First Aid: Necromancy Cantrip
First Aid: Necromancy Cantrip
First Aid: Necromancy Cantrip
Necromancy Cantrip
Components: S
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Cleric
You touch a creature that is below a quarter of its HP maximum but not below 1HP and grant it a
small reserve of life energy.
The creature gains 1 temporary hit point (THP). This increases at certain levels, to 2 THP at 5 th level, 3
THP at 10th level, 4 THP at 15th level and 5 THP at 20th level.
Example: Pete the fighter (8th Level) is struck by a fireball spell, reducing him to 5HP. Sam the cleric
(7th Level) casts First Aid on him, granting him 2 THP. They both die the next round as the lich presses
home the attack, but it was a nice try.
Howling Void
9th Level Conjuration
Components: V, S, M (A chunk of Obsidian, worth at least 1000gp, that the spell consumes)
You tap into the energy of the Negative Plane to create an eerie sphere of shadow energy that
spreads out from a point you can see within range. This sphere has a radius of 30 feet, extending
around corners and ignoring even total cover. Within this sphere is a complete void. No sound or
light exists within this sphere (as the Darkness and Silence spells) and creatures within the area cannot
breathe. The area within 60 feet of the sphere is counted as magical difficult terrain. A creature who
begins or ends their turn within 60 feet of the centre of the sphere must make a STR saving throw, or
be dragged 20 feet closer to the centre. A creature within the area of the void has disadvantage on
this saving throw. Creatures that begin or end their turn inside the void in must make a WIS save or
take 10d10 psychic damage and become incapacitated as their head is filled with insane gibbering
and screams on a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not incapacitated (a
creature with Darkvision that can see through the sphere perceives small screaming mouths darting
around in the dark). As a bonus action on each of their turns that they maintain concentration, the
caster may move the point of origin 20 feet in any direction.
*Special Concentration: The caster can maintain concentration for beyond the 5-minute limit if they
wish. If they do so, they take 1d10 necrotic damage per turn that the concentration is maintained
(both their turn and others turns). This damage cannot be reduced in any way.
Example: Chris the conjurer casts this spell on a mob of 20 goblins (HP 7). Being 20 th Level, the save
DC is 19 (8+ Prof(+4) +INT Mod(+5)). 10 of these goblins are within the void already and fail their
saves thanks to disadvantage. They are squished together in the centre. 8 of the other 10 goblins fail
and are dragged into the edges of the sphere. 2 succeed and manage to stay where they are. 17 of
the 18 goblins inside the void fail their WIS saves, with 1 rolling a Nat. 20. Those that fail take 61
(10d10) psychic damage. This psychic overload kills them all. The 2 outside the void manage to get to
and Chris and stab him to death, although he does kill one with his staff. The sole survivor goblin
goes home.
Mighty Meteor
9th Level Conjuration
Duration: Instantaneous
You summon a meteor of burning coal (AC 5 – HP 50 – resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and
slashing damage, vulnerable to acid and fire damage, immune to poison, psychic, necrotic, radiant
and cold damage) that smashes into the ground on a point you choose within range (you must be
outside to cast this spell). This meteor is a sphere 30 feet wide and anyone under the meteor when it
lands must make a DEX saving throw. On a failure, they take 10d10 bludgeoning damage and an
equal amount of fire damage, and are knocked prone and restrained by the meteor pinning them to
the ground. On a successful save, they take half damage and are shoved to the edge of meteor,
neither being knocked prone or restrained. Everyone else within 90 feet of the centre (that is, 60
feet from its edge) must also make a DEX save or take 10d10 fire damage and be knocked prone. On
a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. In order to free a creature
restrained by the meteor, a creature within 5 feet of the meteor may use their action to attempt to
lift it (DC 17 STR check Success – trapped creature is no longer restrained (unless it’s put back down)
Failure – no change). This spell also sets flammable nonmagical objects not worn or carried on fire.
Example: An Iron Golem (129 HP) and a group of 5 Orcs (15 HP) are travelling together when this
spell hits them.
2 of the Orcs and the Golem are beneath the meteor. As it was cast by a 20 th level wizard, the DC is
19 (8+ Prof(+4) +INT Mod(+5)). 1 of the Orcs fail and the other succeeds (9+1=10 & 19+1=20). The
Golem also fails (18-1+17). 2 of the 3 Orcs outside the area also make their saves (18+1=19 & Nat.
20) the other does not (4+1=5). The Meteor deals 52 (10d10) bludgeoning damage and 52 fire
damage to those beneath it for a total of 104 damage. As 1 orc passed his save, he takes only 26 fire
and 26 bludgeoning for a total of 52. The other orc takes the full 104, is knocked prone and
restrained by the meteor. Being a construct, the Golem takes 104 bludgeoning and 52 fire damage.
Being an Iron Golem, he absorbs the fire, gaining 52 HP, leaving the damage the Meteor did at 52.
The Meteor deals 63 fire damage for 60 feet around it. The 2 outside orcs that passed their saves
take 31 fire damage, while the one that fails takes the full 63. All the Orcs are slain and turned to
smouldering piles of ash. The Iron Golem is reduced to 77 HP and remains trapped beneath the
Summon Angry Mob
2nd Level Conjuration
Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet
You call forth a mob of angry peasants with pitchforks and torches to assault your foe. When you
cast this spell, 1d10+2 commoners appear in unoccupied spaces within range. Some of these carry
pitchforks, some carry flaming torches, and some carry both (DM’s choice). You can use a bonus
action to direct any number of these commoners to attack. If they are not being directed by you,
they move toward and attack the nearest creature hostile to you but otherwise do nothing. Each
commoner acts on your turn in the initiative order and disappears if reduced to 0 HP. The pitchfork
uses spear statistics and the commoners have a +2 to hit. The torches can be used as clubs, using
club statistics for damage (+2 to hit) and dealing an extra 1d4 fire damage on a hit. This spell can be
cast using higher level spell slots, summoning an extra 1 commoner per spell slot level above 2 nd.
Commoners summoned by this spell have maximum HP (8).
Example: Sally the Sorcerer is attacked by an orc (15 HP). She casts Summon Angry Mob at 2 nd level,
surrounding herself with 8 (6 +2) peasants. They all attack the orc who, being somewhat shocked by
their sudden appearance, is stabbed with pitchforks, bruised and singed with clubs and generally
humiliated by peasants. He manages to kill one of them before he is burned and battered to death
by angry commoners waving torches.
Ylmarthane’s Sphere
3rd Level Conjuration
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Wizard
A ball of energy shoots from your fingertips, blossoming into a 15-foot radius sphere of energy
centred on a point you choose within range. Anyone within this sphere must make a DEX save or
take 6d6 damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. The damage type can be any
kind, but you must be able to deal that type of damage in another way, or you must have seen that
damage being dealt at one point. This spell can be cast using a higher level slot than 3 rd. The damage
increase by an extra 2d6 for every slot level above 3 rd. The radius of the sphere also increases,
adding an extra 5 feet to the radius per slot level above 3 rd.
Example: Emily the Evoker (20th Level) casts Ylmarthane’s Thunderous Sphere as a 9th level spell
(Save DC 19), Centring it on an Earth Elemental (126 HP) summoned for practice. The Elemental fails
its save (16 – 1 = 15) and so takes the full damage. Being vulnerable to thunder damage it takes, 148
(19d6 (72)x2) thunder damage, reducing it to -18HP, crumbling into dust with the impact.
2nd Level Evocation
Components: S
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Sorcerer
You clap your hands together to create a wave of destructive force. A sphere of energy blasts from
you. Everyone within 20 feet of you must make a CON save, taking 2d10 thunder damage on a failed
save, or half as much on a success. You also make this save, but take half damage on a failure and
none on a success. The spell can be cast using a higher level spell slot, with the damage dealt by this
spell increasing by an extra 1d10 per slot level above 2 nd.
Example: Sam the Sorcerer (10th Level), surrounded by 8 drow (13 HP), casts Thunderclap at 5 th
Level, Save DC 15 (8 + Prof.(+4) + CHA Mod (+3)). 3 pass their saves 5 fail. Those who fail take 24
(5d10) thunder damage and are killed. Those who pass take 12 thunder damage and are reduced to
1 HP. Sam fails his save and takes 12 Thunder damage as well. The surviving 3 drow stab him to
death with poisoned blades, with Sam killing 1 with a punch before succumbing to their attacks.
Forceful Spear
1st Level Conjuration
A spear of semi-transparent force springs into existence in your hand, remaining for as long as
concentration is maintained. You can use a bonus action to throw the spear, adding your spellcasting
ability modifier to the attack and damage rolls (you also count as proficient). This spear deals force
damage instead of the normal piercing. On a hit, should your target have a solid surface (such as a
wall or pillar) on the other side from you, they must succeed on a DEX save or be restrained until the
spear is dispelled or the spell ends. When using higher level spell slots, the spear also deals extra
force damage of 2 per slot level above 1st.
Example: Wally the Warlock (3rd Level) casts Forceful Spear at 2nd Level, and throws it, targeting a
hobgoblin (11 HP) standing beside a tree. As Wally’s save DC is 12 (8 + Prof. (+2) + CHA Mod. (+2)) he
fails his DEX save (7 + 1 = 8) and is pinned to the tree. The hobgoblin takes 12 (1d8+2+2) force
damage, reducing him to -1HP, killing him instantly and leaving his body stuck to the tree.
Tasing Touch
Evocation Cantrip
Components: S
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Your fingers crackle with arcane energy. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target must
make a CON save, taking 1d10 (+ proficiency bonus) lightning damage and becoming stunned for 1
minute on a success or half as much damage and not stunned on a failure. As the damage has the
Prof. bonus added, it will increase as you gain levels.
Example: Waldo the Warlock (15th Level, Great Old One) Save DC = 18 (8 + Prof. (+5) + CHA Mod.
(+5)), casts Tasing Touch on an Archmage (99 HP). The ogre fails its save (10 + 1 = 11) taking 12 (1d10
+5) lightning damage reducing him to 87 HP and stunning him. Being a Great Old One Warlock, he
then proceeds to make him his thrall.
Duration: 24 hours
You unleash a burst of dark energy. At random points in a circle within range, 10d10 +10 zombies
burst from the ground. These zombies are not under your control, and have the following changes.
They have the Pack Tactics trait, they have a number of temporary hit points equal to your modifier
for your spellcasting ability, and their alignment is Chaotic Evil. When you cast this spell, you also roll
an extra d6. On a 6, they don’t attack you on their first turn. On a 1, they attack you first. If any other
number is rolled, they instead move toward and attack the closest living creature.
Example: Nathan the Necromancer is in trouble. Surrounded by tribal warriors (11HP) from the
magic-hating tribes of the Uthgardt, he casts Day of the Dead. 58 zombies claw their way from the
earth around him. Rolling a 3, he runs away, but is slain by a volley of arrows from 3 tribesmen.
However, he was vindicated later as the zombies tore the tribesmen to pieces before crumbling to
dust at the end of the day.
Furious Typhoon:
9th Level Conjuration
Components: V,S
Range: Sight
Classes: Druid
A churning storm cloud forms, centred on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 360 feet.
Lightning flashes in the area, thunder booms, and strong winds roar. This spell is identical to Storm
of Vengeance, except the effects stack and continue into the next round.
Example: David the Druid casts Furious Typhoon on an orc horde. As he is safely out of the way, the
typhoon deafens them in round 1, deafens and melts them in round 2, deafens, melts and electrifies
them in round 3, deafens, melts, electrifies and bashes them up in round 4 and deafens, melts,
electrifies, bashes them up and freezes them in round 5. After the full minute, they are all very dead.
Tactical Nuke:
9th Level Evocation
Range: Sight
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a deadly blast of energy, centred on a target within range. A 330-foot radius sphere of
energy blasts from that target, annihilating everything within range. Everything within range must
make a CON save or take 275 (5d10 x10) radiant damage and an equal amount of necrotic damage
(Save for half, Plants have disadvantage). The area within the sphere becomes desecrated, and
anyone who enters the sphere, or ends their turn there must succeed on a CON save (DC 10 +rounds
spent in area) or take 6 (1d10) necrotic damage and become poisoned. The lasting effects cannot be
dispelled, but will dissipate over the course of 110 (2d10 x10) years or until the area is purified.
Example: Wallace the Warlock casts Tactical Nuke on a city that has displeased his dark patron.
Being full of commoners, it vanishes in a blast of blinding light. When the cloud of dust clears,
nobody is left alive, and the buildings are in ruins. His patron is very pleased.
Devastating Barrage:
5th Level Evocation
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You create large blasts of energy that devastate any and all within them. Choose any number of
points within range (up to an amount twice your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum 2)), each
within 50 feet of one other. 30 foot radius spheres of energy burst from these points, dealing 5d8
damage each. The damage type is chosen by the caster, but must be of a type that the caster has
seen being dealt or be able to deal. Affected creatures must attempt a DEX saving throw. If they
succeed, they take only half damage. If this spell is cast using a higher level spell slot, the damage
each sphere deals increases by another 1d8 damage per slot level above 5 th.
Example: Samer the Sorcerer (20th Level) casts Devastating Barrage at 9th level, centring all 10 blasts
on an Ancient Black Dragon (367HP). The dragon passes his saving throw and screams as many deep
wounds and long cuts open up all over him. He takes 240 slashing damage, reducing him to 127HP.
Angered, he spews acid onto Samer, who fails her save and is reduced to mucus through corrosion.
Shining Shurikens:
1st Level Conjuration
Components: S
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric
A shuriken formed of pure light forms in your hand. Any time after casting, as a bonus action, make a
ranged attack roll against a target within 100 feet, using your spellcasting ability modifier and
proficiency bonus. This can be done on the same turn as the spell was cast unless you have already
used your bonus action. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage as the shuriken explodes
against them. On a critical hit, they must also make a CON save (spell save DC + number of critical
hits) or be blinded until the end of your next turn. If cast using a higher level spell slot, the amount of
shurikens summoned increases by 1 for every level of spell slot above 1 st. These can be thrown at
either different targets or the same one as part of the same bonus action. You may also give these
shurikens to someone else to throw. They are treated as a simple thrown weapon for determining
proficiency, but uses their WIS modifier for the attack roll regardless of proficiency (or lack thereof).
They must use an action to throw. If unused after 1 hour of casting the spell, all remaining shurikens
disappear in a shower of sparkling light.
Example: Christina the Cleric casts Shining Shurikens as a 3rd Level spell. 3 shurikens of light appear in
her hand, hurling them at a gnoll (22 HP). All 3 hit (1 Crit.), so the gnoll takes 13 radiant damage,
reducing him to 9 HP. He passes his CON save, so isn’t blinded. He reaches Christina and kills her.
Oh Shut Up You:
Conjuration Cantrip
Components: V
Range: Hearing
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Bard
You speak the name of the spell, causing a sticky piece of silver material to appear over the mouth of
a creature you can hear. This remains until they or someone else uses an action to remove it.
Example: Bob the Bard, tired of listening to a heckler in the crowd, casts Oh Shut Up You on him. A
silver piece of sticky material appears over his mouth, stopping him from talking. He is laughed from
the room as Bob continues his performance.
3rd Level Abjuration
Components: S
Range: Sight
Duration: Instantaneous
In response to someone you can see casting a spell, you attempt to dull that spell’s power. Make a
spellcasting check against their spell save DC. On a success, the spells range (if it doesn’t require an
attack roll), duration, damage and area of effect is halved. On a failure, nothing happens. This spell
can dampen a spell of 3rd level or lower. If cast using a higher level spell slot, it can dampen a spell
that is of a level equal to or less than the level of the spell slot used.
Example: Bob the Bard, still in the middle of performing, is attacked. Apparently, the heckler he
humiliated has friends with magical power. A sorcerer casts Fireball from his perch in the rafters,
aiming to obliterate him. Bob, noticing this, recognises the spell for what it is and casts Dampen. The
Fireball only travels half the distance towards Bob before bursting in a feeble burst of light, dealing a
pathetic 14 fire damage to an unlucky fly. Bob then knocks him off the rafters with another spell and
the annoyed audience beats him up.
3rd Level Abjuration
Components: S
Range: Sight
Duration: Instantaneous
In response to someone (other than you) you can see casting a spell, you attempt to boost that
spell’s power. Make a spellcasting check against their spell save DC. On a success, the spells range (if
it doesn’t require an attack roll), duration, damage and area of effect is doubled. On a failure,
nothing happens. This spell can intensify a spell of 3 rd level or lower. If cast using a higher level spell
slot, it can intensify a spell that is of a level equal to or less than the level of the spell slot used.
Example: Walton the Wizard wants to cast Fireball at a group of approaching horsemen, not
realising they are currently out of range (200 feet away). Bob the Bard notices the range deficit and
casts Intensify. The spell succeeds, and blasts the horsemen with an 80 foot wide ball of fire, dealing
50 (8d6 x2) fire damage and reducing them to cinders. The surviving horseman (out of the AOE) flees
in terror.
Infuse Item:
1st Level Enchantment
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
You touch a nonmagical item that is no more than 12 inches in any dimension. This item becomes
infused with a vestige of your magical power. Choose one of your cantrips that doesn’t heal or deal
damage. For the duration, anyone holding this item can cast that cantrip, using the item as an arcane
Example: Waylon the Warlock casts Infuse Item on a small iron ball. Being a Tome-lock, he knows
the Light cantrip, so infuses it with that. He makes several of them, and sells them to commoners in
place of lanterns. He does a booming business before leaving town.
3rd Level Transmutation
Range: 30 feet
Classes: Wizard
You attempt to make a target lighter than air. Choose one creature within range. That creature may
make a CHA saving throw or start to float. If they are willing, they can choose to fail this save. While
this spell is in effect, the target’s walking speed is reduced by 0 as they hover just above the ground.
If they have a flying speed, it is doubled for the duration. Any wind blows them away, but if they are
moved out of the line of sight of the caster, the spell ends. They can move slightly by using their
action to blow themselves along (like a mini jet engine). They can move an amount of feet up to
their CON score in a chosen direction. Any effect that would knock them prone sends them flying
1d4x(5 + the STR mod. of the one who knocked them) feet instead. A hit on an attack roll sends them
5 feet times attack ability modifier away. They also have resistance to falling damage while the spell
is in effect (use the effect of a Reverse Gravity spell to calculate). This spell can be maintained for up
to 10 minutes, or until you break your concentration (no action required).
Example: William the Wizard casts Float on an ogre blocking a rope bridge over a ravine. The ogre
fails its save and begins to drift above the surface of the bridge. His Fighter companion knocks him
over the side of the bridge and they cross safely while the baffled ogre flails wildly at the air. Upon
reaching the other side, William drops concentration and lets the ogre plummet. Far below, It is
reduced to a paste on the rocks.