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Brimstone Cards

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Ardent Enforcer Barbazu’s Glyphed Glaive

Very Rare Warhammer (Versatile) Very Rare Glaive (Heavy, Reach, Two-handed)
Requires attunement Requires attunement by a Barbarian, Fighter or Paladin
Damage. 1d8 (1d10) Bludgeoning +3 Fire Damage. 1d10 Slashing +2 Fire
Infernal Metal. You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls you make Infernal Steel. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make
with this weapon. with this weapon.
Mark of the Fallen. As a bonus action, when you make Rip and Tear. If the target of your attack is a creature other
a successful attack against a creature, you can choose to than an undead or a construct, it must make a Constitution
mark it with an infernal rune. The creature has to make a saving throw (DC 12). On a failed save they lose 1d6 hit points
Wisdom saving throw (DC 15). On a failure it is marked, on at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each
a success nothing happens. When marked the creature has time you hit the wounded target with this glaive, the damage
vulnerability to fire and necrotic damage for one minute. If a dealt by the wound increases by 1d6. A creature can take an
creature has immunity to these types of damage it becomes action to stanch the wound with a successful Medicine check
resistant, if the creature has resistance it loses its resistance. (DC 12). The wound also closes if the target receives magical
You can use this feature twice per day, if the save succeeds the healing.
use is also expended.

Boots of the Fiendish Deceiver

Axe of the Chromatic Queen Uncommon Wondrous Item
Very Rare Battleaxe (Versatile) Devilish Deceit. While wearing these boots you have a +2
Requires attunement bonus to Deception checks.
Damage. 1d8 (1d10) +2 Slashing Realmwalker. When a creature wearing these boots is on
Forged in Dragonbreath. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls an evil aligned outer plane, they can spend a bonus action to
you make with this weapon. take on the appearance of a fiend of the same size. A medium
Heads of the Queen. On a successful hit you may choose to or smaller sized fiendish creature (including those with
deal 1d4+1 extra damage. You may choose to have the damage fiendish blood such as tieflings) can spend a bonus action to
type be Lightning, Acid, Poison, Fire or Cold damage. You can take on the appearance of a humanoid of the same size when
use this feature once per turn. they are on the material plane. You can use this feature once
Audience with the Queen. A ritual that takes 10 minutes per long rest.
can be performed by placing an amethyst, emerald, ruby,
sapphire and diamond in the open maws of the dragonheads
on the axe. Over the course of the ritual the gemstones Downfall
crumble into a fine dust and swirl in a 10ft. radius around the Uncommon Greatsword (Heavy, Two-handed, Cursed)
axe. When the ritual is finished a portal opens inside the 10ft. Requires attunement
radius for one minute, any willing creatures that enter the Damage. 2d6+1 Slashing
portal are teleported to a location of their choice in the first Infernal Steel. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make
circle of Hell. with this weapon.
Brought Back. When you are attuned to this sword and fail
at least one death save you are healed for an amount equal to
Downfall Barbazu’s half of your maximum hit points. This effect can only
Glyphed happen once ever to the attuned.
Infernal Pact (Curse). When you are Brought Back as
described above you owe your life to an infernal creature
or entity of the choice of your GM. How and when this will
Ardent become clear, the motivation and character of this being and
Enforcer all other details will be determined by the GM.

Axe of the
Chromatic Queen

Boots of the
Fiendish Deceiver

Fire And Brimstone 1 Bonus Action

El’zharis - Hope’s End Onyx Throne Statuette
Legendary Greatsword (Heavy, Two-handed) Very Rare Wondrous Item
Requires attunement The Dark Seat. As an action you can set the statuette down
Damage. 3d6+3 Slashing on the ground and speak a command word. The statuette
Soul Infused. You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls you make transforms into a full size throne of solid black onyx. The
with this weapon. throne is 3ft by 3ft, the armrests are 3ft. high and the back
Master of Fate. This greatsword can hold 3 charges. For is 8ft. high. The throne has an AC of 15 and 10 hit points.
each charge that it holds it deals an additional 5d6 Necrotic When it is reduced to 0 hit points it transforms back into the
damage on a successful attack once per round. As an action statuette and cannot be used again for 24 hours. Speaking the
you may expend one charge to cast the spell Power Word Kill. command word again causes the throne to revert back to its
You can use this feature once per long rest. The sword regains statuette form.
a single charge when you have killed a thousand Celestial, Dealmaker’s Chair. While sitting on the chair you can
Humanoid or Fiendish creatures while attuned to it. neither be Charmed nor be put to sleep by magic. Additionally
you gain Truesight up to 20ft. and have advantage on Insight,
Persuasion and Intimidation checks.
Fang of the Gatekeeper
Legendary Dagger (Finesse, Light, Thrown)
Requires attunement Pit Fiend’s Bladed Fist
Damage. 1d4 Piercing +3 Necrotic Very Rare Fist Weapon (Finesse, Light, Sentient, Cursed)
Range. 20/60 Requires attunement
Bite of the Hound. You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls you Damage. 1d6+1 Piercing + 1d4 Fire
make with this weapon. Destructive Force. Once per day as an action you can release
Hell’s Guard. You deal 1d4 extra Piercing damage to an orb of fire and necrotic energy from this weapon. Choose
creatures that are either Humanoids or Undead. a point you can see within 120ft. All creatures within a 15ft.
Commands of the Master. Whenever you make an radius around this point have to make a Dexterity saving
Intimidation check, you are allowed to roll 1d6 and add the throw (DC 15) or take 2d6 Fire damage and 2d6 Necrotic
number to your roll. Additionally, depending on the roll, you damage.
receive one of the following features for a brief moment while Voice of the Pit. This weapon is possessed by the essence
intimidating. of a pit fiend with a pyromaniacal disposition. It often
compells the attuned to burn objects, buildings or creatures.
Fang of the G at e k ee p e r E ff e cts Their pleading can potentially interfere with the sanity and
d6 Effect wellbeing of the attuned.
Hold of the Fiend (Curse). When a creature attunes to this
Your voice turns unnaturally more ominous as weapon they may not be able to take it off. Especially if they
you speak. do not follow the wishes of the pit fiend which possesses it.
Your eyes turn completely black for only a few The fiend may suggest putting their hand in flames, this deals
seconds. 2d6 Fire and 1d6 Necrotic damage, the weapon will then slide
Light in a 10ft. radius around you seems to of their arm.
darken for a few seconds.

Pit Fiend’s Onyx Throne

Bladed Fist Statuette

Fang of the

Hope’s End

Fire And Brimstone 2 Bonus Action

Plate of the Demonstalker
Very Rare Heavy Armor (Plate) Plate of the
Requires attunement Demonstalker
AC. 18
Hellforged. While attuned to this armor you have resistance
to Fire and Necrotic damage.
Infernal Bindings. This armor holds 5 charges. As an action,
you can expend any number of charges to cast a spell shown
in the table below (save DC 17). All these spells are cast at
their lowest possible level. The armor regains 1d4+1 charges
after you finish a long rest.

I n fe r n a l B i n di n g S p e lls
Charges Spell
2 Locate Creature
3 Banishment
3 Hold Monster
5 Dispel Evil and Good

Silver Tongued Lyre

Rare Wondrous Item (Musical Instrument, Lyre)
Requires attunement by a Bard Silver Tongued
Infernal Muse. You gain a +1 bonus to your spell attack Lyre
modifier when you cast a spell using this lyre.
Devil’s Grin. While you are attuned to this lyre the spell
Hideous Laughter is added to your list of known spells.
Additionally, the range of this spell is increased by 30ft. for
Hellish Dissonance. As an action, you can play a dissonant
tune on this lyre. All hostile Celestial and Humanoid creatures
that can hear you and are within 90ft. of you have to make a
Wisdom saving throw.
A Celestial has disadvantage on this saving throw. On
a failed save, they take 4d6 Necrotic damage and have
disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of their next
turn. On a successful save, they only take half damage. You
can use this feature once per long rest.

Thorns of Greed
Rare Morningstar
Requires attunement
Damage. 1d8+1 Piercing
Gemfused Steel. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you
make with this weapon.
Pulse of Greed. When you make a succesful attack you may
roll a separate damage die for an additional 1d8 Force damage.
If this roll is equal or higher than your first roll, you may add
it to the total damage. You may do this up to 5 times, so long
as the new roll is higher than the previous roll. If a new roll
Thorns of
deals less damage than the previous roll, the attack misses
completely and you receive half of the damage you would
have dealt to the target.

Fire And Brimstone 3 Bonus Action

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