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The Temple of Broken Blades

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Shrine of the you have the Half-orc’s Relentless Endurance racial

trait and disadvantage on all wisdom saving throws.

This dagger has 3 charges. While attuned to
Broken Blades this dagger, you may expend them to use the
following features:
Before you stands an iron gate set into a Mist of Deception(3 charges). A cloud of
rough wall of natural stone. As you draw nearer, you mist surrounds you, twisting and weaving to deceive
see that the gate is carved with scenes of hopeless battle others. The area within 20 feet of you is lightly
and broken blades. obscured. All other creatures within this area have
If a character opens the gate, it must make a disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws. The
DC 17 Charisma saving throw or take 10d10 force mist lasts for 1 minute, or until dispersed by wind of
damage and fall prone. 10 mph or greater.
As the gates swing open, you see a raised iron Disorienting Strike(1 charge). When
dais, nine cracked statues stand, arrayed three by you hit a creature with an attack with Confusion, the
three, each holding the hilt of a sword, above which target must succeed on a DC 15 wisdom saving
the shards of the shattered blades hover. A hollow throw or be a ected by the confusion spell.
chorus of nine voices echoes through your minds.
“Three by three, these blades all broken,
Gods can’t fail, can’t feel my token,
Speak with me these words unspoken, Weapon(Longsword), rare(optional attunement)
We can’t fall, we stand here broken.” This longsword is made of shards of
If a character says the last line, or if a grass-green and dirt-brown metal frozen in the air
character takes a sword hilt, it may make a Wisdom above the hilt of the sword.
saving throw. If the character fails the save, or This longsword deals 1d8 extra
chooses not to make the save, its hit point bludgeoning damage, or 1d10 extra damage if
maximum is reduced by 2d6, and it immediately wielded with two hands. While wielding this sword,
attunes to the sword. you automatically fail saving throws against being
charmed, and you have the Half-orc’s Relentless
Endurance trait.
Confusion If you are charmed while attuned to this
longsword, you have resistance to all damage, and
Weapon(Dagger), rare(optional attunement) the creature by which you are charmed takes an
This dagger is composed of shards of equal amount of damage.
sea-blue metal, drifting in a salty sea mist above the
When you hit with an attack with this
dagger, you deal 1d4 extra acid, cold, or lightning Weapon(Greatsword), rare(optional attunement)
damage. Additionally, while you wield this dagger, This Greatsword is formed of blood-red shards of
steel drifting in the ames rising from the hilt.
This greatsword deals 2d6 extra re damage on a and automatically fail saving throws against the
hit, and you have the Half-orc’s Relentless frightened condition. While attuned to Terror, you
Endurance trait. However, you have vulnerability to ignore the disadvantage on attack rolls caused by the
cold and psychic damage, as well as one type of frightened condition and have advantage on attack
damage from bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. rolls against the creature that frightened you.
While attuned to this sword, you may use an action
to release a cloud of tormenting ame. Each Arrogance
creature within 20 feet of you must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 re and 2d6 Weapon(Longsword), rare(optional attunement)
psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much Shards of golden metal drift within the beam of
damage on a successful one. light sprouting from the hilt of this sword.
This longsword has the nesse property, and it deals
1d6 extra radiant damage, or 1d8 radiant damage if
wielded with two hands. It sheds bright light in a 30
Weapon(Rapier), Rare(optional attunement) foot radius, and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
This rapier is formed of splintered shards of brilliant While wielding this weapon, you have the half-orc’s
white metal, drifting like stars above the rapier’s hilt. Relentless Endurance trait and vulnerability to all
When you hit a creature with this rapier, you deal damage while in darkness. While attuned to
1d8 extra cold or radiant damage, and while you Arrogance, you may use an action to re a burst of
wield this rapier, you have the Half-orc’s Relentless light in a 30 foot long, 5 foot wide line. Each
Endurance trait, vulnerability to bludgeoning creature in that area must make a DC 15
piercing, or slashing damage, and advantage on Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 radiant
concentration checks. This weapon has 5 charges. damage and have disadvantage on all attack rolls
While you are attuned to Suffering, you may expend until the start of your next turn.
any number of charges to in ict pain and su ering
upon a creature you strike with Suffering. The Hunger
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage for each Weapon(Shortsword), rare(optional attunement)
charge expended at the start of each of its turns for This shortsword is composed of shards of black,
one minute. light-consuming material drifting above a leather
wrapped hilt.
This sword deals necrotic damage instead of
piercing, and when you deal damage with Hunger,
Weapon(scimitar), rare(optional attunement) you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage
This scimitar is formed of a patch of darkness, dealt. Additionally, you have disadvantage on death
within which drifts shards of black metal. saving throws while carrying Hunger. White attuned
When you hit a creature with Terror, the target to Hunger, you may regain hit points rather than
takes 1d6 extra psychic damage. Additionally, you gaining temporary hit points.
have the half-orc’s Relentless Endurance racial trait
Conquest racial trait, and attack rolls against you have
advantage while you are below half your hit point
Weapon(Greatsword), Rare(optional attunement) maximum. While attuned to Desperation, you have a
Conquest is a greatsword formed of shards of +1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws, and you have
opalescent crystal drifting above an ivory hilt. advantage on attack rolls and deal 1d6/8 extra force
This greatsword has the nesse property and can be damage while below half your hit point maximum.
wielded in one hand. When wielded one-handed, it
deals 2d4 slashing damage, rather than 2d6. When
you hit with an attack with Conquest, you deal 2d6
extra force damage, or 2d4 extra damage while
wielded one-handed. While attuned to Conquest,
you may use the following properties:
Prismatic Fortress. As an action, you create a
fortress, which is a gargantuan lling a 30 foot cube.
It has 300 hit points and an Armor Class of 15. It
has one 10 foot wide gate, which you and people of
your choice may pass through. Any other creature
who tries to enter the cube takes 2d6 radiant
damage. You can dismiss the fortress as a bonus
action, and you cannot use Radiant Chains while it
is in e ect.
Radiant Chains. When you hit a creature with
Conquest, you may encase it in chains of light. That
creature is restrained and takes 2d4 radiant damage
at the start of each of your turns. The creature may
make a DC 15 Strength(Athletics) check as an
action, ending the e ect on a success. While a
creature is restrained by this e ect, you cannot use
this feature to restrain another creature, or use
Prismatic Fortress.

Weapon(Katana), Rare(optional attunement)
This sword is formed of shards of grey stone drifting
in a pink and purple nebula above the hilt.
Desperation deals 1d8 extra psychic damage, or 1d10
if wielded with two hands. While you wield this
sword, you have the half-orc’s Relentless Endurance

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