Drow Magic Items
Drow Magic Items
Drow Magic Items
This scourge has a handle of adamantine and five serpentine constructs as lashes. The snakes are
extensions of the will of the scourge’s wielder, hissing and writhing in response to the thoughts
and emotions of the character carrying it. At the wielder’s mental command, the serpents attack as
separate and independent creatures, using the statistics below.
With an attack action, the whip wielder can cause one of the snake heads to attack; as a full attack
action all the heads can attack.
If a good-aligned character tries to wield the scourge, the snakes attack the wielder instead of the
intended target. The snake heads have the following characteristics:
o Tiny Construct; HD 2d10; hp 11; Init +3; Spd 0 ft.; AC 17 (touch 14, flatfooted 14); Atk
+5 melee (1d2–2 and pain, bite); SA Pain; SQ Construct; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +3,
Will +0; Str 6, Dex 17, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1.
Feat: Weapon Finesse (bite).
Pain (Su): The venom of the serpent’s bite causes wracking pains, imposing a –4 penalty
on the victim’s attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 2d4 rounds. A successful
Fortitude save (DC 19) reduces the penalty to –2.
If a snake head is destroyed, it falls off the whip. The remaining heads continue to function
normally until all are destroyed.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Bestow Curse; Price 30,000 gp.
This metal token is normally worn on a chain or in a pouch tied around the neck, occupying the
same space as a necklace. Each bears a symbol of a noble house from a particular drow city and
requires a secret command word to activate it. An insignia has a single minor magical ability that
can be used once per day, usually a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell. Those belonging to powerful drow
often have multiple abilities of various power levels (making them more in tune with the 2E
version of House Insignia, which we use in our campaign, and rules for which are presented on
our accompanying message boards). Typical spells for a house insignia are Blur,Cat's
Grace, Cloak of Dark Power, Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Jump, Levitate,Read
Magic, Scatterspray, Shield, Spider Climb, Unseen Servant, and Water Breathing.
Each insignia is slightly different, even those from the same noble house, so a person aware of the
unique shape of a person's insignia can magically locate that person.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate spell (or spells); Price 360 gp (1st level ability), 2160
gp (2nd level ability), 5400 gp (3rd level ability).
Rod of Tentacles
This disturbing looking rod looks as though it is made out of a coiled mass of tentacles. It is warm
and rubbery to the touch and wiggles slightly when held. If used in melee combat, the rod of
tentacles acts as a +1 heavy mace.
The rod of tentacles allows the wielder to cast Evard's Black Tentacles up to three times a day as if
cast by a 15th level wizard. Once per day, the rod can be turned into a bizarre creature that follows
the commands of the wielder. When hurled to the ground and a command word is spoken, the rod
turns into a mass of writhing, slimy tentacles. It remains in this form for a number of rounds equal
to the wielder's character level. The tentacle beast has the following statistics and abilities (click
the link for stats).
If the tentacle beast is killed, it immediately reverts back into the rod form and cannot be used for
a full 24 hours. If the tentacle beast is destroyed through use of a Disintegrate, Limited
Wish, Miracle, or Wish spell, the rod is completely destroyed.
CL 15th; Craft Rod, Animate Object, Evard's Black Tentacles; Price 86,000 gp; Cost 43,000 gp +
3440 xp.