Test Booklet: Irrigation Engineering
Test Booklet: Irrigation Engineering
Test Booklet: Irrigation Engineering
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Batch (B1/B3/B2)
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1. Irrigation engineering mainly deals with (d) Industries
supplying water for –
(a) Nourishment of crops 2. For supplying water to Rabi crop, kharif crop
(b) Navigation and sugarcane, the channel is designed for a
(c) Fire fighting
Institute of Civil Engineering, Bhopal ESE MPPSC(AE) GATE SSC(JE) VYAPAM(Sub
2nd Floor, Plot No. 70 In front of Kabuliwala Zone II MP Nagar Bhopal, Contact: 0755-4910697, 9074691697, 9074690706
capacity equal to the greater of the water 9. The depth of water required to bring the soil
requirement of moisture content of a given soil up to its field
(a) rabi or kharif capacity is called
(b) rabi and kharif or sugarcane (a) Hygroscopic water (b) Equivalent
(c) rabi and sugarcane or kharif and sugarcane moisture
(d) rabi or kharif or sugarcane (c) Soil moisture deficiency (d) pellicular water
3. The ratio of the quantity of water stored in 10. Which of the following method of applying
the root zone of the crops to the quantity of water may be used on rolling field?
water actually delivered in the field is known as (a) Boarder Flooding (b) Check Flooding
(a)Water conveyance efficiency (b) water (c) Furrow Flooding (d) none
application efficiency
(c) Water use efficiency (d) none of the above 11. Optimum depth for KOR watering of rice is
(a) 135mm (b) 165mm (c) 190mm (d)
4. The water utilizable by plants is available in 215mm
soils mainly in the form of
(a) Gravity water (b) capillary water 12. The duty is largest
(c) Hydroscopic water (d) chemical water (A) At the head of water course
(B) On the entrance of field
5. The amount of irrigation water required to (C) At the head of a main canal
meet the evapotranspiration needs of the crop (D) Same at all place
during its full growth is called
(a) Effective rainfall 13. Which of the following methods of applying
(b) Consumptive use water may be used on land with irregular
(c) Consumptive irrigation requirement topography?
(d) Net irrigation requirement (a) Free flooding
(b) Border flooding
6. With the increase in the quantity of water (c) Check flooding
supplied, the yield of most crops (d) Furrow irrigation method
(a) Increases continuously
(b) Decreases continuously 14. In which of the following methods of
(c) Increases upto certain limit and then applying water to land, ditches are excavated in
becomes constant the field?
(d) Increases upto a certain limit and then (a) Free flooding
decreases (b) Border flooding
(c) Check flooding
(d) Furrow irrigation method
7. Hydrograph is the graphical representation of
(a) Runoff and time
15. In border flooding type of water distribution
(b) Surface runoff and time
in the forms, the supply ditch is in the form of
(c) Ground water flow and time
(a) Earthen channel
(d) Rainfall and time
(b) Lined channel
8. Infiltration rate is always
(c) Underground concrete pipe having risers at
(a) more than the infiltration capacity
(b) less than the infiltration capacity
(d) Any one of the above
(c) Equal to or less than the infiltration capacity
(d) Equal to or more than the infiltration capacity
16. In check flooding levees are generally
constructed along the contours, having vertical
interval of about
Institute of Civil Engineering, Bhopal ESE MPPSC(AE) GATE SSC(JE) VYAPAM(Sub
2nd Floor, Plot No. 70 In front of Kabuliwala Zone II MP Nagar Bhopal, Contact: 0755-4910697, 9074691697, 9074690706
(a) 50 to 100 mm (b) 100 to 250 mm (a) 500 ppm (b) 1000 ppm
(c) 300 to 600 mm (d) 600 to 1000 mm (c) 1500 ppm (d) 2000 ppm
17. The best technique of water distribution in 24. When electrical conductivity of irrigation
the field that can be used for all types of soils water is up to ______ micro mhos/cm, it is
and for widely different topographies and called low conductivity water
slopes is (a) 125 (b) 250
(a) free flooding (c) 375 (d) 500
(b) border flooding
(c) sprinkler irrigation method 25. When Sodium-Absorption Ratio (SAR) is 30,
(d) furrow irrigation method it is called
(a) Low sodium water (b) Medium sodium water
18. Which one of the following is the wrong (c) High sodium water (d) Very high sodium
statement about sprinkler irrigation? water
The conditions favouring the adoption of
sprinkler irrigation method are 26. Even for the most tolerant crop, the boron
(a) land topography is irregular concentration should not exceed
(b) land soil is excessively permeable (a) 4 ppm (b) 8 ppm
(c) when water table is low (c) 12 ppm (d) 16 ppm
(d) when water is available with difficulty
27. If wheat requires about 75 mm of water
19. Sprinkler system is after every 28 days, and the base period for
(a) Permanent system wheat is 140 days, the value of delta for wheat
(b) Semi-permanent system is
(c) Portable system (a) 2100 mm (b) 375 mm
(d) Any one of the above (c) 52.3 mm (d) None of the above
20. Which one of the following is the wrong 28. Among the following, which crop has the
statement about sprinkler system of irrigation? highest value to delta?
(a) There is no seepage loss. (a) Wheat (b) Vegetable (c) Rice (d) Cotton
(b) Land leveling is not required.
(c) It leaches down salt and prevents water 29. The canal that finally feeds field is known as
logging. (a) Minor canal (b) Field channel
(d) It is ideally suited for paddy field. (c) Distributaries (d) Branch canal
21. The best irrigation method that suits area 30. In a canal system the order in which water
where scarcity of irrigation water is flows is
(a) Sprinkler irrigation (b) Drip irrigation (a) Branch canal–distributaries–minor–field
(c) Furrow irrigation (d) Check flooding channels
(b) Branch canal minor–distributaries–field
22. In drip irrigation, laterals are usually ______ channels
dia and ______ long. (c) Branch canal–minor–field channel–
(a) 25 to 30 mm and 50 m distributaries
(b) 25 to 30 mm and 100 m (d) Branch canal–field canal–distributaries–
(c) 10 to 12.5 mm and 20 m minor
(d) 10 to 12.5 and 50 m