in renewable powers such as solar and wind

at a much faster speed and at much cheaper costs. The so-called “Chinese Price,” which for

mature technologies is about one half to one-third of western levels, notably reflects the

country’s large pool of low-cost highly skilled and semi-skilled labor, even with sharply rising

Page 5
labor costs in recent years. The country’s system of state capitalism has also reinforced the

factors that allow for low capital costs (and possibly hidden the real cost of projects that have

proved more costly).

Fifth, it is an extremely challenging task to project future capex of building power plants and

there is an urgent need for a critical review of information and data available. Almost all

published capital cost estimates have been constantly revised upward overtime and these

adjustments are made not only on the nuclear power—a notable example of cost escalation—

but on almost all other power generating technologies including coal, wind, solar, etc. The

projection challenge is further reflected by the fact that the major widely-cited studies as well as

the energy models they use show a wide range of cost estimates for future capex of building

power plants and some of their projections are fundamentally different from each other on the

future cost trend—whether the costs will decrease, increase, or keep constant.

Last, the paper suggests the possibility that costs could come way down—partly from labor-

saving innovations in robotics and other fields, which have barely made a dent in the power

plant industry, and partly from pre-assembly of major components overseas, particularly from

Asian countries like China, which could reduce costs in the developed nations.

We proceed in four parts. First is an overview of the most recent literature on trends in the

costs of new power plants, drawn mainly from industry tracking services. Second is an effort to

decompose those costs and identify the major driving factors. Ideally that decomposition would

be quantitative; since most studies are not presented in a comparable fashion we, instead, offer

a qualitative assessment. Third is a case study on China, aimed at explaining the so-called

“Chinese Price.” Fourth is a summary.

Page 6
2. General Trends in Power Plant Costs

There is voluminous literature conducted by international agencies, academic and industrial

institutions which examines capital costs of building new power plants. Table 1 lists the most

recent major studies we have examined. Our selection concentrated on studies that report

information across multiple technologies in ways that allow for comparisons across technologies

and markets. Thus we exclude, for the purpose of the present paper, the large number of

studies that focus on single technologies—such as the studies that concentrate on particular

renewable technologies and their improvement through “learning.” Notable examples include

Hultman et al. (2007), CBO (2008), Schlissel and Biewald (2008), Du and Parsons (2009), and NEI

(2011) with a focus on nuclear, Zhao et al (2008) on coal, Blanco (2009) and GWEC (2010) on

wind, IEA (2010) and EPIA (2011) on solar photovoltaic. Most of these studies we review focus

on a single country such as the study conducted by AATSE (2011) in Australia and another one

by EIA (2010) in the U.S., while a few of them compare capital costs across multiple countries. A

few are more comprehensive—covering all markets and all major technologies (e.g., IEA and

NEA, 2010; IEA, 2011; EIA, 2011). Although most of these studies are technically oriented, a few

also explore the political legal contexts that shape these technical factors. For example, Kalpan

(2008) explains how policy (including regulation) affects uncertainty (and thus cost) in power

plant costs. We have also selected studies that include a substantial focus on underlying driving

forces (e.g. Mott MacDonald, 2011), rather than simply reproducing cost estimates from other


Page 7
Table 1: Summary of Most Recent Literature on Capital Costs of Building Power Plants

Year Organization/Author Summary

Nov 2011 International Energy World Energy Outlook (WEO) annually includes both current

Agency (IEA) and projected data on power plants’ investment costs,

operation and maintenance costs and efficiencies in major

countries/regions worldwide. Assumed data is provided in two

different major scenarios, the New Policies and 450 Scenarios

(IEA, 2011).

July 2011 IHS CERA IHS CERA Power Capital Costs Index (PCCI) and European

Power Capital Costs Index (EPCCI) track a portfolio of power

generation plants in North America and Europe, covering coal,

gas, wind and nuclear power plants (IHS, 2011).

June 2011 Electric Power Provided an overview of near-term (2015) as well as longer

Research Institute term (2025) electricity generation technology costs and

(EPRI) performance including total plant costs and levelized costs.

The technologies reviewed include central stations (advanced

PC, IGCC, NGCC, and nuclear) and renewable resources (wind,

biomass, solar thermal, and solar photovoltaic) (EPRI, 2011).

April 2011 U.S. Energy The Annual Energy Outlook (AEO). AEO 2011 includes

Information estimated costs for various types of power plants, starting with

Administration (EIA) the forecast year 2016 (EIA, 2011).

March Australian Academy Reports current and projected levelized costs of electricity

2011 of Technological including capital costs, for a range of new power generating

Sciences and technologies (CCGT w/o CCS, SC w/o CCS, IGCC, wind, solar,

Page 8
Engineering (AATSE) geothermal, biomass steam, etc.) in Australia in 2020, 2030,

and 2040, respectively (AATSE, 2011).

May 2011 Mott MacDonald Provides current and future costs of renewable and other low

carbon generation technologies in the UK and the prospects is

up to 2050 (Mott MacDonald, 2011).

March Melbourne Energy Reviews both current and future costs of three forms of

2011 Institute renewable energy technology including wind, photovoltaic and

solar thermal and compared data from a range of international

and Australian-specific studies (Hearps and McConnell, 2011).

November U.S. Energy Summarizes current cost estimates for the generic utility-scale

2010 Information generation plants in the U.S., including detailed breakdowns

Administration (EIA) for estimates of material and installation costs, indirect costs,

fees and contingencies, etc (EIA, 2010).

June 2010 Mott MacDonald Assesses current and future costs for the main large scale

power generation technologies applicable in the UK (Mott

MacDonald, 2010).

May 2010 Carter Reviews other studies of the cost of electricity from various

types of generating technology, including anecdotal cost data

reported by utilities in press releases or to utility commissions

(Carter, 2010).

2010 International Energy Presents levelized costs of a wide range of electricity

Agency (IEA) and the generation technologies for almost 200 plants in 21 countries

Nuclear Energy including coal and gas w/o CCS), nuclear, hydro, onshore and

Agency (NEA) offshore wind, biomass, solar, wave and tidal as well as CHP

Page 9
(IEA and OECD NEA, 2010).

February Lazard Ltd. Compares the levelized cost of energy for various conventional

2009 and alternative energy generation technologies, focusing on

capital cost inflation in mature technologies along with the

potential for significant cost reductions over time for

alternative energy technologies such as wind and solar (Lazard,


November Kaplan Projects for 2015 costs for new fossil, nuclear, and renewable

2008 plants, focusing on factors that determine those costs,

including government incentives/regulations (Kaplan, 2008).

While the existing literature—even the sample shown in table 1—is large and complex, most

studies are consistent with at least three main conclusions.

First, across the advanced industrialized world—where there is reliable longitudinal tracking

of costs—capital costs have been rising rapidly for the last decade. The IHS Cambridge Energy

Research Associates (CERA) Power Capital Costs Index (PCCI) tracks and forecasts the costs

associated with the construction of a portfolio of 30 different power generation plants in North

America including coal, gas, wind and nuclear power plants, while the IHS CERA European Power

Capital Costs Index (EPCCI) tracks and forecasts the costs associated with the construction of a

portfolio of power generation plants in Europe (IHS, 2011). Both are indexed to year 2000 and

show that the costs of building new power plants have shown an overall upward trend—rising

much faster than GDP—despite several years of temporary decline during the most recent

worldwide financial crisis (see Figure 1). In particular, capital costs of building new nuclear

Page 10
power plants are soaring. The IHS PCCI without nuclear, for example, has a much flatter trend

than the overall PCCI.

Figure 1: North America and European Power Capital Cost Index (PCCI and EPCCI)


Overall PCCI
Overall PCCI without nuclear
Cost index (2000=100)



EPCCI without nuclear



GDP deflator

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Data source: IHS (2011) and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2012)

The cost increases have been attributed to many factors such as global commodity prices—

notably steel, copper, and aluminum—and the demand for power generating equipment.

Shortages of construction services have also played a role, as have regulatory delays.

Second, there is huge cost variation across countries. For example, Figure 2 presents cross-

national comparisons for three clusters of power generation technologies (advanced

supercritical coal, nuclear pressurized water reactors, and onshore wind) drawn from the

systematic analysis of the IEA and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).

Page 11
Figure 2: 2010 Overnight Capex for Selected Power Generating Technologies (2010 USD/kWe)

Page 12
Note: Data is only available for ultra-supercritical coal in The Netherlands. Advanced nuclear here

includes different Generation III technologies including the European pressurized reactor (EPR), other

advanced pressurized water reactor designs as well as advanced boiling water reactor designs. Please be

noted that these numbers are the results of the work carried out in 2009 and focus on the expected plant-

level costs of baseload electricity generation by power plants. Real costs today may be higher than what

have been presented here. For example, overnight costs of a supercritical coal power plant in the United

States could be easily over $3,000/kW (EIA 2010), well above the number quoted in Figure 2.

Data Source: IEA and NEA (2010).

Studies on individual countries and component technologies confirm these patterns. Prices

for the flue gas desulphurization (FGD) market, for example, had stabilized around $150/kW,

when after a few years of production, the Chinese manufactures had brought prices down to

$75/kW for product delivered in China (Mott MacDonald, 2011). The so-called “China price”—

that power plants can be built in China much cheaper— is strongly evident in figure 2 (which

also suggests that for nuclear and coal technologies the phenomenon should be called the

“China/Korea price”). A study utilizing Chinese data, for example, indicated that the cost of

constructing an IGCC plant in China would be almost half the cost of constructing an equivalent

plant in the United States (Zhao et al., 2008).

Third, the few studies that have simultaneously looked at historical patterns while also

making projections point to the difficulty of serious forecasting. There is suggestive evidence

that much forecasting in this area is done retrospectively. Analysts use current costs to anchor

their expectations for long-term future costs rather than modeling capital costs as the result of

fundamental forces of supply and demand. This is evident, for example, at how major modeling

teams have adjusted the assumed future cost of generation technologies in response to short-

term variations in the real world based on current cost of those same technologies. All

Page 13
published capital cost estimates for building new power plants by utility company, investment

firms, and organizations have almost all been continually revised upward in recent years; what is

unclear, however, is whether those revisions reflect fundamental shifts in technology markets

(and thus likely to occur in the real world) or if they merely reflect variations in current

conditions that could have little bearing on the situation 5 or more (let along 50) years in the

future. To illustrate, we look at this phenomenon from two perspectives.

One perspective is the updating of base capital costs. For this, we focus on the EIA’s Annual

Energy Outlook—not to criticize the report but, rather, because EIA reliably publishes its

estimates and revisions and thus analysts such as ourselves can make ready comparisons.

Figure 3 presents variations in EIA’s base year estimates of overnight capital costs for five

generation technologies over the period 2000 to 2010. Comparing Figure 3 with Figure 1

suggests that the base year estimates in EIA’s forecasts lag real world conditions by about 2

years. When looking back its past projections, EIA realized the need to significantly raising their

cost estimates. The EIA has assumed no real cost increases until 2008 in AEO 2008 (except for

fuel cell whose cost estimates were significantly raised as earlier as in AEO 2004), when it for the

first time significantly raised costs by at least 15 percent over AEO 2007 levels for all

conventional and renewable energy technologies. Overnight capital cost estimates of building

new nuclear power plants in 2011, for example, are 37% higher than those in 2010, increasing

from $3,901/kW to $5,339/kW and for advanced PC without CCS cost estimates in 2011 are 25

percent higher than those in 2010, rising from $2,271/kW to $2,284/kW.

Page 14
Figure 3: EIA’s Base Overnight Capital Costs Estimates (2001-2010)


Constant Dollar index (2000=100)

Fuel cells

PC w/o CCS


Advaned NGCC
Advanced nuclear

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Data sources: Assumptions to Annual Energy Outlook 2001 through 2011

A second perspective comes from looking at the technology that is most capital intensive:

nuclear. Published capital cost estimates for nuclear by utility company, investment firms, and

organizations have all been continually revised upward. For example, in 2002 and 2003 the

Department of Energy and MIT envisioned that the cost of new nuclear plants would be

$1,200/kWe to $2,000 (MIT, 2003). At the time, the MIT number was striking for its high value.

At the end of that decade costs had more than doubled (see Figure 4). The same researchers

looking at the same phenomenon yielded massive changes in estimated costs over a period that

was about half the time needed for full planning, siting and construction of a nuclear plant.

Page 15
Figure 4: Recent Nuclear Construction Costs Estimates Summarized in Major Studies

Overnight Cost
Total Plant Cost




DOE (2002) MIT (2003) Moody's Florida MIT (2009) DOE (2010) DOE (2011)
Investor Power &
Services Light (2007)

The difficulty in making projections is further underscored by comparing the assumptions in

different studies—something that the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) did in 2010

for six credible and widely discussed models: U.S. EIA, IEA, NREL, Pacific Northwest National

Laboratory (PNNL), ICF International, and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Although the

models had nearly identical base years and aimed to explain the same underlying phenomena,

neither in base year nor in projected years was there any convergence around particular values

(see Figure 5). For example, the studies by U.S. EIA, ICF International, and PNNL all suggest the

future capex of coal-fired power plants is expected to continue declining, while the other two

project a stabilized future.

Page 16
Figure 5: Comparison of Overnight Costs of Selected Technologies in the U.S. in Selected Studies

5,000 5,000 5,000

EIA AEO 2009


PNNL MiniCAM 2008

4,000 4,000 4,000
ICF EPA 2009
Capital Cost (2007$/kW)


3,000 3,000 3,000

2,000 2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000 1,000

2,005 2,020 2,035 2,050 2005 2020 2035 2050 2005 2020 2035 2050

Coal Nuclear Onshore wind

Data source: DOE NREL (2010)

Page 17
3. Component Cost Analysis: What Are Major Capex Drivers?

Building new power plants is a complicated process affected by numerous factors. One is

definitions since “capital cost” is a general term. Capital costs of building power plants can be

defined at five levels: the Bare Erected Cost (BEC), the Engineering, Procurement and

Construction Cost (EPCC), the Total Plant Cost (TPC), the Total Overnight Capital (TOC), and the

Total As-Spent Capital (TASC). As shown on figure 6, the first four are “overnight” costs, which

are the focus of this paper and expressed in “base-year” dollars (for definitions of these terms,

please see the caption). By contrast, the last one, TASC, comprises the TOC plus both escalation

and interests on debts during the capital expenditure period and therefore, is expressed in

“mixed, current-year” dollars.

Figure 6: Base Plant Site Capital Cost Estimates for Selected Technologies (2010$/kW)

Owners' cost

Fees and Contigency


Engineering, Procurement and

Construction (EPC) Services
Bare Erected Cost (BEC)


2,000 EPCC


Advanced Supercritical Coal Onshore wind Advanced nuclear PWR

Page 18
BEC: refers to Bare Erected Cost which comprises the cost of process equipment, on-site facilities and

infrastructure that support the plant and the direct and indirect labor required for its construction and/or


EPCC: refers to the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Cost which comprises the BEC plus

the cost of services provided by the EPC contractor. EPC Services refers to the cost of services provided by

the EPC contractor including detailed design, contractor permitting (i.e., those permits that individual

contractors must obtain to perform their scopes of work, as opposed to project permitting, which is not

included here), and project/construction management costs.

TPC: refers to the Total Plant Cost which comprises the EPCC plus process and project contingencies.

TOC: refers to the Total Overnight Capital which comprises the TPC plus owner’s costs which include

preproduction (start-up) costs, inventory capital, and cost of securing financing but excluding interest

during construction, etc.

Data source: DOE NETL (2011)

BEC normally accounts for the largest share of the total capex, ranging from 45 to 85%

percent of the total depending on power technologies. For onshore wind, for example, over 80%

of the cost is BEC, mainly referring to the cost of the wind turbine generator and its installation.

By contrast, for the nuclear power plant BEC accounts for less than a half of the total capex and

EPC services could be as high as one quarter of the total, reflecting the factor that a significant

share of the capex for the nuclear is labor. In fact, if excluding a significant share of labor input

already embodied within the equipment, the equipment costs could be as low as 10% for

nuclear (Mott MacDonald, 2011). In this paper we have used “capital cost” principally to mean

BEC or EPCC—a definition that corresponds closely to the concept of “overnight” capital cost.

The literature suggests that four factors dominate capital cost trends for most large power

plants. (There is not much literature with a focus on capex drivers of power plants. Most of

literature in Table 1 discusses non-policy factors including learning, materials, and labor.

Page 19
MacDonald (2011) presents a full list, but it only focus on low-carbon technologies and does not

rank all influential factors.) We start with the factor that is already most extensively analyzed in

the energy modeling literature: learning effects.

3.1 Learning effects

Technologies change through experience—either through innovation (true learning) or

through economics of scale. Since 2000, the learning curve or experience curve concept has

become an increasingly popular tool to analyze the cost development of electricity generation

technologies, particular low-carbon technologies, as a function of cumulative production (e.g.,

OECD/IEA, 2000; McDonald and Schrattenholzer, 2001; Papineau, 2006; Jamasb and Köhler,

2008, etc.). The use of the learning curve is based on a deeper history of studying technological

change in the energy industry (Grubler, et al., 1999). Strictly speaking, “learning” applies only

from the moment that the first commercial demonstration projects are built. Learning rates—

the level of improvement for every doubling of installed capacity—have often been observed at

the rate of about 30% for immature technologies, slowing to 10% to 20% as the technology

matures and then flattens. At extremely large deployments the concept of “learning” may

become less relevant, not least because other factors—such as labor costs and materials—can

swamp learning effects.

The concepts are familiar and summarized in figure 7. An emerging technology moves from

a concept whose uncertain concept through a costly first-of-a-kind demonstration into niche

markets and then more widespread deployment. As many units are built, the low costs become

more certain and buyers will face lower project risks. Currently, various power generation

technologies face their different phases of learning curves with different cost trends. Subcritical

coal (SCPC) plants, for example, are considered as a mature technology and their unit capital

costs are expected to stabilize. By contrast, advanced Gen III/III+ nuclear technologies are still in

Page 20
the phase of development or demonstration with highly uncertain cost estimates. Its unit

capital cost is expected to decline through learning as more units are built until the technology

matures and the cost trend line becomes flat. Because learning has been subjected to extensive

prior analysis (e.g. Grubler, et al., 1999; OECD/IEA, 2000; McDonald and Schrattenholzer, 2001;

Papineau, 2006; Jamasb and Köhler, 2008, Gallagher et al., 2012, etc.) we don’t examine it in

more detail here. We note that the exact role and wisdom of studying these phenomena as

“learning” remains controversial since “learning” is general term that can obscure lots of other

processes at work; moreever, learning must compete with other factors that affect performance,

such as forgetting (Benkard, 2000; Nordhaus, 2009).

Figure 7: Capital Cost of Learning Curve for Power Generation Technologies

Source: Adapted from EPRI (2011) and Kee (2010)

Page 21
3.2 The commodity market

A second major factor that determines total cost for a plant is raw material (e.g., steel,

cement). For mature technologies—that is, technologies for which learning effects are small—

the cost of raw materials is widely believed to be the largest source of revision in assumed

capital costs. The last decade has seen dramatically increasing raw materials prices, tightly

linked to a rise in actual capital costs. These trends are seen in figure 8, which shows the overall

PCCI (reprinted from figure 1) along with the index for metal prices.

Figure 8: U.S. Commodity Prices and Power Plant Capital Cost over Years


Overall PCCI

Index (2000=100

Metal and Metal Products


U.S. GDP Deflator


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Data sources: IHS (2011) and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2012)

The cost increases in raw materials have been much faster than the growth in GDP in

mature economies (figure 8 shows the US). This decoupling is due to high global demand for

commodities (notably from China’s rapidly expanding economy) and lagging investment in new

Page 22
output capacity; higher production and transportation costs (in part owing to high fuel prices,

which are driven by the same underlying phenomena) along with a weakening U.S. dollar all play

a role as well (EPRI, 2011).

However, it is highly unlikely that rising costs for raw materials will lead to a major rise in

the total capital cost of power plants. The direct linkage between rise in raw material prices and

total capital costs is weak. Mott MacDonald (2011)’s study, for example, indicates that for low-

carbon technologies the basic raw materials even at the peak of the market typically account for

less than 5% of capital cost.

This decadal rise in commodity prices has been referred by some analysts as a “super cycle”

and is, perhaps, immune to the normal forces that bring prices back to historical patterns

(Cuddington and Jerrett, 2008). In fact, a return to normalcy may be under way at this writing.

Following more than two years of strong growth and reaching a peak in early 2011, commodity

prices has recently declined on concerns about global macroeconomic and financial outlook and

slowing demand in emerging markets, notably in China (World Bank, 2012). According to World

Bank’s forecasts, despite of both downward and upward risks, commodity prices are most likely

to decline into the medium term for all metals with the exception of aluminum, which is

expected to rise and supported by higher costs for power and other inputs (World Bank, 2012).

Looking to the longer term, commodity markets are inherently volatile and cyclical with booms

and slumps (Cashin et al., 2012). Prices will depend not just on future demand from emerging

economies but also the prospects for expanded investment in supply as well as innovation in the

methods for extracting and processing existing materials and reduction in demand due to

lightweighting and switching to substitutes (Streifel, 2006). We are mindful that even for high

end uses of metals such as aluminum—which for decades had a prized position in some

industries such as aircraft manufacture—rivals exist. During the Second World War Howard

Page 23
Hughes built a troop airplane from wood because aluminum was in short supply. (It flew once

and was a financial disaster.) Today, about half the airframe of the Boeing 787 is carbon fiber,

plastics and other composite materials. (It appears to be a commercial success, and earlier

experience with composites on aircraft, such as in the tail of the Boeing 777, indicate that

composites don’t just replace aluminum and weigh less—they also require lower maintenance.)

3.3 The labor market

Third, we look at labor costs. Labor comes in many forms--low-, semi- and highly-skilled—

and all are relevant for power plants. Figure 9 shows both U.S. and China’s labor cost index in

the manufacturing sector over the last decade. Between December 2000 and December 2011, in

the United States the general inflation rate (measured by the GDP deflator) increased about 27

percent and during the same period, the country’s cost of manufacturing labor increased about

31 percent, slightly higher than the rate of general inflation. By contrast, China’s labor cost has

increased dramatically, more than tripling within ten years with a double digit growth rate


Page 24
Figure 9: Labor Cost and Power Plant Capital Cost Over Years


China Labor Cost Index
Index (2000=100

Overall PCCI


U.S. Labor
150 China GDP Deflator Cost Index

U.S. GDP Deflator
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Data sources: IHS (2011), U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2012), and National Bureau of

Statistics of China (2012).

There are growing concerns about a gap between demand and supply of skilled construction

labor. In most developed countries, the average age of the current construction skilled

workforce is rising rapidly, and high attrition rates in construction are compounding the problem.

Demand for such workers is expected to outpace supply over the next decade (DOE, 2006), and

within the power industry there are perennial concerns about how to address problems in the

aging workforce. In developing countries, even China with the world’s largest labor force, there

appear to be growing shortage of sufficiently skilled workers. According to the Institute of

Population and Labor Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China

already reached a “Lewisian turning point,” where rural surplus labor is depleted to such a level

that continuing industrialization cannot be supported cheaply (Cai, 2007). A 2011 report

Page 25
published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) stated that from 2002 to 2008, hourly

labor costs in the manufacturing sector in the United States increased by 19%, while the

corresponding figure in China grew 100% (Banister and Cook, 2011).

Increased labor costs have a direct impact on capital costs. A large contributor is the cost of

highly-skilled professionals—such as workers involved in engineering, procurement and

construction (EPC) services. Prices for EPC services have risen sharply in the last decade, and a

backlog of projects at the four major EPC firms—Fluor Corporation, Bechtel Corporation, The

Shaw Group Inc., and Tyco International Ltd—has grown. Between 2005 and 2006 alone the

backlog rose one-third (from $4.1 billion to $5.6 billion), although that pipeline of projects

includes a wide array of EPC activities—in addition to power plants there are roads, port

facilities and water infrastructure (Chupka and Gregory, 2007). Over the same period, this

severe tightening in the EPC market affected EPC costs for particular power plants. A filing by

Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (OG&E) indicated, for example, that the estimate for EPC

services for a new coal power plant had increased by more than 50% during the nine month

period in 2006, contributing to an overall 10% increase in the expected capital cost of the plant

(Chupka and Gregory, 2007).

One major source of uncertainty in future labor costs concerns the prospects for labor-

saving innovations, such as from robotics. For decades, robots have become a strategic

technology for industries like agriculture (if considering mechanization as an earlier version of

robotics), automobile, metalworking, and machinery manufacture. The incentives to robotize

for these industries are to lower unit costs of production and to improve product quality

(Siciliano and Khatib, 2008). However, robotics has yet made a significant dent in the utility

industry. The only partial exception is in nuclear power plants where robots have been used to

reduce radiation exposure to human workers and also to reduce plant downtime (Moore, 1985;

Page 26
Kim, 2010; Sugisaka, 2011). The wider application of robotics in the sector could be

revolutionary. It is reported, for example, new robots are building solar power plants in the U.S.

(V-Kraftwerker, 2012). Since building open area solar parks is mostly manual work and identical

processes are repeated hundreds of thousands of times, the new robots are able to massively

reduce labor costs by tackling the whole building process.

Another possible huge cost-savings may come from the import of pre-assembled major

components overseas. In effect, pre-assembly allows markets where labor costs are high to take

advantage of the lower costs in other manufacturing countries; as pre-assembly expands it can

be applied not just to low-value labor operations but also highly skilled activities (Mahmud,

2008). It is reported, for example, that a $7.2 billion repair of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay

Bridge could save at least 400 million by importing pre-assembled bridge decks from China (Pyle,

2011). Looking to the future could see a larger role for major component imports. Over a

longer time horizon, a shift to modular nuclear reactors could allow for international trade—

rather than assembly in place—of the most expensive elements of nuclear plants.

3.4 Regulation and Other Policy Interventions

Regulation, in some settings, may also be a major factor in the cost of building new power

plants. However, in many integrated assessment models major regulations are resolved

independently and treated, in effect, as a form of technological change. For example, models

typically treat base coal plants differently from plants that include carbon capture and storage

technologies; some models also treat other pollution control technologies (e.g., scrubbers and

SCR) separately. A few studies have looked at the scope for changes in such technologies—such

as learning by doing and other forms of innovation in scrubbers (Taylor, et al. 2005).

Due to tightened and changing health and safety compliance requirements, for example,

very few coal-fired power plants have been built in the US in the past decade and the share of

Page 27
newly built coal-fired plants among the total has declined for years (see Figure 10). (Looking to

the future, those regulations along with low prices for natural gas suggest that little if any new

coal-fired capacity with be built.) Since 1990, more than 80% of new capacity has been natural

gas-fired, which are cost-competitive with coal and emit no SO2, no mercury, no other

hazardous air pollutants, and only about half of the warming emissions of coal-fired units (EIA,

2011). Recently, U.S. EPA is proposing a series of regulations on coal-fired power plants. As of a

result, a large number of old plants will have to retrofit or even retire. Some of these retired

units will be replaced by new capacity, of which some will be coal-fired, but most replacements

are likely to be natural gas combined cycle units (McCarthy and Copeland, 2011).

Figure 10: U.S. Power Plant Capacity, by Type and Year It Entered Service


wind (MW) petroleum (MW) other (MW)


nuclear (MW) natural gas (MW) hydro (MW)

coal (MW)




Data source: EIA (2011).

Other types of power plants also face regulatory interventions—notably nuclear power,

where regulatory burdens and growing public concern led to higher costs and longer delays. The

Page 28
time from project initiation to ground breaking, for example, was increased from 16 months in

1967, to 32 months in 1972, to 54 months in 1980 (Cohen, 1990). In the aftermath of Three

Mile Island no new plants were initiated until a new regulatory framework was crafted in the

late 1990s and a license to build two reactors was just recently approved by the U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, which is the first in over 30 years (Hargreaves, 2012). Even with this

new framework, the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant in the U.S. is subject to

many veto points. Siting in other countries has been much easier. In Korea and China—the two

countries that are most active builders (and lowest cost providers) of nuclear plants today see

few delays in siting and construction (Yang, 2011).

Policy makers intervene in markets with many tools beyond just regulation, and their

interventions don’t always raise costs. A wide array of policies aimed at supporting novel

technologies—such as R&D funding and guaranteed purchases—have led (usually in tandem

with learning) to lower costs. For example, the German Feed-In Tariff, part of the German

Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2000 (Ernaeuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG), has been the most

important driving force in that country’s expansion of renewable energy in the electricity sector

(Frondel et al., 2008). In the U.S., an important policy driver for renewable energy has been

production and investment tax credits (along with cash payments in some circumstances).

Government has also played a role in lowering the risks associated with investing in (and thus

improving) new technologies. One risk-reducing mechanism is government assumption of

liability. Another is government-backed financing, which lowers borrowing costs. The 2009 U.S.

economic stimulus, for example, provided more than $2.5 billion to finance clean-energy loan

guarantees—funds that were leveraged into about $16 billion in investment projects (Synder,

2012). Still another model is direct financing—something that is easier, perhaps, in countries

Page 29
where governments own the firms that deploy new technologies and have control over banks

and other sources of capital. We return to this topic in our case study on China.

A perennial challenge in the deployment of new technology is managing the risks associated

with deploying pre-competitive and unproven technologies; while many different forms of risk

management techniques have emerged, most share the common feature that the government

assumes (or assigns, such as to consumers or to regulated enterprises) the extra risk associated

with novel technologies.

4. Case Study: Why Can China Build Power Plants Much Cheaper?

Asian nations, particular China, are leading the way in building most of world’s new power

plants at a much faster speed and at much cheaper costs. Today, for example, most of the

world’s most efficient (supercritical and ultra-supercritical) coal-fired power plants, are being

built in China (Nalbandian, 2008). The cost to build an ultra-supercritical power plant in China is

less than one third of building the similar one in the United States (see figure 2). Onshore wind

turbines are built in China for half the cost typical in the west, and compared with some high

cost countries (e.g., Switzerland) the Chinese cost is a lot lower (figure 2). Although famous for

its massive coal fleet, China overtook the United States in 2010 as the world leader in

accumulative wind power installed capacity with a total capacity of 62.4 GW by the end of 2011,

more than one fourth of the global wind capacity (World Wind Energy Association, 2012). China

is also a leader in manufacture of some renewable technologies—notably solar modules, where

China (and Taiwan’s) market share has sharply risen as they have driven down costs and prices

(see Figure 11).

Page 30
Figure 11: Average Retail Module Price Sold in the U.S. and China & Taiwan Market Share of

Global Shipments of PV Cells/Modules

6 60%
Retail Moduel Price Index ($)

China & Taiwan Market Share (%)

5 50%

4 40%
Price Per Watt Peak

3 30%

2 20%

1 10%

0 0%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Data sources: NPD Solarbuzz (2012) and Mints et al. (2011).

An explanation for the very low capital costs in China is found by looking at all four of the

factors we examined earlier: learning, commodity prices, labor and policy.

Learning requires building and experience. Some of the lower cost in China may simply

reflect huge economies of scale—and thus rapid riding down learning curves—that come from a

large domestic market and (where domestic demand is relatively small, such as in solar) an

export oriented manufacturing system. China’s large wind capacity has grown to its current 62

GW from just 1.3 GW in 2005. In nuclear power, 25 out of a world total of 61 are under

construction in China—by contrast, just one is under construction in the United States (World

Page 31
Nuclear Association, 2012). The total Chinese nuclear capacity (40 GW in 2011) is expected to

increase five- or six-fold to top 70 GW by 2020 (China Daily, 2012).

Of the four factors we have considered, the only one that appears not to play a major role in

China is commodity prices. Perhaps a decade (or more) earlier, central administration of the

Chinese economy could help explain why producers faced often lower prices for strategic

materials—such as steel and concrete—when compared with their western counterparts. As a

gradual transition to a market economy, China implemented a dual price system Since February

1985, permitting producer goods exchange at two different prices: a state-set price, for centrally

rationed supplies, and a higher free-market price (Naughton, 1996). Today, except for only a few,

almost all commodity prices in China conform to international prices (Streifel, 2006). In fact,

China has become the most important player in international commodity markets and

international prices will depend very much on the pace of demand in China and its status as a

net importer or exporter (Streifel, 2006).

The heart of “the China Price”—in general, which means 30% to 50% lower cost for

manufacturing products when compared with the U.S. or anywhere else—is widely believed to

be the country’s much cheaper labor costs (Engardio et al., 2004). While there has been

extensive analysis of the “China price” for manufacturing, there has been a few studies looking

at differences in large-scale engineering projects (e.g. Yang, 2011), where the “the China Price”

we argue is not only benefited from its lower labor costs, but more critically promoted by its

regulatory environment.

As measured in U.S. dollars, in 2010 Chinese hourly labor compensation costs in

manufacturing were roughly 6 percent of those in the United States, slightly surpassing those of

some developing countries like the Philippines, but still significantly lagged behind those of

other countries like Brazil (see Figure 12). The average manufacturing wage in China in 2010 is

Page 32
still only about $2 an hour (CBS, 2011), compared with $35 in the United States (U.S. Bureau of

Labor Statistics, 2011), though the wage is expected to much higher up to about $5 in the

eastern part of China (Powell, 2011).

China’s hourly cost advantage, while still significant, is shrinking rapidly. The real wages for

manufacturing workers in China have grown nearly 12% per year (see Figure 10). Harder to

parse are the trends for highly skilled professionals where there is a large pool of workers who

can work in conditions where their western peers will not (e.g.,12-hour days, on weekends,

willing to live in sheds close to projects, etc.). Today, China produces far more number of first

university degrees in natural science and engineering (NS&E), compared to the United States

and also the largest number of doctoral degrees in engineering, rising four-fold from

approximately 4,000 in 2001 to over 15,000 in 2008, compared to 8,000 in the United States and

4,000 in Japan in the same year (NSF, 2012).

Page 33
Figure 12: Index of Hourly Compensation Cost in Manufacturing, Selected Countries, 2010

Index (U.S.=100)







United China Phillippines Brazil Korea, Japan Germany
States Republic of

Note: Direct comparisons are difficult due to differences in statistical techniques and the

need for corrections due to labor quality.

Source: Data for China is from China Labor Statistics Yearbook 2011. Data for other

countries are from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011).

Finally, we look at the role of policy. China’s regulatory environment is enormously

favorable for large construction projects. Its system of “state capitalism”—which is a political

system that “tries to meld the powers of the state with the powers of capitalism, depends on

government to pick winners and promote economic growth, and also uses capitalist tools such

as listing state-owned companies on the stock market and embracing globalization (The

Economist, 2012)”—are particularly well suited to large, financially risky engineering activities

for three reasons.

Page 34
First, industry is dominated by state-owned enterprises (SOEs), which account for 80% of

the value of the stock market in China. Energy and utilities, in particular, are the two industrial

sectors that SOEs have the most influential footprints (The Economist, 2012). As in many other

settings where SOEs operate with soft budget constraints, well-managed SOEs (which are the

norm in China) are often better able to manage risks (and shift them to government) while

absorbing the benefits of learning (Victor et al., 2012).

Second is the role of state-controlled finance, notably from Chinese policy banks that have

largely financed the buildup of new power plants through almost-zero interest debt, which

provides a significant cost advantage over those builders in economic systems where the state

plays a more distant role. Cheap or free public finance does not necessarily affect overnight

costs—such as bare erected cost (see Figure 6)—but it can lower risks that are inherent in such

projects and reduce costs for some forms of procurement. The most notable example is the

Chinese Development Bank (CDB), one of the three Chinese policy banks. Originally operated as

an arm of the Chinese central government, CDB is now a joint stock company with limited

liability that reports to China's national cabinet on certain policy issues and it is the only bank in

China whose governor is a full minister. This allows the Chinese government to direct funds to

activities that the government is keen to support—including infrastructure, which has garnered

massive investment as the central economy has tried to promote economic growth and has

been worried that adequate electric power supply could be an impediment to growth. It is

reported that CDB had $687.8 billion in loans on its books at the end of 2010, more than twice

as much as the World Bank (Bloomberg, 2011a). The CDB raises most of its money via long-term

bonds and with an implicit state guarantee, which makes it easier, cheaper, and a lot less risky

for utility builders to obtain financing. Such advantages are not unique to China, and they often

arise when state-backed firms raise debt—such as state-backed oil companies (e.g., Pemex)

Page 35
(Victor et al., 2012) or state-backed Tennessee Valley Authority, which recently raised long-term

debt at an interest rate of 1.875% (Flessner, D, 2012).

One strategic focal point of CDB nowadays is to finance emerging industries, which includes

solar power and other forms of clean energy. It was reported, for example, that in 2010 alone

CDB reached an agreement on providing $30 billion in low-cost loans and credits to the top five

Chinese solar panel manufacturers, with $8.9 billion to LDK Solar alone, the largest Chinese solar

player (Mercom Capital Group, 2011). It is believed that the huge almost-zero interest debt

funded by Chinese policy banks at least help Chinese solar companies achieve economies of

scale, drop the price of solar at an astonishing pace, and therefore dominate the solar market

(Lacey, 2011). This advantage, which is rooted in the relationship between the Chinese state

and its state-dominated banking system, is also the source of growing trade conflicts—notably

with the U.S.

Third, the Chinese state—as with essentially all governments that are funding new energy

sources—has offered massive subsidies. It has offered reduced corporate income tax (CIT),

significant reduction in value added tax (VAT), other tax incentives, and feed-in tariffs and

subsidies to operators of renewable energy projects to compensate for their costs. A reduced

CIT rate of 15%, for example, is given for advanced and advanced and new technology

enterprises including solar and wind, compared to a regular rate of 33%. Chinese wind farms are

also eligible for a 50% VAT rebate and VAT has been reduced from 17% to 8.5% (Zhang et al.,

2011). In July 2011, a national feed-in tariff for solar projects, 1.00 or 1.15 RMB/kWh (about

$0.15 to $0.18 per kWh) depending on the construction time, was announced to form its

domestic solar market (NDRC, 2011). The feed-in tariff for wind projects now ranges from 0.51

RMB/kWh to 0.61 RMB/kWh or $0.08/kWh to $0.10/kWh depending on a region’s wind

resources (Zhang et al., 2011). To stimulate its distributed/rooftop solar PV, for example, the

Page 36
China government launched in 2009 the "Solar Roofs Plan" and the "Golden Sun Project." As the

end of 2010, the "Solar Roofs Plan" approved 210 projects and covered 181 MW of approved PV

capacity with a total cost to the Chinese government of RMB 2.4 billion (or roughly 380 million)

and the "Golden Sun Project" approved 314 projects involving over 630 MW of installed capacity

with a total construction costs associated with the projects to be roughly RMB 20 billion (or

roughly $2.9 billion) (Wang, 2011).

A small fraction of the subsidies that have benefitted China’s industry have come from

overseas—notably through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that allows polluters in

the EU to offset carbon emissions at home by investing in clean energy abroad. It is estimated

that about one in five of China’s renewable energy projects have been the beneficiaries of the

Europe’s cap and trade program (Kraeme, 2012). As of March 6, 2012, China had 1,843 CDM

projects registered at the UN, about half of the world total, and expected average annual carbon

credits from the registered projects reach 336 million with a value ranging from 3 to 10 billion

euro depending on price of carbon credits. About 80 percent of these CDM projects involve

hydro and wind power projects (UNFCCC, 2012). It is estimated that emissions reduction

revenues make up 20 percent of their income wind and small hydropower projects (Lan, 2012).

5. Implications and Conclusions

We have argued that the assumed cost of building power plants is a variable that deserves

much more attention by analysts working with tools such as integrated assessment models.

Typically, such models assume that capital costs will be largely fixed except for new technologies

(often renewables) where costs will decline with experience. Yet our review shows that costs

for existing, mature technologies are, in fact, highly variable around the world and it is plausible

that that variability will remain high far into the future.

Page 37
While there has been much scholarly attention to “learning,” three other factors also play

major roles in determining capital costs: the price of commodities (e.g., steel), labor, and a

country’s business and regulatory context. (This last factor includes environmental regulation,

subsidies and other incentives, and the broader context that how government and business

interact.) The price of commodity materials, though widely believed to be important, only plays

a minimal role in the overall costs. For mature technologies, labor costs are usually the single

largest contributor to total cost. In a nuclear plant built in a typical western country, labor is 90%

of the total cost. Along with labor costs, regulatory contexts probably largely explain the large

differences across countries. Yet regulatory and policy issues are often ignored or hard to

include in coarse models that are designed to examine engineering rather than institutions.

Studies such as the one here have many implications for policy. One is that some of the

most consequential policies are those that, traditionally, have not been a central focus of energy

policy analysts. For example, given the central role of labor costs it is plausible that changes in

the structure of labor markets—such as initiatives to make those markets more competitive and

to allow migration of skilled labor—could have a much larger impact on future costs of energy

technologies than most of the other factors we commonly study. Similarly, policies that affect

the ability of firms to manage risks associated with large capital projects—for example, the

presence of soft budget constraints and state-backed financing typical of many state-owned

enterprises, including the large energy firms in China—can have a massive impact on the

structure of the energy system.

This essay suggests that large-scale energy models might devote more attention to the

existing and plausible future variability in capital costs. For example, they might adopt scenarios

that explore the possibility of large changes in costs over time—even in mature technologies—

due to changes in labor markets, industrial organization and regulation. While the rise in labor

Page 38
costs points to a future where capital costs for plants is rising, it is possible that costs could

come way down—partly from labor-saving innovations in robotics and other fields, which have

barely made a dent in the power plant industry, and partly from pre-assembly of major

components overseas, particularly from low cost Asian countries like China and Korea.

Page 39

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