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1 Define Cyber Crime. Classify types of cyber-attacks.

The term cyber crime is used to describe a unlawful activity in which computer or
computing devices such as smartphones, tablets, Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs),
etc. which are stand alone or a part of a network are used as a tool or/and target of
criminal acitivity.

Insider Attack: An attack to the network or the computer system by some person with
authorized system access is known as insider attack. It is generally performed by
dissatisfied or unhappy inside employees or contractors. The motive of the insider
attack could be revenge or greed. It is comparitively easy for an insider to perform a
cyber attack as he is well aware of the policies, processes, IT architecture and wealness
of the security system. Moreover, the attacker have an access to the network.
Therefore it is comparatively easy for a insider attacker to steel sensitive information,
crash the network, etc. In most of the cases the reason for insider attack is when a
employee is fired or assigned new roles in an organization, and the role is not reflected
in the IT policies. This opens a vernability window for the attacker. The insider attack
could be prevented by planning and installing an Internal intrusion detection systems
(IDS) in the organization.

External Attack: When the attacker is either hired by an insider or an external entity to
the organization, it is known as external attack. The organization which is a victim of
cyber attack not only faces financial loss but also the loss of reputation. Since the
attacker is external to the organization, so these attackers usually scan and gathering
information.An expreicend network/security administrator keeps regual eye on the log
generated by the firewalls as extertnal attacks can be traced out by carefully analysinig
these firewall logs. Also, Intrusion Detection Systems are installed to keep an eye on
external attacks.

Unstructured attacks: These attacks are generally performed by amatures who don‟t
have any predefined motives to perform the cyber attack. Usually these amatures try to
test a tool readily available over the internet on the network of a random company.

 Structure Attack: These types of attacks are performed by highly skilled and
experienced people and the motives of these attacks are clear in their mind. They have
access to sophisticated tools and technologies to gain access to other networks without
being noticed by their Intrusion Detection Systems(IDSs). Moreover, these attacker
have the necessary expertise to develop or modify the existing tools to satisfy their
purpose. These types of attacks are usually performed by professional criminals, by a
country on other rival countries, politicians to damage the image of the rival person or
the country, terrorists, rival companies, etc.
2 Explain DOS and DDOS attack. 4

The Denial of Service (DoS) attack: is an attempt by hackers to make a network

resource unavailable. It usually interrupts the host, temporary or indefinitely, which is
connected to the Internet. These attacks typically target services hosted on mission
critical web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways.

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack: is an attempt to make an online service

or a website unavailable by overloading it with huge floods of traffic generated from
multiple sources.
Unlike a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, in which one computer and one Internet
connection is used to flood a targeted resource with packets, a DDoS attack uses
many computers and many Internet connections, often distributed globally in what is
referred to as a botnet. A large-scale volumetric DDoS attack can generate a traffic
measured in tens of Gigabits (and even hundreds of Gigabits) per second.

3 Explain different motives for commission of cyber crime 3

There are many reasons which act as a catalyst in the growth of cyber crime. Some of
the prominent reasons are:

a. Money: People are motivated towards committing cyber crime is to make quick and
easy money.

b. Revenge: Some people try to take revenge with other person/organization/society/

caste or religion by defaming its reputation or bringing economical or physical loss. This
comes under the category of cyber terrorism.

c. Fun: The amateur do cyber crime for fun. They just want to test the latest tool they
have encountered.

d. Recognition: It is considered to be pride if someone hack the highly secured networks

like defense sites or networks.

e. Anonymity- Many time the anonymity that a cyber space provide motivates the
person to commit cyber crime as it is much easy to commit a cyber crime over the cyber
space and remain anonymous as compared to real world. It is much easier to get away
with criminal activity in a cyber world than in the real world. There is a strong sense of
anonymity than can draw otherwise respectable citizens to abandon their ethics in
pursuit personal gain.
f. Cyber Espionage: At times the government itself is involved in cyber trespassing to
keep eye on other person/network/country. The reason could be politically,
economically socially motivated.

4 List different types of cybercrime and explain any four 7

1 Cyber Stalking :It is an act of stalking, harassing or threatening someone using

Internet/computer as a medium. This is often done to defame a person and use email,
social network, instant messenger, web-posting, etc. as a using Internet as a medium
as it offers anonymity. The behaviour includes false accusations, threats, sexual
exploitation to minors, monitoring, etc.

2 Child Pornography: It is an act of possessing image or video of a minor (under 18),

engaged in sexual conduct.

3 Forgery and Counterfeiting : It is a use of computer to forgery and counterfeiting is a

document. With the advancement in the hardware and the software, it is possible to
produce counterfeit which matches the original document to such an extent that it is not
possible to judge the authenticity of the document without expert judgement.

4 Software Piracy and Crime related to IPRs : Software piracy is an illegal reproduction
and distribution for personal use or business. It comes under crime related to IPR
infringement. Some of the other crimes under IPR infringement are: download of songs,
downloading movies, etc.

5 Cyber Terrorism: It is defined as the use of computer resources to intimidate or coerce

government, the civilian population or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or
social objectives.

6 Phishing: It is a process of acquiring personal and sensitive information of an

individual via email by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
The purpose of phishing is identity theft and the personal information like username,
password, and credit card number etc. may be used to steal money from user account.
If a telephone is used as a medium for identity theft, it is known as Vishing (voice
phishing). Another form of phishing is Smishing, in which sms is used to lure customers.

7 Computer Vandalism: It is an act of physical destroying computing resources using

physical force or malicious code.

8 Computer Hacking : It is a practice of modifying computer hardware and software to

accomplish a goal outside the creator‟s original purpose. The purpose of hacking a
computer system may vary from simply demonstrations of the technical ability, to
sealing, modifying or destroying information for social, economic or political reasons.
Now the corporate are hiring hackers, a person who is engaged in hacking computers,
to intentionally hack the computer of an organization to find and fix security

5 What are different techniques to achieve Cyber security? Explain any three. 7


It is a process of identifying an individual and ensuring that the individual is the same
who he/she claims to be. A typical method for authentication over internet is via
username and password. With the increase in the reported cases of cyber crime by
identity theft over internet, the organizations have made some additional arrangements
for authentication like One Time Password(OTP), as the name suggest it is a password
which can be used one time only and is sent to the user as an SMS or an email at the
mobile number/email address that he have specified during the registration process. It
is known as two-factor authentication method and requires two type of evidence to
authentication an individual to provide an extra layer of security for authentication.
Some other popular techniques for two-way authentication are: biometric data, physical
token, etc. which are used in conjunction with username and password.


It is a technique to convert the data in unreadable form before transmitting it over the
internet. Only the person who have the access to the key and convert it in the readable
form and read it. Formally encryption can be defined as a technique to lock the data by
converting it to complex codes using mathematical algorithms. The code is so complex
that it even the most powerful computer will take several years to break the code. This
secure code can safely be transmitted over internet to the destination. The receiver,
after receiving the data can decode it using the key. The decoding of the complex code
to original text using key is known as decryption. If the same key is used to lock and
unlock the data, it is known as symmetric key encryption.


It is a technique for validation of data. Validation is a process of certifying the content of

a document. The digital signatures not only validate the data but also used for
authentication. The digital signature is created by encrypting the data with the private
key of the sender. The encrypted data is attached along with the original message and
sent over the internet to the destination. The receiver can decrypt the signature with the
public key of the sender. Now the decrypted message is compared with the original
message. If both are same, it signifies that the data is not tempered and also the
authenticity of the sender is verified as someone with the private key(which is known to
the owner only) can encrypt the data which was then decrypted by his public key. If the
data is tempered while transmission, it is easily detected by the receiver as the data will
not be verified. Moreover, the massage cannot be re-encrypted after tempering as the
private key, which is posses only by the original sender, is required for this purpose.


There are verities of malicious programs like virus, worms, trojan horse, etc that are
spread over internet to compromise the security of a computer either to destroy data
stored into the computer or gain financial benefits by sniffing passwords etc. To prevent
these malicious codes to enter to your system, a special program called an anti-virus is
used which is designed to protect the system against virus. It not only prevents the
malicious code to enter the system but also detects and destroys the malicious code
that is already installed into the system. There are lots of new viruses coming every day.
The antivirus program regularly updates its database and provides immunity to the
system against these new viruses, worms, etc.


It is a hardware/software which acts as a shield between an organization‟s network and

the internet and protects it from the threats like virus, malware, hackers, etc. It can be
used to limit the persons who can have access to your network and send information to


It is a technique of hiding secret messages in a document file, image file, and program
or protocol etc. such that the embedded message is invisible and can be retrieved using
special software. Only the sender and the receiver know about the existence of the
secret message in the image. The advantage of this technique is that these files are not
easily suspected.
6 Define and explain Firewall with

diagram.4 or 7

7 Classify and explain different firewalls. 4 or 7

8 Explain Packet filter VS Circuit level Firewall. 4

9 State difference between Stateful and Stateless Firewall. 4

10 Explain Network Address Translations (NAT) ? 3

1. static nat

2. dynamic nat

3. port address translation.

11 What is Port Forwarding? Explain with its types . 3

12 Define and explain Virus, Worms and Trojan Horse. 4 or 7

1.3.4 Virus : A virus is a malicious code written to damage/harm the host computer by
deleting or appending a file, occupy memory space of the computer by replicating the
copy of the code, slow down the performance of the computer, format the host machine,
etc. It can be spread via email attachment, pen drives, digital images, e-greeting, audio
or video clips, etc. A virus may be present in a computer but it cannot activate itself
without the human intervention.

1.3.5 Worms :They are a class of virus which can replicate themselves. They are
different from the virus by the fact that they does not require human intervention to
travel over the network and spread from the infected machine to the whole network.
Worms can spread either through network, using the loopholes of the Operating System
or via email. The replication and spreading of the worm over the network consumes the
network resources like space and bandwidth and force the network to choke.
1.3.6 Trojan Horse :Trojan horse is a malicious code that is installed in the host
machine by pretending to be useful software. The user clicks on the link or download
the file which pretends to be a useful file or software from legitimate source. It not only
damages the host computer by manipulating the data but also it creates a backdoor in
the host computer so that it could be controlled by a remote computer. It can become a
part of botnet(robot-network), a network of computers which are infected by malicious
code and controlled by central controller. The computers of this network which are
infected by malicious code are known as zombies. Trojens neither infect the other
computers in the network nor do they replicate.

13 Explain with neat diagram different ways via which Virus can be transferred? 4 or 7

diagram. 4 or 7
14 What are security threats of Packet filter Firewall 3 or 4
15 List and explain advantage of Packet filter Firewall 3 or 4

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