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Forensic Graphology As A Branch of Science - Main Stages of Development

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Forensic graphology

as a branch of science
– main stages of
• Graphology is not only a discipline
analyzing the character through the
handwriting, but is also ascience
discipline using the writing in many
different domains. In the age of
enlightenment, it was born
from psychology
movement investigating the
experimental psychology in order to
examine the behavior rather than using
rational psychology.
• Although it is an old method
The graphemics is in relationship with various
disciplinesbased on observations such as
medicine, psychology, and sociology. This
science discipline isinstructed in many
universities throughout Europe, and there are
institutions and organizationsworking on
graphology in countries such as Germany,
Switzerland, Holland, England, Russia,
Israel,Brazil, United States of America, Spain,
and Italy
By using various methods, the graphology is utilized in many domains such as
biometric security systems in information technologies, character analysis in
psychology, personnel selection in businesses, authentication and determining the
criminals in forensic sciences, counseling services and similar practices in
education. In this study, graphology, which is one of the implementation domains
of graphology, are discussed. The history of the writing is discussed in second
chapter of the study, the graphology is discussed in third chapter, and the forensic
graphology is discussed in fourth chapter. In results chapter, it is mentioned about
the deficiencies in this domain, and also the potential studies in future.
• Graphology is a word originated from Greek
language, and it means the science of writing
science. It consists of combination of Greek words
Graphe in (writing) and Logos (science).
• It is based on experimental psychology movement.
Although the graphology is defined as a
discipline analyzing the character
through handwriting, it not utilized only in
character analyses.
• The graphology is an observation discipline
investigating the relationship between the text and
author scientifically, and discussing the text as an
expression of the personality of its author. Hence,
the graphology is a science discipline, which
is based on text, serving for entire humanity for
positive purposes. The science of graphology gives
• The handwriting is a complicated motor skill based
on neurology and physiology. As well as personality,
the handwriting is also in transformation.
• The periods such as growing, adolescence, and
adulthood reflect on writing. The writing styles
also change in these periods.
• Physiology accords with psychology, and the
anatomy accords with physiology. This harmony
creates the writing, and the change of any element
within this harmony naturally affects other elements,
and consequently the writing. For this reason, in
periods such as adolescence or elderliness when the
changes within human body gain speed, the obvious
changes are observed in writings.
During the analysis in graphology, it is important which roots the writing
habits belong to. Different nations have different alphabets, and they
have different modeling styles. During the investigation, these national habits
must be taken into account. If the canalization of that energy during the act
of writing is analyzed without considering some information, the features of
the model can be perceived as personal characteristics of the author writing
that text. For this reason, the handwritings are investigated from the
structural (class) and individual characteristics aspects in forensic document
investigations. Traditionally the writings are classified into 2 groups from
structural aspect. In first group, the upper and lower cases are written
separately. In second group, there are texts written together and named
handwriting generally. Here, the identity of the alphabet used in structural
characteristic of the writing is of great importance. In some alphabets, such
as Arabian and Assyrian alphabets, the letters are written together and from
right to left. In Fig. 1, a text sample written in Assyrian alphabet is presented.
Even if the graphology has several implementation
domains, it is investigated under 2 branches
generally. The forensic graphology  investigates
the originality of a text and to whom a text or
signature belongs, while the psychological
graphology   is able to determine the
characteristics, and mental and physical status of
the individual through his/her writing. Even if both
of these two branches investigate the habits of the
author of the text, there are differences between
forensic graphology and other graphology
implementation domains from the aspect of factors
The forensic graphology
One of the domains where the graphology is used at most is forensic
graphology. The forensic graphology tries to determine if a text or
signature is original or to whom a copy or a text or a signature in a
document belongs. While writing a text or putting a signature, individuals
act in the way different from others do with the effects of many factors
such as hand and arm anatomy, activity of the hand, character structure,
occupation, and the frequency of writing or signing. By investigating these
differences (or similarities), it can generally be determined whom
the investigated text or signature belongs to or if the investigated text or
signatures were made by same hand with sample text or signatures
• Main ones of the conditions suitable for an investigation:
• The text or signature having uncertain owner must be suitable
for investigation.
• The text or signature having uncertain owner must be able to
represent the graphological habits. Particularly in signature
investigations, no identification can be performed in basic
signatures not representing the graphological signatures.
• The comparison materials must be sufficient. Due to the reasons
such as determining the limits of changes occurring in person’s
writing as a result of factors affecting the writing, the amount of
comparison materials must be sufficient for determining the
graphological characteristics of the individual.
• The signatures and texts to be used as comparison materials
must be derived from the ones both before and after the
incident. The signature or writing may change due to the age or
some illnesses. For this reason, it is better for having healthier
result to compare the investigated documents with the
documents having similar dates. The sample writing or signature
must carry the settled writing habits of the individual.

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