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Draft: On The Economics of The Use of Biomass Fuels in Gas Turbine Cycles: Gasification vs. Externally Firing

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Proceedings of ASME
of ASME Turbo
Turbo ExpoExpo 2004
PowerPower for Land,
for Land, Sea,Sea,
and and
Air Air
JuneJune 14-17,
14–17, 2004,2004, Vienna,
Vienna, Austria





Sandro Barros Ferreira Pericles Pilidis

Instituto Tecnológico – ITUC School of Engineering
Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC Cranfield University
R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea Cranfield – MK43 0AL
CEP 22453-900 Rio de Janeiro Brazil United Kingdon
Tel.: +55 (21) 3114 1857/Fax: +55 (21) 3114 1543 Tel.: +44 1234 754 646/Fax.: +44 1234 750 728
sandro@ituc.puc -rio.br P.Pilidis@Cranfield.ac.uk

The use of biomass as gas turbine combined cycle fuels is Brazil is a vast country and its potential for the use of
broadly seen as one of the alternatives to diminish greenhouse renewable energy is undoubtedly immense. Biomass is one of
gas emissions, mainly CO2, due to the efficiency delivered by the most promising renewable fuels within the actual scenario,
such systems and the renewable characteristic of biomass itself. and the wise use of t his potential can contribute to a diversified
Integrated gasification cycles, BIGGT, are the current and reliable energy matrix.
technology available; however the gasification system severely One of the most available biomass residues is a fibrous
penalizes the power plant in terms of efficiency and demands material that comes out of the milling process in the local sugar
modifications in the engine to accommodate the large fuel mass and alcohol mills called bagasse. This fuel represents 32 percent
flow. This gives an opportunity to improvements in the current of the country’s primary energy sources [1] and is generally
technologies and implementation of new ones. This paper used in steam cycles, allowing low efficiencies. The average
intends to analyze new alternatives to the use of solid fuels in production is about 20-30 kWh/ton of milled cane [2], as
gas turbines, from the economical point of view, through the use mechanical and electrical power, being the former used to move
of external combustion, EFGT, discussing its advantages and the mills. This situation could be changed with the use of more
limitations over the current technology. The results show that efficient conversion processes, substantially raising the energy
both EFGT and BIGGT technologie s are economically produced per ton of milled cane.
competitive with the current natural gas fired gas turbines. Amongst the most promising technologies for the use of
However, BIGGT power plants are still in pilot scale and the biomass as fuel are the gas turbine cycles. Due to the high
EFGT plants need further technological development. sensitivity of these engines to the quality of the fuel, the
Thermodynamically speaking, the inherently recuperative conventional approach is to gasify the solid fuel before its
characteristic of the EFGT gas turbine engine makes it well combustion in the engine, the well known biomass integrated
suited to the biomass market. The thermal efficiency of this gasification/gas turbine, BIGGT, cycle. Direct burn of biomass in
cycle is higher than the BIGGT system. Furthermore, its fuel gas turbines has proven difficult, with a high rate of carbon
flexibility and negligible pre-treatmet is another advantage that deposition in the blades, erosion due to the presence of
makes it an interesting option for the Brazilian market. particulate, and corrosion due to the presence of alkali metals in
the hot gas stream [3-5]. Of course the impact of such effects in
the turbine life considerably increases the operation and

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maintenance costs. Gasification allows a higher quality fuel, energy from combustion gases in the heat exchanger, then the
though the cleaning process is still a costly part of the system. air is expanded in the gas generator turbine to provide work to
A different approach is economically assessed in this paper, the compressor, goes to the power turbine to generate useful
the so called externally fired gas turbine, EFGT, cycle. This work, after what is directed into the combustor. Finally, the
system is considerably advantageous when compared to the combustion products go to the ceramic heat exchanger to
BIGGT plant, as seen later on in this paper. The principle of an provide heat to the compressed air.
EFGT cycle is as follows: clean filtered air is compressed in a The main drawback of this approach, when compared to the
compressor, after what it passes through a heat exchanger, conventional cycle fuelled by fossil fuels, is the low efficiency
receiving heat from the hot gases leaving the combustor, the hot when a high temperature heat exchanger is not used [12]. Due to
air is then expanded in a turbine, and the air from the turbine is the constraints of the heat exchanger, the turbine entry
directed into the combustor. This paper will carry out an temperature is much lower than that of the conventional cycle
economic analysis of both the BIGGT and the EFGT cycles. The [7]. The development of heat exchangers that can withstand
gas turbine performance data for this analysis is taken from [6] higher temperatures at reasonable costs will change this
and are summarized in Table 1. situation, allowing efficiencies as good as those of a
conventional cycle. A controllable problem is related to the
deterioration of the heat exchanger performance due to slagging
There are two ways of burning biomass in a gas turbine
– deposition of solid particulates in the ceramic heat exchanger
engine: direct and indirect firing. The first can be subdivided
tubes [13].
into two subclasses, in one of them the solid fuel, biomass, is
On the other hand there are several advantages in using the
burnt in a combustor, a pressurized fluidized bed combustor,
EFGT cycles fuelled by biomass. The first is that the gasification
PFBC, and the combustion products go to the expander. In this
system is no longer needed. As already said this device is very
kind of cycle the high ash content of the combustion products
costly and introduces large losses in the overall cycle efficiency,
can cause serious damage to the turbine blades, consequently
not to talk about its bulk. The second advantage is the
turbine life is drastically shortened.
versatility of the combustion chamber, i.e., many different fuels
The second subclass is the BIGGT cycle, which is the
can be burnt, allowing the use of that which is the cheapest or
reference case analysed in this paper. In this cycle the biomass
readily available. The pre-treatment needed is modest when
is converted into a gas and then, after cleaning and filtration, is
compared to other cycles. These points are of great relevance
sent to the combustor. This system suffers from some major
when considering biomass fuels. Finally, the working fluid is
drawbacks. The gasification and cleaning system severely
clean air, what means the engine lifetime will be augmented [14].
penalise the overall cycle efficiency. The gasifier introduces a
Once the turbine entry temperature, TET, is imposed by the
large efficiency loss and the contaminants (ash, tar, alkali metals,
heat exchanger capacity this device must be capable of
particulate, etc.) in the gas leaving the gasifier must be removed,
withstanding very high temperatures for the sake of the cycle
otherwise those contaminants can damage blades, and cause
efficiency. Many researchers and research centres have been
blockage of injectors, valves, and filters.
trying to develop a heat exchanger specifically to be used in
The gas cleaning can be carried out at either low or high
EFGT cycles [15-18].
temperature, each with its drawbacks. These issues have
Conventional materials used in high temperature heat
already been well discussed by many authors including [7-10].
exchangers, such as super-alloys, are not suitable for highly
Furthermore the lower heating value, LHV, of the fuel can
efficient EFGT cycles, the maximum temperature these materials
deteriorate the performance of the engine, when it has not been
can withstand is around 900oC. The use of ceramics has been
designed to this kind of fuel. Due to the very high fuel flow, the
seen as the most promising solution to the problem. Although
components operate within regions of lower efficiencies in
some researchers say that state-of-the-art ceramics are still
respect to their design characteristics. This may reduce the
unsuitable for use in EFGT engines [17], there are records of
overall efficiency of the engine unless an expensive redesign is
ceramic heat exchangers working with products from coal
combustion for approximately 500 hours at temperatures of up
There is also a handling risk; because the change in the
to 1535°C (1808K), without distress [15]. This EFGT cycle
mass balance between the compressor and turbine causes the
presented thermal efficiency of 35%, with pressure ratio of 9,
pressure ratio to rise and the compressor to surge. This leads to
and TET of 1150°C (1423K). With the development of ceramic
the use of bleed valves and/or variable inlet guide vanes,
VIGVs , or alternatively to the need of redesigning the turbine materials and techniques to minimise the damage caused by fuel
nozzle guide vanes [11]. contaminants it is reasonable to expect that in the near future
high efficiency EFGTs may become a commercial reality. It is
THE EFGT CYCLE worth to point out that the experimental time of operation above
The EFGT cycle consists of a compressor, a ceramic heat is still unsatisfactory to have a clear view of the ceramic heat
exchanger, a gas generator turbine, a power turbine, and a
combustor. The air delivered by the compressor receives heat

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exchanger performance, though the same authors mention the cane bagasse in the North-Eastern region of Brazil has an
successful use of ceramic heat exchangers in other industries . average price of US$ 1.50/GJ.
Jolly et al. [18], proposed the use of bayonet tube The reference fuel is the natural gas, used in a natural gas
arrangements in the ceramic heat exchangers for externally fired fired gas turbine, NGGT. In Brazil the price of this resource is the
gas turbines. A bayonet element is made of two concentric subject of a great deal of discussion, and varies significantly
tubes, the outer tube is plugged at one end and the inner tube is from region to region, depending on local taxation and logistics.
open at both ends. The air enters the inner tube and reverses its Most of the natural gas is imported from the neighbour Bolivia
flow at the end to travel through the annulus (or vice-versa). on a Take-or-Pay basis. The average price assumed in this paper
The combustion products flow across the bayonet elements in is US$ 4.00/GJ, and is based on the average value of several
the shell side of the heat exchanger. The use of such elements is local distribution companies.
justified by their capacity to expand or contract under the As described the price of either biomass or natural gas
influence of very large temperature differences, minimising varies a lot, therefore a sensitivity analysis of the impact of the
thermal stress. price of fuels on the cost of electricity is carried out, based on
Despite all the attempts to develop a suitable heat the following assumptions for installed capital costs: (i) NGGT,
exchanger for EFGT cycles such a device would be available at US$1,000.00/kWe; (ii) BIGGT and (iii) EFGT, US$ 1,500.00/kWe.
high costs for a long life prototype application. For this reason The O&M costs are US$ 6/MWh for the NGGT plant and US$
in this paper the heat exchanger outlet temperature is 10/MWh for the BIGGT and EFGT plants. The design
constrained at 1350K, meaning temperatures of 1435K in the hot parameters for the NGGT cycle are the same as for the BIGGT
side inlet of the heat exchanger for the EFGT cycle. plant, and the thermal efficiency attained is 36%. All power
The very high exhaust temperatures also suggest that this plants are open cycles and rated at the same power, which is 40
cycle is suitable for combined gas/steam cycles. Actually, the MW. The weighed return on investment is 12% per year and the
steam cycle can be optimized independently of the gas turbine capacity factor for all cycles is assumed to be 85%.
cycle (and vice-versa), once the HRSG inlet gas temperature can Figure 1 shows the behavior of the cost of electricity
be adjusted without interfering with the gas turbine engine [15]. regarding the variation in fuel price. It is worthy of noticing that
the actual electricity tariff in Brazil, due to its hydroelectric
tradition, is far below these figures. However, Fig. 1 shows the
Two cycles have been assessed, the BIGGT, and EFGT.
clear competitiveness of the biomass fuelled plants, compared
Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the results of the economic analysis
to the natural gas fired plants, when the fuel prices are the
based on the design point performance carried out by Ferreira et
average prices mentioned earlier in this paper.
al. [6] (Table 1). The turbine inlet temp erature for the gasification
cycles was chosen to be 1450 K, yielding 27% thermal $0,14
efficiency, and for the externally fired cycles 1350 K, yielding
$0,12 NGGT
Cost of electricity [US$/kWh]

34% thermal efficiency. These figures have been chosen due to

limitations in flame temperatures for the BIGGT cycle and $0,10
material constraints in the EFGT cycle. The pressure ratio for the
EFGT cycle is the one which allows the maximum efficiency,
based on the simulations, which have been carried out using $0,06
GateCycle ®. The efficiencies are calculated as the ratio between $0,04
the net power produced and the heat input based on LHV.
Table 1 – Design parameters chosen for performance
calculations $0,00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
BIGGT EFGT Price of delivered fuel [US$/GJ]
OPR 18 6
ηc 0.88 0.88 Fig. 1 – Sensitivity of cost of electricity to the price of

(∆P P) cc
4% 2%
delivered fuel

The Brazilian program of incentive to renewable fuels

η gg 0.89 0.89 (PROINFA) suggests a tariff of approximately US$ 40.55/MWh
η pt 0.89 0.89 for the Northern and Northeastern regions and US$ 30.37/MWh
εCerHx --- 0.90 for the other regions of the country (based on an exchange rate
The fuel chosen is a pre-compacted sugar cane bagasse of US$1 = R$ 2.95), which does not pay for the energy from any
called Bagatex, with LHV = 18.44 MJ/kg. The resulting gas from of the analyzed plants. Furthermore, the first phase of PROINFA
its gasification has an LHV = 4.46 MJ/kg [19]. According to imposes the use of 100% of national equipment for biomass
Carpentieri et al. and Filho and Badr, [20, 21], the cost of sugar

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power plants and the cycles here proposed will certainly consist the same cost of electricity for a rate of return of 12%, which can
mainly of imported equipments. be considered a good return on investment in several countries.
The capital costs for both BIGGT and EFGT, mainly, are not The cost of electricity on a EFGT plant equals that of the NGGT
well established. At the moment these costs range from plant for a return on investment of 19%. Beyond this figure, the
US$1,500.00 to something around US$ 2,750.00 per installed natural gas fired plant is a better option.
kilowatt [20]. Thus, sensitivity to the capital cost (Fig. 3) is
carried out, so that the cost of electricity can be estimated for a
broad range of possibilities. The capital cost is also varied for
the NGGT power plant. The average fuel prices are assumed in

Cost of electricity [US$/kWh]

these calculations.
Figure 2 shows the response of the cost of electricity to $0,06

variations in the capacity factor. Between values of 0.80 and $0,05

0.90, the NGGT and BIGGT cycles are very close in terms of cost $0,04
of electricity. The EFGT cycle is the one that presents the best $0,03 BIGGT
competitiveness for capacity factors over 0.50. $0,02 EFGT
BIGGT and EFGT plants have a high thermal inertia; the $0,01
first mainly due to the gasification process and the second due
to the large heat exchanger. That means that these two cycles 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
are neither suitable for peak shaving nor emergency Installed capital costs [US$/kWe]
In Fig. 2 the economic aspect comes into place and Fig. 3 – Sensitivity of cost of electricity to changes in
reinforces the unsuitability of the biomass fired plants to low the installed capital cost of the plants
capacity factor regimes. It is clearly depicted the economic
advantage of the natural gas fired cycle, which also has a CONCLUSION
shorter start up interval. Two innovative gas turbine cycles were economically
analyzed in order to assess their feasibility. The externally fired
gas turbine shows best competitiveness with the current natural
Cost of electricity [US$/kWh]

gas fired gas turbine, considering the capital cost of the first will
0,05 be around US$ 1,500.00 per kW installed. However, this type of
cycle still needs further development, which means that such an
engine will not be in commercial operation in the near future.
Nevertheless, it seems that the EFGT cycle is worthy of
EFGT attention.

0,00 NGGT
Cost of electricity [US$/kWh]

0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 BIGGT

$0,07 EFGT
Capacity factor

Fig. 2 – Sensitivity of cost of electricity to the capacity $0,05

factor of the power plant $0,04
Again in Fig. 3 the competitiveness of the biomass fuelled
cycle is assured. The EFGT cycle is the one with the lowest cost $0,02

of electricity, pointing out the penalties imposed by the $0,01

gasification system on the overall performance of the BIGGT $0,00
cycle. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

In Brazil, the interest ra te paid by the Central Bank to Return on investment

borrow money from the market is over 16%; despite the

Fig. 4 – Sensitivity of the cost of electricity to different
economic drawbacks of such policy; what makes it very difficult
rates of return
to find investors willing to put their money on private
investments. Thus, an assessment of the effects of the rate of Another issue to consider is that the O&M cost for the
return on the final cost of electricity must be carried out, shown EFGT cycle is still uncertain. Nevertheless, it is not wrong to
in Fig. 4. Natural gas fired and BIGGT plants produce practically imagine that these costs will be higher than the natural gas fired

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