GT2010-22494 GT2010-: Emissions From A Gas Turbine Sector Rig Operated With Synthetic Aviation and Biodiesel Fuel
GT2010-22494 GT2010-: Emissions From A Gas Turbine Sector Rig Operated With Synthetic Aviation and Biodiesel Fuel
GT2010-22494 GT2010-: Emissions From A Gas Turbine Sector Rig Operated With Synthetic Aviation and Biodiesel Fuel
Proceedings of
ASME Turbo
Turbo Expo
Expo 2010:
2010: Power
Power for
for Land,
Land, Sea
Sea and
and Air
June 14-18,
14-18, 2010,
2010, Glasgow,
Glasgow, UK
ABSTRACT Council (NRC). Potential candidate synthetic fuels for these air
Differences in exhaust emissions, smoke production, force applications are derived from various sources and
exhaust pattern factor, deposit build-up and fuel nozzle spray production processes and generally possess properties quite
characteristics for various blends of conventional commercial similar to those of conventional Jet A-1 [1]. The complete or
jet fuel (Jet A-1) with synthetic and biodiesel formulations near absence of aromatic content has rendered synthetic fuels
were investigated. Three synthetic fuel formulations and four as superior to conventional blends in terms of smoke /
Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) were evaluated as such. The particulates production and combustion system deposit build-
synthetic fuels were tested in both neat (100%) and 50% by up [2]. Aromatic content in jet fuel however serves to prevent
volume blends with Jet A-1, while the FAME fuels were fuel leaks by facilitating the swelling of seals in fuel systems.
blended in 2% and 20% proportions. The 50/50 blend objective ensures a minimum quantity of
The Combustion Chamber Sector Rig (CCSR), which aromatic content to satisfy this requirement.
houses a Rolls Royce T-56-A-15 combustion section, was In a Canadian context, there has also been interest in the
utilized for emissions, deposits and exhaust pattern factor addition of biodiesel fuels (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters-(FAME))
evaluation. A combustion chamber exhaust plane traversing to conventional jet fuel formulations in low concentrations to
thermocouple rake was employed to generate two dimensional ease dependence on conventional feedstocks and to promote
temperature maps during operation. Following combustion renewable industries. FAME fuels have enjoyed considerable
testing, several combustion system components, including the success in land-vehicle diesel applications due to their neutral
combustion chamber, fuel nozzle and igniter plug were effects on engine systems designed for conventional fuels and
analyzed for relative levels of deposit build-up. A Phase they can safely be blended in varying proportions.
Doppler Anemometry (PDA) system was employed to In this study, using neat Jet A-1 fuel as a baseline, the
determine differences in droplet size distributions while an combustion and atomization related impacts of blending
optical spray pattern analyzer was used to compare the spray various FAME and synthetic jet fuel formulations with Jet A-1
pattern for the various fuel blends as they emerged from the T- was investigated. Additionally, the impacts of utilizing neat
56 nozzle. synthetic fuel as opposed to neat Jet A-1 were investigated.
This was facilitated by combusting these fuel blends in a gas
INTRODUCTION turbine sector rig to assess exhaust emissions, smoke
The significance of aviation fuels derived from non- production, exhaust pattern factor and combustion chamber
petroleum sources continues to intensify as issues related to the soot build-up. Four different FAME fuels in concentrations of
security of supply and the depletion of conventional feedstocks 2% and 20% in Jet A-1 fuel were evaluated. Three types of
persist. The Canadian Air Force (CAF) is participating in a synthetic fuel were tested, including Gas to Liquid (GTL), a
U.S. Air Force (USAF) led international effort to fuel military blend of GTL and Coal to Liquid (CTL) and a prototype
aircraft with a 50/50 blend of conventional and synthetic jet Hydrotreated Renewable Jet (HRJ) blend. Concentrations of
propellants within the next decade. To this end, most of the Hydrocarbons (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Oxides of
USAF aircraft engine families have already been certified and Nitrogen (NOx), Oxygen (O2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and
the CAF has recently certified the General Electric F-404 (F- smoke within the exhaust gas were sampled and measured. A
18) gas turbine engine through the Canadian National Research sweeping thermocouple rake provided information on the
b) Smoke Emissions
Figure 5 shows averaged values of FSN for the different
fuel blends. Each value is a composite mean of all
measurements taken. Five measurements were taken at each of
the 0, 1, 2 and 3 hour intervals. The value of FSN for the Jet A-
1 fuel is a composite of the initial and final tests done with this
baseline fuel. Confidence intervals were generated based on all
measured points to determine whether individual fuel blends
c) d) generated smoke quantities which differed from the baseline Jet
A-1 fuel with statistical significance. It is observed that none of
Figure 3: Cleaned Surfaces of the a) Combustion the FAME blends generated FSN values significantly lower or
Liner, b) Igniter, c) Crossover Plug and d) Nozzle higher than the baseline fuel. For all but the Canola Oil FAME,
Shroud the 2% concentration generated higher FSN values than the
20% blend. With Canola Oil, the values were virtually
Spray Diagnostics identical. In most cases, with the exception of the 2% Fish Oil
The open air spray characteristics of the tested fuel and 2% Vegetable Oil, FSN values were marginally lower than
formulations were investigated using a phase Doppler those from the Jet A-1, but again, without any statistical
anemometer (PDA) and an optical spray pattern analyzer significance.
(OSPA) system. The PDA system was used to determine All of the synthetic blends generated FSN values far lower
individual droplet characteristics at 9 equally spaced points at a than those for Jet A-1, with statistical significance. With the
50/50 and 100% GTL synthetic blends, the reductions from
fuels, respectively.
Figure 7 shows post testing images of the inside of the
0 combustion liner for a)Jet A-1, b) 2% Fish Oil FAME, c) 20%
Canola Oil FAME and d) 100% GTL synthetic fuel. A similar
Jet A-1
Fish Oil 2%
Canola Oil 2%
Vegetable Oil 2%
Bio Oil 2%
50% Synthetic
100% Synthetic
NRC Synthetic
HRJ Synthetic
15 c) d)
14 )
Figure 7: Combustion Chamber Deposits Following
11 Testing for: a) Jet A-1, b) 2% Fish Oil, c) 20% Canola
10 and d) 100% Synthetic Fuel
Jet A-1
Fish Oil 2%
Canola Oil 2%
Vegetable Oil 2%
50% Synthetic
100% Synthetic
NRC Synthetic
HRJ Synthetic
c) d)
c) d)
Figure 8: Igniter Deposits Following Testing for: a) Jet
A-1, b) 2% Fish Oil, c) 20% Canola and d) 100%
Synthetic Fuel
Net Deposit Mass (mg)
e) f)
Fish Oil 2%
Vegetable Oil 2 %
Canola Oil 2%
Bio Oil 2%
Synthetic 50%
Synthetic 100%
Veg Oil 2%
Canola 2%
Canola 20%
Canola 100%
Fish Oil 2%
Bio Oil 2%
Jet A-1
Synth 50%
Synth 100%
NRC Synth
At the center of the spray, the Jet A-1 fuel had an SMD
value of about 30 microns. The Vegetable Oil, Fish Oil and
Canola Oil FAME blends all showed smaller SMD values at the
spray center, with SMD values of about 23 microns for the 2%
FAME concentrations, increasing to about 27-30 microns for
the 100% FAME fuel. The bio oil FAME showed a similar
SMD at the spray center for all concentrations, at about 30
microns. The 50% and 100% GTL synthetic fuels had SMD
values under 20 microns at the spray center, while the Jet A- Figure 12: Exhaust Temperature Thermal Maps for
1/CTL/GTL blend had an SMD in the 23 micron range. At the a) Jet A-1, b) 20% Canola FAME and c) 100% GTL
0.75 (19.05 mm) location, all fuels had SMD values in the 56- Synthetic Fuels (Temperatures in Kelvin)
64 micron size range. There was a weak trend of increasing
Fish Oil 2%
Canola Oil 2%
Vegetable Oil 2%
50 % Synthetic
100 % Synthetic
NRC Synthetic
HRJ Synthetic