Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
Douglas M. Todd
Manager, Process Power Plants
GE Power Systems (GEPS)
Schenectady, NY, USA
Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Combustion/Environmental Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
System/Operability Design and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Improved Ratings and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Reliability/Availability/Maintenance (RAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Abstract Introduction
Gas turbine technology development has great- Some important IGCC milestones for GE in
ly contributed to increased use of IGCC power Year 2000 include startups, new projects and
plants worldwide. Along with environmental technology improvements.
factors and gasification processes, this develop- Three breakthrough startups are shown in
ment will continue to lead the way toward Figure 2:
improving performance and lowering costs. ■ The Motiva-Delaware 9 ppmvd NOx,
Several specific areas of development have 240 MW plant on Pet Coke first used
resulted in 24 IGCC plants currently on line or syngas in September. This 6FA GT has
in construction: operated at a rating 30% higher than
■ Combustion/environmental testing natural gas.
■ System/operability design and ■ The Sarlux 540 MW vis breaker tar
controls plant first used syngas on August 13th.
It had already achieved 7050 hours of
■ Improved ratings and performance
operation on distillate oil.
■ Reliability/availability and ■ The Exxon Singapore 180 MW steam
maintenance (RAM). cracker bottoms plant is planned for
New records have been set yearly in each of startup later this year. It has already
these areas to extend the viability of IGCC tech- operated 3000 hours on distillate oil,
nology (Figure 1). This report summarizes the which is one of 42 different fuel
current capabilities and discusses plans for combinations it is designed to handle
future development. on the fly.
Combustion System
Integrated Oxygen Gasifier IntegratedAir
Gas Feed
N2 - 100% Stack
Environmental Operability
High Steam Steam
Gen Hot
Supplemental Air AirExtraction G
Testing Design
0% Case A 100%
50% Case B 50%
100% Case C 0%
o nfreville PIEMS
400 MW 800 MW
2 x 9E 2 x 9FA
NTW fidential
45 MW 750 MW
1 x 6B 3 x 7FA
7FA units will use the next generation design today's NOx requirements. It also shows that
based on Motiva-Delaware at a rating 8% high- dilution of the syngas with nitrogen, water,
er than natural gas with partial air extraction. CO2 or combinations can meet the desired
The technology for each of these plants has operating conditions. Note that the diluent
been developed step by step in cooperation quantities needed are equal or greater than
with other industry suppliers. This illustrates the quantities of syngas. This means the result-
how IGCC is a technology partnership rather ant flow in the combustor may be eight times
than a simple grouping of GT, ASU, and gasi- that of a natural gas machine.
fier equipment. Figure 5 shows the typical can annular combus-
tor. Current production has evolved to an
Combustion/Environmental Testing increased diameter standard that allows a wider
The core of an IGCC design is based on range of fuel constituents and co-firing capabil-
combustion development through laboratory ity. An individual combustor can be tested at full
testing. As the critical orifice in the plant, the flow, temperature, and pressure for any syngas
combustor must be designed for a wide range expected by the gasification system. In many
of operating conditions with backup and co- cases there is also a field test at startup to tune
firing fuels. It also has to meet ever tightening the multiple cans and confirm the results of lab-
environmental requirements. Experimenting oratory testing. These machines require a start-
with these parameters in the field can be very up fuel because of the dangers of starting on
costly because they can affect all the related hydrogen based fuels. This allows many plants
technologies, as shown in Figure 4. This data to operate on backup fuel earlier, which consid-
was created in 1990 at the request of Shell and erably reduces interest costs on construction.
EPRI and shows that typical gasifier syngas out- The dual fuel capability has been developed
let constituents are not suitable for meeting into a co-firing feature so users can design
H2 0
• 11 Units Currently Operating on Synthetic Gas 100 150 200 250 300
• 13 Additional Units Scheduled to Start 2000-2005
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000
• Machines Include 6B, 7EA, 9E, 9EC, 6FA, 7FA,
and 9FA
LHV, kJ/m3
Dynamic Pressure
Steam Fuel Nozzles
Emissions Sample
Fuel Transition Piece
(Differs For 9FA)
Natural Gas
important in obtaining flat ratings at high ambi- Control Technology (BACT) can be
ents. Many of these plants produce co-products addressed for the type of feedstock rather
from the syngas and the GT must be able to than as a generic GT plant. For instance, NOx
accommodate the resultant tail gas. emissions from Motiva-Delaware using Pet
We have completed testing for hydrogen-only Coke should have a lower BACT than a heavy
and CO-only fuel to complete the combustion oil plant due to the extra effect of higher CO2
map. The H2-only case is based on removal of illustrated in the original 1990 data.
CO as CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Figure 9 summarizes recent combustion devel-
or sequestration and allows CO2-free power opments that are contributing to the success-
plants. Figure 7 indicates that ratios of 50/50 ful startups and improved viability of IGCC.
NOx @15% O2, ppmvd
100 150 200 250 300
LHVeq, Btu/SCF
Figure 7. NOx vs. Equivalent Calorific Value for Several Fuel Compositions
Sierra Pacific - Pinon <42 (<9 Thermal)
Exxon - Singapore 42
Gonfreville 35
Confidential 9 - 15
To achieve optimal results for each system the ASU. Sierra Pacific is designed for full inte-
shown in Figure 10 we can design a different gration where all air for the ASU is extracted.
type of air integration. Tampa Polk is designed Various gasifiers require from 11% to 20% of
for air side integration at 0%, which means no the GT air flow for full air integration. The
air extraction to the ASU but full nitrogen IGCC combustor is designed to extract up to
return to the GT. PIEMSA is designed for par- 20% on Model F machines without affecting the
tial integration where some air is extracted for cooling air. For systems such as GTL that
MOTIVA - First Pet Coke Appli. With 9 ppm NOx Air - First Air-Blown Tail Gas
Exxon - 1st St. Cracker Bottoms With 25% Wobbe Var. Oxygen - Variety of Syngas
IRCC Steel
Hydrogen Combustion for Reduction of CO2 Mixtures of BFG, COG, Nat. Gas
Figure 10. GE IGCC Systems
require more air, a medium air extraction Mixed fuel operation or co-firing has become
(MAE) system at 37% is available. For E level an important operating mode to enhance eco-
machines a high air extraction (HAE) system nomics. It was first used at the Texaco El
at 50% is being designed. Overall IGCC opti- Dorado IGCC plant in Kansas where the gasifi-
mization for a specific site depends upon the er was only a third of the size of the plant elec-
operating requirements and the fuel type to trical load. Since starting in 1996 the El Dorado
determine the kind of air side integration to GT has performed at better than 97% power
be used, if any. In the larger plants we are availability. Many later plants such as Exxon
finding that operability can be enhanced with Singapore, Gonfreville and PIEMSA also have
partial air integration by reducing the size of this feature. For a dual gas design the operabil-
ASU compressors. ity standard is in the 70/30% range. However,
there is a new system used for Exxon Singapore Many studies have determined that NOx bene-
capable of operating in the 90/10% range, as fits as well as power augmentation benefits can
shown in Figure 11. Mixed fuel operation can be realized by using diluents to lower the heat-
generally be accommodated down to 20% load. ing value of the syngas. GE has chosen to inject
For a dual fuel syngas/distillate machine the nitrogen in the combustor in the same manner
distillate can be controlled down to 10% while used for steam injection rather than mix it with
the syngas is generally used in the 70% range. the fuel. In this manner the nitrogen pressure
A tri-fuel dual gas system is being used for the can be lower than the syngas pressure and the
Gonfreville plant. This 90/10 system incorpo- fuel control valves can be reduced to half size
rates a single fuel nozzle for natural gas opera- since they are controlling only the fuel.
tion and splits the fuel flow into all six nozzles Combinations of N2 and moisture are fre-
in each combustor on the syngas side of the quently the most cost effective, considering the
bumpless transfer zone. Figure 12 shows the fuel aero limitations in a standard GT for additional
system, inert and main air purge systems for this flow. Figure 14 compares several methods of
plant. Both nitrogen and air from the compres- moisturization. The amount of water saturation
sor discharge (CPD) are used to purge during is generally limited by the low-level heat avail-
various operating modes. This system also has able and varies widely by gasifier type. Several
the 90/10 capability. In keeping with the GT recent systems have chosen to moisturize the
packaging concept the complete system is mod- nitrogen.
ularized as shown on Figure 13. This particular Another area of concern to the operator is the
module was shipped to Exxon Singapore. method of overall plant control. IGCCs can be
Syngas Nitrogen
Saturator Saturator
Figure 14. Moisturization Alternatives
Gasification Technologies Conference, October 8-11, 2000 10
Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
Improved Ratings and Performance For GE units this is usually the torque limit
which was originally designed for some very
For natural gas machines, normal GT full load
low ambient. If the syngas flow raises the GT
operation over the ambient range follows air
above its maximum capability at an average
density and falls off considerably at high ambi-
ambient, inlet guide vanes are closed to restrict
ents. We can counteract this with IGCC designs
and frequently design the system to utilize the air and therefore output. As ambient increases,
full winter capability, even at 90°F / 32°C. The these guide vanes are opened to hold maxi-
most illustrative example is the 9EC machine mum output until the guide vanes are fully
which produces 150 MW at high ambient on open. That ambient point is called the break
natural gas and 215 MW at the same high ambi- point in the curve. Above that the output falls
ent in an IGCC design. This ratio of 43% extra off. For Tampa Polk, the break point is 90°F /
power in the GT is partially diminished by 32°C. We are constantly endeavoring to remove
plant auxiliaries but can be a major influence limits and expect to make even more improve-
on the IGCC viability. Figure 15 demonstrates ments in the next generation IGCCs.
the physics of this benefit. An important new system developed over the
Natural gas fuel provides 2% of the flow past year incorporates the latest GT improve-
through the turbine as compared to syngas at ments for a High Efficiency Quench (HEQ)
16% flow due to the lower heating value. This design. This plant incorporates all of the fea-
allows the turbine to make more power, gener- tures developed from previous plants and
ally an increase of 20%, when fired to the same includes an additional output enhancement of
temperature. The mechanical capability of a an expander turbine in the fuel system. It pro-
specific turbine and its surge margin require- duces an additional 4% output. GE now has the
ment limit this capability differently for each ability to supply this expander and incorporate
machine setting a specific maximum output. it into the plant guarantees.
NG Exhaust 102%
Natural Gas 2%
Syngas SG Exhaust 116%
Air - 100%
Gas Turbine Output vs Ambient Temperature
Gas Turbine
7FA (MWe)
Current Torque/IGCC Limit
FA -
N atura
l Gas
-20 -10
-10 00 10
10 20
20 30
30 40
Ambient Temp. (Deg. C)
Figure 15. IGCC Output Enhancement with Gas Turbine Advances
Gasification Technologies Conference, October 8-11, 2000 11
Gas Turbine Improvements Enhance IGCC Viability
When added together, these output enhance- ning at 96%. The fleet leader is El Dorado,
ments have been the major contributor to the which has a power availability average of 97%
significant plant cost reductions we are seeing for the last 4 years.
in recent bids. From this experience GE has concluded, “A
Syngas CC can have the same performance as a
Reliability/Availability/Maintenance Natural Gas CC,” as shown in Figure 17. To real-
(RAM) ize this same performance, several specific con-
Cost of Electricity is affected by RAM perform- ditions need to be met by the supplier.
ance in a manner similar to plant cost and fuel Experience has shown that higher hydrogen
efficiency. Generally, RAM performance is content, which produces more water, and the
improved during the design stage by incorpo- increased flow of syngas tend to increase metal
rating lessons learned in previous plants. GT temperatures in the hot gas path. GE has devel-
suppliers can do some of this based on their oped a control system to mitigate this effect by
experience in other fields but it is very impor- lowering firing temperature to maintain metal
tant to have IGCC experience. Figure 16 shows temperatures consistent with natural gas
over 322,000 hours of modern experience, machines. On this basis we have been willing to
including some machines that have accumulat- provide Long Term Service Agreements
ed over 24,000 hours of syngas experience. The (LTSA) at a cost basis similar to natural gas
lessons learned have been reported before and machines along with availability guarantees.
incorporated in all current designs. The Tampa Many current IGCC plants have found this to be
plant has reported that power availability is run- a cost effective way to make IGCC viable.
October 2000 Start
Customer Type MW Date Hours of Operation
Syngas N.G. Dist.
Cool Water 107E 120 5/84 27,000 - 1,000
PSI 7FA 262 11/95 21,000 - 4,000
Tampa 107FA 250 9/96 22,000 - 4,570
Texaco El Dorado 6B 40 9/96 22,100 17,100 -
Sierra Pacific 106FA 100 - 0 25,000 -
SUV Vresova 209E 350 12/96 63,000 1,500 -
Schwarze Pumpe 6B 40 9/96 26,000 - 3,400
Shell Pernis 2x6B 120 11/97 39,600 17,900 -
ISE / ILVA 3x109E 540 11/96 98,200 3,200 -
Fife Energy 6FA 80 - 0 10,500 -
Motiva Delaware 2x6FA 240 8/00 1,000 - 4,000
Sarlux 3x109E 550 8/00 3,000 - 10,500
Piombino 109E 150 10/00 0 400 -
Exxon Singapore 2x6FA 180 - 0 0 3,000
Totals 322,900
GE Company Proprietary
GT25677L .ppt
Life Fraction
• Need Clean Syngas
• Reduced Firing Temp to
Maintain Design Metal Temp/
100% Life
Heat Rate Total Installed Cost Cost of Electricity
List of Figures
Figure 1: Gas Turbine Improvements
Figure 2: Year 2000 IGCC Startups
Figure 3: New Syngas Plant Awards
Figure 4: GE "F" Combustor Testing
Figure 5: 6FA IGCC Multi-Nozzle Combustion Systems
Figure 6: Syngas Comparison
Figure 7: NOx vs. Equivalent Calorific Value for Several Fuel Compositions
Figure 8: Typical NOx Emissions from IGCC Plants
Figure 9: Combustion Technology Development
Figure 10: GE IGCC Systems
Figure 11: IGCC Mixed Fuel Capability
Figure 12: Tri-Fuel Dual Gas System
Figure 13: Auxgas Module – Isometric View
Figure 14: Moisturization Alternatives
Figure 15: IGCC Output Enhancement with Gas Turbine Advances
Figure 16: GE Syngas Hours of Operation
Figure 17: Syngas – Reliability/Availability/Maintenance
Figure 18: Gas Turbine Modifications for IGCC
Figure 19: Economic Impact of HEQ IGCC Design Study Improvements
Figure 20: ICCC Penetration