An Efficient Design of 16 Bit MAC Unit Using Vedic Mathematics
An Efficient Design of 16 Bit MAC Unit Using Vedic Mathematics
An Efficient Design of 16 Bit MAC Unit Using Vedic Mathematics
S. No Sutra
1. (Anurupye) Shunyamanyat
2. Chalana-Kalanabyham
3. Ekadhikena Purvena
4. Ekanyunena Purvena
5. Gunakasamuccayah
6. Gunitasamuccayah
7. Nikhilam-Navatashcaramam Dashatah
8. Paraavartya-Yojayet
9. Puranapuranabyham
10. Sankalana-vyavakalanabhyam
11. Shesanyankena-Charamena
12. Shunyam-Saamyasamuccaye
13. Sopantyadvayamantyam Fig. 1. Basic MAC
14. Urdhva-Tiryakbhyam
15. Vyashtisamastih
16. Yavadunam
The simulations are as given below in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and
Fig. 7 respectively. The obtained values are tabulated in Table
II and Table III.
Table III presents the comparison of existing [6] and VI. CONCLUSION
proposed works in terms of area and delay. A 16 bit MAC unit utilizing an 8bit vedic-multiplier with
TABLE III carry save adder was designed. It was based on UT sutra and
AREA AND DELAY COMPARISON coded in verilog HDL. The implementation was carried on
Artix-7 FPGA. It was observed to possess around 9.5% power
Parameters Existing Proposed
reduction along with significant improvement in area and
[6] delay. A comparison with a conventional multiplier and
existing multiplier was carried out respectively. The MAC unit
LUT Slices 397 149 designed with the proposed multiplier can be used in DSP
applications for improving the speed and performance. In
Delay (ns) 19.1 9.484 future, this work can be extended by replacing the multipliers
with reversible logic gates for achieving further power
reduction and better performance.
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