Rotation Is A Term That Describes The
Rotation Is A Term That Describes The
Rotation Is A Term That Describes The
In space, there is no such thing as up or Rotation can describe the motion of a spinning top
down. An object’s position can be (left). You can think of an axis as the center peg of
a spinning top. This top’s axis is tilted like Earth’s.
measured only relative to other objects. A globe (right) is a model of Earth that represents
The Sun is the center of our solar how the planet rotates about a tilted axis.
system. Therefore, the motion of the
planets and other objects in our solar system can be measured relative to the
Sun. Like the other planets, Earth rotates about an axis. Earth’s axis is not a
perfectly vertical, or perpendicular, line. Instead, our planet tilts at an angle of
23.5° relative to its path around the Sun. The northern end of Earth’s axis, known
as the geographic North Pole, always points at the North Star.
A day is the amount of time a planet takes to complete one full rotation. Earth
takes 24 hours to complete one full rotation, so one day on Earth is 24 hours.
Because Earth rotates, different parts of the planet face
the Sun at different times. When the Western
Hemisphere is facing the Sun, it is daytime there and
nighttime in the Eastern Hemisphere. When the Western
Hemisphere is facing away from the Sun, it is nighttime
there and daytime in the Western Hemisphere.
Even though you can’t feel it, Earth rotates very fast.
Earth’s rotation is so fast, it causes the planet to bulge
out slightly at the equator and shrink slightly at the poles.
This clementine
orange is an oblate Therefore, Earth is not a perfect sphere. Earth’s
spheroid. Earth is more circumference is slightly wider at the equator than it is at
rounded than this the poles. This shape is called an oblate spheroid. In
clementine, but it is still most photographs and diagrams that you will see, Earth
an oblate spheroid. probably looks like a perfect sphere.
A year is the amount of time a planet takes to complete one full revolution around
the Sun. Earth takes 365.25 days to complete one full revolution. We usually
define one Earth year as 365 days. Because a full Earth year is actually 365.25
days, every four years we have a ―leap year.‖ During a leap year, we make up for
this extra quarter-day by adding an extra day to the calendar. A leap year has
366 days instead of the normal 365 days.
While the planets in our solar system all revolve around the Sun, each of the
moons in our solar system revolves around a planet. Some planets have several
moons, but Earth has just one. Earth’s moon is
called simply the Moon. The Moon takes 28 Earth
days to complete one full revolution around Earth.
The fact that Earth’s distance from the Sun changes throughout the year might
seem like a good explanation for the seasons. You might think that Earth is
colder when it is farther from the Sun and warmer when it is closer to the Sun.
However, this explanation is incorrect. Not every part of Earth experiences the
same seasons at the same time. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere,
it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. What, then, causes the seasons?
At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun and
receives fewer direct rays of sunlight. As a result, days are shorter and weather
is cooler in the Southern Hemisphere. It is winter. Plants there grow less actively,
and many lose their leaves. Animals are also less active; some hibernate, or
sleep through the winter.
Why do we see the same side of the Moon every night from Earth? The answer
is the Moon rotates about its axis at the same rate that it revolves around Earth.
In other words, the Moon takes about 28 days to complete one rotation and
about 28 days to complete one revolution. Due to its revolution, every night the
Moon appears in a different part of Earth’s sky. However, the Moon has rotated
just enough on its axis to prevent us from seeing it from a different perspective.
For each position, decide whether each hemisphere is experiencing day or night
and winter or summer. Write your answers in the charts below.
Position 1 Position 2
NE Hemisphere NW Hemisphere NE Hemisphere NW Hemisphere
Day or Winter or Day or Winter or Day or Winter or Day or Winter or
Night? Summer? Night? Summer? Night? Summer? Night? Summer?
Position 1 Position 2
SE Hemisphere SW Hemisphere SE Hemisphere SW Hemisphere
Day or Winter or Day or Winter or Day or Winter or Day or Winter or
Night? Summer? Night? Summer? Night? Summer? Night? Summer?
In a darkened room, hold the ball a few feet away from your child, and have your
child shine the flashlight on the ball. Hold the ball so that the axis is pointing up
and down at a slight tilt toward the flashlight. Holding the ball steady at this tilt,
walk in a circle around your child, who should keep the flashlight aimed at the
ball. As you revolve around your child, discuss how the ball represents Earth on
its tilted axis and the flashlight represents the Sun. Stop periodically at different
points in the ―orbit,‖ and ask your child to explain which season each hemisphere
is experiencing and where it is day and where it is night.
Try the exercise again, this time holding the ball so that the axis is perfectly
straight up and down, rather than at a tilt. Ask your child how this changes the
effect of Earth’s orbit on each hemisphere. (Earth will still experience day and
night as it rotates, but without a tilted axis different hemispheres will not
experience different seasons.)