Computing Scheme of Work and Planning: All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum
Computing Scheme of Work and Planning: All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum
Computing Scheme of Work and Planning: All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum
Computer 1. Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as 4. Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals,
Science (CS) programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by
precise and unambiguous instructions decomposing them into smaller parts
2. Create and debug simple programs 5. Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with
variables and various forms of input and output
3. Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
6. Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and
to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
Information 1. Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate 2. Use search technologies effectively
Technology (IT) and retrieve digital content
3. Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet
services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of
programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including
collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
Digital Literacy 1. Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school 3. Understand the opportunities [networks] offer for communication and
(DL) collaboration
2. Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information
private; identify where to go for help and support when they have 4. Be discerning in evaluating digital content
concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online
technologies 5. Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise
acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report
concerns about content and contact
The Computing Curriculum - Computing can be divided into 3 areas: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy (Inc eSafety)
All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum
It is important that we educate our children to be safe and responsible whilst using the internet and technology. As part of their education, we need to teach them how to
remain safe whilst online and how to use technology both appropriately and effectively. This module will concentrate on creating a society that is well informed about how
to protect themselves online whilst promoting the use of technology.
Children are learning that appropriate, respectful ways to communicate are important and this should include digital communications, whether online or offline.
Digital Citizenship & Technology (DL) eSafety Level 1 Digital Citizenship & Technology (DL) eSafety Level 2 (Year Digital Citizenship & Technology (DL) eSafety Level 3 (Year
(Reception, Year 1 & 2) 3 & 4) 5 & 6)
eSafety Awareness Raising (Video & Class Discussion) eSafety Awareness Raising (Video & Class Discussion) eSafety Awareness Raising (Video & Class Discussion)
Sending emails and messages (Maily) Communicating On-line and images, Social Communicating On-line and images, Social
Networking Networking, Sexting, images and grooming (What
are you sharing)
Introducing on-line life and what it is? Including Gaming and collaboration Gaming and collaboration
gaming e.g. Minecraft
What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber Bullying & Report Abuse Cyber Bullying & Report Abuse
Stranger Danger Friend or Foe Friend or Foe
Copy Right, what is it? Copy Right, what is it?
Passwords & Security (Virus, downloads, pop ups Passwords & Security (Virus, downloads, pop ups
and scams) and scams)
In App Purchases & Mobiles (iPads, Phones etc)
Key Stage 1
Year 1 Walking with Pictures Tell a App Attack - Crazy Creatures Young We are all Digital
Dinosaurs Thousand Words Games Design Further develop Investigators Connected Citizenship &
Understand the Understand the Introduce their Learn how to Show children Technology (DL)
term algorithm importance of children to the understanding of search the how the web Level 1
internet develop
and able to use images/Picture concepts of control, works. The
basic web skills.
a simple app on books – Learn games design. directional The children will children will
an iPad functions of a Inc sequencing, language and use Thinglink to produce a simple
digital camera computational programming, by produce and eBook or
thinking, programming a publish an presentation
directional Bee-Bot interactive image
language and
problem solving
Year 2 You’ve got mail Super Sci-Fi Whatever the Code-tastic Young Authors Let's Fix IT Digital
children explore Children create a Weather Introduction to Technological Using scratch - Citizenship &
how they can simple space Presenting and the language of journey and children to Technology (DL)
use email to invader game interpreting data code. How show them how analyse simple Level 1
communicate and interactive computer technology has computer;
with real people quiz programs advanced over identify any
within their actually run the years. Create errors within the
schools, families, their own eBook code, they can
and communities find a solution
WILMA Main Teaching Success Criteria Assessment Opportunities
Understanding Discuss with the class what they do online and how they think they can stay Children are able to discuss What is meant by a private
the risks of using safe online. the risks of using the internet profile?
the internet Discuss what information children share on the internet and the importance and identify ways of
of protecting our personal information online, use the video below to inform protecting themselves. Who do you speak to line?
this discussion:
All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum How do you protect yourself
What mistakes does Becky make in this video? Write down each of the
childrens answers and then work through each of the answers and ask them What do you do online, which
what could she have done differently. sites do you use?
To finish the session ask the children what they can do to protect
Social networking Show the children the video below to act as a catylst for discussing social What is a social network?
sites and networks online: Do you use a social networking
protecting site?
ourselves Ask the children to come up with their top tips for staying safe for when Who do you speak to?
they setup online profiles and when they are using social networking sites. How would you protect
yourself when using social
networking sites?
Cyber Bullying Discuss with children what they understand cyberbullying to be and if they Children understand what What is cyberbullying?
and reporting are familiar with the term? Do they know who they can talk to if they are cyberbullying is.
abuse victims of cyberbullying? Are they aware that most online games have a What effect on a child’s life
report feature for foul and abusive language? Show the following video. Children know how to report can cyberbullying have? - any concerns they may have.
Now ask the children for their thoughts on the video. Split the children into
groups and ask them to draw up their own ‘code of conduct’ for using the
internet and respecting others online
Identifying who Class discussion: Children know they can and Who do you speak to online?
you should talk Ask the children who they speak to online – whether it’s through a social can’t talk to on-line
to online networking site, online gaming site or another site. Do they know everyone If you don’t know them in real
they are speaking to, for example when playing online games its very easy to life how do you know they are
end up playing against a stranger. If you don’t know them how do you know telling the truth?
whether they are telling the truth or not?
How can you protect yourself
Ask the children to play the game ‘Pic your Friends’ from the link below: online?
Curriculum Links
Activity Eng Maths Sci PE Art & D&T Geog His Music PSHE RE MFL
WILMA Main Teaching Success Criteria Assessment Opportunities
Lesson 1 Open the resource “Racing Cars – Lesson Guide” (Ref 31.1). Children are able to create a What is a sprite?
Understanding Explain the Scratch user interface and how to create your own sprite in Scratch. How do we shrink our sprites if they
how to create are too big?
multiple sprites for Ask the children to complete Activity 1 from the guide where they are asked to
their project and create their own sprite.
Lesson 3 Open the resource “Racing Cars – Lesson Guide” (Ref 31.1). Children are able to create Why do we have a variable for the
variables. red car and a variable for the yellow
Understanding Explain how to create variables for different sprites. car?
variables and how
to create multiple Ask the children to complete Activity 5 & Activity 6 from the guide.
variables for
Lesson 4 Open the resource “Racing Cars – Lesson Guide” (Ref 31.1). Children are able to use and Why are we asking if red = 3?
explain what conditional
Use conditional Explain the code block on how to use conditional statements to confirm the statements are. Why are we checking if the car sprite
statements to winner of the game. has touched the colour yellow?
decide the winner
of the game Ask the childrento complete Activity 7 & Activity 8 from the guide.
Lesson 5 Open the resource “Racing Cars – Lesson Guide” (Ref 31.1). Children are able to create a Why do we check if red = 3 OR
timer for their game. yellow = 3?
Understanding and Explain the code block on how to use conditional statements to create a timer
using a variable for the game.
and a conditional
statement to Ask the childrento complete Activity 9 from the guide.
create a counting
Website Designers
WILMA Main Teaching Success Criteria Assessment Opportunities
Lesson 1 Discuss what content is and what content would be appropriate for different Identify what types of digital What is a website?
kinds of websites (show examples). content can be used in
Planning contents websites. Why do we use websites?
and theme for For example look at the differences between:
their website Children decide on a theme What are the differences between
Your school website compared to the BBC website – what are the target for their website. these sites?
All Saints Upton Primary School Computing Curriculum
audiences? Although they display different information (local vs international)
both aimed primarily at adults so is the layout etc. significantly different? Next Why do you think there are
compare your schools website to that of Moshi Monsters or Club Penguin. The differences in the appearance of
target audiences are significantly different and the sites reflect this – compare these two sites?
the fonts used, graphics, colours etc.
Why do you think this site has used
Working in small groups, children must decide on a theme for their own this Font style?
website. This could be their class topic for the term or the one they have just
completed. Alternatively, they may want to create a website that is aimed at an
interest they have.
Children should then consider who their website is aimed at – if they’re doing
their school topic they could aim this at other children who would be studying
this topic.
Children make a list of content that they want to include in their site.
Alternative toPopplet – Flowol or Microsoft PowerPoint/ Word
Level 2 Look at ‘content’ in more detail. Be able to identify which What do we mean by content?
software can produce which
Creating and Making your own content: show examples of content and the type of content What is copyright?
sourcing contents applications/software that created them.
Identify which websites they Why do you think we have copyright
Sharing others content: identify what Copyright protection is and what it is can safely share content from laws?
designed to do, use Google images as an example.
Define what copy right
Show methods of sharing other people’s content e.g. creating links, embed protection is
code, RSS feeds, podcasting and film/animation.
Children investigate what content would be appropriate for their site.
Lesson 3 Teacher reference – this is a step by step guide on how to sign up to and use Create and sign up for a free What is a site map? website.
Building a website Why do you think a site map can
Groups must sign up to WordPress, (using school not personal email address) Create a site map for their help when producing a website?
Show class what a site map is and how it helps in planning – example site map
available (ref 32.1). Plan content for each page.
Start collating the resources they want to use and type up any text in a Word
document and create any other content.
Lesson 4 Show children how to use WordPress andhow to copy and paste, edit and Finish designing their website. Which media types are you using on
format text, how to add pictures and embed content. your website?
Continue lesson
Children finish adding content totheir site. Why have you included that
particular picture/ movie?
Lesson 3 Using research collected last session, the groups must now plan how they are Children are able to plan and What is your role in the group and
going to report their story. fulfil their role. what are you responsible for?
Reporting our Give the children in each group one of the following roles:
story News reporter: they need to write a script for their news report and type it What is the difference between
up. reporting and interviewing?
Interviewer:must contact and arrange an interview with a relevant person
and decide on the questions they would like to ask. What does the producer do?
Producer: plan and story board their news item and decide if they need
props etc. Why do you need a script?
Camera operator / Technician: they will be in charge of all technical aspects
of productione.g. laptop, cameras, operation of software and saving work Why must you make sure you
(with teacher supervision) thoroughly investigate the story?
Ask the children to script their reports and the setting for the different stages of
the report – For example, Start in the studio – out to location – interview at
another location – back to studio get pictures for the backdrop of each of these
Are children able to do any mock interviews were the children could pretend to
be one of the characters in the story?
Lesson 4 Continue with work on the script and settings. Rehearse reports.
Continue previous
Lesson 5 Groups record the rest of their report using a flipcam and tripod. Children are able to record What do we mean by ‘editing’ your
their news report. footage?
Filming our news The children could use Green screen functionality so they can later edit their
report footage to add their own news studio background in iMovie. How are you applying a different
Tell the children that during the next lesson, they will be asked to tell the story
behind famous art and bring them to life using Augmented Reality (AR).
If you are using iPads, please watch the video - Making QR Codes (Ref 34.4).
Lesson 4 Dress up day and filming day: Dressing up is optional but this can help capture Children to produce a video What difficulties did you encounter?
the essence of the period and produces a better video.
Understanding the How would you address these next
fundamentals of View resource presentation, shooting and editing video (Ref 34.5). time?
basic filming, video
editing and saving Ask the children to produce an exciting and interesting video that tells the story Are there any improvements you
video of their artwork. Children should work in pairs to help with filming and ask could make?
them to rehearse their script before filming.
Option: Using green screen can give an extra dimension to the children’s video.
Lesson 5 Continue Filming/Editing: Continue and review
children’s work.
Lesson 6 Demonstrate how to add AR and talk about the Exhibition How could this technology be used
around the school?
Understanding the 1. You will need to register a class account with Aurasma on the
basic ideas behind iPad/Tablet/Phone. All iPads/Tablets or phones that will be used must be
AR and how video logged into that account.
can be overlaid on 2. Print out pictures of all the artworks used, these will be the exhibition
top of the real pictures and used as triggers for the children’s videos to play.
world. 3. Model how to use the Aurasma app. See Teaching with Aurasma video(Ref
4. Once you have shown the children how to use the app, they will need to add
5. Set up the exhibition by placing the artwork pictures around the room. The
children can then hold the iPad/Tablet over the picture to play the videos. You
could then invite parents in to see the interactive art exhibition.
Code Breakers
WILMA Main Teaching Success Criteria Assessment Opportunities
Lesson 1 Open the resource ‘Code Breakers’(ref 35.1) and guide the children through Children are aware of what
lesson 1. codes are used for and
Codes and understand the concept of
deciphering deciphering code
Lesson 2 Open the resource ‘Code Breakers’ (ref 35.1) and guide children through Children are aware of binary Which part of a computer is its
lessons 2-3 code and can translate binary brain?
Binary codes and codes
Play images as a motion clip - once all frames are photographed, the play
button will rapidly run through these images in order and will give the
appearance that the stickman is taking off his hat and a balloon will inflate and
then burst.
Save and export animation - it is important to explain that when filming the
animation in I Can Animate, the project can be saved and edited as necessary.
The project must be exported as a movie to be viewed as a video on a laptop
and to be able to import into iMovie as part of the next session. Discuss
naming conventions and file types as well as filing hierarchy using folders and
Alternative to I Can Animate -
or (both free)
Lesson 3 Ask the children to import their animation from the previous session into Children can add music and Why have you chosen that particular
iMovie - once the animation is saved as a movie file it can be imported into sound effects to compliment piece of music?
Exporting iMovie so the children can insert vocals, music, sound effects and titles(all the their movies.
animation into finishing touches). What do you think that that sound
iMovie and add Class Discussion: What is the benefit of music? Answers could include adding effect adds to that clip?
backing music drama and atmosphere to a situation, providing a background for a montage or
supporting the opening and closing credits. In addition, titles can be added to
introduce interviewees or to display additional information that may not be
covered by the clip for example help-line info.
Ask the children to add backing music, opening titles and closing creditsto their
2. Create Props and a 3D background - Props play a big part in providing the
familiar items associated with the scene. If a conversation is taking place in the
living room then pictures on the wall, a TV in the corner, a vase of flowers on
the shelf will help set the scene. Talk about proportion – if your characters are
3 inches tall then the vase of flowers need only be maybe an inch tall. Use
bright colours as they tend to look faded during filming - good lighting will
improve the quality.
A 3D set is a good way of providing a background when filming models. A
cardboard box works perfectly well and printed images, drawn pictures or
coloured paper work equally well. It is important to spend time creating props
and a set as this is an integralpart of the animation process.
Resource List
Activity Lesson Resource(s) Needed Resource Reference
Cars 1-6 Racing Cars – Lesson Guide 31.1