This CV summarizes the qualifications and experience of Mujib Ullah Zuberi. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University. He received his BSc and MTech in Electrical Engineering from AMU, and is currently pursuing his PhD. His fields of interest are high voltage engineering and electrical insulation technology. He has over 25 years of experience in academia and has published over 25 papers in journals and conferences. He is involved in several research projects and has helped introduce new academic programs.
This CV summarizes the qualifications and experience of Mujib Ullah Zuberi. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University. He received his BSc and MTech in Electrical Engineering from AMU, and is currently pursuing his PhD. His fields of interest are high voltage engineering and electrical insulation technology. He has over 25 years of experience in academia and has published over 25 papers in journals and conferences. He is involved in several research projects and has helped introduce new academic programs.
This CV summarizes the qualifications and experience of Mujib Ullah Zuberi. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University. He received his BSc and MTech in Electrical Engineering from AMU, and is currently pursuing his PhD. His fields of interest are high voltage engineering and electrical insulation technology. He has over 25 years of experience in academia and has published over 25 papers in journals and conferences. He is involved in several research projects and has helped introduce new academic programs.
This CV summarizes the qualifications and experience of Mujib Ullah Zuberi. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University. He received his BSc and MTech in Electrical Engineering from AMU, and is currently pursuing his PhD. His fields of interest are high voltage engineering and electrical insulation technology. He has over 25 years of experience in academia and has published over 25 papers in journals and conferences. He is involved in several research projects and has helped introduce new academic programs.
Affiliation Electrical Engineering Department, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, A.M.U., Aligarh
Academic Qualifications : 1. B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 1989
First Division with Honors, AMU, Aligarh (CPI of 9.416 on a 10-point Scale) 2. M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering, 2003 First Division with Honors, AMU, Aligarh (85.81% marks). Dissertation Topic: Dielectric Modeling of Insulating Materials under Liquid Nitrogen 3. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, (pursuing) AMU, Aligarh Topic: Estimation of Partial Discharges at different pressures in the ambient medium of Air, N2 and SF6
Fields of Interest : High Voltage Engineering
Electrical Insulation Technology
Professional Experience : 1. Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engg. From
11.12.1989 to 26.07.1998. 2. Lecturer(Sr. Scale) in the Department of Electrical Engg. from 26.07.2003 3. Lecturer (Selection Grade) in the Department of Electrical Engg. from 27.07.2003 to 17.03.2004 4. Reader in the Department of Electrical Engg. From 18.03.2004 to 26.07.2006 5. Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engg. from 27.07.2006 till date. Published Papers : Journals - 07 International Conferences/Symposia - 18 National Conferences - 02
Projects : 1. A.I.C.T.E sponsored Project under MODROBS
Title: Modernization of Electrical Engineering Laboratories Amount: Rs. 6.00 Lacs
2. AICTE sponsored Major Research Project
Title: Development of a HV pulse System for (a)Treatment of Microbe infected drinking water / milk; (b) Preservation of vegetables / poultry. Amount: Rs.17.25 Lacs
Training Program : 1. Coordinator of a Two Week Training Program on
Organized “Electrical Insulation Systems”, organized by Electrical Engineering Department , Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU from 16.02.2009 to 28.02.2009.
2. Joint Coordinator of a Two Week Training Program on
“Recent Trends in Insulation Technology”, organized by Electrical Engineering Department, Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU from 20.01.2003 to 02.02.2003.
Consultancy : 1. Installation, Commissioning & Testing of equipment
leading to Establishment of High Voltage Lab. at N.I.T., Srinagar, J. & K.
2. Offered assignment of Technical Consultancy in the
field of High Voltage testing and Condition Monitoring of electrical equipment by M/s Energy Support GmbH, Germany New Teaching Programs M.Tech. in High Voltage & Insulation Engineering with introduced an intake of 10 students,
Other Achievements : Being an active member of the High Voltage Engineering
group and In-Charge, High Voltage Engineering Lab was able to attract donations from distinguished alumni as follows: 1. Rs. 10.00 Lacs for extension of the High Voltage Engineering Lab 2. Rs. 10.00 Lacs for modernization of the High Voltage Engineering Lab Publications
1. Breakdown Strength of Solid Insulating Materials in Ambient medium, 3rd
International Conference on Science, Technology & Management, January 17, 2016, India, pp 761-766. 2. Estimation of Partial Discharge Inception Voltages Due to Voids in Solid Sheet Insulation, IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, June 02-05, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp 124-128. 3. Estimation of Breakdown Strength of Solid Insulating Materials in Ambient medium, Trans. of Inv. Journal of Science & Technology, Vol.6, No.1, January 2013, India, pp 16-19. 4. Analysis of Partial Discharge in Solid Sheet Insulation using CIGRE-II Method IEEE International Conference on Advances in Power Conversion and Energy Technologies (APCET), 2012 August 2012 pp 1 – 6. 5. Area and Volume Effects on Breakdown Strength in Liquid Nitrogen and Cryogenic Air, Trans. of Inv. Journal of Science & Technology, Vol.2, No.3, September 2009, India, pp 170-178. 6. Breakdown Strength of Solid Dielectrics in Liquid Nitrogen, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, August 2008, Vol.15, No.4, pp 1051-1055. 7. Breakdown of Cryogenic Air under Non-Uniform Fields, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 2008, Vol.33, No.1, pp 24-29. 8. Estimation of Breakdown Strength of Solid Insulating Materials in Liquid Nitrogen, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 2008, Vol.33, No.1, pp 01-05. 9. Performance Analysis of Suspension Insulator with Desert Contamination, Proceedings of International Conf. on Harnessing Technology, 12-13 October 2008, Muscat, Oman, pp 160-163. 10. Estimation of Partial Discharge Inception Voltages in the Ambient Medium of SF6, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 21-24, 2008, Pittsburgh, USA, Paper No.10.1109/PES.2008.4596614. 11. Estimation of Discharge Inception Voltages at Different Pressures in the Ambient Medium of Nitrogen, IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition, April 21-24, 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Paper No.10.1109/TDC.2008.4517243. 12. Electrical Breakdown of Liquid Nitrogen viewed from Area & Volume Effects, MEPCON 2008, IEEE-PES International Conf, March-2008, Aswan, Egypt, pp 213-217. 13. Breakdown of Cryogenic Air under Non-Uniform Fields, Proceedings of International Conf. (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) Power System Analysis, Control and Optimization, 13-15 March 2008, India, pp 288-293. 14. Estimation of Partial Discharge Inception Voltages at Different Pressures in Voids, Proceedings of International Conf. (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimization, 13-15 March 2008, India, pp 300-304. 15. Loss Index of Solid Insulating Materials for High Temperature Superconductors, Proceedings of International Conf. (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimization, 13-15 March 2008, India, pp 337-341. 16. FOV and Withstand Voltage Test on Contaminated Suspension Insulator, Proceedings of International Conf. (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimization, 13-15 March 2008, India, pp 332- 336. 17. Estimation of Partial Discharge Inception Voltages due to Voids in Power Cables, Proceedings of the 3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conf. on Energy & Environment, University of Cambridge, UK, Feb.23-25, 2008, pp 345-348. 18. Breakdown of Liquid Nitrogen viewed from Area & Volume Effects, International Conf on Power Systems, ICPS-2007, 12-14 December 2007, CPRI, Bangalore, India Paper No.P-167. 19. Properties of Solid Insulants for High Temperature Superconductors, Trans. of Inv. Journal of Science & Technology, Vol.1, No.7, December 2007, India, pp 303-313. 20. A Mathematical Technique for Estimation of Partial Discharge Inception Voltage at Different Pressures, IASTED International Conference on Transmission, Distribution & Automation, February 24-26, 2003, California, U.S.A. pp 509-513. 21. Dielectric Behaviour of Insulating Materials under Liquid Nitrogen, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, December 2002, Vol.9, No.6, pp 932-938. 22. Partial Discharge Pulse Pattern Analysis using Artificial Neural Network, 12th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC-2002), December 27-29 2002, I.I.T., Kharagpur, India, pp 205-207. 23. Practices of Insulating Materials in Instrument Transformers, 12th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC-2002), December 27-29 2002, I.I.T., Kharagpur, India, pp 500-504. 24. Dielectric Behaviour of Insulating Materials under Liquid Nitrogen, Proceedings of IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, October 16-18 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, pp 359 – 363. 25. Loss index of Insulating Materials under Liquid Nitrogen, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, August 20-24, 2001, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Vol.2, pp 517-520. 26. Insulating Materials - A Study of Futuristic Trend, Sixth International Seminar on Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and Systems (INSULEC-2000), November 23-24, 2000 Hyderabad, India, pp-P-IV-45-51. 27. Review of Insulating and Dielectric Materials for Electronic Industry, Sixth International Seminar on Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and Systems (INSULEC-2000), November 23-24, 2000 Hyderabad, India, pp-P-IV- 53-56. Participation in Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Refresher Courses/ Workshop
1. “Induction Training Program” sponsored by All India Council Technical
Education, New Delhi and organized by Academic Staff College, AMU in collaboration with Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh from 08.07.97 to 29.07.97. 2. Workshop on “Laboratory Teaching in Electrical Engineering”, sponsored by All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi from 12.06.2000 to 18.06.2000. 3. Sixth International Seminar on Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and Systems(INSULEC-2000), November 23-24, 2000 Hyderabad, India. 4. Refresher course on “High Voltage Engineering & Insulation Systems as Applied to Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh from 07.12.2000 to 31.12.2000. 5. 12th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, August 20-24, 2001, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 6. Training Program on “Managerial Skills for Faculty of Engineering Colleges”, conducted by Technical Teachers Training Institute, Chandigarh from 04.02.2002 to 08.02.2002. 7. 12th National Power Systems Conference(NPSC-2002), December 27-29 2002, I.I.T., Kharagpur, India 8. Training Program on “Recent Trends in Insulation Technology”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh from 20.01.2003 to 02.02.2003. 9. “Patent Awareness Program”, organized by Patent Office, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India on 22.07.2003. 10. Training Program on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Education”, organized by Faculty of Law, AMU, Aligarh & The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India from 28.02.2004 to 05.03.2004. 11. All India Symposium on Recent trends in Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Systems, April 18-19,2004, Z. H. College of Engineering & Technology, A.M.U., Aligarh Participation in Corporate Life
Worked as:
1. OSD to Controller of Examinations
2. Member-in-Charge, Central Automobile Workshop & Transport, AMU, Aligarh. 3. Superintendent (Practical Exams), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 4. Coordinator (M.Tech. Program), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 5. Tabulator (B.Tech. Program), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 6. Member (Sports Committee), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 7. Assistant Dean Students’ Welfare, AMU, Aligarh. 8. Assistant Proctor, AMU, Aligarh. 9. Superintendent (Admission Tests), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 10. Deputy Coordinator (B.Tech. Program), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 11. Convener (Discipline Committee), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 12. Member (ICT Facilities Committee), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 13. Member (IIT Upgradation Committee), Z.H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU. 14. Secretary to the Board of Studies, Electrical Engg. Department, AMU. 15. Warden, Allama Iqbal Hall, AMU, Aligarh.