Spiral Heat Exchangers
Spiral Heat Exchangers
Spiral Heat Exchangers
heat exchangers
www.tranter.com, www.spiralheatexchangers.com
Tranter HES GmbH Spiral Heat Exchangers
Tranter HES originated from the acquisition of HES The spiral heat exchanger was developed in the twenties
GmbH Heat Exchanger Systems GmbH early 2009. for use in the paper industry by the Swedish engineer
Tranter HES represents the impressive heritage in spiral Mr Rosenblad. For the first time, a heat exchanger became
heat exchanger design and manufacturing constituted available, that allowed trouble-free heat transfer between
by the combined experience of Kapp Apparatebau, particle-loaded process streams.
HES, Canzler and Vaahto; the spirals-related know-
how and production machinery of the latter two were In the beginning of the seventies, Kapp Apparatebau star-
acquired by HES in 2007. Tranter HES is a worldwide ted manufacturing spiral heat exchangers on the basis of an
operating enterprise with more than 60 years of ex- own design that has distinct advantages over the Rosenblad-
perience in the design and manufacture of spiral heat design which had been exclusively employed until then.
exchangers (SHE).
Nowadays, Tranter HES is the only company capable of
Tranter HES is located in Schopfheim in the south of manufacturing spiral heat exchangers both in its own
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, about 20 km north-east design and in accordance with the Rosenblad concept in al-
of Basel, Switzerland. most any size from any cold-workable and weldable material.
Manufacturing capabilities
Design and fabrication are executed in accordance with inter-
national pressure-vessel codes including PED (CE-Stamp),
AD-2000 Merkblätter, ASME (U-Stamp), AS1210 etc.; Quality
is ensured by maintaining own written practices from proposal
to delivery. Corresponding certifications to ISO 9001:2000 and
Manufacture License for Special Equipment (SELO) are a
matter of course.
Because of the all- Tranter HES have developed a wide range of cores, each of
welded and robust which is tailored to accomplish specific tasks, which enables us
design and the low to choose the right solution for each application.
fouling properties,
maintenance costs An important feature of our design is the use of continu-
are reduced to a mi- ous strip from core to shell that avoids weakening inter-
nimum. From the nal and almost unreachable welding seams, and thickness
viewpoint of Total transitions, entirely.
Cost of Ownership,
the spiral heat ex- The execution of a unit can be chosen freely in our, or in
changer is frequent- the Rosenblad-design, which enables us to offer replace-
ly the most cost- ments units for all applications without the need of costly
effective solution. piping adjustments.
Type B:
• Both covers at a distance from the spiral body
• (Overhead) condensation and evaporation applications
Type C:
• One cover closes the spiral body; the other is at a distance
• Condensation applications with the possibility of
condensate sub-cooling
Main applications
Liquids and slurries
Because of the single-flow passages, the spiral heat Leakage is practically excluded by the all-welded channel
exchanger is State-of-the-Art-Technology especially in the construction. For this reason the spiral heat exchanger is ideal
case of fouling, viscous and/or particle-loaded fluids and is in the case of sensible, dangerous and/or aggressive fluids.
therefore frequently the first, if not the only choice. This is
because bypassing is intrinsically avoided resulting in a self- Because of the single-flow passage, chemical cleaning can
cleaning effect by which potential blockages are washed away be very effective.
before they become a problem. Also in the case of ‘difficult’
fluids, high heat transfer coefficients are established and in The covers are mounted with hook-bolts to enable easy
case of particle-loaded fluids sedimentation is avoided. access to the channels, which can also be readily cleaned
mechanically. In particular for sludge or slurry applications,
The standard spiral heat exchanger is almost free of dead- covers can be executed with hinges or davits, thus enab-
space and can be executed without any dead spaces. Cold- ling very fast access that reduces down-time. Especially for
and/or hot spots are therefore excluded and temperature dif- a petrochemical environment and in the case of demanding
ferences between the fluids of less than 3°C can be reached. design requirements, traditional robust through-bolted end
cover mounting is available.
In particular, for sludge or sludge-alike applications the
spiral heat exchanger is executed without spacer studs
so that the risk of blockages is reduced to the absolute
technical minimum.
0.35 m2, ø 245 mm, Ti-Gr.2 Chlorine Application 40 m2, ø 1900 mm, Sludge Application
Cold fluid OUT
Hot fluid IN
Cooling Fluid
stage II, OUT
Cooling Fluid
stage II, IN
outlet stage II,
Cooling Fluid
stage I, OUT
Cooling Fluid
stage I, IN
outlet stage I Standard condenser
Vapour inlet
Cooling Fluid IN
Know-how, flexibility and service
With our experience in all applications of the spiral heat world, and ensures the continuous improvement process
exchanger, we can assist our customers in many ways. As a within our company.
result of development, design, engineering and fabrication
all being carried out by us in our facilities at one single By our development and manufacturing of ever more
location, we can quickly respond to customer require- mechanically sophisticated units and prototypes, we have
ments and wishes. The excellent team-work with the repeatedly set new standards and technical possibilities for
Tranter worldwide network of representatives and co-ope- the spiral heat exchanger.
ration partners provides local and direct access.
For new applications, test units are available that enable a
Apart from the high standards of our engineering work and co-operative elaboration of solutions that respond to given
fabrication, exemplary quality management and full techni- process heat transfer challenges. Repairs and overhauls of
cal documentation belong to every unit we deliver. Customer existing units of all brands can be executed effectively and
feedback and the resulting experience play a vital role. efficiently both in the plant and in our shop.
Our customers contribute importantly to the development Always prepared to take new challenges, we look
of our company, which is required in a rapidly changing forward to receiving your next inquiry.
www.tranter.com, www.spiralheatexchangers.com