Ed 15112
Ed 15112
Ed 15112
Group: Controls
Part Number: ED 15112
Date: October 2008
Supersedes: New
MicroTech® III
Applied Air Handling Unit Controller
Protocol Information
BACnet® Networks
LONWORKS® Networks
2 ED15112
Duct High Limit Fault .................................................................................. 89 Outdoor Temp Problem................................................................................ 98
Emergency Off Fault.................................................................................... 89 Return Temp Problem .................................................................................. 98
Entering Fan Temp / Leaving Coil Temp Problem ..................................... 90 Space Temp Problem ................................................................................... 98
Entering Water Temp Problem .................................................................... 90 Sump Pump Fail Problem ............................................................................ 99
Freeze Fault .................................................................................................. 91 Waterflow Switch Problem .......................................................................... 99
Freeze Problem............................................................................................. 91 Water Regulating Valve Problem .............................................................. 100
High Discharge Temp Fault ......................................................................... 91 BACnet Device Management.......................................................101
High Pressure Circuit 1 Problem ................................................................. 92 DeviceCommunicationControl - Disable................................................... 101
High Pressure Circuit 2 Problem ................................................................. 92 DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable.................................................... 101
High Pressure Circuit 3 Problem ................................................................. 93 ReinitializeDevice (Reset) ......................................................................... 101
High Pressure Circuit 4 Problem ................................................................. 93 Appendix A: Protocol Implementation
High Pressure Circuit 5 Problem ................................................................. 93 Conformance Statement (PICS) ..................................................102
High Pressure Circuit 6 Problem ................................................................. 94 BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement ..................... 102
High Return Temp Fault .............................................................................. 94 Product Description.................................................................................... 102
Low Discharge Temp Fault.......................................................................... 95 BACnet Standardized Device Profile ........................................................ 102
Low Pressure Circuit 1 Problem .................................................................. 95 Standard Object Types Supported.............................................................. 104
Low Pressure Circuit 2 Problem .................................................................. 95 Data Link Layer Options............................................................................ 106
Low Pressure Circuit 3 Problem .................................................................. 96 Segmentation Capability ............................................................................ 107
Low Pressure Circuit 4 Problem .................................................................. 96 Device Address Binding ............................................................................ 107
Low Pressure Circuit 5 Problem .................................................................. 96 Networking Options ................................................................................... 107
Low Pressure Circuit 6 Problem .................................................................. 97 Character Sets Supported ........................................................................... 107
Mixed Air Temp Problem ............................................................................ 97 Index ..............................................................................................108
Revision History
ED15112 September 2008 Preliminary release.
Software Revision
Keypad Menu Path Version Information\App Version=
The software part number is encoded in the controller’s memory and is available for display on the keypad/display. The
part number is available via BACnet® system integration tools. The software part number codification is as follows:
250 6017 1 00
Implied digits on all MicroTech III Air Handling software
Base part number (6017 indicates standard software)
This edition documents Network Protocols for version 2506017100 of the standard MicroTech® III Applied Air Handling
Unit Controller application and all subsequent versions until otherwise indicated. However, if your software is of a later
version (for example, 2506017101), some of the information in this document may not completely describe your
You can determine the revision of the application software from the keypad/display. The path for this information from the
main menu is Version Information\App Version=.
Reference Documents
Company Number Title Source
McQuay International OM 920 MicroTech III Unit Controls for Applied Rooftop and Self- www.mcquay.com
Contained Systems Operation Manual
American Society of ANSI/ BACnet® A Data Communication Protocol for Building www.ashrae.org
Heating, Refrigerating and ASHRAE Automation and Control Networks
Air-Conditioning 135-2004
LonMark Interoperability 078-0120-01G LonMark® Layers 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines, Version 3.4 www.lonmark.org
LonMark Interoperability 078-0120-01G LonMark Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines, www.lonmark.org
Association Version 3.4
LonMark Interoperability 8500_10 LonMark Functional Profile: Space Comfort Controller, Version www.lonmark.org
Association 1.0
LonMark Interoperability 8600_10 LonMark Functional Profile: Discharge Air Controller, Version www.lonmark.org
Echelon Corporation 078-0156-01G LONWORKS FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver Users Guide www.echelon.com
ED15112 3
© 2008 McQuay International, Minneapolis MN. All rights reserved throughout the world
McQuay International reserves the right to change any information contained herein without prior notice. The user is
responsible for determining whether this product is appropriate for his or her application.
™ ® The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies: BACnet from American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Echelon, LONWORKS, LONMARK, and LonTalk from
Echelon Corporation, Windows from Microsoft Corporation, and McQuay and MicroTech from McQuay International.
Limited Warranty
Consult your local McQuay Representative for warranty details. Refer to Form 933-430285Y. To find your local McQuay
Representative, go to www.mcquay.com.
4 ED15112
This document contains the necessary information you need to incorporate a MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit
Controller (i.e. Rooftop or Self-Contained Unit) from McQuay International into a building automation system (BAS). It
lists all BACnet® properties, LONWORKS variables, and corresponding MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller
data points. It also contains the BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). BACnet and LONWORKS
terms are not defined. Refer to the respective specifications for definitions and details.
Protocol Definitions
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller can be configured in either an interoperable BACnet or
LONWORKS network. The controller must have the corresponding MicroTech III communication module installed for
network integration (see Reference Document section for corresponding part numbers). There are three MicroTech III
communication modules: BACnet/IP, BACnet MS/TP (Master/Slave Token Passing), and LONWORKS. There are two
LONWORKS modules: one in accordance with the LonMark Space Comfort Controller (General) functional profile and one
in accordance with the Discharge Air Controller functional profile.
BACnet Protocol
BACnet is a standard communication protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks developed by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) and American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) specified in ANSI/ASHRAE standard 135-2004. It addresses all aspects of the various systems that are applied
to building control systems. BACnet provides the communication infrastructure needed to integrate products manufactured
by different vendors and to integrate building services that are now independent.
A control network specification for information exchange built upon the use of LonTalk for transmitting data developed by
the Echelon Corporation.
LonTalk Protocol
A protocol developed and owned by the Echelon Corporation. It describes how information should be transmitted between
devices on a control network.
LonMark Certification
LonMark certification is an official acknowledgement by the LonMark Interoperability Association that a product
communicates using the LonTalk protocol and transmits and receives data per a standard LonMark functional profile. The
MicroTech III LONWORKS communication modules are LonMark 3.4 certified in accordance with the Space Comfort
Controller (SCC) and Discharge Air Controller (DAC) functional profiles.
ED15112 5
Basic Protocol Information
BACnet Networks
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller conforms to the BACnet Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004) as
stated in the Protocol Implementation and Conformance Statement (PICS). See BACnet Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement on page 87.
BACnet Objects
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers incorporate standard BACnet object types (i.e., object types defined
in the BACnet Standard) that conform to the BACnet Standard. Each object has properties that control unit variables or data
points. Some object types occur more than once in the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller; each
occurrence or instance has different properties and controls different unit variables or data points. Each instance is
designated with a unique instance index. Some properties can be adjusted (read/write properties, e.g., setpoints) from the
network and others can only be interrogated (read-only properties, e.g., status information).
Each data point accessible from a BACnet network is described with a table that gives the Object Identifier, Property
Identifier, Full BACnet Reference or path, and the Name enumeration of the property.
6 ED15112
Example of BACnet Data Point
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Flow Summary\Ret/Exh Fan=
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Output 4 1 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ExhFanState.Present_Value
0 = Off
1 = On
Object Identifier
Object Identifiers are each designated with an Object type as defined in the BACnet specification. The first column of the
data point definition gives the object type. This object happens to be Return/Exhaust Fan Status (See page 67.)
The object identifier is a property of the object that you can read from the object. The name of the property is
“Object_Identifier” and the property identifier is 75.
Each object in the Air Handling controller has a unique identifier. BACnet object identifiers are two-part numbers of
BACnet Object Identifier data type. The first part identifies the object type (the first 10 bits of the 32-bit BACnet Object
Identifier [See ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004 BACnet A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control
Networks]). The first column of the data point definition gives the object type. The second part identifies the instances of
that particular object type (the last 22 bits of the 32-bit BACnet Object Identifier).
The object identifier is shown in the data points listing as two numbers. The first number is shown in the Type ID column
and designates the Object type enumeration. The second number is shown in the Instance column and designates the
instance of that particular object type.
The object identifier is a property of the object that you can read from the object code. The name of the property is
“Object_Identifier” and the property identifier is 75. The ASHRAE BACnet specification reserves the first 128 numbers for
ASHRAE defined objects. Manufacturers may define additional object types and assign a number above 127 as long as they
conform to the requirements of the ASHRAE BACnet specification.
Each object also has a name. Object names are character strings. The object name is a property of the object that you can
read from the object. The name of the property is “Object_Name” and the property identifier is 77.
Objects are sometimes referred to as an object type and instance number as they are in the BACnet specification. The
example object above would be: Binary Output, Instance 1.
Property Identifier
Each object has a number of properties or attributes. Each property has a unique identifier of BACnet Property Identifier
data type. Property identifiers are an enumerated set; a number identifies each member. The Property Identifier enumeration
number is shown in the Property ID column. In the example above the property identifier is 85.
Property Name
Each property also has a unique name. Property names are character strings and shown in the Property Name column. In the
example above the property name is Present Value.
Full Reference
The full reference is the path of the property within the network where the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit
Controller resides. It is a character string equivalent to the object identifier and the property identifier. In the example above
the full reference is <Device Name>.ExhFanState.Present_Value.
Enumerated Values
Some properties are standard data types and some are enumerated sets. If the property value is an enumerated set, all
enumerated values and corresponding meaning are given in the Enumeration column of the data point listing.
ED15112 7
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller Device Object
Each BACnet compatible device must have one and only one BACnet Device Object.
Device Object Identifier
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller Device Object Identifier uniquely specifies the unit within the
network. The device object type for all devices is fixed by ASHRAE at 8. Therefore the device object instance number must
be unique. The initial Device Object identifier is set at manufacturing. The device object identifier can be read from the unit
controller. The name of the property is “Object_Identifier” and the property identifier is 75.
The initial device object instance number is 1579312. This number must be unique on the entire BACnet network. The
object instance number can be changed via the keypad display. You must cycle power for the change to take effect.
If another device in the network already has this object identifier (instance number), you must change the instance
number of one device object, so that all devices in the network have a unique device identifier.
Network Considerations
Access to Properties
Object properties are accessible from the network by specifying the device object identifier, object identifier, and the
property identifier. To access a property, you must specify the object identifier including the device object identifier or the
object name including the device object name and the property identifier.
BACnet/IP Addressing
The BACnet/Internet Protocol (BACnet/IP) address of the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller in a
BACnet/IP network consists of the four-octet Internet Protocol address followed by the two-octet UDP (User Datagram
Protocol) port number. The BACnet/IP address is a six-octet value analogous to a MAC address. The IP address portion of
the BACnet/IP address must be unique in the BACnet/IP network segment. The default UDP port number in the MicroTech
III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller is 47808 (BAC0 in hexadecimal).
The device object of the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller contains a Given Internet Protocol Subnet
Mask (Default is and a default Given IP address of The controller does support DHCP (Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol) IP addressing which is enabled by default.
The keypad/display can be used to configure the BACnet/IP addressing. The keypad will display the current IP address
only when the network is connected.
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller can be incorporated into a BACnet/IP network dedicated to
BACnet devices only or an Ethernet network shared with BACnet devices and other devices.
ED15112 9
Setting Unit Controller Communication Parameters in the Basic Protocol Information section found previously in this
10 ED15112
LONWORKS technology, developed by Echelon Corporation, is the basis for LonMark interoperable systems. This
technology is independent of the communications media. The LonMark Interoperable Association has developed standards
for interoperable LONWORKS technology systems. In particular they have published standards for HVAC equipment
including the Discharge Air Controller functional profile and the Space Comfort Controller functional profile. These
profiles specify a number of mandatory and optional standard network variables and standard configuration parameters.
This manual defines these variables and parameters available in the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller.
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers with the LONWORKS communications modules operate in
accordance with the Discharge Air Controller (DAC) functional profile and the Space Comfort Controller (SCC) functional
profile of the LonMark Interoperability standard.
LONWORKS Variables
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers incorporate LONWORKS network variables to access unit data points.
The unit controller uses LONWORKS Standard Network Variable Types (SNVT) from each profile. Some data points can be
adjusted (input network variables, nvi) (read/write attributes, e.g., setpoints) from the network and others can only be
interrogated (output network variables, nvo) (read only attributes, e.g., status information). Configuration variables (nci) are
included with the read/write attributes.
Each data point accessible from a LONWORKS network is described with a table that gives the LONWORKS Name, Profile,
SNVT Type, and SNVT Index. If the variable is a configuration variable the table also includes the SCPT Reference and the
SCPT Index.
This column gives the name of the standard network variable type from the master list.
SNVT Index
This column gives the number of the standard network variable type from the master list.
SCPT Reference
This column gives the name of the Standard Configuration Parameter Type (SCPT) from the master list.
SCPT Index
This column gives the number of the Standard Configuration Parameter Type (SCPT) from the master list.
Network Considerations
Network Topology
Each MicroTech III LONWORKS Communication Module is equipped with an FTT-10A transceiver for network
communications. This transceiver allows for (1) free topology network wiring schemes using twisted pair (unshielded) cable
and (2) polarity insensitive connections at each node. These features greatly simplify installation and reduce network
commissioning problems. Additional nodes may be added with little regard to existing cable routing.
ED15112 11
Free Topology Networks
A LONWORKS “free topology network“ means that devices (nodes) can be connected to the network in a variety of
geometric configurations. For example, devices can be daisy-chained from one device to the next, connected with stub
cables branching off from a main cable, connected using a tree or star topology, or any of these configurations can be mixed
on the same network as shown in Figure 1. Free topology segments require termination for proper transmission
performance. Only one termination is required. It may be placed anywhere along the segment. Refer to Echelon
LONWORKS FTT-10A Transceiver User’s Guide for further details (see Reference Documents section).
Free topology networks may take on the following topologies:
• Bus
• Ring
• Star
• Mixed - Any combination of Bus, Ring, and Star
Ring Topology
Star Topology
Singly Terminated Bus Topology
Termination } Termination
Mixed Topology
A network segment is any part of the free topology network in which each conductor is electrically continuous. Each of the
four diagrams is a illustration of a network segment. Some applications may require two or more segments; see “Free
Topology Restrictions.” If necessary, segments can be joined with FTT-10A-to-FTT-10A physical layer repeaters. See
Figure 2. Refer to Echelon LONWORKS FTT-10A Transceiver User’s Guide for further details.
Figure 2. Combining Network Segments with a Repeater
Termination Termination
12 ED15112
Free Topology Restrictions
Although free topology wiring is very flexible, there are restrictions. A summary follows, refer to the Echelon FTT-10A
User’s Guide for details.
1. The maximum number of nodes per segment is 64.
2. The maximum total bus length depends on the wire size:
Wire Size Maximum Node-to-Node Length Maximum Cable Length
24 AWG 820 ft (250 m) 1476 ft (450 m)
22 AWG 1312 ft (400 m) 1640 ft (500 m)
16 AWG 1640 ft (500 m) 1640 ft (500 m)
The longest cable path between any possible pair of nodes on a segment must not exceed the maximum node-to-node
distance. If two or more paths exist between a pair of nodes (e.g., a loop topology), the longest path should be
considered. Note that in a bus topology, the longest node-to-node distance is equal to the total cable length.
a. The total length of all cable in a segment must not exceed the maximum total cable length.
3. One termination is required in each segment. It may be located anywhere along the segment.
Doubly Terminated Networks
You can extend the maximum total cable length without using a repeater by using doubly-terminated network topology. See
Figure 3. The trade-offs are (1) this network topology must be rigorously followed during the installation and subsequent
retrofits and (2) two terminations must be installed at the ends of the bus for proper transmission performance. Refer to
Echelon LONWORKS FTT-10A Transceiver User’s Guide.
Termination Termination
ED15112 13
Device addresses are defined at the time of network configuration. All device addresses have three parts. The first part is the
Domain ID, designating the domain. Devices must be in the same domain in order to communicate with each other. The
second part is the Subnet ID that specifies a collection of up to 127 devices that are on a single channel or a set of channels
connected by repeaters. There may be up to 255 subnets in a domain. The third part is the Node ID that identifies an
individual device within the subnet.
A group is a logical collection of devices within a domain. Groups are assembled with regard for their physical location in
the domain. There may be up to 256 groups in domain. A group address is the address that identifies all devices of the
group. There may be any number of devices in a group when unacknowledged messaging is used. Groups are limited to 64
devices if acknowledged messaging is used.
A broadcast address identifies all devices within a subnet or domain.
LONWORKS network variables for both the Discharge Air Controller and the Space Comfort Controller are defined below.
Variables are used in both the Space Comfort Controller and Discharge Air Controller profiles unless marked otherwise.
Data Integrity
The integrity of some data depends on a valid network connection to maintain current values. The following data points
require a valid network connection if bound. If data points listed in Table 2 do not change after a given time, the controller
reverts to local control. In the case of the LonWorks module, the variables will revert to their default values. The BACnet
variables listed implement priority array. However, they can only be written at priority 8.
14 ED15112
Data Point BACnet Variable LonWorks Variable
Outdoor Air Temperature OutdoorTempInput nviOutdoorTemp
Space Temperature SpaceTempInput nviSpaceTemp
Primary Cool Enable nviPrmClgEnV & nviPrmClgEnS nviPriCoolEnable
Primary Heat Enable nviPrmHtgEnV & nviPrmHtgEnS nviPriHeatEnable
Economizer Enable nviEconEnaV & nviEconEnaS nviEconEnable
Exhaust Fan Capacity Input ExhFanCapNetIn nviExhFanCap
Return Fan Capacity Input RetFanCapNetIn nviRetFanCap
Water Flow Switch Input WaterflowSwitch nviCWFlow
Space Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Input SpaceIAQNetIn nviSpaceIAQ
Relative Humidity Input SpaceRHNetIn nviSpaceRH
ED15112 15
Typical Application: Minimum Integration
When you have integrated the unit into your network, you can monitor and control unit operation from your workstation. At
a minimum, you can:
• Display and monitor a minimum of important data points on your workstation display
• Turn the unit on or off from your workstation
• Set the schedule from your workstation and
• Operate the unit safely
This section gives you the basic information and outlines a procedure to set up the unit for network control.
S7 Switch
3. On the unit keypad, set the Control Mode function to AUTO. The keypad password (2526) is required to edit this
function. For a detailed description of how to use the keypad, refer to MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit
Controller Operation Manual (OM 920).
16 ED15112
Display Important Data Points
Typical workstation displays of MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller attributes include the following
significant data points (page number of detailed description in parenthesis). Each data point is identified with a number that
also identifies it in the Comprehensive Data Point Tables. These data points are also shaded in the comprehensive tables so
that you can distinguish them from the rest of the data points in the table. References in the text of this section also identify
these data points with a number and shading.
Table 3. Significant Data Points
No Configuration No Temperatures/Pressures No Setpoints No Clear Alarms
1 Unit State (71) 5 Discharge Air Temperature 9 Duct Static Pressure Setpoint 14 Clear Alarms (81)
(34) (35)
2 Application Mode 6 Return Air Temperature 10 Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
(29) (66) (72)
3 Occupancy (55) 7 Outdoor Air Temperature 11 Occupied Cooling Setpoint
(60) (58)
4 Occupancy Mode 8 Duct Static Pressure (35) 12 Occupied Heating Setpoint
(56) (59)
13 Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
You can display any number of additional data points based on job requirements or individual preference. See LONWORKS
Variables on page 25 for lists of all LONWORKS Variables available to a LONWORKS network. See BACnet Standard
Objects on page 20 for a list of all Standard BACnet Objects available to a BACnet network. For a more detailed description
of all available data points, see the Detailed Data Point Information section on page 29.
Network Off
The unit can be turned off over the network by writing to the (2) Application Mode (see page 29). Writing AUTO to
Application Mode allows the unit controller to determine its mode of operation based on input conditions. Writing OFF to
Application Mode shuts down the unit, etc.
The Emergency Override Mode Flag (see page 39) can also be used to shut down the unit from the network.
ED15112 17
Alarms in a MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller are divided into three classes: Faults, Problems, and
• Fault Alarms have the highest priority.
• Problem Alarms have medium priority.
• Warning Alarms have the lowest priority.
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers may have their alarms monitored by one of four methods: 1)
individually by BACnet Binary Values, 2) Alarm value using one BACnet Analog Value, 3) Alarm class, or 4) Notification
1. To monitor alarms individually, read the Present_Value of the desired Binary Value object. Each alarm has its own
Binary Value object. If the Present_Value is Inactive (0), the alarm is not active. If the Present_Value is Active (1),
the alarm is active.
2. To monitor alarms by alarm value, read the Present_Value property of the Alarm Value Analog Value object. The
Present_Value displays a value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have
multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is displayed. For example, if there is a simultaneous Dirty Filter
Warning (value of 24) and a Freeze Fault (value of 252), then the Freeze Fault value of 252 will display in the
Present_Value because it is the higher priority alarm of the two. Once the Freeze Fault condition is corrected and the
fault is cleared, the next priority active alarm value (in this example, value of 24 for Dirty Filter alarm) is displayed.
The values for all alarms are described in the Alarms section tables. If the Present_Value displays a zero, there are no
active alarms.
3. To monitor alarms by alarm class, read the Present_Value of the appropriate Analog Value object (Warnings, Problems
and Faults). The Present_Value displays a value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active for that
particular alarm class. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is displayed.
4. To monitor alarms using the Notification Class object, see the Alarm Notification section.
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers may have their alarms monitored by one of two methods: 1) by using
the In_alarm attribute of nvoUnitStatus, or 2) by alarm class.
1. Alarms within MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers can be monitored individually by using the In
Alarm attribute of the Unit Status Network Variable Output (i.e. nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm). This attribute displays a
value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only
the highest priority is displayed in this attribute. For example, if there is a simultaneous Dirty Filter Warning (value of
24) and a Freeze Fault (value of 252), then the Freeze Fault value of 252 will display in nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm
because it is the higher priority alarm of the two. Once the Freeze Fault condition is corrected and the fault is cleared,
the next priority active alarm value (in this example, value of 24 for Dirty Filter alarm) is displayed. The values for all
alarms are described in the Alarms section tables. If the attribute nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm displays a zero, there are no
active alarms.
When the nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm attribute reads a value in the range of 1 to 99, a Warning Alarm is active. When the
attribute reads a value in the range of 100 to 199, a Problem Alarm is active. When the attribute reads a value in the
range of 200 to 255, a Fault Alarm is active.
2. To monitor alarms by alarm class, read nvoWarnAlarm, nvoProbAlarm and nvoFaultAlarm. The value corresponds to
the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers have one Multi-State Value objects that can be used to clear alarms;
ClearAlarms (See page 81). All alarms of a particular class may be cleared by writing the appropriate value to the Present
Value property of ClearAlarms (2=ClearAllFaults, 3=ClearAllProblems, 4=ClearAllWarnings). All alarms of all three
18 ED15112
classes can be cleared by writing a 5 (ClearAllAlarms) to Present_Value. Once the alarms are cleared, the Present_Value of
this object goes back to None (1).
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers have one variable that can be used to clear alarms; nviClearAlarms
(See page 81). All alarms of a particular class may be cleared by writing the appropriate value to nviClearAlarms
(1=ClearAllFaults, 2=ClearAllProblems, 3=ClearAllWarnings). All alarms of all three classes can be cleared by writing a 4
(ClearAllAlarms) to nviClearAlarms. Once the alarms are cleared, this variable goes back to None (0).
ED15112 19
Comprehensive Data Point Tables
These comprehensive data point tables contain the significant parameters of specific data points. The shaded data points
with numbers are the data points listed in Table 3.
(Keypad attributes available as
BACnet Standard Objects for Description
network control of the unit)
Unit State 71 R MSV 15 1=Off, 2=Start, 3=Recirc, 4=FanOnly, 5=MinDAT, 6=Htg,
7=Econo, 8=Clg
*(1) McQuay AHU Unit Status 50 R MSV 1 Mode: 1=Enabled, 2=OffMan, 3=OffManCtrl, 4=OffNet,
5=OffAlm, 6=OffFanRetry
Cooling Status 32 R MSV 2 1=Enabled, 2=None, 3=OffAmb, 4=OffAlarm, 5=OffNet,
Heating Status 43 R MSV 4 1=Enabled, 2=None, 3=OffAmb, 4=OffAlarm (Not Used),
5=OffNet, 6=OffMan
Economizer Status 37 R MSV 3 1=Enabled, 2=None, 3=OffAmb, 4=OffAlarm (Not Used),
5=OffNet, 6=OffMan
Cooling Capacity 32 R AV 1 cooling capacity (%)
Heating Capacity 42 R AV 2 heating capacity (%)
Supply Fan Capacity 70 R AI 8 Current supply fan capacity (%)
Return/Exhaust Fan Capacity 66 R AI 10 Current return or exhaust fan capacity (%)
Economizer Capacity 36 R AV 15 Feedback value (%)
Emergency Override 39 W MSV 10 1=Normal, 2=Off (Shuts unit off via a network signal, puts
Unit Status = OffNet)
*(2) Application Mode 29 C MSV 5 1=Off, 2=HeatOnly, 3=CoolOnly, 4=FanOnly, 5=Auto
*(3) Occupancy 55 R MSV 6 1=Occ, 2=Unocc, 3=TntOvrd
*(4) Occupancy Mode 56 W MSV 7 1=Occ, 2=Unocc, 3=TntOvrd, 4=Standby (not used) 5=Auto.
Control Temperature 32 R AI 14 Current reading of sensor
*(5) Discharge Air Temperature 34 R AI 1 Current reading of sensor
*(6) Return Air Temperature 66 R AI 2 Current reading of sensor
Space Temperature 69 R AI 3 Current reading of sensor
*(7) Outdoor Air Temperature 60 R AI 4 Current reading of sensor
Entering Fan / Leaving Coil Temp 40 R AI 7 Current reading of sensor
Entering Water Temperature 40 R AI 6 Current reading of sensor
Mixed Air Temperature 52 R AI 5 Current reading of sensor
Flow Summary
Exhaust Fan Status 67 R BV 1 0=Off, 1=On
VAV Box Output 74 R MSV 14 N/A 1=Heat (Off), 2=Cool (On)
SAF Spd Control
*(8) Duct Static Pressure 35 R AV 6 N/A Current reading of sensor. If unit has two sensors the lower of
the two is displayed
*(9) Duct Static Pressure Setpoint 35 W AV 7 N/A Default = 1.00” WC
Remote Supply Fan Capacity 65 W MSV 11 1=DSP, 2=Speed
Control Flag
Supply Fan Capacity Input 70 C AV 21 N/A Default = 163.835 (Null)
RF/EF Spd Control
Building Static Pressure 30 R AI 9 Current reading of sensor value or network input
Building Static Pressure Setpoint 31 W AV 8 Default = 0.050” WC
Remote Return/Exhaust Fan 65 W MSV 12 1=None, 2=Tracking, 3=BldgP, 4=Speed
20 ED15112
Network Control Property
(Keypad attributes available as
BACnet Standard Objects for Description
network control of the unit)
ED15112 21
Network Control Property
(Keypad attributes available as
BACnet Standard Objects for Description
network control of the unit)
22 ED15112
Network Control Property
(Keypad attributes available as
BACnet Standard Objects for Description
network control of the unit)
ED15112 23
Note: Objects that appear in multiple locations on the keypad are only listed in the location they first appear on the
keypad. Not all menus and items shown here will appear on keypad depending upon the specific unit
configuration. Those that do not appear are not applicable to the unit.
24 ED15112
LONWORKS Variables
Network Control Property
Keypad attributes available as
LONWORKS Variables for network SNVT/SCPT
Page Variable Name SCC DAC Description
control of the unit Index
*(1) Unit State 71 nvoUnitStatus 112 Mode 0=AUTO, 1=HEAT,
*(1) McQuay AHU Unit Status 50 nvoMcQAHUStatus N/A Mode: 0=Enabled, 1=OffManCtrl, 2=OffMan,
3=OffNet, 4=OffAlm, 5=OffFanRetry
Cooling Status 32 nvoMcQAHUStatus N/A 0=Enabled, 1=None, 2=Off Amb, 3=Off Alarm,
4=Off Net, 5=Off Man
Heating Status 43 nvoMcQAHUStatus N/A 0=Enabled, 1=None, 2=Off Amb, 3=Off Alarm
(Not Used), 4=Off Net, 5=Off Man
Economizer Status 37 nvoMcQAHUStatus N/A 0=Enabled, 1=None, 2=Off Amb, 3=Off Alarm
(Not Used), 4=Off Net, 5=Off Man
Cooling Capacity 32 nvoUnitStatus 112 nvoUnitStatus.cool_output(%)
Heating Capacity 42 nvoUnitStatus 112 nvoUnitStatus.heat_output_primary(%)
Supply Fan Capacity 70 nvoUnitStatus 112 Fan_Output Current supply fan capacity (%)
Return/Exhaust Fan Capacity 66 nvoExhFanStatus 95 Current return or exhaust fan capacity (%)
Economizer Capacity 36 nvoUnitStatus 112 Economizer_Output Feedback value (%)
Emergency Override 39 nviEmergOverride 103 0=NORMAL, 4=SHUTDOWN, 0xFF=NUL
(other states not used)
*(2) Application Mode 29 nviApplicMode 108 0=AUTO, 1=HEAT, 3=COOL, 6=OFF,
9=FAN_ONLY (other states not used)
*(3) Occupancy 55 nvoEffectOccup 109 0=OCCUPIED, 1=UNOCCUPIED,
*(4) Occupancy Mode 56 nviOccManCmd 109 0=OCCUPIED, 1=UNOCCUPIED, 2=
*(5) Discharge Air Temperature 34 nvoDischAirTemp 105 Current reading of sensor
*(6) Return Air Temperature 66 nvoRATemp 105 Current reading of sensor
Space Temperature 69 nvoSpaceTemp 105 Current reading of sensor
*(7) Outdoor Air Temperature 60 nvoOutdoorTemp 105 Current reading of sensor
Entering Fan / Leaving Coil Temp 40 nvoEFT_LCT 105 Current value of sensor
Entering Water Temperature 40 nvoCWTemp 105 Current value of sensor
Mixed Air Temperature 52 nvoMATemp 105 N/A Current value of sensor
Mixed Air Temperature 52 nvoMixedAirTemp 105 N/A Current value of sensor
Flow Summary
Return/Exhaust Fan Status 67 nvoExhFanStatus 95 State: 0=Off, 1=On , -1(0xFF)=Undefined
VAV Box Output 76 nvoVAVBoxOut N/A N/A 0=Heat (Off), 1=Cool (On)
SAF Spd Control
*(8) Duct Static Pressure 35 nvoDuctStatPress 113 N/A Current reading of sensor. If unit has two
sensors the lower of the two is displayed
*(9) Duct Static Pressure Setpoint 35 nviDuctStaticSP 113 N/A Default = 1.00” WC
Remote Supply Fan Cap Control Flag 65 nviSupFanCtrl N/A 0=Duct Press, 1=Speed
Supply Fan Capacity Input 70 nviSupFanCap 81 N/A Default = 25% Sets the discharge air VFD speed
when Supply Fan Capacity Control Flag is set to
RF/EF Spd Control
Building Static Pressure 30 nvoBldgStatPress 113 Current reading of sensor value
Building Static Pressure Setpoint 31 nviBldgStaticSP 113 Default = 0.050” WC
Remote Return/Exhaust Fan Cap u65 nviExhRetFanCtrl N/A 0=None, 1=Tracking, 2=Bldg Press, 3=Speed
Control Flag
Return Fan Capacity Input 67 nviRetFanCap 81
ED15112 25
Network Control Property
Keypad attributes available as
LONWORKS Variables for network SNVT/SCPT
Page Variable Name SCC DAC Description
control of the unit Index
26 ED15112
Network Control Property
Keypad attributes available as
LONWORKS Variables for network SNVT/SCPT
Page Variable Name SCC DAC Description
control of the unit Index
ED15112 27
Network Control Property
Keypad attributes available as
LONWORKS Variables for network SNVT/SCPT
Page Variable Name SCC DAC Description
control of the unit Index
Note: Objects that appear in multiple locations on the keypad are only listed in the location they first appear on the
keypad. Not all menus and items shown here will appear on keypad depending upon the specific unit
configuration. Those that do not appear are not applicable to the unit.
28 ED15112
Detailed Data Point Information
The data points or properties (attributes) defined in this section reference data that is generated in the MicroTech III Applied
Air Handling Unit Controller.
Application Mode
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Net App Mode=
This read/write attribute sets the unit in an application mode (auto, off, heat only, cool only, or fan only). This attribute has
no affect unless Control Mode is set to Auto. Control Mode is only set at the keypad/display. BACnet must write at priority
8 only.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Mode N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated Yes N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 5 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ApplicCmd.Present_Value
1= Off
2= Heat
3= Cool
4= Fan Only
5= Auto
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviApplicMode DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_mode 108
Enumeration Definitions
Value Identifier Notes
0 HVAC_AUTO Controller automatically changes between application modes
1 HVAC_HEAT Heating only
2 HVAC_MRNG_WRMUP Application-specific morning warm-up (Not Used)1
3 HVAC_COOL Cooling only
4 HVAC_NIGHT_PURGE Application-specific night purge (Not Used) 1
5 HVAC_PRE_COOL Application-specific pre-cool (Not Used) 1
6 HVAC_OFF Controller not controlling outputs
7 HVAC_TEST Equipment being tested (Not Used) 1
8 HVAC_EMERG_HEAT Emergency heat mode (heat pump) (Not Used) 1
9 HVAC_FAN_ONLY Air not conditioned, fan turned on
10 HVAC_FREE_COOL Cooling with compressor not running (Not Used) 1
11 HVAC_ICE Ice-making mode (Not Used) 1
12 HVAC_MAX_HEAT (Not Used) 1
13 HVAC_ECONOMY Controller automatically changes between application modes (Not Used) 1
14 HVAC_DEHUMID Controller automatically changes between application modes (Not Used) 1
0xFF HVAC_NUL Value not available
1. Writing to a state that is not used by the unit controller causes it to control as if HVAC_AUTO (0) was selected.
Airflow Switch
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
ED15112 29
This read-only BACnet object indicates the condition of the Airflow Switch (Closed (1) or Open (0)).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 1 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.AirFlwSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 2 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.AirFlwWrSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Application Version
Keypad Menu Path Version Information\App Version=
This read-only property identifies the version of application software loaded into the unit controller.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
N/A N/A CharacterString N/A N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Device 8 Variable Application_Software_Version 12
Full Reference
<Device Name>. Application_Software_Version
30 ED15112
This read-only property displays the unit’s building static pressure. This variable only applies to units that have their
return/exhaust fan method set to building pressure.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Pressure (gauge) IWC or Pa Real -0.2489 – +0.2489 IWC N/A
-62.0 .. 62.0 Pa
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 9 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.BldgStatPress.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoBldgStatPress DAC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviBldgStaticSP DAC, No SNVT_press_p 113
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Evap Condensing\Conductivity=
This read only property provides the conductivity of the water in the sump of an evaporative cooled condenser. This
variable only applies to units with evaporative condensing.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Conductivity N/A Real 0-5000 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 12 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.Conductivity.Present_Value
ED15112 31
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoConductivity McQuayDischargeAir, Yes UNVTconductivity N/A
Control Temperature
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Temperatures\Disch Air=
This read-only property indicates the current control temperature.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real -50.0–249.998°F N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 14 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ControlTemp.Present_Value
No LonWorks equivalent
Cooling Capacity
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Clg Capacity=
This read-only property indicates the current percentage of unit maximum cooling capacity.
The BACnet property reads only the subject attribute; however the LONWORKS variable is only a part of the LONWORKS
Unit Status network variable. See Page 71 for details of LONWORKS network variable.
The BACnet property only applies to the subject data point. The LONWORKS variable covers six other data points: Unit
State (See page 71), Heating Capacity (See page 42), Reheat Capacity (See page 63), Supply Fan Capacity (See page 70),
Economizer Capacity (See page 59), and In Alarm (See page 82).
This variable only applies if the unit is configured for cooling.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Percent % BACnet: Real 0-100% N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 1 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ClgCapacity.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.cool_output DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Cooling Status
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Clg Status=
This read-only attribute indicates whether or not cooling is currently enabled. If cooling is disabled, the reason is indicated.
32 ED15112
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 2 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ClgStatus.Present_Value
3=Off Amb
4=Off Alarm
5=Off Net
6=Off Man
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoMcQAHUStatus.ClgStatus McQuayDischargeAir, No UNVTmcQAHUStatus N/A
2=Off Ambient
3=Off Alarm
4=Off Net
5=Off Man
Keypad Menu Path Extended Menus\Time/Date\Date=
This read/write property sets the current date of the form day, month, year, and day of the week.
Dates as BACnet date data types. See ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004 for a definition of the data type.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Device 8 Variable Local_Date 56
Full Reference
<Device Name>.Local_Date
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 41 Present_Value 85
ED15112 33
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DewpointSP.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSpaceDewPtSP McQuayDischargeAir, No SNVT_temp_p 105
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoSpaceDewPt SCC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 3 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DirtyFilterSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
34 ED15112
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 1 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DischAirTemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoDischAirTemp DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 21 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DuctHiLmtSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 6 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DuctStatPress.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoDuctStatPress DAC Yes SNVT_press_p 113
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 7 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DuctStaticSP.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviDuctStaticSP DAC No SNVT_press_p 113
Economizer Capacity
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\OAD/EconoCap=
This read-only attribute indicates the current economizer capacity.
The BACnet property reads only the subject attribute; however the LONWORKS variable is only a part of the LONWORKS
Unit Status network variable. See Unit State on page 71 for details of LONWORKS network variable.
The BACnet property only applies to the subject data point. The LONWORKS variable covers six other data points: Unit
State (See page 71), Cooling Capacity (See page 32), Heating Capacity (See page 42), Reheat Capacity (See page 63),
Supply Fan Capacity (See page 70), and In Alarm (See page 82).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Percent Percent BACnet: Real 0-100% N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 15 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EconCapacity.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.econ_output DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Economizer Enable
Keypad Menu Path Advanced Menus\Network Variables\Net Ec Ena Sw= and
Advanced Menus\Network Variables\Net Ec Ena Vl=
This read/write configuration property enables or disables the economizer. This variable only applies if the unit is
configured for a waterside or airside economizer. BACnet must write at priority 8 only.
In BACnet, if EconEnable is 0, then the economizer is disabled. If it is 1 and EconEnaPercent is 0, the economizer is
disabled. If EconEnable is 1 and EconEnaPercent is greater than 0, the economizer is enabled.
The LONWORKS point nviEconEnable has two properties; a State and a Value. When the State = 0, economizer control
through the network is disabled. When State = 1, the Economizer can be controlled through the network. When the Value
= 0 and the State = 1, the economizer is disabled through the LONWORKS network. When the Value is greater than 0 and
the State = 1, the economizer is enabled through the LONWORKS network.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Real Enumerated Yes N/A
36 ED15112
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 32 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EconEnable.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviEconEnable DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_switch 95
Valid Range
State Value Economizer
0 N/A Disabled
1 0 Disabled
1 1-100% Enabled
-1(0xFF) N/A Auto (invalid)
Economizer Status
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\EconoStatus=
This read-only attribute indicates whether or not the economizer is currently enabled. If the economizer is disabled, the
reason is indicated.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 3 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EconoStatus.Present_Value
3=Off Amb
4=Off Alarm (Not Used)
5=Off Net
6=Off Man
7=Off Dehum
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoMcQAHUStatus.EconStatus McQuayDischargeAir, No UNVTmcQAHUStatus N/A
ED15112 37
2=Off Amb
3=Off Alarm (Not Used)
4=Off Net
5=Off Man
6=Off Dehum
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 39 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EffDATempSP.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoEffDATempSp DAC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
38 ED15112
No BACnet equivalent.
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type Number
nvoEffectSetpt SCC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 22 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EmergencyOffSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Emergency Override
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Emerg Mode=
This read/write property shuts off the MTIII Applied Air Handling Unit Controller. If this property is set to Off, the MTIII
Applied Air Handling Unit Controller cannot start based on a time clock or any other means. The only way to start the
MTIII Applied Air Handling Unit Controller is to change the value to Normal.
If a value other than Off or EMERG_SHUTDOWN, is written, this variable reverts back to Normal.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
N/A N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated No Normal
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 10 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EmergOverride.Present_Value
1 = Normal
2 = Off
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviEmergOverride DAC, SCC No SNVT_hvac_emerg 103
ED15112 39
Enumeration Definitions
Value Identifier Notes
0 EMERG_NORMAL No emergency mode
1 EMERG_PRESSURIZE Emergency pressurize mode (not used)
2 EMERG_DEPRESSURIZE Emergency depressurize mode (not used)
3 EMERG_PURGE Emergency purge mode (not used)
4 EMERG_SHUTDOWN Emergency shutdown mode
5 EMERG_FIRE (not used)
0xFF EMERG_NUL Value not available
Enumeration Correspondence
BACnet Lon
1 Normal 3 EMERG_PURGE
1 Normal 5 EMERG_FIRE
1 Normal 0xFF EMERG_NUL
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 7 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EFT_LCT.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoEFT_LCT DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 6 Present_Value 85
40 ED15112
Full Reference
<Device Name>.CWTemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoCWTemp DAC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoExhFanStatus.value DAC, Yes SNVT_switch 95
Field Definitions
Field Units Valid Range Notes
value % of Full Scale 0-100% 0-100%
state N/A 0, 1 0=Off, 1=On
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Capacity Percent Real 0-100% Yes N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 23 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ExhFanCapNetIn.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviExhFanCap DAC, Yes SNVT_lev_percent 81
ED15112 41
Freeze Switch (Fault)
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates the condition of the Freeze Switch (Closed (1) or Open (0)). The OffNormal state
of this object indicates a Freeze Fault.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 19 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.FreezeFltSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 20 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.FreezeSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Heating Capacity
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Htg Capacity=
This read-only attribute indicates the current percentage of unit maximum heating capacity.
The BACnet property reads only the subject attribute and only applies to the subject data point.
The LONWORKS variable is only a part of the LONWORKS Unit Status network variable. See Unit State on page 71 for
details of LONWORKS network variable. The LONWORKS variable covers six other data points: Unit State (See page 71),
Supply Fan Capacity (See page 70), Secondary Heating (Reheat) Capacity (See page 63), Economizer Capacity (See page
36), and In Alarm (See page 82).
This variable only applies to units configured with heating.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Heating Capacity Percent BACnet: Real 0.0–100.0% N/A
LonWorks: Structure
42 ED15112
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 2 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HtgCapacity.Present_Value
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.heat_output_primary DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Heating Status
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Htg Status=
This read-only attribute indicates whether or not heating is currently enabled. If heating is disabled, the reason is indicated.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 4 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HtgStatus.Present_Value
3=Off Amb
4=Off Alarm (Not Used)
5=Off Net
6=Off Man
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoMcQAHUStatus.HtgStatus McQuayDischargeAir, No UNVTmcQAHUStatus N/A
2=Off Amb
3=Off Alarm (Not Used)
4=Off Net
5=Off Man
ED15112 43
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 4 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress1Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 5 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress2Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 6 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress3Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
44 ED15112
High Pressure Circuit 4 Switch
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates the condition of the High Pressure Circuit 4 Switch (Closed (1) or Open (0)). The
OffNormal state of this object indicates a High Pressure Circuit 4 Problem.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 7 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress4Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 8 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress5Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 9 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPress6Sw.Present_Value
ED15112 45
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
No BACnet equivalent.
LonWorks Name Profile SNVT Type SNVT Index SCPT Reference SCPT Index
nciHvacType SCC SNVT_hvac_type 145 SCPThvacType 169
Local OA Temperature
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only attribute indicates the current outdoor air temperature from the local outdoor air temperature sensor. This
variable only applies if the unit is configured for an outdoor air temperature sensor.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real -50°–150°F N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 5 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LocalOATemp.Present_Value
46 ED15112
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoLocalOATemp DAC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 4 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LocalSpaceTmp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoLocalSpaceTmp SCC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 10 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress1Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 47
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 11 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress2Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 12 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress3Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 13 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress4Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
48 ED15112
Low Pressure Circuit 5 Switch
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates the condition of the Low Pressure Circuit 5 Switch (Closed (1) or Open (0)). The
OffNormal state of this object indicates a Low Pressure Circuit 5 Problem.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 14 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress5Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 15 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPress6Sw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 49
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 18 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DefaultDATHtgSetpt.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile SNVT Type SNVT Index SCPT Reference SCPT Index
nciDAHtSP DAC SNVT_temp_p 105 SCPTdischargeAirHeatingSetpoint 184
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoMcQAHUStatus.Mode McQuayDischargeAir, Yes UNVTmcQAHUStatus N/A
Measurement UNVTmcQAHUStatus
Type Category Structure
Type Size 2 bytes
Valid Range (Resolution) See Below. The value –1 (NUL) represents invalid value.
Uses Receive Heartbeat Yes
Field Definitions
Field Description
EconStatus 0 = Enabled
1 = None
2 = Off Ambient
3 = Off Alarm
4 = Off Net
5= Off Man
6= Off Dehum
ClgStatus 0 = Enabled
1 = None
2 = Off Ambient
3 = Off Alarm
50 ED15112
4 = Off Net
5= Off Man
HtgStatus 0 = Enabled
1 = None
2 = Off Ambient
3 = Off Alarm
4 = Off Net
5= Off Man
Mode 0 = Enabled,
1 = Off Man
2 = Off Man Ctrl
3 = Off Net
4 = Off Alarm
5 = Off Fan Retry
No BACnet equivalent.
LONWORKS Name Profile SNVT Type SNVT Index SCPT Reference SCPT Index
nciMinOutTm DAC, SCC SNVT_time_sec 107 SCPTminSendTime 52
The following network variables are limited by nciMinOutTm if the timer is greater than zero:
ED15112 51
nvoOutdoorTemp nvoSpaceCO2 nvoOAFlow
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 5 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.MATemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoMATemp DAC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 13 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DAClgSetpt.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviDAClSP DAC No SNVT_temp_p 105
52 ED15112
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real 39.992–140.0°F No 100°F / 37.78°C
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 17 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DAHtgSetpt.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviDAHtSP DAC No SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Request
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This input network variable provides the mechanism to request an operation or a mode for a functional block within a
A request consists of an object ID (the object_id field) and an object request (the object_request field). The object ID is the
functional block index for a functional block on the device. The Node Object functional block is index zero. The remaining
functional blocks are numbered sequentially, starting with one.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Object Request N/A Structure N/A No N/A
No BACnet equivalent
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Number
nviRequest Node Object No SNVT_obj_status 93
Object Status
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This output network variable reports the status for any functional block on a device. It is also used to report the status of the
entire device and all functional blocks on the device. A status update consists of an object ID (the object_id field) and
multiple status fields. The object ID is the functional block index as described under nviRequest. If the object ID is zero,
the status of the device itself and all functional blocks on the device is reported. The status fields are one-bit bitfields. The
only supported status fields are the report_mask, invalid_id, and invalid_request fields; all other status fields are not
• invalid_request - Set to one if an unsupported request code is received on the nviRequest input network variable.
• invalid_id - Set to one if a request is received for a functional block index that is not defined in the device. No further
checking of the request code is required when set to one.
• report_mask Set to one if an RQ_REPORT_MASK request is received by the nviRequest input network variable,
and the nvoStatus output network variable is set to contain the status mask. The status mask is an nvoStatus value that
describes the status bits that are supported beyond the three mandatory status bits. The status mask consists of all fields
in the nvoStatus output network variable, with the exception of the report_mask, invalid_id, and invalid_request
fields. A one bit in the mask means that the functional block may set the corresponding bit in the nvoStatus output
network variable when the condition defined for that bit occurs. A zero bit means that the functional block may never
set the bit.
Field Definitions
Field Units Valid Range Notes
object_id unsigned long 0 to 65,535 2 bytes
invalid_id unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 0)
invalid_request unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 1)
Disabled unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 2) - Not Used
out_of_limits unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 3) - Not Used
open_circuit unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 4) - Not Used
out_of_service unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 5) - Not Used
54 ED15112
mechanical_fault unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 6) - Not Used
feedback_failure unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 7) - Not Used
over_range unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 0) - Not Used
under_range unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 1) - Not Used
electrical_fault unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 2) - Not Used
unable_to_measure unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 3) - Not Used
comm_failure unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 4) - Not Used
fail_self_test unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 5) - Not Used
Self_test_in_progress unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 6) - Not Used
locked_out unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 7) - Not Used
manual_control unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 0) - Not Used
in_alarm unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 1) - Not Used
in_override unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 2) - Not Used
report_mask unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 3)
programming_mode unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 4) - Not Used
programming_fail unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 5) - Not Used
Alarm_notify_disabled unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 6) - Not Used
reset_complete unsigned 0, 1 1 bit (offset 7) - Not Used
reserved2 unsigned 0 to 0 8 bits (offset 0) - Not Used
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Occupancy\Occupancy=
This read-only property indicates if the unit is currently in an occupied, unoccupied, or tenant override mode of operation.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Occupancy N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 6 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EffectOccup.Present_Value
1 = Occ
2 = Unocc
3 = TntOvrd
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoEffectOccup DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_occupancy 109
Enumeration Definitions
Value Identifier Notes
0 OC_OCCUPIED Area is occupied
1 OC_UNOCCUPIED Area is unoccupied
2 OC_BYPASS Area is temporarily occupied for the bypass period
3 OC_STANDBY Area is temporarily unoccupied
0xFF OC_NUL Value not available
Enumeration Correspondence
BACnet Occupancy Lon SNVT_occupancy
3 TntOvrd 2 OC_BYPASS
ED15112 55
BACnet Occupancy Lon SNVT_occupancy
3 Auto 0xFF OC_NUL
Occupancy Mode
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read/write property sets the unit into a different occupancy mode. It is typically sent by a wall-mounted occupant-
interface module or a supervisory node, to manually control occupancy modes, or to override the scheduled occupancy.
This input is used with nviOccSchedule to determine the effective occupancy mode. Refer to Occupancy (See on page 51)
(nvoEffectOccup) for more information.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Mode N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated No Auto or NUL
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 7 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OccManCmd.Present_Value
1 = Occ
2 = Unocc
3 = TntOvrd
4 = Standby (Same as Occ)
5 = Auto
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviOccManCmd DAC, SCC No SNVT_occupancy 109
Enumeration Definitions
Value Identifier Notes
0 OC_OCCUPIED Area is occupied
1 OC_UNOCCUPIED Area is unoccupied
2 OC_BYPASS Area is temporarily occupied for the bypass period
3 OC_STANDBY Controller reacts as if the area is occupied.
0xFF OC_NUL Value not available
Enumeration Correspondence
BACnet nviOccManCmd Lon SNVT_occupancy
3 TntOvrd (Bypass) 2 OC_BYPASS
4 Auto 0xFF OC_NUL
56 ED15112
This read/write property commands the occupancy function of the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller
when Occupancy Mode is set to Auto (see page 56). It is typically sent by a scheduler or a supervisory node.
SNVT_tod_event is a structure containing three parts.
• Current_state, (required)
• Next_state (optional)
• Time_to_next_state (optional)
This network variable is used in conjunction with Optimal Start. If time_to_next_state is not valid, the MicroTech III
Applied Air Handling Unit Controller uses an internal calculation to determine when the unit will start. Consequently, if
time_to_next_state is valid, the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller uses this time to determine when the
unit will start. This input is used in conjunction with nviOccManCmd (Occupancy Mode) to determine the effective
occupancy mode. Refer to Occupancy Mode on page 56 for more information. BACnet must write at priority 8 only.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated Yes N/A
LonWorks: Real
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 8 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.CurrentState.Present_Value
3=TntOvrd (not used)
4=Standby (not used)
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviOccSchedule DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_tod_event 128
Field Definitions
Field Data Point Reference Units Valid Range Notes
current_state Occupancy Scheduler Input occup_t current scheduled occupancy state
next_state Occupancy Scheduler Next occup_t next scheduled occupancy state
ED15112 57
time_to_next_state Occupancy Scheduler Time minutes 0 to 65534 65535=Null
Enumeration Correspondence
1 Occupied 0 OC_OCCUPIED
0 Unoccupied 1 OC_UNOCCUPIED
3 TntOvrd 2 OC_BYPASS
1 Occupied 3 OC_STANDBY
Field Definitions
Field Notes
Occupied_cool Occupied Cooling Setpoint
Standby_cool Standby Cooling Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_cool Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
Occupied_heat Occupied Heating Setpoint
Standby_heat Standby Heating Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_heat Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
58 ED15112
Occupied Heating Setpoint
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Heating\Zone Htg Spt=
This read/write configuration property sets the Occupied Heating Setpoint (See page 38.) The Effective Heating Enable
Setpoint is set to this value when it is not being set by any other function. This attribute uses maximum and minimum
limits. If the Present Value is set beyond these limits from the network, the value is ignored and the controller continues to
control to the last valid value.
The BACnet property only applies to the subject data point, but the LONWORKS variable is a structure that covers three
other data points: Occupied Cooling Setpoint (See page 58), Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint (See page 72), and Unoccupied
Heating Setpoint (See page 73).
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 11 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OccHeatSP.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile SCPT Reference SCPT Index SNVT Type SNVT Index
nciSetpoints.occupied_heat DAC, SCC SCPTsetPnts 60 SNVT_temp_setpt 106
Field Definitions
Field Notes
Occupied_cool Occupied Cooling Setpoint
Standby_cool Standby Cooling Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_cool Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
Occupied_heat Occupied Heating Setpoint
Standby_heat Standby Heating Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_heat Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 16 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.MinOAPosNetIn.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviOAMinPos DAC, SCC No SNVT_lev_percent 81
ED15112 59
Outdoor Air Temperature
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Temperatures\OA Temp=
This read-only attribute indicates the current value of a unit-mounted outdoor air temperature sensor. This variable only
applies if the unit is configured for an outdoor air temperature sensor.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real -50°–150°F N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 4 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OutdoorTemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoOutdoorTemp DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 29 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OutdoorTempInput.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviOutdoorTemp DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Outdoor Airflow
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Min OA Damper\OA Flow=
This read-only property indicates the Outdoor Airflow. This variable only applies to units configured for design flow.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Flow Volume ft3/min (CFM) or l/s BACnet: Real 0-60007.25 CFM N/A
LonWorks: Unsigned Long 0-28320 l/s
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 42 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OAFlow.Present_Value
60 ED15112
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoOAFlow DAC, Yes SNVT_flow 15
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 34 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.CoolEnable.Present_Value
0 = Off
1 = Enable
ED15112 61
In BACnet, if HeatEnable = 0, then the primary heating is disabled. If it HeatEnable = 1 and HeatEnablePct = 0, the
primary heating is disabled. If HeatEnable = 1 and HeatEnablePct is greater than 0, the primary heating is enabled. When
heating is enabled, HeatEnablePct reflects the percentage of heating that is enabled.
The LONWORKS variable nviPriHeatEnable has two properties; a State and a Value. When the State = 0, primary heating
control is disabled through the network. When State = 1, the primary heating can be controlled through the network. When
the Value = 0 and the State = 1, the primary heating is disabled through the LONWORKS network. When the Value is greater
than 0 and the State = 1, the primary heating is enabled through the LONWORKS network.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
State N/A BACnet: Real BACnet: 0-1 Yes N/A
LONWORKS: Structure LonWorks: Enumerated
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 36 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HeatEnable.Present_Value
0 = Off
1 = Enable
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Number
nviPriHeatEnable DAC, Yes SNVT_switch 95
Valid Range
State Value Heating
0 N/A Disabled
1 0 Disabled
1 1-100 Enabled. Value equals the percentage of cooling that is enabled when State equals 1.
-1(0xFF) N/A Auto (invalid)
Receive Heartbeat
Keypad Menu Path Extended Menus\LON Setup\Rcv Hrt Bt= or Extended Menus\IP Setup\Rcv Hrt Bt= or Extended Menus\MSTP
Setup\Rcv Hrt Bt=
This read/write configuration property defines the maximum time that elapses after the last update to a specified network
variable input before the unit starts to use its default values.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Time Seconds BACnet: Real 0.0–6553.4 sec 0 seconds
LonWorks: Unsigned Long
The only variables that use Receive Heartbeat are:
62 ED15112
Receive Heartbeat Table
BACnet Variable LonWorks Variable
ApplicCmd nviApplicCmd
SupFanCapNetIn nviSupFanCap
OutdoorTempInput nviOutdoorTemp
SpaceTempInput nviSpaceTemp
nviPrmClgEnV & nviPrmClgEnS nviPriCoolEnable
nviPrmHtgEnV & nviPrmHtgEnS nviPriHeatEnable
nviEconEnaV & nviEconEnaS nviEconEnable
ExhFanCapNetIn nviExhFanCap
RetFanCapNetIn nviRetFanCap
WaterflowSwitch nviCWFlow
SpaceIAQNetIn nviSpaceIAQ
SpaceRHNetIn nviSpaceRH
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 43 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ReceiveHeartbeat.Present_Value
There are 3 categories for deciding to use Receive Heartbeat that are based on the network input variable being specified in
the Receive Heartbeat table and being bound. The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller uses Category 1 and
Category 2.
LONWORKS Name Profile SNVT Type SNVT Index SCPT Reference SCPT Index
nciRcvHrtBt DAC, SCC SNVT_time_sec 107 SCPTmaxRcvTime 48
Reheat Capacity
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Dehumidification\Reheat Cap=
This read-only attribute indicates the current percentage of unit reheat capacity.
The BACnet property reads only the subject attribute and only applies to the subject data point.
The LONWORKS variable is only a part of the LONWORKS Unit Status network variable. See Unit State on page 71 for
details of LONWORKS network variable. The LONWORKS variable covers six other data points: Unit State (See page 71),
Supply Fan Capacity (See page 70), Cooling Capacity (See page 32), Heating Capacity (See page 42), Economizer Capacity
(See page 36), and In Alarm (See page 82).
This variable only applies to units configured with cooling.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Reheat Capacity Percent BACnet: Real 0.0–100.0% N/A
LonWorks: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 44 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ReheatCapacity.Present_Value
ED15112 63
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.heat_output_secondary DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Relative Humidity
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Dehumidification\Rel Humidity=
This read-only property indicates the current reading of the optional relative humidity sensor.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Relative Humidity Percent Real 0%–100% N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 11 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceRH.Present_Value
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoSpaceRH DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_lev_percent 81
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 19 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceRHNetIn.Present_Value
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSpaceRH DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_lev_percent 81
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 40 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HumiditySP.Present_Value
64 ED15112
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSpaceDehumSP DAC, No SNVT_lev_percent 81
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 12 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ExhRetFanCtrl.Present_Value
1= None
2= Tracking
3= BldgP
4= Speed
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Index
nviExhRetFanCtrl McQuayDischargeAir, No UNVTexhRetFanCtrl N/A
0= None
1= Tracking
2= Bldg Pres
3= Speed
ED15112 65
1 = DSP
2 = Speed
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSupFanCtrl McQuayDischargeAir No UNVTsupFanCtrl N/A
0 = Duct Press
1 = Speed
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 2 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.RATemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoRATemp DAC, Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 10 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ExhFanValue.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoExhFanStatus.value DAC, No SNVT_switch N/A
Field Definitions
Field Units Valid Range Notes
value % of Full Scale 0-100% 0-100%
state N/A 0, 1 0=Off, 1=On
66 ED15112
Exhaust Fan Status
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Flow Summary\Ret/Exh Fan=
This read-only property indicates whether the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller is commanding the
return or exhaust fan on. This variable only applies to units configured for a return/exhaust fan.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Fan Status N/A BACnet: Enumerated Enumerated N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 1 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ExhFanState.Present_Value
0 = Off
1 = On
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoExhFanStatus.State DAC, No SNVT_switch N/A
Field Definitions
Field Units Valid Range Notes
value % of Full Scale 0-100% 0-100%
state N/A 0, 1 0=Off, 1=On
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 22 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.RetFanCapNetIn.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviRetFanCap DAC, McQuayRTU-SCC Yes SNVT_lev_percent 81
Send Heartbeat
Keypad Menu Path Extended Menus\LON Setup\SndHrtBt=
This read/write configuration property defines maximum period of time that expires before the specified network variable
output is automatically updated.
ED15112 67
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Time Seconds Fixed Point Scalar - unsigned long 0.0–6553.4 sec 60 seconds
No BACnet equivalent.
The ability to send a heartbeat is a requirement for LONWORKS devices. Network variable outputs for Send Heartbeat are
defined in one of two categories based on whether or not they are specified in the Send Heartbeat table.
Network Variable Output Specified for Send Heartbeat in Table? Result: Use Send Heartbeat?
Category 1 Yes Yes
Category 2 No Manufacture Defined
Space CO2
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Min OA Damper\PPM=
This read-only attribute indicates the current space CO2 level from the optional space CO2 sensor. This value reflects the
network input nviSpaceIAQ (if valid) or the value from a locally wired sensor if Min OA Type is set to IAQ VDC or IAQ
mA. This variable only applies if the unit is configured for an airside economizer and Min OA Type is set to IAQ VDC or
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Concentration ppm Real 0-5000 ppm N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 13 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceCO2.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoSpaceCO2 SCC, Yes SNVT_ppm 29
68 ED15112
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Concentration ppm Real 0-5000 ppm Yes 32767 (Null)
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 31 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceIAQNetIn.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSpaceIAQ SCC, Yes SNVT_ppm 29
Space Temperature
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\Temperatures\Space Temp=
This read-only attribute indicates the current space or zone temperature from the optional space air temperature sensor. This
variable only applies if the unit is configured for a space temperature sensor.
Note: If the optional space temperature sensor is not installed and a BACnet or LONWORKS network is not writing to the
space temperature, the Space Sensor attribute in the Unit Configuration menu of the keypad/display should be set
to No to disable the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 3 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceTemp.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoSpaceTemp DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real 0°–150°F Yes 327.67 (Null)
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 28 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceTempInput.Present_Value
ED15112 69
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSpaceTemp DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_temp_p 105
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 16 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SumpPumpSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Input 0 8 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.FanSpd.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.fan_output DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 21 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SupFanCapNetIn.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSupFanCap DAC Yes SNVT_lev_percent 81
Note: On space comfort control units the Space Setpoint Type must not be set to Tstat, otherwise the space setpoint
adjustment on the optional space sensor overrides the Temperature Setpoint Input (nviSetpoint).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Fixed Point Scalar - signed long -17.78°–37.7°C No N/A
No BACnet equivalent.
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviSetpoint SCC, No SNVT_temp_p 105
Keypad Menu Path Extended Menus\Time/Date\Time=
This read/write property sets the current time of the form hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of a second. See
ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004 for a definition of the data type.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Time hours, minutes, seconds, BACnet time data types N/A N/A
and hundredths of a second
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Device 8 Variable Local Time 57
Full Reference
<Device Name>.Local Time
Unit State
Keypad Menu Path Standard Menus\System\Unit State=
This read-only property indicates the current unit operating state.
ED15112 71
This is a LONWORKS only variable that covers six other data points: Supply Fan Capacity (See page 70), Cooling Capacity
(See page 32), Heating Capacity (See page 42), Reheat Capacity (See page 63), Economizer Capacity (See page 36), and In
Alarm (See page 82).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Unit State N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 15 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.UnitState.Present_Value
1 = Off
2= Start
3= Recirc
4= FanOnly
5= MinDAT
6= Htg
7= Econo
8= Clg
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoUnitStatus.Mode DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Unit Support
Keypad Menu Path Advanced Menus\IP Setup\Unit Support= or Advanced Menus\MSTP Setup\Unit Support=
This is a BACnet-only variable that sets the units that are sent from the main controller to the BACnet network. If the value
is Off, the units is always Metric. If the value is On, the units depend on how the keypad/display is setup. If the keypad is
72 ED15112
displaying Metric, BACnet will display Metric. If the keypad is setup to display English Units, BACnet will display
English units. The power must be cycled on the unit controller for this change to take effect.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Unit Support N/A BACnet: Unsigned Off (Always Metric) On (2)
LONWORKS: Structure On
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 16 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.UnitSupport.Present_Value
1 = Off
2 = On
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 10 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.UnoccCoolSetpt.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile SCPT Reference SCPT Index SNVT Type SNVT Index
nciSetpoints.unoccupied_cool DAC, SCC SCPTsetPnts 60 SNVT_temp_setpt 106
Field Definitions
Field Notes
Occupied_cool Occupied Cooling Setpoint
Standby_cool Standby Cooling Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_cool Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
Occupied_heat Occupied Heating Setpoint
Standby_heat Standby Heating Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_heat Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
ED15112 73
The BACnet property only applies to the subject data point, but the LONWORKS variable is a structure that covers three
other data points: Occupied Cooling Setpoint (See page 58), Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint (See page 72), and Occupied
Heating Setpoint (See page 59).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real 39.992°–99.986 °F 55°F / 12.78°C
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 12 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.UnoccHeatSetpt.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile SCPT Reference SCPT Index SNVT Type SNVT Index
nciSetpoints.unoccupied_heat DAC, SCC SCPTsetPnts 60 SNVT_ temp_setpt 106
Field Definitions
Field Notes
Occupied_cool Occupied Cooling Setpoint
Standby_cool Standby Cooling Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_cool Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
Occupied_heat Occupied Heating Setpoint
Standby_heat Standby Heating Setpoint (Not Used)
Unoccupied_heat Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 14 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.VAVBoxOutput.Present_Value
1 = Heat (Off)
2 = Cool (On)
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nvoVAVBoxOut McQuayDischargeAir No UNVTvavBoxOutput N/A
0 = Heat (Off)
1 = Cool (On)
74 ED15112
Water Flow Switch
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates the condition of the Water Flow Switch (Closed (1) or Open (0)). The OffNormal
state of this object indicates a Water Flow Switch Problem.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 17 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.WtrFlwSw.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Input 3 18 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.WtrRegVlv.Present_Value
0 – Open
1 – Closed
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Flow Status N/A BACnet: Real Enumerated Yes N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 38 Present_Value 85
ED15112 75
Full Reference
<Device Name>.WaterflowSwitch.Present_Value
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nviCWFlow DAC, Yes SNVT_switch 95
Valid Range
State Value Waterflow Switch
0 N/A Disabled
1 0 Disabled
1 1-100% Enabled
-1 (0xFF) N/A Auto (invalid)
76 ED15112
Two methods of obtaining alarm information are available in the MicroTech III Applied Air Unit Controller: 1) by
monitoring individual alarms and 2) by monitoring alarms according to alarm class.
Alarms in a MicroTech III Applied Air Unit Controller are divided into three classes: Faults, Problems, and Warnings. Fault
alarms have the highest priority. Problem alarms have the next priority. Warning alarms have the lowest priority. The
alarms within each class are also prioritized. Refer to the MicroTech III Applied Air Unit Controller Operation Manual (OM
920) for a description of each alarm.
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller has various ways of managing alarms, depending on the protocol.
Using one of these mechanisms, alarms can be recognized and acknowledged by alarm class or individually, and cleared
from the network by alarm class.
Fault Alarms (Highest Priority)
Table 4. Fault Alarms in Order of Priority
Alarm Message Indication Clear
Freeze Supply Fan has been On for at least 30 seconds AND Manual
A Waterside Economizer, Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, or steam coil is installed in the unit.
Freezestat is in the Open position.
Emergency Stop Emergency Stop Input in the Alarm (Open) condition OR Manual
A network variable, nviEmergMode in LonMark applications, is set to shutdown via a Lon or BACnet
Control Temp All of the following are true for at longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds): Manual
• Either Space or Return Temperature is selected as the Control Temperature AND
• The Return Air Sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) AND
• The Space Sensor is not Reliable (A valid Space Temperature value is not provided via the
network and the Space Temperature sensor is either In alarm OR Not Present)
Both of the following are true for at longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds):
• The Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is not Reliable (A valid Outside Air Temperature
value is not provided via the network and the Outside Air Temperature sensor is either In
alarm OR Not Present) AND
• OAT is selected as the Control Temperature
All of the following are true for at longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds):
• The MAT Sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) AND
• MAT is selected as the Control Temperature
Disch Sensor The Discharge Air Temperature Sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) for longer than Manual
the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds)
Duct Hi Limit Duct High Limit input is Open and the unit is Variable Air Volume Manual
High Return Temp RAT exceeded the Hi Return Tmp setting Manual
High Disch Temp DAT exceeded the Hi Disch Tmp setting Manual
Low Disch Temp DAT fell below the Lo Disch Tmp setting Manual
Airflow All of the following are true: Manual
• The Supply Fan is Constant Volume AND
• Airflow Switch is Open. AND
• The Supply Fan has been on for longer than the Airflow Timer (Default =120 seconds) AND
• Another Shutdown Fault that could have turned off the fan is not active
Both of the following are true:
• The Supply Fan is Variable Air Volume AND
• The unit has been disabled due to Fan Retry conditions three times between 2:00 AM of one day
and 2:00 AM of the next day.
ED15112 77
Alarm Message Indication Clear
water coil, or steam coil is installed on the unit.
MAT Sensor The Mixed Air Temperature sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) for Automatic
longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds)
EWT Sensor The Entering Water Temperature Sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) Automatic
for longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds)
OAT Sensor The Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is not Reliable (A valid Outside Air Temperature Automatic
value is not provided via the network and the Outside Air Temperature sensor is either In
alarm OR Not Present) for longer than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30
Space Sensor The Space Sensor is not Reliable (A valid Space Temperature value is not provided via the Automatic
network and the Space Temperature sensor is either In alarm OR Not Present) for longer
than the Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds)
Return Sensor The Return Air Sensor is not Reliable (Either In alarm or Not Present) for longer than the Automatic
Temperature Alarm Delay (Default = 30 seconds)
Ent_LCT Sensor The Entering Fan Temperature/Leaving Coil Temperature is not reliable (either in alarm or Automatic
not present) for longer than the temperature alarm delay (defaul=30seconds)
Sump Pump Fail Cooling has been limited to stage zero due to sump pump fail conditions three times Manual
between 2:00AM of one day and 2:00AM of the next day.
Hi Pres-Ckt1 High Pressure switch SW1 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Hi Pres-Ckt2 High Pressure switch SW2 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Hi Pres-Ckt3 High Pressure switch SW3 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Hi Pres-Ckt4 High Pressure switch SW4 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Hi Pres-Ckt5 High Pressure switch SW5 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Hi Pres-Ckt6 High Pressure switch SW6 input is in the alarm (Open) position. Manual
Lo Pres-Ckt1 The Low Press SW1 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #1 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Lo Pres-Ckt2 The Low Press SW2 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #2 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Lo Pres-Ckt3 The Low Press SW3 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #3 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Lo Pres-Ckt4 The Low Press SW4 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #4 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Lo Pres-Ckt5 The Low Press SW5 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #5 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Lo Pres-Ckt6 The Low Press SW6 input has been in the alarm (Open) position for longer than the Automatic
Pressure Alarm Delay (Default = 10 seconds) AND
A compressor on Circuit #6 has been on for longer than the Low Pressure Alarm Delay
(Default = 65 seconds)
Water RegValve Water Regulating Valve is installed AND Manual
A compressor on either circuit # 1 or circuit # 2 is turned on. AND
EWT is less than 58°F AND
The greater of the two refrigerant condensing pressure readings is below the Head Pressure
Setpoint by more than the deadband
Waterflow Switch • Lack of water flow is indicated by an open water flow switch or a Network signal Automatic
• Either of the following is true:
• The Bypass Valve has been open for more than the Bypass Valve Timer.
• A water side economizer is installed and its position is greater than 50%
78 ED15112
Warning Alarms (Lowest Priority)
Table 6. Warning Alarms in Order of Priority
Alarm Message Indication Clear
Conductivity Conductivity valve is above alarm setpoint value. Manual
Airflow Switch Airflow switch is in the Flow (Closed) position AND the supply fan is Off for more than Manual
30 minutes.
Dirty Filter The filter switch input is in the alarm (Open) position Manual
Alarm Monitoring
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller provides individual alarm identification through a unique value for
each alarm. The value assigned to each alarm is the same for both BACnet and LONMARK applications.
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers may have alarms monitored by one of four methods: 1) individually
by BACnet Binary Value Objects, 2) alarm value using one BACnet Analog Values, 3) alarm class or 4) Notification Class.
1. To monitor alarms individually, read the Present_Value of the desired Binary Value. Each alarm has its own Binary
Value object. If the Present_Value is Inactive (0), the alarm is not active. If the Present_Value is Active (1), the alarm
is active.
2. To monitor alarms by alarm value, read the Present_Value property of the Alarm Value Analog Value object. The
Present_Value displays a value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have
multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is displayed. For example, if there is a simultaneous Dirty Filter
Warning (value of 24) and a Freeze Fault (value of 252), then the Freeze Fault value of 252 will display in the
Present_Value because it is the higher priority alarm of the two. Once the Freeze Fault condition is corrected and the
fault is cleared, the next priority active alarm value (in this example, value of 24 for Dirty Filter alarm) is displayed.
The values for all alarms are described in the Alarms section tables. If the Present_Value displays a zero, there are no
active alarms.
3. To monitor alarms by alarm class, read the Present_Value of the appropriate Analog Value object (Warnings, Problems
and faults). The Present_Value displays a value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active. It is
possible to have multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is displayed.
4. To monitor alarms using the Notification Class object, see the Alarm Notification section.
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers may have their alarms monitored by one of two methods: 1) using the
In_alarm attribute of nvoUnitStatus, or 2) alarm class.
1. Alarms within MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers can be monitored individually by using the In
Alarm attribute of the Unit Status Network Variable Output (i.e. nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm). This attribute displays a
value that corresponds to the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only
the highest priority is displayed in this attribute. For example, if there is a simultaneous Dirty Filter Warning (value of
24) and a Freeze Fault (value of 252), then the Freeze Fault value of 252 will display in nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm
because it is the higher priority alarm of the two. Once the Freeze Fault condition is corrected and the fault is cleared,
the next priority active alarm value (in this example, value of 24 for Dirty Filter alarm) is displayed. The values for all
alarms are described in the Alarms section tables. If the attribute nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm displays a zero, there are no
active alarms.
Alarms may also be monitored by alarm class if desired. When the nvoUnitStatus_in_alarm attribute reads a value in
the range of 1 to 99, a Warning Alarm is active. When the attribute reads a value in the range of 100 to 199, a Problem
Alarm is active. When the attribute reads a value in the range of 200 to 255, a Fault Alarm is active.
2. To monitor alarms by alarm class, read nvoWarnAlarm, nvoProbAlarm and nvoFaultAlarm. The value corresponds to
the highest priority alarm that is active. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only the highest priority is
ED15112 79
Alarm Notification
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller has one Notification Class object for alarms and uses intrinsic
reporting which allows the controller to generate event notifications directed to one or more recipients (maximum 20
recipients). You must subscribe to the notification class object in order to use them. The Recipient List property must
indicate when and to which device notification should be made. This is a standard BACnet data type as defined in
ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
The Event_Enable property of each object can be used to separeatly enable and disable reporting of To-OffNormal, To-
Fault, and To-Normal events. For example, if you do not want an event to be generated when the object returns to a normal
state after being in alarm, set the To-Normal bit of the objects Event_Enable property to 0. The table below shows the
objects that support intrisic reporting:
Event_Enable (Default)
Alarm Object Type Object Instance
To-OffNormal To-Fault To-Normal
Airflow Fault BI 1 X X
Airflow Switch Warning BI 2 X X
Conductivity Warning AI 12 X X
Control Temp Fault AI 14 X X
Dirty Filter Warning BI 3 X X
Discharge Sensor Fault AI 1 X X X
High Discharge Temp Fault
Low Discharge Temp Fault
Duct High Limit Fault BI 21 X X
Emergency Off Fault BI 22 X X
Entering Fan Temp / Leaving Coil AI 7 X X
Temp Problem
Entering Water Temp Problem AI 6 X X
Freeze Fault BI 19 X X
Freeze Problem BI 20 X X
High Pressure Circuit 1 Problem BI 4 X X
High Pressure Circuit 2 Problem BI 5 X X
High Pressure Circuit 3 Problem BI 6 X X
High Pressure Circuit 4 Problem BI 7 X X
High Pressure Circuit 5 Problem BI 8 X X
High Pressure Circuit 6 Problem BI 9 X X
High Return Temp Fault AI 2 X X X
Return Temp Problem
Low Pressure Circuit 1 Problem BI 10 X X
Low Pressure Circuit 2 Problem BI 11 X X
Low Pressure Circuit 3 Problem BI 12 X X
Low Pressure Circuit 4 Problem BI 13 X X
Low Pressure Circuit 5 Problem BI 14 X X
Low Pressure Circuit 6 Problem BI 15 X X
Mixed Air Temp Problem AI 5 X X
Outdoor Temp Problem AI 4 X X
Space Temp Problem AI 3 X X
Sump Pump Fail Problem BI 16 X X
Waterflow Switch Problem BI 17 X X
Water Regulating Valve Problem BI 18 X X
80 ED15112
Element Standard BACnet Data Type Description
Recipient BACnet Recipient The destination devices to receive the notification. A
maximum of 20 destination devices is supported.
Process Identifier Unsigned The handle of a process within the recipient device
that is to receive the event notification
Issue Confirmed Notification Boolean (TRUE) if confirmed notifications are to be sent and
(FALSE) if unconfirmed notifications are to be sent
Transitions BACnetEventTransitionBits A set of three flags that indicate the transition (TO-
the recipient is suitable.
If the BACnet workstation or BACnet device supports intrinsic alarming, but is unable to subscribe to the recipient list
property of the notification class object, the workstation or device can still receive alarm notification by adding its Device
Instance to the “NC Dev 1=”, “NC Dev 2=” or “NC Dev 3=” items on the keypad/display. These items are located on the
IP Setup or MSTP Setup menus. Power must by cycled for changes to these items to take effect. Once power is cycled, the
MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller will send out a “Who-Is” command directed at the device. If the
device reponds, the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller will send Unconfirmed Notifications for all alarms
that are generated in the application. If the device does not repond to the Who-Is, the MicroTech III Applied Air Handling
Unit Controller will periodically send out the Who-Is until the device responds.
Alarm Clearing
Alarms within MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers can be cleared via BACnet by setting the ClearAlms
variable to value greater than 1. To clear alarms by alarm class, change the Present_Value property to a 2 to clear all faults,
a 3 to clear all problems or a 4 to clear all warnings. Setting this variable to a 5 will clear all alarms in all three alarm
classes. After the alarms are cleared, this variable will return to None (1).
Alarms within MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controllers can be cleared by alarm class using nviClearAlarms.
To clear alarms in a particular class, set the value of nviClearAlarms to the appropriate value (1=Clear Faults, 2=Clear
Problems, 3=Clear Warnings & 4=Clear All). If the unit is still in the alarm condition, the In Alarm attribute of the Unit
Status Network Variable Output (nvoUnitStatus.in_alarm) again reads the number corresponding to the highest priority
active alarm that still exists.
Clear Alarms
Keypad Menu Path Alarm Lists\Active Alarms\ClrAlms=
This read/write property clears all active alarms or all active alarms in a particular alarm class.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Uses Heartbeat Default Value
Alarms N/A BACnet: Unsigned Enumerated No N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 13 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ClearAlarms.Present_Value
1= None
2= ClrFlts
3= ClrPrblms
4= ClrWrngs
5= ClrAllAlms
ED15112 81
LonWorks Name Profile Uses Heartbeat UNVT Type SNVT Number
nviClearAlarms McQuayDischargeAir, No UNVTclearAlarm N/A
0= None
1= Clear All Faults
2= Clear All Problems
3= Clear All Warnings
4= Clear All Alarms
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 1 recipient_list 102
Full Reference
<Device Name>.NC1-Alarms.recipient_list1, 2
If the BACnet Workstation is unable to subscribe to the recipient_list, you can still subscribe to alarms on the HMI. Navigate to the IP Setup or MSTP Setup menu and enter the
Device Instance of the device to receive the alarms in the “NC Dev 1=”, “NC Dev 2=” or “NC Dev 3=” entries. You must cycle power after changing these properties from the
Maximum of 20 recipients at one time.
No LonWorks equivalent.
Alarm Value
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This object allows individual notification of the highest priority active alarm. The value in the table below is the largest
number in its enumeration that corresponds to an active alarm. This object is set to zero if no alarms are active.
82 ED15112
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 27 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.AlarmValue.Present_Value
Property Value
0 – No Active Alarms
24 - Dirty Filter
28 – Airflow Sw
32 – Conductivity
137 – Waterflow Sw
140 – Water Regulating Valve
154 – Low Pressure – Circuit 6
155 – Low Pressure – Circuit 5
156 – Low Pressure – Circuit 4
157 – Low Pressure – Circuit 3
158 – Low Pressure – Circuit 2
159 – Low Pressure – Circuit 1
162 – High Pressure – Circuit 6
163 – High Pressure – Circuit 5
164 – High Pressure – Circuit 4
165 – High Pressure – Circuit 3
166 – High Pressure – Circuit 2
167 – High Pressure – Circuit 1
169 – Sump Pump Fail
179 – EFT_LCT Problem
182– Return Air Sensor Problem
185 – Space Sensor Problem
188 – OAT Sensor Problem
191 – EWT Problem
194 – MAT Problem
197 – Freeze Problem
208 – Airflow Fault
212 – Low Discharge Air Temp
216 – High Discharge Air Temp
220 – High Return Air Temp
224 – Duct High Limit
228 – Discharge Sensor Fail
244 – Control Temp Fault
250 – Emergency Stop Fault
252 – Freeze Fault
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.in_alarm DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
ED15112 83
Property Value
0 – No Active Warnings
24 - Dirty Filter
28 – Airflow Sw
32 – Conductivity
137 – Waterflow Sw
140 – Water Regulating Valve
154 – Low Pressure – Circuit 6
155 – Low Pressure – Circuit 5
156 – Low Pressure – Circuit 4
157 – Low Pressure – Circuit 3
158 – Low Pressure – Circuit 2
159 – Low Pressure – Circuit 1
162 – High Pressure – Circuit 6
163 – High Pressure – Circuit 5
164 – High Pressure – Circuit 4
165 – High Pressure – Circuit 3
166 – High Pressure – Circuit 2
167 – High Pressure – Circuit 1
169 – Sump Pump Fail
179 – EFT_LCT Problem
182– Return Air Sensor Problem
185 – Space Sensor Problem
188 – OAT Sensor Problem
191 – EWT Problem
194 – MAT Problem
197 – Freeze Problem
208 – Airflow Fault
212 – Low Discharge Air Temp
216 – High Discharge Air Temp
220 – High Return Air Temp
224 – Duct High Limit
228 – Discharge Sensor Fail
244 – Control Temp Fault
250 – Emergency Stop Fault
252 – Freeze Fault
Warning Alarm
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This object allows individual notification of the highest priority active warning alarm. The value in the table below is the
largest number in its enumeration that corresponds to an active alarm. This object is set to zero if no warning alarms are
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A BACnet: Real Enumerated N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 24 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ActiveWarning.Present_Value
84 ED15112
0 – No Active Alarms
24 - Dirty Filter
28 – Airflow Sw
32 – Conductivity
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.in_alarm DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Property Value
0 – No Active Warnings
24 - Dirty Filter
28 – Airflow Sw
32 – Conductivity
Problem Alarm
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This object allows individual notification of the highest priority active problem alarm. The value in the table below is the
largest number in its enumeration that corresponds to an active alarm. This object is set to zero if no problem alarms are
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A BACnet: Real Enumerated N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 25 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ActiveProblem.Present_Value
0 – No Active Alarms
137 – Waterflow Sw
140 – Water Regulating Valve
154 – Low Pressure – Circuit 6
155 – Low Pressure – Circuit 5
156 – Low Pressure – Circuit 4
157 – Low Pressure – Circuit 3
158 – Low Pressure – Circuit 2
159 – Low Pressure – Circuit 1
162 – High Pressure – Circuit 6
163 – High Pressure – Circuit 5
164 – High Pressure – Circuit 4
165 – High Pressure – Circuit 3
166 – High Pressure – Circuit 2
167 – High Pressure – Circuit 1
169 – Sump Pump Fail
179 – EFT_LCT Problem
182– Return Air Sensor Problem
185 – Space Sensor Problem
188 – OAT Sensor Problem
191 – EWT Problem
194 – MAT Problem
197 – Freeze Problem
ED15112 85
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.in_alarm DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Property Value
0 – No Active Warnings
137 – Waterflow Sw
140 – Water Regulating Valve
154 – Low Pressure – Circuit 6
155 – Low Pressure – Circuit 5
156 – Low Pressure – Circuit 4
157 – Low Pressure – Circuit 3
158 – Low Pressure – Circuit 2
159 – Low Pressure – Circuit 1
162 – High Pressure – Circuit 6
163 – High Pressure – Circuit 5
164 – High Pressure – Circuit 4
165 – High Pressure – Circuit 3
166 – High Pressure – Circuit 2
167 – High Pressure – Circuit 1
169 – Sump Pump Fail
179 – EFT_LCT Problem
182– Return Air Sensor Problem
185 – Space Sensor Problem
188 – OAT Sensor Problem
191 – EWT Problem
194 – MAT Problem
197 – Freeze Problem
Fault Alarm
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This object allows individual notification of the highest priority active fault alarm. The value in the table below is the
largest number in its enumeration that corresponds to an active alarm. This object is set to zero if no fault alarms are active.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A BACnet: Real Enumerated N/A
LONWORKS: Structure
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 26 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ActiveFault.Present_Value
0 – No Active Alarms
208 – Airflow Fault
212 – Low Discharge Air Temp
216 – High Discharge Air Temp
220 – High Return Air Temp
224 – Duct High Limit
228 – Discharge Sensor Fail
244 – Control Temp Fault
250 – Emergency Stop Fault
252 – Freeze Fault
86 ED15112
LONWORKS Name Profile Uses Heartbeat SNVT Type SNVT Index
nvoUnitStatus.in_alarm DAC, SCC Yes SNVT_hvac_status 112
Property Value
0 – No Active Warnings
208 – Airflow Fault
212 – Low Discharge Air Temp
216 – High Discharge Air Temp
220 – High Return Air Temp
224 – Duct High Limit
228 – Discharge Sensor Fail
244 – Control Temp Fault
250 – Emergency Stop Fault
252 – Freeze Fault
Airflow Fault
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Airflow Fault alarm is active (1) or not (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 27 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.AirflowFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 2 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.AFSwWrn.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 87
Conductivity Warning
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Conductivity Warning alarm is active (1) or not active (0). This
variable applies only to unit configured for evaporative condensing.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 3 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ConductivityWrn.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 28 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ControlTempFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 4 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DrtyFltrWrn.Present_Value
88 ED15112
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 29 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DischSensorFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 30 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.DuctHiLmtFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 89
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 31 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EmergencyOffFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 5 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EFT_LCTPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 6 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.EntWtrTmpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
90 ED15112
Freeze Fault
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Freeze Fault alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 32 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.FreezeFault.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Freeze Problem
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Freeze Problem alarm is active (1) or not active (0). This variable
applies only to units configured for at least one of the following: waterside economizer, face and bypass heating, steam/hot
water heating, chilled water cooling or face and bypass cooling.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 7 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.FreezePrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 33 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiDischTmpFlt.Present_Value
ED15112 91
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 8 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt1Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 9 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt2Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
92 ED15112
High Pressure Circuit 3 Problem
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the High Pressure Circuit 3 Problem alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
This variable applies only to units configured for three or more mechanical cooling circuits.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 10 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt3Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 11 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt4Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 12 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt5Prb.Present_Value
ED15112 93
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 13 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiPressCkt6Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 34 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.HiReturnTmpFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
94 ED15112
Low Discharge Temp Fault
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Low Discharge Temperature Fault alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 35 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoDischTmpFlt.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 14 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt1Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 15 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt2Prb.Present_Value
ED15112 95
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 16 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt3Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 17 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt4Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
96 ED15112
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 18 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt5Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 19 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.LoPressCkt6Prb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 20 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.MixAirTmpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 97
Outdoor Temp Problem
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Outdoor Temperature Problem alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
This variable applies only to units configured for an outdoor temp sensor.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 21 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.OutdoorTmpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 22 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.ReturnTmpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
98 ED15112
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 23 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SpaceTmpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 24 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.SumpPumpPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 25 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.WtrFlowSwPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
ED15112 99
Water Regulating Valve Problem
Keypad Menu Path No Keypad Equivalent
This read-only BACnet object indicates whether the Water Regulating Valve Problem alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
This variable applies only to units configured for head pressure control.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 26 Present_Value 85
Full Reference
<Device Name>.WtrRegVlvPrb.Present_Value
0 – normal
1 – Alarm
No LONWORKS equivalent.
100 ED15112
BACnet Device Management
The following functions are specific to the BACnet device. These functions are used for maintenance and testing. A network
management tool such as VTS is typically used to issue the network commands.
DeviceCommunicationControl - Disable
The purpose of this command is to reduce network traffic for diagnostic testing of the BACnet network. When the BACnet
Communication module receives a network command to Disable communications it stops communicating information to the
network. An optional time may be specified for how long to suspend communications. The unit continues to operate during
the Disabled state.
DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable
When the BACnet Communication module receives a network command to Enable communications, MicroTech III AHU
communications to BACnet is restored.
ReinitializeDevice (Reset)
When the BACnet Communication module is capable of receiving a network ReinitializeDevice command to reboot itself
(cold start or warm start). The funcationality of a cold and warm start are the same and simple reboot the BACnet
Communication module. No password is required.
ED15112 101
Appendix A: Protocol Implementation Conformance
Statement (PICS)
This section contains the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for the MicroTech III Applied Air
Handling Unit Controller from McQuay International as required by ANSI/ASHRAE (American National Standards
Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) Standard 135-2004, BACnet; A Data
Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
Product Description
The MicroTech III Applied Air Handling Unit Controller with optional BACnet Communication Module is a
microprocessor-based controller designed to operate McQuay International Air Handling (Rooftop or Self-Contained) Units
and be integrated into BACnet building automation systems.
The controller provides normal temperature, static pressure and ventilation control and alarm monitoring with alarm-
specific component shutdown in critical system conditions. Access to temperatures, pressures, operating states, alarm
messages, control parameters and schedules is available through an equipment-mounted keypad/display and the BACnet
control network.
102 ED15112
BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs) Supported
BIBB Name Designation
Data Sharing – ReadProperty – B DS-RP-B
Data Sharing – ReadPropertyMultiple – B DS-RPM-B
Data Sharing – WriteProperty – B DS-WP-B
Data Sharing – WritePropertyMultiple – B DS-WPM-B
Data Sharing – COV – B DS-COV-B
Data Sharing – UCOV – B DS-UCOV-B
Alarm & Event – Notification Internal - B AE-N-I-B
Alarm & Event – ACK –B AE-ACK-B
Alarm & Event – Information - B AE-INFO-B
Device Management – Dynamic Device Binding – A DM-DDB-A
Device Management – Dynamic Device Binding – B DM-DDB-B
Device Management – Dynamic Object Binding – B DM-DOB-B
Device Management – Device Communication Control – B DM-DCC-B
Device Management – TimeSynchronization – B DM-TS-B
Device Management – UTCTimeSynchronization – B DM-UTS-B
Device Management – Reinitialize Device – B DM-RD-B
Device Management – List Manipulation – B DM-LM-B
ED15112 103
Standard Object Types Supported
Object-Type Optional Properties Supported
Required To Be Writeable
104 ED15112
Writeable Properties Not
Object-Type Optional Properties Supported
Required To Be Writeable
ED15112 105
Writeable Properties Not
Object-Type Optional Properties Supported
Required To Be Writeable
106 ED15112
Segmentation Capability
Segmented requests supported Window Size: 4
Segmented responses supported Window Size: 4
Networking Options
Router, Clause 6 – List all routing configurations, e.g., ARCNET-Ethernet, Ethernet-MS/TP,
Annex H, BACnet Tunneling Router over IP
BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
Number of BDT entries: 10
Does the BBMD Support registration by Foreign Devices? Yes No
ED15112 107
108 ED15112
Primary Cool Enable, 15, 26, 61 Standard Configuration Parameter Type, 11
Primary CoolEnable, 21 Standard Network Variable Types, 11
Primary Heat Enable, 15, 21, 26, 61 Sump Pump Fail Problem, 23, 80, 99
Problem Alarm, 22, 27, 85 Sump Pump Switch, 23, 70
Problem Alarms, 77 Supply Fan Capacity, 20, 25, 70
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement, 5, 6, 102 Supply Fan Capacity Input, 14, 20, 25, 65, 70
Receive Heartbeat, 21, 26, 62 Temperature Setpoint Input, 27, 38, 71
Reheat Capacity, 21, 26, 63 Time, 9, 71, 105
Relative Humidity, 21, 26, 64 Type Enumeration, 7
Relative Humidity Input, 15, 21, 27, 64 UDP, 9
Relative Humidity Setpoint, 21, 26, 64 Unit State, 17, 20, 25, 71
Remote Return/Exhaust Fan Capacity Control Flag, 20, 25, 65, 67 Unit Status, 20, 81
Remote Supply Fan Capacity Control Flag, 20, 25, 65 Unit Support, 21, 72
Return Air Temperature, 17, 20, 25, 66 Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint, 17, 21, 26, 73
Return Fan Capacity Input, 15, 21, 25, 67 Unoccupied Heating Setpoint, 17, 21, 26, 73
Return Temp Problem, 23, 98 VAV Box Output, 20, 25, 74
Return/Exhaust Fan Capacity, 20, 25, 66 Warning Alarm, 22, 27, 84
Return/Exhaust Fan Status, 25 Warning Alarms, 79
Send Heartbeat, 26, 67 Water Flow Switch, 23, 75
service pin, 14 Water Flow Switch Input, 15
Space CO2, 21, 26, 68 Water Regulating Valve, 23, 75
Space Comfort Controller, 5, 11, 14 Water Regulating Valve Problem, 23, 80, 100
Space IAQ Input, 15, 21, 27, 68 Waterflow Switch, 21
Space Setpoint Type, 71 Waterflow Switch Input, 27, 75
Space Temp Problem, 23, 80, 98 Waterflow Switch Problem, 23, 80, 99
Space Temperature, 15, 20, 25, 69 XIF, 14
Space Temperature Input, 21, 26, 69
This document contains the most current product information as of this printing. For the most current product
information, please go to www.mcquay.com.
ED15112 109