The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit
Image Credit:
"Magic Shop" by Wiebke Scholz
Amulet of Decisive Protection Cleaver of Wild Swings
Wondrous item, rarity varies Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement by a Barbarian)
This charm is shaped like a shield, with sockets for a This monstrous axe is hideously unbalanced. With all its
number of small gemstones on its face. The number of gems weight concentrated in its head, it seems built to swing once,
in the amulet varies with the amulet's rarity (Uncommon: 1, with a prayer to whatever gods may listen that it doesn't miss.
Rare: 2, Very Rare: 3, Legendary: 4). When you use your Reckless Attack feature while wielding
While wearing this amulet, you may choose to cause an this weapon, its damage die becomes a d20 until the end of
attack that would hit you to miss instead. You may also your turn.
choose to succeed on a saving throw you have failed.
After using either effect, one of the amulet's gems shatters. Combination Attack Knife
If the amulet runs out of gems, it loses its magical properties. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement by a Rogue)
This switchblade's handle conceals a complex mechanism
Bottomless Trash Bin for storing kinetic energy. A simple switch releases this
Wondrous item, uncommon energy, causing the blade to unlock and spring forth for extra
This dingy tin bucket is one foot across and one foot high, puncturing force.
weighs half a pound, and is closed with a thin metal lid. When This knife can hold up to 5 charges and starts with 0. It
you open it, it makes a popping sound as air rushes into it. gains a charge at the end of a turn on which you make a
The bottom of the bin is pure black and allows solid objects Sneak Attack. Before you make a Sneak Attack, you may
to pass through it freely. Liquids merely sit at the bottom and expend any number of charges and declare you are adding
do not pass through. Mundane objects that are engulfed that many d6's to the attack's damage.
entirely by the trash bin vanish and can never be recovered,
obliterated as though touched by a Sphere of Annihilation. Cumulus Horn
Objects are only destroyed by the trash bin if the entire Wondrous item, uncommon
object falls into the blackness. Even the tiniest portion of This hunting horn is made of pearly white metal and
exposed matter will prevent it from being destroyed. streaked through with veins of cyan crystal. It can be used as
The trash bin will reject creatures and magical items that a normal musical instrument by anyone with proficiency in
are inserted into it. Any such entity forced into the bucket will wind or brass instruments.
experience a totally black, airless void for one round before Once per day, as an action, you can blow a specific tune on
being ejected out the bucket's opening, or appearing within 5 the horn and cause its bell to emit a thick pillar of cloud. This
feet of the bucket if the lid is closed after it. cloud is in the shape of a ten-by-ten-foot line that can extend
up to 60 feet in a direction you designate.
Bow of Grudges Vision through the cloud's area is heavily obscured, and it
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement by a Ranger) lasts for an hour or until a wind of 10 mph or stronger
This bow is formed of unusually tensile steel, and features disperses it.
a variety of oaths and curses carved up and down its limbs.
The Bow of Grudges has six charges, each related to one of Defiant Skull Charm
the curses engraved on it. It regains 1d6 charges each dawn. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Whenever you make an attack against one of your Favored This charm is carved of marble in the shape of a human
Enemies with this bow, you may expend a charge and speak skull. Its eye sockets are set with two spectral flames that
one of these curses before rolling to hit. If you do, that attack glow faintly.
deals an additional 1d8 Psychic damage. The creature wearing this charm makes death saving
throws at advantage.
Brace of Manual Labor
Wondrous item, uncommon Flaming Missile
This metal skeleton fits over a medium-sized humanoid's Weapon (dart or ammunition), uncommon
body and manipulates leverage and force to greatly enhance This projectile's tip is formed of red crystal that
the wearer's lifting power. It takes one minute to don, can be occasionally sparks and cracks ominously. When fired or
worn comfortably underneath any armor, and does not thrown, the missile bursts into flame.
impede your movement. When you make an attack with this weapon, treat it as
While wearing the brace, you have advantage on Strength though you were casting Fire Bolt, using Dexterity as your
checks made to push, drag, and lift objects. spellcasting ability. Hit or miss, the projectile burns up after
igniting, turning to ash.
Censer of Soothing Scents
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Gauntlets of Healing Hands
Forged of gold and gleaming electrum, this thurible Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Paladin)
constantly emits a pleasant-smelling mist. You may use the These steel gauntlets are trimmed with burnished copper.
Censer as a holy symbol. Their palms are set with two engraved icons that can
The Censer has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended function as holy symbols.
charges each day at dawn. You may expend a charge from the When you use your Lay On Hands feature while wearing
Censer to cast Cure Wounds as a ritual. these gauntlets, for every 3 hit points you restore to a
creature, the gauntlets restore an additional hit point to that
creature without drawing from your healing pool.
Hammer of Smiting Mimic-Tooth Necklace
Weapon (any bludgeon), rarity varies (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon
This hammer's eye is fitted with a bright gemstone. So long This necklace is a simple rough cord with little adornment.
as the gem is lit, you can use the hammer to cast one of the From it hangs a number of brilliant two-inch-long fangs, all
Smite spells at its lowest possible level. Casting a spell with tarnished with what look like acid marks.
the hamer causes the gem to darken until the next dawn. While wearing this necklace, you become aware if you are
Which spell the hammer can cast determines its rarity, within 100 feet of any creatures pretending to be inanimate
which in turn determines the spell's save DC. objects, such as Cloakers, Darkmantles, Gargoyles, or
(obviously) Mimics.
Spell Rarity Save DC As an action, you may rattle the teeth on the necklace,
Searing Smite Uncommon 14 causing an unsettling scraping and clinking noise. Any
creatures within 50 feet subject to the necklace's awareness
Thunderous Smite Uncommon 14 must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or rustle and
Wrathful Smite Uncommon 14 jostle involuntarily, giving away their position. Be aware that
Branding Smite Rare N/A revealing a creature this way may provoke it to attack.
Blinding Smite Very Rare 16 Mining Pick
Weapon (war pick), uncommon (requires attunement)
Home-Run Bat This heavy iron pickaxe is chipped and pitted, though it
Weapon (club), uncommon (requires attunement by a Monk) parts earth and stone as if it were brand new.
This club is made of exceptionally light ash wood, making it Attacks made with this weapon have advantage to hit
ideal for swinging at small, fast-moving targets. creatures made of earthen or metallic material, such as
When you use your Deflect Missiles feature, you may Golems, Constructs, or Modrons.
spend a ki point to swing the Bat with both hands at the In addition, you have a burrow speed of 5 feet through
incoming projectile. If you do this, add an extra 1d10 to the unworked, unenchanted stone and earth. Ground you burrow
damage you reduce with Deflect Missiles. through with the pick is reduced to dust and rubble, leaving a
If you successfully negate the attack's damage, you clear tunnel behind you.
automatically redirect the projectile and can make a ranged
attack for no ki point cost. Misty Dagger
Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)
Levinrod While this dagger's hilt and handle are not very noteworthy,
Rod, uncommon (requires attunement) its blade appears spectral and transparent. When thrown or
This weighty metal rod is tipped with a blunt prong with swung, the blade trails wisps of vapor that rapidly dissapate.
two tines that occasionally arc electricity. While attuned to this weapon, you can use a bonus action
A Levinrod can be used as a weapon, functioning like a to make it vanish in a burst of mist, after which there is no
mace that deals Lightning damage instead of Bludgeoning. trace of it and it is impossible to find. You may cause it to
The Levinrod has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended rematerialize in your grip or on your person with another
charges at dawn. When you hit with the rod, you may expend bonus action.
a charge to send a pulse of electricity through the prongs.
The creature you hit must make a DC 12 Constitution check Oaken Cudgel
or be Incapacitated until the start of your next turn. Weapon (club), uncommon (requires attunement by a Druid)
This gnarled tangle of roots has bound together tightly
Mage Siphon Amulet enough to function as a decent bludgeon. It seems very
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Sorcerer) receptive to nature-aligned magic.
This amulet consists of a golden disc set with a brilliant While under the effect of the Shillelagh spell, the Cudgel
star ruby. It seems to draw in ambient magic and glows in the swells to the size of a large tree limb, becoming a Greatclub
presence of extremely powerful magical auras. with a damage die of 1d12.
While wearing this amulet, whenever a spell you cast
targets a single hostile creature, that creature must make a Ocaringa
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a Ring, uncommon
failure, you gain a single sorcery point. This thick blue ring is made of ceramic and features twelve
holes around its band. A small nozzle projects from the band
Merciful Weapon and, when blown, it sounds just like a normal ocarina.
Weapon (any melee), rare (requires attunement) This ring can function as a musical instrument, and
This weapon's hilt is gilded and etched with patterns proficiency with any wind instrument will allow you to treat
reminiscent of olive branches. Holding it seems to calm your the Ocaringa as though you were proficient with it.
temper, and you feel hesitant to use it on your fellow man. A Bard that is not proficienct in any wind instrument can
When you make an attack with this weapon against a spend a short rest learning to play the Ocaringa, after which
creature that would bring it to 0 hit points, you may instead they become proficient with it.
bring it to 1 hit point and automatically knock it prone.
You have advantage on Charisma checks made to
intimidate or persuade the creature, as it knows you have
willingly spared its life.
Personal Ballista Pendant Ring of Holy Acrimony
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Ring, rare (requires attunement)
The weighty charm on this pendant is forged of wrought This ring is made of polished marble and set with a single
iron and shaped like an oversized crossbow bolt. medium-sized gem.
Once per day, as part of a ranged weapon attack, you may Once per day, as an action, you may hold the ring aloft and
declare you are using the pendant's magic before making speak a word of power, causing it to glow brightly. All
your attack roll. creatures that can see you within 60 feet that are of the type
The projectile you fire grows to three times its normal size, corresponding to the ring's gemstone must succeed on a DC
adding two of its damage dice to the attack's damage. The 14 Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute or until
attack roll for this attack is made at disadvantage against they take damage.
creatures of Medium size or smaller. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as
far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a
Pomegrenade Tree space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its
Wondrous item, uncommon action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from
This shrub is no more than a foot tall and grows in a sturdy an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
clay pot. To remain healthy, it only requires regular sunlight move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
and a half-pint of water per day.
The fist-sized fruit that grows from this plant is known as Gem Creature Type
the pomegrenade. A single plant produces 1d4 + 1 fruit in a Onyx Undead
week. Pomegrenades can be eaten and a single fruit is Emerald Fey
nutritious enough to serve as a day's rations.
Pomegrenades can also be thrown up to 30 feet, exploding Ruby Fiend
in a blast of seeds and concussive force on impact. All Sapphire Celestial
creatures within 10 feet of the exploding fruit must succeed
on a DC 14 Dexterity save or take 2d6 thunder damage and Bismuth Aberration
2d6 piercing damage, taking half as much on a success.
Ring of Intangible Convenience
Prismatic Ring Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) This ring is made of polished dark wood, with a large
The metal of this ring is streaked with a rainbow pattern diamond held in a carved hand.
that shimmers and shifts around constantly. This ring maintains the Unseen Servant spell at all times.
As an action, you may speak one of the following words to The servant vanishes if you move more than 50 feet away
the ring, or a word closely related to one of them: "Fire," from it, if you dismiss it, or if it is reduced to 0 hit points.
"Cold," "Lightning," "Acid," or "Poison." After the servant vanishes, you may re-summon it as an
All weapon attacks you make have their damage type action after one hour.
replaced with the damage type you stated for one minute.
This does not make the damage count as magical unless the Ring of Magical Missiles
weapon was already magical. Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
You may not use the ring again until the next dawn. This ring is fashioned to look like a very long golden arrow,
twisted into a triple braid around the finger.
Ring of Actual Magical Missiles Once per day, as a bonus action, you may use this ring to
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) conjure a single magical dart or piece of ammunition with a
This simple silver ring is set, not with a gem, but a bright +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This projectile vanishes
white sphere of force. after you make an attack with it or after an hour has passed.
The ring holds 8 charges and regains 1d8 charges every
dawn. As an action, you may expend up to five charges to fire Ring of the Pugilist
that many magic darts, as per the Magic Missile spell. If the Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
ring uses its last charge, its force sphere goes out until dawn. This ring is made of brass, adorned with a single sharp
spike that never dulls or chips.
Ring of Cubic Force While wearing this ring, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) plus your Strength modifier in Piercing damage.
This ring is made of electrum and set with a square panel,
decorated with a single embossed rune. Ring of Second Chances
As an action you may conjure an opaque 5-foot cube of Ring, uncommon
force flush against your palm. The cube floats in space and This pure silver ring is set with a bright white gemstone.
does not move until over 500 pounds is applied to it, at which If the creature wearing this ring is dead, the ring
point it vanishes. The cube also vanishes after existing for 1 immediately casts Revivify on it. This spell is cast even if the
hour or if you dismiss it as an action. creature has been dead for more than a minute. After casting
After using this ring's power once, you cannot use it again the spell, the ring's gem turns black and it loses all magical
until the next dawn. properties.
Rings of Transposition Trained Die Mimic
Rings, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon
These twin rings are made of flawless, highly polished This tiny cube appears to be made of mahogany wood, with
electrum. When you peer into the surface of one, you see the black concave pips on each face numbering 1 through 6.
reflection from the other. Occasionally, one of the pips will open to reveal an eye,
These rings come in a set of two and must be attuned to which will glance around before closing. Stroking the die on
separate characters to function. While within 100 feet of its "6" face causes it to vibrate gently, as if purring.
each other and on the same plane of existence, one character In reality, this die is an infant mimic, trained to hide in its
may activate their ring as a bonus action. The other character owner's pockets and feed on lint and bugs.
becomes aware of this, and can immediately use their As an action, you can throw the mimic up to 30 feet away.
reaction to do the same. Roll an actual d6 to see what face the mimic lands on. When
If both rings are activated before the end of the turn, their the mimic comes to a stop, it opens all the eyes on that face
bearers instantly swap position, regardless of any objects or and fires a beam of energy out of each eye at the nearest
terrain in between them. creature within 15 feet. Each beam is a ranged attack with a
+5 bonus to hit that deals 1d6 force damage.
Ring of Unity After landing and firing its beams, the mimic skitters back
Ring, rare (requires attunement) to you, crawls into your pocket, and falls asleep until the next
This silver ring's band is fashioned to resemble a chain of dawn. However, if it lands on a 1, it instead flees after making
tiny humanoid figures, locked arm in arm. its beam attack, hiding in the nearest dark corner. Finding it
Up to five characters may attune to this ring and may do so requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
during a single short rest, but only one may wear it.
Whenever the character wearing this ring deals damage to Wand of Illegal Tender
a creature, any number of other characters attuned to the Wand, uncommon
ring may use their reaction to add 1d4 to the attack's damage. This wand is a cylinder, seemingly forged of solid gold.
However, the paint has chipped in several places, revealing
Sling of Giant Slaying low-quality iron underneath.
Weapon (sling), uncommon (requires attunement) Once per day, you may wave this wand over up to ten coins,
This sling is made of supple leather and cannot be torn, reciting the command phrase: "He who controls the fools'
punctured, or deformed in any way. gold, controls the fools." They become indistinguishable from
This sling deals 1d6 damage normally. When attacking platinum pieces for one hour, after which they return to their
Giants or any creature at least two size larger than you, it original appearance.
instead deals 2d6 damage.
Wand of Magic Tricks
Stylish Gear Wand, uncommon
Weapon or shield, rare (requires attunement) This wand's ivory shaft is decorated with three spirals that
No single item defines this category of gear. While you are run up its length -- one green, one purple, and one gold.
wielding this impeccably-made equipment, it imparts You may use the wand to cast Druidcraft, Prestidigitation,
knowledge of how to use it most effectively. and Thaumaturgy at will. While one of these spells is active,
Attunement to this item grants you a specific Fighting Style its respective color will glow softly on the wand.
if you did not already have it. What style the item gives you
depends on what type of item it is. Woki-Toki Earring
Wondrous item, uncommon
Category Fighting Style This earring is made of balsa wood and depicts a tribal-
Ranged Weapon Archery stylized face with a large mouth and ears.
One-Handed or Versatile Weapon Dueling While wearing one of these earrings, you can hear anything
spoken by a creature wearing another. You may "deafen" your
Two-Handed Weapon Great Weapon Fighting earring at will, preventing it from receiving any sound.
Shield Protection
Yin-Yang Staff
Twin Light Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement)
This staff's wood is half dark ebony and half pale white
Token of Median Outcomes spruce, coming to a clean divide in the exact center. Each half
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) has a single spiralling stripe of the other color up its length.
This coin is made of iron. One face depicts a bored man of The staff has 10 charges and regains all expended charges
average looks, the other a scale measuring equal weights. at dawn. As an action, you may expend a charge to touch a
Flipping the coin will always result in the opposite of the creature with one end of the staff.
previous flip. The white end of the staff subjects the target to the Bless
While attuned to the token, whenever you make a skill spell. The black end of the staff subjects the target to the
check, saving throw, or attack roll, roll 2d10 instead of a d20. Bane spell with a DC of 12.
Neither of these effects require concentration; however,
you may only use the staff to maintain one Bless and one
Bane at a time. The effect must end before you may use it
Jarl Earl the Mad's Premium Arcana Reserve
Ilgana's Incredible Icebox Entrancing Mirror
Wondrous item, very rare Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
This white box is 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 10 feet long. This mirror is shaped like a great tower shield and has
It weighs 100 pounds while empty. When the lid on its top is convenient handles on the back. It is impossible to scratch or
opened, the inside is revealed to be incredibly cold, though deface, and the image reflected in it seems almost real.
there appears to be no mechanism making it so. You have a +1 bonus to your AC while wielding this shield.
Any food placed into the icebox immediately cools down As an action, you may present the mirror and speak its
and becomes well-preserved, not subject to spoil or rot so command phrase: "Capio Animus." All creatures in a 30-foot
long as it remains in the icebox. Once removed, it cone that can see the Mirror must succeed on a DC 16
immediately warms up to a palatable temperature. Wisdom save or be enthralled as it warps and produces
Food kept in the icebox for 24 hours becomes enchanted. impossible, fascinating images.
This enchantment lasts until eaten or after the food has been Creatures affected by the Mirror are Incapacitated and
outside the box for 1 hour. have their speed reduced to 0. The effect ends on a creature if
Eating food from the icebox cures you of all diseases and that creature takes damage, cannot see the mirror, is ever
poisons, increases your hit point maximum by 2d8, and more than 30 feet away from the mirror, or if someone uses
restores that many hit points to you. This effect lasts for 24 their action to wake them.
hours. The Mirror's power lasts for one minute. After using it this
way, you cannot use it again until the next dawn.
Seismic Sledge
Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires attunement) Ring of the Specialist
This sledgehammer seems to be made entirely of solid Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
feldspar. When swung, it trails light drifts of sand. This ring is divided into six segments, each made of a
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with different material and inlaid with the image of a different
this weapon. animal. While attuning to it, you must focus on one animal.
In addition, three times per day, you may use an action to You have that animal's associated ability score and its
swing the hammer in a grand overhead arc, bringing it down maximum increased by 2, while all other ability scores and
on the ground in front of you. When the hammer hits the their maximums are reduced by 1.
ground, a wall of solid stone springs from the ground at a
point you designate. Animal Material Ability Score
The wall is a rectangle 10 feet high, 20 feet wide, and 3 Bull Ebony Strength
inches thick. It can be oriented any direction you wish, but Cat Silver Dexterity
must be connected to solid stone at some point, allowing you
to create bridges or ramps if you so desire. Bear Marble Constitution
If the wall pushes through a creature's space, that creature Fox Quartz Intelligence
is shoved to one side of the wall (your choice). The wall has
AC 15 and 90 hit points. Owl Ivory Wisdom
Eagle Gold Charisma
Slumbering Bane
Weapon (any martial melee), very rare (requires attunement) Mask of the Pale Stalker
This weapon's blade was once pure white metal, its Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
platinum hilt fashioned like angelic wings. Now, however, the This porcelain mask has no features upon its face, save two
weapon seems absolutely ruined. Its precious metals are all dark eyeholes and a simple grin. A crack runs from top to
tarnished and its business end is rusted and pitted. bottom, splitting one of the eyes in half. None of your facial
This weapon's damage counts as magical, but it has no features can be made out through the mask's "face," though
other unique properties until you critically hit with it. you can see out without any trouble.
Each time you critically hit with this weapon, one of the This mask is deeply unsettling. While you wear it, you have
three gems inlaid on its grip flares to life. For each gem lit disadvantage on Charisma checks made to interact positively
this way, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage with other people. However, you have advantage on Charisma
rolls. If all three gems are lit, the weapon also deals 2d4 extra checks made to threaten, intimidate, or frighten someone.
Radiant damage when attacking Undead creatures. The Mask has 3 charges, and regains 1d3 each day at
If three days pass without this weapon striking a creature dawn. As an action, you may expend a charge to focus the
with a Challenge Rating of at least 1, one of its gems goes out. mask's disquieting aura on a creature that can see you. That
Another gem goes out every 3 days until the weapon strikes creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
such a creature. become Frightened of you.
A creature under the Mask's effects must attempt the
Wisdom saving throw again at the end of each of its turns,
taking 3d10 Psychic damage on a failure. The effect ends
after the creature succeeds on the saving throw, is out of
sight of you at the end of your turn, or after a minute has