EuroCV - Demiris Kostas
EuroCV - Demiris Kostas
EuroCV - Demiris Kostas
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name/ Surname Kostas Demiris
Address 32, I.Tselepi, 54352, Thessaloniki, Greece
Mobile: 0030-6972813080
Nationality Greek
Date of birth 28 / 09 / 1984
Gender Male
Work experience
Dates 2008-2010
Occupation or position held Assistant Accountant
Main activities and responsibilities -Individuals and SMEs bookkeeping
-Monitoring of imports and exports
-Customer invoicing
-Responsible of communicating with clients and the public services
-Processing of invoices and consignment notes
-Auditing and Archiving of documents
Name and address of employer Kesidis Panagiotis , Fragon 24 , 6973308712, Thessaloniki , Greece
Type of business or sector Private accounting office
Dates 2005-2007
Occupation or position held Promotional Team Supervisor
Main activities and responsibilities -I was responsible for the control and coordination of different teams
-I was in charge of the promotional actions taking place in the area of northern Greece
-I had the responsibility of the budget of every action
-After every successful action I conducted the reports stating the results to my supervisors
Name and address of employer Atria Advertising , K.Krystalli 1 , 2310554954 , Thessaloniki, Greece
Type of business or sector Advertising and Promotion Services
Education and training
Dates 2003-2010
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor in Economics
Principal subjects/occupational skills Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Trade, International Monetary Relations, European
covered Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Applied Mathematics, Sociology, E-commerce,
Advanced Computer Science, Consumer Behaviour, Financial Affairs
Name and type of organisation University of Macedonia (Greece)
providing education and training
Dates 01/2010-06/2010
Title of qualification awarded Certificate of attendance of “Specialised Auditing and Accounting Workshop”
Principal subjects/occupational skills Value added tax (VAT) – Income tax (For businesses and individuals) – Labour-Pension Payroll-Social
covered security schemes –IAS/IFRS
Name and type of organisation Private accounting and auditing institution of the professor and publisher D.Karagiannis
providing education and training
Social skills and competences -Team work: I have participated in several research projects in academic level . Before and after
graduation I have been an active member of AIESEC where everything is achieved within a team.
In my professional life I have acquired experience working in teams from my post as Team Supervisor.
-Intercultural skills: I am experienced at working in a global dimension such as hosting and cooperating
with members of AIESEC from all over the world.
-Communication skills: I had energetic participation in acquisition of new members for AIESEC and
as a Team Supervisor I have conducted many field interviews.
Organisational skills and -As an undergraduate, I have been responsible to assembly and coordinate teams to conduct academic
competences researches, one of whom was “English Postgraduate studies and Institutions”.
-In AIESEC I have been in charge of booking flights and hotels for many travels in other, mainly
European, countries.
- I have organised several promotional actions in the wider area of northern Greece and some islands.
Computer skills and competences - Expert in Windows OS (applications, settings, troubleshooting…)
- Competent with Linux OS
- MS Office (Excel, Access, Word, Power Point, Outlook)
- OpenOffice
- Working experience of KEFALAIO 4 & X-Line
- Extensive web research experience
- Extensive experience on social networks
- Experience with VBA programming
- Possession of the ECDL diploma
- Extensive Software – Hardware knowledge
- Experience with HTML/CSS & JavaScript
- Competent with Adobe Photoshop & Dreamweaver
Driving licence Category B
Seminars Certificate of attendance of the seminar « Workshop for new Entrepreneurs »
Certificate of attendance of the seminar « E-Business. Online start-ups »
Additional information The period 2007-2008 I was fulfilling my military obligations
Personal interests Programming accounting user-forms in Excel, Testing wireless networks, Setting up VoIP dial plans.
Also, I enjoy paintball , football ,swimming and chess and love to travel and experience different cultures.