Semiotics and Verbal Texts 2017
Semiotics and Verbal Texts 2017
Semiotics and Verbal Texts 2017
Verbal Texts
Jane Gravells
Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse
Series Editors
Johannes Angermuller
University of Warwick
Coventry, United Kingdom
Judith Baxter
Halsecombe House
Minehead, United Kingdom
Aim of the series
Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse engages in the exchange between
discourse theory and analysis while putting emphasis on the intellectual
challenges in discourse research. Moving beyond disciplinary divisions in
today's social sciences, the contributions deal with critical issues at the
intersections between language and society.
I undertook the research for this book to satisfy an interest in the ways
in which language and business interconnect, and in particular to con-
sider the language surrounding companies in crisis. Many books have
been written from a business perspective on crisis communication, but
my concern was about how the “lay” person came to understand crisis
events. It seemed to me that major news events such as disasters and
crises came and went, and that our perception of them changed over
time—not just that we, or the media on our behalf, tired of them and
moved on to the next big thing, although this may be true. But also that
we understood them in a different way with the passage of time, that they
came to represent something other than an agglomeration of events. I
became interested in the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion of 2010 for
its wide-reaching effects including business, environmental, financial and
human outcomes. One of the things the book is “about” is certainly the
Deepwater Horizon explosion and crisis. However, this is not a hand-
book about the language of crisis communication. It explores how we
know what we think we know about crises such as the BP events. So
another thing the book is about is news media representation—how is
a story such as Deepwater Horizon mediated by different publications,
and over time?
Exploring a phenomenon as broad and disjointed as the media repre-
sentation of a crisis called for an ambitious research approach, and so the
viii Foreword
main thing the book is about is considering ways in which we can inves-
tigate a linguistic representation and understand its way of making mean-
ing. This book is importantly about methodology—how, practically, can
we investigate such a fragmented, diverse and unbounded phenomenon
as the media coverage of a crisis? In particular, I was interested in ways of
looking at written coverage. Many tools and approaches were available for
me to do this, and I discuss some of these in Part I, but none were fully
suited to the flexible, emergent and holistic research process I had in mind.
I saw this as an area where an alternative and systematic research option
can be useful, and from the study of semiotics I sought to reclaim some of
the concepts and terminology which have most recently (and effectively)
been more the province of the study of visual and other signs. Barthes’
view that communication makes meaning at different levels—the sign,
the code, mythic meaning and ideology—provided a framework within
which to situate a flexible analysis, and I set out such a framework in Part
II. This section can be read as a “how to” guide to conducting research
within a broad semiotic perspective. Using a wide range of examples from
written news media texts about the BP Deepwater Horizon events, it dem-
onstrates how to conduct a written analysis of those discursive features
which are most relevant to the researcher’s own particular data set. I drew,
secondly, on Peirce’s view that signs can be understood as having iconic,
indexical and/or symbolic form, as an explanatory concept to describe and
interpret the analysis findings, and this is explored in Part III.
These several strands of semiotic theory, media social practice, real-
world illustration and direct linguistic application relate closely to the
concerns of this book series, which takes a postdisciplinary perspective on
the study of language. The work in this book relates to topics of interest
in the study of applied linguistics, media studies and business commu-
nication. It sets out a relationship between theory and practice, moving
from the understanding of a theoretical framework to its practical appli-
cation, to the explication of results through another theoretical approach.
This book would not have been written without Judith Baxter’s invalu-
able input and guidance and I thank her and Johannes Angermuller for
the opportunity to write for this series. Thanks to Chloe Fitzsimmons at
Palgrave Macmillan for her support in bringing the book to print and
to Jonathan Gravells for his reading of the first drafts and his constant
Foreword ix
2016 Jane Gravells
3 Theoretical Foundations 45
xiv Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I
Written Language and Semiotics
Researching the Representation
of a Crisis
1. The oil is now about 20 miles (32 kilometres) off the coast of Venice,
Louisiana, the closest it’s been to land. But it’s still not expected to
reach the coast before Friday, if at all.
BP, which was leasing the Deepwater Horizon, said it will begin drill-
ing by Thursday as part of a $100 million effort to take the pressure
off the well, which is spewing 42,000 gallons (159,000 litres) of crude
oil a day. (Carleton Place (Canada), 27.4.2010)
2. The ditty by the two singers included the lines: “When I hear that BP
story, Green and yellow melancholy, Deepwater despair.” (Coventry
Evening Telegraph, 27.4.2012)
• Emergent. She does not wish to approach the text with a presupposi-
tion of what she might find, but rather to let the data “speak for
• Comprehensive. Her analysis should give a picture of the text at all its
levels, from close text analysis to social meaning-making.
• Critical without an agenda for emancipation.
• Flexible in terms of analysis tools.
• Multimodal in that written text can be analysed within the same epis-
temological framework as other semiotic modes.
Story Selection
Most obvious and consequential are the patterns of access to the mass
media: who has preferential access to journalists, who will be interviewed,
quoted and described in news reports, and whose opinions will thus be able
to influence the public? That is, through access to the mass media, domi-
nant groups also may have access to, and hence partial control over, the
public at large. (Emphasis in original)
Journalistic Practice
The language of news media texts cannot be separated from the context
in which they are produced, and this study of how a particular story
comes to be constructed needs to take account of the writing and editing
10 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
practices that constrain news writing, from the collection and selection
of information, to the organisation of stories to meet the particular news
cycles and space constraints of the publication. Such time and space con-
siderations might range from the daily cycle of a print newspaper with its
relatively regular number of pages, to a 24-hour TV channel, to a news
website with regularly updated content and space considerations that are
only limited by writing resources.
Far from compiling information for news stories from scratch, news
organisations have at their disposal a complex, ongoing network of infor-
mation sources. These include press releases from corporations and insti-
tutions, and news agencies such as Reuters and Agence France Presse
which are positioned as neutral and unaffiliated in their standpoint.
Agencies distribute news stories via newswires to other news organisa-
tions, mainly newspapers, television and radio. The customer publica-
tion may use the output in full or in part, so repeated forms of words in
different publications are common. A large number of the BP stories in
the data set derived from news agencies, and repetition, in particular of
reported speech, is a notable feature of the data. Other sources include
the publication’s own reporters “on the ground” in various locations at
home and abroad, who often initiate the coverage of breaking news, as
well as contacts in business, Parliament, the police, pressure groups, uni-
versities and other groups and institutions. Bignell (2002: 88) calls these:
“accessed voices” to whom the media have access and who expect access to
the media. The discourses of these groups therefore become the raw mate-
rial for the language of news stories, since news language is parasitic on
their discursive codes and ideological assumptions.
Structure and Format
It is not only the content of the story, but the discursive approach and
positioning that distinguish hard and soft news reports. In the case of
a disaster such as BP Deepwater Horizon, for example, the main news
story might present the latest overview of events, while a soft news story
still on the same topic might turn to family stories of victims, or the
heroic actions of a single participant.
Large-scale events such as political, business and financial crises, as
well as accidents and disasters, are generally reported as hard news, and a
number of features of style and structure are associated with these types
of report, for which I will use the term “news report”. Although the term
“hard” implies definitive, objective and factual, the news report genre
cannot be considered a representation of fact—as there is no single objec-
tive reality to be reported on. Rather, news reports are one of the many
discursive practices that mediate our perception of events. News writing
comprises a complex set of practices, constraints and choices, all of which
mitigate against a neutral representation. Fulton et al. (2005: 232) write
that “objectivity is a style, a set of linguistic practices that we have learned
to recognise as signifiers of factuality and impartiality”. The authors draw
attention to a number of these practices in factual reporting (2005: 233):
One of the critical aspects for the study of sets of news stories is the role
of these different genres and sub-genres in the overall representation. How
significant a presence are news articles in relation to features, or editorial
or arts reviews in the telling of the story? The choice of genre in itself has
semiotic meaning (why is a story considered to be a “news story” rather
than a “feature story” for example) and our analysis approach should take
account of choice of genre and how this changes over time. The conven-
tions of these genres will play a large part in shaping our understanding of
how to interpret the story. When the proportion of any one news genre
increases or decreases, then our overall sense of how we are to understand
the story changes.
I have argued to this point that news media language and structures
are highly varied by genre, challenging Biber et al.’s conception of a single
newspaper register. However, there is a case for sameness as well as difference
in newspaper writing, and a degree of standardisation of language across
publications is also evident. I have already touched on the intensified
lexis shared by tabloid and quality press. Conboy (2007: 108) shows how
repeated forms of words activate an understanding of shared values and
ideologies—he uses the example “our boys” to describe British soldiers on
active duty. Cotter (2010: 71) explains how reports of ongoing news sto-
ries recycle language expressions used in previous news reports in “boil-
erplate” formulations. The use of press releases and newswires encourages
repetition of the same, readily-available wording. For example, in my BP
data I repeatedly encountered this quotation from 2010, “We’ve never
seen anything like this magnitude” by George Crozier, “oceanographer
and executive director at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama”. The
quotation appears six times in my full 2010 data set, which represents
only a fragment of what was written in the week following the explosion.
It is credible to suggest that George Crozier’s words became a resonant
part of the BP story as understood by the English reading public. Cotter
(2010: 192) writes:
20 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
It can be argued, then, that what we have termed “news media discourse”
is characterised by both homogeneity and fragmentation. Different
types of news item, news publication and channel entail differences in
tone, framing, story selection, structure and emphasis, depending on the
work each has to do and the audience each addresses. Within each spe-
cialist media output—an editorial in the online version of an English-
speaking newspaper in India, say, or the financial pages of the Mail on
Sunday—various patterns of language can be found which both reflect
and construct a version of reality consistent with their social purpose
and audience. Conversely, the significant (and increasing) sharing of
resources, agency accounts, eyewitness accounts, press conferences, previ-
ous news texts as well as conventions of language usage constitute a move
towards homogeneity.
I will draw on aspects of both sameness and difference in news media
writing as I present an analysis of the BP data. The rest of this chapter
introduces the BP news story: as archetype and as specific exemplar of a
business crisis.
Crisis and Communications
I turn first to the BP crisis as archetype. The choice of business crises
as objects for linguistic research is persistently relevant, as business crises
appear regularly on both the front and business pages of news publica-
tions (and their online equivalents). Over the last 30 years our perception
of global events has changed considerably: the speed of communications
technology and the proliferation of online and offline media channels have
allowed us virtually instant access to information about events across the
world. Events such as natural disasters that were once considered entirely
1 Researching the Representation of a Crisis 21
out of our control are now subject to scrutiny as we become aware of our
own part in environmental change. In the world of business, an aware-
ness of unpredictability has been incorporated into the fabric of corporate
strategic thinking. At a time when many organisations operate in a diverse
global environment, when the pace of technological development is accel-
erating and when corporate actions are more visible and more deeply scru-
tinised than ever before, most business organisations practise some form
of crisis planning. Business studies students are taught that flexibility will
be a key skill in the “real” world, and that business strategies that prioritise
ongoing learning are replacing the linear planned strategies of the twen-
tieth century, as the operating environment becomes more volatile and
unpredictable (Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, & Lampel, 1998).
However, even against a backdrop of chronic flux, certain business
crises stand out. Over the past few years alone, there has been consider-
able public attention paid to, for example, the BP Deepwater Horizon
oil spill, the collapse of various financial institutions, including Lehman
Brothers, AIG and Northern Rock, unethical practices within some divi-
sions of News International and fraudulent claims by Volkswagen about
the emission levels in its vehicles. Crises that stand out in the media are
often not only those that are significant in size or impact, but those that
appear to exemplify some particular aspect of modern life. For whatever
reason, certain crises are given more attention and move from controlled
private setback to major public affair. It is worth noting at this point
that I regard the word “crisis” as contentious. Since I take the viewpoint
that social phenomena are both shaped by and shape discourse, it follows
that my calling the phenomenon a “crisis” (rather than, say, “disaster”, or
“event” or “set of events” or any alternative descriptor) already implies a
set of presuppositions. I address this point through an investigation of
naming practices for the BP events.
Organisational crises are defined as events characterised by high conse-
quence and low probability, ambiguity and decision-making time pressure.
The BP Story
As a specific exemplar of a crisis, BP Deepwater Horizon constitutes a
particularly appropriate case for research in that it can be seen as a single
set of events, and is therefore more manageable as a research topic than,
for example, the UK’s financial crisis that dates from 2007 and is still a
media topic today. Both causes and consequences of the BP crisis are mul-
tidimensional—encompassing human, technical, environmental, politi-
cal and business aspects. There is a great quantity of available data: much
was written in the immediate aftermath of the events of 20 April 2010,
as well as later with hindsight. It continues to be referenced widely today,
as an example of new challenges to the PR industry (e.g. Burt, 2012),
as an archetype of a multibillion dollar compensation case (e.g. in
Cahalan, 2012) and, in July 2012, in an HBO television series The
Newsroom, with a script by Aaron Sorkin and in a 2016 feature film. BP
Deepwater Horizon offers an exemplar of speakers and writers competing
for the right to define the history of a crisis.
24 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
on day and night. There was significant uncertainty about controlling the
oil spill; the rig was working in deeper water than had been attempted
before, and there had been so many equipment failures in the lead-up to
the explosion that standard options for containment were no longer avail-
able. From the onset of the crisis, Tony Hayward insisted personally on
being the face and voice of BP during this crisis period (Bergin, 2011: 228).
The BP communications team was trying to control speculation, but had
limited information to impart, and journalists working on the story at the
time recount the frustration within the media community as questions
at press conferences were heavily restricted. These restrictions had the
outcome that journalists sought interpretations from a range of sources.
After a week of daily press releases concerning the efforts to block the oil
spill, Quarter 1 financial results for BP were issued. Some of the news
stories mentioned the financial results in passing, while financial reports
and business pages mentioned the oil spill in terms of its likely impact on
the business health of the company.
The Deepwater Horizon oil well was finally capped in July of 2010 after
12 weeks of oil spillage. In September 2010 Tony Hayward was forced to
resign, owing to concerns about his management of the spill, and his han-
dling of the media. He was replaced as CEO by American Robert Dudley,
previously head of BP’s joint Russian venture TNK-BP. BP accepted
legal responsibility for the spill; that is, that in a specific legal sense they
accepted that they were liable for clean-up and other compensation costs.
With the cooperation of local agencies, they coordinated a significant
clean-up operation. Compensation mechanisms were set in motion for
individuals and communities affected by the spill, and compensation dis-
putes, as well as more positive stories, were the focus of much media
coverage. Compensation payments ran concurrently with legal proceed-
ings to determine the causes of and specific responsibility for the spill.
The results of BP’s own investigation into the incident were published
in September 2010 (BP incident investigation team, 2010), and those of
the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and
Offshore Drilling were published the following January (2011). Apart
from their different readings of the “facts” mentioned above, the tone and
presentation of the two reports are substantially different. The BP report
reads something like a UK Government report, using plain language that
26 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
On the right-hand side of Fig. 2.1 is a set of tools or methods which can
be used singly or in combination to investigate aspects of language use.
Corpus Linguistics
While corpus linguistics has always been concerned with the study of large
data sets, or corpora, the advent of computer technology has enabled work to
be carried out on millions of items quickly and accurately, and corpus anal-
ysis can now be undertaken by all researchers with computer access through
accessible software programmes. The key benefit of corpus approaches to
language is that large-scale analysis can uncover patterns of language use that
are not easy to see with the human eye. Some of these prove to be counter-
intuitive, and challenge what we believe we see from experience or instinct.
In this way, quantitative studies can provide fresh insights as well as locating
our qualitative observations within patterns we can demonstrate. Corpora
are of three main types—general linguistic corpora (such as the British
National Corpus), specific linguistic corpora which contain examples from
particular genres of language (for example, journal articles or medical writ-
ing) and self-compiled corpora (of which my set of BP texts could be an
example). Evidence from specific or self-compiled corpora can be compared
with that from general linguistic corpora to indicate whether a particular
pattern of use conforms to a general norm, or appears to be somehow dif-
ferent. This kind of work is often carried out to identify language differ-
ences between registers and genres, for example Biber, Johansson, Leech,
Conrad and Finegan’s (1999) study mentioned already of four types of lan-
guage use: conversation, academic, fiction and newspaper language. Biber
et al. proposed clusters of features which differentiated the four registers,
placing them along six dimensions (involved vs information, primarily nar-
rative and primarily non-narrative and so on). Biber et al.’s work highlights
not only that it is sets of features co-occurring rather than individual features
which can differentiate different text types, but also that such differences are
tendential rather than binary absolutes. Common patterns of language use
easily obtained using corpus tools include frequencies of words (significant
30 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Under this broad heading falls a group of largely emergent analysis meth-
ods. Content analysis, thematic analysis, grounded theory and narrative
analysis have different theoretical and methodological approaches, but
share a focus on what is communicated rather than how it is communi-
cated. Content analysis can be both quantitative and qualitative: in its
quantitative form, it is the systematic description of the content of often
large data sets, via a set of chiefly predefined codes. Qualitative content
analysis places more emphasis on the emergent and recursive derivation
of coding categories, where codes are proposed, applied, tested for rele-
vance and reapplied usually on smaller amounts of data (Bryman, 2004).
Thematic analysis according to Braun and Clarke (2006: 79) is “a method
for identifying, analysing and reporting patterns (themes) within data”.
Braun & Clarke emphasise the flexibility of thematic analysis as a tool
which can be used to support research of different paradigms, and across
2 Semiotic Discourse Analysis
Traditional Grammar
On the left-hand side of Fig. 2.1 are approaches to the study of language
which start from a particular theoretical standpoint. Each approach is
grounded in a particular view of language and its relationship with soci-
ety, by which I mean both context (however defined) and participants.
These “perspectives” lean towards using methods which support either a
more descriptive or a more critical aim.
CDA is an approach to texts which uses diverse analytical tools to uncover the
covert enactment of power through language. Analysts in this tradition are
explicit about having an agenda (Fairclough, 1989, 1992a; van Dijk, 1985,
2 Semiotic Discourse Analysis
2008; Weiss & Wodak, 2003; Wodak, 1996, 2000). They argue, rightly in
my view, that any analysis process, even one which purports to be purely
descriptive, starts from a point of view, and the analyst of necessity selects an
approach and a data set which reflect a particular research intent. Given this,
writers in the CDA tradition find it appropriate to make this intent a prin-
ciple of the approach, as an overt declaration of reflexivity. Critical work in
the field of media representation has shown effectively how news stories, far
from being an objective representation of “what is out there”, offer a version
of the world that is shaped by political, financial, institutional, personal and
temporal constraints. However, it has been argued (e.g. Graham, 2005) that
in following its agenda for change, much work in CDA is inclined to make
its own claims to truth and objectivity. Widdowson (1995), in a frequently
cited debate with Fairclough about the theoretical validity of CDA as an
analytic approach, criticises Critical Discourse Analysts for bias in seeking
out examples of text that support their own political viewpoint.
While CDA is characterised by its attitude to text analysis rather than
by a specific method, different CDA approaches (Fairclough, 1989; van
Dijk, 2008; Weiss & Wodak, 2003; Wodak & Meyer, 2001) offer fully
developed analysis frameworks, which have in common that they place
the individual text at the heart of a set of social practices and cultural
norms that tend to both reflect and perpetuate the interests of those with
power and access to voice. Writers such as Fairclough and Kress use SFG
as a tool for the close analysis of written text, and I return to SFG as
analysis tool and perspective later in the chapter.
For the BP research, although I started from the principle that
media representation does not reflect “the truth”, but is instrumental in
constructing one (albeit influential) version of the truth, I did not wish
to pursue an agenda for change from the outset, as is the declared aim for
CDA. It was important to me that I came into the research process with
as few preconceptions as possible. I fully expected to find evidence of
power and convention rooted in interest in the texts I studied. However,
in developing a research approach that started with the identification of
patterns in the texts, however derived, I intended a necessary critical per-
spective to follow, rather than precede, my analysis. I agree with Coupland
and Jaworski’s (2001: 145) observation that “In all but its blandest forms,
such as when it remains at the level of language description, discourse
34 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
While a key area for ethnographic study is speech (consider Hymes’ (1974)
“SPEAKING” model), there is still an important role for ethnographic
approaches to writing, where the concern is to place writing outputs (writ-
ten texts) in their social contexts. Such written texts can include tradition-
ally “written-like” genres such as academic texts, institutional documents
and newspaper writing of all kinds, but also much less formal writing prod-
uct such as shopping lists and diaries, as well as the written-like/speech-like
output of SMS, chat rooms, Twitter and so on. The term “ethnography”
has been used simply as a shorthand for research approaches where subjects
are interviewed about their practices, and certainly the approach places
emphasis on the role of the investigator in the research, but ethnography
can make use of a great range of methods in its quest to understand the role
of written texts in the lives of their producers. As Cameron and Panović
(2014: 64) point out, “Ethnography is not so much a kind of discourse
analysis as an approach that may be combined with discourse analysis”.
Importantly, the ethnography of written texts addresses the social prac-
tices of writing and the effect they have on the shape and content of the
2 Semiotic Discourse Analysis
text. In the area of written media texts, for example, work has been carried
out on press releases (Jacobs, 1999, 2000a), showing how these are shaped
by their purposes. Catenaccio et al. (2011) and Van Hout and Macgilchrist
(2010) have studied the routines and practices of newsrooms in order to
explain the effect these have on the final texts. Their work considers the
complex intertextuality of the news writing process and makes use of diverse
ethnographic methods including interviews, observation, text analysis and
the use of keystroke logging software (Van Hout & Macgilchrist, 2010) to
build up a rich picture of how news stories are created. My interest in this
project was in the output of writing practices, the texts themselves, rather
than the processes, although the work of ethnographers informed in par-
ticular my understanding of the genres of media writing.
Computer-Mediated Discourse
t endency of images to present “given” information to the left and “new” (or
disputed, or p
roblematic) information to the right. As another example, in
the discussion of the potential meanings of colour, Kress and van Leeuwen
(2002) argue that colour can have a representational function (for example,
the use of colour in company logos—the green and yellow of the BP logo
stands for BP in the second of the two quotations which begin this book),
an interpersonal function (for example, pale green as a calming colour for
hospital decor) and a textual function (for example, the colour coding of
headings and sub-headings in school textbooks). In this way, SFG offers
unifying frameworks for the study of verbal text and other modes.
In Summary
A wide range of options exists for the analysis of written text, and I have
made a distinction between perspectives or approaches to written text
analysis, such as CDA or semiotic approaches, and the tools they use, such
as corpus linguistics or grammar analysis. Locating my own approach in
the area of semiotic and multimodal perspectives, I suggested that it offers
an alternative to two main perspectives on written texts which are preva-
lent in the field of semiotics. The first explores written text primarily with
regard to its visual properties and its relationship to other modes such as
images in multimodal texts. The second is SFG, which gives an account
of text at the semiotic level of the code (see Chap. 3). This book intends
to explore ways in which small signs (words) are connected to large signs
(sets of texts). My interest is in presenting a framework for analysis which
provides linguistic evidence of these connections. This conceptualisa-
tion can make use of SFG as an analysis tool while exploring ideological
implications, including notions of power, without a CDA transformative
agenda. Further, it can utilise other analysis resources to investigate such
linguistic phenomena as intertextuality, rhetorical tropes, naming choices
and discourses. The following section sets out the theory and practice of
this analysis framework.
Part II
A Barthesian Conceptualisation of
Written Language
Theoretical Foundations
although the terms signifier and signified have been appropriated by later
semioticians in the discussion of visual, linguistic and other signs.
Barthes continued to explore the concept of the sign, but diverged
from de Saussure’s thinking in a number of respects. He did not conceive
of language as fixed langue and imperfect parole, but rather as a continual
process of meaning-making, where the word sign is inseparable from its
social context and thus constantly shifting: he refers to a “floating chain
of signifieds” (Barthes, 1977a: 39). Further, he broadened his investiga-
tions considerably from de Saussure’s focus on language, to myriad other
cultural phenomena and representations. In Mythologies (1972) he pro-
poses that such diverse phenomena as steak and chips, soap powder and
the hairstyles of Romans as depicted in films are understood as carrying
more than everyday functional meaning, and that such meaning is cul-
turally constructed.
The fact that we think that the meaning of many everyday phenomena
remains at a denotative or literal level is a concern for Barthes, as he argues
that a range of additional meanings are encoded at a connotative level, in
other words that we bring to our interpretation of signs all the social, cul-
tural and personal associations we have collected and absorbed through
our lifetimes. These are the myths or “mythologies” to which the title of
his book refers, and he suggests that such cultural myths are commonly
perpetuated in the service of particular power interests. The less evident
the accumulation of associations becomes, the more ostensibly straight-
forward yet potentially deceptive is the sign. Barthes calls this process
naturalisation. This thinking led Barthes in his later work (1974: 9) to
suggest that there is no such thing as denotation, as it is impossible to
divorce any representation, however neutral-seeming, from the cultural
associations with which it has become invested.
3 Theoretical Foundations 47
Denotation is not the first meaning, but pretends to be so; under this
illusion, it is ultimately no more than the last of the connotations (the
one which seems both to establish and to close the reading), the superior
myth by which the text pretends to return to the nature of language, to
language as nature. (Emphasis in original)
Barthes argues here that the more naturalised the meaning (“what-goes-
without-saying”) the more denotative it appears, and this seemingly circular
process of apparently transparent to densely associative and back to appar-
ently transparent meaning is one that is of great interest in the study of repre-
sentations, particularly over time. If we accept his concept of naturalisation,
we can seek evidence for the naturalisation process in the language we analyse.
At the heart of Roland Barthes’ work is a concept of signs which is
holistic—where signs, including words, are inseparable from meaning,
and meaning is inseparable from text context and infused with social
context. His was an integrated view: the sign made no sense without a
knowledge of the codes or systems within which it was situated, these
codes being multifarious and including social, textual and ideological
codes, for example, language, dress or artistic genres. For Barthes, codes
are not neutral or “given” but rather constructed and political. They
naturalise—make self-evident—societal “myths”, which themselves are a
product of the dominant (or resistant) ideologies of the time and place in
which the communication is produced. The significance of this holistic
view—from individual sign to social ideology—is that, if it can be inves-
tigated through a practical analysis methodology, it has the potential to
offer a comprehensive description of how text(s) work to offer representa-
tions. Barthes’ terms can be used as a heuristic to organise the analysis of
texts. The different semiotic levels of sign, code, myth and ideology refer
to semiotic concepts at levels of increasing abstraction (from micro to
macro level), and can be directly attributed to the work of Barthes.
When I look at this first semiotic level of sign, I want to consider primarily
what de Saussure (1959: 128) calls the “isolated sign” or group of signs. (I
will go on to argue that entire representations themselves can be regarded
as “signs”.) If we conceive of language signs as “building blocks”, we can
discuss the meaning-making potential of individual words or groups of
words. This understanding of “sign” encompasses lexical choices of all
kinds, and these include, importantly, naming practices. Fowler (1991)
discusses how the names and attributions given to both people and events
shape how these people and events are understood, and in an exploration
of how crises are constructed through language, naming practices are of
central interest. Such practices help us to organise our world: “We man-
age the world, make sense of it, by categorizing phenomena” (Fowler,
1991: 92). Srivastva and Barrett (1988: 34–35) call attention to the fact
that the practice of naming entities is not simply organisation for conve-
nience, but can affect action towards the entities:
be called and this is frequently a site of struggle between the media and
organisations’ communications teams.
In the case of the BP data, I researched naming practices of two kinds.
First of these was the naming of the BP events themselves—how did writ-
ers refer to them and did this change? This was likely to be a fruitful area
for analysis for language research into any catastrophic event. The second
type of naming practice concerned reference to social actors—were these
identified or anonymous, individuals or part of a group, real or imagined?
In both cases of naming practices, it was possible to trace changes over
the span of the data, and these findings are outlined in Chap. 8.
An extension of naming practices concerns the association of an entity
(in this case the BP events) with other entities, a process I term “cat-
egorisation”. It can be valuable to explore the development of associative
relationships through an examination of listings and groupings. Once an
individual or phenomenon is named or labelled, it is much more easily
placed into groups of other entities with similar characteristics, in a pro-
cess of categorisation. The rhetorical device “classification”, as described
by Connor and Lauer (1985: 314–315), “involves putting the subject
into a general class and showing the implications of the subject’s mem-
bership of that class”. We draw inferences about the subject based on the
category in which it is placed. Fowler (1991: 58) examines the impor-
tance of categorisation in building consensus, and for organising and
managing the understanding of reality.
Individual signs can only have meaning within a system, and the concept
of “codes” in semiotics refers to the many types of system that provide the
necessary framework for our understanding and interpretation of signs.
Since the meaning of a sign depends on the code within which it is situ-
ated, codes provide a framework within which signs make sense. Indeed,
we cannot grant something the status of a sign if it does not function
within a code. (Chandler, 2001: np)
Codes are specific to places and times, but are widely shared within a
culture. Because of this, they can appear entirely natural, and so virtually
invisible. They provide a set of “rules” to aid the interpretation of signs,
and in this way they can both guide and restrict the understanding of
texts. In other words, although multiple interpretations of signs are avail-
able, readers are likely to find a “preferred reading” (Hall, 1980: 124)
based on their knowledge of the code within which the sign is presented,
as well as other contextual cues. There are not limitless possibilities for
interpretation—we interpret according to the codes to which we have
access. Chandler (2001: np) suggests a broad taxonomy for codes.
The concept of genre in language texts has been borrowed from that of
genre in literature and art. While art forms have long been readily labelled as
belonging to a certain genre (cartoon, Romantic poetry, detective novel and
so on) considerable recent academic attention has been paid to how institu-
tional and other written genres might similarly be identified. I have already
assumed broad agreement on the interpretation of a “genre” in my overview
of news media genres in Chap. 1. Swales (1990), Bhatia (1993) and Dudley-
Evans (1994) suggest that genres can be characterised by commonalities
across a range of aspects, including purpose, audience, structure, content and
features of style. Bhatia’s (1993: 13) definition of a genre is typical:
54 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
they are not in order and do not form continuous prose. They need a
framing context (e.g. a title), they tend to acknowledge either no or mul-
tiple authors and have components that may be accessed separately, with
many components serving the same function.
Despite varying positions on the study of genre, writers tend to agree
that genres are fluid and permeable. There may be prototypical charac-
teristics, and these are isolated and foregrounded in texts such as tem-
plate letters or CVs, or in spoofs or parodies of film or television genres.
However, most texts exhibit some generic characteristics while remaining
unique. Genres are subject to continuous change. Not only does each
instance of a text written in a certain genre serve to construct an ever-
changing interpretation of that genre, but new communication needs,
new technologies and creative play with generic texts all play a part in
redefining the generic landscape. The fact that the boundaries of genres
are permeable is shown in the prevalence of “genre-mixing” and “genre-
blending”: respectively, the former being the overlap between genres (e.g.
business leader reports that have both an informative and a motivational
function) and the latter being the deliberate use of two or more genres
to create a different kind of text. This is common in many areas, for
example, film (the comedy-western, the sci-fi thriller), and advertising
and business, for example, advertorials (Cook, 2001; Fairclough, 1995b),
and most recently “advergames” (BBC, 2014). Forms arising from new
technologies, such as web pages or blogs, may draw on prior genres, such
as newspapers, posters or personal journals, but introduce new character-
istics that are appropriate to the medium, the audience and the purpose
of the text (Herring et al. 2004; Johnstone, 2008).
The importance of an understanding of genre in studies of representa-
tion cannot be overstated, and there are two overriding considerations for
analysis. Firstly, an analysis of language cannot be divorced from context,
be it media language, academic language, business, private, healthcare
discourse and so on. The job writers are doing with language and for
whom shapes the language in every way. It is an invaluable first step for us
to know, as discourse analysts, whether the text we are studying is typical
or not of its genre and why it is or is not. This consideration feeds into the
synchronic analysis of texts, as the relative dominance of any one genre
will imbue the overall data set with its particular characteristics.
56 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Meaning becomes something which exists between a text and all the other
texts to which it refers and relates, moving out from the independent text
into a network of textual relations. The text becomes the intertext.
The term “intertextuality” and the foundation of the area of study are the
work of Kristeva (1980) following principles set out by Bakhtin (1981).
Bakhtin proposed that all utterances (and writings) are infused with the
traces of previous utterances, as well as with the anticipation of a response
from the audience. Both writers suggest that all texts are dialogic, respond-
ing to and being shaped by multiple previous texts of all kinds, and antici-
pating the response of either a present or an imagined receiver.
This view of intertextuality suggests that all the texts read, spoken or
written by the writer, as well as conventions of genre, and the constraints
of social practices are potential influences on any given text. For the
purposes of our analytical work, this means finding ways in which to
3 Theoretical Foundations 57
acknowledge the role of any past (and potential) text on our researched
texts. Seen in this way, the notion of intertextuality is so diffuse as poten-
tially to defy analysis. Allen (2011: 59) raises the problem of definition
and understanding: “Is intertextuality a manageable term, or is it essen-
tially unmanageable, concerned with finite or infinite and overwhelming
dimensions of meaning?”
Research into analysis of intertextuality must account for the fact that
textual influence can be taken to exist in myriad forms: from the most
overt and specific (e.g. an exact sourced quotation in an academic essay) to
the virtually untraceable, for example, general shared language resources,
a 50-year-old conversation, or a commonly held belief. At this very non-
specific end of the spectrum we can see the role that these almost uncon-
scious usages play in constituting Barthes’ “what-goes-without-saying”.
Conceptual frameworks for intertextuality have frequently reflected
the fact that the majority of input from other texts will be irretrievable.
Bazerman (2004: 83) uses the metaphor of a “sea of words”.
We create our texts out of the sea of former texts that surround us, the sea of
language we live in. And we understand the texts of others within that same
sea. Sometimes as writers we want to point to where we got those words from
and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes as readers we consciously recognize
where the words and ways of using words come from and at other times the
origin just provides an unconsciously sensed undercurrent. And sometimes
the words are so mixed and dispersed within the sea, that they can no longer
be associated with a particular time, place, group, or writer.
One of the most pertinent types of code for the study of written verbal
text is that of grammatical systems. The organisation of language signs
into grammar systems has been conceptualised in many diverse ways, and
Chap. 2 mentions two—the formal approach characterised in the work
of Chomsky (1965) and others and functional approaches such as that of
Halliday (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004). Within the theories which aim
to offer comprehensive accounts of the structures of languages, are myr-
iad sub-systems, each of which are candidates for analysis, as potentially
revealing about representation choices. The researcher might identify as
revealing a study of verb voice, for example, or clause types, or cohesive
devices. One sub-system which emerged as meaningful for the BP data
was modality. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the expression of doubt, certainty,
(in)ability, willingness and necessity was a fruitful area for investigation
in media texts about crisis (although, as it turned out, modality usages
did not conform to my expectations). Given this, I give here an account
of modality as just one exemplar of a grammatical system, otherwise
called a textual code.
Modal expressions are one of the resources used by journalists to signal
their commitment to the validity of the propositions they make in their
news reports, and their presence or absence can be a marker of subjec-
tive or objective styles. At its simplest level, the system of modality is
said to “construe the region of uncertainty that lies between yes and no”
(Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004: 147). The resources of the modal system
allow the speaker or writer (in the case of this data, the journalist, blogger,
etc.) to interpose his/her own judgements about the propositions they
are making. For Halliday, the modal system is part of the interpersonal
function of language, that is, the resources used by language to facilitate
interpersonal communication. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 27) character-
ise the interpersonal component of language as “the speaker in his role
as intruder”. However, this “intrusion” can be realised in ways that allow
speakers and writers to associate themselves with or dissociate themselves
from responsibility for the views they are expressing. This is referred to as
“orientation” in Halliday’s terms (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004: 619),
3 Theoretical Foundations 61
The next level in the semiotic heuristic that structures this analy-
sis approach is that of “mythic meanings”. Myths, in the sense that
Barthes (1972) conceived them, are the ideas, beliefs and attitudes
shared by cultural groups that generally go unremarked, so taken-
for-granted are they. One of Barthes’ endeavours was to uncover and
analyse these taken-for-granted myths, or “what-goes-without-say-
ing” (1972: 11), and thereby make clear the ideologies and interests
that they support and perpetuate. Barthes recognised myths not only
within verbal language (he argued that myth is itself a language) but
in many forms of cultural practice which we do not readily recognise
as ideologically informed. In fact, he purposely selected objects for
study that were as far as possible from literature and the literary appli-
cation of the word “myth”.
Although semiotic “codes” have been presented as being at a different
level in the hierarchy from mythic meanings, this does not imply that
their constitution does not serve an ideological purpose. On the contrary,
as outlined earlier, the frameworks within which we understand signs
are culturally and temporally specific, and thus potentially as subject to
myth-making as all communication practices. It is simply a convenience
to discuss a semiotic view of language by following a line of thought:
building blocks → systems → meaning potential → ideology behind
meaning. Put simply, both building blocks and systems in language are
already myth and ideologically laden.
64 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
One of the ways in which Barthes was able to expose and describe
myth was by making a distinction in his early work between two types
of meaning for signs, namely, “denotation” and “connotation”, and I
described how “denotation” can be considered the literal, face-value
“meaning” of a sign and “connotation” the additional associations, both
socio-cultural and personal, that the sign generates for the person who
perceives it. Barthes conceptualises this such that the signifier and signi-
fied, being the denotative meaning, together form another signifier, to
which the receiver of the sign attaches a further signified; this “second-
order semiological system” is termed “myth” (Barthes, 1972: 114). This
process can lead to an infinite chain of signification—Barthes’ “floating
chain of signifieds” (1977a: 39).
Barthes argues not that denotative and connotative meaning are on
a continuous spectrum and difficult to disentangle (although this may
also be true) but rather that the ultimate connotation may appear to be
the most “innocent”, to use Barthes’ term (1972: 61), by being appar-
ently the least burdened with non-literal association. As Lacey (1998: 68)
writes: “Myths are connotations that appear to be denotations.” Indeed,
it has been argued that there are no denotative meanings at all, as “lit-
eralness” and “simplicity” are as much constructs as representations that
appear to have complex and diverse meaning. Hall (1980: 122) suggests
that the distinction between denotation and connotation is no more than
an analytical convenience, with denotative meanings simply being those
that attract a wider consensus than connotative meanings.
Metonym and Synecdoche
Both metonym and synecdoche are forms of language that create mean-
ing by association. This association is seen in part–whole relationships, for
example, “two heads are better than one”, where “heads” stands for “peo-
ple” or “people’s ideas”, and in relationships where an associated entity
stands for the actual referent, for example, “the White House made a
statement today” where “the White House” stands for the US president
or his/her spokespersons. The metonymical relationship covers a very
broad range of actual instances, but its distinguishing feature from meta-
phor is that both entities (the metonym and the referent) are drawn from
the same domain, or semantic field. In metaphor, on the other hand,
one entity is described in terms of another from a different domain.
66 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Some linguists, including Lakoff and Johnson (1980), have argued that
metonymy is simply a type of metaphor. There are certainly areas where
the two interact, and the work of Goossens (1990) theorises “metaphor
from metonymy” and “metonymy within metaphor”, also coining the
word “metaphtonomy”.
The distinction between metonym and synecdoche is not always agreed,
but many linguists (e.g. the early Jakobson [Jakobson & Halle, 1956])
would see synecdoche as falling under the larger heading of metonymy.
In my own work, I agree with Lock’s (1997: 323) droll assertion: “I shall
follow the early Jakobson and treat synecdoche as a synecdoche of meton-
ymy.” Synecdoche is generally considered to be a part–whole or whole–
part relationship, while metonymy also includes other relationships of
association. These examples are taken from Radden, Köpcke, Berg, and
Siemund (2007) and Wales (1989):
skill”, respectively). This selection can be meaningful, and can direct the
audience’s attention to particular desired readings, while discarding or
suppressing others, and these emphases can be ideologically significant.
In his review of metonymy in a corpus of business texts, Cornelissen
(2008) finds the metonym ORGANISATION FOR MEMBER (e.g. “BP
announced …”) to be widespread and significant, and discusses how it
works together with the common business metaphor A COMPANY IS A
HUMAN BEING, to direct the reader to envisage that the company is a
person with single goals and purposes who can speak with a unified voice.
This selective direction is of particular significance in journalism, where
the principle of economy of expression is important (Bhatia, 1993; Biber,
Johansson, Leech, Conrad, & Finegan, 1999).
in particular shared ways; they are at the very root of how we conceptual-
ise experiences, entities and practices. Once a metaphor is shared widely
enough, it ceases to have the power to make us understand experience in
new ways, but rather reinforces shared ways of seeing (and in that sense
has a mythical or ideological dimension). Because of this ubiquity, it can
become difficult for the analyst to isolate what is a metaphorical usage
and what is not. To illustrate this problem, Lakoff and Johnson call forth
an imaginary “objectivist” who argues with them that in many cases a
word used in a metaphorical sense is actually a homonym of the literal
term with an alternative dictionary definition.
Researchers can choose to view these commonplace metaphors in two
ways: one is that they are so routinised as to simply have the status of
a literal meaning. The other view would hold that such metaphorical
usages should be identified and scrutinised critically; on account of this
very ability they have to normalise a way of seeing that is a product of
society and culture, and that may reinforce power relations of certain
kinds. This is an argument made by Koller (2003) in her examination
of how common metaphors in business can legitimise unequal gender
relations. Like metonyms, metaphors are selective in the sense that they
choose one aspect of an entity or phenomenon to describe by compari-
son with another entity. This aspect becomes the focus of attention, and
excludes other aspects of the phenomenon. This concept is illustrated
in the Milne, Kearins, and Walton (2006) article, which shows how the
metaphor BUSINESS IS A JOURNEY is used by organisations in con-
nection with their environmental commitments. By conceptualising
business in this way (rather than as, say, WAR or SPORT), organisations
can imply that they are making progress, without committing to a final
goal. In this case, metaphors do not shed new light on abstract issues but
rather delimit them. As Tsoukas (1991: 582) writes
This definition suggests that ideologies can only be maintained and dis-
tributed through “representations”, that is, through language and other
meaningful social practices. Further, ideologies are ubiquitous and neces-
sary—ideologies are what bind groups together, allow for group identities
and allow for the workings of society to be intelligible to its members. It
is understood that any number of competing ideologies may operate in
the daily social life of individuals. However, not all ideologies have access
to the same resources for awareness and understanding. Certain groups
will have a greater level of power and access to voice, for example, politi-
cians, media publications or celebrities. These more powerful groups are
better equipped to establish their views, attitudes and ideas than are less
powerful groups. Uncovering the working of power behind the represen-
tation of ideas is the project of work by Barthes and Foucault, as well as
later writers in the school of Critical Discourse Analysis. Essential for the
operation of power is compliance (Foucault, 1980) and what concerns
critical linguists is the extent to which the workings of power are hidden,
in ideas that are “taken-for-granted” or naturalised. As Eagleton (1983:
117) puts it: “Ideology seeks to convert culture into Nature, and the
‘natural’ sign is one of its weapons.”
I asserted earlier that the news media are one of the powerful groups
that has special access to voice, and named some of the other groups that
have regular and unquestioned access through media channels to the gen-
eral public. The news media do not only have the power to express their
own institutional opinions in the form of editorial and opinion pieces,
but they also have the power to select and interpret the views of others
and to police what counts as news. As Parmentier (2009: 146) notes,
“Anyone who manipulates or regiments the flow of interpretants thereby
indexes social power or cultural capital.” Through connotation and inter-
textuality the press can access shared social meanings that can indicate
an ideological position. For example, the now well-used device of attach-
ing “-gate” to words to indicate a scandal (“Monicagate”, “Cheriegate”,
“Plebgate”) by analogy with the Watergate affair can quickly imply a
3 Theoretical Foundations 71
shared moral position on some sets of events (Conboy, 2007: 98). (But
interestingly not on others. I have yet to see the formulation “BP-gate”
used in media texts, despite extended coverage of alleged safety weak-
nesses.) Investigating the linguistic strategies that encode ideologies is an
important element of a holistic semiotic analysis.
In Chap. 2, I gave a brief overview of Critical Discourse Analysis
(CDA) and intimated there and earlier in the book that I make a distinc-
tion between critical traditions which start with an emancipatory agenda
and others which do not, arguing that most discourse analysis is criti-
cal to an extent. I need to make this position more explicit with regard
to my own approach, based on the thinking of Barthes, because of the
important role CDA has played in the study of discourses, particularly in
media texts. There is no doubt that Barthes himself was troubled by the
hidden exercise of power through language—he makes this point explic-
itly (1972: 11) when he writes of “ideological abuse” in “newspapers, art
and common sense”. His project in the book, including his now famous
deconstruction of two images—a Paris Match cover and an advertisement
for Italian food—is to problematise naturalised concepts.
The difference between Barthes’ and Fairclough’s understanding of
texts in context, then, is one of emphasis and interpretation, rather than
fundamentally differing worldviews. Comparing the Barthes heuristic
with Fairclough’s (1992a: 73) three-dimensional framework for Critical
Discourse Analysis illustrates these different emphases. The visualisation
of Barthes’ levels here is the same as the one shown in Chap. 3, but
redrawn by analogy with Fairclough’s CDA approach (Fig. 3.2).
There are three issues of divergence I perceive between the Faircloughian
approach to critical text analysis and the Barthesian approach I propose.
Firstly, I suggest that Barthes’ approach to levels of language is more text-
focused at all levels than Fairclough’s. Fairclough’s approach includes
analysis of the production and interpretation of texts within both the
immediate context and the socio-cultural context. At these levels, the
emphasis is on a description and interpretation of the immediate and
wider context and their effects on the text. Barthes is more concerned
with how the sign reflects, embodies and realises the context. Secondly,
I argue that although Barthes’ perspective is entirely critical, it has a less
explicit emancipatory agenda than CDA. My final point is connected
72 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
with this. In seeking out a politically motivated driving force for the
understanding of language, Fairclough proceeds from a particular view
and expectation, based on the thinking of Marx and Gramsci, rather
than the shifting, fragmented and competing view of discourses typical
of poststructuralist thinkers such as Barthes.
This final point is central to the approach I propose. This approach
starts with description of the text, with no preassumptions other than a
generally critical standpoint. The findings of the work, which I will go on
to outline in the following chapters, suggest discourses of representation
which co-exist, change unevenly and even move in different directions
(simultaneously “opening up” and “closing down” meaning potentials).
These patterns are better understood within a frame of reference which is
open-ended rather than agenda-driven.
In Summary
How has the BP Deepwater Horizon crisis been constructed in the media?
What patterns and characteristics of language can be identified within and
across media texts about Deepwater Horizon? What do these patterns
reveal about the process of crisis representation, and how we come to make
meaning of crises over time?
are included. The database is reliably searchable, meaning that users are
able to specify dates of publication, language and topic keywords in order
to identify relevant texts. Individual texts are complete, in that they are
not edited or rearranged, although they do not include accompanying
images. The texts are also presented with additional information, such as
word length and a categorisation of publication type. Despite these ben-
efits, the database is not exhaustive. In particular, certain business blogs,
but not all, are included, and not all English language local newspapers
are included. This meant that I was restricting my data to those publica-
tions and web pages covered by Nexis UK. However, using the database
gave an extensive and varied set of data items for my purpose.
• “crisis” OR
• “oil spill” OR
• “disaster”
From my previous reading of news reports on the BP oil spill, I felt that
these terms would return a near-complete set of texts; however, I was also
aware of other references to the events that paired names such as “Macondo”
(the company name for the well) and “Deepwater Horizon” (the name of
the Transocean rig) with “oil spill” and so on, referring to exactly the same
events. I wanted to test the possibility, particularly in shorter or later texts,
that BP might not be a default descriptor. Further, if I was going to examine,
for example, how the events were named, I needed to feel secure that I was
not simply replaying the search terms I myself had defined. To address these
issues, I performed an alternative search as follows:
• “Macondo” OR
• “Deepwater Horizon” AND
• “oil spill”
I cleaned the data by removing highly similar texts through the search
filter and hand sorting the rest for exact duplication, retaining those where
a proportion of the text was similar or the same, but not all. In many
cases this partial duplication appeared to arise from the direct reproduc-
tion of the wording of press releases, which was an interesting point for
investigation in itself. The result of these selection decisions was three
separate data sets: 169 texts for 27 April 2010, 94 texts for 27 April 2011
and 31 texts for 27 April 2012, shown in the first column of Table 4.1.
I considered that the each full data set would contain a workable num-
ber of items for broad contextual analysis to be carried out, using quanti-
tative methods (although any number-based findings from 2012 would
need to be treated with caution as this is a small data set of 31 texts). The
majority of my analysis would be qualitative, for which I judged a smaller
sample was appropriate. I selected 20 texts from each data set for deeper
qualitative analysis, using systematic random sampling, that is, choosing
every nth text in the larger data set to give me 20 texts (this does not imply
that my sample is random in any other way). So, for example, from 94 texts
in 2011, I selected every fifth text plus the final text, which yielded 20 texts.
The final sample is shown in the second column of Table 4.1.
only mentioned it in passing. This observation raised the issue of texts and
co-text. Would a text always comprise the complete entity as presented by
Nexis, or would it be legitimate to reduce some items? One straightfor-
ward approach would have been to analyse only those sections of the data
items that were directly related to the BP events. However, it was also useful
to observe whether and how the importance of the BP story within texts
changed over time. Given the concern of semiotics with intertextuality and
the concept that all texts are acted upon by myriad other texts, I was inter-
ested to understand what the BP story was mentioned with. Further, it was
not always self-evident what texts were “about”. For example, in a letters
page, it was quite a straightforward task to separate out a letter about the BP
oil spill from a different letter on a different topic. On the other hand, it was
less straightforward to separate out coverage of the immediate effects of the
oil spill from a general discussion of the current energy picture in the USA.
Researchers will arrive at a definition of a text for analysis purposes,
according to their research question. In the case of the BP data, I considered
all texts in their entirety for a contextual analysis of genre, source, geographi-
cal location and salience of the BP story. For the detailed qualitative analysis,
some texts were reduced to focus on the segment that related to BP. To take
an example, one transcript of a news programme in my data ran to 7345
words, of which only 634 dealt with the BP story. I chose to use just this seg-
ment in my sample for depth analysis. Nevertheless, it was still important to
retain co-text that was, however, indirectly, part of the overall BP story. This
allowed me to form a view about a particular aspect of the construction of
the crisis through language: once the oil spill has ceased to be a main news
story, in what contexts is it still considered to be relevant?
• Patterns in text types. How many texts are there on the selected dates
that refer to the BP events? To what news genres do they belong? What
is their country of origin? How important (how big) is the BP story
within them?
82 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
of the ways in which words have been used before and our knowledge
that alternative words might have been used in their place but were not.
Individual words are signs in that they have a signifier (the written word
or spoken sound pattern) and a signified (their “meaning” or mental con-
cept in context). This is the definition of de Saussure’s “isolated sign”
(1959: 128) and it is one I will use as I develop my argument. However,
there is also a broader interpretation of language-as-sign that I would like
to introduce here. De Saussure suggests that larger stretches of language
can also be signs:
Baudrillard here presents progressive stages from signs that offer some
reflection of reality to signs that refer only to other signs and have no
relation to reality at all. In discussing relationships between simulacra
(loosely, “signs”) and “reality”, he draws on concepts of both physical
resemblance and authenticity. He alludes in his work to the premodern
and modern periods which he identifies as having at least some relation-
ship, however distorted, with the real and original, but his main argu-
ments deal with the nature of late twentieth-century society, where he
suggests that not only are the real and original unrecognisable, but that
they have evaporated. To illustrate this argument, Baudrillard draws on
a fable told by Borges (1999: 325) in which, in an ancient Empire, “the
Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of
the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it”. Eventually the
map rotted away, leaving only a few remaining shards in remote places.
Baudrillard claims that society has reached a stage where it is the territory
itself that has crumbled away, leaving only the map as a representation
of a reality that no longer exists. Baudrillard denies in his work the exis-
tence of any material reality, and this is an extreme view. However, this
notion of signs being the outward representation of a shifting, unstable
and ungraspable reality is one that is fundamental to semiotic thinking.
The discourse analysis approach I offer is one way of describing these
outward representations.
In the case of the BP data, I have sought to map three sets of texts, each
at a time point a year apart. I propose that, although each set will comprise
texts which are very disparate, it will, nevertheless, have important things
in common which make it different from the others in the way it makes
meaning. I discussed in Chap. 1 that news media texts are highly dispa-
rate, yet also in some ways relatively circumscribed in terms of their rep-
resentation: by external technical, political and financial considerations,
by space and time constraints, by a strong set of generic expectations and
86 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Table 5.1 summarises the stages of the analysis process for BP:
5 A Barthesian Analysis of the BP Data in Four Stages 87
The first stage of analysis is one of broad description of the data sets. At
this stage, I dealt with the full sets of texts (169, 94 and 31) before reduc-
ing the text numbers for closer examination. The purpose of this stage of
analysis was to provide a contextualising description of the sets of texts
that mentioned the BP oil spill across a number of broad dimensions.
Nexis UK provides certain information on the articles in its database,
including word length, name of publication and type of publication (e.g.
newspaper, magazine or weblog). However, I was particularly interested
in three other pertinent categories. The first was the country of origin of
the item. From the Nexis information, it was generally possible to deter-
mine the country of origin of the text, although this is not always clear
for online publications. The second was genre: my depth analysis needed
to take account not only of the range of language features characteristic of
the many text genres in the data set, but also of the shifts by genre across
the time period of the data. I wished to know whether the news genres
in which the BP story appeared were different immediately after the cri-
sis from two years later. While the Nexis database provided information
on type of publication, this did not necessarily map on to analysable
definitions of media genre. The third was some means of addressing the
salience of the BP story in the texts in which it appeared. Did the story
constitute the news item, or was it only a small part of a longer text, per-
haps mentioned as contextualising information in another story? For this
analysis, I determined by word count the proportion of the item which
directly concerned the BP story, and classified the texts in bands—less
than 25% of the item (by word count) concerned BP; between 26% and
50% of the item concerned BP; between 51% and 75% and between
76% and 100%.
The contextualisation analysis therefore consisted of:
1. Country of origin.
2. Genre of texts.
3. Salience of the BP story.
These three analyses were intended both to offer an initial picture of the
kinds of text covering the BP oil spill and to support and enhance the
later depth analysis of language features.
Country of Origin
Table 6.1 shows a breakdown of the country of origin of the texts that
mention the BP oil spill. Only texts in English were included in the
Genre of Texts
Definition and Analysis Method
Table 6.2 shows how the genres to which the selected texts belong change
over the three years of the data. In 2010, 73% of the texts were either
print or TV news reports, with the remaining 27% being largely financial
reports (27 April was Quarter 1 results day). By 2012, news reports had
reduced to less than half of the texts (45%). There is an increase over the
years (by proportion) in business and market reports, feature articles and
6 Stage 1: Contextualisation of the BP Texts 93
News Reports
In 2010, the news reports on the BP oil spill (73% of texts) are mainly
progress reports that discuss announcements by BP concerning the victims
and the work being carried out to stop the oil escape, which was still uncon-
trolled and unpredictable at this stage. As well as quotations from press
releases and news conferences, other inputs from eyewitnesses and experts
in the fields of oil drilling, the environment and food industries are evident.
By 2011, only 27% of texts are news reports. Directly related news stories
deal mainly with the progress of compensation and legal action. However,
very many of the news reports cover stories that are not directly related to
the BP oil spill, but concern other events or companies, where the BP oil
spill is mentioned in a minor capacity. For example, one 2011 text (The
Irish Times, 27.4.2011) deals largely with the new chairman of commodi-
ties trader Glencore and his contentious remarks about women employees,
also mentioning that Glencore had appointed Tony Hayward as a senior
independent director, but noting that “his reputation has been shredded by
the Deepwater Horizon disaster”. A 2012 text (Lewiston Morning Tribune
[Idaho], 27.4.2012) reports that an oil spill in the Yellowstone River has
created a need for fish testing. Laboratories, however, are still “backed up
processing specimens collected in the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico”.
As well as written news reports, the 2010 data set includes a number of
television or radio news reports. Even more than reports in newspapers,
television news focuses on breaking news. It is therefore unsurprising that
while seven of the texts in 2010 were transcripts of television interviews,
this dropped to one in each of 2011 and 2012, as the story moves from the
immediate explosion to longer-term issues such as compensation.
Financial Reports
In 2010, financial reports account for 20% of texts, and in these the
news of BP’s first quarter results competes with the ongoing news of the
oil spill; 27 April 2011 is again results day, and the first quarter results
6 Stage 1: Contextualisation of the BP Texts 95
become the main story in texts mentioning the BP events, accounting for
40% of items. The spill is mentioned (this is more or less the first anniver-
sary) but in the context of Quarter 1 results. By 2012, only 13% of texts
about the BP events fall into the financial reports pages.
Spoken Interviews
Of the six spoken interviews in the full data sample, four are Fair
Disclosure interviews in which annual company earnings are discussed
in conference calls and are presented in transcript by Nexis. These did
not all concern BP solely, but BP was mentioned in all. The other two,
both in 2011, are an interview with Michael Greenberger, of the Center
for Health and Homeland Security, and a transcript of a speech made by
Assistant Attorney General Tony West at the University of Chicago Law
School. Both make reference to BP only in passing, in the first case as an
instance of a crisis to be dealt with at a national level, and in the second
as an example of a large litigation case.
Feature Articles
This media genre appears only twice in the entire data set, and this is
in the form of travel features, both, coincidentally, dealing with New
Orleans and both written in 2012. Both use the theme of the city’s renais-
sance in the wake of a series of disasters (one shared with the rest of the
USA, that is, the financial crisis, and two that were much more localised,
that is, Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill). One of the items goes
even further back in time and scope:
The nearly 300-year-old city has had to rebound from centuries of disasters
including fires, plagues, hurricanes and most recently, the BP oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico. (The New Zealand Herald, 27.4.2012)
The texts in this category in the sample are of two main types—editorial/
journalistic comment and blog comment. Over the three-year span, the
proportion of editorial or opinion pieces increases strongly to 2011 and
remains at a similar level in 2012, indicating a shift in focus from report-
ing to commenting on and evaluating the events. Comment tends to be
presented as more impersonal in quality papers, as more personal and
emotional in the popular press and often as highly charged in Internet
blogs, as two example titles from 2012 exemplify: “Should we kill the
politicians before they kill us?” (Phil’s Stock World, 27.4.2012) and
“‘Crucify them’: the Obama way” (Right Wing News, 27.4.2012). How
commentary is variously constructed as more or less “personal” is a topic
for attention in the detailed analysis chapters.
Arts Reviews
The purpose of the arts review genre is to inform the reader about and
comment upon particular items of art, fiction and non-fiction literature
and so on. This genre does not appear amongst the 2010 texts, and is
represented by only one text in 2011, but by 2012 5 of the 31 texts in
the data set are of this kind. This is commensurate with the length of
time many artworks (in the broadest sense) take to complete, but might
also suggest that there is a length of elapsed time deemed appropriate or
decent for works of this nature to appear, and also indicates that a process
of assimilation may have taken place, that it takes an amount of time for
the wider significance of events to be understood and this is necessary for
a work of art to have resonance. These texts imply a move of the repre-
sentation of BP events from being part of the world of “reality” to having
an alternative existence in the world of artistic representation. Examples
of works referred to in the data are films, books (both fiction and non-
fiction) and documentaries.
6 Stage 1: Contextualisation of the BP Texts 97
Three letters appear in the sample in 2011, with a further one in 2012.
These are sent from both those in the public eye (e.g. by the Florida
Attorney General), with the purpose of publicising engagement with the
crisis, and members of the general public, challenging politicians about
their response to the crisis, and in 2012 addressing the continued effect
on sealife of the spill.
Table 6.3. Proportion of media text dealing directly with BP oil spill 2010–12
27 April 27 April 27 April
2010 2011 2012
No. of No. of No. of
texts % texts % texts %
% of text relating to 0–25% 37 22 52 55 22 71
BP story 26–50% 12 7 9 10 3 10
51–75% 4 2 1 1 0 0
76–100% 116 69 32 34 6 19
Total 169 100 94 100 31 100a
Note that low numbers make percentages indicative rather than firm findings
6 Stage 1: Contextualisation of the BP Texts 99
As time goes on, stories that mention the BP events tend to mention
it not as a story in itself but as an example that illuminates another phe-
nomenon. Consider the following text from 2012. In a 3029 word blog,
the following fragment appears:
The first stage of analysis (contextualisation) served to set the overall data
set into context, giving a description of the kinds of texts in the set and
the role of BP within them. The second stage (preliminary analysis, or
immersion) entailed a close reading of 20 texts in each year, in order
to identify features of interest for analysis. I have described my analy-
sis approach as emergent, and this second stage involved a reading and
rereading of the texts to generate a longlist and then a shortlist of lan-
guage features for further investigation. The first task was to read the BP
texts repeatedly, questioning the data for significant features and patterns.
This process was reflexive—I was cautious not to overburden infrequent
features with a weight of significance they did not justify, while remain-
ing open-minded to features I had not expected to find. A close reading
of the texts should suggest specific questions that lead to analyses for
patterns. I set out below three texts, to show how this process can be
used to identify language features that are potentially of interest. To avoid
“cherry-picking” significant texts, I show the first text in each data set of
20, as returned by Nexis UK. These texts did not necessarily illustrate all
nine of the features for analysis; rather, I model below the process used in
all 60 texts, which resulted in the selection of the final features.
This briefest of texts at the beginning of the first data set suggests a
number of questions of potential interest to the research, and provides
a point of reference for questions of the subsequent texts. I will use the
7 Stage 2: Preliminary Analysis of the BP Texts 103
five questions generated above to illustrate how this initial reading and
data interrogation can ultimately be translated into a framework for
I have taken advantage of the brevity of the 2010 text to illustrate in some
detail the steps between initial reading and drawing up a final analysis
plan. The following texts, for 2011 and 2012, are analysed in less detail,
and used mainly to show how the patterns that emerged from the lan-
guage can suggest a final line of enquiry.
104 Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
IACSP: Looking back at Katrina, the BP oil spill and other events1,
it does not appear that2 we3 are prepared to respond effectively or to
recover from natural disasters4, let alone a major terrorist attack. In
your view, is America prepared to withstand a chemical, nuclear or
another 9/11 style terrorist attack?
Greenberger: Well, in all candor5, I don’t think we’re prepared to
withstand a nuclear attack6. It would be such a devastating thing
that our resources would be overrun. I’m very worried about our
ability to7 withstand a chemical attack. Next to a nuclear attack,
chlorine or some other dangerous stored chemical that’s released
would be very devastating. As you get into emergencies that are not
as huge as a large weapon of mass destruction attack, I think the
country is much better prepared. If you are talking about 9/11 or
a repeat of the anthrax scare, I really think that the infrastructure
has gotten better. The public health infrastructure is better. People
know what to do. I would say also for a dirty bomb we’re better
prepared. But anything that involves large parts of the population,
I worry about our ability to respond. I don’t rule out a weapon of
mass destruction, but most of the things we are facing are conven-
tional weapons.8
7 Stage 2: Preliminary Analysis of the BP Texts 105
only topic, but one of many topics of conversation. This text generates
a set of questions that are rather more complex than the largely gram-
matical questions generated by the 2010 text, and may be addressed
at the semiotic level of myth and ideology as well as sign and code.
Alongside this broadening of interest comes an interrogation of con-
tent alongside language usage. My questions of this piece have taken
on a critical rather than descriptive flavour, and I note that this is
something I need to be reflexive about, particularly where I discuss
discourses and ideology.
106 Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
1. The authors choose to use the word “crisis” and identify the BP
events in terms of business crises. How do writers in other genres
name the crisis?
2. Highly affective language. How does this relate to genre, includ-
ing the purposes of the authors?
3. This first paragraph is scene-setting rather than directly related to
BP—there is a decision to be made here on text and co-text.
4. This appears to be a deliberate, almost dismissive over-
simplification of the complex situation. What work is this doing,
in relation to the article’s purpose? Does it tell us anything about
views of the events, two years afterwards?
5. “Pretty much” is a modal item, and is also markedly conversa-
tional in tone. Is this a generic feature, or does it relate to my
comment in note 4?
6. Listing and grouping: is “business crisis” another group to which
the events belong (like “natural disasters” above)? BP meets the
criteria of a ‘crisis’ by the authors’ very specific definition, but
Toyota (last paragraph) does not. As in 2011, both comparison
and contrast are in play.
7. Reference to supporting text is a form of intertextuality. This
instance is routine, but intertexts such as press releases are crucial
to representation.
As in the 2011 text, the BP events are being used here to illustrate the
phenomenon “business crises”, which in this article have a very specific
definition. Once again, the use of a categorisation for different purposes
is suggested by the data as an area for further exploration. The descriptor
“crisis” is surely significant here and gives further support for an anal-
ysis of the feature “naming choices”. The use of modal items such as
“pretty much” is again of interest, in its interrelated functions of signal-
ling degrees of “truth” and confidence, and doing interpersonal work.
Intensified lexical choices such as “drastically” and “catastrophic” indicate
that looking at affect and appraisal in language as well as modality might
be productive.
108 Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
1. Naming of events.
2. Naming of people.
3. Categorisation.
4. Genre.
5. Intertextuality.
6. Modality.
7. Metonym.
8. Metaphor.
9. Discourses.
The number nine is not significant and the list is not exhaustive. Three
data sets offering a total of 60 texts provide a rich source of linguistic data
with potential for analysis against a wide range of dimensions. Five, ten
or twenty features might have been equally appropriate for investigation,
depending on the nature of the data set and the purpose of the research
7 Stage 2: Preliminary Analysis of the BP Texts 109
1.Naming of events
2.Naming of people
Mythic meanings
work. Nevertheless, the final nine features were the ones that not only
seemed to be pertinent to an understanding of how the BP events were
represented linguistically in the media but also showed movement and
development across the data.
The term “features” is a convenient shorthand; in fact, the linguistic
areas suggested as important are disparate including grammatical systems
such as modality; rhetorical usages such as metaphor; pragmatic and
semantic processes such as naming and categorisation; and supra-textual
concerns such as genre, discourses and intertextuality. It is at this point
in the analysis process that the chosen features could be reconnected with
Barthes’ framework of semiotic levels. Those features that operated at the
level of a word or word group (such as the naming of events) were con-
sidered to be a single “sign”, in the sense of a building block for meaning.
Those features that represented systems or codes were considered to be
at the level of “code”; for example, the modality system, genre and inter-
textuality. At the level of “myth” were two rhetorical tropes—meton-
ymy and metaphor—that serve to add additional connotative meaning
to denotative representation. Finally, an analysis of discourses sought to
uncover the ideological motivation of some of the language choices at
the other semiotic levels. Figure 7.1 shows how the selected features for
110 Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
the BP data relate to the framework of Barthes’ semiotic levels first intro-
duced in Chap. 3.
Of these nine feature types, some would probably be common to most
linguistic studies of this kind—for example, an analysis of social actors,
genre, intertextuality and discourses is likely to be relevant to most data.
Other features such as categorisation or modality might be more relevant
to some data than to others.
1. Gaining familiarity with the data. Reading and rereading the data gave
an invaluable sense of the texts which, while not pre-empting the find-
ings from the depth analysis, suggested connections and hypotheses
relating across texts and data sets as well as within individual text items.
2. The output of Stage 2 was a defined set of discursive features for
study, which were suggested by the data themselves, rather than
Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level
of the Sign
The next stage of the research was the depth analysis of the nine selected fea-
tures. The first task at this stage was to determine an analysis process for each
of the features that would allow me to produce a description and under-
standing of patterns of language over the timespan of the data sets. Patterns
within and across media texts can be investigated by looking at features in
three ways: the feature in context in a particular year, patterns of the feature
across three years and commonalities across all nine features in a single year.
In order to identify these patterns, the following questions are relevant:
the functions of the features—what work was the feature doing in context,
and did this change? With a set of very disparate features for BP, analysis
methods ranged from the very straightforward to the rather complex.
To illustrate the approach with the BP data, for each of the features
selected for study I outline the definition I used and my plan for investi-
gating frequency and function. This is followed by an indicative overview
of my findings for that feature from the BP data. The definitions and
analysis approaches are not necessarily exhaustive, and alternatives could
have been suggested. The critical issue is that they were applied consis-
tently, across all the texts in the data sets and all the time periods. In this
way, internally consistent patterns could be identified. From this point
onwards, my analysis is based on the reduced set of 20 texts for each year
of the data, so any findings such as counts of features are based on like-
for-like comparisons across the same number of texts.
The first level of the semiotic framework is that of the sign, and three
of my nine identified features belonged at this level: naming of events,
naming of people and categorisation.
week’s tragic accident at a rig in the Gulf of Mexico. (Agence France Presse,
27.4.2010, my emphasis)
Here I counted the noun head “accident”, the adjective “tragic” and prep-
ositional phrases of time or place “last week” and “in the Gulf of Mexico”.
I carried out an analysis of the length of naming phrases by calculating
the average number of words in the naming expressions within each data
set. Once I had a set of naming choices for each year, I was further able
to analyse them by whether they were generally neutral or generally nega-
tive in tone. In the first example above, while I would consider the term
“accident” to be a neutral choice on its own, the presence of the adjective
“tragic” would suggest a negative shading.
Using this definition and analysis approach, the data were analysed in 20
texts from each year. The results across the three years—summarised in
Table 8.1—showed a number of significant features.
The number of times the events are named at all drops from 89 in 20 texts
in 2010 to 41 in 20 texts in 2012. By 2012, the BP story has become part of
a bigger picture, and is often mentioned only once per news item. The three
most mentioned descriptors (excluding “spill”) are consistently “oil spill”,
“disaster” and “explosion”. In 2010, these terms accounted for 38 of the 89
terms used (43 %). By 2012, they accounted for 29 of the 41 terms used
(71 %), suggesting an ever closer alignment within the media concerning
how the events should be named. The average length of the nominal group
Table 8.1 Analysis of naming terms for the BP Deepwater Horizon events
2010 2011 2012
Number of Number of Number of
naming naming terms naming
terms (per (per 000 terms (per
000 words) % words) % 000 words) %
Neutral 73 (8.0) 82 39 (5.6) 60 23 (3.2) 56
Negative 16 (1.8) 18 26 (3.7) 40 18 (2.5) 44
Total 89 (9.8) 100 65 (9.3) 100 41 (5.8) 100
114 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
increased from 2.2 words in 2010 to 3.2 words in 2012, as the noun head
is accompanied by a greater number of adjectives and adverbials. This type
of density in noun groups is typical of journalistic prose where a lengthy
noun group concentrates a considerable amount of information in a small
space. What is important about these dense nominal groups is that they are
selective: they organise and categorise the events in a particular way, which
includes certain features or evaluations and excludes others.
Typical of 2010 are names such as:
“tragic incident”
“oil rig spill”
“potential environmental disaster”
The qualifying adjectives and adverbials alongside the noun head are
commonly temporal and spatial, but the nouns are often highly evalua-
tive. Naming terms used in 2012 are even more likely to be negative (by
proportion) than they are in 2011, and this follows a pattern from 2010.
“Disaster” is now as commonly used as “oil spill”, increasing the number
of negative references that together now account for 44 % of mentions.
In Summary
• Are drawn from a smaller pool of terms, with the consensus clustering
around “oil spill” and “disaster”.
• Increase in terms of number of words used in the descriptor. This is
judged to be largely due to journalistic convention (the greater the
distance from the events in time, the greater the need for specific
8 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Sign 115
for example, “your grandkids” in the expression “What are you going to
say to your grandkids when they say …”, or “designated managers” who
would be dealing with a hypothetical crisis.
Having gathered all instances of human actors, I looked for logical
groupings, for example, “BP employees” at each of executive and staff levels,
representatives of agencies and so on. From this analysis I was able to inves-
tigate the salience of different groups to the story, and how this changed
over time. I was able to look at the proportion of named and unnamed
participants, and what groups each belonged to: and for both named and
unnamed people, I could see what descriptors were used to define them. I
was able to look at whether participants were real, fictional or hypothetical
and whether this changed over time. Finally I could identify movements in
participants’ proximity to the BP story, looking at how closely related the
people mentioned in the news texts were to the actual Deepwater Horizon
events, and whether and how this changed over the three years.
In 2010 and 2011, the number of actors mentioned is nearly 17 per 000
words. By 2012 there is an increase to about 21 per 1000 words. Put
simply, more people are being drawn into the BP story, or rather the BP
8 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Sign 117
[Review of a film based on a Margaret Atwood book] Also thrown into the
mix are Conrad Black, the disgraced media mogul who went to prison for
mail fraud, a tattooed Canadian man serving time for robbery and abused
migrant tomato pickers in Florida. All are subjects worthy of discussion, but
tackling them in one film disrupts the movie’s momentum and short-
changes viewers. Baichwal could have devoted a single film to just BP’s
disgraceful behavior. (The New York Post, 27.4.2012, my emphasis)
[New Orleans’ recovery from Hurricane Katrina, the financial crisis and
the BP oil spill] Fast-forward to April 14, 2012. There were no musicians
enlivening the concourse as I arrived this time, but there would be hun-
dreds of them down along the sunny riverfront, where an estimated half-
million people make a pilgrimage each year to the French Quarter Festival.
(Sarasota Herald Tribune [Florida], 27.4.2012, my emphasis)
The references to written and performed art generally entail the BP events
being placed within a wider context, with no restriction on participants.
By 2012, readers and viewers are expected to understand what the events
might represent, or what social meaning they have, even as further
light is shed upon them through their juxtaposition with other social
phenomena. A number of the people included in the “Art” category are
not real but fictional.
In Summary
The pattern of participants in the texts over the years is one of increasing
fragmentation and dispersal. More and more people are mentioned in
connection with the BP story, and there are more unique mentions rather
than repeated individuals, yet they have weaker and more distant connec-
tions with the BP crisis. BP employees and the victims of the explosion
are virtually absent by 2012.
8 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Sign 119
Feature 3: Categorisation
Definition and Analysis Method
1. Comparisons
2. Lists of entities
A number of entities were listed, for example, “Katrina, the BP oil spill
and other events”, and the BP crisis was on the list.
Whether you are the leader of one of the Arab Spring countries, the ex-boss
of BP, or a fashion designer prone to drunken, racist out-bursts—if you
don’t behave in the right way, people will remove you (Campaign Middle
East, 27.4.2012)
Instances of what I call here “categorisation” are rare in the 2010 data set,
and only six are identified in the 20 texts:
We’ve never seen anything like this magnitude (Associated Press Financial
Wire, 27.4.2010)
We’ve never seen anything like this magnitude (,
We’ve never seen anything like this magnitude (Trend Daily News
(Azerbaijan), 27.4.2010a, 27.4.2010b)
If we don’t secure this well, this could be one of the most significant oil
spills in US history (Carleton Place (Canada), 27.4.2010)
If the missing workers died, it would be the deadliest US offshore rig
explosion since 1968 (TendersInfo, 27.4.2010)
In 1990, a similar bid to change the rules failed, in part because it fol-
lowed the Exxon Valdez spill. Now observers think the Gulf of Mexico acci-
dent could do much the same. (The Globe and Mail (Canada), 27.4.2010)
8 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Sign 121
Three of these instances are identical, where the words of the same
expert source have been quoted. The implication of “never seen anything
like this magnitude” is that the BP events at this point are so far not one
of a group, and I mention in describing my analysis approach that refer-
ring to what phenomena are not is one way of indicating what they might
be. In the fourth and fifth examples above, the use of the conditional (“If
… this could be”; “If … it would be”) signals uncertainty and as yet unre-
alised potential. In the sixth example, the comparison with the Exxon
Valdez spill is highly mitigated (“observers think … much the same”). So
in 2010, what categorisation exists is expressed in negative terms, realised
in the conditional, or highly mitigated. At this point, writers are not
attempting or only cautiously attempting to define what the events are,
and where they “fit” into already processed understanding.
By 2011, instances of categorisation increased to 17 in 20 texts, indicating
a greatly increased presence for this language feature. Categorising expres-
sions in 2011 locate the Deepwater Horizon events within a number of dif-
ferent groups. These include the perhaps surprising group of natural disasters
(given that the explosion and oil spill were not naturally occurring events):
Looking back at Katrina, the BP oil spill and other events, it does not
appear that we are prepared to respond effectively or to recover from natural
disasters, let alone a major terrorist attack. (Journal of Counterterrorism
and Homeland Security International, 27.4.2011)
Secondly, other texts place the events alongside business crises, that is,
events that disrupt the normal run of business, and are to be dealt with
and normalised:
Recently companies such as Toyota, BP, Johnson & Johnson and Hewlett
Packard have experienced crises that distracted management, cost millions
of dollars in time and resources, reduced shareholder value and resulted in
lawsuits that will take years to resolve. (Executive Counsel, 27.4.2011)
A still-rising bill for the Gulf of Mexico disaster, lower production after
selling off assets to help pay for it and a hit from the Budget’s tax grab on
North Sea oil profits saw BP’s profits fall 2 % in the first three months of
the year. (The Evening Standard [London], 27.4.2011)
In 2005, fifteen workers were killed when BP’s Texas City Refinery
exploded. In 2006, corroded pipes owned by BP led to an oil spill in
Alaska. Now, in 2010, eleven men drilling for BP were killed in the blow-
out of the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico. (M2 PressWIRE,
The majority of the lists and groups unsurprisingly set the events into
categories of negative experience, but there is one quite interesting excep-
tion. This is taken from a press release by BP of 25 April, acknowledged
openly in the text “According to a release”. The writing positions the BP
events more neutrally than is typical for this year’s data set:
... Scientific understanding of oil spill and dispersant impacts on ocean and
coastal systems in the Gulf region, as well as other ocean and coastal sys-
tems, and how these systems respond to oil and gas inputs, especially acci-
dental inputs. (Wireless News, 27.4.2011)
The language is rather opaque—in fact it is difficult to see that the research
referred to is a direct result of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon events,
although these are referred to indirectly twice as “oil spill and dispersant
impacts” and “oil and gas inputs, especially accidental inputs”. Oblique
forms of reference recur throughout the full text. The phrase “scientific
understanding” serves to position the research as academic and objec-
tive, and the listing of the Gulf region alongside other ocean and coastal
8 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Sign 123
systems implies that the research is being carried out for the benefit of
the global community. Similarly “oil and gas inputs” generalises (makes
vague) the object of the research. The reference to “accidental” inputs
(unspecified) again has a role in distancing blame and responsibility. (In
making this observation, I do not imply that the 2010 blowout was in
any way deliberate, rather that the word “accident” implies unavoidable
chance rather than failures of responsibility.)
The bulk of categorisation in 2011, then, positions the BP events along-
side other business crises, natural crises, BP’s 2011 difficulties and oppor-
tunities to gain scientific knowledge for the future. These are expected
and conventional groupings, given the topic. This process has started to
construct the events as an exemplar of something, often something out-
side itself, for example, something to be dealt with by the International
Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP).
Thus categorisation works in a metonymic way, with the part that is the
reference to BP serving to represent a whole that is a more graspable type
of phenomenon. We begin to see the process of myth-making described
by Barthes in action—that the signified has become in turn a signifier
of something else. These events are no longer unique, no longer distinc-
tive—media confidence in representation has moved on from the 2010
phrasing “We’ve never seen anything like this magnitude” to positioning
the events alongside other phenomena that it is suggested to resemble.
The detail about the events that characterised the 2010 reports is no lon-
ger a feature; the events are referred to in a shorthand through selected
naming practices (analysed earlier), and in lists, comparisons and group-
ings that indicate to the reader how he/she is expected to understand and
locate this particular phenomenon.
In 2012, categorisation remains a significant feature of media writing,
with 18 instances appearing across the 20 texts. The categories into which
the BP events are placed include some that are similar to those in 2011—
what I have called “expected groupings” such as BP business problems:
BP has had a torrid time of late dealing with the costly repercussions of the
Deepwater Horizon disaster and the failure of its Russian Arctic venture.
(, 27.4.2012)
124 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Another expected group is the oil spill as the representation of the cat-
egory “disaster”. In the fragment below, these are disasters that have
affected the city of New Orleans:
After the storms, New Orleans endured the 2008 economic crash and the
BP oil spill. (Sarasota Herald Tribune [Florida], 27.4.2012)
Whether you are the leader of one of the Arab Spring countries, the ex-boss
of BP, or a fashion designer prone to drunken, racist outbursts—if you
don’t behave in the right way, people will remove you, and the weapon they
will use is social media. (Campaign Middle East, 27.4.2012)
This [the complex issue of debt, both moral and financial] includes BP’s
failure to deal with its environmental transgressions, and the years-long
dispute between two poor rural clans that keeps the members of one family
virtual prisoners in their own home. (The New York Post, 27.4.2012)
In Summary
Feature 4: Genre
Definition and Analysis Method
how the dominant genres in each data set influence the ways we under-
stand the crisis representation.
In 2010 texts are primarily news reports and financial reports. By 2012
the text genre types are much more varied, and include news reports, edi-
torial pieces, market reports and arts reviews. This change can be summed
up as both a widening of coverage in terms of genre and a shift from pri-
marily descriptive genres towards more evaluative genres. I outline some
key findings from the data for the following genres:
1. News reports.
2. Financial reports.
3. Features.
4. Editorials or opinion pieces.
5. Arts reviews.
6. Business or marketing reports.
These typical generic features are largely present in the 2010 BP news
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 129
The oil is now about 20 miles (32 kilometres) off the coast of Venice,
Louisiana, the closest it’s been to land. But it’s still not expected to reach the
coast before Friday, if at all.
BP, which was leasing the Deepwater Horizon, said it will begin drilling
by Thursday as part of a $100 million effort to take the pressure off the well,
which is spewing 42,000 gallons (159,000 litres) of crude oil a day.
Company spokesman Robert Wine said it will take up to three months to
drill a relief well from another rig recently brought to the site where the
Deepwater Horizon sank after the blast. Most of the 126 workers on board
escaped; 11 are missing and presumed dead. No cause has been deter-
mined. (Carleton Place [Canada], 27.4.2010, my emphasis)
1. “That system has been deployed in shallower water, but it has never
been deployed at 5000 feet of water, so we have to be careful,” he
[Doug Suttles, chief operating officer of BP Exploration and
Production] said. (, 27.4.2010)
2. “We can only hope that they can make that sucker stop very soon,”
said Wilton “Tony” Sturges, a retired Florida State University ocean-
ographer. The winds that would push the spill toward Tampa Bay’s
beaches do not normally start until midsummer, he noted. (St.
Petersburg Times [Florida], 27.4.2010)
comes at the beginning of the piece, rather than at the end (as is generally
the case in a narrative structure). This structure is evident in many of the
texts, for example:
on saying ‘Come this way, come that way.’ It was like EVALUATION
he was coaching me to my lifeboat, because I
couldn’t see,” she said.
She made it across the sweltering, mud-caked deck to RESOLUTION
a lifeboat one of 115 people to safely escape the
platform after the explosion a week ago.
The personal story presented above forms only part of the report. After
these paragraphs, the journalist reverts to a more typical news structure
with the following statement:
Benton, 52, recalled her tale as crews used a remote sub to try to shut off
an underwater oil well that’s gushing 42,000 gallons a day from the site of
the wrecked drilling platform.
This extract above marks the transition between the narrative section
and the more typical news report section, where facts and figures (“52”,
“42,000 gallons a day”) work to portray an objective reality. Thus the
narrative section is embedded within a more typical news report structure
and language features. Fulton et al. (2005: 146) suggest that the narrative
style, when found within or alongside news reports, may have a specific
function—that of showcasing the objective style as a contrast:
Still, BP’s $5.6 billion replacement cost profit which trips out fluctuations
in the value of oil inventories smashed City expectations of $44.8 billion.
In London, BP shares gained 1.43 percent to 470.85 pence after the energy
group posted a 17-percent jump in first-quarter net profits.
Earnings after taxation leapt to $7.124 billion (4.9 billion euros) on the
back of surging oil prices, one year after being hit by the US oil disaster.
However, BP also upgraded the cost of last year’s devastating Gulf of
Mexico spill to $41.3 billion. That compared with previous guidance of
$40.9 billion. (my emphasis)
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 135
The BP events constitute only part of the BP financial picture and the
BP financial report itself is placed in the wider context of a report that
also comments on other companies’ financial results. In this respect, the
2011 financial reports continue a process begun in 2010, in that they
characterise the Deepwater Horizon explosion as an explanatory factor
for BP financial and business performance. In this respect the financial
reports resemble 2011 news reports that have started to marginalise the
story. In 2012, 27 April is not Quarter 1 results day, and there are only
two instances of financial reports in the full sample.
Generic characteristics of feature articles are that they present their stories
as universal rather than time-bound, they often include human interest
elements, their structure tends to be narrative rather than the inverted
pyramid, which means that the point of closure is towards the end of
feature articles rather than the beginning, and they present a subjective
rather than objective point of view. The two feature articles in the 2012
data set are typical of the genre. Both, coincidentally, report on New
Orleans, and its renaissance since Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill.
One contains a typical example of categorisation.
After the storms, New Orleans endured the 2008 economic crash and the
BP oil spill. (Sarasota Herald Tribune [Florida], 27.4.2012)
There it is: the sense of place that sets a city apart from all the rest. Maybe
we, too, will get there someday.
136 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
The article is illustrative of two related shifts from the news texts of 2010:
in the type of reporting from impersonal and objective news reports to
more evaluative and personal reports of various kinds such as editorials,
reviews and feature articles; and in the absorption of the BP story into
other stories, where it both illustrates and forms part of particular phe-
nomena—in this case, the tribulations undergone by New Orleans that
form the backdrop to a good news recovery story.
If the BP oil spill hadnt happened¦ | Deep Sea News #dsn #ocean
RT: One year after the BP disaster, tell the President no new drilling: #B.
(The Right Blue via Twitter, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
Ironically, while American oil companies are banned from drilling in the
Gulf of Mexico, other countries are not. (CaptainKudzu, 27.4.2011, my
OPA [Oil Pollution Act] requires our state—like any other party harmed
by the oil spill—to present a claim to BP before resorting to a lawsuit.
Although Florida has at least three years from the date of the oil spill to
assert its legal rights under OPA, we intend to file a claim with BP this
summer. If BP does not do the right thing and pay that claim, I will not
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 137
hesitate to take BP and any other responsible party to court. (Tampa Bay
Times [Florida], 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
The first example is from a news digest piece that gathers together tweets
and retweets them, the second is a blog and the third is a fragment of a
letter to a newspaper. These three pieces are interesting in that they convey
judgement and evaluation through diverse strategies. The first tweet of the
first example makes use of the modal clause “If (only)…then”, but uses
only the “If ” to indicate modal intent, perhaps reflecting the necessary
economy of Twitter communication. The second retweet uses an impera-
tive with no specific addressee—“tell the President”—to convey the writ-
er’s view. In the blog, the comment adjunct “ironically” serves to indicate
the writer’s view, while the rest of the proposition is an unmitigated declar-
ative. The letter from the Florida Attorney General takes a much less con-
versational but no less direct tone. The lexis is formal and legal (“OPA”,
“party”, “assert its legal rights”, “file a claim”) but the text is unequivocal
in its expression of judgement through social sanction (Martin & White,
2005) in the phrase “If BP does not do the right thing”. In the three pieces
the authorial position is being conveyed partly through the resources
of modality, as might be expected, and partly through other linguistic
resources—here choice of mood and the Appraisal System (lexis).
Earlier, I mentioned argumentation and persuasion strategies as char-
acteristic of evaluative genres, and these are also found in the 2011 edito-
rial/opinion texts. The following piece is an online newsletter reflection
on the rising price of oil:
Looking for reasons why benchmark Brent crude is trading around $120
per barrel? There are plenty. Rapid economic recovery in emerging econo-
mies in Asia, political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa and
constrained supplies from the deepwater Gulf of Mexico are a few. (EI
Finance, 27.4.2011)
The arts review genre is virtually absent in 2010 and 2012, but is sig-
nificant in 2012 in texts mentioning BP. In this year, the BP story is
referenced in a part-fictionalised documentary film, and two non-fiction
accounts of oil companies as well as an unrelated film about events whose
PR handling is compared with that of the BP oil spill (BP events as exem-
plar of a “disastrous” PR campaign). In addition, a different item in the
news report genre covers a protest at the Royal Shakespeare Company
and refers to a song written about the BP oil spill events: an excerpt from
this article is cited at the start of this book. In these examples, the arts
review genre exhibits many of the characteristics of evaluative writing: the
writer is strongly present in the texts, and the lexis shows high levels of
affect, judgement and appreciation (Martin & White, 2005).
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 139
Although the term “major oil spill” is somewhat negatively evaluative, the
lexis is generally neutral, and some of the terms (“compensation”, “dam-
ages and losses”, “filed suit”) are drawn from a legal technical register.
There are no modal items, and statements are expressed as unmitigated
declaratives. These are all features that, as in news reports, convey an
impression of factual objectivity. The following text is rather different in
terms of grammatical choices, and belongs to the second type of business
report I mentioned above, of synthesis and evaluation.
This text is rich in modal expressions (“may be”, “will want to”, “would
suit”), where, importantly, the writer is taking modal responsibility. The
lexis in this text is more evaluative (“complicated”, “huge”, “disaster”), as
the writer interprets, evaluates and directs the reader. The piece resembles
an opinion piece. The final example below is of the third type, which seeks
ostensibly to inform, but also contains elements of persuasive language.
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 141
In Summary
writing which
Deepwater writing which writing which
evaluates other
Horizon describes evaluates
texts about
events events events
Feature 5: Intertextuality
Definition and Analysis Method
In my BP text analysis, I did not address this first category above, although
I presumed a considerable weight of this kind of intertextual influence.
The second category above concerns structural and stylistic characteristics
of genres, and these have been outlined in my analysis of genre in the
previous section. In this section, therefore, I will discuss only the third
category—that is, references within the analysed texts to other texts that
have a more or less transparent provenance. In the BP data, the most
prominent of these other texts were:
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 143
An analysis of how and why such texts are incorporated in news media
reports contributed to an understanding of how news writers use avail-
able linguistic resources as support in constructing a particular view of
the BP crisis.
interview and the views of the Florida Attorney General in a letters page)
but such quotations are considerably rarer than in the 2010 data.
Direct quotation is certainly present in the 2012 texts, but used in a
different way from the 2010 texts. In 2010, it was a way of representing
the crisis as an immediate, recently witnessed occurrence, of inviting the
reader to feel somehow present at an unfolding event. By 2012, direct
and indirect quotations fulfil a number of different functions.
In this book’s more than 600 pages you may sometimes be tempted to utter,
as did BP’s hapless chief executive Tony Hayward, disastrously, during
146 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
the Deepwater Horizon disaster, “I’d like my life back.” (The New York
Times, 27.4.2012)
The quotation was clearly suggested to the writer by his topic matter, in
this case a book on oil companies, primarily Exxon Mobil and BP. But
it also shows how recognisable texts from the events (Tony Hayward’s
words) are appropriated into the public domain for general-purpose use,
in this case to make a humorous observation.
Press releases are one type of intertext that is more or less retrievable from
the items in which they appear, and they are interesting for my analysis
because they are one means by which participants other than journalists
play a part in shaping the media representation of events. Press releases
are written with the primary aim of being repeated verbatim in news
reports (Jacobs, 1999, 2000a). They are intended by their originators to
present a version of the “truth” that is easily accessible and repeatable, and
so eventually becomes the version of the truth. Jacobs demonstrates how
frequently sections of press releases are inserted in their entirety into a
news report, and how the writers of press releases encourage this by their
use of the third person (“BP” rather than “we”), their formulaic struc-
tures, their submission of direct quotations and their deliberate mirroring
of newspaper house styles. In this way, the originator’s perspective on the
story is far more likely to find its way into the media.
The direct use of press releases as copy is demonstrated in the case of
inadvertent error:
Chief executive Tony Hayward said better weather in the area around the
rig disaster that is believed to have killed 11 men had increased confidence
we can tackle this spill offshore. (The Evening Standard (London),
27.4.2010, my emphasis)
The failure to make the changes from direct to indirect quotation (one of
which is the change from first to third person) is unlikely to have arisen
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 147
“Given the current conditions and the massive size of our response, we are
confident in our ability to tackle this spill offshore,” Hayward added. (BP,
2010b, 24 April)
Saturday” to the more urgent “as little as three days”, “just days” and
“within days”. An alternative, and more reassuring, version is presented
in “not expected…before Friday, if at all”. The choice of contrasting posi-
tive and negative formulations in “expected” (second example in the list)
and “not expected” (fourth on list) again indicate differing modal posi-
tioning of identical original information.
The part press releases play is considerably reduced in 2011, with the
number of press releases published by BP in April 2011 being much
smaller than that in April 2010. Whereas BP issued one release per day
from the explosion on 20 April to 27 April 2010, only six releases were
issued between 1st and 27th April in 2011. Only three of the six are
related to the BP events, and these indirectly. The first concerns sales of
assets, and this issue is referred to in several of the financial report texts
of 2011 in connection with the need to fund compensation for the oil
spill. The second refers to environmental projects along the Gulf Coast.
The third concerns the Gulf of Mexico Research Institute (GRI), and is
reported in great detail in one of the 2011 texts, with much of the original
text from the press release unchanged. (This text has already been noted as
of interest for its use of categorisation, because it positions the Deepwater
Horizon events (unnamed) as only one of many similar events, and as
backgrounded to the global benefits of the work of the GRI.)
The number of press releases made by BP in the month to 27 April
2012 is again six. Three are unrelated to the Deepwater Horizon crisis
(one of these concerns BP’s involvement in the 2012 London Olympic
Games). The other three are connected to ongoing legal issues, and these
are reflected in references to legal texts in several of the 2012 items. From
a BP perspective, press releases are concerned partly to continue to con-
trol the accuracy of the Deepwater Horizon story, and partly to show
how the company is moving on away from Deepwater Horizon through
undertakings such as the Olympic sponsorship.
In 2010, apart from the press releases and external sources mentioned
above, there is evidence of use by writers of other sources close to the
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 149
The first extract credits both Tony Hayward as the writer of the email
and the news agency (who wrote the piece) for obtaining it. The second
item abstracts information in very short form, directing the reader to
the source for further detail. However, in other news items, portions are
very likely to have been grounded in previous newspaper reports or other
sources, but these remain unacknowledged.
The Nexis UK texts are rich in what Chandler (2007) calls “hypertex-
tuality”, a category of intertextuality he proposes to take account of the
ability of the Web to refer to other texts through hyperlinks. In the case
of the Nexis texts, it is possible to gain additional information on compa-
nies with an attached hyperlink from, for example, the New York Stock
Exchange. The website of the SEC is referred to in “other filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which are available free of
charge on the SEC’s website at” (Market News Publishing,
27.4.2010). Other documents are directly or indirectly referred to: there is
a presumption of a previous text in the phrase “in a recent strategy update”
(Kuwait News Agency [KUNA], 27.4.2010), and “according to data from
the Minerals Management Service” (TendersInfo, 27.4.2010). Some of the
data items refer to visual texts, such as aerial photographs by NASA (the
North American Space Agency) of the oil slick. Transcripts of TV reports
make reference to accompanying film footage. Finally there is a reference
to an absent text: “No word on when British Petroleum is expected to cap
the leaking well” (The Richmond Democrat, 27.4.2010). Poststructuralist
analysis proposes that absences as well as presences are significant (see, for
example, Sunderland [2006], Wetherell [1998], Oliveira [2004]). Here
the absence of the text is flagged; the key piece of information awaited by
journalists is unforthcoming. Reference by the writers of the 2010 texts to
150 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
The 2011 texts contain, for the first time, reference to a number of con-
tributing texts from the worlds of art and literature. The non-fiction book
“In too deep”, by a journalist with a long relationship with BP, has been
mentioned above (M2 PressWIRE, 27.4.2011). Arts texts also appear in
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 151
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” William Shakespeare,
Henry the Sixth [Blog dealing with a range of, in the writer’s view, political
shortcomings] (Phil’s Stock World, 27.4.2012)
Truman Capote once wrote of the “gilded baritone” of its hourly bells,
drifting over Jackson Square and joining the “solitary grieving howl of a
far-off shiphorn”. [travel feature on New Orleans] (Sarasota Herald Tribune
[Florida], 27.4.2012)
Book on
[BP company ‘ten years Publication
practices] reporting on the announcement
Horizon and
company’ about book
suggested causes
Fig. 9.2 Texts embedded intertextually “In Too Deep: BP and the Drilling
Race that Took it Down” (M2 PressWIRE, 27.4.2011)
gives the example of a 2011 text that announces a book about Deepwater
Horizon (M2 PressWIRE, 27.4.2011). The example shows how a range
of texts interconnect in news reporting, and how news items can become
progressively distant from the original events on which they are based.
We can see how one type of text, “news reporting”, is nested into
another, “non-fiction writing”, which is nested into another, “publication
announcement”. These densely intertextual items set the BP events in
sometimes unexpected contexts, providing new perspectives from which
to understand their meaning.
The co-text surrounding the BP story is of two kinds. One is the sur-
rounding text in a print or online newspaper. Newspapers are what Hoey
(2001) calls a “colony” of texts, where otherwise unrelated stories and
genres are loosely linked by placement, headings and publication styles.
In the colony, each of the items provides a context for the others that will
affect to a certain extent the reading of any given piece. More important to
my own investigation is the co-text within a particular story. As noted in
my Stage 1 analysis, in 2010 the BP story accounts for virtually all of the
news items in the majority of the cases. In other words, there is no co-text
alongside the BP story in most of the 2010 texts. The exception is financial
reports, where BP is one of the companies reported upon, and the co-text
comprises financial information about other companies. In these cases,
the presence of the co-text gives a different impression from that given by
news reports that position the BP oil spill as a serious and unique news
story. In financial reports, placing the BP oil spill in the context of Quarter
1 results, and in the further context of general financial news, works to
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 153
In Summary
Feature 6: Modality
Definition and Analysis Method
Table 9.1 shows the findings for modal usages over the three years of data.
The BP oil spill could reach land within days. (24/7 Wall St, 27.4.2010, my
He also expressed “tremendous sorrow” when it became clear that the
missing workers were probably dead. (Agence France Presse, 27.4.2010, my
Such a well could help redirect the oil, though it could also take weeks to
complete, especially at that depth. (Associated Press Financial Wire,
27.4.2010, my emphasis)
The 2010 texts are deeply concerned with the ability of participants to
manage the crisis situation, and with their intention and determination
to do so. These are expressed through dynamic modality.
(The expression “going to” in the first example above could be analysed
either as a simple future tense or, as I have, as a modal expression convey-
ing something like “we intend to”.) Words such as trying, failing, hoping,
intending, wanting, being committed to—and 20 other verbs expressing
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 157
1. Are the BP reports unusual compared to other news reports for some
2. Whose (un)certainties, and (in)abilities are being expressed?
If crews cannot stop the leak quickly, they might need to drill another well
to redirect the oil. (Associated Press Financial Wire, 27.4.2010, my
“That system has been deployed in shallower water, but it has never been
deployed at 5000 feet of water, so we have to be careful,” he said.
(, 27.4.2010, my emphasis)
But the court cases are likely to take years and BP could face tens of billions
of dollars more in fines and penalties if it is prosecuted. (The Associated
Press, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
The cases above demonstrate again the shift of the BP events from being
the central focus of events to having a less direct role in news stories.
Changes can also be seen in the function and use of dynamic modal-
ity in the 2011 texts. This kind of modality indicates aims, targets and
intent. In 2010 these related to dealing with the spill and its effects, but
in 2011 they are related to moving forward away from the crisis events
and towards a more optimistic and more stable future:
9 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of the Code 161
“BP is in the midst of major change as we work to reset focus for the com-
pany and begin the task of rebuilding long-term sustainable value for our
shareholders,” Chief Financial Officer Byron Grote said on a conference
call to analysts. (The Associated Press, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
To find out when the country will get relief from these high gas prices, it is
first necessary to understand why they are rising in the first place.
(CaptainKudzu, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
capital outlays, like F&D costs, must be evaluated over longer spans than
one year to account for “lumpy” investments in major projects. (EI Finance,
27.4.2011, my emphasis)
The April 20th blowout of 2010 was only the latest of a series of BP
accidents that should have served as warning signs to company executives
and regulators. (M2 PressWIRE, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
(Note in the first example that “impossibility” can also fall into the cate-
gory of epistemic modality, but here it is taken to refer to ability and futu-
rity.) If we accept Halliday and Matthiesen’s categories of high, median
and low modality values (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004: 620), we can
generally categorise the 2012 expressions of dynamic modality as high in
value, with 68 % of dynamic modal expressions being of high modality
compared to 42 % of expressions in 2010. While the earlier texts related
to the difficulties inherent in making an impact on a physical entity, the
later expressions of dynamic modality take on the characteristics of defi-
niteness and conviction.
In contrast, deontic modality increases in 2012 in both numerical and
proportional significance, with the increase in evaluative and argumenta-
tion texts. These frequently take a didactic or instructional tone.
For any company, taking the decision to act and transform itself is a critical
step, but the key challenge, once this decision is made, is to identify and
define what it should do, how it should act and where. (Campaign Middle
East, 27.4.2012, my emphasis)
“but I do think there is some low-hanging fruit that should and could be
passed even this year.” They are:
1. Congress should move immediately to codify the reforms implemented
since the Deepwater Horizon disaster. (Foster Natural Gas/Oil Report,
27.4.2012, my emphasis)
In this last extract, the instances of deontic modality are offered in both
direct and indirect representations of the voice of Interior Secretary Ken
Salazar. The reversal of the more canonical “could and should” to “should
and could” throws particular emphasis on the deontic rather than the
epistemic modal item. The findings concerning the shift in modal types
recall Thompson’s (2004: 73) observation that texts such as leader articles
can show a progression from epistemic to deontic modality as the writer
moves from describing a situation to advising how to address it. In a sense
a similar progression is reflected across my entire data sets.
So by 2012, there appears to be a decrease in the mitigation and hedg-
ing that were characteristic of the reporting in previous years, primarily
in the direct and indirect reporting of other people’s (not the writers’)
164 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
views. At the same time, the increase in deontic modality appears largely
in the authorial voice, in suggestions of what participants in (or read-
ers of ) the texts should do. So while there is an increase in one form of
modal resources (deontic modality) to indicate the more overt intrusion
of the speaker, this is the only area of increase. The overall decrease in
both frequency and strength of modality indicates an increase in linguistic
In Summary
My genre analysis might have generated the hypothesis that, because the
texts are moving from more “factual” towards more “evaluative”, they
would move from a state of certainty (this is what is happening) to a
state of uncertainty (but what does it all mean?). We might have expected
that an aim for objectivity would give way to a more subjective view of
events, and thus a greater intrusion by the writer. In fact, the movements
go in the opposite direction. This move to certainty could rather be seen
as a move from a state of “newness” to a state of “givenness” (Halliday &
Matthiessen, 2004). With the passage of time, writers are presenting their
observations in such a way that they are incontrovertible. A statement
without modality is the most unobtrusive way, grammatically, to signal
unequivocal information.
However, the analysis also suggests an increase in evaluative language,
and here a distinction between the processes at work in the modality sys-
tem and those at work in the Appraisal System (Halliday & Matthiessen,
2004; Martin & White, 2005) are worth making. Following the work of
Hunston and Thompson, Martin and White (2005: 38) comment that:
This could indicate that the crisis moves from a set of disparate propo-
sitions about the relevant events, presented using the resources of the
modal system, towards being a single entity with a recognisable set of
characteristics, presented using resources that are more relevant to atti-
tude and judgement.
Table 9.2 summarises these findings on modality and Appraisal across
my texts, as they move from more descriptive genres to more evaluative
The findings indicate that news media writers have become increas-
ingly clear, certain and judgemental in their approach to the topic of the
BP Deepwater Horizon events. In effect, they are asserting by this stage:
“we know what this is”.
Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level
of Mythic Meanings
Feature 7: Metonymy
Definition and Analysis Method
Table 10.1 shows the fall of the occurrence of metonyms from 9.7 per
000 words in 2010 to 3.2 instances per 000 words in 2012. I follow the
convention of referring to metonyms in the format “X FOR Y” and in
The pattern of metonymy in the 2010 data is relatively straightforward.
Metonymic expressions (which can be words or phrases) occur nearly
ten times for every 000 words, as Table 10.1 shows. By far the major-
ity of metonymic expressions in 2010 are those that use an organisation
While the initial motivation for the metonymy may have been primarily
referential as shorthand for a relative clause, the use of this kind of
metonymy also cues a metaphorical image of a company as a person or
human being.
After BP PLC reported Wednesday that net profits rose 16 percent in the
first quarter, company officials acknowledged the company has applied for
permits to restart drilling in the Gulf. (The Associated Press, 27.4.2011,
my emphasis)
Coast Guard report slams Transocean over Deepwater Horizon. (SNL Daily
Gas Report, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
The Times editorial seems to ignore the applicable legal background. (SNL
Daily Gas Report, 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
The legal remedy that promises to give Florida the maximum recovery in the
shortest time is the federal Oil Pollution Act, which makes BP and any
other responsible party strictly and fully liable for such harm. (Tampa Bay
Times (Florida), 27.4.2011, my emphasis)
In Summary
Feature 8: Metaphor
Definition and Analysis Method
Table 10.2 shows the frequency of metaphorical uses from 2010 to 2012.
A frequency count is a relatively superficial way of investigating meta-
phor, but a number of interesting changes were evident over the period of
the data, which formed part of the evidence for wider patterns. These were:
By 2011, targets remain financial items, given the first quarter results, but
metaphors relating to business become more predominant, particularly
those that offer a combative view of business, using the source domains
WAR and SPORT. This was found in context to relate mainly to BP’s
business struggles one year after Deepwater Horizon, which concern not
only the oil spill, but also other difficulties such as BP’s business deal-
ings in Russia. By 2012, as 27 April does not fall on results day, financial
texts have dropped in number and proportion, and related metaphors
are greatly reduced. Business is still a target for metaphorical expressions,
and those relating to WAR and SPORT are still in evidence, although
there are fewer, and in the area of business some alternative metaphorical
constructions have emerged in the areas of business growth and business
conceived as a JOURNEY.
Various metaphors for business growth have been identified in litera-
ture, including parenting (Dodd, 2002) building (Dodd, 2002; White,
2003) and organic growth. Within the 2012 data set, examples of the
BUILDING metaphor appear, in phrases such as the following.
Shell turned a profit of $7.7bn (nearly £5bn) in the first three months of
this year and the trading performance will buttress already good market
sentiment around its recommended acquisition of Cove. (The Scotsman,
27.4.2012, my emphasis)
The examples above are rather conventional usages, and only indirectly
related to the BP events: in the first case the metaphor refers to a theoreti-
cal or hypothetical brand (advice for building a brand: don’t do what BP
did!), and in the second to BP rival Shell.
This widening of application is true of the other cluster of business
metaphors that are more conspicuous in 2012, namely, BUSINESS IS A
JOURNEY. Of the 15 instances of the metaphor identified in 2012, only
one refers to BP itself, and this is the third shown below.
Brands that embrace this new honest and responsible world have an excit-
ing future. And agencies that can help their clients understand, navigate
and deliver in this new world will be more important than ever. (Campaign
Middle East, 27.4.2012, my emphasis)
The next step is to find the idea that can be used as a strategic compass not
only to communicate this externally but also to galvanise the organisation
itself. An idea that lies between the two biggest trends impacting business
today: social responsibility and social media. (Campaign Middle East,
27.4.2012, my emphasis)
The troubled energy major, which is seeking to move on from the US
Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster in 2010, had returned to profit last year
with net annual earnings of $23.9 billion. (Agence France Presse,
27.4.2012, my emphasis)
Once again these metaphors are conventional, but I suggest that choice
of conventional metaphors can still be telling. The third extract above
refers specifically to BP, “the troubled energy major”, proposing that busi-
nesses need to move on from crisis situations. It would be reasonable to
assume that BP, and other oil companies mentioned, could still be por-
trayed as “battling”, “manoeuvring” and “using weapons”, but there is a
more “questing”, “building”, “pathfinding” tone to the metaphors used
by 2012. Milne et al. (2006) explore the JOURNEY metaphor in the
context of business writing on sustainability, finding that in that context,
178 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
These metaphors are not about BP’s progress itself, but appear in co-text.
It would be overburdening the findings to suggest that the metaphors of
journey, myth and art somehow recontextualise our perception of the BP
events. However, these metaphor clusters, emerging as they do in 2012,
may be a small part of a general pattern that places the BP into a less
concrete and more abstract context.
In Summary
There is evidence to suggest that the use of metaphor within the BP texts
increases. This is a slightly unusual pattern, given that news reports in
particular are held to be highly metaphorical, but can partly be explained
by an overlap in definitions of metaphor and metonym. The other change
is in metaphor domains, where metaphors relating to the uncontrollable
weather and oil spill give way to metaphors in the domains of journey,
myth and legend, which add a different (more symbolic) dimension to
the BP story, albeit to a limited extent.
Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level
of Ideology
So far in this depth analysis stage, I have covered eight of the nine features
of discourse relevant to my data set. These eight features have been situ-
ated at the semiotic levels of “sign”, in the case of naming and categorisa-
tion choices, “code”, in the case of the explorations of modality, genre
and intertextuality, or “myth” in the case of the rhetorical tropes of meta-
phor and metonym. An identification of discourses should draw on any
or all of the eight language features in order to identify persistent patterns
that point to the presence of ideological positions. A consideration of
discourses is one way of visualising what my disparate set of language fea-
tures might “add up to”. I was open to the possibility that new discourses
may emerge year by year, to reveal a continually shifting pattern, or dis-
courses may overlap the data sets, or co-exist in a single year.
Feature 9: Discourses
Definition and Analysis Method
In 2010 the dominant text genres were the news report and the financial
report, and I have shown in analysis that the texts within these genres
largely conformed to genre type in the ways they use language to give
an impression of objective factuality, which I suggest was the dominant
discourse in the 2010 texts.
Several of the individual analyses described above indicate prototypi-
cal features of the representation of “objective reality”: the prevalence of
facts and figures, a use of modality attributed to reported voices, the mar-
shalling (and repetition) of supporting statements from a limited num-
ber of sources perceived as credible and metonymic usages that replace
people with institutions as social actors. The typical structure of these
reports is the inverted pyramid structure, which is one of the conven-
tional markers signalling objective reporting. Alongside these expected
stylistic and structural language features are others that are less charac-
teristic of the prototypically “objective” news report. Some are explicable
in the context that my selected news texts appeared very early in the
course of events. There is evidence of uncertainty in naming choices for
the events, and the categorisation of the oil spill amongst world events is
as yet tentative. Facts and figures are sometimes unspecific. While modal
expressions are generally a feature of quoted sources in the texts, other
instances of modality can be seen in authorial voices, serving to qualify
the unmodalised declarative mood which is typical of the news report
genre, and indicating the level of uncertainty surrounding the events at
this stage. This is evident in the metaphors used to describe the spill and
182 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Discourse 2: Positioning
These are only three of a number of regularly rehearsed ideas about disas-
ters of this kind. These shared ideas raise a series of expectations about
media coverage (that the questions inherent in them will be answered),
and the texts in my data set show evidence that this is the case. In 2011,
the texts increasingly address the questions of cause, blame and respon-
sibility, as well as compensation. They address issues of recovery, such
as the form this is taking, and how long it will be before normality is
resumed. Addressing the questions that arise from generally held assump-
tions is part of a longer-term process towards a sense that we now under-
stand what the events mean. The 2011 texts fulfil a critical role before
this can happen, and this role is one of definition and location. Here, the
relevant information is “bigger/smaller than what?”, “like/unlike what?”,
“as expensive/not as expensive as what?”
Categorising, listing and grouping are the key features of a discourse of
positioning, but three other processes are also relevant. Firstly, the analy-
sis of the news report genre in 2011 shows that the BP story increasingly
184 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
forms part of other news stories; 27 % of the texts are news stories, but
only 15 % relate primarily to the BP events. The rest mention BP as part
of another story. Secondly, represented events are positioned by means
of intertexts. That is, it becomes more common that the researched texts
comment on other texts about the events rather than the events themselves.
In this way, an agreement about the meaning is being fixed and shared,
through the use and spread of common, legitimised sources. Thirdly, this
involves temporal positioning—texts start to place the BP events within a
diachronic context. Four broad time bands are visible as strands through-
out these texts: DISTANT PAST → RECENT PAST (2010 EVENTS)
→ CURRENT EVENTS (2011) → FUTURE. Current events, as cov-
ered in the 2011 texts, are more or less directly related to the 2010 events
of a year ago—these are the touchpoints for the 2011 commentary. The
more distant past is evoked in phrases such as “the biggest oil spill in US
history”, which is used several times in the 2011 data set, serving to place
the oil spill in the context of events further back than 2010. At the other
end of the time spectrum, a number of the texts refer to planning for the
future. These include the Panama City Beach text (marketing planning),
an item on predicting future oil prices, the text headlined “BP expects to
resume Gulf drilling this year” and another whose headline is “Prepare in
Advance for the Inevitable Crisis”.
Discourse 3: Redeployment
The 2011 texts also begin to show evidence of another discursive feature:
a high tolerance for non-neutral and critical voices, for example, a blog
and an editorial about the high price of oil, a book about BP’ s alleged
management failings and Twitter criticism one year after the oil spill. In
the same way as many 2011 texts are still part of the 2010 discourse of
objective factuality, I suggest that others featuring alternative or resistant
voices also belong to a discourse other than the positioning discourse—that
of redeployment—which becomes even more evident in the 2012 texts.
In 2012, I suggest that two types of representational discourse are evi-
dent—one of which, rather than continuing the process of positioning in
a further linear direction of fixing meaning, serves instead to question
11 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of Ideology 185
fixed meanings and offer different meaning potentials, and this is what I
mean by a discourse of redeployment. In this discourse, once a meaning
for the BP events has been agreed, or partially agreed, it can be regarded
as “known” and redeployed as a resource with a (temporarily) fixed mean-
ing. This is, I propose, what can be observed in three significant features
of the 2012 texts—firstly, the increase in the exploration of the meaning
of BP events through creative works; secondly, the tolerance for alterna-
tive voices (resistant discourses) and, thirdly, the use of a creative form of
categorisation to play with meaning.
I showed in my analysis how creative works about the BP events
became part of the media representation of the phenomenon. These cre-
ative works use the new signified, or the positioned concept of the events,
as a starting point for exploration of meaning at a societal level. It is only
once there is a shared concept of the BP oil spill, that it becomes available
for interpretation in this way. In reporting and commenting on these
creative treatments, the media texts mark them as “other”, and are able to
position these texts for the reader, through selection, approval and disap-
proval, in ways they choose. However, these challenging artistic represen-
tations—if widely seen and adopted—can serve to shift the positioning
of the events described above, in an iterative development of meaning.
The challenge presented in creative works is often through the articu-
lation of alternative or resistant discourses. Artistic interpretations often
represent resistant discourses, frequently challenging how the mass media
has positioned the phenomenon—through humour, by adding layers of
complexity or by setting it alongside other phenomena in a productive
interplay of comparison and contrast intended to yield new insights. So,
for example, the Margaret Atwood book mentioned in one of the 2012
texts takes the idea of the BP events and their subsequent outcomes as
moral failure, rather than, say, the inevitable consequence of the risky but
heroic venture of delivering oil to allow global progress. Blogs, letters and
reports of political speeches also show evidence of resistant discourses:
issues of compensation, financial impacts and future drilling agendas in
the Gulf and elsewhere are exposed and aired in print and online texts in
the data set. I have mentioned in the introductory chapter that control
by traditional media institutions has been increasingly broken down by
mass access to the Internet, and one of the outcomes is a considerable
186 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
increase in voice for minority and alternative views. Within the 2012
(and some 2011) texts, critical voices stand in contrast to, for example,
financial reporting, in which the oil spill tends to be mentioned as an
explanatory footnote to Quarter 1 results. However, my analysis shows
that while critical voices, or resistant discourses, are given a place in the
texts, particularly if they belong to politicians or others with ready access
to a voice, they are frequently “bracketed”. By this I mean that they are
placed in non-news pages (so are not endorsed as factual), or they are
quoted directly whereby the journalist does not take responsibility for
them, or they are positioned as non-mainstream (e.g. they are part of
artworks) or they are backgrounded through rhetorical choices. So while
institutional and non-institutional voices contribute to this conversation,
non-institutional voices can be positioned as to one side of the discus-
sion. As Conboy (2007: 97) notes:
Hierarchies of news value can be varied to allow unfamiliar and even con-
tentious voices to be heard as long as they do not destabilize longer term
patterns of meaning.
Discourse 4: Naturalisation
At the same time as, and in tension with, the discourse of redeployment is
the tendency to fix and normalise meaning by presenting interpretations
of the crisis as “given”. This discourse is aligned with Barthes’ concept of
the naturalisation of representation, and can be seen as a progression of the
discourse of positioning, whereby once events are located within known
frameworks, they are presented as naturally understood in certain ways.
11 Stage 3: A Depth Analysis at the Level of Ideology 187
So texts such as those of the business and market reports genre present
the events from the perspective that crises such as oil spills are inevitable,
but that measures have been taken to mitigate their likely future occur-
rence. In two of the researched texts consultancy services advise on cri-
sis management and restoring business reputations. I have mentioned in
analysis texts which deal with BP’s forward planning, as well as calls for
the resumption of deepwater drilling in the Gulf.
Outside the business context, media coverage refers to the BP events
within the context of known social phenomena. The events are no lon-
ger the exclusive province of business and the environment, but part of
a shared history, and aligned with quite disparate concepts through the
processes of redeployment. One difference between business and non-
business media coverage is that outside the area of business, there is less
concern to naturalise the events by treating them as part of the “rough
and tumble” of business. Rather, they are a resource to be drawn on as
a representative token of a certain type of human experience, be it an
environmental issue, a huge lawsuit or an example of complacency about
safety. This is a more complex reading of the representation than the
business reading. By 2012, resistant discourses are still evident (environ-
mental protest being the most obvious example) and at that time it was
still clear that discourses of naturalisation are by no means complete and
meanings are still being argued, and their boundaries contested.
In Summary
I found four discourses of media representation across the three data sets:
1. Objective factuality.
2. Positioning.
3. Redeployment.
4. Naturalisation.
data sets. The progression was not necessarily fully sequential or system-
atic, and I explore this observation in Chaps. 13 and 14. Meanwhile, the
fourth stage of analysis is to investigate how the findings from the Stage
3 depth analysis can be understood within single texts, and the following
chapter offers an example of this type of holistic analysis.
Stage 4: A Holistic Analysis of a Single
“This, combined with the light, thin oil we are dealing with, has
further increased our confidence that we can tackle this spill off-
shore,” he said.
LOAD-DATE: April 28, 2010
The fact that this is a newswire tells us that this piece was written for
onward distribution to news outlets, such as newspapers or radio or TV
news, who will pay organisations such as AFP for prewritten content that
they can slot, often more or less intact, into their coverage. The writer is
uncredited, which is often but not always the case in newswires; how-
ever, AFP goes on to assert its journalistic credentials in the following
way. The report partly concerns an email, and the writer uses the phrase
“the email, obtained by AFP”. This implies that the information con-
tained in the email, ostensibly at least, is not in the public domain like
a press release, for example. In fact, it is said to be an internal email to
employees, which suggests that AFP has a source inside the company. As
it happens, the quotations “obtained by AFP” are similar to expressions
of sorrow and sympathy expressed in publicly available press releases, and
indeed the final quotation “This, combined with the light thin oil…” is
taken directly from a BP press release of 26 April 2010. Why, then, use
the employee email as a source rather than the press releases if it is not
substantively different in content? It is possible that AFP wishes to “add
value” to its service by demonstrating that it does not simply copy and
paste sections from press releases, but carries out original investigative
journalism and seeks out new sources.
In terms of genre, this text is something of a hybrid. It combines a
financial report with a news report—this is evident in the headline where
the implication is that what is usually good news (“soaring profits”) will be
mitigated with other information. As noted earlier, these genres construct
factuality in two slightly different ways. The early sections on financial
information are typical of the genre financial reports, with substantial use
of numbers presented in different ways (percentages, dollars, euros) and
covering alternative key measures (net profit and replacement cost profit).
12 Stage 4: A Holistic Analysis of a Single Text 195
There is use of expert technical lexis (“adjusted net profit”, “oil and gas
inventories”) and spatial metaphor (“soared”, “rocketed”) which are typi-
cal of financial reports, but evaluative markers, for example, modality,
affective or judgemental lexis, are lacking.
The move to the second section of the text (beginning “BP Chief
Executive Tony Hayward…”) is a clear break. This is not a text that
blends two genres, but rather exploits two genres held loosely together
by the headline and the summarising first paragraph, which is a signal of
the inverted pyramid structure. The second section of the text deals with
the highly emotive subject of sympathy for the families and colleagues
of the victims of the explosion, but presented in a way that communi-
cates factuality and objectivity. All the emotive content is presented as
direct quotation and explicitly attributed to a source, in this case Tony
Hayward. The writer is careful not to interpose his/her own perspective
on what is being said, as shown in the following fragment, where readers
are intended to understand that “tremendous sorrow” is a direct quota-
tion for which the writer of the piece takes no responsibility:
He also expressed “tremendous sorrow” when it became clear that the miss-
ing workers were probably dead.
Hayward, who has been in the United States since late last week because of
the incident, added…
BP deployed robotic underwater vehicles on Monday to try to cap the
leaking well and prevent a growing oil slick from developing into an envi-
ronmental disaster.
staff: “I’m sure, like me, you have all experienced a whole range of emo-
tions…”. Yet he also needs to demonstrate that he (as the face of BP—the
“we” in “we are going to do everything we can”) is in control of the situ-
ation. This is an interesting development from earlier in the week, where
BP press releases positioned BP as supportive of Transocean, but not as
leading the response:
BP today offered its full support to drilling contractor Transocean Ltd. and
its employees after fire caused Transocean’s semisubmersible drilling rig
Deepwater Horizon to be evacuated overnight, saying it stood ready to assist
in any way in responding to the incident. (BP press release, 21 April 2010)
So we have here a mixed genre text that is typical of the texts of that year,
in that news reports and financial reports between them account for 90
% of the texts mentioning the BP events on 27 April. The text shows
the different characteristics of its two parent genres; however, both have
in common that they are presented in such a way as to appear objective
and factual. Although part two of the text (typical of the news report
genre) gives clear indications of the interpersonal work Tony Hayward
12 Stage 4: A Holistic Analysis of a Single Text 197
Summary of Section II
Section II has focused on an analysis approach rooted in Barthes’ view
of how meaning is made in texts of all kinds. This section has offered the
following theoretical and practical support for written text analysis:
In Section III, I take these findings and make use of another semiotic
conceptualisation, drawn from the ideas of C.S. Peirce, to synthesise and
interpret the data.
Part III
A Peircean Conceptualisation of
Written Language
Theoretical Foundations
of images, films and writings that constitute our concept of him. I will go
on to hypothesise how the representation of events will develop beyond
the time of my data sets, drawing on the ideas of Baudrillard (1994).
In Baudrillard’s terms, representations at the present historical moment
have come to have no relation to any reality whatsoever, but are pure
simulacra. In my argument, I conceive that there is, in fact, an Object,
albeit hidden and unknowable, and we move away from this Object and
towards a simulacrum. In my research, I have endeavoured to trace the
linguistic evidence of this movement.
Peirce proposed three forms of the sign related in different ways to the
Object, and labelled these Icon, Index and Symbol. Prototypically, an
Iconic sign is one that relates to its Object via a relationship of likeness
(Peirce, 1931–1958: 2.276). It represents the Object by looking like it, as
a portrait might its sitter, an engineering diagram its realised article or the
Underground map of London its system of train lines. These representa-
tions may be different kinds of likeness, but their form is recognisably
related to their Object, and all are labelled as Iconic by Peirce. Under the
heading of Iconic signs, Peirce also placed the metaphor, on the grounds
that metaphors posit a relationship of likeness between one entity and
another. Peirce’s classification of a metaphor as an Iconic sign was not
motivated by the fact that many metaphors are dead—that is they have
ceased to rely on unexpected pairings of entities. Rather, he saw it as a
logical outcome of the fact that targets resemble their sources in a rela-
tionship of likeness. Unfortunately, Pierce did not write extensively about
metaphor, and there is little further guidance or support for his decision
other than his mention of metaphor as one type of Icon. Other semioti-
cians have recognised that the disparity between the source and target
domains may require interpretation through codes and rules that suggest
that there the metaphor can also be Symbolic. Some scholars (e.g. Haley,
1995; Ponzio, 2010; Sørensen, 2011) have argued that both sign forms
are present in metaphor. Chandler (2001: np) writes:
13 Theoretical Foundations 205
The basis in resemblance suggests that metaphor involves the iconic mode.
However, to the extent that such a resemblance is oblique, we may think of
metaphor as symbolic. (Emphasis in original)
Now, everything I have written in this section suggests that a sign can be in
varying degrees iconic, indexical, and symbolic, all at the same time. A
sign’s evincing one sign type does not preclude its manifesting some other
sign type as well. There are no all-or-nothing categories with respect to
signs. As one sign type is, another sign type can become, and what that sign
was may become of the nature of the first sign that the second sign now is.
Merrell illustrates that Peirce’s three sign modes are separate only in the-
ory: not only can a sign manifest more than one sign type, but also one
13 Theoretical Foundations 207
Distance from the Object
In their prototypical instances, then, Peirce’s three sign modes have dif-
fering relationships with the unfixable Object. These relationships are to
different degrees either motivated by the Object or in arbitrary relation-
ship with it. So Iconic signs are said to be rather strongly motivated by
the Object, in that they somewhat resemble it. Indexical signs have a rela-
tionship with the Object through experience, but one which is less direct.
Symbolic signs have no experiential relationship with their Object. We
can therefore discuss sign forms in terms of their conceptual distance
from their Object.
My concept of the BP data depends on regarding Peirce’s modes
of sign: Icon, Index and Symbol, as progressively distant in this order
from the Object that they represent. In other words an Iconic sign
would be most “motivated” by the Object, an Indexical sign next and
a Symbolic sign least “motivated” by the Object. (I acknowledge the
complexity that all signs can properly be seen to have elements of each
of these modes but focus for the moment on archetypal signs). The
order outlined above is not one endorsed by all scholars. For exam-
ple, Chandler (2007: 35) suggests that Indexical signs are closer to
the Object than Iconic signs, citing Peirce as support, because they
“direct the attention to their objects by blind compulsion” (Peirce,
1931–1958: 2.306). However, elsewhere, Peirce seems to imply that
the Icon is more closely related to the Object than the Index, not least
because he orders them in this way in his discussions of the quali-
ties of phenomena in general. One of Peirce’s basic categorisations of
phenomena was into the domains of “Firstness”, “Secondness” and
“Thirdness”. “Firstness” relates to the quality of things, or their pos-
sibility. “Secondness” introduces the idea of relationships between
things. “Thirdness” is the area of laws, or the mental realm. In Peirce’s
theory, Icons belong to Firstness, Indexes to Secondness and Symbols
to Thirdness. The view that a cline from Icon to Index to Symbol
208 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Peirce’s three sign forms are intended to be comprehensive, that is, all phe-
nomena which are signs by Peirce’s broad definition should be able to be
understood as one or more of the sign forms. The sign forms have tended
to be used as explanatory concepts more for visual signs and iconography
of all kinds, than in the particular area of language. Nevertheless, there
are various ways in which language has been envisaged as Icon and Index,
as well as purely Symbolic.
Everything that has been said up to this point boils down to this: in lan-
guage there are only differences…Whether we take the signified or the
signifier, language has neither ideas nor sounds that existed before the lin-
guistic system, but only conceptual and phonic differences that have issued
from the system. (de Saussure, 1959: 120)
Iconicity in Language
In my earlier discussion of the multiple forms of signs under the Peircean sys-
tem, where Iconic origins can be detected within Symbolic representations,
I mentioned the case of written alphabetic systems that emerged from pic-
tograms that themselves were originally Iconic representations of real-world
210 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
words such as “big”, “bigger”, “biggest”, where the longest form indi-
cates the most expansive concept. Similarly, Iconicity has been claimed
in the use of grammatical subordination and focus, where the location of
information can indicate its importance. The examples of Iconicity given
above show that the connection between Peirce’s category and language
and linguistic representation has been researched primarily in terms of
phonological, morphological and structural features. That is, researchers
have focused on the form rather than the function of language. Language
is held to be iconic if, in its form, it somehow “look[s] like the things it
stands for” (Simone, 1995: vii).
Indexicality in Language
There are other perspectives from which language has been considered
Indexical, rather than Symbolic. Jakobson proposes that deictics are in
Indexical relation to the speaker, because they have a “pointing function”
indicating time, place, person or specificity, all of which can change with
the context of the utterance (Caton, 1987). Jakobson refers to such expres-
sions as “I”, “you”, “here”, “that” as “shifters”, following Jespersen (1922).
I have discussed at length another linguistic realisation of Indexicality,
namely, that of metonym. As Wales (1989: 297) writes: “In semiotic
terms, metonymy is an indexical sign: there is a directly or logically con-
tiguous relationship between the substituted word and its referent.”
Scholarly work concerning the Indexicality of language (and some of
the work on Iconicity) does not deny the fundamental conception of
language as primarily Symbolic and arbitrary. Rather, writers are using
Indexicality (and Iconicity) as an analogy to certain types of discursive
function. So, for example, using the metonym “red tape” and declaring
it to be in Indexical relationship with a concept labelled “bureaucracy”
does not deny that the words “red” and “tape” are Symbols. The Indexical
qualities sit at a different level from the words which are still part of a
Symbolic system. Peirce’s Icon–Index–Symbol trichotomy has been more
widely applied to visual than linguistic signs, but it also offers a perspective
from which to look at verbal language. Peirce’s aim for his logic system was
to offer a comprehensive understanding of all types and modes of sign, of
which language was just one.
212 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Patterns and Processes
Table 14.1 sets out very brief summaries of the findings about each lan-
guage features studied for each of the data sets 2010, 2011 and 2012.
These shifting behaviours of a number of linguistic features—both singly
and in aggregate—suggest a number of patterns across the data.
Five possible patterns are:
The use of metonym decreases over the life of the data, and its shorthand
role is more evident at the start of the data period than the end. At the start,
metonyms that position BP as animate (BP “says”, “confirms”, “tries” and
so on) were noted in my analysis to have two effects that are potentially
218 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Metaphors are used throughout the data sets to position the events in dif-
ferent ways. A number of metaphors in the early data (2010) present the
events—that is, the explosion, oil spill and the weather conditions that
affected operations—in ways that foreground that these phenomena were
out of control, or difficult to control. Metaphors used in the later data sets
position events and their subsequent business outcomes as part of a jour-
ney (BUSINESS IS A JOURNEY), a process, or a story (MYTHS AND
LEGENDS). This is a feature of the process of symbol creation, as the events
move towards a somewhat-agreed meaning, perhaps that events are “part of
life’s/business’s rich pattern”, but it also serves to background those elements
of the events that are troubling or fragmented, and were early on metapho-
rised as being unmanageable.
Naming of Events
over time. This reduction in the variety of terms suggests a degree of conver-
gence on the part of the media, while still indicating two slightly different
evaluative stances. The word “disaster” already encodes negative shading,
and the term “oil spill”, in itself arguably neutral, is generally accompanied
by qualifying terms that evaluate the events negatively.
Of note is the use of the terms “accident” and “incident” in the 2010
texts, which appear to have been the preferred labels in the early BP press
releases. “Accident” implies no, or unclear cause, and “incident” implies
a neutral stance towards events. Both are absent in later texts, suggesting
that the widespread practice will be either a negative head (disaster) or a
neutral head (oil spill) + negative qualifiers. These naming practices do
not at all attempt to downplay the seriousness of the explosion and oil
spill, although there is a reduction over time in richness of signification,
whereby a complex noun phrase serves to replace a longer retelling of the
story, and in this way selects and restricts available meanings. The con-
ventional use by news media of certain negative formulations can serve to
make these terms familiar yet “other”, and in that way “safe”.
Modality and Certainty
and any facts given to journalists were unclear and often unsubstantiated.
This uncertainty is reflected in the 2010 texts in the high levels of epis-
temic and dynamic modality occurring particularly in reported speech. This
is not a feature of later texts where a move away from uncertainty towards
apparent certainty is realised by a reduction in modality (although journal-
ists and other writers still make some use of modal resources, particularly
deontic modality, through which they suggest what should be done, or how
the reader should understand their assessment of the BP situation). The
resources of modality are one mechanism through which propositions are
presented as either “given” or “available for discussion”, and the later texts
are increasingly characterised by bare assertions of “opinion as fact”. Martin
and White (2005: 100) argue that monoglossic formulations (bare asser-
tions) demonstrate “taken-for-grantedness” in that they “make no reference
to other voices and viewpoints”. When modal items are absent, as is increas-
ingly the case over time in the BP data, it is strongly indicative that the possi-
bilities for “other voices and viewpoints” are being closed down. Martin and
White also observe that opinions about propositions are typically expressed
through epistemic modality, while opinions about events are attitudinal
and expressed through Appraisal resources. As the concept of Deepwater
Horizon is reified, it may become more of an “event” and therefore the
object of the lexis of judgement rather than the resources of modality.
which they appear and the entities with which they are associated are
multiplied and dispersed. Simply put, the events have a more singular
sense in a far greater range of applications. Spread is noted across a range
of language features, but primarily genre, intertexts and social actors.
Genre and Intertextuality
As shown in analysis, the early texts in my data set belong more firmly to
the genre of news report whereas the later texts are attached to a greater
range of genres, including commentary, features, reviews and business jour-
nal articles. This process alone accounts for much of the linguistic varia-
tion noted in my analysis, as different genres are characterised by different
purpose, structure and content. The news report genre tends to draw on
particular types of external text, including the eyewitness report, the inter-
view or the photograph, whereas the multiple later genres draw on a wider
range of external texts, for example, previous news reports on BP, associated
but not directly related news stories, artistic texts and evaluative articles, as
well as more generalised beliefs, issues and statements that remain unat-
tributed (Allen, 2011; Bazerman, 2004). As the original observable story
is absorbed, naturalised, tamed, consumed, through a range of linguistic
strategies, so the web of unseen texts with influence on my texts can be
imagined to become ever more extensive, and ever less tangible.
Social Actors
Both naming and grouping (which are separate phenomena) are acts with
consequences in terms of how entities are perceived and thus treated.
Categorisation, as I define it, comprises processes of listing and grouping by
which an entity (here the BP events) is characterised through its contiguous
relationship with other entities. This kind of grouping is fluid over time:
the entity, by being placed adjacent to other entities, both absorbs some-
thing of their character and represents something of its own within the
group. There is something in the process resembling metaphor, whereby
a particular feature of one entity (but not all) is selected as resembling a
feature of another entity (but not all). The process is also one of a met-
onymic nature, where an aspect of the entity comes to represent or point to
a wider phenomenon, just as the OED word of 2013 “selfie” might come
to index a society with an obsession with individual self-representation, at
the expense of unrecorded activity, or group activity. Cook (2004: 109)
construes this process as ultimately one of a metaphorical nature.
The physical nature of a new phenomenon, in other words, does not con-
stitute the entirety of its role in contemporaneous discourse. It is appropri-
ated and amplified, but also further understood, as a metaphor. It then
both draws upon, and contributes to, understanding of other arenas.
The role of artistic representation has been treated so far under a discussion
of genre, but I want to identify it here as an important feature in itself. Like
categorisation, this feature was virtually absent in the first year of data, pre-
sumably for the understandable reason that at a time of immediate crisis,
writers have neither the time for reflection nor yet the insight with which to
create art, nor might it seem an appropriate first reaction. Examples of texts
I include under the broad heading of artistic representation are:
Outside my own data sets, treatment of the events in artistic form has
been quite widespread. Many non-fiction books have been written solely or
partly about the BP oil spill (e.g. Bergin, 2011; Burt, 2012), oblique comic
reference was made in the sketch show “Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul!”
(2012) and US animation South Park satirised Tony Hayward’s apology
to victims (Coon 2: Hindsight, 2010). These treatments serve to fix or pin
down versions of the events: in the case of comic treatments, usually a ver-
sion that is subversive or resistant. On the one hand, the increase in refer-
ences to such texts within my data set is surely significant—journalists are
acknowledging that these texts and treatments are now an intrinsic part of
how the crisis is understood. On the other hand, the nature of my primary
texts—news reports, reviews and so on—means that “artistic” construc-
tions of the crisis appear to sit outside mainstream representation. These
potentially resistant versions tend to be “bracketed”—they are reported
on but do not form the substance of the report. This is a natural conse-
quence of choosing mass-media journalism as an object of study (rather
than, say, artistic representations themselves). However, my analysis shows
that in some instances other, dominant, representations of the crisis are pre-
sented as given, while artistic representation is clearly presented as “other”.
I develop this argument further in relation to the ideological implications
of the discourses I identify below.
224 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
Discursive Shifts
only when we feel we have a grasp of what the Object is that we can
deploy it as a resource in a number of social practices, including artistic
representation and other symbolic activities.
Following this line of argument, and taking into account that there is
constant interplay between these “opening up” and “closing down” strate-
gies, I do not propose that any one discourse correlates precisely to any
one data set, but rather that there are four discourses at play at various
times through the data sets, and hypothetically beyond, that can and do
co-exist, but that demonstrate a certain progression towards a naturalised
meaning for the BP events.
In Peircean terms, the Iconic sign is one that is connected to its Object
via a relationship of likeness. I am suggesting that this relationship is evi-
dent in my data in the sense that the drive for linguistic choice is towards
producing a representation that looks like the Object of the BP events.
All the markers of “objectivity” and “factuality” that we have noted in the
analysis chapters, and that I have referred to in my discussion of a dis-
course of objective factuality, are pressed into service to express something
like “this is what it would look like if you were there, on the ground,
moment to moment, with all its uncertainties, emotions, facts, half-facts
and unwitting players”. In this view, we see not only evidence of a form
of “scientific objectivity” through the devices of highly specific naming,
expert witness and hard facts and figures. We also see an acknowledge-
ment of uncertainty and fragmentation in the use of epistemic modality,
the (reported) emotive language of non-expert witnesses and the insta-
bility of names, descriptors and categories. This uncertainty is, however,
mediated by the writer or journalist through devices such as direct and
indirect quotation and the presentation of contrasting views. In this way
he/she is selecting and combining information to make meaning, but the
meaning made is not intended to be a social understanding of the impli-
cations of the events, but rather a marshalling of the available informa-
tion to create the most credible picture for the reader of what is actually
happening, in other words a picture that looks most like the Object. The
picture is not the Object, but one selective version of it. As van Leeuwen
points out (2005: 160, emphasis in original), “Linguists and semioti-
cians therefore do not ask ‘How true is this?’ but ‘As how true is it repre-
sented?’” Fowler (1991: 170) makes a similar point about the apparent
representation of likeness by news reports:
Early in my analysis it seemed clear to me that the language of the first phase
of data intended to represent a reproduction of reality, while the language of
the final phase of data was evaluative, highly intertextualised and connected
to artistic representation, as I shall go on to discuss in the next section. It
seemed appropriate to characterise these beginning and end states as display-
ing features of Iconic and Symbolic signs, while the middle phase could quite
well have been simply transitional: a point in the process of movement from
one state to the other, rather than a phase in its own right. The year 2011 is,
in regard to most of the features studied, a linguistic midpoint for increas-
ing or decreasing movements from the first to the last data sets. This might
indeed be the sole source of interest in the 2011 data, were it not for the
importance of the particular researched phenomenon, categorisation, which
I propose as evidence for an Indexical phase of representation.
230 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
The groups or categories in which the events were placed were generally
predictable, including natural disasters, man-made disasters, business crises
and specific BP problems. Nevertheless, it was clear that the BP events were
no longer being represented as isolated, unique or irretrievably “messy”.
Rather, they were being used in a process of interactive meaning-making
that aligned them with other pre-existing or newly made groups. In this
way, either the events took on some of the qualities of group members or
other group members took on some of their qualities. If group members
are subsequently placed in different categories, they bring with them some
of the associations of their previous group membership. I will pursue this
line of thinking in my discussion of the Symbolic phase of 2012, when the
BP groups proved to be far more creative and disparate than in 2011.
BP Events as Index
Peirce’s concept of the Symbolic sign is one that is related to its Object only
arbitrarily and by convention. Put another way, it is not, or only minimally,
motivated by its Object. I argue in this section that the way the BP events
are represented in the 2012 data set is increasingly a construct of convention
232 Semiotics and Verbal Texts
and agreement. Description of the events has given way to evaluation, and
the crisis is increasingly positioned as having meaning within a number of
social fields, including business and finance, the environment, politics and
the arts. By this I mean that the events are now a meaningful concept, or
signified with a largely agreed social meaning, that depends decreasingly on
the material events of 20 April 2010. Butchart (2011) would argue that that
the enterprise of describing crisis events is bound to fail, and for this reason
we turn to symbolising them. In contrast to the Indexical phase, indications
of the Symbolic nature of the 2012 representation can be found across a
range of linguistic dimensions, and these are set out below.
Symbolic Genres
Layering of Intertexts
Symbolic Actors
Changing Metaphors
data, I did not find that instances of metaphor decreased over time, which
might have neatly supported my hypothesis of a movement away from
Iconic representation. Instead, I observed an increase, and I make two
observations in this respect, one relating to the frequency of metaphor and
the other to the type of metaphor. With regard to frequency, I would like
to draw upon a different model of metaphor than that of Peirce, namely,
that of Jakobson (2002). Jakobson proposes that the “metaphoric order”
relies on choices that are paradigmatic, that is, they are concerned with
substitution and selection. In contrast, the “metonymic order” is syntag-
matic, relying on combination and contiguity. Each “order” or “pole” is
closely connected with different types of writing. Jakobson connects the
“metonymic order” with journalism, montage and ordered narratives such
as epic works. He suggests the “metaphoric order” is related to poetry,
romanticism, filmic metaphor and surrealism. I suggest that the observed
increase in metaphor relates to the move outlined above from a journalis-
tic to an artistic sensibility.
My second observation concerns the shift in both types of target and
types of source in the metaphor in my data sets. In 2010, the target for
metaphor is the material entities such as weather and the oil spill itself.
This tends to run counter to the pattern that the abstract is conceptual-
ised in terms of the concrete (Koller, 2003; Koller & Davidson, 2008; Ng
& Koller, 2013). By 2012, the target domain is more abstract, and source
domains also remain relatively abstract. By this stage, source domains
for metaphor have shifted to include those of theatre, stories, myth and
journeys. I wish only to touch lightly on this observation, as not all meta-
phorical usages are directly related to the BP events, some being a feature
of co-text. I do, however, suggest that there is a symbolic process of myth
and story creation relating to the BP events, which is realised at a number
of linguistic levels, of which metaphor is just one.
There are even situations where it seems that conventionalizers and natu-
ralizers engage in a direct semiotic confrontation—the bottom line perhaps
being that anyone who manipulates or regiments the flow of interpretants
thereby indexes social power or cultural capital.
His work has immersed him in events that read like a roster of recent catas-
trophes, from 9/11 to the Gulf oil spill. Now, Kenneth Feinberg is adding
the Boston Marathon bombings to that list. (Associated Press, 27.4.2013)
This reference to the BP events is some evidence that our future under-
standing of the signified “catastrophe” in the first line will be informed
by the complex signified “Gulf oil spill”. I accept, following Barthes, that
the representation of the BP oil spill and its aftermath constructs versions
of reality that are more or less compliant with current discourses of repre-
sentation. However, I suggest that to reach a final state of naturalisation,
the representation undergoes a shape-shifting process, in which the sign
is variously constructed through language to resemble its Object, posi-
tion its Object, then test the boundaries of that position, finally present-
ing the Object in a new kind of likeness. This evolving relation of the
sign (media representation) to its Object (the BP events) is realised in a
complex network of interrelated language choices.
Part IV
Concluding Thoughts
Other Events, Other Contexts
or “sign” with its own characteristics. These semiotic theories formed the
basis for the language analysis work. Four stages of analysis served to
contextualise the data, identify language objects for study at four semi-
otic levels, investigate the objects using diverse research tools and explore
how these features work together in a single text. The conclusions of this
project were based on the observation that the three data sets were analo-
gous to Peirce’s three main sign forms, Icon, Index and Symbol. What
seems to be useful in this conceptualisation is the notion of the proximity
and distance of each of these sign forms from the Object, whereby the
media representation relates to the BP events in changing ways over time,
finally returning to an apparent, but fully symbolic, proximity, in spiral
fashion. If this process can be shown to hold for other written repre-
sentations, then this Peircean conceptualisation provides an explanatory
theory which captures how meaning is created, positioned, played with,
naturalised and absorbed.
In this study (Table 15.3), the medium of the communication is the focus
of attention. Analysis would seek to uncover which language choices were
typical of different mediums, using a particular topic as an illustration.
In this example, the mode is writing, but the mediums are very different,
and genre, purpose and audience will play a significant role in discussing
the verbal representation of a particular issue.
The brief examples above addressed types of research design. A final exam-
ple touches on more specific aspects of language in the case of a different
crisis. On 1 October 2015, after a mass shooting in Oregon, President
Barack Obama made an emotional speech about gun control. Although
this is an instance of the spoken, rather than written, word, political
speeches of this kind, as mentioned above, are a type of communication
which Crystal (2003: 292) terms “writing to be read aloud”, in that they
are usually carefully pre-written, and generally read from autocue. They
15 Other Events, Other Contexts 247
A number of observations can be made about this brief extract which are
pertinent to the themes of this book. In just these few lines, Obama uses
several terms relating to discourse about the tragic events: “reporting”,
“response” (twice), “conversation” and “talked about this”. Obama’s
choice of words (or “signs”) emphasises the role of the discursive con-
struction of crises and other catastrophic events in how we anticipate,
manage, control and respond to such events. In a study of this kind of
text, one of the discursive features at the level of the sign generated by the
immersive Stage 2 of my approach might well be word choices relating to
discourse and communication.
Repeating the word “routine” in a tricolon construction (“Somehow
this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at
this podium ends up being routine.”), Obama challenges a discourse
of the normalisation of mass shootings. For his part, he is attempting
to establish an alternative, resistant discourse about gun control, in
opposition to other discourses about “the right to bear arms” which are
widespread in the USA. One of the ways he presents this alternative
discourse as natural is by using the terms “of course” and “common-
sense” in relation to his own argument. If this speech were part of a
researched data set, an identification of discourses would be an impor-
tant area for investigation, where the discourses might be about disputed
notions regarding gun ownership rather than discourses of representa-
tion (as in the case of the BP research). As part of my immersion phase
of analysis, I would note from this excerpt rhetorical features at the level
of “code” (structuring figures such as the tricolon mentioned above)
248 Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
Final Words
At the end of this book what I hope to have achieved through the detailed
analysis of the BP crisis is a demonstration of how to gather and investi-
gate language data in order to build a linguistic picture of a crisis represen-
tation. If we understand that the meaning of communication is located
in several places—in the intention of the producer, in the text itself and
in the understanding of the reader—then a key focus of my approach
has been on meanings located in the texts themselves. However, the texts
contain within them aspects of the socio-cultural world from which they
were generated and to which they are addressed. The study of the social,
textual and generic codes by which the signs are organised, the texts to
which they refer, their socially embedded connotations and the ideologies
they serve all give us access to their situated meanings, albeit partially and
imperfectly. Our shared conception of crises such as Deepwater Horizon
is a construct of (amongst other things) news media writing of different
kinds, whose language is shaped by the interests of a large number of
groups and individuals. The end stage of this representation—a natu-
ralised iconicity—may be the only way we can collectively cope with cri-
sis events of this magnitude.
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Blommaert, J., 7 183, 185, 186, 207, 216, 222,
Borges, J. L., 50, 85 223, 225, 229–31, 234–5, 248
BP. See British Petroleum (BP) Catenaccio, P., 37
Braun, V., 30–1 Caton, C., 210, 211
British Petroleum (BP) CDA. See Critical Discourse Analysis
crisis, 4, 6, 20, 23, 51, 84, 86, 98, (CDA)
118, 119, 124, 143, 173, 197, Chandler, D., 52, 53, 92, 149, 167,
201, 203, 212, 227, 248 175, 202, 204, 205, 207, 229, 238
Deepwater Horizon, 3, 6, 15, 21, Chen, H., 61, 99
23–5, 27, 75–7, 79, 112–14, Chomsky, N, 31, 60
132, 145, 197, 237 Clarke, V., 30–1
oil spill, 78, 80, 89–91, 93–5, 98, CMD. See computer-mediated
99, 102, 104, 105, 118, 119, discourse (CMD)
121, 124, 133, 135, 136, 138, Cobley, P., 202, 210
149, 152, 156, 185–7, 203, Cockcroft, R., 138
223, 227, 235, 240 Cockcroft, S., 138
texts, 16, 18, 29, 62, 73, 83, code, 8, 10, 30, 34, 42, 46–8, 52–3,
89–110, 139, 141, 150, 174, 60–3, 65, 69, 71, 73–5, 83, 92,
175, 178, 197 105, 109, 127–65, 179, 191,
Bryman, A., 30–1, 81 204, 235, 244, 247, 248
Burt, T., 9, 23, 91, 169, 223 Commentary (news media genre),
business or market reports, 6–8, 10, 4, 12, 16–18, 96, 97, 99,
15, 20–3, 25, 49, 51, 54, 55, 103, 133, 135, 182, 184,
67, 68, 73, 77, 79, 92, 97, 106, 221, 223, 232
107, 116, 117, 121, 123, 124, computer-mediated discourse
128, 134, 139–41, 145, 153, (CMD), 28, 37–8
160, 162, 170, 173–7, 187, Conboy, M., 13, 19, 71, 186
188, 212, 218, 221, 222, 226, Connor, U., 50
231, 232, 235, 244 connotation(s), 47, 48, 64–5, 67, 70,
Butchart, G., 49, 203, 232 74, 167, 191, 248. See also
connotative, 46, 64, 65, 109
C content analysis, 28, 30, 180
Cahalan, P., 23 contextualisation (stage of analysis),
Cameron, D., 14, 36, 40 86, 87, 89–100, 127, 197, 232
Cameron, L., 173 Cook, G., 55, 81, 139, 181, 210, 222
Milne, M. J., 68, 173, 177 naming people, 49, 51, 108,
Mintzberg, H., 21 115–18, 129, 144, 169, 217
Mitroff, I., 22, 187 naming social actors, 50, 221
modal expressions, 18, 60, 130, 136, narrative
138, 140, 155, 159, 161, 162, analysis, 30–1
181, 187, 216, 219 structure, 11, 17, 131, 132
modality. See also modal expressions naturalisation. See also naturalise
deontic, 62, 154, 155, 159, 161, naturalised, 47, 69–71, 187, 221,
163, 220, 248 226, 239, 244
dynamic, 62, 105, 154–6, “naturalised icon”, 237–40, 248
158–63, 220 naturalise, 47, 69, 188
epistemic, 62, 105, 154–6, news agencies, 10, 143, 148–50, 192
158–64, 220, 228 news reports, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14–17,
modal, 18, 60–2, 102, 107, 130, 19–20, 51, 54, 58–60, 76, 78, 92,
136–8, 140, 148, 155–7, 159, 94, 97, 102, 128–33, 135, 136,
161–4, 181, 187, 213, 216, 138–44, 146, 148–50, 152, 153,
217, 219, 220, 245, 248 157, 159, 178, 181–3, 192, 194,
Monelle, R., 5, 39 196, 219, 221, 223, 228, 229,
Mulkay, M., 35 232, 233, 236. See also hard news
multimodal, 5, 6, 12, 18, 39–42 Nexis UK, 76, 77, 79, 89, 101, 149,
multimodality, 5, 38, 40. See also 192
multimodal Ng, C. J. W., 234
Muralidharan, S., 77, 218 Nølke, H., 35
myth, 46–8, 63, 64, 105, 109, Nöth, W., 210
123, 167, 179, 218, 234,
240, 244
mythic meaning, 48, 63–9, 73–5, O
167–78, 191, 248. See also myth Obama, B., 91, 96, 133, 171, 246–7
mythical, 68, 69 object, 20, 49, 63, 66, 69, 123, 142,
202–10, 220, 223–9, 231, 233,
237–40, 244
N objectivity, 14–17, 26, 33, 62, 65,
naming participants, 49–51, 115, 132, 139, 140, 157, 164, 182,
116, 118 195, 226, 228, 238
naming practices. See also naming construction of, 61
participants; naming social O’Halloran, K., 40
actors Oliveira, S., 13, 149
naming events, 21, 49–51, 108, O’Reilly, D., 187
109, 112–15, 218–19 Orlikowski, W., 54