Brimstone Cards
Brimstone Cards
Brimstone Cards
Very Rare Warhammer (Versatile) Very Rare Glaive (Heavy, Reach, Two-handed)
Requires attunement Requires attunement by a Barbarian, Fighter or Paladin
Damage. 1d8 (1d10) Bludgeoning +3 Fire Damage. 1d10 Slashing +2 Fire
Infernal Metal. You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls you make Infernal Steel. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make
with this weapon. with this weapon.
Mark of the Fallen. As a bonus action, when you make Rip and Tear. If the target of your attack is a creature other
a successful attack against a creature, you can choose to than an undead or a construct, it must make a Constitution
mark it with an infernal rune. The creature has to make a saving throw (DC 12). On a failed save they lose 1d6 hit points
Wisdom saving throw (DC 15). On a failure it is marked, on at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each
a success nothing happens. When marked the creature has time you hit the wounded target with this glaive, the damage
vulnerability to fire and necrotic damage for one minute. If a dealt by the wound increases by 1d6. A creature can take an
creature has immunity to these types of damage it becomes action to stanch the wound with a successful Medicine check
resistant, if the creature has resistance it loses its resistance. (DC 12). The wound also closes if the target receives magical
You can use this feature twice per day, if the save succeeds the healing.
use is also expended.
Axe of the
Chromatic Queen
Boots of the
Fiendish Deceiver
Fang of the
Hope’s End
I n fe r n a l B i n di n g S p e lls
Charges Spell
2 Locate Creature
3 Banishment
3 Hold Monster
5 Dispel Evil and Good
Thorns of Greed
Rare Morningstar
Requires attunement
Damage. 1d8+1 Piercing
Gemfused Steel. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you
make with this weapon.
Pulse of Greed. When you make a succesful attack you may
roll a separate damage die for an additional 1d8 Force damage.
If this roll is equal or higher than your first roll, you may add
it to the total damage. You may do this up to 5 times, so long
as the new roll is higher than the previous roll. If a new roll
Thorns of
deals less damage than the previous roll, the attack misses
completely and you receive half of the damage you would
have dealt to the target.