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Livre Deir 3 - en

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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

“The influence: The system of the habits of further energy-

information development, 3- I am step”


Chapter 1. Urgency. Principles of interaction with those surrounding and the way of control of
their behavior

Chapter 2. Active energy action: application and the applicability

Chapter 3. Control with the aid of [mysleform]. Intention, desire and the construction

Chapter 4. Technology of the long-term effect of — of program for the consciousness of the

Chapter 5. Action by behavior and by the verbal constructions



We with you perfectly well know that in our life there is nothing no not more expensive
than the time of — because, even having the unlimited capabilities, it is possible something
not to have time. We already overcame our dependence on the pathologic energy-information
connections of — of the great parasitic essences, which prevail over remaining humanity,
steels were imperious above their own power engineering and were capable of avoiding the
formation in themselves of negative energy connections. These are enormous achievements,
and their value cannot be exaggerated simply. We not in the words, but they in reality
returned to ourselves the perception of the highest peace of energies and restored their
capabilities for action in this peace. We obtained access to those levers, which hold in the
hands the highest essences of — and god himself including. We already only in terms of this
radically differ ourselves from the majority of the representatives of the kind of human,
enslaved by the lowest forms of field life. We are independent from the threads, which govern
remaining people, as if by marionettes. But finally whether we are free? Give let us be

What we did reach? We learned (this enumeration it will be useful for those, who the
previous, imperatively recommended books yet it did not read also in the courses [DEIR] it
was not occupied) to the following: to see and to perceive the energy fluxes; to carry out
diagnostics; to govern the central flows of self-energy, on which depends entire functioning of
our body; to get rid of the conscious and unconscious attacks from the side, namely: spoiling,
[sglaza], programming and from caused by these actions diseases; they learned nature of the
energy-information parasites, that use humanity for her own, alien to it purposes, and learned
to feel their presence; they knew how to form the shell, which forever disconnects us from
these parasites, and they, thus, did everything on us depending in order to make possible to
operate to the natural forces of organism, which are attempted to preserve health; we learned
to completely control our own energetic essence; we manage programs on the health, to the
confidence in ourselves, to the success, to the healing and we actively use them; we do not
make more undesirable [karma] and are protected from the [karmicheskikh] diseases; before
us the new horizons has already been opened…

We are healthy, we are imperious above ourselves, we arose to the new step of evolution
and we move further, we can help neighbor of — not in the manner that one cripple it helps
another, but as elder brother it helps low-order… What it is more? What does not be

Freedom does not be sufficient from the circumstances. Speaking briefly, we themselves
do not depend on latent control of energetic parasites, but as before we depend on the
manifestations of material peace, and including from our tribesmen. And with this anything
not to do. At least until we be situated in the material tele-. This as with the dacha of — if she
be, she can burn, elapse, they can rob it and furthermore in summer also it is necessary to
leave products to it. In exactly the same manner we depend on the surrounding us people of
— both of the free and controlled by parasitic essences. To us necessary money,
acknowledgment, possibilities and results of combined actions. But this does not mean that
we must play into the game according to the strange rules and carry out everything those
required by others the clever manners of — first, because this is the waste of the time (well
why, for example, in the executive committee of half-hour to be nervous and to altercate with
cad, if you only should rapidly obtain information?), and in the second place, because us as
people of the independent, the marionettes energy-information parasites fairly often attack
and try to put in the way to us the obstacles (approximately as the traffic cop, whom infinitely

it will pull rubber, if it sees that driver it hurries) of every kind. Consequently, we must learn
to protect. Even not to protect — this too bluster, but it is simple to govern.

This is sufficient easy — especially for you. You, after mastering the procedures of first
two stages [DEIR] of the based on materials previous books, so more greatly can and receive
in comparison with the usual man, that it is easily capable of modifying his behavior. You can
be likened to sighted in the country of blind, walking in the country of invalids or educated
man, who fell into the tribe to the primitive savages. Yes, they can be more strongly. But the
force of man in the reason, the understanding and the ability to foresee events, but not in the
muscles. Reason easily conquers the rough force of — in exactly the same manner and you,
armed by your new possibilities, you will be in passing, themselves of that without noting, to
remove all obstacles on its way. Your purposes are high, because this of the purpose of free
man, and you must not depend on foolish and, if we are dismantled, ridiculous obstacles and
senseless fuss. Necessary to only learn to some simplest methods of — and subsequently
everything will be absolutely automatically accomplished on your desire.

Chapter 1

Urgency. Principles of interaction with those surrounding and the way of control of
their behavior

Need for control

As is known, the problem of the dependence of man on its environment was urgent
always. Who only did not attempt it to solve from the philosophers, the psychologists, the
writers! How many works were written, only in order to help to man to learn to solve its
problems in this sphere and not to create new! Did help all this? By and large there are no —.

Because problem this is eternal, and in its solution, as in the love, it is possible to hope
only for itself. Yourselves you can improve as much as desired. This, it goes without saying,
still no one injured, however, since in the real peace you live not some and everything in it
depends not only on you, then all your attempts to introduce changes in their environment can
prove to be vain, if you do not know how for this environment in a specific manner to

Before any thinking man always arose the question of why for it so frequently it is
necessary to become the victim of the surrounding reality. Indeed it is difficult not to agree
the with the fact that large part of people, which distinctly realize its vital priorities, is done
entire possible so as to [samorealizovatsja] in this peace as the personality: to achieve its
goals, to carry out the planned plans in the most varied vital spheres, to satisfy the most
important spiritual needs. Specifically, this in the final analysis and is reduced to the concept
of happiness. And if already to us it is not given to always be in this state, then it would,
naturally, wish so that these glad minutes would condescend on us more often.

We, in complete agreement with the obtained training, already as [dannost] assume idea
about the fact that such minutes in the life of each man simply there cannot be many —
provided they they did not disappear at all: indeed then simply it will not be wanted to live.
We check in our life each step: we obtain formation, we try not to accomplish incorrect
behavior, in the depth of soul believing in the fact that if we do not indulge to evil, then it us
will not overtake; we learn to love and to be dear, we attempt to preserve youth, beauty,
health. We still much that is what make for the finding of the happiness of — in all you will
not transfer. But let us here only now assign to itself the question: what we do have in the
final analysis? How frequently all our desires and thoughts do realize and do bring to us
happiness? Indeed, it would seem, they are not completely groundless: we know sufficiently
well, what we want.

We all conclude school, it is applied colossal efforts for obtaining the selected specialty,
we hope for the successful career. But when it seems entire most difficult is already behind,
us for some reason they do not assume upon th work e interesting us. We is exerted without
the work and, naturally, without the money. Result of — the tightened depression and
complaint of the life.

We succeed in meeting the dear man, who, as it seems to us, answers us reciprocity, but
some invisible forces separate us from it. In this situation the reason for unsuccessful outcome
can be everything anything: we or is exerted not by most advantageous party, although, it
would seem, no one will begin to argue with the postulate: “Not in the money happiness”, or

simply we do not please ourselves the future mother-in-law (mother-in-law), or — the most
commonplace version of — of our elected official (elect) literally " take away” from under the
nose, and not because the great love condescended more than to it (it), but it is simple because
it " there " proved to be better, it is merrier, it is more amusing.

We, returning home before nightfall on the eyes in the large number of people, become
the victim of the attack of criminal, moreover accomplishing from its side not of the least
provocation. Us at times literally pursue the failures, in which we, with our entire self
criticism, in no way can ourselves blame.

Of course all this is very unpleasant. The realization of a similar lack of defense literally
knocks out from the track. Which of entire this it is possible to make a conclusion? Man in
this life constantly is situated under the threat of the impact of circumstances. If he wants to
feel himself confidently and comfortably, it is necessary to know how to give to them worthy
rebuff. But this indicates the ability to act on its surrounding people. B[y] is already familiar
with our previous publications. Perhaps, this book will seem you by less interesting than
previous, because it is somehow uncomfortable even to address about control of those
surrounding, having so outdistanced them in the development. However, it is difficult not to
agree and with the fact that control capabilities would not actually prevent man (indeed the
action of society practically continuously) of — especially to man, who already became
acquainted himself with first two stages [DEIR]. The same, coma for the first time fell into
hands our book, we consider it necessary to warn that conducting the larger part of work,
proposed in this publication, possibly only after the expiration of the previous stages of
instruction. Only with the presence of peace and accordion in its own soul it is possible to
introduce peace into its environment so that this would bring the benefit, but not harm. But if
man most is lost in the dark, then around it there will be the same dark.

Therefore — not into the offense to the reader, who for the first time learned about the
system [DEIR], but for its good of — from the pages of this book I turn myself first of all to
those students, who, because of the acquaintance with the previous benefits or the visit of
courses [DEIR], already mastered control of our own power engineering and they do not
depend on pathologic connections. For them no longer it comprises problem to obtain and to
use the programs of success and health; they are energetic, cheerful, accompanied by constant
success; they for the most part got rid of all their internal problems. Remained to solve that
which in this stage the mastery of our procedure already is completely feasible, this — the
external problems, connected with the surrounding people, on which we so frequently depend.
B[y], I do not doubt, already can approximately determine the points of human control. In the
first book we in detail told, that such is psychology of crowd. The numerous examples, which
illustrate, were given, on that can prove to be it is capable the crowd of — as any other group
of people. Man as such, with his own energy system, by his personal installations and by
programs, in the close embraces of society no longer there exists. Is only the element, which
absorbed into itself all and entire, flow in the colossal energy-information field, charged by
united negative energy, and each individually man in it of — only fulfilling its function
screw, yes even that to in this stage exarticulate made of the overall mass already impossibly.

Immediately it is desirable to turn to the reader, who already studied our procedure
according to the first two books: however complex proved to be circumstances, you it in no
way threatens neither to become one of such screws nor, which, probably is still worse, to fall
into the forced leaders of the crowd (with exception of those cases, when to you this will be it
is profitable). A similar “infection” you now [navrjad] whether can catch. You — of men of
other entirely already level: that for someone is heavy, for you — the customary standard of

life. You, most likely, so already was the death with strategy of existence mastered with the
aid of [DEIR], that now and present to yourselves cannot another attitude. But, as it was said
above, environment you anywhere did not disappear. And if you it does not threaten to
become small component of this crowd, then to already whip you or to influence not to the
best side your life it can. So that if you does not arrange your environment, you boldly can
change it. In this stage you will learn to create accordion in it by the energy methods: to
neutralize that controlled by the energy-information parasite of local leader, and with it and
slave by them the group of people; injecting its idea, to use its energy in th direction e
advantageous for you; to simultaneously avoid different kind of small troubles; with the most
unfavorable circumstances it is simple to [samoiskljuchatsja] from the proceeding events.

People, directed by energy-information parasites, — leaders?

B[y] themselves for sure noted one interesting special feature in people, which are
insurmountably torn to the success and same of those being attaining: they are characterized
by improbable activity in the process of achieving their goals, but their moral bases, putting it
mildly, prove to be sufficiently unsteady. In the memory immediately float up numerous
examples from the history, when to the authority burst open people of doubtful abilities,
morals, and sometimes also mental health. So, Hitler, as is known, never it was characterized
by either talents or zeal in the acquisition of knowledge; it so did not finish secondary school,
twice it fell through at the entrance examinations into the Viennese academy of fine arts. But
this did not prevent it from realizing its plans. It is interesting, thanks to which?

Many our today's leaders with difficulty speak in Russian and in this case do not feel
themselves uncomfortably on the leading posts. It does ask itself, well as climb through- that?
Due to what? Did have they the moral right themselves this to allow? What did show to them

Naturally, they proved to be at their places is completely not randomly of — these

people are completely convenient for the use by a energy-information parasite. “Purpose
justifies means” this — that outlook on life, which they adhere to. Theory f. M. Dostoyevsky
about the impossibility of constructing the happiness on the tears of one tortured baby for
them only foolish lyric poetry. Itself always there is the possibility to justify by the fact that
the purpose can be immense and the consequences of its realization can be most remarkable
(moreover not only for them, but sometimes and for entire society!). However, as far as
means are concerned, in the first place, is still unknown in the initial stages of its realization,
so whether already much it is necessary to place on the map, possibly, it will be possible to
manage with the entirely small blood (man is weak and easily can be they will deceive, if it is
not protected from the outside influence), but in the second place, purpose- that is already is
painfully tempting and for sure its reaching will be repaid with interest (not passed first stage
[DEIR] it is continuously infected by false desires). Well and if it happens so that expenditure
they will prove to be those above planned, then you will here already nothing do: it is
necessary to know how to pay. Approximately to this is reduced entire philosophy of those
being striving to [samoutverditsja] in this life by any price. Moreover in the most inoffensive
cases conscience and elementary sense of the self-respect, by which they began on the throat,
the break of relations with the close ones and some material losses, are the means of payment
for the advance. In most rigid — human lives, millions of human lives. Of course this is
terrible. And any thinking man will try to resist a similar interference in his life.

Nevertheless precisely such people most frequently appear as the instrument of

influence on the society of energy-information parasite, because their actions after advent to

the authority seize a maximum quantity of people and free the greatest quantity of
synchronized energy, which serves as nourishment to parasitic structure.

Fig. 1. Man, who is located on the apex of pyramid, can set in motion thousands of

World history, and in particular the history of our long-suffering country, it knows many
examples, when for some of doubtful idea the disastrously enormous number of people. In the
memory immediately float up the event of the times of Ivan [Grozny] and hateful to people
opritchnina, conversion of Peter [Pervy]'s epoch with all their expenses, the revolution of
1917 and the subsequent after it fratricidal Civil War, the bloody epoch of personality cult,
war in Afghanistan, today's events in Chechnya. Thus, in Thirties millions of people in the
Volga Region died of the hunger only because for the embodiment of their “great” idea all
drove in into the kolkhozes of — the artificial associations of peasants, not completely yet
prepared to the collective managing of economy. However, the results of this despotism
thoroughly hid themselves in order to avoid publicity and acknowledgment of the irregularity
of the selected policy. To b[se] these historical events occurred not simply so, not by
themselves, but it was slave the specific group of the persons, which pursues completely
specific goals. But the destructive effect of similar measures was enormous with the entire
scarcity of their organizers. So that the leader of any level in the contemporary society of —
the most probable protege, the marionette of energy-information parasitic structure.

Of course people, which justify “radical” outlook on life and [lja] Hitler or Stalin, can be
met not only in the tops. They always next to us: on the work, on street, in the store, and
sometimes both in our own house and in our interests to know how them to resist. Of all that
surrounding they create the greatest number of interferences. But in order to resist them, it is
necessary to first understand two things: why they such, did create by their such nature or
there is another reason, and main — is whether generally the methods with them to fight.

Parasitic energy-information structures of — their formation and the method of

B the previous benefits along the system [DEIR] already in detail was told, that entire
energy of human being occurs from interaction of two flows: the first goes from the Earth, the
second of — from cosmos. Both these of flow partially leave through [chakry] (their only
seven), each of which fulfills their function.

Through [chakry] Of [svadkhistana] and [Manipura] is assembled th energy of the Earth

e scattered in the environment, and energy of cosmos, transformed by the consciousness of
concrete man, is freed. This of the windows, through which leave outside the energy fluxes of
the quite human essence of — i.e., consciousness and its programming structures. The role of
these [chakr] is especially great in the formation of parasitic connections in the human

[Chakry] Of [vishudkha] and [Adzhna] the let-loose energy of the Earth, absorbing at
the same time free energy of cosmos. Therefore through these two [chakry] is possible the
realization of the rough energy actions of — of emotional charges. This of [chakry] of
politicians, actors, hypnotizers, different kind of leaders, capable because of their position to
one way or another influence our life. As it is already evident from the given examples, the
normal fields of human organism, which are folded of two main flows, are transformed by its
own structure. I.e., if man about by something thinks, if he for something strives, he loves
someone, hates, despises, is experienced the different kind of the emotions, naturally not
always positive, — all this unavoidably percolates into the environment, in which we all exist.
So occurs the pollution of field by thoughts and by the programs, which influence
subconsciousness of man, and sometimes also the entire mass of people. The vicious circle is
obtained: the first small group of people creates the idea, which is personified in the energy-
information field, then energy of this field begins to act on a considerably larger quantity of
people and supports its existence independently (i.e., it is supported idea, idea unites masses,
masses they free the synchronized energy-information flows, these flows they compose body
and nourishment of parasitic structure, the latter it supports existence of idea).

Fig. 2. [Chakry] swiftly redistribute energy of the universe throughout the human body

There is a interesting (absolutely corresponding to truth) expression: “Ideas soar in air”.

It is used, as a rule, when speaking he wants to emphasize the readiness of society for the
perception of any idea. And if already they there “soar”, then, probably someone they there "
neglected”. To be extended after this they can with the unpredictable speed. Thus, to the party
of German nationalists, which it joined Hitler after the end of the First World War, at first no
one related in earnest, so it it was [malochislenna]. No one, with small exception, and into the
head came the possible consequences of its activity.

The as can be seen from given historical examples, the crowd, which conduct the
controlled by parasitic connections leaders, is characterized by improbable activity; the
consequences of these “shakings” still for long answer by echo and affect the subsequent
generations. In this case the force of the crowd completely of [objasnima]: indeed it moves
integral power engineering of society, more accurate than its parasitic structures, moreover
occurs this only at the most favorable for “the success of the matter” moments. The same
power engineering of parasitic connection due to strengthening of energy-information
deformations around the leader ensures his “correct” management. People, which fell into
these energy-information flows and which do not know how by them to resist, move in them
as pawns, they act for false purposes, completely not necessary to them by itself. Indeed how
many political figures, reformers, revolutionaries and simply insurgents sent people to death!
It is for the sake of fairness necessary to note that many itself dispatch, piously believing in
the propagandized ideas. B sum the idea, cultivated on the unhealthy energy soil, begins to
live independently, and no longer its people push through, but it moves by them, converting
people in marionettes. Is created impression (and it is such school treatment), as if ideas
simply live in the minds of people, supported by his interests (let us recall the Marxist theory
of the change of social-historical formations).

Fig. e. The controlled leader thousandfold strengthens his action because of th influence
of the energy-information parasites e deforming the psyche of people

However, this treatment in the root is incorrect, since the purposes and the interests, on
which there is a idea, are most frequently false. They could not arise and be held in principle,
if the not programming action of energy-information parasite. And if the history of state then
is rich in the leaders of — by despots, in neurasthenics and simply not loving its people by
[serostjami], then for this there is a strongest energy additional supply.

This parasitic energy covers all and entire, similar to water spout. It interferes in the life
of people, destroys their personal plans, subordinating to itself their tendencies and thoughts.
However, themselves you, after passing first stage [DEIR], are already guaranteed against the
action of this harmful energy and it is already sufficiently strong in order not only to know
how to be protected from it, but also to exert to it the independent influence (or to pick up
control, usurped by pathologic connection).

We already said that similar phenomena occur not only on global scales of entire
society, but also in the daily human life. We can not think about them, but only until they are
not steels to occur precisely with us. And here then this problem proves to be urgent! Here is
completely a significant example.

My collaborator even on Novosibirsk (let us name her Lena) terribly harassed conflicts
with the mother of husband. Impression was created, that the mother-in-law not only caviled
apropos and without, but also successfully she tuned against the daughter-in-law of all
remaining members of family, including its own son. To at least intercede for the young wife
in this house no one wanted. Constant explanations of relations, abuse, which is concluded
each time with tears, forced finally Lena to think about the divorce, which it it in no way
wanted. Only, that it it was necessary, this — live by the interests of its own family. A
constant external interference used up it. Secretly still hoping to solve this problem, without

leading to the break with the husband, it decided to try to give rebuff. As precisely, she yet
did not know, but by it it transported: everything occurred by itself.

That which happened during the last [svekrovinogo] “visit”, Lena, directly let us say,
she did not understand. It described the following to me: “As occasion for the conflict served
the fact that I somehow not so, from the point of view of mother-in-law, the bed removed.
And in the sufficiently rough form it was immediately said to me, that my husband could find
to himself wife considerably better. I do not know that then it occurred with me, but I by
suddenly entire my essence realized, that if now I answer by it as usual, that will be again
implicated in the protracted conflict, to which my mother-in-law was, it seems, hit
consciously. I felt that something must make special, not expected for this woman, and if in
me it does not come out, then output is one: to leave from this family and more here not to
return. I was gathered with the forces, she looked to it she sympathetically and said that it is
the right: its son completely could select wife not only more economic, but also it is much
more beautiful, it is clever younger me and the like I recalled, as she reproached me earlier,
and it transferred all its deficiencies, mentioning in this case about the merits of husband. She
spoke quietly, with the a little sad, but sincere intonation in the voice. Indeed deficiencies
actually exist in all. That occurred following this, was truly amazing. Its eyes were enlarged,
reddened, it seemed, it it will any minute now lose orienting. It silently me listened. Its mouth
in this case was opened, as if she wanted to say something, but it forgot words. It for some
purpose opened utility cabinet and it began with the absent form to sort out in it things. Soon,
after referring to headache, it is banal to lie down for a while into another room, and I with
relief sighed”.

Give let us consider the fact that happened. That in this family there were parasitic
feedback, which are focused on the mother-in-law, and all members of family were
envelopped by them this — to us with you already understandably. But this is what it did
occur in this concrete situation? Indeed this young woman did not answer by caddishness the
caddishness. She even said not word against, but on the contrary, only she agreed! However,
what did happen? Itself of that without realizing, it in a some manner knew how its enemy not
only to neutralize, but also to apply to it serious impact.

However, what it did make? It did how force situation to be developed in th river bed e
advantageous for it? Our further conversation will go on this.

Control: theoretical special features and the base methods

The methods of control of those surrounding it is possible to subdivide into the

energetically active and the energetically passive. The latter are the basis of control generally;
therefore the mastery of method, naturally, is recommended to begin from them. The methods
of passive action on the people are reduced, in turn, to two directions: the use of nonverbal
information, obtained by a constant observation of the people, and the cutting off of these
people from the controlling them energy flows, achieved at the necessary moment. As they
speak, wise acts [nedejaniem], and our reader is already sufficiently wise. True, this does not
mean that to it it will be possible to be inactive in its real life, at the level of physical plan.

As has already been spoken, the actions of all members of specific group and their
leader were prepared by pathologic energy-information field extended everywhere up to that
moment. Roles are already distributed, and scenario is written. In this case the pathologic
network of power engineering of human society in advance begins to create in the psyche of
those surrounding certain mental deformation, something like “the moment of the numbness”,

which facilitates for leader way to the purpose. In this case that occurs, to what we all are
periodically the witnesses: clever people, which kept balance against the pathologic energy-
information pour on, they be silent, facilitating crowd victory, or at best, [soglasujas] with
their conscience, some directional against the crowd effects, which by anyone are not received
in earnest and to nothing they do not bring, attempt to accomplish. Therefore your right and,
probably the matter of your conscience to recognize this moment previously. It is noted by
some signs.

Step 1. Development of the signs of the preparation for the matched action and the
passive methods of control

Step of 1[a]

The very first sign, to which it is necessary to turn attention, — this change in the aura.
It is especially important for that reason, which is manifested in earliest development stage of
the events, when you have still much time for decision making and to eat a sufficiently large
selection of the methods of action. As is known, a good aura of — the sign of spiritual and
physical health. People, subjected to the action of pathologic energy-information field,
naturally, do not can to be characterized by it. Therefore in similar situations it is always
necessary to focus attention on the auras of th people e surrounding you: they become thinner,
deformed growth appear at them.

On the recollections of one [ekstrasensa], which emigrated from Russia in 1917, the
atmosphere in the society after several months before the revolution acquired the extremely
stressed in the energy sense nature. “Something terrible by its inevitability literally pierced
air; in it reigned the oppressive stress, which sooner or later it had to into something realize.
Practically it was not possible to meet man with the normal aura: in all it was or maximally
[istonchena] or to the ugly was deformed. It seemed that entire — and those, who actively
participated in the proceeding events, and those, coma remained to only quietly await their
development, — were located in the expectation of terrible explosion. They understood
everything, which something must happen. As if [cheju]- that by imperious hand was
neglected in the action the invisible machine, which manipulates by million inhabitants, and
not whom had the possibility it to stop”.

After clarifying for itself proceeding, on the physical plan you can act on your selection.
Of course most simply to leave. Not randomly always increased a quantity of emigrants from
the country, in which began to occur undesirable political and economic changes; the families,
where one of the husbands encroached on the internal independence of another and attempted
to convert partner into the property, were decomposed. But to this, naturally, it is worthwhile
to be solved only when in you there are no chances whatever to change situation.

Self-eliminate you can practically in any development stage of events, but only when
you did not begin to undertake the impulse actions: if you focus on yourselves serious
attention as to the enemy, they can no longer allow you to leave. Therefore it is necessary to
preliminarily analyze all possible consequences of your actions.

The exhaustion of auras thus, is the sign of first development stage of events. In order to
change situation in th direction e advantageous for itself, on this phase you can complete the
attracting attention action or raise the theme for the consideration, which subsequently will
engage the minds of collocutors and will take away the line of the course of events to the side.

Do not forget, that the stress literally pierces people right through, and if you have the
possibility to ensure with them inoffensive discharging, do not fail this to make.

Step 1B

The same method can be used in the process of the development of the second phase of
— of the appearance of the powerful energy fluxes, which are accompanied by the at first
powerful splashes of emotions. Th theme e hence it follows that raised by you on this phase
must be as emotional as possible it is painted. B of daily life this method skillfully use
experienced instructors, which it periodically is necessary to attract attention to the audience,
whose substantial part is previously disposed against it and its object. In it, as a rule, there is a
leader, whom must be known how to neutralize or even to draw to his side (in this stage the
course of events this completely possibly). Essence consists in the fact that the instructor
behaves completely nonstandard: he tells about that, what they in no way await from it; it
answers maximally tolerant the most foolish questions, it attempts to be pleased to women,
ensuring thus the support of the latter. Attracting attention by this nonstandard behavior, and
the leader of group advancing in the most unfavorable light, he succeeds in switching the
arrangement of audience to itself. Complexity lies in the fact that entire group it is necessary
as can be longer held in emotional stress. If we it will be possible manage ourselves the task,
you completely can themselves become the owner of situation.

Step of 1[v]

The third phase of the course of events is characterized by th state of sluggish

uneasiness e marked in those surrounding, something like scattered looking around. Is caused
this by the fact that the negative energy fluxes, at first charged by powerful emotions,
subsequently blow torpor. Thus, after prolonged emotional stress any man for a long time can
fall into the apathy, from which him it is very difficult to derive. B this moment you can try to
engage participants in the event by solution of any logical problem, which does not require
special emotional involvement. It is possible also to use its own power engineering (but this
the already active methods of energy action, and about them we will describe more lately).
Leader himself to hold from the appearance at the given moment is already impossible, since
soil for it is prepared very in better shape.

Step of 1[g]

And the last phase of the course of the events of — this direct appearance of leader,
“marionette”. If the matter reached thus far, then it is necessary to have in the form a
following. To at this moment attempt to act on those surrounding already thoughtlessly: they
in the torpor and you do not hear. You resist their leader, occurring, in the essence, with it
face to face.

If version with the withdrawal does not be suitable for you, then another output
remains: to seize in leader the initiative and to independently obtain the effect, which it
intended to attain. But here with simple actions at the usual social level not to manage, since
the methods “of marionette” are irreproachable: indeed they are prepared by the pathologic
action of energy-information field. You should first cut off it from the feeding force.

Passing to the second form of passive action on the people, it is necessary to speak
about the weakness of the torn to the authority “marionette”. The fact is that without the
support to pathologic energy-information of medium such people occur completely they are

powerless. “The marionette”, which was remained without the additional supply, can be
compared with the tree, which they stubbed from the earth and buried in the sand: some time
it still will preserve customary for it form, and then it will wither. Thus, the second method of
action on the people is the cutting off of concrete man from the controlling it flows.

Examples, which illustrate the dependence “of marionette” on the feeding medium, set.
A similar phenomenon we encounter almost each day. For example, the chief, who secured
his armchair not on the merits, never could this make without the serious support from the
specific part of his environment, which created for it beneficial energy-information field. The
same, who never began it to support, being found under the action of the same field, was in
the state “of numbness”. And to occupy his post this chief will be until pathologic energy of
this field is make up him. But if suddenly additional supply is broken, will occur the
following: “marionette” will collapse from the major position, it will prove to be to some
another, considerably below previously occupied, where it will at first manifest the same
qualities of its nature, because of which it could climb through to the authority and it takes a
long time it to retain. Only at the previous place these qualities were received as something
natural, by itself understanding. In its present position a similar behavior will become
inadequate and will cause the proper rebuff from the side of associates, since field new for it
is for it foreign.

C[amo] on itself the cutting off “of marionette” from the parasitic additional supply of
energy-information field is achieved sufficiently simply. Main — to know how to select
necessary moment, otherwise all your actions they will prove to be produced for nothing. The
most optimum version for the appearance of — these are those minutes, when your enemy
only for it is prepared, when he only intends to open mouth. Decisive action at this moment of
— half of success.

The given above example of the grown conflict of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law
illustrates to us, first of all, the successful cutting off of enemy from his feeding medium at
that moment when it already it acts. If young woman said word against, she would establish
with the parasitic medium customary contact and would thus only add oils into the fire. To the
successful outcome of the matter contributed the fact that the conversation occurred face to
face, the in the absence remaining members of family, and additional supplies, besides as
from daughter-in-law herself, mother-in-law to take it was nowhere. But since this “wire”
refused, then automatically occurred “the closing”, as a result which leader was cut out of the
working order. It is natural that if the girl acted [osoznanno], then situation would not accept
this sharp form. It examine the moment of changing the auras in the proceeding events, the
ripened chain of conflicts can be would be avoided. But fact itself that it could cut off
“marionette” from the parasitic essence at the moment of its appearance, he speaks about the
very strong action, which it succeeded in completing.

Step 2. Active cutting off of parasitic energy connection from another man

At the energy level the cutting off is achieved by three methods. In order to use them, to
you are better for the beginning to recall functions and arrangements of concrete [chakr] and
the methods of control by the flows of self-energy. About this we in detail spoke in our
previous two books.

The essence of the first method consists in temporarily or constantly ending of the
energy additional supply “of marionette” from the system of parasitic communications. This
is done as follows. B[y] you concentrate your energy in [Adzhna]-[chakre], give to it be

grown by the highly directional ejection of energy from it you block [Adzhna]-[chakru] of
your enemy. This causes brief disorientation. But if you see [podkljuchku] to the parasitic
medium of the in the form dark energy plait, which adjoins [Adzhna]- or To [sakhasrara]-
[chakre] “of marionette”, you can simply tear by its entire the same ray of the concentrated
ejection of energy from [Adzhna]-[chakry].

Fig. 4. As by searchlight, you invade by energy flow from your [Adzhna]-[chakry] the
control center of the enemy

Fig. shch. You simply place your “target” under “the cap”

As soon as you this made, additional supply ceased. Your enemy, who does not realize
proceeding, is situated in the confusion, you acquired the freedom of actions. Of course you
previously should plan entire thoroughly in order not to spend time in vain, since in this state
it will be not eternally. Usually it lasts seconds thirty, in the very lucky chances of — minute
and more. But it is completely sufficient with correct estimated time and forces of this in
order to be expressed and to turn situation in th direction e advantageous for itself. B[toroj]
method somewhat more complex will require from you large efforts. You possess unique,
inaccessible for others energy shell, established with the mastery of first stage of the system
[DEIR], created from the locked energy flows of upper and lower [chakr]. This flow, as you
remember, is invulnerable for the strange actions, since it is self-sufficient. In the most serious
situations we advise to use [im].

After conducting the locked by loop self-energy, rejected by your shell, around your
enemy, you can cut off to it pathologic connection with the remaining medium. As in the first
case, “marionette” remains without the additional supply.

Is the third version, more interesting. It makes it possible to win as much time, as is
necessary for your operation.

Enlarge your energy shell, to it is more accurate say, fan it so that it would be sufficient
on two. Form in it the opening of — such that you could admit enemy into it. As soon as it
will be under the shell, close opening.

Now “marionette” proved to be not simply cut off from its parasitic field, it fell for your
direct action. Do not take care your energy of — and your enemy will be completely
disoriented. Leave it there as much, as to you is necessary for the successful fulfillment of that
planned, but then, when you attain your, do not forget to exclude it from the sphere of your
power engineering. Of course the application of this method requires larger experience and
power expenditures, but, as you subsequently will be convinced, it that stands.

Chapter 2

Active energy action: application and the applicability

Active control of — the power methods

Until now we to you spoke only about the energetically passive methods of control of
— i.e., you were regulated the actions of other people, but they were not included in control at
the energy-information level. And if you are sufficiently competent in the region of contact,
then to you completely it can be sufficient them. Environment your is now no longer
dangerous, you it can to yourselves “subordinate”. But in this case to attain its purpose for
you it is necessary singly — active role it belongs only to you, they will go after you, you will
carry out that planned, but with the price only of our own perseverance. Impulse actions from
the side in your support it will not be.

But if you are not satisfied by the results of your interference in the events or find your
possibilities insufficient, you can resort to active control.

The power action, which is characterized by active control, to you is completely

accessible. But immediately it would be desirable to warn you against the superfluous
expenditure of forces and energy. Do not be carried along, spending them in vain. Of course

everything, about which we will here tell, you completely on the forces. However, you will
agree that with the simple problems it is necessary to know how to manage by simple means.
It is not possible to treat a usual cold and strong pneumonia by one and the same medicines.
But if simple action does not work, then, naturally, it it is necessary to complicate.

Now they can present the question to me: how it is moral from the point of view of
morals to practice the active methods of control on the people, which in principle cannot it
resist? Indeed our possibilities already exceeded all conceivable possibilities of usual man,
whose abilities were not opened. Do have we the right to encroach on the individuality of
man, on his personal selection of his own way, in this that more nontraditional manner?
Questions these sufficiently serious, they affect very lawfulness of that, about which we will
speak on the pages of this book, and they require therefore the same serious answer.

Of the first, larger part of people is characteristic the desire to govern other people of —
to someone in larger, to someone to a lesser degree. These are in general normal tendency,
and you here not exception. But you in contrast to other people are more developed,
farsighted, foresighted, you do not pursue small purposes, and all your actions are guided by
good intentions.

In the second place, if you do not give to parasitic medium to grow, then your actions
will bring good to those surrounding only. You will not of course wait for appreciation,
because no one will understand you, it will not estimate, yes even hardly who learns about
your actions. However, think: if you do not take initiative in your hands, her will take
someone another of — indeed of men it is inclined by its nature to approach authority. And in
this case consequences can be heavy for the same people, from control by which you refused.
So that select themselves of — to change situation, that in your forces, or to leave everything
as is.

Thus, active control of — this action by directly its own power engineering. Active
control includes several elements, first of which — control of attention. As you know, any
action, accomplished by man, implies several stages. First of them — this drawing of
attention to the object or the problem. The second of — conscious information processing, the
stage of decision making, and the third stage of — strictly action. Let us take the simplest
example: you go into the store after the products. But first you had to note that soon your
refrigerator will become deserted; then, after realizing, that somewhat — and something will
eat, you you begin to consider, that precisely you would want to purchase from the products,
and only then you go into the store you buy that which to you is necessary. Accordingly, if
one of the stages is passed, result will be zero. All three stages are accessible for your action,
but to begin, naturally, necessary from the first.

Manipulation by the attention

The use of attention of — is this not passive, as it may seem, report, but impulse action.
For it will mobilize the specific, constant reserve of energy, which is sufficiently vulnerable
for the action from the side. Not by chance people emotional, sensitive, and also children so
easily yield to strange influence. So that if on you contact with some man sometimes
produced strong impression, it is possible with the confidence to say that the skillful action on
this your reserve of energy was perfected.

This energy reserve is accumulated in the specific place of — the by approximately two
fingers higher than bridge of the nose ([Adzhna]-[chakry]); it begins to be expended during

any, even most insignificant motion of attention. Accordingly, if you obtain control over it,
you will be able to obtain control over entire process, since the attention of enemy will be in
your hands.

Fig. '. After the bridge of the nose, in the brain, located small [ozertso] of energy of —
stored up energy, necessary for the concentration of the attention

Let us note the fact that all methods of control by attention they are directed toward the
tactical, immediate targets, they are not bad means for the solution of the problems of high
immediate significance. To b[se] the methods of control by attention are, in fact, the versions
of one and the same variety of methods, which is called [Adzhna]- suppression. Method this
very ancient, references to it are located even in the earliest Chinese sources. It consists in the
powerful breakdown or the drawing out of the reserve of energy. Let us say, if hypnotizer,
after calling man from the hall and after immersing him in the trans-, pronouncing not word, it
makes it necessary to carry out th actions e necessary to it (to gather on the scene fungi, to
repeat proper motions, to accomplish something such, what that in the real life to make never
wanted or even not smog), it uses [Adzhna]- suppression. Action it renders very strong,
makes it possible to subordinate even motor of man.

Used it should be only when on the map set very much and you are severely limited in
the time. We give for that reason this advice, that the application of this method entails the set
of expenses, since it is accompanied by the appearance around you of the strongest stress; for
you the visibility of peace and calmness will succeed in preserving by already no means in its
environment. A similar power interference cannot be transferred easily by those surrounding.
They can even not realize, because of what in air the stress is hanging, but will feel it they
compulsorily and, correspondingly, in one or other form or another this they will express.

You themselves know, how negatively people react to the least attempt to choke their
individual tendencies. Both the children and adult relate to this negatively. To all is familiar
the situation, when parents and teachers attempt to instruct restless adolescent. To be
conducted this concentrated action can and in an amicable way, and po- poor, but in the final
analysis adolescent, as a rule, answers bitterness, and the result of the moralizations of zero.
Adult usually react more with restraint, but not is less sensitive: indeed those, etc are inclined
to see in this the jamming of a sense of self-respect. To all is familiar opposition in the
working association, when authorities attempts to choke the definite requirements of
colleagues. Stress can be expressed by the splashes of emotions or by, on the contrary,

sepulchral silence, but in any event, its whatever form was begun to operate, even animal, that
was randomly proven to be next to you, will feel it.

We became accustomed to explain this from a psychological point of view: allegedly, is

suppressed his own “I”, man is limited in the freedom of choice, etc all this thus. But if we
look at this process from the positions of human power engineering, then picture will appear
in completely different light.

Thus, method is achieved as follows. Cause the central ascending current of energy (in
the first book of system [DEIR] we in detail they described as this to make). You will
perceive, as it escapes through [Adzhna]-[chakru]. Means can use any, provided they were
bright and touched, indeed to perceive them to you will be necessary sufficiently for long. In
the first book I proposed to you to use means “of switch”. This is the means of the balance-
weight lever at the end, which has axis in the base of skull. If it are moved forward, then will
begin release of energy through [Adzhna]-[chakru], if we move back — method.

Rigid energy flow is necessary to you: on the hardness it is possible to compare it with
the iron rod. You will stick it as sword, into the region Of [adzhna]-[chakry] of your enemy.
After making this, you will for sure feel the completely perceptible resistance. Continue to
increase the intensity of your action, you will choke by your its energy. Very soon you will
feel that the resistance weakened. The flow of your energy as if “fell through” into [Adzhna]-
[chakru] “of target”. This sensation is very clear, and cannot be not noted it. Continue action
until you feel that the enemy is ready to you to obey, similar to your own arm or leg. If we at
this moment make a photograph of your aura, then in the photograph your enemy will appear
your by continuation. In the process of release of energy it is desirable (but not compulsorily)
not to remove from it eyes. But if the situation of this does not allow, then you will apply the
maximum efforts for retaining the means (if your rival is visually attained, then conduct
action considerably more easily).

Fig. ".

Fig. 8. You pierce the reserve of energy, necessary for the concentration of the attention,

Shadow " — at the given moment, as you understand, — is your continuation not only
in the photograph. It — your enlarged energy-information essence. Itself for itself it no longer
exists during your action, it does not exist; you for “the target” of — the source not only of
engine activity, but also all thoughts, emotions, desires, needs. In this interval of time you and
it — united essence, but unconditional leader are you.

Now you can transmit to your “target” any pulse so simply, as you transfer pulse to our
own arm or leg (any desire, a feeling, means, action, etc). You can force it to be distracted, to
lose thought, interest in its recently disturbed process, to pronounce phrase, it is complete by
it unfavorable, and so on. All energy-information processes, which occurred once into your
tele- enemy, belong to you. It your completely.

Now all presented above to you can seem by that by somewhat exaggerated, but this is
actual thus. It is necessary only barely to be trained. Similar control becomes possible, as soon
as comes so th moment of the complete subordination “of marionette e necessary for you”.
Main thing in this method of the action of — to learn to receive its beginning itself. This will
complex and require prolonged trainings. But one can be said with the confidence: however,
you will be able to error-free recover it after the first successful attempt at the [Adzhna]-
suppression, since the knowing man will entangle this sensation not with what other. And to
despite the fact that describe this state by words is sufficiently complicated, we nevertheless
will attempt.

As was already said, at first influencing is experienced sufficiently strong resistance

from the side “of target”. Those practicing [Adzhna]- suppression sometimes compare it with
the invisible to eye by the wall, whose density can at first increase. It is formed because of the
collisions of your energy action and power engineering “of target”. Grow it can sufficiently
widely, up to several meters. People, which fell into the zone “of wall”, experience special

stress. This is evinced by the increased nervousness, sometimes depression. Therefore if you
are solidly assured in the fact that to support “marionette” no one will be, to you better to be
oriented in the accomodation in such a way that into the zone of action you do not burn
random people. The duration of resistance can depend on a whole series of the reasons, the
main things from which — its own power engineering “of target”, [energoinformatsinonnoe]
field, which lends it support, and, it goes without saying, very force of your action. At first
resistance can even increase, and the beginning, inexperienced man this can confuse. Do not
shade, continue action, on no account weakening its, otherwise “marionette” can leave from
under the control. Somewhat, and you will feel as the wall, which you could literally perceive
with hand, itself begins to disappear, seemingly slowly “to be resolved”.

If you at this moment look to “target itself”, then you will note that its behavior sharply
changed. Since action itself occurs within the very short temporary periods, then,
correspondingly, and change sharply strikes. Everything which was characteristic for your
enemy another minute ago, somewhere it disappeared. Then appeared uncomplaining,
apathetic view, certain apathy, sluggishness. It can seem from the side that they recently
knocked well man and it yet cannot realize.

When all these signs be presently, know: began precisely that moment, which you
attained. Influencing itself perceives during these minutes moral and emotional lift. And the
matter not only in the fact that it achieved the success: in practice any success causes similar
emotions. From a energy point of view it at this moment “grew”, it “it became more”, it into
the complete measure perceived the possibility to be beyond the limits of its state.

The special features of the classical application of [Adzhna]- suppression are such. As I
already spoke, this classical version is sufficiently inconvenient this —, in its essence, the
extreme degree of energy-information aggression. Therefore with the development of system
[DEIR] we paid attention to those versions of the [Adzhna]- suppressions, which can be
carried out extremely rapidly and maximally unnoticeably both for “the target” and for those

Step e. Transfer of the point pulse

Now let us examine one of the versions of the [Adzhna]- suppression: the transfer of
point pulse. From classical [Adzhna]- suppression it is differed only in terms of fact that in
this case it is not necessary to conduct action with the complete suppression “of the
marionette” of — to concern the reserve of its energy, to deprive it all the time the action of
the possibility independently to think and to act. It suffices to only stir it. True, for using the
transfer of point pulse it is also necessary to first master the technology of [Adzhna]-
suppression. The secret of the success in the use of this method hides itself in the skill to
easily receive the state of the [Adzhna]- center “of marionette”. In this case you completely
realize, that the reserve reserve of energy, intended for the manipulation by attention, always
are found in man in the motion: first is shut, then it becomes accessible.

The technology of the transfer of point pulse consists of the following: as soon as you
grasped, that the reserve of energy to you was opened, be touched it by your own flow Of
[adzhna]-[chakry] of — easily, rapidly and in no way not perceptibly for those surrounding.
Your action will cause failure in the attention of marionette.

The applications of this method it can be completely sufficiently in order to have time
in gained time, for example, to move its idea, to force events to be developed in th direction e
necessary for you.

Themselves you understand, that when even to several minutes the attention of your
rival “is switched”, to return to the previous track to it is sufficiently complicated, even if
your action is already past. Events indeed they will not await. When it returns, initiative no
longer belongs to it. It is necessary to also say that the results of a similar interference often
prove to be more effective than you themselves expect.

This version of the course of the events can serve as the example to this unexpected
effectiveness: at the conference it was necessary to neutralize man, who prepares to speak
against important project. After the short stunning action on the energy reserve of attention to
it was proposed the periodical, allegedly which illuminates the raised problem at another
angle. “Target” for two minutes “is cut down” from proceeding because of the carried out
action. But then the interesting thing occurs: the action and the confusion, caused by it, had
long ago been ceased, and it continued to read.

So it occurs no longer strictly because of the application of this method, but because to
many people it is characteristically bad to be switched from one form of activity to another.
We can sometimes for this reason, after being read, to pass necessary stoppage; to begin to
play into the football and to pass necessary transfer on the television and so on.

This frequently meeting consequence of the application of transfer of the point pulse of
— only one additional plus of in favor this method. For all these reasons the action of point
touch can be considered not only the softer method of active control in comparison with the
[Adzhna]- suppression, but in the majority of the cases and more effective, since it does not
require the significant expenditure of self-energy, is not caused any stress among those
surrounding. But, as you understood, point action requires larger craftsmanship and thin
understanding of the essence of proceeding.

Step 4. Selection of the energy

One additional version of rigid energy action implies the elementary selection of energy
in your enemy. This method is used in order to cause in it the confusion of feelings,
uneasiness, to bring down it to sense. Method is especially effective, when it is necessary to
block any action on the eyes in a large quantity of spectators.

To you for sure were encountered people, which always pronounced only correct,
sometimes to the nausea correct, speech. They are well brought up, [erudirovanny], their
speech to the rarity is competent and [sderzhanna], they never will allow themselves to
increase voice on you or to say anything incorrect. But you look at this man and you think
only about why this in everything correct type is caused in you not the drop of sympathy.
Why it so [zatsiklen] on its correctness which does occur it is not capable to the elementary
expression of any human emotions? It for you inanimate, and seems that from the contact
with the computer, which does not also accomplish errors, to sense it would be more. In the
final analysis you after this man anywhere will not go as the majority of others. Why it such?

Most likely, someone deprives of its energy, which imparts to man of so many charm,
“it [vampirit]” it. This will become maximally clear, if you [povnimatelnee] look to its aura.
All ideas, advanced by [neenergichnoj] personality, even most interesting, never will be

perceived properly; roughly it is possible to compare them with the lettuce from the freshest
vegetables, but without the salt, the sugar, oil, vinegar, etc, — like is placed entire good, and
there is impossibly. Hence it follows that the method of the selection of energy can be
effective means of control of the surrounding people.

Give let us be presented the question: how does behave man, in which he does not be
sufficient — temporarily or constantly of — of vital energy? How you do conduct, if you do
suddenly perceive poor health? If you did not have a good sleep and you do fall from the feet
from the fatigue? And main — by what you are received from the side? You will agree, that
surround for the most part there are no matter to your internal state and all those problems,
which prevent you from being in the form. You always must be active for them, are cheerful,
energetic, [tseleustremlenny], those more if you pretend to the leadership. If to man
chronically do not be sufficient these qualities, it is completely possible that to it someone
“was connected” and it is necessary to search for means of protection. But you, the reader, in
this stage your development this does not, it goes without saying, already in no way threaten.

Man in reality can slave away and have in the head the one- only purpose of — to reach
success, but, when to him it is bad, it has only one desire: to crawl to the sofa and to forget
about everything in the light. However, from the side is created the impression, which to this
man to a sufficient degree is unimportant that that he itself speaks and it makes. It is difficult
not to agree with this, especially as in it into that moment sluggish speech, retarded motions,
view, with difficulty which passes from one object to another. It proves to be turned-off from
the general atmosphere of proceeding. Consequently, surrounding, that discuss from their
positions, receive it as man being fairly varied, inactive, not interested in the common cause
and main — of insincere. What from this does escape? That that no one will go after it.

Men, independently of that, rights it or not rights, can bring after itself people only
when it most it is filled the faith in its idea, if it itself to the limit is sincere and energetic. Not
randomly such people as Hitler, Lenin, somebody of our today's political figures, they could
arrive at the authority: they themselves fanatically believed in the fact that they spoke, and
they were maximally sincere. Very correctness of their views could not be disputed by the
large number of people already because for our environment, unfortunately, important not so
much that we speak and we make, as, as we make. Therefore, even if you believe in the fact
that you speak, but you speak in this case unconvincingly, limply, without the faith in the
voice (NND it to you at this moment!), not [obessudte], you also no one will believe. We
want this or not, but this is the law, which works always.

For this reason the method, with which will deal the discussion, is extremely useful for
the action on those surrounding. We will not, in addition with you discuss about that, ethical
him to use or not; we with you should understand very mechanism of this process. Moreover
one and the same tool, let us say knife, can serve as the instrument of murder, and it can be
inoffensive adaptation for cutting the bread. However, as far as you are concerned, you
already themselves know that the use of these methods is acceptable for you only from the
best motives.

Now let us switch over strictly to the method of the selection of energy.

First of all, in order to freely manage the method of the evacuation of energy in your
enemy, to you it is necessary to master well the application of means “of the switch”, about

which we already spoke. You must know how rapidly and to easily create in your
consciousness the distinct sensation of the lever, whose axis is located inside your skull.
However, as soon as this means began to appear in your consciousness with the first need,
consider that half of the matter is made. Now try to associate it with your [Adzhna]-[chakroj].
This, in general, simply and it is very soon must in you easy to be obtained. You already
made this at first stage [DEIR]. Feel the connection, which arose between The the [adzhna]-
[chakroj] and the lever. The sensation of this switch must be the same distinct as your
sensation of their own arm or leg. Exactly as your arm or leg, this switch it must be to you
obedient. In our first book we in detail spoke about the technology of control of the astral
body of — you will recall it, and to you it will more easily master this method.

Fig. 9. As if pump, you temporarily extract strange energy

If you perceive this switch with that moved forward, then occurs powerful release of
energy through [Adzhna]-[chakru], if back — that intensive selection. With the aid of this tool
you can not only select the reserve of energy, necessary for the concentration of the attention
of enemy, but also temporarily " disconnect” his remaining [chakry]. Thus, for instance, if we
create the fall of ether body approximately at the level of solar interlacement, then, despite not
what reasons “of marionette”, its appearance will be convincing and by anyone he will not
perceive in earnest, but if we make the same at the level of blades, then it will for a long time
lose the ability to act consecutively, which will mix by itself achievement of the objective.

This method, just as [Adzhna]- suppression in the classical form, frequently using does
not be worth. It befits only when from it for sure it will be possible to obtain benefit. The fact
is that you in a sense play the role of the vampire of — you pump over to yourselves strange
energy. In the skill itself this to make there is nothing poor, since situations, as you
understand, are different, but by and large, you will agree, to nothing, possessing the
unlimited energy reserve, to train its consciousness and body to the additional supply from the

Indeed the essence of [vampirizma] consists in search and use of people as protection
and energy source. Man, who constantly practices this method, can manufacture in himself
this negative habit of — to suck out energy in that, who easily will make it possible this to do.
But since to be occupied [vampirizmom] in a sense it is simpler than to produce energy
independently, using its own level of self-consciousness, then this can develop into bad habit,

but the acquired habits of the maintenance of their own self-sufficiency will come to nothing
(this a somewhat exaggerated point of view: those, who mastered first and second stages
[DEIR], are sufficiently experimental in order to avoid any habituation; however, the
unprepared man completely can earn unpleasant consequences).

There is still and another reason, for which [vampirizmom] to be carried along it does
not be worthwhile: energy, which you select from “the target”, is most likely, insufficiently
clean. Indeed, consuming its energy, you consciously pump yourselves by the fragments of
the programs of your enemy, with whom you entered the concealed conflict.

Step shch. Transfer of the surplus of the energy

The version of the previous technology, but with the opposite sign, is return “to the
marionette” of the surplus of your energy. Is done this also with the aid of “the switch” of the
ascending current of energy (certainly, mastered first stage [DEIR] they understand, that by
itself “the switch” serves only for convenience in the focusing of the ascending current of

As you remember, during the movement of lever forward begins release of energy
through [Adzhna]-[chakru] of — precisely this to you now and it is necessary. You create the
powerful ray of energy of the ascending current from our own [Adzhna]-[chakry] and direct it
into your “target”. Action is brief, but is very powerful, is almost the same as during the
[Adzhna]- suppression, with one exception: you do not attempt to choke enemy. Into your
task, on the contrary, it enters “unselfishly” to share with it with its own resources. It is better
to create the surplus of energy in neck [chakre] “of target”, it is nearer to the back.

The correctly carried out method increases the level of the uneasiness “of marionette”.
Is especially effectively its use when you deal concerning the people, inclined to the
superfluous anxiety, overanxiousness, to fuss. They are not, as a rule, too assured in
themselves, but it is madly energetic. Sometimes you look on them and cannot understand:
well from where in this frail tele- (large part of nervous people it is characterized by
noticeable thinness) so much energy? Where it does take forces in order to be twirled as
fidget, everywhere to be thrust, without [umolku] to tell? Let us immediately note that this
entire the activity, based on the surplus of energy in the region of neck and solar
interlacement, and as its consequence, the fussiness, which penetrates in each step
“marionette”, to the positive results they do not lead. Sending to man with the increased level
of anxiety its energy, by which even without that in it it is too much, you only strengthen all
deficiencies in its manner to be held and you disrupt his sequential thinking.

The so that this method is also the not bad method of active control. As a result the
communication of the surplus of energy the activity of your enemy becomes chaotic,
unattractive and, naturally, futile.

Step '. Engram of the action

There is a very interesting method, whose essence in the combination of the technology
of [Adzhna]- suppression and point action. The action, achieved by you, very brief, to you is
sufficient to only slightly stir “target”, but in this case you transfer by it not simply energy
pulse, but small engram of action.

What such is the engram of action?

Give let us be dismantled. Present itself by vacationer in the soft armchair in
comfortable shade of room. You sit (or you recline) in it already long ago, to you very well,
heat- and is comfortable under the dear rug; but with mind you already begin to understand,
that the time of leisure approaches toward the end, that if you then lie in the armchair, then
you will then for long about this regret. One-two more minute of — and you discard from
yourselves rug and you arise. But now let us assign to itself the question: what does lie
between the intention to arise and the concrete action? To you is for sure familiarly this
feeling. They did grasp it?

If no, then make this today, when you will get tired from reading of this book, and feel
this moment. How is characterized by the situation, when you tell yourselves: “Well, I arise”
— and anywhere you do not go, from the situation, when you tell yourselves: “Well, I do
arise” — and immediately you do rise? In the second case you must completely definitely
perceive a kind of pulse or push of — name as conveniently. This pulse is localized
somewhere in the base of skull or in the region of back of the head. The divisions of the brain,
which correspond for the engine functions of human organism, here are located; signal about
your intention there and falls, and if you there admitted it, then you come into action.

Fig. 10. Specifically, push to the fulfillment of the action here is born

Specifically, this signal, “push”, and must be transmitted to its “target”. You to the
short period open slightly your [Adzhna]-[chakru], penetrate “the target” and by the formed
channel transfer by it primary push, engram of action, placing it approximately in the center
of the head “of target”. After the transfer of push the contact breaks itself. With the correctly
carried out method the action “of target” occurs simultaneously with the transfer of engram.

Fig. 11. Arrangement of the engram of action in the brain “of target”

The merit of the transfer of the engram of action in the fact that this method very
“light”, i.e., does not cause stress among those being present, does not require high power and
temporary expenditures from your side. B[am] for sure was necessary to be in the company of
people, where one man, who outwardly preserves completely neutral position, is present, but
if we [ponabljudat] after it for long it is attentive, then it is possible to note that entire
proceeding all around enters into the sphere of its interests of — and it now and then one-two
by words, and that simply by view it directs the actions of its friends. It is completely possible
that man acts unconsciously, but even in this case the specific result it is present.

I will give a example from the ordinary life. The company of young people was
gathered at the holiday table; all young, interesting, sociable, but was separated among all one
very charming girl. Moreover purely outwardly she was in no way beautiful — faster vice
versa. But this it seems no one noted from those being present. Everyone without the
exception of — and man, and woman wanted to it to please, and, that interestingly, they
themselves obtained pleasure from the fact that it permitted them to make this. Table was
richly covered, which no longer so frequently is encountered in our time. Girl smiled, she
joked, leaving not one participant in the party without the attention. Suddenly its view fell to
the yet not touched lettuce from the beet of very nonstandard formulation. Dish was decorated
with three large fungi, whose legs were comprised of the prunes and walnut it was nut, and
the cap of — from the egg. After examining it as it follows, after refining, as this is done, girl
childlishly ridiculed herself, shifted gaze on the mistress and said: “You know, I madly love
the fungi of — and to gather, and there is in any form, especially [marinovannye]”. This it
proved to be sufficiently so that the mistress would be gripped for the head and she began to
demolish himself apropos that that it did not place on the table the stored in the refrigerator
[marinovannye] edible boletus. It broke into a run to the kitchen, it laid out fungi into the dish
and with difficulty was placed it on the table, because already barely there was place on it.

Let us comment: of course mistress already itself thought, when was prepared table, to
advance fungi or not to advance. And it decided not to make this. But, in spite of its previous
solution, here it broke into a run after them. Why? Because girl, after pronouncing its phrase,
a little " pushed slightly” mistress. Girl was the student of associate [Desmentsov]'s my and
was carried out “domestic task” (later it she became instructor in the courses [DEIR]). The
mistress of — my nothing suspected cousin sister ol, who actually terribly loves to share with
whom that not was dears to her heart by [gribochkami].

Is certain, the given example of — this only pleasant, beautiful trifle. Life sometimes
places before us other, more serious problems. And method described above makes it possible
not only to obtain some entertainments, but also facilitates fight in this complex peace. If you
see that in someone of your environment the interesting idea ripens, but men for some reasons
it does not risk it to lay out, push slightly it, send to it this pulse. It perhaps even will be glad
of this subsequently. But if the planned action can bring harm to you, you will report “target”
failure of it, block its thought. B your task enters to absorb this pulse itself. If this succeeds
for you, then “target” will not be able to approach the realization of its plan.

For example, you see that someone Mr. N, will name it so, it prepares to come out at
the conference against your project. You wonderful understand that this project is necessary
and useful (yes even simpler than — TO YOU IT IT IS NECESSARY!), all its strong sides
are known, and it seems to all to only be glad, that is close the embodiment into the life of a
similar concept. Going to the conference, you completely this did not expect; but, after
viewing, you understood according to all signs (see the first chapter) that against you is
prepared [zavarukha]. Unfortunately, circumstances were formed so that in you there are
enviers, and if you now something do not undertake, then your labor, which was being lasted
several months or even years, will go badly. Use the same method of — the stimulation of
action, only with the minus sign. You will report to your “target” that to it it is better to sit
without revealing mouth, block its pulse so that your enemy generally would forget, why he
arrived to the conference.

Step ". Induction of the opposite action

One cannot fail to describe about one more method of control, mastery for which makes
possible to raise the level of action on those surrounding to the completely new step. It has
much in common with the method, about which we already spoke, — with the
communication “to target” of superfluous energy. It is differed from the latter in terms of the
small nuance, which changes radically entire sense of action itself.

Perhaps, none of the methods enumerated above requires such serious preparation as
this. Mastery of it requires not simply large experience, but colossal craftsmanship. Its
essence consists in inducing of enemy to the opposite action. You will agree that anything
more useful and devise- that is cannot. If in you are enemies or at least the ill-wishers (but
there is they in practice in each independently thinking man), then because of this method you
will be able to use their not anything, but negative relation to you for your good. To first even
present similar is complicated. But give let us be dismantled at the mechanism of action.

As you know, the surplus of energy is created at the moment of appearance in the brain
of man of pulse on the action. So it occurs absolutely with all people. But in the persons,
inclined to the increased anxiety, this level is high by itself. And when you report to them the
surplus of energy, their level of anxiety it grows, they begin to fuss, to be confused and in the
final analysis lose the matter. The development of situation in the version, which we not have
so long ago examined, so occurs. But another outcome of events is possible, we now speak
about it.

At that moment when you produce the powerful push, which impels your enemy to the
action, with your power engineering, you will absorb that pulse, which in it already there is.
The complexity of this method consists in the fact that you use and use two methods of active
control of those surrounding simultaneously.

But if for you it was possible to make correctly and instantly this, then in nine cases of
ten your action leads to the motion to the backwards, i.e., “target”, having had time nothing to
consider, he speaks and makes not that the fact that it intended, but something opposite. If you
in the life had a similar kind of the eclipse, when at the last moment you accomplished
nothing of the kind for the unknown reasons, that they planned, this, workshop action from
the side most likely, indicates.

We with you recently investigated a example of digit absorption to the action in the
atmosphere of business meeting. To man, who intended himself to appear against the
adoption of project, they blocked the possibility to act according to his intentions: it sat
through silently to the end of conference. Give now let us think how events could be
developed, know how that influencing to use the technology of the induction of opposite
action. “The marionette”, which plans to come out against, most likely would come out after.
If your enemy realized, then it would be in the strongest confusion from the fact that
happened, and [navrjad] whether could articulately explain the reason for th act e unexpected
for itself. B[ystuplenie] “of marionette” into your benefit, would not most likely, become the
masterpiece of oratorical skill; your “adherent willy-nilly” would speak inconsistent,
[putanno], jumping over from one argument to another (some people in this case zealously
and unnaturally they gesticulate). Someone of that being present at the conference would for
sure suspect it in the intoxicated state.

This type of protection will be in by something comical and as support it will hardly
play its role. But it, in the first place, blocks appearance against, and will in the second place,
introduce confusion into numbers of remaining “marionettes” (in the first chapter of our book
we they indicated that this type of leaders by themselves do not appear and singly there do not
exist: to them is necessary the powerful energy support of parasitic field).

Give now let us bring some sums. We with you became acquainted with the
possibilities of energy control of the actions of those surrounding. In your authority to make
these methods by completely automatic, and then it will become irreplaceable component of
your life. As you no longer think of your life without those habits, which you obtained the
during the study previous books, so soon and the methods of active control by those
surrounding by their own power engineering will become for you absolutely natural,
conducted unconsciously. As has already been spoken, all this is given to man from the
generation by nature itself; therefore habits are manufactured very rapidly. It is necessary only
to want to recall all that which in you is placed.

Chapter e

Control with the aid of [mysleform]. Intention, desire and the construction

The direct coupling between the consciousnesses of the people

To b[se] those methods of the actions, about which we to you spoke, until now, this —
nevertheless yet not thin energy-information, but faster simply energy methods. Indeed you,
using them, acted not by your consciousness (but it means, not by your true essence), but by
energy of ether body. These are the entirely different things: the second rougher requires large
power consumption. But to avoid this stage in the process of instruction, as you themselves

understand, is impossible. Indeed all the development of man proceeds according to diagram
“from the simple to the complex”.

The abilities, given to man from the generation, are considerably thinner and deeper
than those, which M.D. of these times used. You completely can learn to act on those
surrounding and to govern them by the elements of their own consciousness, and effect from a
similar action will be considerably better.

Furthermore, all coarse-energy methods have one essential deficiency: they can be used
only for the solution of short term problems. However, in the life, as a rule, occurs so that if
you you do not see before yourselves the prospect (but your environment it can very
successfully this prevent), then the realization of immediate objectives simply does not have a
sense. You will agree, indeed all examples, which were being brought, until now, in the
benefit, this — either of the steps, which must be successfully passed for the output to the
large arena or the means of the permission of the critical situation, to which is, naturally,
better the matter not to lead. Therefore now you should be introduced to the lasting methods
of control. They to the considerably larger degree are capable of influencing by positive
means your fate.

For lasting action all rough pulses, about which we to you spoke, do not be suitable
already because they are very soon forgotten by your “target”. It remembers about them only
that limited period of time when your influence is subject to. When action concludes, your
enemy is puzzled apropos that how this all could occur, and allows oneself promise, which
greater than this with it will be repeated never. Therefore for the lasting effect you should
master the skill of the placement of means into the consciousness of another man, or, simply
stated, by the technology of a change of the consciousness “of target”.

Performing this work, as you subsequently will be convinced on your experience,

brings the most noticeable fruits. Moreover, the realization of a similar technology brings by
itself colossal moral satisfaction. Indeed you in this case are your kind creator, you model
from the man that that you want to obtain. This is considerably greater than training or, all the
more, the rough power action, with which very human essence of your “target” is not by no
means begun to operate.

In order to carry out lasting action, it is necessary to understand how works our
consciousness and how it can, to without resorting to enormous power consumption, control
adjacent personalities. But since two identical personalities it does not occur, then actions
must be especially individual.

Psychologists, studying the consciousness of people, carry out interesting test. Its
treatment can interest specialist only, us with you it will help to understand, with what
especially individual means our consciousness operates. Its essence consists of the following.
The identical task is given to the group of people: it is in detail to describe the means of those
objects, which will be transferred. Further subject are called concrete objects, for example:
flower, table, house, the automobile of — anything, and it is necessary to describe on the
paper that means of the object, which immediately arose in your consciousness. For example,
you heard word “table”. What means of table did arise in you before the eyes? Table is
written, either is dinner or is perhaps periodical? On three or on four legs? High or low?
Round or rectangular? Are there in it boxes?

Can interest for conduct this test- game with your friends, whose perception of peace
you it would be desirable to compare with your. If then you gather leaves and you will
compare all described means of objects, then, it goes without saying, it will not be
encountered even two identical, because the consciousness of man is deeply individual.
Similar will, it goes without saying, be. About which this can speak? About the fact that your
souls in by something of [rodstvenny]. But even in most those related shower this similarity
can be revealed only because of the verbal description of the assigned means. But as you
know, “the thought uttered to eat a lie”, and means this nevertheless is another. Not one
master of word can describe by his not only such, such as he is in reality (this to recognize is
possible only with the use of our procedure; but about it — only is later), but even such, such
as itself sees it. You b[spomnite], how many recollections and different kind of scientific
works are written about Pushkin. And not in one of these works it appears before us identical.
With the surprise it is possible to present the question: really even now, after the almost two
hundred years, researchers do teach to find about it some new information? Partly, can, this
and thus. But the matter not only in this. Each contemporary of Pushkin, who knew him
personally, had himself his, subjective ideas about the poet. To us they were transmitted in the
verbal form of the, that means specific distortion cannot be passed was. In our consciousness
is formed the means of poet on the basis no longer of documents, but memoirs and the
scientific works of scientists -[pushkinovedov]. It means, dual distortion occurs with the
perception of means. And so absolutely with all, about which we hear, we read, learn.

Shut for the minute of eye and present to itself your nearest friend or friend. Try to
present it (it) as it is vital as possible, vividly, by such as it usually appears before you in the
reality. But now think: if you could place th means into the consciousness of the same man e
created by you, it is good to you familiar, would learn it itself as for the reflection? No, for
sure it did not learn. Because means itself in its consciousness of completely different.

However, what it is necessary to make in this case? How to solve the emergent problem
of the nonconformity of the perception of the peace between themselves in different people?
Indeed we need so that the perception of another man would become accessible completely
concrete means. So that it by, being placed into the consciousness of another man, would
operate, moreover not by some similar means, but have in the manner that been we planned.
Without this, as you already understood, lasting control is impossible.

It is necessary to feel for this, with what precisely means operates the consciousness of
your “target” and by what means, it is necessary to use such as elements of its own
consciousness in order to be achieved necessary results.

It would seem, this is very complex, inaccessible problem, but, as you will be
convinced, man completely can overcome to disappear between the individual consciousness.
It does not be worth forgetting, which, in spite of individual differences, nucleus of the soul of
one man is in practice not distinguished from the nucleus of the soul of another (it is in more
detail about the fact that this nucleus of soul, we will have a talk only below). Between all us
it is considerably more similarity, than difference. All our souls are not divided moreover,
since they are elements and reflections of the larger structure of — of the united energy-
information essence of the universe. In this assertion it is complicated to believe, since each of
us is located in their physical tele-, passes their individual life experience, sincerely it believes
in its uniqueness and nonrepeatability. But when desired of any of us can overcome this
barrier, it is worthwhile to only understand that part of its own consciousness, which appears
the identical part of the consciousness of another man.

The parents, in families of whom bring up uniovular twins, the following special
features noted after the children. Their children not only are madly similar according to the
nature, the temperament, the abilities, physical data. Already in the first years of life parents
note that in children the tastes in the food, the clothing coincide. In the majority of the cases
of twins they dress equally not because so it pleases itself mom with dad (in this it consists the
error of the enormous number of people), but because the selection of children in this occurs
similar. When some vital purposes begin to be determined, it is explained, that in these
children is clearly expressed the tendency to obtain similar, if not identical professions. Innate
proves to be tendency toward some illnesses. The case, when brother- twins, already for
several years not lived in one family, that are associated between themselves only by means
of the letters and the rare telephone calls, with the interval in several months fell ill with
tuberculosis, is known. But this disease, as is known, to the hereditary does not relate. To
crown it all these young people, after being married practically simultaneously, selected for
themselves in the wife of blonds. About which can speak this similarity not only in different
kind tendencies, but also in the fate? About the fact that between two brothers there is no that
barrier of perception, which available in the larger part of people.

One of [roditelnits] of twins told to us about its children the at first glance entirely
surprising fact, explanation to which from a traditional point of view cannot be given
(however, history it knows thousands of examples improbably to the close connection
between the twins, so that in this respect story is not completely surprising). When to one
child of six years made prick, the second in this case was distorted from the pain and it began
to cry. The following question interested mother: can be the behavior of child caused
exceptionally only by mutual anxiety, indeed child- twins usually are very friendly? However,
children into that minute was situated in the different rooms and one could only surmise,
which occurs with another.

As very soon understood mom herself, its child not a bit did not flirt, depicting physical
pain, he in reality felt it. This ability is, unfortunately, lost by the larger part of people and at
the given moment is not yet studied by you. Between these two twins the connection was
innate. In this case it acted properly only between them two, and their, thus, innate abilities
proved to be limited. This connection can develop, but it can and to come to nothing, exactly
as and any other habit, which was proven to be without a constant practice.

However, indicates the only the fact that the direct coupling between the
consciousnesses exists, it is completely real, although not too frequently it is encountered in
the daily life. Therefore in your forces to overcome the barrier between you and any other
man, is worth only understanding and feeling that part of its own consciousness, which is the
twin of the consciousness of another man.

Step 8. Practical telepathy

We speak about lasting control and introduction of programs into the strange
consciousness of — but for the beginning you should learn to feel to the thought of another
man. At first glance this seems complex, but it is in reality extremely simple. We will be
repulsed from that fact that the internal peace of man has information nature. I.e., it consists
of energy, but it is organized according to the information principles.

Give let us think that this it means. B[y] for sure noted that in the different languages
are encountered the equally reverberating words, but in this case the designating completely
different objects or concept. Let us say, the English word, which resounds as “of [megezin]”

(“magazine”), indicates not at all the store of — commercial enterprise, but periodical; the
word “of [meni]” (“many”), that indicates in English “much”, from the language of Hindi is
transferred as “I”; in German “ja” (“I”) it indicates “yes”.

Similar examples it is possible to give set. Is received this phenomenon completely

naturally, since by all it is understandable that the matter here not in the word, but in the
languages. When we deal concerning the consciousness of another man, similar complexities
await us. One and the same sensation, means or elementary thought, placed into the
consciousness of another man, will be allotted by it by completely different value. And
despite the fact that means, thoughts and feelings, as we already spoke in the first two books
of system [DEIR], without difficulty percolate from the consciousness of each into the
environment, capability for reading of thoughts is encountered very rarely. Indeed in order it
to conduct, it is necessary to search for not thought, but primary means, and from it to already
recover the second pulse of — the value of means. Approximately so as to see road sign
nothing of the kind the very, what to understand its value (for this necessary to draw
knowledge or logic). However, in the consciousness of man several layers, and the obtained
means are always distorted. One and the same sensation in the process of the passage of all
these layers outgrows by the set of additional values, until it becomes the one-piece means, by
which, strictly, and manipulates the consciousness. Specifically, for this reason your friend
could not himself learn, you place to it into the head its own means, which was established in

One-piece thought does not come itself, it must be specially caught. This process
technique consists of the following. It is necessary to be concentrated on the central core of
the human essence of — elementary sensation “I [esm]”. To make this of in this stage your
development to you will be not too complicated.

Give for the certainty let us explain that such “I”. Usually we are erroneously inclined
to associate ourselves with the entire collection of human qual. we all we in general visualize
well what is correct self-appraisal is. Of course in the course of the life it, and we themselves,
can change, but usually already to to [devjatnadtsati]-[dvadtsati] to the years of men it is
capable to sensibly estimate its natural and manufactured qualities. In it sufficiently clear idea
about its possibilities, sphere of interests, nature, temperament, etc, is added.

The tendency to be dismantled at itself, to answer thinker the question is characteristic

of man: what I? Good or evil, clever or not very, tactful or rather rough? — and so on. Most
complex in this process that which some questions cannot be answered occurs simply,
because we are different: patients and healthy, complete and who lost weight, lonely and who
enjoy stunning success in opposite floor… To continue is possible infinitely. In the final
analysis to a question “what I?” we to ourselves give approximately this answer: in the
majority of the cases (i.e., percentages into 60—65, not more) I prove to be such a one. “Well
and what you in all rest?” This question, as a rule, remains open, is more accurate the answer
approximately similar: as circumstances they are added, such exists.

Then give let us try to present the question differently: what I such? Answering this
question, people in majority their rest on those their qualities, which distinguish them from
others. They forget, that in each of us there are something larger than simply physical data,
nature, temperament, determined life experience, and that precisely this “something”
determines in the final analysis human individuality. Someone considers itself the
embodiment of mind or beauty, while someone with the low self-appraisal of — by the
personification of bad luck and chronic errors.

Give let us be dismantled with the fact that such human I and where his main
component is located. But we will use for this not view from without, but let us look to itself
from within, after glancing fixedly into its own consciousness. Thus, you have the realized
body, the part of your 4. it can be patient or healthy, tired or cheerful, but if suddenly because
of any illness in you changes your physical appearance (accident) or even nature (unclean
mood), this will not influence your true I; nevertheless this will be you and only you. Your
body of — excellent tool for the sensations and the actions in the external peace, but the
center of your human essence not in the tele-.

You have emotions. They are numerous, sometimes contradictory. You be glad or
grieve, are calm or [vzvolnovanny], you be in the state of desperation or hope. But in this case
you understand, why one or other mood, covers you, and you even can when desired govern
it. You always with the full responsibility can state independently of the experienced feelings:
“Yes, this is I”. Consequently, your emotions of — yet not most important in you.

You have feelings. You are capable of hearing music and of delight in by it. You it
pleases itself to look at the dancing flame of bonfire and to inhale his smoke. You obtain
pleasure, stroking cat or dog. Through the sensory organs you get to know and receive the
surrounding peace. But if, do not give god, to you will refuse sight or rumor, you will remain
yourselves itself. You as before can say: “I there is”. Your feelings of — this also yet not you.

You have intellect. Now it is sufficiently developed and active. But still several years
ago it similar was not: you less knew, less they knew how. It just as feeling, is tool for the
knowledge of the surrounding peace, but if you lose the ability logically to think, this there
will nevertheless be you: the center of your essence of — not in the intellect.

You have the specific life experience: success somewhere you accompanied, there were
somewhere defeats. And this life experience will be in you accumulated always when you live
in this peace. Consequently, neither your errors nor your success can be the personification of
your human essence of — she deeper.

It turns out that your true I this is — the certain center of will, self-consciousness,
capable of managing and of governing your intellect, emotions, body, of achieve the
successes in the life and of overcoming failures. Specifically, there, in this center, and appear
the primary pulses, which force you to move, to draw memory, to experience emotions and to
solve logical problems and which so it is complicated to learn to receive. And in order to learn
this to make, it is necessary to know how to [razotozhdestvljat] itself with its emotions,
feelings, intellect and life experience. I.e., in order to answer a question “that there is I?”,
necessary to use approach from the contrary and to answer a question “that not I there is?”.
Give let us try this to make — but not in the theory, but in practice.

Fig. 12. Human being, as if pearl, consists of many unique layers, but in its center itself
is located uniting all particle of — as in the center of pearl it rests grit from the sands of
the mother- Earth

You will be arranged by [poudobnej] in the armchair or on the bed, after caring
preliminarily that no one would during these minutes you disturb. Shut eyes, be weakened and
try to recall any picture from the life, which would deliver special pleasure to you. The means,
created by you, must be as bright as possible and tangible, be concentrated on all sensations,
which you will experience, delight in by them, memorize them.

Shut eyes and represent, as you, for example, you enter into forest. By what it did
appear in your imagination? It conifer or mixed, thick or does more greatly resemble park?
What weather during this day? Pass at least a little into the depth of forest, you will take
pleasure by its smells, beauty of trees, by singing birds. You will perceive these smells as
stronger as possible. Try among all bird voices to isolate any, which belongs to concrete bird.
Conduct by hand on the grass, you will determine, moist it, long ago whether there was rain.
What emotions you in this case do experience? You it does please itself? To you very well
here? It does not be desirable to depart? But for you it is necessary to make this, indeed you it
seems to steel to make this exercise in order to learn to recognize the primary pulses, which
appear in the central core of human essence.

Give from th means e created by you let us return to the reality. Thus, you know your
special features of the perception of the surrounding peace, you recently sequential time in
this were convinced, carrying out the exercise proposed. You to one degree or another love in
yourselves all this, because your perception it distinguishes you from other people, is created
your uniqueness.

You recently experienced the pleasant sensation of jaunt on the scaffolding. In your life
there were and there will be still many other pleasant moments, which caused a enormous
quantity of positive emotions.

Now open eyes and be concentrated on itself, after rejecting all emotional moments. As
you already know, your emotions and feeling of — these are not you. This not your 4. you
will renounce them. I.e., you will not turn off, but simply reject as the object of attention. This
can be complicatedly for the beginning: too strongly we identify ourselves with our

sensations. B[am] will more simply manage stated problem, if you say to yourselves that all
our feelings, thought and even act of — this entire not most important, but which is located on
the surface something of of more important. In the soul each man has the nucleus, without
which would be impossible the presence of entire rest, here it governs us. It — the main thing,
and precisely it to us now is necessary. When you by entire your essence realize, that the
essence consists in it, then “husk” can easily be it will be rejected.

Now make the same with any object, which is located in the field of your sight, — with
the flower, the vase, by the boots of — with which it is convenient. You will exclude the
means of thing from the sphere of your attention. Reject as the object of — and you will
exclude from the list of your objects of attention visual perception, logical perception and the
attraction of the memory (it it was begun to operate automatically for the analysis of nature of
the means, which fell into consciousness).

But now the main thing. You will look to any outside man and will perceive that the
center, situated after your [Adzhna]-[chakroj], and the same his center of — one and the
same. Never mind to everything which surrounds this nucleus. Do not receive this. Is
important only that center itself, which remained in your perception after the rejection of
emotions, memory, logic and visual means. The nucleus of the consciousness of outside man,
exactly as the nucleus of your consciousness, is energy-information cluster and element of the
energy-information essence of the universe. But since in the root you with this man are
united, then there is nothing, that you could not about each other understand.

When you be able to carry out this, the primary sensations immediately will arrive at
you: not desire, but it is faster the intention of this man. Try, looking at it, to determine, that it
hears, which sees, where it is sent also with what feelings. Your sensations will also to you
come in the form primary fragmentary means, but you, in contrast to th man e studied by you,
easily can receive them. I.e., you, your I, will temporary analyze not your means, but means,
which are found in the consciousness of another man.

The main reaching, which you attained, this is the possibility to perceive DESIRES and
INTENTIONS of another man. Feel as it follows the primary means of another consciousness
of — here of men it sees street and… here there is still something… HE WANTS TO SOON
ROLL UP LEFT FACE! IT WANTS — this desire, and TO ROLL UP — this intention of —
the basic elements of the immediate mechanism of consciousness. At this level most
frequently occurs the action of the energy-information parasite of —, also, on this element
most simply to influence from the side. Indeed if is a desire intention, then it suffices to only
give pulse to the action (but you already know, as this is done) so that the man immediately
would begin to realize the received construction!

Gradually this ability to look into the very root of human being will develop in you into
present telepathy and you will be able to feel and to understand considerably more than it is
earlier. Before you the complete picture of those means, such as the consciousness of man
operates will be opened. For you no longer it will represent to glance at any complexity into
the soul of another man; moreover, you will be able to understand it better than he
understands itself: indeed it, in contrast to you, does not know how to receive without the
distortion the primary pulses, accepted by its consciousness. We no longer speak, that you
will easily receive different works of skill, especially music and painting. Indeed any skill by
its nature illogically and is built on the intuitive perception of peace.

In you compulsorily will come out — indeed, the in spite of apparent complexity of
task, students in our courses seize this in all for one occupation!

Continue to use the obtained habits, improve them. In the real life the space for their
application is very wide. Knowing how “to read” the true, deep intentions of man, you will be
able with the ease to avoid enemies, to acquire friends, to get rid of those problems of the
contact between the people, which are caused different kind by lack of understanding.

Of course the only beginning, although remarkable. You will apply the maximum of
efforts, patience of — and very soon you will be able not only to recognize the primary pulses
of those surrounding, but also to place your intentions into the consciousness of another man,
after extruding preliminarily his own.

Application of means of intention for control of the consciousness of the man

As you remember, in many instances behavior is programmed by the action of parasitic

energy-information field, and by “their own” intentions of concrete man are implied the
actions, caused by the additional supply of this field. Therefore before you will displace
primary means from the consciousness of man, which accustomed to “the symbiosis” with the
parasitic structure, you should first insulate “marionette” rel.un. of energy-information
medium. You will recall, as this to make, after glancing in the previous chapters. (As you see,
you simply you do not act on man, you govern it, but also you play in this case the
praiseworthy role of liberator from the parasitic influence of customary to it medium.)

After you managed th task e assigned to you, you can directly take up the supply of
[mysleobraza]. “The marionette”, sharply cut off from its medium, is in the state of the
increased sensitivity and therefore with the readiness of signs means from the side, i.e., sent
by you.

Here there is one nuance: the supply of means must not connect you and “target” with
united energy connection. Even being located on your present step of development, you
possess smaller energy reserves than the branched network of the parasitic energy-information
field: indeed in it is begun to operate the enormous number of people, and they all ensure to it
their additional supply; you with the solution of your problem and your single action remain
thus far in the solitude. You b[ozmite] to itself for the rule, that, working with each concrete
man individually, you must be maximally precise. These are the personality, although is
accustomed to control. Into your task can enter only correct supply of [mysleobraza];
otherwise you will push man along the incorrect way. If you try to govern man continuously
at least during the half-hour, then you will ascertain that the effects will become unpredictable
of — indeed the supplied by you means almost, but not absolutely [sovershenny] of — and
error will be accumulated. You, as a good doctor, must attempt not to do harm either to
yourselves or people and everything weighing before undertaking some actions. B your order
for control of base [mysleformami] are following five elements of intention: the intention of
action, the intention to be distracted, the intention of confidence, the intention to refuse, the
intention to reexamine situation.

We already said that to describe to man be inexperting these sensations very

complicatedly, especially as they are very subjective and each master, who long ago practices
the introduction of its own primary means into the consciousness “of marionette”, he speaks
about his sensations differently. Generally, all sensations are always very individual, in this
case you deal not concerning your sensations, but concerning the strangers. However, so that

impressions from the first successful result have you abyss! It is simply necessary at least one
time to test, that they such, and then you them will already never without anything entangle.
For this serve previous it is eighth 1 step of system [DEIR].

Is worth you one time “catching”, feeling the sensations of another man, and they will
become immediately understandable that it hides itself under the energy determination of its
intentions. But if you have to appear any complexities, which is in general highly improbable,
you will compulsorily help the groups of adherents, who moved themselves further you by
means of evolution.

Step 9. Technology of control with the aid of the intention

“Marionette”, which is been located under the effect of the parasitic energy-information
field, as we spoke, it acts completely logically and [osoznanno], only here “the consistency”
of its behavior it is caused not by its personal internal installations, but by the action of
parasitic network. However, its own system of estimation in “marionette” is found in the
passive state. Therefore, after you will interrupt the action on it of energy-information
external field, she will prove to be completely lost.

The question sometimes is posed to me: does experience “marionette” any sensations at
that moment when of it they do intercept from by native by it additional supplies? Certainly, it
experiences, but all this occurs at the level of change in the mood, confusion, appearance of
certain of the reconsideration of proceeding. Its sensations can be compared with the
sensations of man, who itself did not note, as it proved to be in the unknown situation, and in
no way it can recall, as this of it happened, and understand that it here generally makes.

To prompt answer to this question must will be you. To b[se] your actions are reduced
to the following stages. The first stage of — it it is possible to name preliminary of —
consists in the fact that you study the consciousness “of target”, you " overhear” its thoughts,
you analyze, what primary means will approach for it, but which is not. Then, in the following
stage, you must create yourselves necessary attitude and identify with “the target”. (As this to
make what exercises to use for the training, we with you already they dismantled.) I the third
stage, final, lies in the fact that at the necessary moment you push into the consciousness “of
target” that means, which they created by our own consciousness.

You themselves very soon will be able to ascertain that although we now decomposed
entire process of action on its components, time it occupies entirely a little — it is practically
instantaneous. The main thing in this matter to obtain the necessary habits, well and,
naturally, accurately to know, what you want in order not to break firewood.

It is most reliable to use precisely the means of the intentions, about which we already
mentioned. The essence of their application consists in directing of the actions of man in th
river bed e necessary to you. For example, the man deals with the specific form of activity.
Works well — not because of the money and not for the very process of work, but it is simple
because it became accustomed to work with the complete return, even anything for this
having. In it excellent in every respect abilities, but to it and into the head it does not come to
look itself in other matter. You, using the methods, with which will deal the discussion below,
without the special labor can lead it to the thought about change in the activity. To you
sufficient will be only sow in its head thought about the fact that it for years carries out work,
to it very entirely unnecessary, that it only are used the higher “marionettes”, — and it
everything will release to the drift and it will carry out that work, which is necessary to you.

Let us give another example. This case occurred with the old familiar (by class-mate) of
one of the followers of system [DEIR]. The son of this woman, already adolescent, fell in the
bad company and the long time it felt himself there is completely comfortably. From the
[popivaemykh] alcoholic beverages, from the different kind of [kureva] (but were smoked, as
you you surmise, not only cigarettes) harm, in his opinion, none be it could. Argument was on
this score following: if this was then detrimentally, no one not of saws smoked completely,
then “[kajf] from the alcoholic and from the smoked grass not transmitted”. To prove
something reverse it was impossible, since child increasingly less yielded to outside influence.
The general sensation of freedom and [vsedozvolennosti], which reigned in the group, it
pleased itself fellow where more than the pressure of family and school. It was very glad, that
it proved to be in this company, even proud walked. As its mother now recalls, to take out it
was from there practically impossible. But miracle occurred, it is more accurate, so is counted
its mother. Once neither from that nor from this fellow visited sensation, that his stay in this
company to its it is necessary so much for it, as [koresham]. It- that from this what benefit? It
threw studies, somewhat — they will leave for the second year; it spoiled relations with the
parents and the recent friends, it ceased to attend sport section and from the strongest fellows
of its class became ninny. Here, perhaps, and all “achievements”. After to it found this
“illumination”, everything slowly began to be adjusted, also, in the school, and house.
Miracles, it goes without saying, it is not. It is simple follower [DEIR], remembering about
the old school friendship, it showed family feasible gratuitous aid it set to fellow the brains.
About the fact that it is assembled to make this, the mom of youth, of course, knew and it was
purely in a human manner glad although to some participation, that “by some there beyond
action it is possible of man from the nonsense to cure” — in this, it goes without saying, did
not believe. And when fellow unexpectedly for it undertook mind, came running to us itself
not its from happiness, without knowing how to [otblagodarit]. But indeed entire this it, in
general, could attain and itself, had it sufficient knowledge and faith in its own forces.

Now you did ascertain that such a control is completely elementary? After you will
become accustomed to use methods given in this book, you will attain such achievements,
which did not dream to the majority of [ekstrasensov]-[chudotvortsev].

From the means of intention, as we already said, it is best to begin; they are their kind
the foundation of action by [mysleformami]. But in the course of time, [podnatorev] in this
matter, you will be able to use other, more complex means; for example, to start into the
consciousness “of target” the final logical construction and even to pack into its mouths its

Thus, you already know that with the aid of the transfer of means you can “intercept”
control “of marionette” in the parasitic energy-information field. This makes possible for you
to without difficulty manipulate by its consciousness. Because of this “marionette” not only
cannot bring to you any harm or even uneasiness, but it begins consciously to act in your

Some people occur capable of this from the generation. Wherever they not proved to be
— everywhere and without the special labor they can by the insignificant application of their
own force not only draw to themselves the attention of people, but also carry out coup in their
minds. They speak about similar that they are the innate leaders. As you understand, the
distinctive special feature of leader consists not of what ideas it carries out into the life, and
not in ideas themselves, but in the fact that people go after it and it is capable to subordinate
to itself them. All the remaining merits, such as intellect, fitness for work, oratorical and
leadership skill, it goes without saying, play the leading role, but far from main thing. You

themselves for sure know among your close such clever and industrious people, which you
respect and even, possibly, you love, but after which you never will go, happen so that they
they will attempt you to somewhere conduct. If man cannot be absorbed in others after
himself, then he cannot be leader, although, of course, itself about himself he has the right to
think all anything.

History knows many innate leaders, who left different layers of the societies, which
obtained world reknown because of their abilities to only conduct people after themselves.
They are steels by leaders not on the will of the case, as this sometimes is, when situation
requires the presence of leader, but because their leadership of — the nucleus of their human
nature. They will be leaders in any situation, with any circumstances. Such of steel, for
example, Lenin, that headed the revolution of 1917, Spartacus, who drew into 73—71 yr.
B.C. in its numbers of 70 thousand rebels, and many other true personalities. They could
conduct masses after themselves, because from nature they possessed gift to manipulate by
the consciousness of those surrounding. We do not completely guarantee to you, that, moving
subsequently by means of evolution, you will acquire the same glory and will enter into the
history. You will agree, not this is necessary for the happiness. But to become leader in the
large association and all the more in his own family of — this already you compulsorily will
be able.

Special features of control

On that, to what extent the result of all actions with the high level of motivation to them
grows, you know themselves. Not randomly they indicate that man can attain what
conveniently, he is worthwhile for it properly this to want. Therefore “the marionette”,
controlled by you, to attain will be able very much, if you skillfully use methods of the supply
of primary means; the results of her activity would be considerably below, you attempt it to
push slightly by the rough pulses, about which we spoke in the previous chapters.

As you understand, besides “the marionettes”, i.e., people, implicated in the field of
parasitic energy, the significant number of usual people surrounds you. Them distinguishes
from “the marionettes” the fact that they did not undergo a constant action from the side,
although they were not protected from it. They became accustomed to the irregular influence,
which one can completely neutralize after a certain time.

That exists in the center of intention, is very easily checked by logic. “The marionette”,
which accustomed not to check the appearing in itself means (but with it and all feelings, and
emotion, and conclusion) and to act according to them, it occurs is very obedient to its feeding
medium. Therefore in the case of your successful turning off “of marionette” from its feeding
field you completely can take upon yourselves the steering functions of customary “to the
marionette” of the cluster of parasitic pour on: the essence of action will change, whereas
principle will remain the same.

But if you deal concerning the people, whose consciousness in practice [nezamutnenno]
(more accurate, it is used from one case to the next), planned then simply in you it does not
realize. Prepare to the inevitable difficulties, which will interfere with you until you learn to
give the means, which corresponds to the level of his perception, to man, who did not
accustom to constant control from the side. In cases when you deal concerning such people,
your action must as much as possible harmonize with the internal diagonal bracing of the
personal qualities “of target”.

You relate to this man more attentively than it is simple to “the marionette”, with the
large, if then it is possible to say, by respect. That fell into the head to it you nevertheless
never you will drive into, but if this comes out, then with the price only of colossal labor,
which can be not justified. Therefore our to you the council: send only those means, which
will not be received by their consciousness and logic into the bayonets, to this type of people;
know how to find the compromise version between your action and internal essence of
individual man. Let us say what to make, if you do know that you does interfere with the
concrete personality, the independently thinking, having specific reasons not into your benefit
and desire to appear against?

If problem bears immediate nature, then you can use rough pulses and choke this
tendency. But, as you themselves understand, this all temporarily, and entire your energy will
depart to that in order not to pass the case, when your enemy can open mouth and appear
against you. It would of course you like the problem to be solved once and for all. You know
that to your side to you it will him not draw, since it, just as you, attains its purposes,
comprehends proceeding, weighing everything “after” and “against”.

What it is possible to advise to make in this case? Search for compromise version. If
you do not succeed in making from the enemy of the adherent of — attain so that it at least
would not speak against you so that it would remain during all voting “chronically to that
restraining”. [Podkinte] to it advantageous for it idea, help to create the specific sphere of
action, attempt other one or method or another to take away it from you. Generally, try to act
[poaktivnee] in the social plan. When in its head arises a certain realization of the fact that to
interfere with you — the matter not quickly advantageous, then act by the supply of necessary
means. Now you already nothing must prevent.

For the successful implementation of that planned accept for the armament the
following nuance: the intentions, supplied with that surrounding, must not be connected
directly with the situation, which you attempt to solve. Let these intentions appeal to any
outside events, to which and attention- that serious turn no one will be. Using them, you attain
your, distracting the attention of people from the basic problem.

Let us dismantle possible situation. For example, your chief not into what wants to send
you into the foreign mission. He wonderful understands that it will contribute to your
professional growth, but to it this is not very profitable: competitors are necessary no one. In
this case you understand, that your chief of — only serious obstacle on your way, since other
people, capable you of mixing, next no. Your sober self-appraisal also prompts to you that
from entire association you are the only candidature for this trip confronting: to you she will
give more than to someone to other, and that precisely you they do not want to release for this

What it is possible to make in this situation? First, not argue with whom and you on no
account tell no one that they would want to go. You remember that if you will stimulate
attention in the situation, the same will make and your chief and all your further actions will
be checked by his logic. Your task of turning situation in such a way that it would begin to
spit both to the overseas business trip and on you. Then it will not interfere with you and you
will attain your. But how it is possible to distract his attention? Yes by all, which is meant for
it and which can be screwed tighter under the hand!

For example, they became known that your chief has unhealthy stomach. You will
place somehow unnoticeably to it on the table advertizing newspaper with the enumeration of

the best boarding houses, where treat similar diseases (good now of such much). It is still
better, if in this material it will be in detail painted, which can happen, if disease was
neglected. If newspaper at least falls to it on eyes, can send to it the means of the concrete
intention of — to take a trip to [podlechitsja]. But further control proceeding. It, would most
likely, place this newspaper there without your action, where they usually add pulp literature.
But as it will enter in this time, you will see themselves. Observe quietly, unnoticeably; you
will be silent, if it suddenly inquires, who could place newspaper on its table. If your chief is
sufficiently well provide ford and the material side of a question cannot stop him, very soon
to it it will be not to you. It will be completely confident moreover, that the solution to repair
health it accepted completely independently. You will go into the desired mission, after
completing preliminarily positive from all points of view act: the status of the health of man
will be improved because of your timely interference and its life, possibly, will be prolonged.

Use of means of desire for control

Besides the transfer of the means of intention you can use also the means of desire. This
means that you can change the perception of situation by another man, “after correcting” him.
Speaking more simply, to force it to desire that, what you want. , That indicates desire in the
life of any man and as it moves it, we already spoke. Furthermore, in contrast to the means of
intention, desire acts longer, because it relates to the unmotivated signals of subconsciousness
and, what very importantly, almost never is checked by logic.

Man is always inclined to attempt to carry out his desires, even if he understands, that
they bring harm to it. And even if it realizes the reason for their appearance, it will more often
continue to achieve that planned, than it will agree to neutralize reason. Let us say, that
adolescent, who fell into the bad company (his history we they recently investigated),
wonderful understood that before it there proved to be, it it did not be desirable to miss
lessons, to smoke grass, etc, i.e., he was understood well which was precisely the reason for
its new desires.

It would seem, by what simpler: after being combined with other parents, teachers, and
there can be, and with the aid of the police, it is simple to attempt to drive away this company
with her parasitic action, and everything then will arise in its places? No, it will not arise.
Because by the action of parasitic medium was neglected the destructive program, and it
completely can function within the framework the consciousness of concrete adolescent. Now
it opened for itself the new forms of entertainments, and it it does not be desirable from them
to part. Desires of the group of steel by its desires. Moreover, even if its company was
scattered, it would find to itself the same or still worse; because, as you know, the high level
of motivation ensures the rapid realization of that planned. And if not the timely interference,
which chopped off it from the action of disastrous medium, which and then settled in its
consciousness other desires, parasitic tendencies then continued by it to lead.

Or another example: young man, all forces that returning to ascending the official
stairs, makes fall in love into the girl. Itself it on the nature of very business, prudent; main in
its life of — self assertion due to obtaining of material abundance and career increase. It
wholly devotes itself to work, studies in the graduate study, obtaining of specific social status.
Many friends correctly criticized it for this approach to the life: indeed in general it itself
limited from many everyday happiness and elementary human happiness. But here it
happened something, what no one expected never from it: it simply did not be absorbed in,
but passionately it fell in love itself, which is called, to the unconsciousness. So that in this
case he forgot about the work, about the studies, and about the elementary material

abundance, without which, as you themselves understand, it is possible simply to lengthen
feet. Most unpleasant in this situation that that precisely this passion as a result into love- that
and does not overgrow. Philosophers not randomly always carried out division between
passion, love and love. These concepts can at first be mixed up, but survives in the final
analysis only love. However, passion any sooner or later burns out. The same, most likely,
expected in the near future and our young man. To it it threatened to be deprived not only of
the object of its passion, but at the same time and all that, what it already almost reached.

It is known that all girls, who enjoy success in men, require attention. In the “light”
cases themselves the man must at least give much time to the object of his passion. Thus acted
our hero. He acted boundless and foolhardy, as a result of which it became its release from the
prestigious, well paid work, and also deduction from the graduate study. In this case he
practically was not disturbed, receiving entire proceeding with it philosophically, villages by
the neck to its own parents and it did not be going in its life something to change. Councils of
friends, which are reduced on the whole to one: to spit to its flame and not to frolic, no action
they had, because, disregarding not of what logical persuasions, men it consciously desired to
return entire its time of its beloved.

The matter it reached the point that “the well-wishers” of young man in face of parents
and close relatives asked girl to leave to the period from the city. By it it seemed which if is
simple to remove girl “from the eyes down” (reason for the selection of incorrect way), then
everything will arise in its places or at least not then rapidly it will go under the slope. It to, it
goes without saying, make this refused and it was in general the right: not by this means it is
necessary to solve a similar problem.

And this problem, in spite of entire its complexity, were solved. In the consciousness of
young man on the request of parents the specific logical construction (for you still is in
prospect to master, that this such) was placed, which very soon began to work and led to the
desired results. The sense of this construction consisted of the following: if you do not
undertake mind, this girl subsequently itself you will throw: why to it is necessary the father
of family without the work and without the money, that knows how only to issue his feelings?
The desire to continue studies in the graduate study and to work was added to this logical
form. It is necessary to say that and that, etc conceived action. And the new happy family very
soon appeared in the light: in it reigned not only the love, but also abundance.

Step 10. Technology of control with the aid of the desire

The technology of the transfer of desire noticeably is differed from the technology of
the transfer of intention. One of the differences consists in the fact that for the transfer of
desire it is necessary to know how to especially accurately perceive the sensual sphere “of
target”, i.e., “to overhear” its thoughts and feelings is even more thoroughly than if you dealt
concerning the intention. Is caused this, in the first place, by the fact that, as you already
understood from the given examples, the desire to complete always anything is connected in
each man with the time, the place and the concrete people. Even the most washed away, yet
not formed human desires imply at least one of these components. Themselves you
understand, that man can desire anything is only concretely, but it is in no way not abstract.

Another reason consists in the fact that the desire always lies more superficially than
intention. It to perhaps more easily reveal in the social plan, simply general with the people,
but for control it is more complicated. As you remember, in order to feel the intention of

another man, its own consciousness is necessary to consciously turn off layer after the layer,
so here desire goes in this number directly before the elementary intention.

In the essence of their, from a energy point view of desire can be only two types:
positive, that is consisted in the tendency of anything to attain, and negative, whose sense is
expressed in the tendency of anything to avoid, something to reject. But in any event
tendencies these are completely concrete, and you should learn them, “after overhearing”
them in the consciousness “of target”.

Desire moreover is connected with the intention, but it does not depend on it, but it
serves as condition for adoption or nonacceptance of intention. I.e., if there is a intention and
it does not come into conflict with the desire, then everything goes as along oil: man acts
clearly, confidently; in a word, it appears on the way of man of his no own, internal barriers.
But if contradiction arose between the intention and the desire, then intention, as a rule,
remains unrealized. Therefore, if we into the consciousness “of target” place the desire, which
contradicts its intention, then intention this will not realized be. The relative complexity of
application for control of desire hundredfold redeems by precisely this special feature.

Give to before study directly the study of the technology of the supply of the specific
desire, let us recall th process of concentration on our with you nucleus of human essence e
necessary for us. If suddenly they forgot, as this to make, glance into the beginning of this

Thus, you were concentrated on your feelings, perceived again all its special features of
the perception of the surrounding peace, perceived its feelings of — sight, rumor, touch of —
they renounced them, they rejected them as the object of attention. They then made the same
with their emotions and intellect: both that and, etc rejected after the uselessness. Main now
— the center of your energy-information essence or, if you want, your soul. Now, after this
exercise, you sequential time felt your present I in the pure form, without retouching and
colorings in the form of emotions, reason and feelings.

Now, when the basic preparatory stage of action is behind, make that the fact that you
already know how and repeatedly they practiced: you will look to any outside man and will
perceive that the center, situated after your [Adzhna]-[chakroj], and the same his center of —
one and the same. If identification past successfully, then can continue. Now be concentrated
on the emotions and the desires, only no longer your, but “the target” of — so you will begin
to be penetrated by its emotional sphere. Most likely, you will learn this to do already in the
near future and then you be able exactly as this made with the intention, to place into the
consciousness “of target” your desires.

You must create yourselves necessary attitude and identify with “the target”. (As this to
make what exercises to use for the training, we with you already they dismantled.) I into the
necessary moment you " push” into the consciousness “of target” that means, which they
created by our own consciousness.

B[y] you already know that the desires and the intentions “of marionette” are, as a rule,
dictated by the influence of energy-information parasitic medium. They completely
harmonize with each other, and therefore are logical [skoordinirovanny]. This means that the
blown by energy-information structure desire can be satisfied in the implementation
simultaneously blown intention. Therefore there are two versions of control “of marionette”.
On the first we already mentioned. It consists in injecting of only desire in its consciousness.

Since intention in it remained previous, placed even more parasitic energy-information field,
then between the desire and the intention occurs conflict, which unavoidably affects the
behavior “of marionette”. Controlling it, you will become the witness of its chaotic, fussy
actions of — i.e., you can with the ease destroy the concentration of man and derive him from
the inspired state, which serves as a indispensable guarantee of the success of action. And if
your “target”, for example, was assembled to pronounce speech and to bring people after
itself (at least at the production conference or in the dispute on the municipal kitchen), then
nothing in it it will leave!

There is the different version. It somewhat more complex in the embodiment, but its
result is more effective. Its essence consists in changing of both the desire and intention
(further we we will pass the application of the so-called constructions, and they be them also
it consists of the simultaneous action on the desire and the intention). In this case the actions
“of marionette” will be because of your action logical, sequential, [produmanny] and, if you
do not object to this word, they are beautiful. To you, to the organizer of entire of proceeding,
it will remain to only admire by them, controlling the fact, as it realizes th plans e planned by

For example, you arrived for the market and you be going in concrete salesman to
purchase let us assume tomatoes. Goods is actually good, is beautiful, and the salesman of —
courtesy itself. You stretch to it for the tomatoes polyethylene small packet and with the
surprise note that the politeness of the merchant of — only trap for the simpletons, because it
cheats in weighing all one and all, and it is sufficiently perceptible. It will, it goes without
saying, also now cheat in weighing you, if you not to the sign of measures.

Are such they can be your actions in this situation? Certainly, it is possible to at the last
moment refuse to take tomatoes in it, to resemble on the market in the hope of finding such
salesman, as does not deceive. Yes it is much whether in our time of such? It swindles
moreover, and loss and uneasiness causes itself to you! What to [stati] to you so is simple to
leave? To sometimes place rather well self-seekers on the place.

Make that, about which we recently spoke. You will change the desire “of target”, i.e.,
salesman. [Podkinte] to it the idea, for example, to assume to you vegetables two times more
by the weight, than you request. If you want to become the witness of his strange, fussy
actions, and to at the same time advance him in this light before the remaining merchants, can
change only his desire. It will come into conflict with the old intention of salesman to cheat in
weighing you, and this conflict amusingly will be reflected in its behavior (that whether it will
be mistaken in the calculations, the in it everything will be brought down from the hands, then
it will redden and mumble — but effect will be, and very amusing). But if you value your
time and to be located in the society of this man to you is unpleasant, operate harder: you will
change intention, and desire. Very rapidly it will place to you into the small packet th goods e
interesting you and in necessary quantities, it will be with you maximally polite, smiling, and
if you that want — even money from you to take it will refuse. Finally, goods he has it is
much, why not to entertain a good man!

Desires of people, to a lesser degree subjected to the action of parasitic energy, to

change considerably more easily even more productive than the desire “of marionette”. This
for that reason occurs, that the desires always appear spontaneously, they are carried out, as a
rule, rapidly and critically in no way they are evaluated.

For example, it was wanted to you to eat ice cream. If in you throat does not ache and
you do not fear to smash to yourselves the appetite of — you you go and you buy it. Or you
do not buy, if to reason they are forced from it to restrain on some. But you never will begin
to torture yourselves by long and senseless reflections of the type: “A from what this suddenly
to me was wanted ice cream?” Usual man of — to himself owner, and therefore the tendency
to satisfy its each desire is natural for it. Hence and the remarkable saying: “Desires must be
satisfied in proportion to their appearance”.

“Marionette” realizes its desires [vynuzhdenno] (more accurate, not its, but its parasitic
medium). The fact that she thinks and feels, to describe is sufficiently complicated, but by and
large it is possible to say the following. It is guided not so much by principle “I I want”, as by
position “so is must, so must be”. It acts in this case is completely consciously, since it
became accustomed to such orders from without. In the usual life “marionette”, besides
certain [samouglublennosti], it is characterized by also obstinacy. They frequently speak
about the man of — “the marionette” of parasitic energy-information structures that it lives in
its, isolated from others peace, and associate with it, by the way, almost exceptionally the
same “marionettes”, people of its clan. To knock till heard to this man practically impossibly,
since his consciousness is limited by the influence of parasitic field.

In comparison with the usual man of men “marionette” to the larger degree it is
deepened into itself and its sensations, several [zatsiklen] on them. However, simple man, as a
rule, in them special attention does not turn — it lives for the fulfillment of his desires,
completely automatically driving on under them its intentions.

Now, when you know how to manipulate by human desires and intentions, it is possible
to begin to master the new method of — the combination of intention and desire. This method
makes it possible to influence situation complexly, without elaborating of the internal peace
“of target”. It very well is suitable for a relatively shallow, but effective control.

Step 11. Use of constructions for control of the strange consciousness

The combination of intention and desire is called construction. Construction of — one

of the basic elements of human psyche. Its role is extremely great not only in the process of
realization by man of his desire, but also in the subsequent then stage of the development of
the logically substantiated plan of actions.

Of course intention and desire of — these two elements of the mental machine of the
brain of — is tightly interconnected. Give let us try to realize them themselves for ourselves
in the concrete examples of — indeed we with you we study not dead theory, but we learn to
manipulate by consciousness at that level, at which they are familiar with it from the
generation, namely from within (here this yet made not one system in the world!).

Let us say, you hurry to the work, you should somewhat more rapidly drink tea and
leave from to house. The boiling teapot stands on the plate. In you the intention to be gripped
for it arose, but here it is alien into the conflict with the desire to avoid contact with it, since at
the last moment you realized, that it can anneal to you hand. As a result for you it was
necessary to arise and to follow the clamp, which you earlier put off after the uselessness into

Or another example. You will intend to have a nap longer: it is already painful tiredness
in the past day. Sweet stretching in the bed, you suddenly realize, that your today's delay of

the work there will no longer first but be, since you you desire to still continue to work in the
same organization and to obtain wage, then you nevertheless force yourselves to arise, but
you transfer the intention to sleep off to the output.

From other side, if you lacks starting intention, then desire pours out simply into the
vague languor or concludes with obscure anxiety. Similar situations frequently occur with
each of us (you remember the marketable joke: “Something it does want, but whom — I do
not know?”). As a rule, to this it leads the fatigue, which people in the majority the cases do
not know how to avoid. The fact is that the appearance of intention is impeded with the
fatigue. (For this reason it is necessary to attempt to organize its life so that the fatigue would
attend you how thinner frequent as possible: to know how it must ensure to himself work, and
leisure.) man himself feels himself uncomfortably, since his desire, which increases full
speed, does not find realization. However, the reason for internal disharmony, as a rule, is not

Sometimes to this they can lead even positive by and large emotions. Let us say, during
three weeks you wonderfully spent time on South coast. But in the end you begin to
experience something like the obscure languor. It would seem, what to you it does not be
sufficient, indeed everything so is good! You tanned, they ate up fruits, each day for a long
time they bathed in the sea. About the work and to hear you do not desire and, after
approaching it, very for long cannot be pulled into the usual vital rhythm. It wants you
something, but what precisely, you do not realize. You are simple tiredness to rest (and to
loaf). Here the intention to work you in time and did not visit — because of the vulgar fatigue.
As you see, intention and desire between themselves are connected most intimately, and from
that, how clearly you know how to use both that and, etc, depends your skillful mastery of this
instrument of government as construction. At your disposal the following base varieties of
constructions: fixing, that suppresses, that abolishes and substituting. Give let us begin with
the first.

Step of 11[a]. the technology of the use of the fixing construction

The fixing construction serves in order to strengthen one or other thought or another in
the strange consciousness. For example, in the head in man arose the idea, which was
advantageous to you (in this case in no way importantly, you to it it gave or it itself by it it
were penetrated). This idea can be by it accepted, and can — and no. These situations, you
will agree, very [rasprostranenny]. Each day we solve the problems, connected with the trips,
by purchases, by pasttime, etc I each time, occurring before the fact of decision making, we
are assigned approximately such type by the questions: “It does be worthwhile to buy these so
persistently proposed winter boots? Are actual whether they this good quality, as they speak
about them, and not too much whether for them they request?” or: “It is necessary whether to
go with this man into the theater, if outstanding weather stands and it is possible to take a trip
with another worshipper for the city?”.

Such questions of — sometimes important, sometimes not very — for you is necessary
to solve almost each day in the process of contact with the people. To this it leads any dispute,
explanation of relations, exchange of opinions. Sometimes they nothing essential in your life
solve, sometimes occurs so that from these trifles it is added life.

For example, you — the commercial agent, propose a good, qualitative goods. But
market, as is known, it is now overfilled and for the user is necessary to fight. You talk with
the director of the store (or, depending on the special features of your work, simply with the

potential buyer) and you see that it it varies, it weighs everything “after” and “against” and
which now can influence all anything its solution, and if it proves to be not into your benefit,
then you to the indeterminate period (to the following transaction, but when it still it will be!)
you will remain without the money. You it attentively observe (but your possibilities include
the direct interception of his thoughts) and suddenly see that the thought to follow your
council arose to the instant in it. You urgently should undertake something, because moment
for the action as cannot that more being suitable. If into this minute you give to the
consciousness “of target” positive desire, as you already can, then by this you will fasten the
emergent intention and the received construction will begin its work.

Certainly, in the most serious cases you can “neglect” the action of construction, after
developing intention independently (or to support by its its action, if it insufficiently strong).
As this is done, you already know. True, are more reasonable all this to make not into two
stages (they caused the intention of — they studied desire), but, which is called, into one
contact. As you remember, intention at the consciousness “of target” lies considerably deeper
than the desire. First, at the deep level, you inject intention, and then, being moved away of
the consciousness “of target” to the more surface level, you modify desire.

In this case do not forget, that [mysleobraz] of desire compulsorily includes the means
of concrete result. Therefore, if you — the commercial agent, do not forget, that precisely
must want to purchase in you your “target” from entire proposed by you goods, when and for
what sum. But if you miss one of the important elements, in the actions “of target” will arise
the confusion, and this to you now is in no way necessary. In similar situations the fixing
construction of — the operational and reliable method of action on those surrounding.

Step of 11[b]. the technology of the use of the abolishing construction

The abolishing construction serves in order not to allow accomplishment “by the target”
of the specific actions. If we use ourselves the previous example of interrelations between the
commercial agent and the buyer, then you can, after feeling the intention “of target” to reject
your proposal, to be touched its consciousness at the moment of the appearance of intention
undesirable for you and to inject negative desire. In this case intention (to deflect proposal)
and inculcated by you negative desire (to abolish intention) they will enter between
themselves in the contradiction. As you remember, if there is a intention and it comes into
conflict with the desire, then intention remains unrealized. Therefore, will begin to occur
precisely that to you is necessary: your buyer will not be able to you to refuse in
[priobretennii] of goods.

This construction, beginning to work, starts into subconsciousness the entire complex
of the reactions, directed toward the active deviation from the concrete action. In this case you
(i.e., to the commercial agent) should avoid failure in the conclusion of the outlined

Step of 11[v]. the technology of the use of the suppressing construction

The suppressing construction is used when to you necessary that the situation by itself
would come to nothing. In these cases it is, as a rule, illogical to use the abolishing or all the
more fixing construction. They are effective in those versions, when from the man it is
necessary to attain some actions. The suppressing construction is used in the situations of
directly opposite, when it is necessary to avoid any course of events.

Let us give the following example. You will go in the transport without the ticket.
(Situation, familiar to absolutely each townsman and, by the way speaking, sometimes
appearing for the completely [objasnimym] reasons, with which, unfortunately, the
conductors, but the fact more controllers very do not want to be considered. In it periodically
fall all, even most disciplined people.) let us represent the following picture: you " notched”
controller and penalty requires. For it penalty does not be necessary to suffer in making of the
decision to take or not to take. Naturally, to take — indeed it by this lives. Consequently,
neither that abolishing (negative desire and the intention of action) nor fixing (positive desire
and the intention of action) constructions use you cannot.

So that you will make in this situation? The versions of — to pay penalty, either to go
into the police in the case of the absence of money, or, it is still steeper, to arrange scandal to
entire railroad car of — let us reject: not for that we with you study the methods of control by
those surrounding. Give let us be presented the question: which your purpose in this situation?
In general, it is completely concrete: controller must you remain, without having obtained the
desired penalty. If one considers that many people successfully are twisted out from similar
positions each day, to master some methods you- that already those more will compose no

With the creation of the suppressing construction you can act by two methods. The first
consists in modifying of the desire “of target”, after directing it toward another result, but
after preserving in this case the general sign: positivity or negativeness. By “positivity” and
“by negativeness” is understood internal agreement to act or failure of the action. For
example, [podkinte] to controller the desire anything to cut through (as you see, the positivity
of sign it remains). Greatly it can be, that your desire will be is partly consonant to its own,
and then it will respond to your “proposal” almost with happiness. You will be able to
[pronabljudat] as it, to the pleasure of the same passengers as you, it will wave on you by
hand, it will leave the railroad car and will be directed to the nearest stall.

Using the second method, you can be touched “the target” by your field and change
intention. For example, to change the intention you to fine to another — to leave you at rest.
And reason it is present moreover: money in you, in all likelihood, no, and news you into the
police of — to itself more expensively will leave, indeed you not last “hare” in its life.

With the use both of the first and second method “the target” rarely completes the
accepted by it activity plan. Occurs this because man cannot act from th motives e insincere
for himself. Indeed you change in this situation something one: either desire or intention. For
obtaining the clear, clearly expressed result of this it is insufficient. True, it to you is not very
necessary: in order to extinguish the development of problem, it is completely sufficient and

But for you nevertheless it is worthwhile to remember that the actions “of target” will
be [neorganizovanny], they are inconsistent and they are not completed. Therefore it will be
better, if you, in spite of a deficiency in the time, be able to hear the internal state “of target”
and to prompt to man such idea, which would harmonize with his true problems, but it did not
have relation concretely to your situation. For example, you grasped, that it is a little hungry,
— help it to realize its desire to eat. If you see that it is lonely and suffers from this,
[podkinte] to it the desire to be introduced to the next sitting girl, etc in such cases your action
to the use of the suppressing construction it will be considerably more effectively.

Step of 11[g]. the technology of the use of the substituting construction

The last, substituting construction is necessary for the complete transformation of
situation in the consciousness “of target”. It consists of subject by you intention and
consonant to it desire. Hence it follows that of all constructions enumerated above this will be
most effective even it will require, we want this or there is no, larger craftsmanship. Here one
cannot fail to speak about one complexity: the unmotivated desire most frequently passes
logical checking, and therefore will have to separately justify it. To make this it will be
possible to independently (although to express aloud) and already after this inject the
substituting construction, which will already and neglect the subconsious mechanism of its
realization, after connecting it with the situation proposed.

For example, you have the possibility to move on the official stairs, and you know that
completely this you deserve. But your chief has another opinion on this score: it it would be
desirable to increase in the post of people close to it. Use the substituting construction: you
will change its desire and intention into your benefit, without having forgotten to
preliminarily create them motivation, — and very soon everything they will see you in the
new quality. For the motivation of desire use the present, real reasons, for which you
completely [opravdanno] pretend to the new place. When in the consciousness in “the target”
donkey the motive of future act, can start in the action construction itself.

Are such the basic methods of control by base [mysleformami] of human

consciousness. They — completely reliable means for the operational-tactical control over
people. Their fundamental difference from coarse control is in the fact that they influence
subconsciousness “of target”, thanks to which work sufficiently long time after the
curtailment of action. In reality, as a rule, they move by man until exhaust themselves, i.e., th
program e placed in them until is executed and they will not reach the interesting you result.
Get accustomed to use the obtained habits. Besides the immediate benefits, which they can to
you bring, the possession of this skill will allow you to develop their plans at completely
different level, than the plans of usual man, and to set for themselves qualitatively different

Over the long term by you, it goes without saying, can be necessary even the more
prolonged results of action. At the given moment you already manage base necessary for this.
Tool for this also exists: these are the consciously generated programs. This technology in its
essence has much in common with th habits of the application of [mysleform] e already
available to you. But since we with you increasingly further advance, but we are not trampled
down on the spot, mastery of this procedure will require some efforts. In general, some simple
programs you could manage even now. But we nevertheless recommend to you to be
occupied by composition and by the introduction of programs already after you finally will be
mastered with [mysleformami].

Connected this the with the fact that unskillful attempts to use programs are extremely
tiresome. You will expend much time and forces on them, and results they will leave much to
be desired. You will agree, this is always unpleasant. Therefore to everything its time. But if
you already sufficiently confidently use [mysleformami], then imperatively I recommend to
you to become accustomed to use programs, since now they are capable of taking care to you
the mass of time and forces.

Chapter 4

Technology of the long-term effect of – of program for the consciousness of the

Now, when you completely mastered the application of [mysleform], before you arose
the new task of — to master the technology of the application of programs. In the previous
chapter we already mentioned about the programs, from what you probably made conclusion
about their extraordinary importance and effectivenesses in the use. I immediately prevent
you about the fact that the program of — the most complex question, which is examined in
this book. Finally to be dismantled at it is possible only with constant trainings.

One of the most frequent questions, to which for me it is necessary to answer, is such:
how long it will leave to the mastery of programs? Unfortunately, human nature is arranged
so that, we, pursuing one or other purpose or another, fear to [peretruditsja]. Solving the
problem about that, should we something make or not, we are usually assigned by the
question: and what efforts this will require and does stand the game of [svech]? In the
application of programs, as in the study of foreign language, limits for the improvement there
does not exist. To be trained and to grind the obtained habits you can constantly, although to
the end of life. But all the fact is that in proportion to mastery of our procedure you will cease
to relate to this process as to the instruction. For you the application of programs will become
its kind philosophy, world view, new outlook on life. Understand once and for all that our
study of — not the collection of some concrete habits, which can be obtained in some a few
days, and then, after the uselessness, to forget; these methods will very soon become the part
of your life, they will influence it and ennoble it. And if you master them properly, you
already never will want with them to part. They will be to you reliable satellite in the course
of your entire life.

Let us give the following example. You from the work should it was necessary learn to
print on typewriter. You resembled two weeks the accelerated courses, then fastened the
obtained habits of the process of work and already the weeks through three sufficiently
rapidly printed. Through they half a year you transferred into another division, where there
was professional typist, and through several months from your habits of type-writing little that
remained: they almost were forgotten, since you did not support them. You this fact not at all
distressed: necessarily it will be — you will recall. But in spite of all this neither obtaining of
these, in general, useful habits their nor loss on you as to the man completely influenced —
you they remained the same, as they were.

B our case with the system [DEIR] all proceeds differently. Even if suddenly happens
improbable: you to the perfection [ovladeete] by our procedure, and then unexpectedly you
will cease it to use for yourselves (you will fall, for example, for the uninhabited island or
your environment it will become such ideal that the interference will be is simply
inappropriately), these knowledge never you they will leave. Purely technically you
something will perhaps and partially forget, that it will comprise no labor to recall
independently. But your world view will remain before. I do not speak already, that very
essence of these knowledge forever will remain in your soul, your memory, and you will
always realize yourselves by man, capable of creating, of changing at will soul and the minds
of those surrounding.

From the fact that was said, it does not completely follow that the process of mastery of
programs is infinitely prolonged. You will be able to become the witness of our own success
very soon with the favorable circumstances. Your achievements will first of all depend on
how good you mastered the material of the first book and strengthened its own power

engineering, how good you solved all your internal problems, connected with the new
evolutionary stage (we they told about this in previous, the second, the book), and also
learned to the methods of passive and active control by those surrounding, studied by you
comparatively recently. If you managed successfully all previous stages, can be completely
confident in the fact that the matters in you will go as along oil.

Very soon you will be able to act on people reflector of — this it will enter in your
habit. The application of programs will be for you so natural how greeted with the familiar
man, even with the fact, whom you do not greatly love. In this case remain your program will
be months and even years. You will become secret [vajatelem] human shower, you will be the
witness of that how people under your easy action absolutely sincerely make that the fact that
another could not make it necessary to complete them, also, from under the stick. There is not
one region of human life, which could become for you unattainable. You will be able to give
to those surrounding installations on the health, happiness, love. You will perceive yourselves
with man, capable of harmonizing not only its life, but also of making th people into
something better e surrounding you and it is happier.

But so that such is program for the human psyche? Contemporary scientists, who study
the activity of human brain, come to the following conclusion: the brain of man on its
functioning is actually very similar to the computer. This comparison will be pleased by,
possibly, not all, but, using it, we do not completely attempt by some means to minimize man,
to deprive of his purely human uniqueness and in everything to liken to machine. We have in
the form only some aspects of the activity of the brain (we will now dismantle examples, and
they will become understandable that I have in the form). Furthermore, if we know, what
elements to analyze, then mechanical nature of consciousness will become completely clear.
Moreover as is known, our internal I is by no means limited to our by intellect, emotions,
feelings, etc we with you all this we already know and therefore by no means we do not
attempt to encroach on the true nucleus of the human soul (it, the feeling itself I, which you
already learned to perceive, still by anyone is not studied). However, give let us be dismantled
with the fact that it is implied by the comparison of human consciousness and computer.

B[y] for sure noted, what role attitude to these or other events plays in your life. Thus,
if you allow oneself the specific installation to something, for example, to the success, success
or, [naooborot], to failure, then this your installation unavoidably will operate. It is possible
even to say more categorically: the large part of the fact that occurs with you in your life, —
and poor, and good — is one way or another allowed by you or even is planned. Occurs this
because you themselves or under the action of any energy-information pour on you program
accomplishment in your life of various events (again imperatively I recommend to recall the
material of the previous book).

Even in XIX century it was noted that the injured soldiers of the conquering army get
better more rapidly than soldiers with the same injuries, but the army of that stepping back.
Occurs this because the first burn with enthusiasm to again return to the front, since they
know that their participation brings deliverance from the enemies to the fatherland. They have
installation to the fast return to the system. In their consciousness works the concrete
program, which requires from them the complete return of its own forces of the for
achievement specific result of — of the release of the native earth from the aggressors. There
was noted also the fact that, the in spite of most terrible conditions, with which for soldiers it
was necessary to be reconciled (cold, poor nourishment, the absence of elementary everyday
conveniences), organic diseases were encountered in the army very rarely. Occurred this
because the psyche man the appearance of the same did not allow. In it was placed the

program to the physical health, and everything which depended on concretely its functioning,
it ensured to it. As you see, the specific similarity to the computer programs presently. It you
start — and it works. But to protect man from the negative action from without, for example:
treachery, injury, the arbitrariness of senior in grade of — it did not can. But even if it could,
then to the very insignificant degree. This concerns those cases, when man unconsciously
used those methods, which we with you already learned to use.

However, program for the human psyche is considerably more complex. It simply
cannot be written, and then introduced from the keyboard. Especially it proves to be complex,
if you create it not for yourselves, but for the outside man, whom you want to govern. You,
knowing the procedure of control of system [DEIR], already you understand, which this
program, planning the successful outcome of the matter, for you it is necessary to introduce in
the consciousness of your “target”, using only to you accessible energy-information methods.
Give let us first explain for itself that is this program and as it is possible to create it.

Theory of programs for the consciousness of the man

As you understood of th examples e given above, the program of — this is your own
thought in action. Purpose of its — the accomplishment of any specific objectives. Program
includes four elements. Each of them you must themselves distinctly realize, otherwise it is
not possible to inject them in the consciousness “of target”.

Thus, the first element of — this description or the characteristic of situation or

problem, which you encountered. Creating him, you must distinctly visualize entire situation,
which you will subsequently inject in the consciousness “of target”. It must be bright,
concrete and single-valued for the perception.

B[toroj] the element of — this is motivation for the action. It includes the substantiated
reason for your subsequent actions and directly it escapes from the situation, in which the man
proved to be.

The third element of — the means (or engram) of action, to which led the characteristic
of situation and motive to the action. It also must be bright and single-valued. If you
themselves will be found in the confusion and the confusion, then the same will be
characterized by the actions of man, on whom you act.

And the last, fourth element of — the result of your action, i.e., all that that you plan to
reach, after solving one or other problem or another.

Give for a example let us dismantle the step by step elementary program, one of those,
which you study themselves daily.

Let us assume your child is sick, in it the strong cough (this — the first element, the
characteristic of situation, in which you they proved to be). As motive for your further actions
(by second program library) serves the fact that you want to treat it. In this case you do not
know accurately that with it, how seriously it is sick. Your following action (this the third
element) of — the call of doctor on the house. But the result, which you plan to reach with the
aid of the treatment, — healthy, active child and the found by you calmness.

Or another example. You strayed in the scaffolding (situation). Motive for acting —
your desire from it to be selected, since house you awaits the family, which soon will begin to

be disturbed, and furthermore, tomorrow in the morning you should be on the work. You
already represent, as your relatives, searching for you, turn themselves into the police,
[obzvanivajut] all hospitals and morgues. Then your imagination transfers you to the work,
and you distinctly visualize, as you will appear in the eyes of colleagues and strict authorities,
telling all, [pereminajas] from the foot to the foot, what forest was dark, as you [ugorazdilo]
to remain your company and how much to fear you had suffered much.

Motivation in this case on the force of its power engineering can considerably exceed
all the remaining program library there is no and thus bring together program itself on. You
can be so perturbed happened that in you the serious problems with the production of the
engram of action will arise. Not randomly they indicate that if man of something very
strongly wants, the aim is something to folly, then this something proves to be for it
unfeasible. My council in this case is the following: it is necessary to decrease the
significance of the motivation of action and only then to approach the following stage of
program. This is one of the fundamental rules of composition and use of programs.

Thus, you in the scaffolding. It is necessary to undertake some actions. Each man, who
proved to be himself in this situation, acts in his own way. Someone attempts to be oriented
on the compass or by the sun, someone listens to the sounds, which testify about the presence
near of highway, railroad or other people, and it goes to these sounds; someone from all
forces attempts to be shouted till heard to its. In any event man attempts to manufacture some
engram of action or several actions, if that situation requires. Thus the third program library is
composed. And all this in the hope of obtaining the specific result (fourth element): to return
home to in time and arrive to the work as if nothing were the matter.

These programs can be elementary, entirely simple, created automatically on twenty

times in one day, requiring no comprehension of situation and development of plans. But they
can be and a little more complicated, as in a example with the man, who strayed himself in the
scaffolding or even it is more complex. If the discussion deals with the solution some of
complex vital problem, the creation of program can occupy the unlimited quantity of time. As
you subsequently will be convinced, most complex in it — is this the third element, the
engram of action. In these cases of men he does not know that it is precisely necessary to
make for achievement result. It is understandable that if at least one element does not be
sufficient, then there is no program as such and, naturally, neglected in the action it be cannot.

You will focus attention on the fact that when all four program library presently, it
operates as one thought. To human consciousness there is no necessity whatever to crush it
into the elements. This it is necessary for us with you, it is even then temporary in order to
understand the mechanism of its action. If already everything is clear, then it is received by
your consciousness as something united.

But as soon as this program was distinctly by you realized, arose immediately another
dilemma — to start this program in the action or not to start before you. In this case it is
necessary to note that the finished programs sufficiently frequently for that reason are not
started in the action, that they are checked, depending on situation, either by intention or by
desire. This checking does not enter strictly into program, but is completely inevitable — and
therefore it is very important.

For the clarity let us return for our first example: child fell ill. If you do not desire
(negative desire) to take hospital sheet, you will try not to cause doctor, but to manage by the
domestic means: by vitamins, by hot milk, by pepper mat you will be turned to it only in the

very limiting case. But if for you would be greatly even sit rather well several days of the
house (on the work your hospital sheets no one irritate, but the matters of house was
accumulated much, which requires your presence) — you will summon doctor without
varying (positive desire). Plays also role the already manufactured intention of — to go or not
to go to the doctor. If you are always in similar situations inclined not to entrust the health of
your child to the case, then, most likely, this principle of — always turning to the doctor of —
will not bring you and now. You compulsorily will turn yourselves to the doctor, even if there
is no obvious need for this, and you will sit down on the hospital. But if you in principle are
not intended to make this, then, most probably, you will treat child by domestic means.

You for sure understood from these examples what is program is, as it works and, most
important, what role it plays in the life of man. Mastery of our procedure gives the possibility
to infinitely enlarge the sphere of its influence in the public and personal plans. Since the
large part of our success in the life is based on that, how good we know how to find contact
with those surrounding, for you in effect it will not exist the situations, which you could not
turn into your benefit.

The programs have one important advantage in comparison with the already studied by
you methods: their application is deprived of any side effects, such as the sensation of
pressure or control in “target”. These programs are completely natural and cause in man not
of the least rejection. As you remember, even under the influence by base [mysleformami],
which require a change in the consciousness “of target”, you in half of the cases caused in
your “target” a feeling of confusion and disharmony. Men, even this is “marionette”, it is
inclined to to one degree or another analyze proceeding, and therefore your action can be
although it is sufficient to long so that you could realize your plans, not infinite.

But programs, in comparison with [mysleformami], assume very thin action on

subconsciousness “of target”, they organically are entered in its internal peace and is not
caused its disharmony. Once we asked young man, whom for therapeutic purposes it was
necessary to subject to the action of [mysleform], about why it brought itself by such not
expected for itself and for those surrounding by means; was its behavior caused by its
personal special features, or in these those not expected for it and surrounding minutes
something knocked out it from the usual track, and if yes, the fact that precisely (about
moments at what it was produced action, to it it was not, it goes without saying, said).
According to him, during these minutes it always experienced some incomprehensible
feeling, something like “the defensive tendency to be freed from something such, which was
moved by incomprehensible means into the soul and it began to live in it besides its will”.
Been freed for it, naturally, could not be. [Mysleforma] operated error-free. But despite the
fact that past already sufficiently much time and action itself already had long ago been ended
from that moment, in young man this sensation from the memory was not erased.

The merit of programs consists also of the fact that it is possible to use them, using the
completely different methods of — energy and verbal. The first method consists in the direct
intrusion into the consciousness “of target” (of this it consists basic similarity to the action by
[mysleformami]). Verbal methods adapt in the verbal form. In this case you will be required
the mastery by special methods, let us say, by the method of the vocal regime (about it we we
will in detail speak in the following chapter) and by some others.

The application of programs in the verbal form is by no means new, it during the
centuries sharpened by civilization. You themselves repeatedly encountered the fact, as
influenced your behavior and, moreover, to your world view contact with other one or man or

another. In your life there were for sure people, which albeit it is not eternally, but some
specific period they had on you the unlimited effect. In this case the fact that they told you, far
from always was differed from the fact that you heard from other people. Are simple those,
others, they could not select key to your soul, but these of — was able. Others could suggest
the same or, on the contrary, entirely opposite, but everything to you which went from them,
it did not completely catch you for the living.

Why after one man people will go where conveniently, considering its as the his leader,
but after another, who calls moreover there are no —? Why in one teacher of music your child
not only badly is occupied, but also generally does demonstrate the absence of any musical
abilities, but in another of — and ability suddenly they do appear, and diligence together with
them? You, probably guessed answer to these questions: these personalities knew how to
accomplish sometimes that realized, sometimes there are no — action on those surrounding;
people around them became the living embodiment of their ideas and tendencies.

The application of programs usually hide under the masked terms “oratorical skill”,
“diplomacy”, “psychology of contact”. But we with you must arrange everything in our
places. Indeed after these words hide the methods of control from the side of the strange
psyche, by which we undergo in our life daily. However, real perfection these methods reach
could not precisely in view of their [zavualirovannosti]. Within the framework system
[DEIR], glory to god, everything is oriented correctly. In this chapter we with you will
examine the programs, which imply manipulation by outside consciousness, while in the
following of — the purely behavioral and verbal methods, which will bring to you the mass of

Thus, you already know what is program is and what role it plays in the process of
action. But how it is comprised and how it is possible to interfere into one or other program or

Step 12. Compiling programs for the strange consciousness

In the initial stages of the instruction in application of programs practically it is not

possible to use only energy-information methods. Is caused this by the fact that to consider
entire totality and interrelation of the means, customary for the internal peace “of target”, is
extremely complicated. Therefore now we will not examine the situations, when action on
those surrounding occurs only with the aid of the energy methods. Take into consideration
only the fact that, in spite of obvious complexity, this action is completely possible, but not
now. Attained this when you will constantly improve the adoption technique of means from
the consciousness of your “target” and because of constant trainings you will develop in
yourselves a kind of complete telepathy and the skill to directly control other people. This is
impossible in this stage of our instruction.

Therefore several versions of the combined action in practice are used.

The first version consists in the fact that the program is formulated in the words; in this
case its energy-information support at the level of desire is achieved.

Fig. 13

Give for a example let us dismantle the program, whose embodiment will help in the
following situation. Let us assume in the house products ended and you should send someone
of your lazy members of family into the store. It is impossible in mutual agreement to agree
(husband traditionally it lies on the sofa, reading newspaper; oldest daughter stirs on the
telephone with the friend, you are occupied with junior son and from to house leave cannot).
They everyone is in the calm confidence for their stomachs, since it is hundred per-cent
convinced of the fact that you will devise anything and somehow you will be unscrewed of
this situation. In this case outwardly all appears in the manner that as if the dinner it is
necessary only to you and there is in this house you also want only you. To you it remains
either to arrange large scandal and to cause the thus universal irritation or to the very to go
into the store, after which to you will sit down on the neck still more strongly, or — the third
version of — to skillfully use a technology of manipulation by someone of your relatives. I
think, now you will prefer the latter.

For the beginning select that member of family, from whom in resolution of this
question it will be more to sense. If your daughter to the economy is not trained, then, most
likely, selection will fall on the husband. Then formulate program in the words, without
missing its elements. Appear it can approximately thus: “In the house ended products. To us
with you and for children it is necessary something to eat. Descend into the store and
purchase anything essential that it would be, than dine”. When you completely entrust to the
culinary taste of your husband, can not refine in the program, that precisely it must purchase:
it will purchase that which quite more greatly pleases itself it. But if you have some doubts
apropos of that how it will spend money, you will transfer to it everything that it must
purchase, thoroughly: meat, fish, cheese, oil, apples, etc.

Formulating program, you give the simultaneous energy-information support of

program at the level of desire. For example, you will inject in the consciousness of your
husband desire tastefully to eat up (I " WANT beef liver under the mayonnaise with the
potato”). You already learned to inject desire, problems will not have with this you. And
already that- that, and the liver and potato it to you will bring, even if it is necessary not in
one store to jump. B of this situation the intention of action is manufactured “by target”
independently and action, as a rule, occurs immediately.

By b[toroj] the version of action consists in the fact that in the words is formulated only
the modus operandi, in this case the energy-information support of its result occurs. In our
case the engram of the action of — “to descend into the store after the products”; the
remaining part of program to you to let out a secret not necessary. After pronouncing
distinctly the third program library, you will carry out powerful energy-information support of
its result of — tasteful to dine. It is good, if it contains the element of desire, in the essence of
its of that coinciding with the result. In this case the means of result will be used by the
consciousness of your husband (“target”) as the circumstance for producing the desire. The
intention of action is also the product of the activity of its psyche.

Fig. 14

This version causes a somewhat retarded reaction in comparison with previous: you let
out a secret only one element of the entire program; therefore “target” too much it must
explain in its consciousness independently. However, this method has some advantages. First,
it economizes the force of that influencing (for the woman, who combines managing
housework with the work, or the man, tortured by big deals, this is important); and in the
second place, this method more it is organic than in the first case, it is entered in the
consciousness “of target”, indeed the motivation of action belongs to it the very.

The third version consists in the formulation in the words of the modus operandi and
simultaneous powerful energy support of the intention of this action. It can be very effective
in the relations with the colleagues, to whom to in the usual way not knock till heard.
Therefore with all production complexities we advise to use it.

Fig. 15

For example, you have the interesting ideas, the plans, whose realization would help
you and to your colleagues to considerably increase monthly incomes. But you know that the
only condition, with which for you will succeed in pushing them, — this your advance on the
service. However, authorities especially does not want to move you: it has other, more
“necessary” candidatures. What you can make in this situation? Naturally, using not some
unsavory methods of the actions, which in this stage your development themselves already
exhausted, but program. Most likely, you can “help want” your chief to increase along the
official stairs not someone, namely you. And in this desire it must be maximally sincere. In
this case a prolonged and successful stay in the new post is provide ford to you. B[y] you
formulate in the words the third program library. For example: “I want to obtain the post of
the division head of marketing studies” (or what it is convenient other). In this case you
achieve powerful energy-information support of the intention of action. To inject intention as,
however, and desire, you already can. In this case all motives for itself will have to
manufacture “target itself”, i.e., your chief of — it itself for itself will answer questions, why
to it personally it is necessary you to increase. This version begins to work almost
immediately with the condition for correct fulfillment. A certain expenses lies in the fact that
from the side of your “target” can arise a certain opposition. But occurs this far from always,
since with the work with “the marionette”, which accustomed to a constant subordination to
parasitic energy-information field, this is the most reliable method. Moreover, this method of
rotation manufactures in “the target” habit to the subordination. Your chief formally can
continue to remain the same, if you do not pretend to its place, but in reality increasingly
more frequent it will to you listen and assume entire that emanating from you for the truth in
the last instance. Naturally, in the official relations this can be very usefully.

The fourth version consists of the verbal description of situation and the powerful
energy motivation of desire. Give for a example let us be turned to the already dismantled by
us scene: woman sends husband into the store after the products. What can be the
characteristic of situation in this case? Let us assume such: “In the house entirely something
there is!” Pronouncing aloud these words, you must ensure the powerful energy motivation of
desire. It will remain the same — tasteful to eat up. Since intention is manufactured by the
consciousness “of target” independently and you do not mention about remaining components
of your program, then will have to a little wait result, indeed your “target” must “mature” for

th act e expected from it. However, if you entirely still do not die to hunger, some of 10—15
of minutes role will not play! Then subsequently your husband will preserve the complete and
deep belief: everything that it made, — fruit of its personal, by anyone not provoked concern
about the dear family.

Fig. 16

The fifth version, several power, includes the combination of construction and engram
of action. You know from the content of the previous chapter that the construction includes
the combination of intention and desire. In our situation you can inject in the consciousness
“of target” (husband) the desire by powerful jerk to overcome hunger and corresponding to it
intention. As you remember, in connection with the use of construction in “target”, as a rule,
appears the obscure sensation of anxiety or perplexity. As soon as you will catch your
husband on what it at will arose from the sofa, it began to walk from the angle into the angle,
as if something lost, you will ask it, than it is perturbed and does not want to leave to fresh air
to be scattered, but at the same time also in the store to jump — and to itself is pleasant, and
domestic benefit. As in the preceding case, “target”, in spite of certain uneasiness in the initial
stage of action, note no pressure from your side. On the contrary, they will be only grateful to
you for the in time prompted thought: indeed thus you help to fill the sensation of void, which
unexpectedly envelopped “target”.

Fig. 17

And the last version, the sixth. It consists in the formulation in the words of the result of
program, its fourth element, and powerful energy support of intention. For a example we will
use all the same situation. Tasty food thus, must be the result of action. Clearly formulate it.
For example: “Make- kA very tasty dinner”. In this case energetically ensure the appearance
of intention. In this case the means of result will be used by the consciousness “of target” as
the condition for producing the desire. This method, as a rule, immediately does not cause
reaction, but it is entered well in the consciousness “of target”, indeed the motivation of the
action of — to descend into the store of — belongs to it the very.

Fig. 18

The general technology of the application of programs is such. We examined six

versions of their technical use. The question can arise: which of the enumerated methods to

use in reality? Very soon you will without the special labor this determine. Situation itself to
you this will prompt.

We specially demonstrated to you all versions based on the simplest examples.

Regardless of the fact, is to what extent complex the problem, which you want to solve, the
principle of the operation of program is always identical. And to begin, naturally, better from
the simple situations, whose characteristic and description of action consist of one component.
Subsequently, with the acquisition of experience, you will be able to solve other, more
complex problems. In this stage you already freely use your power engineering, and for this
reason in you already there is very much of the fact that is inaccessible for the man with the
usual everyday world view. In your environment you use constant authority, but to you it is
necessary larger: so that the programs, implanted by you into the consciousness of other
people, would be held as possible longer than — if must, then entire life.

To b[se] the programs, about which we to you will speak, are characterized by one
important special feature. You already know that in the effective realization both
[mysleformy] and programs enormous role plays desire. The special feature, about which I
speak, consists in the fact that as the circumstance of desire you must fasten the general
condition, which will be consonant with the result of acting — unimportantly, with the
positive or the negative. For example, you embed “targets” program to the failure in the
actions. In this case you should place negative desire with respect to his purpose at the energy
level and assign in the verbal form that purpose itself, which it is approached, even and
positive. It is complicated? Not a bit!

Let us assume one of your close relatives was assembled to go to rest in the Caucasus,
where it is now restless. No reasons about the fact that at present this to make unsafely, on it
they do not act: it will go with the friends and does not want behind them to lag. You,
reasonably evaluating situation, attempt it to prevent. Version of action by program following.
In the words you tell it: “Yes, you compulsorily should take a trip in the Caucasus, it is there
very beautiful, climate excellent, yes even the possibility of such can more not be”. But words
themselves “to take a trip in the Caucasus” you will accompany by the introduction of
powerful negative desire. As a result all its further actions, directed toward the realization of
the formulated purpose, will bear inconsistent nature and they will not crown by success. This
can appear in what conveniently at the physical level: your relative with the company they
will miss the moment, when will have to purchase tickets; or they will unexpectedly propose
to it the interesting and money work, which it will simply ridiculously exchange to leisure; or,
most likely, children themselves will think over to go there, and they will select for calm
leisure anything another. They will say to you that the new version for them is more
interesting than previous or anything in this spirit.

Now, when we with you were dismantled with the general technique of creation and
implementation of program, give let us examine the diverse variants of the programs, utilized
in various life situations. I propose to examine their seven forms. These are those programs,
which are used in the daily life most frequently.

Of course in their real life there can be the unlimited quantity. You will judge
themselves: different people, which place before themselves different purposes, fall,
correspondingly, into different situations. It is natural that th programs e produced by them
identical be cannot. And those seven types of the programs, about which we to you will speak
now, cannot pretend to the guarantee of complete control over those surrounding. But
nevertheless these are the basic types of the existing programs. After mastering them, you will

be able to without difficulty combine the application of one program with another, depending
on the requirements of concrete situation. Knowing some your individual, personal
characteristics, you in the very near future will be able to select and to bring to the perfection
the application of some your programs, comprised personally by you, that became the main
things in your understanding.

The same programs, which we will investigate with you now, conditionally it is
possible to divide into the positive, purpose of which it is the realization of any action, and
negative, whose essence to lies in the fact that mix the planned plans “of target”.

In all it is possible to isolate four positive programs.

Step of 12[a]. the program of the fastening of the reaction

The essence of the first program consists in fastening of in the consciousness “of target”
reaction to your actions or for words. Is natural, as with the use of all other types of programs,
main in it — its result. However, the special feature of this program is the fact that result is
the emotional reaction “of target”.

As is known, the emotional arrangement to you of th cases e surrounding in the

majority contributes to your prosperity in all vital spheres. Man, who uses the sympathy of
those surrounding, will rather reach any successes in the work and in the love, than the not
being used same. This can be not very pleasant to recognize, but fact remains the fact: neither
talent nor intellect nor diligence with the piercing power play in the life of man of this
significant role as the skill to be pleased people. And what only sometimes it is not done not
in order to attain arrangement to itself! How many toadies from time immemorial of centuries
were twisted near any chief or even [nachalnichka], which stands of sometimes scarcely
higher rest! A sense of self-respect in them auto somewhere disappeared, which is in general
natural: it is excess under the given circumstances. The same, who neither dispatch never to
what transactions with the conscience, in majority its order maximally modest existence and
they could not nor on what pretend.

There was however, always the third category of people, not not too numerous, but
already painfully noticeable in the best sense of this word. Psychologists frequently call them
“the geniuses of contact”. Wherever they not appeared, friendly or at least friendly
connections appear in them. All and always by them are glad and desire to help. And the
matter is far from in the fact that they are always characterized by positive human qualities in
the classical sense of this word or mass of rare merits. It is even vice versa. However, they
please themselves people, because — [osoznanno] or there are no — they they know how to
cause and to fasten in the man emotional reaction to themselves necessary for them.

Since to associate with the people for us it is necessary absolutely in all life situations
(with exception of those cases, when we it is exerted in the complete solitude), then the
application of this program can be usefully always and everywhere. I even named its basic,
and for this reason to practice the use of programs I advise to begin precisely from it.
Subsequently, after being switched to other forms of programs, you for sure will not forego it,
but you will grind its more and it is more.

As I already said, it adapts in all spheres of the human contact of — always, when it is
necessary to solidly fasten the positive reaction to itself of collocutor. Of course if the
situation of that requires, you can fasten negative, let us say, hostility, irritation, distrust, etc

but this the cases exceptional, and we concern them will not be. Most likely, in nearest future
they by you will not be necessary. The principle of the realization of programming from this
does not change moreover. B[ozmem] a usual example. You maximally catches the fact that
with the distribution of bonus fund management it for some reason goes around you by side.
You know that you work even if not better than others, then already unambiguously — is not
worse. In this case somebody obtains considerably more than it is placed, but you it falls to
the lot of nothing. The fact that you stay by times on the work, by anyone is not noted that
always in time or even earlier than the period you pass reports and plans of — also. In this
case the chief always aims to toss up to you works still. It is obvious, it fears that you will feel
miserable. You do not reject, but its frank indifference to you irritates you as to the colleague.

What you in this situation can make? To fasten in the chief positive reaction to your
work. If your chief perceives your critical relation to the labor as proper, to you, most likely,
for the beginning it is necessary to cause this reaction in it. If it, until now, had nothing
against you and related to you neutrally — to make this will be simply. You simply should
make it necessary to focus attention on itself and to present fruits of its labor in the best light.
To make this, taking into account your colossal experience, — for you real trifle. You will be
determined only in that, what precisely reaction you want to fasten: appreciation, happiness,
pride for this colleague as you, or something other. In our case to you, most likely, it will be
wanted to perceive his appreciation, expressed including materially. Consequently, the
fastening of the reaction of appreciation to your work will be the purpose of program.

For the beginning create the program, which you plan to introduce in the consciousness
of your chief. As you already know, she compulsorily must include four components: the
characteristic of situation, motivation for the action, the engram of action and his result

The technically this program is started as follows. Entire comprised by you program
aloud to let out a secret there is no sense. As the result of situation it suffices to aloud speak
the fourth program library. For example: “I will be maximally grateful to you…” Word “I”
directly settles in subconsciousness “of target” and begins its work as relating precisely to it.
I.e., it will experience appreciation precisely. Phrase itself: “I will be grateful to you” by the
reason “of target” it will perceive as the consequence of your, but not its desire of someone to
[otblagodarit]. Therefore it attention to it will not turn. In this case the second-half of the
phrase: “… for the excellently executed work” to aloud let out a secret, naturally, not
necessary, since your chief will understand that its sounding is inappropriate from your of
mouths. Letting out a secret the fourth program library, you will support by its powerful
energy introduction of positive desire. This that which with the correct approach to the matter
must ensure to you success.

As you remember, in the same chapter we with you dismantled six versions of the
purely technical realization of programming. This programming to the fastening of the
reaction of appreciation in “target” is carried out with the use of the sixth version, when in the
words is formulated the result of situation and in this case is given the powerful energy
support of desire. Certainly, the technical implementation of program can be any. In my view,
proposed by us approaches most of all, but it is completely possible what do you have, when
you are mastered with the application of this program, there will be somewhat another
opinion on this score. Depend your selection will be from a whole series of reasons, first of all
from that, in what situation and with what people you will prove to be; what information can
be will be to them reported verbal, while what — no. But versions are in any event possible,
and select them you will be on your taste.

Step of 12[b]. the program of the complete confidence

B[toraja] positive program consists in causing of in “the target” the noncritical

perception of your statements and behavior. Its application is very usefully in the situations,
when you should ensure to itself the complete agreement “of target” with all fact that you
speak and you make. Moreover, in contrast to the previous situation, this agreement must be
based not on the positive to you relation, but on what your proposal forces “target” to
properly with you agree. It in this case goes to you towards not because somehow emotionally
it reacts on you, but because cannot find the occasion to you to object. It without the least
logical estimation receives all that which proceeds from you.

For a example it is utilized the same situation, as for the selection of the previous
program. Already very well it reflects today's financial problems, with which encountered the
majority of us. Let us introduce into it only small additions. Now we is attained control with
the use of already another program and, correspondingly, in other technical version. This
example will help you to realize, to what extent are interwoven between themselves all
programs according to their functions, and to at the same time understand a certain
conditionality of their differentiation: indeed, as you already surmised, programs different in
their essence can be used in the analogous situations.

A example will, in addition touch the distribution of finances. Let us at this time
introduce some additions. The matter occurs in the budgetary organization. And if happened
so that you, reader, you work in one of them, then problem will prove to be to you very close.
Bulk of colleagues in it, including you, suffer from the low wages. At this time authorities
feeds by the received payments from the numerous commercial structures, with which
collaborates your organization. But these money, naturally, not reach the rank and file
colleagues, but they settle in the pockets of management. And in this situation authorities
herself will not miss the case to reproach you in the fact that you badly work, sometimes you
be late, etc your reasons about that which is generally ridiculous to the work to walk for this
wage, the impression does not produce to the director. B these circumstances you will
complete the completely justified action on the leader, after fastening in his consciousness the
need for improving the material position of colleagues, regularly helping them by the delivery
of reward (or let us name this material aid). Itself it, naturally, never thus far hit upon.

Technically program carried out should be thus. You should first speak modus operandi
and its result, after adding in this case the necessary confidence formula of the type: “For you
it is very important in this situation… for example, to secure by the support of the
association” or: “You greatly will help in resolution of this question the material interest of
your associates”.

The means of result, which constitutes the verbal basis of program, can be the
following: “you should 80 percent of means, obtained from the commercial structures, return
to colleagues”. (It does not be worth thinking that this number is overstated to the
impossibility. You completely deserved these money and must know how to [postojat] for
your interests. Here everything depends on power and skill of your action. Moreover,
precisely this proportionality in 1997 it was possible to put into practice for Vasiliy [G]., who
was being trained in our courses.) the created in the consciousness of chief result of action
you will accompany by the powerful introduction of the means of intention. If the situation of
that requires, you will fasten in its consciousness also the reason: “Otherwise all
[pouvolnjajutsja], and organization will be shut; and there will be you to yourself director”.
Several repetitions of this situation of — and your director very soon will begin to listen to

your councils, moreover not only in financial questions, but also in all rest. As a result this
will lead to the fact that you will become the actual director of your office; the very same it
will count by same only on the paper. With which you we congratulate.

Step of 12[v]. program to the readiness to help

The sense of the following program, the third, with which we with you will become
acquainted, consists in the guarantee of the readiness of your “target” you to help. You will
agree that the mastery of it will allow you successfully to leave any, most complex situation,
wherever you not proved to be. The urgency of this program especially rises when for aid
generally to design it does not be necessary.

B some of degree this program according to its sense agrees with with the program,
directed toward the fastening of emotional reaction to your actions and for words. The
difference in the fact that this program places the more specific goals, whose realization to the
larger degree they are perceived physically. You will agree, indeed the fastening of this
reaction as the appreciation of — in the case, examined by us, or any other of — of happiness,
sympathy, for example, of — it is possible, is created the specific soil so that the people
would at a convenient time help you. But the presence in man of sympathy with respect to
you or happiness from one your presence yet does not guarantee that it will rush to help you
with one hint to the request. It can to you very well relate, but in it there can be other plans.
But it is also vice versa: they relate cool to you, but nevertheless they do not reject at a
convenient time to help.

Specifically, this purpose we place now, investigating with you this program: you must
know how with any circumstances to attain from those surrounding of the necessary support.
You will agree that the possibility at any moment to secure by the aid of the surrounding you
people of — this is considerably better than to be achieved the same result, but with the use of
money or connections. Reason still is the same: in your case the people act sincerely, but not
of the desire something from you to obtain. Consequently, the support, exerted to you, is
considerably more reliable.

B this case you let out a secret aloud the desirable for yourselves engram of action and
its result. In this case energy-information support must arrive for the fourth program library of
— result. The application of this method, based on your energy-information support, forces
“target” to manufacture its own desire and intention. Your purpose becomes for it
subconsious condition for the realization of its desire. Give let us dismantle the situation, on
which would be distinct evidently the action of this program on the readiness to help.

For the clarity here to you a example. The events, about which I briefly will describe,
occurred in the family of my good familiar, where the mother of family, the clever and
energetic woman (let us name her Galina), it managed rather well the technology of the
introduction of programs. Once to it unexpectedly for itself it was necessary to use these
habits not on anyone, but on its own relatives. The fact is that housing very sharply arose in
their family. In their three-room apartment dwelled already seven men. Moreover the
circumstances were aggravated by the fact that soon the brother of Galinas intended to be
married and young wife to lead into his house. Family in them is friendly, and to each new
man it is there undoubtedly glad. But, as is known, subsequently in the young family possibly
completion, and then tenants in the apartment would become no longer eight, but nine.
Certainly, it is better in the smallness than in the offense, but nevertheless must be some
limits! All relatives, including brother- fiance, this understood. It was necessary urgently

something to undertake, but that — no one knew. As a result all were subdued to proceeding,
not [vidja] of absolutely no output.

But output was, and completely real. Is only necessary was necessary [podnaprjachsja],
what the enamored young man it in no way wanted. The similar way out situation already
found their neighbors from the dacha. They built one additional out-of-town house, not not
very elegant, true, but the money, which they rescued from its sale, by them completely it was
sufficient for a improvement in the housing conditions.

To the brother of Galinas, hand in whom, as they say, gold, there would be entirely
simple after several months to build average sizes house. Beside the fact that it much canned
itself, for it nothing it was worthwhile to hammer together brigade from the friends, who
could for the symbolic pay within the very short times complete building. , true, it was
necessary to still know how to profitably sell subsequently this house, but already this the
mother of family was taken upon herself.

Problem consisted only in one: it was necessary to force brother, who does not
completely believe in this “foolish shady transaction”, to undertake the matter. Besides it, of
all members of the family of this actually make no one could. And it nevertheless it was
possible to [spodvignut] to the building of house. This was done as follows.

As it was already said, for the technical implementation of program one should
formulate the third and fourth program library for words. They could be the following: “It is
necessary to build a good dacha and then to sell. By this we will enlarge our [zhilploshchad]”
(was possible also another result: “Is attained advantageous exchange”). In this case parallel
energy-information support to the result was shown. This energy action ensured the
production of its own positive desire and intention. As a result the purpose of Galinas to
increase [zhilploshchad] became for its brother subconsious condition for the realization
personally of his desire. In its essence it, naturally, completely coincided with the purpose.

Did surmise young man about this manipulation? Of course no. It was confident, that
itself in all reached. But most ridiculous that that Galina somehow itself to it about this
described: she thought to verify its reaction. But it was insulted, because it believed not into
what action. Think themselves: man made the decision to undertake this immense matter, he
killed to it so much time and forces, and when everything ended, to it they give to understand
that it in this matter of — only pawn! In order not to quarrel, to insist on her Galina did not

Step of 12[g]. program for strengthening of the determination

Now let us have a talk about the last positive program, the fourth. Its essence consists in
the fact that it strengthens the determination “of target”. It, as you will be able themselves of
this to be convinced, is lightest in comparison with those already dismantled. Is caused this by
the fact that it is used mainly when entire major portion of work with “the target” either is
already carried out or originally it did not be required. You should only help concrete man to
attain that, against what it and so to come out is not intended.

Technically program is achieved as follows. In order to neglect it in the action, you

should speak aloud all its four components and make in this case separate energy
confirmation to the result.

For example, your son not of [segodnja]-[zavtra] they will take away into the army,
what you for some reasons it did not sincerely want. Child in you is domestic, is unhealthy, to
the rigid rotation is not accustomed. The situation in the country at the given moment is such
moreover, that your child can home and not return. Therefore only completely distant from
our reality man can to condemn you for a similar tendency. B[y] not you [priemlete] for itself
any unlawful methods of the solution of this problem. You would want moreover your son to
be continued studies. This would also free it from the service. Benefit from the successful
entering into the institute would be dual: and it is good for the young mind, and it is quiet for
the maternal heart. And everything, it would seem, is already solved in your family, all steps
are thought out, yes here only your blockhead very does not want to learn. He wonderfully
understands the importance of the prevailing situation, he swears, which soon will undertake
mind, it survives itself, but after lessons, however, it runs the football, but it does not sit down
itself to be occupied by mathematics, which it should return at the entrance examinations as
the minimum to the four.

Now already late to discuss about that, what to your child do not be sufficient — of the
desire to learn, abilities, or it in you simply spineless and yard company it governs as he
wants. It was necessary to think earlier about all this. Now for you main one: if you not to the
sign of urgent measures, your domestic and furthermore of not very healthy child they will
take away into the army. Probability that after army it will be able to obtain some formation,
very small: already what- what, and capabilities for cognitive work during the service in it
[navrjad] whether it will be added.

Reliable method of the solution of problem in this situation of — the application of a

program, directed toward strengthening of the determination “of target”. You let out a secret
to your son entire program; she sounds approximately as follows: “You, taking into account
your successes in the studies, they can take away into the army (1- 1 program library). You
should avoid (2-1 elements) this. Of steps into the institute (3- 1 element) obtain
postponement (4- 1)”.

The main thing in this program, as we already said, — to make a energy accent to the
result. Even if intention and desire “of target” were by entirely weak original, they very
rapidly will grow under the effect of your action, and your son if not by abilities, then
compulsorily it will attain by the perseverance of its.

Now let us dismantle negative programs. To c[ut] their use consists in changing of the
motion of the course of events, i.e., to interfere by the frankest means into the plans of your
“target”. We will examine three negative programs. In our view, they most frequently are
used also in novices special interest is caused.

The step of 12[d]. program to the nonintervention, or " yield road”

To the first of these negative programs let us give code name " yield road”. It is used
when on the way of that influencing it becomes man, [osoznanno] or not preventing it from
achieving its plans. This man can be anybody — and your associate from the work, and the
member of your family, and random passer-by, and driver, who does not desire to yield to you
the road, when you pass street, and many others, who one way or another made the decision
with you to compete, instead of simply living on the conditions of a mutual respect and
compromise. Using this program, you will be able to manage any rival.

The merit of method consists in the fact that it makes it possible to neutralize enemy,
without entering with it into the open fight. For “the marionette”, which accustomed to the
subordination to energy-information signals, this method proves to be completely painless. It
simply departs, is inferior road to you, for itself logically basing its own actions by personal
reason. As in the use of the previous programs, it does not perceive not the least pressure and
is subordinated to your will unconsciously. Therefore the successful mastering of this
program will allow you to considerably enlarge their possibilities absolutely in all spheres of
your life. Let us give a elementary example of the use of this program.

As is known, rarely circumstances are added so favorably so that on the way to to the
success someone yes would not arise. In the majority of the cases this is rival (rival), who
expresses the aggressive form of envy by entire his behavior. It can you [osoznanno] harm,
make and tell filth, also, into the eyes, and for the eyes. Purposes in you, most likely, in many
respects they coincide, otherwise you it did not encounter. However, difference in the fact that
in you and he has the completely different means of achieving this goal. Since at the given
moment you has already been found on entirely another step of development in contrast to it,
you to the larger degree are limited by the selection of the means (we we have in the form the
moral side of a question), than it. Indeed you will agree, then that it is possible for it, it is
sometimes completely unacceptable for you. Let us say, malicious intrigues, gossip, frank
roughness and lie of — yes it is simple to the majority of these methods even pitifully to
spend time! But in you is the more advanced means of — action by programs. In particular,
by the program, directed toward the guarantee of voluntary output of your “target” from the

My friend Dmitriy, who began instruction [DEIR] is less than the year ago, successfully
using this program, he recaptured in rival the dear woman of — it was recently wedding. In
this specific pair everything was formed as cannot better; they produce at least, precisely, this
impression on those surrounding now. As there will be further — let us see. But it is
necessary to have in the form one very important component with resolution of questions of
personal plan with the use of this program. I specially stop on this question in detail, since
practice showed that especially frequently this program adapts by men and women in the
solution of the problems “amorous triangle”.

Of course similar action is permissible. Especially if to the second suitor it did not
transport. So it was in the case with my friend. In woman this worshipper did not use
reciprocity. But by it in principle it pleased itself to attract men and to cause sympathy with
respect to itself in them. This completely succeeded by it. Expenses was in all this only one: a
similar success in opposite floor madly irritated my friend. However, since the woman of that,
other, did not love, then Dmitriy with its calm conscience removed: so that one would not be
amused, and the second did not anger.

Specifically, in the relations inside the prevailing triangle to you it is necessary to be

dismantled well to before use this program for amorous purposes. You remember that in this
case you be situated with the enemy not face to face, as usual, — you are connected with the
third man and therefore they must respect his selection, even if suddenly it happens, that at
this time to you it will not transport.

Technically program is achieved as follows. If competitor interfere withs you only in

some concrete matter, then you in the words formulate that purpose, for which strives your
rival. It, for example, can be the following: “You should attain arrangement N”. In this case at
the energy-information level you embed the complicated construction. To consist it must from

your means (this, perhaps, main thing), and also negative of desire and intention forego the
action, in which the man you interfere withs (or from several actions, where to forward move
you plan you). This with the correct use must cause reverse reaction and repulse in your rival
desire to the action in the region of your interests (to including [ukhlestyvat] after your

But if competitor arose to you literally across the throat and he interferes not in some
concrete matter, but absolutely everywhere, then to you there is no sense to appeal to some of
specific goal. In this case to you it is necessary that in it simply would be manufactured the
habit to always go around you by side and not to interfere not in what your matters. You
speak about which conveniently, stir plenty. At this time for you main — to hold collocutor in
the field of sight, to attain his attention to itself. Talking with it, at the energy-information
level you will, in addition place the complicated construction of — that same, about which we
recently spoke — our own means and the desire to forego the action.

For the successful embodiment of that planned several repetitions can be required you.
This is completely natural, because “target” forced will be independently manufacture for
itself the motivation of all subsequent its behavior. But be collected patience, and
subsequently in “the target” always of — with the collision or even simply with the encounter
with you of — will appear the desire to yield to you road.

Besides the situation, which we now dismantled as a example, in you for sure appears a
enormous quantity of problems, connected with the fact that people they interfere with you
unconsciously. Into their plans in no way it enters to stand in you on the way, to compete with
you; they live to themselves and live. By them it is simple not to you, and therefore they do
not note the small inconveniences, which cause to you. You in similar situations even to
offend on them a right do not have.

Of course in the very mild cases with the man it is possible simply about everything to
discuss, and, if it has nothing against you, it for sure will go to you towards.

But if in you frank problems with the establishment of healthy interrelations with those
surrounding, we advise you to more often use a positive program of № 1. Try to grind it how
possible better. Most likely, there are the serious foundations for preserving it in your memory
precisely under this name: “The program of № 1”. As we already said, she is her kind base
program. Her skillful application will free you from many excess troubles.

And nevertheless, if then it happened, which nothing the suspecting man costs on your
way and he does not think to be inferior to you road, and the shortage of time does not make it
possible to conduct any negotiations with it, you also can use program " yield road”. Her use
will be even simpler, since man does not intend with you to compete. For example, your
collaborator already of 20 minutes occupies official telephone by by no means service calls. It
is possible to, of course, say to her directly, but already painfully it is touchy. However,
situation from the time in once is repeated: as it is necessary urgently to ring, so your Lisa
“will hang” on the telephone. Use the same program, and result will be present: in girl in the
very the desire to talk will disappear, and it will yield telephone to you.

It pleases itself no man, when observations are made to it, even if deservedly. With the
aid of the program " yield road” you can this avoid. The peace and mutual understanding will
always reign around you.

Step of 12[e]. program to the termination of the action

Now let us dismantle the second negative program. Its sense consists in the fact that
you should attain appearance in “the target” of aversion to the action achieved. It very
frequently is used in the situations, when you should force man to end anything to make. This
program relates to the number frequent in the application. I would say that in the frequency of
use it follows immediately after the program, directed toward the fastening of emotional

Its popularity completely of [objasnima]. You will agree, indeed around us a enormous
quantity of people makes that which not only does not please itself us, but sometimes literally
it knocks out from the track. For example, your neighbors consider it for themselves possible
in to one in the morning watch TV, after including sound to entire coil. Your son spends
entire free time (and restricted also) in the computer games. Your husband (or equally well
husband) can sit down on the kitchen and for two hours smoke to cigarette after [sigaretoj],
[pochityvaja] in this case the dear periodical; however, apartment after this “leisure” is
involved by smoke screen, either it (it) so sticks to the telephone, which to detach its (it) is
possible only by information about the fire or the flood… However, this still of trifle. In the
life of each of us there are the situations where more unpleasant, and their solution sometimes
requires pressing measures.

To dispute with the solution both of simple and complex problems would be unwisely. ,
of course, it is possible to cause aversion by quite this process, but not so much to the action,
as personally to you. Generally any power action, as you already know, has a set of side
effects and benefit it brings little. For this very reason you now read this chapter, but you do
not be satisfied by the already studied rough forms of control. It is considerably better, if man
itself rejects one or other predilection or another, habit or it is simple from the
accomplishment of concrete undesirable act. Moreover so that there would be no temptation
to start the old. At the given moment to you similar control completely according to forces.

Give let us try to use this program in the situation, into which we fall almost daily,
buying products. They cheat in weighing us, moreover it is malicious: sometimes to fourth of
weight and more. For example, near your house there is the stall, in which to you it is
convenient to buy vegetables and fruits. It is located very successfully: literally in three
minutes of walking from your ceremonial, and goods of there, as a rule, not bad. Everything
arranged you, yes here is only woman, who releases goods, it constantly you deceives. And
most likely, not only you. B[y] for sure tried in such situations to use the rough methods of
action. It did help? If yes, then only on just once. You will forget to use — you will arrive
home sequential time deceived.

Give let us introduce in the consciousness of salesgirl the program, directed toward the
appearance of aversion toward the underweighing. By these you will complete very useful act
not only for yourselves, but also for all inhabitants of the nearest houses.

This program is achieved as follows. Usually is embedded negative desire with respect
to purpose, by which it is necessary to reach. You formulate the result of action and support
by its negative desire. In our case the purpose of — this curtailment of the fraud of buyers.
But everything to the fact is that verbal express it to you will be complicated. You will agree,
it will be ridiculous sound the phrase: Do not " cheat in weighing me to fourth of weight”.
Therefore in your case and in all others, when you verbal cannot give the negative result of
action, give positive. Only then it will have to accompany not by negative, but positive desire.

For example, the result of action can sound thus: “You will place to me exactly one-and-a-
half kilogram of tomatoes, not more, but also not less”. At the energy-information level you
send “target” the strong desire to make that the fact that you said. This means that it must
place to you the specific weight, but not that, which it will want. Even if in salesgirl are
correspondingly adjusted weights and its some instants will impede habit to deceive, very
soon it will be set right from the confusion and will weigh to you exactly as much, as is

A deficiency in this program consists in the fact that operates it, as you understood, not
immediately. Is caused this mainly by the fact that your “target” will have to manufacture in
itself, besides the negative intention, the also logical substantiation of its own unwillingness
to forego the action (but that from what this salesgirl its own profits will miss?). Indeed it will
not be able not to note sharp change in its own mood. Do not so that be surprised at certain its
confusion of — to last it will be not too for long. Itself it with, true, no means with you it will
connect: it will be assured that itself in view of some reasons is alien to this solution. Two or
three such action of — and from the harmful habit to live for the strange calculation it it will
be possible to free forever.

After the second or third starting, as we already said, program will be included in action
on entire coil. Subconsciousness “of target” will compulsorily prompt to reason any reason
for new behavior. Let us say, it will sooner or later to it tire to explain relations with the
buyers, whose part returned goods and required back money. Or it also someone will soon
deceive similarly after your action, and reactions associating this will create the logically
substantiated rejection of that how it itself not so had long ago been occupied.

Step of 12[zh]. Program to the extinction of the interest

The third negative program, the latter of all, that we examine within the framework the
systems [DEIR] of the third degree, are used in the situations, when influencing it is necessary
to extinguish the interest of man in one or other question or another. In its essence it has much
in common with the already examined by us program to the appearance of aversion under the
effect. Its difference is in the fact that it fulfills not this radical function: it must cause not the
fundamental nonacceptance of one or other action or another as in the previous program, but
only indifference to it. Therefore this program is less [energozatratnoj] than previous;
consequently, if in view of some reasons for you it is necessary to take care energy, and
situation does not require straight interference, we advise you to use it.

Program to the extinction of the interest of — one of the so-called “nonradical”,

preventive programs, when you should prevent not some event, which any minute now will
occur in your life, but only to the development of the specific tendencies, capable of it to
bring. You themselves wonderful understand which to before complete one or other action or
another, men prolongedly is prepared for it. As a rule, it in it is sincerely interested; indeed
interest, as we with you know, — main stimulus on the way of advance for the success.
B[nedrjat] program one should thus.

You will speak aloud all four program library, after accompanying it in this case by the
strong pulse of the intention to forego the action. In connection with the fact that intention
takes root by you in the consciousness “of target” at the moment of the complete examination
of mental program, — the intention to forego the action is evaluated “by target” noncritically
and it starts. So that after a lapse of several cycles of the examination of problem “target” it

will always complete reasonings by thus negative intention and gradually will lose to the
matter interest.

B[ozmem] for a example the disseminated everyday situation. Your husband lately of
[zachastil] into the missions. It drives there willingly, for authorities even to persuade it it
does not be necessary. And from there some suspiciously rested and become cooler returns.
Moreover, it attends always one and the same city, more accurate than — in comparison with
Petersburg or Moscow of — the townlet, in which nothing interesting and be it can. But this,
true, in your view, most likely, erroneous. But what interest there in your husband… You, as
any sensitive woman, surmise about this, but finally to learn frankly you fear. And with the
horror you think about that moment, when the once dear husband opens before you all maps
and your family will be decomposed. Certainly, is possible the fact that you make mistakes,
but how to sit and to wait how everything will end, it is better to extinguish bonfire in the
quite initial stage of fire.

Once you was glad at its trips: they brought the specific income. But now to you,
naturally, no longer to it. Aloud you begin to lament: each time, when it leaves, you remain
with children one; to manage them them begins herself increasingly more heavily without a
strict support of father; they play pranks, they are barely occupied by lessons; moreover in the
house long ago it is already necessary to make, and without the man hands this is unreal —
consequently, it again is put aside. In this spirit you can continue sufficiently for long, but this
will bring to sense none. Because husband your desires to go there, but not to listen to your
complaints. It kisses you to the farewell, with the knowledge of the matter he speaks, that all
this — not problem, it leaves, without desiring even so that you would carry out it.

Naturally, until the matter accepts irreparable revolution, you should extinguish its
interest in your rival. (Certainly, this it concerns only those women, who are capable of
pardoning and attempt to preserve family by any price, or the blindly enamored husbands of
— in the strictly symmetrical situation with the wife.) if for you your task succeeds, husband
from his side will do entire possible so as to convince you of the following: to it terribly tired
missions, especially into this city, such small, that there and to look something; therefore
there it no longer will go. If you do not wish to traumatize by its your guesses, you will agree
with it and you will believe it (or you will make a form).

Technically program is achieved as follows. As soon as your husband will declare

about the sequential mission, you will appear to it as much as possible participations. Have a
talk with it about its plans, connected with this mission, about the possible subsequently
increase on the service and about entire other, about which it will only wish to you to
describe. In your husband there must not arise no suspicions apropos of the fact that you do
not desire this trip. Can previously begin for it to plot trunk, after accumulating in it its most
dear things. During the conversation select the moment, when it is most for you opened and
not protected, you will speak clearly entire program, all its four elements. Try not to use word
“mission”, indeed you fight not with it; select words in such a way that the certain ambiguity
would arise. But do not overdo it, grasp it must only subconsciousness of your husband.
Phrase can be approximately following: “Once such matters, then, of course, go. All its
problems must be solved in time. Only then it will be possible to begin a normal life”.

From the point of view of man of unenlightened, by this phrase you said practically
nothing. The only word, which carries some concrete information, — this word “go”. Where,
when and for which — is incomprehensible. But let you does not confuse a certain external
spread of program. Indeed it must act on subconsciousness “of target”, and in your

consciousness it is maximally concrete. You will accompany the final and spoken aloud
program by the pulse of the intention to forego the amorous connection. Since the intention
usually is manufactured in man at the moment of the complete examination of mental
program, intention to forego the action (to support connection) is evaluated “by target” in one
row with other program library and starts.

Naturally, this program very rapidly will not operate. Indeed “target” besides the
negative desire must manufacture even and the logical substantiation of that, why it must
forego its flame. But in your case of — more quietly you will go, further you will be. If you
had time to introduce this program in the consciousness of husband at least for several days to
the mission, then, most likely, trip does not take place. But if the day before, then, possibly,
negative desire up to that moment yet will not have time to be manufactured. But in any event
your labor for free will not disappear: this mission will prove to be even if not last, then next-
to-last in the most sense encouraging for you. Can through the week repeat action. Very soon
your husband will cease to drive into the missions, at least into this city. To you it will explain
this change by any real, but not very important reason, to which earlier was not turned the

Programs are fairly complicated for the mastery. For the acquisition of the successful
habits of their introduction into the consciousness of other people are necessary the
preliminary stages of instruction, which develop your energy potential, and also changing
world view by that more advanced. For this very reason we with you so much time trained the
application of rough pulses and more thinned [mysleform]. But in this case the program of —
this that which unconsciously adapts everywhere. A question in other of — how frequently
they adapt. We already spoke, that the most important merit of programs consists in the fact
that “the target”, on which you act, nothing it notes. Placed by you programs act directly from
subconsciousness. To reveal to their outside man, and that more of “target itself”, is
practically impossible. This under the force only to experienced psychotherapist (even then is
very problematically). However, since your programs act in the majority of the cases into the
good not only to you, but also surrounding, but sometimes also “target themselves”, to be
turned to it for help hardly who will be.

“Target” in the period of your action can experience obscure anxiety, sensation of the
fact that something will not get along. This is completely normal and [objasnimo]. For sure
similar sensations this man experiences considerably more frequently than you act on it.
Indeed analogous influences it undergoes not only from you (it is another matter that they not
such sequential and effective as your). You will recall, how often such occurred also with you
to that, until you not steel to study system [DEIR] and create for yourselves that not
penetrated for those surrounding energy shell!

Among the people of superstitious exists the opinion about the fact that it is not
possible to tell outside people about its hopes and plans. Some, especially subjected to strange
influence, follow this rule very strictly. Others of — sometimes [opravdanno], sometimes
there are no — they brush off from it as from the foolish invention. But I always distinctly
understood, that if already some superstition by centuries is held in the consciousness of the
significant number of people, then something in it exists.

However, give let us think that precisely. As you understand, any realization of plans is
connected directly with the program, which you themselves for yourselves created (see the

previous book). Revealing your plan to outside man, you let out a secret to it your program,
you reveal it. But at this moment, especially if you to man you entrust (but otherwise you not
steels to tell to him about its plans), you partially lose your protection. You should know the
reaction of collocutor, perceive as nearer as possible and it is more distinct his power
engineering of — therefore, entrusting, you in the literal sense of this word are opened to it.
Your energy shell at this moment even without that unsteady, when its desired it is entirely
not difficult to open. You can deprive with a similar contact even of this protection as it. And
at this moment instead of your means of desire and intention you obtain the construction of
your collocutor (from his side this it can be not evil intention, but the completely justified and
healthy skepticism). In nine cases of ten it will seriously differ from your. But this means that
if it is disposed apropos that that you speak, skeptically, then you obtain the appropriate
means of intention and desire. The construction, which entered to you from the collocutor, is
asserted in your subconsciousness and it gradually impregnates with uncertainty all your
actions. You begin to doubt either your ability to complete that planned or generally in its
expedience; the so that final goal, naturally, is not reached. To you nothing other it remains
how to complain to the fact that someone overlooked you.

According to our data, even man with the very strong self-control it is sufficient less
than five conversations with the outside man in order “to overlook” its plan. So that people
popular beliefs are not without foundation. Therefore to reveal its plans is possible only to
those people, which do not simply you love and never they envy to you (one good relation
insufficiently for the protection from [sglaza]), but which are for you its kind adherents; only
they will support you, and your plans, such as extravagant they not were (we already spoke,
that the vitality of idea is determined fact, how it is good, but that, with its which energy
attitude will perceive the people). There is, true, different version: to create itself solid
enclosure and to always be under its protection. So that to you, the reader, with the known
caution no longer imminent danger to prove to be subjected whose- that [sglazu].

Now, perhaps, to you already [slozhnovato] to recall the situations, when you frankly
made something to yourselves into the harm; being subordinated to strange influence, they
yielded to the persuasions and the requests. What you did experience at these moments? You
for sure perceived manipulation at times, they surmised about it, but nevertheless anything
they could do and were subordinated to the force, which led you.

I hope that these effects of outside programs are recollected by you already with
difficulty. However, even for those, who did not master the methods of energy protection,
presented in the first volume, but he understands, which for it is necessary to undergo the
action of powerful programming from the side, we can something advise as the temporary

“The cutoff valve” of — universal protection from the rough manipulations

The method, with which will deal the discussion, is known from the old times. It was
used by many people, which one way or another entered the history, sometimes [osoznanno],
sometimes there are no —. One of its brightest popularizers in XX century it became V.I.
Lenin. It is completely possible that its names from the century into the century changed, yes
even not in them, it goes without saying, the matter. But today it completely it is possible to
name the method of the so-called party philosophy. In the circles of its practical psychologists
still neatly is called “the cutoff valve”. It adapts, in order to achieve rigid pragmatic self-

The essence of method consists of the following: you must clearly know that precisely
to you it is necessary and for which. Each time, when you encounter outside opinion, proposal
or council, immediately evaluate him from the point of view of its interests. You remember
that after the sincere and outwardly apparent benevolent proposals it can stand the sincere
desire of good to itself, and for you this — already as it is necessary. If these proposals do not
coincide with your interests, can boldly reject them. In this case we advise you to additionally
restore shielding energy shell.

The development of manipulation is one of the main conditions for the correct
application of this method. Its main sign of — the unnaturalness of your own behavior. If you
felt that you behave unnaturally, you remember: is great the probability of any of the rash act,
which you can at any moment complete against your will. Try to understand, to what hook
they caught you. They most frequently us catch on the fear to seem by not so clever,
responsive, contemporary, etc to you the council: after exposing in this of manipulator, you
will permit itself to be such poor, this it as far as you wants, about which and you will report
to it. Say to it frankly: “I fear, you overestimate my unselfishness (intellect, kindness, talent,
attractiveness, etc). I am not completely ready to make that, about which you request”. As
soon as you will risk to disappoint your collocutor, they will become immediately quietly and
easily. After fencing off from the incorrect ideas about itself, you will find internal freedom
and you will become invulnerable for the manipulation.

Furthermore, the same method serves as excellent means for the release from the
outside system of values. The examples, when with the application of this method it was
possible to harmonize the situation of house, also, on the work, it is possible to give set. Give
let us dismantle one very disseminated situation of — when the worker of firm they force
additionally to be strained in the evenings, pressing on his allegedly existing moral
obligations before this firm and, correspondingly, not kopeck to it for this labor paying the
remainder. Possibility always to design for decency and industriousness of the especially
industrious and responsive colleagues of — the consequence of successful manipulation by
them. For example, the chief turns himself to the subordinate with the following words: “Only
to you, knowing your rare industriousness and love for our common cause, I can entrust…”
Entrust, as a rule, that he can, for which it does not be desirable additionally to pay and that it
cannot be loaded on the arms to any other colleague, that to less dependant on the strange
opinion. To the same man it is inconvenient to refuse, and as a result it in its free hours for
“the thanks” will carry out the work, from which to other people, speaking in general terms,
mind was sufficient to run out. It can wonderful understand that it simply they exploit in a
most unscrupulous manner, but nothing in this case it will be able with itself to do.

The question here arises: if it entire [osoznajot], then why it cannot forego this work or
ask additional payment? Of this consists the essence of the manipulation: man cannot refuse,
because he fears “not to justify confidence”, to prove to be worse than about it they think, i.e.,
to forego the outside system of values, imposed on it on top.

But the elementary analysis of situation with the aid of “party philosophy” will
mercilessly demonstrate — what such they can be free moral obligations before the firm, if
her chief does have from this free of charge carried out by trans- for the moral values work
real money and does place them to himself into the pocket?

This number can pass only with the man, whose moral installations are dictated by its
environment. The method, about which we spoke, — the party philosophy of — will allow it
to here without any pangs of conscience forego slave labor and to return to its interests.


It is clearly shown based on this example that, the in spite of exceptional effectiveness
of energy-information methods, simple methods prove to be sometimes highly useful.
Therefore I would want to dedicate the final chapter of the book to the simple methods of
behavioral and verbal control of those surrounding. They, strictly speaking, do not enter into
system [DEIR], they are entirely simple and in this case sufficiently effective, than they will
noticeably contrast with entire previous contents of the book. To know them is useful — to
what to burn from the gun on [vorobjam]? For the simple purposes [sgodjatsja] simple

But about the possibilities of applying the programs, perhaps, larger and cannot be
spoken. The role, which they play in our life, to overestimate difficultly. Strictly, precisely,
programs and widest possibilities of their application composed the nucleus of our of
experiments. They are immeasurably more diverse — however we they attempted to only
show you at least some so that you gradually would become accustomed to use them. Soon
you will manufacture the independent versions of programs, which in the best way be suitable
for the realization of your own purposes. In more detail you can master object in the courses
[DEIR], conducted in Saint Petersburg under the management of my student of Titov k. v.,
after writing with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, 44/46, a/I 123, after ringing on
telephone (812) 219-12-45 or after being connected with the publishing house. In the
confrontation policies of school [DEIR] you [ovladeete] by material at the level, which the
book never will give, and, furthermore, you will obtain the invaluable support of adherents.

B this chapter we did not consciously tell about the methods, which make it possible to
[zombirovat] the significant masses of people, or about those, which take stranger under the
tight control. But your purpose and task into the life, the right, consists not in become dictator
or Head of The State: them in the history of our long-suffering native land and without you it
is sufficient. Moreover the accomplishment of these tasks does not have for the man with your
today's world view of the special sense: you as no one another must understand, that not the
world supremacy brings happiness and accordion into the soul. For you necessary only one —
so that the environment would cease you to trouble and made possible to live by the total

Thus, what there are methods of control purely social, nonpower?

Chapter shch

Action by behavior and by the verbal constructions

You for sure noted that the behavior of man, his manner to be held and even nature to a
considerable degree they depend on his social position. We want this or not, but our means of
life superimposes on us indelible imprint. Possibly, for you it was necessary to catch itself at
the strange sensation, when you see man for the first time, and it seems that you know it long
ago: from the very first can about it say too much.

In someone this ability in the smallest components to determine the place of residence,
and the kind of occupations, and the basic tendencies of nature are developed to the larger
degree, in someone of — in smaller. But to one extent or another this feature is characteristic
of all people, it is necessary only to know how to develop it in itself. Such geniuses of

analysis as Sherlock Holmes, exist in the reality. them there is, it goes without saying, much,
but they there is, and they always have the widest space for the activity.

Are interesting the fact that Russian abroad they learn still before they they had time to
say although phrase in their language. Townspeople easily recognize people, which arrived
from the village. Are known also the cases, when, being among the people of one and the
same social position, one man, [ponabljudav] after another the pair of minutes, could describe
about it practically everything. They say, that this episode occurred once in Russian writer
Leonid Andreev's life. For a certain period of time it controlled man, who walks according to
Hall the hotels, in which stopped the writer. Andreev argued with the friends relative to that,
whom this man it could be, — it won dispute. This man, robed in the very that not on exists
elegant clothing, he proved to be by card cardsharper.

Of course not all possess this rare insight. But the matter now not in this, but in the fact
that our means of life, basic kind of occupations and even nature superimpose indelible
imprint on our subconsciousness, but already it leads all: our vital scenario is determined, it x-
rays through all our behavior, words and even gestures.

For you it did sometimes be necessary to deal concerning the man, who did previously
occupy sufficiently dignity, and in view of some circumstances it was then lowered in the
post? If to you it occurred to associate with such people, then you could not but turn attention
to that, as they are held. The first, which always strikes, this — of their manner to be held,
which, directly let us say, it does not entirely correspond to their present official position.

Many of us it frequently is necessary to be reconciled with the unpleasant manner,

inherent in some chiefs, to talk with the subordinates condescendingly, in the directive tone.
(As it said to me one new Russian, with whom somehow brought together the fate, “the
director of — it and in the bath director”.) Negative reaction surrounding to this behavior
authorities is completely normal and [objasnima], since with this relation a sense of the self-
respect of those pinches, who stand lower on the steps of official stairs. But if man occupies
the specific post, it is possible if not to forgive him, then at least understand. But here if it no
one and nothing, and manner in this case remained the same, then you do not here simply
know that also to think — cad it or is simple fool. It would seem, already it would be possible
and to be reconstructed, if not immediately, then let after a certain time. But no. A similar
expectation almost is hopeless.

But here is the question: why so it does occur? How is explained this behavior of
people, which accustomed to the leadership?

It is known that man passed the prolonged way of evolution. Once he was moved on
four feet, he tore away by stick fruits from the trees, discovered stitch in the hairy fur of
friend. From those times in it remained a large quantity of reflexes, which although changed
to a sufficient degree because of the developed consciousness, in essence their they remained

One of the such strongest reflexes of — this is the reflex of flock. Man before became
the same, by millenia he lived in the flock. In any population of animal — and living then,
and populating our planet today — there was a strict hierarchy, which ensures of its kind
order and the viability of entire association. To any flock is without fail necessary the leader,
whose actions will serve as a example for the rest. This is the immutable law, which acts even
in the medium of the insects: indeed and the bees have their tsarina.

Give we fantasize and let us visualize that it would be, if in the flock suddenly several
individuals of steel to consider itself leaders. For a example let us dismantle the following
situation. Dangerous predator approaches a flock of monkeys. In the usual situation the leader
gives signal, and flock either arises to its protection or it escapes itself by flight. But in any
event the action of its terms of [soglasovanny]. But if in the flock several leaders, then they
will scatter to the different sides, and after them and everything else. It means, flock was
decomposed. But the less in it the individuals, the more easily it to destroy. To in every
respect all terms of flock it was always profitable to be held together, being subordinated to
one leader.

Therefore beasts are grouped. Only leader, cleverest and most viable, joins around
themselves entire flock. A similar association brings benefits to all individuals without the
exception: weak be able to survive, the strong of — to be multiplied, ensuring flock with
viable posterity; posterity with great care protects by entire flock.

In this case you will focus attention on one fact: leader is especially necessary for flock
precisely into the minutes of danger. At this time there are no possibilities for explaining the
relations between the terms of flock, naturally. So that leader, forced in the daily life to defend
his position second-by-second, with any danger is converted in the absolute leader, to whom
they are subordinated reflector. For this in the flock of the animals, to reign of which there is
no time belonged the man, is placed the set of the instincts, which ensure instantaneous
subordination in response to the action of leader.

Very actions of leader also have some distinguishing features. Thus, zoologists, who
study the behavior of animals in immediate proximity from them, easily can calculate in the
flock of leader according to his behavior and ratio to it of the remaining terms of flock. It can
be, not all will be pleased this comparison, but behavioral special features in monkey- leader
by and large the same as in man- leader. Main, of course, realization of internal force and
confidence in it. By this confidence in their own force of [proniknuty] all actions of leader, on
it are built all interrelations between the leader and other terms of flock.

From those times serious changes, it goes without saying, underwent the instincts of
man; the preserved instincts of flock were converted into the social instincts. Just as then, man
reflector reacts to the least sensation of danger; as then, to him is unpleasant encroachment of
all the fact that it considers it as its. But besides the reflexes to protect themselves and their
territory in the man are living other flock reflexes of — to the subordination. Both those and,
etc interest us with you from the point of view of control capability of those surrounding —
indeed this that problem, with which we now deal.

In the Middle Ages there was its kind a skill, for which they specially trained kings and
approximating them. It consisted in, with any circumstances, even in the private dress,
knowing how to cause to itself the reaction subordinate to Unconditional authority even in
unknown people.

You in this stage completely can attain the same. It is more accurate, even larger, since
the kings of the middle ages they taught this simply within the framework of training, and
after the mastery of this skill first of all stood the purpose to know how itself to give by the
corresponding to king means. You, if we consider the fact that for you action on the people
already had long ago been from the purpose it become means, could be achieved the
completely perceptible results in the solution of what conveniently problems, connected with
the action on those surrounding.

As far as the instincts, about which we spoke, are concerned, they actually be in the
mute state. But not and what is more. To be convinced of this is in no way difficult.
[Ponabljudajte] after animals on nature of — after the playing or, on the contrary, disputing
dogs or the cats; it is still better than — after wild animals (having of course preliminarily
cared about its safety). You will focus also attention also to your own behavior. You will
compare your behavior and behavior of animals.

What you do make, when on you someone does increase voice? If you do not
consciously force yourselves to hold in control, then, you most likely, also increase the tone:
indeed you are forced to somehow protect. Your response reaction of — this the same as the
growl of beast in the analogous situation: he saw, that the enemy is prepared for the attack,
and itself accepted the position, which testifies about the intention to give rebuff.

Even if you little interests the life of animals, you for sure know also about their other
instinct: the tendency of larger part of them to mark its territory, after fencing off it thus from
the strangers. This instinct is manifested absolutely in all animals, more precisely to say, in all
males. To control the life of wild animals is, it goes without saying, accessible to far from all.
Well that zh, you will focus attention at least to the dogs: in them the same tendency to fence
off its territory speaks; [kobel] will always select bush or post [pozametnee]. Any owner of
dog will also confirm to you and the fact that, [vygulivaja] of his favorite, for it he is
necessary to stop on several times, because to his doggie it is necessary to begin to tear paw
not in one place, but in the different.

It seems everything is understandable with animals. But which is amazing, this piquant
instinct was preserved also in man, although, it would seem, under contemporary living
conditions it is in no way necessary — it could and die off. But it was not there. Give, after
rejecting conditionalities, let us be dismantled in greater detail how the transformation of this
instinct occurred and in what it is expressed today. If to men it occurs on nature (for example,
in the scaffolding, in the field) to send small need, then they make this entirely differently,
than woman. Man practically always will be attached to anything noticeable of — to the tree,
the stone or something also, which one way or another is separated among the surrounding
landscape. However, woman of — in the most secluded, the most convenient for it place, and
not and what is more. Why so it does occur? Everything therefore. The ancestors of man by
once such means marked their territory, and not where it fell, but first of all those objects,
which more or less were separated among entire rest. Think, this ancient instinct, and so it
was preserved well in man, despite the fact that from the previous sense of smell in it it did
not remain and track!

And which is interesting: if somewhere in the audibility zone there are other people,
this tendency to be attached to the tree or the stone operates considerably more frequent. To
this you can object to me, which for the man into this minute is completely natural to attempt
to be covered from the strange eyes, indeed each of us attempts to observe after all the rules of
decency. And you will be partly right. But also this behavior has its explanation. When other
people occur next to the man, the level of anxiety rises also in it the need to even more
actively mark territory appears. This reflex was transformed during the adaptation. Its essence
remained the same as is earlier, and explanation now entirely another: was said the
development of brain and a change in the condition for existences (you remember, we
repeatedly already said that c[tremlenija] subconsciousness are always explained by
consciousness in their own way, logically and acceptably for it).

Which of entire this it is possible to make a conclusion? In the man remains the finished
collection of reflexes, which was remained to it as the inheritance from the nonverbal
ancestors. This means that, if for you on some to reason is undesirable the use of energy
forms of control, you can program man to th reaction e necessary to you, using his innate
reflexes, providing thus perception itself as leader.

Give for the beginning let us explain however, that is important for activating the
subconsious reflexes and, most importantly, as this it is possible to use for the realization of
action for those surrounding. In present chapter we will not concern the too complex cases of
— they they do not be suitable for quick examination. The situations, which we with you will
investigate, will be limited by the specific framework: you with the collocutor either are
unknown generally or you know him badly; in this case it is not drunk, not irritated, it does
not express some stormy emotions of — i.e., it is in completely usual its state. Specifically,
with such people, you will agree, in you appear, as a rule, the complexities in the
interrelations. The cases, when problems arise between the close or long ago familiar people,
require other entirely approach and are not entered in the theme, which we now study;
therefore to concern them we now will not be.

But so that does be important for activating the subconsious reflexes of man? On what
it is necessary to focus attention first of all, when you only do begin to seize the methods of

Role of distance in the contact

One of the most significant factors is the distance, to which one man allows to approach
to himself others. We already spoke, that in animals the instinct was placed to delimit its
territory from the stranger. In cases when the boundary, established by them, is disrupted, in
them appear reason for the uneasiness of — indeed for each animal is organically necessary
their personal territory, their space for the life. The less the animals dwells in one or other
territory or another, the wider this individual space. Limits it can decrease or increase in
some, and these changes to the specific moment do not affect their viability. Complexities
appear only in the cases of explicit overpopulation. If in the population this problem appears,
then animals begin to exist in the state of a constant stress, which causes increase in the blood
of adrenaline. Adrenaline, manufactured by the endocrine system of organism, plays very
important role in the regulation of increase, reproduction and degree of the protection of
animal from the negative actions. Thus, overpopulation leads to frank worsening in living
conditions, and this in turn affects the viability of animals. They begin to die out, and this
continues until their number is correspond to th standards e necessary for the life.

Man, as essence social, also is not gone around with the tendency to preserve around
himself the specific space. It is long ago noted that in the places of the large accumulation of
people the danger of collisions always appears. Is caused this by the fact that as each
individual man obtains increasingly less and it is less than the personal space, its irritability
increases, appears the probability of fights and brawls. And, and in the western countries this
fact is considered by the organs of the protection of order. Crowd either they attempt to
scatter or it they accompany, in the case if suddenly it is necessary to carry out interference.

For this reason for the man, as for animal, the tendency to hold its surrounding people
on the specific distance is completely natural.

There is this concept, as distance critical. Thus far man is located beyond it, he is
received by other as object stranger. In these cases there is no contact either generally or it
goes without the special reflector support. Beyond the limits of this distance of men it is
received as the foreign object (subconsciousness of animal in such cases awaits from the
strangers neither attack nor what other actions, which require immediate reaction). However,
in the limits of this distance of men the contact is considered established; to it is paid a certain
attention, but not special (there is no straight danger from it nevertheless). And only when
distance is frankly reduced, the attention of man wholly is thrown to that approaching.

The brain of animal in such situations begins sensitively to follow that invading to the
strange territory and immediately it reacts to the fact that will follow then. And then follows,
as a rule, either the straight aggression, from which it is necessary to know how to be
protected or, if individual belongs to the opposite floor, sexual advances.

In man, despite the fact that his instincts are adapted to by his contemporary living
conditions, subconsious reactions occur analogously. At least its attention immediately is
thrown to man, who overcame this distance, with the purpose to determine, that precisely they
want from it.

Which the distance, about which we do speak, in man? On what she does depend and
what role he does play in his interrelations with those surrounding?

This the so-called comfortable distance of contact, its in each human society. In our
first book we in detail spoke, that this distance is directly connected with the reflector
supported dimensions of our ether body. I.e., the greater the ether body, the more must be for
the man his comfortable distance. This chapter is dedicated to the nonpower forms of control;
therefore I will say only that according to the dimensions of the ether body, which to you it
comprises no labor to determine, it is possible to calculate comfortable distance for the man,
after ensuring thus to itself and to it harmonious interrelations.

Urban inhabitants, for the first time arriving into the village, with a certain surprise
always focused attention on that fact, as the country mans between themselves they associate.
If townsman, greeting his familiar, will approach it will close and give to it hand, then for the
inhabitants of village it is completely natural from the distance into 15 meters to shout
greeting and to wave by hand. I remember, as in the childhood I was the first time the witness
of the contact of rural. Me as townsman this in a sense amused, but for the aborigines it was
completely natural.

One collective farmer, returning home after the working day, passed on the cart past the
house, in which the vein is its friend. After seeing, which that sits on the porch and sorts out
gooseberries, it its not only [poprivetstvovala], without descending from the cart, but began
loudly with it to discuss its everyday problems. Then it inquired by the affairs of its friend,
after which they started to mercilessly " wash the bones” by their familiar of — and all this —
after stopping horse, but without descending from the cart. Naturally, they spoke loudly, the
nearest neighbors heard them, but confused this only me, townsman.

Already from this example it is possible to make the conclusion that the inhabitant of
village prefers to associate with the collocutor of at a distance several meters, the townsman
of — at a distance of meter. This difference is explained by the customary distance between
the people. The cities, even small, are always more thickly populated, people in them always

experience a certain smallness. Therefore their inhabitants reflector reduce the dimensions of
our own ether body so that it would not come into contact with the field of neighbor.

It is noted that man, who finished distilling period in the domestic prison and who
proved to be himself after long years on the freedom, with the contact literally sticks to the
collocutor. Is caused this by the superhuman conditions, under which are contained the
prisoners in our prisons. In the camera, calculated for six men, thirty are filled; they sleep
there on three on the cot in three changes. The dimensions of the ether human body in
retention time in the prison are decreased so, that, after leaving it, it an even longer time it
cannot be adapted causes the people have the completely [objasnimoe] rejection.

Is very significant the difference in the comfortable distances between the Muscovites
and [peterburzhtsami]. Muscovites are received by [pitertsami] as importunate and cause
sometimes irritation, and [pitertsy] by the Muscovites of — as cold and removed. Is caused
this mainly by the fact that the boundary of comfortable distance in [pitertsa] passes into 75—
80 centimeters from the concrete man, and in the Muscovite of — into 40—50.

As I already said, these reactions in man were involuntary and it is possible to use them
in control. In this chapter we will learn how precisely this to make. We will dismantle several
situations, which demonstrate the behavior of man during his stay within the limits of
comfortable distance, beyond its limits and inside it. Knowing for sure, what will follow
reaction to your approximation or distance, you will be able to previously think over your
behavior in such a way as to approach the purpose as soon as possible and by the simplest

Use of distance with the contact

Let us begin from the situation, when you, general with the collocutor, you are located
inside the comfortable distance.

Specifically, on this distance it is intended to conduct the valuable exchange of

information. All benefits on the etiquette reflect the correct behavior of man precisely in this
zone. We already said that in people, which live in the different localities, this comfortable
distance is different. , where the density of population is less, it is, as a rule, more. On the
average in Russians it stretches from 50 centimeters to 1 meters of 20 centimeters. If one man
approached another nearer than to 50 centimeters, it is possible to say that by this it destroyed
comfortable distance between them. If it is located from it further than in one-and-a-half
meters, then it is out of the comfortable distance.

Comfortable distance

Thus, you are located at a distance comfortable distance from the collocutor.

On that how you yourselves will bring in this case, directly depends his response on
you reaction. It is natural that if you begin to approach it, then it temporarily will be
concentrated on you, expecting that precisely it will follow your approximation. In these
seconds its subconsciousness will perform urgent work, deciding, you do not bear threat,
approaching it. We to you already spoke, that people judge us not by the fact that precisely we
speak and we make, but on how we this make. On that how you will approach the collocutor,
and it will depend, how collocutor will express to you his arrangement.

If you smile with the decrease of distance, then by these you guarantee to yourselves
the first positive reaction of man to your appearance. If you approach with face, nothing
expressing, either dissatisfied or, it is still worse, evil, then you they meet respectively. Most
likely, your negative emotions, which you will overfill at the given moment, to the collocutor
of straight relation do not have. But subconsciousness this of man cannot dismantle. It sees
that from you the evil (and in this moment unimportantly, temporary it or not), proceeds, and
that depending will do everything on it, in order to prepare to this evil to give rebuff. So that
if you approach it with the explicit aggression, then can cause reciprocal aggression or, on the
contrary, a feeling of fear. Precisely you will cause what, it will depend on how strong will
estimate you subconsciousness of concrete man. Affect this first of all the dimensions of your
ether body and that man, whom you approach.

Let us take for a example elementary situation. To the small child, who plays in the
sandbox, with the completely innocent intentions to compose company approaches the child
somewhat older. The difference at the age in them is small, only two or three years, and their
interests are in many respects still similar. However, since children grow very rapidly, then
elder child appears to whole head higher than low-order. Naturally, the ether body of it is also
more. How you do think, what there will be the first reaction of little-one? Will want it with
stranger to share by its toys? Most likely, no. For sure it it is necessary to approach for mom
and to somehow quiet it. It is completely possible that the children will play together after its
interference, but manage it will be complicated without it.

Let us dismantle another situation: you in the sufficiently aggressive form tell
collocutor something unpleasant, simultaneously making to the side from it. You seemingly
express the intention to be removed by this motion. In this case its subconsciousness, as a
rule, assumes your actions for the reaction of fear and causes aggressive answer. During these
minutes in the man the instinct of pursuit is spilled. Thus, after that running away always aims
to dash dog.

This method repeatedly used talented generals when necessarily was, imitating retreat,
to exhaust enemy into the trap. By a similar tactics of the achievement of victory Spartacus
attracted the attention of historians. During its retreat he succeeded in driving in Roman army
into the very that not on there are inconvenient for the enemy conditions of conducting the
battle. Another known example, which it would be desirable to lead into the force of its
uniqueness, this — the victory above the Frenchmen in 1812, gained under Kutuzov's
management. Until now the bulk of historians adheres to that point of view, that the main
strategic error of Napoleon consisted precisely in the fact that it yielded to temptation to
pursue Russian army and was engaged ruined and become deserted Moscow, in which for its
army, taking into account severe Russian frost, it was necessary tightly.

You, of course, understand, that if the discussion deals not about the individual man,
but with the entire troops, then and scales of distances in this case there will be already others.
For the people, which lead dialog, comfortable distance is one, for those located in the relative
proximity of each other of the warheads of — another. But the essence of regularity, which
we investigate, from this does not change: if, stepping back, you throw enemy call, his
reflector reaction, which follows usually after this, — even stronger aggressive answer.

On that how you are moved away from the man, leaving comfortable distance, will
depend reaction to the previous contact with you. To leave it is also necessary to know how.
Smile with the removal fairly decreases the significance of the current dialog with you. In this
context it is received by subconsciousness as the sign of subordination.

One of the girls, who were being occupied in me, told the following history. It,
concerned by the impression, which was produced on those surrounding, always attached a
somewhat excess value to its smile. Once it fell into unpleasant situation. It should it was
necessary attain from the director of permission for the serious conversions, which she, as
managing, wanted to conduct in its division. With great difficulty it attained encounter with it
(authorities sometimes it is difficult to find), it argumentatively presented all its ideas. Then,
when conversation approached toward the end, it transferred it to the unofficial theme, after
telling to chief against some its personal problems. All this — with the intonation of man,
who designs for understanding, with the fascinating smile, a little sad, but enticing.

By apparently, its business conversations it feared to produce the impression of plenty

[zanudy], but it it was desirable to be not only manager, that being successfully managing the
management by division, but also the interesting, attractive woman. On the whole, it
[povorkovala], [poulybalas] — and left, preserving in this case hope, that its constructive
proposals were taken in the attention. There was how its consternation, when in the week
director said to it that, as it seemed it, there is no special sense in the conversions, they were
not necessary neither to most manager to her nor division nor organization as a whole.

Why, it does ask itself, it to it did come, it is really simple so, from something to make?
To this question it, most likely, answered for itself in the manner that it, to man, it was more
pleasant. In some of degree he for this has the bases: already painfully good woman smiled.

So that council in similar situations it is possible to give one: if your conversation has
sufficiently serious nature, try to preserve this attitude to its end itself and do not smile, being
already moved away, to the farewell of — from the politeness or on some to another reason.
Save up smile for other cases. But in the situation, similar this, the significance of that
reported by you because of it sharply is reduced.

Now the third situation: you anywhere are not moved, simply you associate with the
collocutor inside the comfortable distance. For you in this case it is worthwhile to have in the
form that the value of your words for the collocutor will be low (here again it is manifested
the instinct of the animal: attracts attention only that moves). Not randomly during the serious
conversations people do not maintain to sit for a long time at one place. They begin to arise,
to walk from the angle into the angle, if situation makes it possible — to smoke. Occurs this
not simply thus: subconsiously man attempts to do everything on it depending so that his
words would be memorized by collocutors.

This rule to very well use when circumstances they force to say that, with which you
are not internally completely agreeable. For example, the circumstances force you to [sovrat].
It would like you this lie to be imperceptible and insignificant and collocutor would forget
about it immediately, as soon as it heard.

Contact out of the comfortable distance

Now let us dismantle the special features of contact out of the comfortable zone of
collocutor, i.e., when two men are located not too closely to each other. In the most general
case here act the same regularities as in the contact in the limits of comfortable distance.
Difference consists only in the fact that the reaction of man to that seen and heard will be not
so it is clearly expressed. This is explained by the, in addition preserved by man ancient
instinct: if something occurs sufficiently far, then it is not too dangerous, and therefore it does
not deserve serious attention.

I recall that this distance comprises more than one-and-a-half meters from the man. At
this distance we, as a rule, are held from the people of completely unknown. For example,
from the plumber, who works in our apartment, from the salesman in the store, from the new
colleague, whom still badly we know.

Being located at this distance from the people, for you it is necessary to evaluate their
safety, when you late in the evening return home without the escorts. On this distance are
passed the reports of the speaker before the audience, different the meetings and the

The first, that be worth having in the form the, from beyond the limits comfortable
distances from man or group of people, this that that they on you, as it is already said, they
can not turn special attention. Sometimes to you this profitably, sometimes — no. But if you
want so that you would note, — everything that you not made, must be more garish. If you
want to establish confidential relations with the man, in it must appear the desire to allow to
approach you nearer.

Thus, it is noted that to the instructors, who during the lecture smile at their students,
but in this case it is confident, they are held without the flattery, audience reacts very
positively. Specifically, to this man of — that students, that the schoolboys of — will break
into a run after occupations to pose questions concerning the passed material. The
effectiveness of this method will grow considerably, if instructor will not stand at one place,
but it will prefer to walk according to the class, without fear of entering into the comfortable
distance of students. It is always necessary to remember: it is given to the being approached
object of attention more.

Let us take another example. You appeared before the audience and you be going to
leave. If you are moved away, surrounding seemingly sum up the sum to contact with you, is
placed on it point. When we to you spoke about the contact inside the comfortable distance, I
already gave a example of that how smile it can decrease the significance in all, that you
attempted to report to those surrounding, and to do harm to you.

So here is my council: when you are located out of the comfortable distance even you
want so that your appearance would leave track, departing, do not smile.

The short range

We dismantled the special features of the contact of people in the comfortable distance
and outside it. The last version, which we with you must dismantle, this — when one
collocutor destroyed the comfortable zone of another and sharply he approached it. , in
addition, from that how you will bring yourselves in this situation, it depends and the
behavior of partner.

If collocutor is disposed to feel you closely, and you at this moment move aside, then
this is negative stimulus.

Let us dismantle the example, which illustrates the sufficiently usual situation of the
explanation of relations or simply resolution of some debatable question between two
enamored ones.

Let us say, young pair secluded on the bench in the park. Place is selected the most
secluded: around the bushes of lilac, before them picturesque pond. They sit, after being
forced against each other, they smile, about by something they stir. Naturally, the less in such
situations the distance between the people, the confidence they have the relations. If outside
observer is located not far from them, the like to the expression of their faces he also can note
that everything is good in them. But if it is far from the pair, then the first, on what it will turn
attention, this — the distance, at which they are located through the relation to each other.

Two sat next, without changing close distance, and quietly they talked; man tenderly
embraced woman for the arms. But here to reason woman removed on some. Man, judging by
everything, is dissatisfied by this break in their relations: it attempts to hold it. But woman
repulses its — of its hand literally they were rested to it into the breast. The completely
substantiated sensation appears from the side, that between them occurred the quarrel. Still
several seconds of — and woman sits in the meter from the man, rarely turning in his side
head, apparently something telling it.

Situation, familiar by many, isn't that true? Indicates it only that which with the
confidence close relations for the people is natural to be located closely to each other. For our
subconsciousness this immutable rule. Also it is possible to use it in control. If you want to
cause in the collocutor the negative stimulus of — sharply seat apart from it. By these you
will give to it to understand that something is not very strongly arranged you: let he think how
to correct position.

If conversation bears aggressive nature, then your distance can cause the reaction,
which depends on the internal state of your collocutor. Thus, if it is irritated, and you move
away yourselves, then in it the instinct of the overtaking dog, which we recently mentioned, is
spilled. We spoke about this reaction, investigating recently contact inside the comfortable
distance. In this case your distance will cause only additional aggression. But if man
experiences fear or desire to obey, then your withdrawal will be perceived with the lightening.
Represent: someone you feared, avoided the encounter with you of — and here you
themselves left. At long last it is possible with relief to sigh!

Now let us dismantle the situation, when you, being located in this zone, even more
greatly approach a collocutor. Smile in combination with the slow approximation will in all
probability cause confidence reaction. If you — of men of opposite floor, then, most likely,
your behavior will be estimated as sexual advances. You will recall, as usually man invites
woman to the dance. He unhurried approaches it, as a rule, bearing on his face [poluulybku].
If woman suddenly rejects to it the dance, then man did not, obviously, succeed in for some
reasons causing confidence reaction with respect to herself; if similar in its life occurs
sufficiently frequently, for it it is worthwhile to consider the possible errors of its behavior.

Grimace or embittered expression of face in that being approaching can cause the
completely substantiated fear, the desire to step back back into the first minute. Occurs this
because the distance, at which now is located one man from another, very small and
approximation close with this expression of face, which betokens clearly negative intentions,
is for the man unexpected. But after a certain time (sufficiently it is and several seconds so
that subconsciousness would estimate seriousness of situation), let only it is late, man can
avoid offensive by reciprocal aggression.

Are such the basic methods of nonpower control, connected with the distance. But
among the nonverbal factors of communication is one additional very important — this
direction of view.

Direction of view as the factor of the contact

View not randomly is one of the important factors of human relations. But indeed they
indicate that the eye of — the mirror of soul. They as nothing another are capable of
expressing the unexpressed thoughts of man. The eyes of — these are of its kind the
appendage of the brain, but the having output into the environment. They react absolutely to
each our thought, and this reaction correspondingly in them is reflected.

Many feel the essential discomfort, when them it is necessary to associate with the
people in the dark goggles. According to one my familiar, in whom lately began the
complexities in the interrelations with its young man, its friend during the serious
conversations always attempted to secure themselves by dark glasses. “If we sit at the table
and we produce practically no gestures, to react to its words is possible each time then, as if I
talked with it on the telephone. Sensation is such, that it specially puts on them so that it
would be to me more easily lie”.

It is noted that if in the thought of man is a aggressive pulse, then eyes, as a rule, squint,
and pupils are reduced for the greatest sharpness. Man sends to you into such minutes “that
penetrating”, or as still they speak, “killing” view.

If man experiences the impulse of kindness or warm feelings, then his eyelids weaken,
and pupils increase. In the literature such eyes are frequently called “those being smiling” or
“those being laughing”. By such eyes can look at each other not compulsorily only man and
woman; so look children at the dear teacher; close friends after prolonged separation, the
random familiar, whereas who were pleased to each other from the first minutes of contact.

Specifically, on the motion of eyes they most frequently and determine that man will
lie, either he attempts something to hide or something to recall, or it because of something

With the unexpected question of eye they shudder; view in this case on second departs
to the side. So it occurs, when man, which is called, catch unaware, it is biased by your
question to sense. Most frequently it in this case begins to speak nonsense, to be confused, to
stutter. But this reaction yet is not the sign of frank lie, although it, of course, also can occur.

Lie also has some its signs. These signs are not always expressed; , as I already said, it
is easy to entangle them with the confusion or some other feelings. Moreover of men, general
with you, it cannot constantly lie. Deceives it you, as a rule, in by something one, and that is
not simple so, but attempting to leave by dry the water. Therefore into the minutes of
conversation with you it experiences, besides the desire to [sovrat], the most different
feelings. It at this moment can strive something to recall, something to consider, something to
invent. In addition to it it is necessary immediately to react to your questions. And all
processes, proceeding in its consciousness, as we already said, they are reflected in his eyes.
Naturally, you immediately will not learn to distinguish, when they precisely to you lie. But
some general for all rules, it goes without saying, exist.

If liar convulsively attempts something to invent, his eyes, as a rule, sharply " shoot”
upward. At that moment when it to you this lie pronounces, its eyes are, on the contrary,
maximally clean and fixed. It by flat voice lets out a secret to you the prepared lie and looks
on you by the nonblinking eyes.

In man, who attempts something to recall, view falls only downward. In order to be
convinced of this, [ponabljudajte] somehow after the students and the schoolboys at the
examinations into those minutes, when instructor assigns to them additional questions
concerning the material.

But man, who hides something, in the words, as a rule, attempts to leave from the
answer. However, the eyes of him in this case mow from the recollections downward, thus
issuing him.

Since the direction of view causes the unconditional reflector reactions of collocutor,
then, knowing about the reason for this reaction, them it is possible to easily govern: it
suffices to change view.

The direction of view in the best way demonstrates the internal state of man with
respect to the collocutor. If man feels himself more weakly than his collocutor, then he looks
sullenly, from bottom to top. Specifically, the adolescents, when those report them for the
poor behavior, the low estimations or something still, so look at their parents.

If in this case the head of collocutor is inclined forward, then by this fear and respect is
expressed, while if we to the side of — [ugodlivost] and the tendency obey ourselves. Its view
in this case is focused on the collocutor of — seemingly it recovers his least motion. So
frequently look subordinates at their authorities. This manner of behavior also was transmitted
to man by the inheritance from his hairy ancestors. How it was manufactured in it? As
follows. For animal it was necessary to shift from below with the possible aggression from the
side, since its stronger rival could simply press by his his body. If this occurred, then the hope
to be pulled out, to throw out it still remained, after making [kuvyrok] through the head:
indeed the person (more accurate, snout) and all internal organs of weaker enemy remained
closed from that attacking.

If man feels himself stronger, then his head is somewhat thrown back upward or is
simply elevated only more than usual, view is directed from top to bottom. In this case to look
it can not compulsorily into the person to collocutor. Is caused this by the fact that the animal
reflex, in addition gives to know itself: individual, who looks thus, prepares to no longer shift,
but to press enemy itself. Her view is not, as a rule, focused, since the reaction of animal of
weaker by it is uninteresting, with exception perhaps that of those cases, when it is prepared
for the attack.

These special features of behavior, which were preserved in the man from those distant
times, can be completely successfully used. Give let us think as. For you it for sure was
necessary to meet people, which could be leaders only with those, who is weaker them.
However, all their ambitions to the leadership somewhere disappeared with the strong. On the
whole as in the saying: “The fine person of — among the sheep, and near the fine person
himself is sheep”. This feature, directly let us say, in the man not the best, but by nature
completely caused. According to my observations, by its presence they sin more than half of
people. Change situation, it goes without saying, we cannot, we can only use it for purposes
necessary to us.

If leader suddenly begins to behave as [slabak], after confirming her position by the
specific view, then weak individual immediately will begin to become impudent. Specifically,
by this it is explained the fact that in the families, where they excessively spoil animals (and
children, by the way, also), they [lelejut], in everything they indulge to them, these favorites
very rapidly sit down themselves to owner on the neck. Owner, loving his wards,
demonstrates his weakness to them how those successfully and use.

But if weak manifests suddenly the habits of leader, then leader attempts to
immediately place him on the place (naturally, if relations has already been formed).

As we already spoke, subconsciousness of man fixes all these nonverbal signs. And that
the most interesting, people with the acquaintance erect their relations precisely according to
these nonverbal signs. This occurring by consciousness it is reflector and evaluated only when
for itself it is necessary to answer the question: “A from what this I suddenly so itself
brought?” True answer to this question, according to the idea, must be the following:
“Because I is stronger him and me he pleases herself this to show”. But to man this
explanation into the head does not come: somehow it does not be desirable to allow it. This
answer rather they could give animals, if they would know how to speak. Therefore the
consciousness of man searches for any explanation to its behavior. Let us say, in this weak
man could be [neprezentabelnaja] appearance, unpleasant manner to speak, it could seem
strong by stupid, etc.

Analyze your own behavior. Represent that you, sufficiently confident in yourselves
man, are forced to associate with the collocutor, who behaves as follows. It looks as if even
not on you, and somewhere first only is below, not that generally into the space. As if you are
not for it, because to you not to catch its view. This position is inconvenient, it is
uncomfortable for you, and you immediately begin to undertake something in order to make it
necessary him to look to you into the person; you attempt to tell it, to attain th reaction e
specific to itself. Sometimes for this you arise from the place, you begin to move or even to
walk around it with circles, glancing at it into the eyes. In this case you do not realize that
precisely so behaved tens of thousands of years ago the ancient monkey. Unpleasantly, of
course, but the fact: ancient reflexes anywhere do not disappear.

However, speaks this all only, that a direction of view can be used. As precisely, you
for sure already understood. Using one or other view or another with the contact with others,
it is possible to attain practically any necessary to you reaction. In this case you must be
subdued to that fact that your view causes reaction precisely on you as to the socially
significant object, but not to some your thoughts, which you attempt to those surrounding to

Use of direction of the view

Give let us think, in what precisely situations and as to you it is better to look at the
collocutor. For example, you — chief, the director of large organization. The subordinate will
enter through the pair of minutes to you into the office and it will report about the
accomplished work. You know after it the feature, which in it madly irritates you: it eternally
pushes through some unconsidered ideas, moreover this makes superfluously with self
confidence, if we do not say — insolently. It apparently, uses your accessibility and simplicity
in the contact. Here now it will arrive, and you make the decision: only that — to place him
on the place.

Use for this purpose a view from top to bottom, after throwing back head slightly back.
Is of course it is preliminarily necessary to be trained, otherwise you will depict not the
position of strong, that suggests fear, but the doll, by which they turned inside out head. In a
word, do not overdo it.

But if your subordinate is characterized by superfluous shyness, if literally tooth to the

tooth does not fall from one your presence in it, then it would, naturally, like you so that it
would behave [posmelee] (but at the same time also to [pochetche] would express its
thoughts). For this use in the contact with it a view from bottom to top. It must give forces
and untie to timorous subordinate language.

Subordinates most frequently look at the chief by the view from bottom to top of — by
these they seemingly they express indebtedness to his position. In the same uncommon
situations, when you should attain from it the ejection of negative reaction, anger it,
discrediting thus in the eyes of subordinates, can use view from top to bottom.

The same types of views you can also use, also, in another situation, let us say, in the
company of friends, if you feel, which somebody of the friends begins to be seized; in the
store of — with the salesmen, who are not characterized by special politeness, in the transport
of — with the rough passengers; in a word, in the contact with any familiar or outside people.

Give let us examine a example of the use of this view with the contact with the people
by completely strangers. You will agree, in the contact with them it is also necessary to know
how to seem by strong sometimes, and sometimes — weak. Let us say, you come into the
library and you request so that to you for the month they would give the book, which to the
hands, in general, they do not issue, but only into reading bay the main thing for you of this
situation of — to convince librarian in how this book is strongly necessary to you. You will
look to it from bottom to top, recognize its importance, smile. Let, looking on you, it itself
will come to the conclusion that, helping you, it helps people to be developed. Such high
thoughts to inject in the head to man there is sometimes not only not difficult, but, the main
thing, it is useful.

But if you occur in the situation, where there is the probability that they can oppress or
deceive you, — better use view from top to bottom. It for sure [poubavit] in outside man of
the desire with you to be connected. Let us say, with this your behavior you [navrjad]
someone will attempt to cheat in weighing on the market or to speak offensively in the
transport. Using this view, you demonstrate your force, and they are always subordinated by
strong in this peace.

Use and distance, and the view of — these are the most important methods of nonverbal
action on those surrounding. However, for the more complete idea about nonverbal control
we should dismantle one additional method of — gesticulation. As you understand, the role of
gestures in the human communication is extremely great. To one degree or another gestures
are used by absolutely all people. This our feature also was reached to us from our ancestor-
monkeys. [Ponabljudajte] after the monkeys in the zoo: indeed each of them this is — parody
to any of us.

Gestures and the methods of action by them

Specifically, because the role of gestures in the human mutual understanding is

extremely great, became possible the appearance of this skill as pantomime. Trainer, general

with animals, it uses gestures not less than by words. Thus, for example, it is known that the
dolphins to the rumor do not receive that audio frequency, at which the people, speak, and
they do not can to hear their speech; trainer associates with them exclusively by gestures. This
means that the gesticulation allows, without resorting to for words, to report its thought to
subconsciousness of another essence of — is unimportant, man or animal.

How you do think, why with the conversation with the collocutor we so do frequently
and much move hands? The motion of hand in the field of the sight of collocutor rivets his
attention to the fact that you speak. Subconsciousness of man, who tracks after your
gesticulation, attempts to determine, does correspond the fact that you tell, truth. Naturally, if
we begin to investigate gestures in detail, about them it is possible to write whole book. As
you already understood, the gesticulation of any man of — the consequence of the work of his
subconsciousness. In the gestures, as in the eyes, is reflected human essence. We in this book
in detail examine them will not be: my purpose of — to acquaint the reader with the most
important methods of control. But since gesticulation, in comparison with the fact, by which
you already manage, method, let us directly say, not the strongest, then we will dismantle
only three categories of the gestures: attracting, that repel and damping.

Although the gestures are completely natural with the conversation, there are some
finesses of their use. They make it possible to govern the nonverbal context of conversation.
Effect is obtained approximately following: you, conducting with “the target” unconstrained
conversation, simultaneously work with its subconsciousness, suggesting to it one or other
opinion or another on th problem e interesting you. This method proves to be very
advantageous, if before you task stands you for some reasons with it do not can to reconvince
man, but to speak in the plain text.

Give let us pause at the first category of the gestures of — of attracting — let us
dismantle their use. You for sure noted that the attention attracts practically any gesture, with
which the part of hand, which is located in the field of the sight of collocutor, moves aside
from it. Such gestures of men are produced, when it should call someone to itself. If this man
is located closely, then him it is possible to beckon to himself by finger, or, if is far, in tens of
meters, — to wave by entire hand, to make it the raking up motion.

To use these gestures is possible in the contradiction with the context of conversation.
You accomplish one or other gesture or another, and precisely it settles in subconsciousness
in your collocutor. That you in this case speak in the words of — this no longer so
importantly for its perception. But if you should introduce something into subconsciousness
of collocutor, and you cannot make this aloud, for you it is worthwhile to resort to the well-
defined gesticulation. The situations of such, as you now will be able to be convinced, there
can be much, and in cases when you do not want to come running to the energy methods of
action, the use of these gestures can be to you very usefully.

For the clarity let us dismantle the following example. You and two additional men are
approximate of director. It calls you three in order to discuss the problem of further
development of your firm, to more precisely say, a question about her collaboration with
another organization.

Your opinion in this question radically differs from the fact that your colleagues report
to the director. Let us say, your associates negatively relate to the collaboration with the firm,
relative to which in you very that not on are the best ideas. But by all it is known that its
director of — your best friend. And to express your opinion aloud you do not can because of

the fear that two your associates you will not understand, after suspecting in your plans only
benefit for itself, and not and what is more.

In this situation you can make the following. Aloud you say what to collaborate with
this firm not must, but at the necessary moment you make the attracting gesture, which settles
into the consciousness of collocutor the confidence in the fact that this to it is necessary. I.e.,
gesture in terms of its value proves to be completely opposite so that you speak. Further, if
you everything did correctly, your director begins to enter in accordance with the order of its
subconsciousness or to be inclined to the necessary solution. In spite of all this your associates
do not have foundations for on you being angered: the fact that you said, completely is
entered in their interests.

If you use this gesture in the neutral context, then it creates the impression of positive
statement, although in the words you advised nothing. This can be usefully in those situations,
when you want to create the visibility of your neutrality or to make a form, that to you is
unimportant resolution of one or other question or another.

The following type of the gestures, which we will study, this — the repellent gestures.
Men, using them, as a rule, is opened palm, turning it to the collocutor, and makes to it by
entire hand, sometimes in this case with entire body being given back. Method this — also
one of the numerous reflexes, which lived in the man until this day. As there are many
thousand years ago, so also now man with the aid of this gesture could be protected from th
danger e threatening to it, shield by hands his body. You will agree, indeed when someone is
swung back, being going you to strike, the first, that you will make, — you will reflector raise
hand, as if fencing off yourselves from the source of danger.

But even if there is no danger as such, you use this gesture in the conversation with the
collocutor, when you attempt to reject something, to exclude, not to allow something. It you
also can use in the situations mentioned above. The impression is created with the use of this
gesture in the neutral context, that you denied nothing. But in the situation, when you are
forced to speak not that that in you on the mind, but entirely opposite, it will also render to
you good service.

In the example, which we recently dismantled, you could use the repellent gesture, if all
your associates were for making of a decision about collaboration, and you — against. You
use this gesture of — and in the head in director it settles, that you against the adoption of the
discussed version of the solution of problem, although you recently with all agreed in the
words. However, to associates at you not to cavil. Further solution of director already depends
on how to it very will seem by that substantiated collaboration with the new firm. But in any
event you reported to it that that they wanted, and your conscience of professional must be

The last category of gestures, which we with you must examine, this — gestures
damping. They, as a rule, appear as follows: man at the defined distance from the collocutor
accomplishes the smooth motion by hand, as if ironing certain surface. With the use of this
gesture in collocutor the following impression is created: from you it winnows by calmness,
by the ability to caress, to love; you never will offend nor will cause neither physical nor
mental suffering.

Naturally, this gesture is very useful in the contact with the people, if you want to
arrange them to yourselves. In our agitated century it seems already entirely customary the

fact that in the enormous number of people they appear neuroses. In a quantity of medicines,
bought in the drugstores in the entire world, in the first place sedative preparations stand
(calming). People with the absolutely healthy nervous system of — large rarity.

It is not surprising that to the man, who possesses the ability not to force situation, as
this is done almost everything all around, but to quiet, people will be stretched. And women
will prove to be it is necessary to say that especially sensitive and grateful in this plan. Coma
as not by it to estimate the significance of this simultaneously damping and caressing motion!
The ability to be affectionate and tender — this is that that they first of all value in the man.
On the contrary, one of the followers of our procedure, after using this gesture several times
in the process of contact with that begun to fall to it into the soul by woman, sufficiently
rapidly attained from it the reciprocity: it literally pulled to it. Energy methods were given to
it not very well; and as to know, how for long it would coax its flame, it do not know how at
the high level to use gesticulation.

This gesture can be used as with the neutral context, when you do not want in the words
to speak anything determined, so also in the contradiction with the fact that you speak: in
subconsciousness of collocutor settles precisely your gesticulation. Let us say, you cannot in
the presence of the large number of people openly give to understand to woman that she
greatly pleases herself you, — use this gesture, and its subconsciousness will grip everything

Naturally, to use all these gestures is possible not only when you should about by
anything hush up (we investigated these situations, since they are most complex). You can
combine gesticulation with your speech and this you will only fasten reaction for your words,
you will make your speech [nasyshchennee] and it is brighter.

You already understood that we were introduced only to the most important gestures; in
reality their hundred and even thousand. But if you feel that in your life they are especially
meant, you themselves very soon will learn to focus on them attention and to understand that
to what, and to also skillfully use them for purposes of control.

But in spite of all this the nonverbal methods of control are nevertheless considerably
less effective in comparison with the methods verbal, i.e., with the aid of the voice and the
words. I do not intend for long to stay on this theme, just as on previous, for that simple
reason, that on the theme of vocal and verbal control it is possible to write not one book. I will
dwell only on th methods e most useful from a tactical point of view. You will be able to
master independently everything else when desired. Moreover these methods relate to the
social methods. They although are effective, they are fairly complicated. So it does be
worthwhile for you to expend superfluous attention and forces, if you already do know how to
accomplish lasting control and differently? But in any event my to you the council of — not
to be guided by some concrete rules, but to act according to the situation. Therefore
following, what we will touch in this chapter, this — vocal regime.

Vocal regime

By the vocal regime we imply that intonation, that tone, with which man makes one or
other statement or another. The main thing for our subconsciousness is not that that we speak,
but as we this make. Therefore it is earlier than men evaluates the sense of statement, it reacts
to the tone. Especially sensitively react to your intonation children and animals, and also

blind, which have perception to the rumor maximally acutely. At the basis of study by the
child of his native language also lies the catching of the tone, which its mother speaks with it.

The voice of man is capable to transmit the most different emotions. But that even more
importantly, by our specific intonation we provoke collocutor to that or by other to us answer.
Therefore vocal regime can be used as nonpower method of control by those surrounding.

Try one and the same phrase or at least word to say to different people with the
different intonation. For example, usual greeting “how do you do!”. Say it with the encounter
to several your familiar, but with the different intonation, which reflects different human
emotions: one it is affable, briskly; to other of — with the frank grief in the voice; to the third
of — it is mocking or even scoffing; to the fourth of — it is cold; to the fifth of — somehow
still. But you will then compare reaction to your greeting. [Pronabljudajte], who smiled to you
or stopped with you to chat from your familiar, and who — looked with the bewilderment and
was silent.

It is possible to isolate three basic vocal regimes. The first vocal regime of — that
intonation, which, as a rule, uses the teacher, making it necessary to rise disobedient student.
This tone reflector causes implicit obedience. It most frequently use in the army for
guaranteeing the order, and also trainers, who work with the wild animal and dangerous for
the man fighting dogs. It is known that if the dog counts itself stronger than the owner or all
the more trainer, then the implicit obedience from it it will not attain. You will agree that this
liberty is not admitted for the special duty dog. Therefore if already you hold houses this dog,
then all your commands of the type “to sit!”, “to lie!”, “voice!” and everything else must
return by precisely this tone, which does not suffer objections. But if dog you does not obey,
consider that you return command incorrectly.

The second vocal regime of — these are the deep sincere tone, approximately is such as
Don Juan tempts his sequential victim. He causes in collocutor the reflector confidence of —
the reaction, which you observe immediately, as soon as they passed to this tone. Have,
however, in the form the fact that precisely a confidence, but not, for example, the hatred or
sexual inclination is usually immediately checked by logic. Man, on which you act, can ask
himself: “What this I was suddenly thus penetrated to it by confidence?” Therefore, using this
method, do not overdo it. But still better than — you at this moment tell collocutor something
such which could confirm the validity of his confidence to you. Let the sense of your
statements and their tone harmonize with each other.

In general, for control this vocal regime is used infrequently. It serves mainly, in order
to decrease the attention of collocutor with the report. It not has so long ago used one of the
followers of our procedure during the current session at the university, where it learned on the
evening department. Men it family, studies in VUZ $$RTVUZ - Institute of Higher Education
combined with the work, so that to be occupied was honestly to it there is no time. Well, it
distracted instructor at the examination by its sincere [vorkovaniem]. That, listening to its
student, itself forgot the material, which to it it had to tell on the ticket. On the whole, what
was accurately obtained the estimation of — I do not remember, but examination was

The third vocal regime is characterized by the quiet, a little torn away voice. It first
calms down, then again appears in the consciousness “of target”, but always seemingly it
attempts to take away you somewhere further from that situation, in which you be situated. It
is used mainly, in order to force collocutor to listen to that speaking, to generate additional

interest, and also in order to stimulate the feeling of guilt or uncertainty in its own actions in
the collocutor.

My friend has the son, whose girl friend did with the fellow absolutely everything that
she wanted. Some dissatisfaction cost it to express although, young man was ready sincerely
to believe in the complete insipidness of his nature. If it to it barely offended, it because of
this conscience then tortured, that he did not sleep by nights. In this case for it no labor it was
worthwhile to it to influence. If it it was desirable to go to rest, and there was no money had in
this case neither that nor in other, fellow taught somewhere them to find — to earn extra
money by loader by nights or to engage — its this already little disturbed. If to it was
necessary aid, it also never could refuse, even if it was necessary to act to the detriment of
itself. The matter it reached the point that, when fellow was under the threat of deduction
from the institute, his parents send to the girl with the request to influence it. “Try it to
persuade to undertake mind. In you it will come out”. And it came out. Why? I understood
this, when saw it on their wedding, it is more accurate, it heard. It has the manner to speak in
the third vocal regime.

I can visualize, how many girls, after reading about this stunning action of the third
vocal regime, immediately they will want it to master. Do not be flattered. Accurate vocal
regime of — not panacea for the finding of love. Indeed not in all this girl caused sympathies.
There were probably, such people, by which it did not please itself. But nevertheless for its
action fell even they. There was in it something attracting, if is more precise than — hypnotic.
Therefore by it so it easily and was possible to find contact with the people, to persuade them,
to interest.

Incidentally, the third vocal regime of — one of the most dear receptions of
hypnotizers. Is caused this by the fact that precisely tracking after the words, pronounced in
the third vocal regime, man easily falls through into the [transovoe] state. To the attempt to
hypnotize themselves, as is known, different people react differently. Therefore the specific
approach is necessary to each. Thus, if man is characterized by noticeable timidity, him it is
better to introduce in the trans-, using the first vocal regime. It you tell in imperious tone “fill
up!” — well it fills up. But with the people, inclined to contradict hypnotizer, this version will
not pass. By them will be required somewhat more than attention. Therefore in the complex
cases hypnotizer uses the third vocal regime. The voice of hypnotizer, quiet, which slightly
vibrates, simultaneously and calms and takes away after itself.

If your collocutor consciously nothing has against hypnosis, pale luminous source will
become very good additional effect in this case, let us say, spark plug. The voice of
hypnotizer in the third regime will wonderfully harmonize with the light twinkling of spark
plug. You will plant man facing the spark plug, let it at it regard longer as possible. But when
its eyes will be shut, the means of spark plug will be preserved, its twinkling it will recover
even through the closed eyelids, and in the ears the voice of hypnotizer will sound. Naturally,
it is possible to suggest to man everything anything with this approach.

Using three basic vocal regimes, with which we to you were introduced, it is possible to
force man to believe or to obey, to accept your words noncritically or is, on the contrary,
aggressively. Try them in practice — first of house, in the solitude, when you no one hears,
then — among the familiar; [ponabljudajte] after their reaction and draw the appropriate
conclusions. Be obtained to most likely, it will begin not immediately. Like any other matter,
use of vocal regimes require the specific habits and persistence.

Soon you themselves will become more they are observant you will see, who from your
environment and with what circumstances uses one or other vocal regime or another. Leaders,
as you will be able to note, more frequently use either the first or third regimes.

The possibilities of vocal regime are by no means exhausted on this. But there is no
sense to reveal to us their everything, since we now examine the active tactical methods of
control. Let us have a talk better about that, it is possible to attain what with the aid of the
words: indeed in this chapter us interest for the most part the methods, which help to cause
unconditional positive reactions to your actions. In this connection to you can prove to be
useful ancient as peace, but the improbably efficient method of control under the code name
“gipsy hypnosis”.

Gipsy hypnosis

For you for sure was necessary to encounter on the street with the gypsies, who propose
“for the coin” to [pogadat] and everything to describe to you about your difficult fate. If for
this gypsy it was possible to in earnest hook you, then conversation with it concluded with the
loss not of coin, but it is sufficient large sum of money. Moreover, when after a certain time
to that deceived they were turned with the question: “Well you- that as [ugorazdilo]?
However, indeed serious and reasonable man! And how, you do speak, they you did heat?:.”,
most victim could not explain, as this of it happened. Well when concerning someone of —
the matter intelligible, is small whether fools in the light! But in order to with it! Seems, stop-
that to one instant, and there which left! Now to the wage not to suffice of — it is necessary
money into the debt to take.

Therefore the large part of people, how I know, simply tries not to enter with the
gypsies even into the conversation. Simply they pass by, and if those stick already very
actively, then they send them where further, without being troubled its own roughness.

In this case it is not necessary to forget that these gypsies of — of pure water of
ignorant person, therefore proven to be on the street. But even they, as you know, succeed in
fairly often deceiving one or other trusting, but far from foolish man or another. The perfect
possession of gipsy hypnosis makes it possible not only to draw out money from the people of
— its this, perhaps, lowest application. It gives the possibility to obtain the instantaneous
agreement of any man on any object of — let temporarily, but nevertheless to obtain.

Thus, give in detail let us examine, however, that this for the phenomenon, in what it
they be and how it is possible to use it for control of those surrounding. Gipsy hypnosis
consists in placing of man in the context, which it psychologically cannot resist. In you for
sure in the life there are the situations, when you could not in by something refuse to one or
other man or another. Approximately the same sensations you experience also with the
contact with the gypsy. But only in the first case the impossibility to refuse to man was by
something caused: let us say, it once showed the invaluable service you and now you feel
yourselves in the infinite debt before it, or simply you connect the prolonged bonds of the
friendship of — finally, reason can be any. But everything the fact is that, general with the
gypsy, you are subordinated by it completely groundlessly. You simply go in it on to
occasion. If we its basic purpose of — entice in you money, — this yet not most terrible. We
will hope that larger it will not know how.

The correct conducting of collocutor along this way of — the matter complex and
requires plenty skill. But, as it is conducted, this way coincides with the chain of the
affirmative answers, which you had to obtain from the partner in the conversation.

This method opened well in its book d. of Carnegie. It advised to build conversation in
such a way as to attain from the man of positive answers. Is caused this by the fact that if man
agreed with you for the first, second and third time, then to him it will difficultly not agree
with you and into the fourth. Each of its “yes” increasingly more supports its confidence to

Only Carnegie did not very professionally instruct his reader. The fact is that method of
three “yes” does not operate in the calm conversation and it does not leave prolonged
consequences; it it is necessary to carry out energetically and rapidly — then you achieve the
goal: pronounced aloud “yes”. Through several minutes the collocutor will change the mind.

The same method is a indispensable rule of gipsy hypnosis and simultaneously by his
simplest version. With the repetition of affirmative answers, especially if conversation is
conducted by you in the second vocal regime, already after the second answer collocutor
receives your words completely noncritically.

The base rule of gipsy hypnosis consists of the following. If man said “yes” two times it
in a row or obeyed your words (it is possible even which is simple from the politeness), then,
most likely, it will make this and into third — it is already reflector. If it this did not make,
can consider that hypnosis did not succeed.

You do remember, as is developed dialog with the gypsy? First it stops you and
proposes to [pogadat] or it requests against some to the insignificant service (to give the small
coin of — to child it does not be sufficient to the bread, or simply it will ask as somewhere to
pass), to refuse in which, if you anywhere do not hurry, does not have sense. The main thing
at the given moment of — to somehow you hook and not to obtain failure, and than precisely
— not so is important. The following stage in your dialog of — when gypsy attempts you by
something to interest. She warmly thanks you for the shown service and proposes “free of
charge” to you to [pogadat]. Indeed to you it is for sure interesting? Certainly, yes! Thus, you
agree, in order to to you [pogadali]. You even remember that to you they promised to make
this free of charge. Gypsy studies your hand (or simply it looks to you into the eyes) and
speaks about you everything which sees. " sees” it approximately following. “You have great
love!” You, naturally, answer: “Yes”. (A in whom it it was not?) “Greatly they survived,
when it ended”. You again agree. “Life in you was very difficult, to test for you much it was
necessary!” (Although someone you it was sorry!) Naturally, you again agree. You already
and do not understand, that at this moment solidly you sit on the hook. You are intrigued,
because all, about which she said, — truth, and you were agreeable even to pay to it, provided
she told about you something still.

On my eyes further stage of conversation was built thus. Gypsy said to young girl that
she will describe everything else, only if that will give to her the piece of paper. The word “of
money” even was not pronounced. Girl began to be dug in the bag in order to find there any
leaflet of paper. It was obvious that it slightly is disturbed on it, and, possibly, therefore it
anything can find. Gypsy prompts to it: “Well as no, expensive! I itself in your her purse
saw!” To it is necessary to say that this concrete girl it transported! Someone of the random
familiar saw on the peak of its situation and literally for the hand it dragged out from the

crowd of the surrounded gipsies. Process, as now they speak, up to that moment already went:
it reached purse in order to take out of it “paper”.

Gipsy hypnosis befits only for the very rapid tactical mastery of situation. To you
necessary during some minutes or even seconds to attain your of — use hypnosis. The
problems, which you can solve with its aid, naturally, they can be what conveniently. In this
case you remember about one important condition: using gipsy hypnosis, to you it is cannot to
collocutor it takes a long time to chew that to what, to go into details. Was obtained the
positive answer of — and you be contented, act further, until that leaves from under your

Possibly, in your life there were the cases, when to you on the market salesmen taught
to insert the thing, which you and buy- that were not gathered, but only they asked the price to
it from the curiosity. Maybe, it and it would not actually you prevent; but, most likely, you
will feel sorry, that spend the money in vain, otherwise you themselves decided it to purchase.
As everything happened — you do not remember. They somehow here yielded to persuasions
and paid money. But everything occurred, it seems, thus.

You passed on the market and they saw in one salesgirl among other things beautiful
blouse (if you are woman, naturally). You approached and they asked the price: it is small
whether, you will suddenly somewhere see the same, but it is cheaper. You wonderful
understand that excess money you do not have, and to bear like there is that. At least you
appear well, and in all, that there is good on the market, nevertheless to not purchase.

To you was named price, and during several seconds you with the admiration look at th
thing e inaccessible for you. The approximately following conversation with the mistress
further follows.

— You does please itself? — asks mistress.

— Yes, — you answer.

— Is beautiful, truth?

— Yes, very.

— Still: this is well-known Japanese firm “carbo” (or some other). And is made
[bluzochka] very qualitatively: it will not crawl away itself, it will not fade. You do see?

— Yes, — you again answer.

— I size is your, I accurately you tell. However, you can fit. You go on me for the
counter: everyone here things fits. You will fit?

— Yes, — you answer. Indeed you they do not make it necessary it to buy, but only
they propose to fit. But this so is pleasant — to fit beautiful thing.

You put on blouse, they looked to yourselves into the mirror. And that that you there
saw, — no longer is important, since you already completely are found under the action of
this woman. You themselves perhaps still and do not know, you will purchase this blouse or
not, but already just she is assured in this by ninety percent. If this thing to you it is actual

according to the size and to face, consider that to you it transported. But so it is far from
always. Otherwise there would be no such frequent dissatisfaction of many with the perfect
purchases. Thus, you cost in the blouse, and salesgirl it again you asks:

— Well as, is convenient?

— Yes.

— Well that, you will take? — I if you keep silent during several seconds, she adds: —
I will reduce to you five rubles.

— Yes, — you again answer.

That, how this a blouse was necessary for you, to you popularly house will explain the
husband, who, according to the large calculation, contains family. Before you they first throw
open the cabinet, “oppressed by the rags, which years twenty not to carry”. Then show by
finger to those torn by places wall-papers even they recall that it is necessary to soon make,
which also costs money. Then it is explained, that you in this month yet did not pay for the
apartment and so forth and the like I you with all this agree, because by mind you understand
that it rights. But as this happened of you, you cannot understand.

If in your life of similar it did not occur, then it is possible to assume one of two: either
you yield to no suggestion of — and then you should learn to suggest to very or you simply
yet did not meet the worthy hypnotizer of — and then all material, but sometimes also moral
losses in you are still in front.

We however, hope that with you, the reader, this no longer will occur: after mastering
the methods of system [DEIR], you are, of course, protected from the action of primitive
hypnosis. For you the possibility of this outcome of the matters is already behind in the
[doDEIRovskom] period of your development.

Perhaps, on this the selection of control capabilities with the aid of the
[neenergoinformatsionnykh] methods we will finish. Of the effectiveness of them to be
convinced is very easy. Try to combine them, combining vocal regime with the special type
of view, establishing in the conversation one or other distance or another. Attain from the
collocutor of agreement on th question e interesting you, using gipsy hypnosis, and it leave in
the confusion apropos of that, why it with you it agreed and as for you it succeeded it so deft
to conduct.

Naturally, the positive results of using these methods in you will be. But how is
expedient their application for you, when your luggage of knowledge and habits makes
possible for you to strive considerably for more, also, with the larger effectiveness, this —
already to decide to you by itself.

For these methods it does not be worthwhile to pay the exaggerated attention in the
pages of our book, because, as you themselves understand, need in such methods is limited.
They are given to us faster for the backup insurance, than for the everyday use. If this theme
interests you for some reasons, then I can only give council to turn to numerous benefits on
the [nejrolingvisticheskomu] programming and hypnosis. There everything is painted in
detail, and to study to you this material will be simple. Yes is here only necessary whether
this to you? Indeed you undoubtedly already noted that increasingly more thinly frequently

and more rarely you come running to the additional efforts in order to attain that desired.
Everything, that you want, occurs in your life as if by itself. Are such the advantages of those
mastered system [DEIR] over usual people.

These knowledge to you must be sufficient in order more not to experience problems
with those surrounding, if they in you were. From now on environment occupies with respect
to you th place e fitting to it.


This book in the system [DEIR] is side-line, since the functions of system itself are
considerably wider than control of those surrounding is simple. As you understand, control of
those surrounding from the central objective, which you pursued originally, it became only
the means of the solution of your problems and realization of desires. If I would examine
problems of control in earnest, to me ten of books did not be sufficient. It is understandable
that to report to the reader absolutely everything there is no possibility whatever, yes even it is
hardly necessary. For the detailed instruction there are courses. In the course of time you
themselves will be determined, which to you approaches more of the procedures outlined
above, and which is less. Possibly, you will succeed in manufacturing something its,
completely new.

But in any event knowledge are knowledge, and they can bring in the poor hands harm,
and in good — benefit. You are completely worthy these knowledge at least already because
they are not inclined to be subordinated to the influences of energy-information parasitic pour
on, you follow by your way of — by its own evolution, and if to you is necessary the
knowledge of — your right to obtain them.

So that new you did open for yourselves, reading this book?

First, you learned, as people they are governed by energy-information parasites, how
this is extended and as is possible to interfere into this interaction. Indeed precisely energy-
information parasites in many respects limit the actions of any man. Now you can not simply
resist them, but also fight with the most complex manifestation of the activity of the energy
parasitic structures of — with the people, whose actions are dictated by the influence of
parasitic essences. In our book we in detail investigated all possible methods of action on
those surrounding. Basic accent were, naturally, done on the energy methods of — precisely
they they make possible for you to act clearly, rapidly and effectively. Last chapter, if you yet
did not forget, was dedicated to the methods by nonpower, secondary and less effective, but
knowing which also it will not interfere with.

We studied the passive methods of control, which were reduced to obtaining of

nonverbal information from those surrounding and their cutting off from the parasitic
medium. The use of these methods makes it possible without the need not to interfere in
proceeding and not to expend once more energy, saving up it for other purposes. We paid
significant attention to action on those surrounding by the rigid pulses of our own power
engineering and after this they switched over to control with the use of our own
consciousness; was studied the application of [mysleform] and programs. You learned to
listen to strange thoughts and to directly interfere in the consciousness of opponent. In my
view, these knowledge ensures to follower [DEIR] the more than significant collection of
advantages over man usual (we will not forget, that the new stage of energy-information
development so makes possible for you to act at the completely new level and with the
improbable effectiveness, — so that the methods of control of those surrounding, perhaps, for
you something like the second gun on the tank).

For you to itself, it goes without saying, it is necessary to decide, what action to use in
what situation, but, on the basis of our experience, the the most complex, but also most

effective action is achieved with the aid of the programs. Their great advantage consists also
in the fact that you obtain the possibility to improve people, which live next, — using
programs, you become your kind [vajatelem] of souls. However, use this gift only into the

All information, presented in this book, allowed you sequential time to be convinced of
that, to what extent were great the possibilities of man, who mastered system [DEIR], if he
uses them with the mind. Know your weaknesses and weaknesses of those surrounding.
Indeed you understand, that the physical mutilation of — is this simply gnat bite in
comparison with the levers of your control.

But the, perhaps, main thing, that I without fail would want to emphasize, consists of
the following. After studying procedure [DEIR], you realized, what enormous quantity of
factors acts on simple man. Of course even you them see far from all: the hundredth part, not
more from the force. But those, who around you, do not see this. They not at all see nothing!
Therefore precisely you, but not your those surrounding are capable of understanding, how
usual a man is vulnerable in his daily life. Fortunately, you began mastery of system [DEIR],
which makes it possible to be freed from this lack of defense.

Up to the present moment you are the developed, one-piece nature, capable of
governing th people e surrounding you. However, try to use your knowledge exclusively with
the benefit for itself and another — strictly, precisely, therefore I it placed story about control
into third book of system [DEIR]. Now you have enormous advantage in comparison with the
rest! You know and feel, as occurs any kind action. , where usually people enter into the
conflict and sincerely they survive because of it, acquire to themselves diseases, trouble,
worsening its [karmu], — there you can examine the conflict of self-sufficient power
engineering of [sotsiuma] of — of the energy-information parasitic structures of — and
suppress it. However, you are similar to sighted in the country of blind — so do not use the
unprotectedness of blind men! Indeed to you these habits are necessary only for the finding of
their own freedom of way.

In the following books the acquaintance with the methods, which make it possible to
throw view on the surrounding energy-information reality, awaits you. To the present moment
you were trained only to protection and to the insurance: specifically, they were necessary to
you on this transition phase of development. Now you are completely ready finally to pass to
the new step. We will be occupied by strengthening our personal energy to such an extent in
order to become considerably more than the man: the loss of body will cease to frighten you,
i.e., conscious life after death will be to you guaranteed. You will learn to see your long-range
targets, will learn to hear the universe. You will learn to use a basic tool of the transformation
of the surrounding peace of — a feeling of faith and will know how to convert the
surrounding reality with one insignificant stress of the thought of — to you will sufficiently
be only one desire so that everything would happen in reality.


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