Learning Activity Sheet: Ip Addressing and Subnet Mask
Learning Activity Sheet: Ip Addressing and Subnet Mask
Learning Activity Sheet: Ip Addressing and Subnet Mask
Network addressing
There are three types of network address; unicast, multicast and broadcast.
Unicast address
Unicast address represents an individual end device. If an IP packet is sent on a unicast address, it is intended
only for that particular recipient. Unicast addresses are usually used by end devices for end to end communication.
Multicast address
Multicast address represents a group of devices. If an IP packet is sent on a multicast address, it is intended for
all members of that group. Multicast addresses are usually used by networking devices for running their own
Broadcast address
Broadcast address represents all devices of the network. If an IP packet is sent on a broadcast address, it is intended
for all devices of that network. Broadcast addresses are usually used to locate hosts or services in network.
The differences between multicast address and broadcast address are following: -
Multicast address represents only a group of devices from a particular network while broadcast address
represents all devices of that particular network.
Based on configuration, messages which are sent on a multicast address are normally allowed to pass
through the router. Messages which are sent on a broadcast address are not allowed to pass through the
router under any circumstances.
That’s all for this part. In next part we will learn what IP Subnetting is and why it is done in computer networks.
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1. Set network configuration
Activity 1
Direction: Write “True” if the statement is true. Write “False” if the statement is false. Write your answers on
the space provided.
1. If we exclude the host address to IP address, we get Broadcast address.
2. Public
IP addresses are used in public network such as Internet.
3. Unicast address represents an individual end device. = ______
4. Public IP addresses are used in private network.
5. Broadcast address represents a group of devices.
6. A network address is an IP address in which all host bits are turned off.
7. Messages which are sent on a multicast address are not allowed to pass through the router under any
8. Multicast address represents only a group of devices from a particular network.
9. Host addresses are addresses that is used by the working stations or computers on the network.= ______
10. Broadcast address represents all devices of the network.
1. What are the two parts of IP Address on networks?
Electronic Resources:
examples.html - Computer Networking Notes
IP Addressing and Subnetting for New Users