Alabama Physicians Letter
Alabama Physicians Letter
Alabama Physicians Letter
We cannot imagine how challenging it is to be in education leadership during these times, with many
forces at play. We remain sincerely grateful for all of the work that your team has done throughout the
last 18 months to ensure the children and communities are safe and that the children are educated. We
appreciate that some school districts are following not only the scientific data, but also the
recommendations of our state and county health officials by following ADPH recommendations and in
turn, CDC guidelines.
It is clear that children need to be in school in person. Unfortunately not all school districts (nor states)
have followed the evidence, and numerous schools have had to close their doors after opening with
optional masks (national list of schools here). Alabama schools are fortunate to have evidence-based
leaders at the helm. Nevertheless, in the setting of district-by-district implementation of ADPH
guidelines, these closures have happened even in Alabama.
Although it would be a full-time job to dispel myths and disinformation currently, we wanted to provide
you with the data necessary to dispel some myths surrounding masks. Masks are primarily intended to
prevent the release of respiratory particles (and the viruses these particles carry) into the environment
by individuals without symptoms. They can also filter the incoming droplets for the wearer. There are
scores of studies on the use of masks to control SARS-CoV-2 – in fact the CDC Science Brief cites 65
references and includes a summary table of the 17 most impactful ones (CDC Science Brief Masks - click
here). Furthermore, new studies on the benefits of masking were recently published by both UAB and
UNC (more here). Finally, psychologists reassure us that pediatric mental health is affected by school
closure, the death of a caregiver and increased abuse, but has not been impacted by masking; masks do
not impair social interaction among children. On the other hand, a highly publicized article with concerns
surrounding children wearing masks was openly retracted.
COVID-related hospitalizations are increasing dramatically among children, especially in the South; Dr.
David Kimberlin has shared more current detail on this (click here - interview). Following the
recommendations of public health officials is how we will keep children and teachers in school. Now,
more than ever, the children rely on you to keep them safe. Consistent implementation of ADPH
recommendations is key.
We have the utmost respect for your relying on the recommendations and consultation of those who
have the particular expertise to facilitate this decision – public health officials. These physicians have
unique training. They are trained to cull the latest data and then translate that into public health by
providing the most protection for the population with the least amount of burden or intervention. As
we all know, the current guidance could change throughout the school year. Although we are hopeful the
current climate will shift once children under 12 years have access to vaccines and we are on the other
side of the delta variant peak, we will continue to support the evidence-based recommendations made
by state and regional public health officials.
We greatly appreciate all that you do,
The physicians above reside in the following counties. An overwhelming majority of these physicians not
only treat patients but also have children who are current or rising students or recent graduates of the
school systems:
St. Clair