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Physico Chemical Properties of Oil Obtained From Groundnut Seeds (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Using Different Extraction Methods

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International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

ISSN: 2455-4898; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14
Received: 11-05-2019; Accepted: 18-06-2019
Volume 4; Issue 4; July 2019; Page No. 160-164

Physico chemical properties of oil obtained from groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) using
different extraction methods

Adesipe-Olugbemi Iyanuoluwa Temitayo1, Makanjuola Olakunle Moses2

Department of Science Laboratory Technology, the Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 50 Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria
Department of Food Technology, the Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 50 Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria

The physicochemical properties of groundnut oils extracted from groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) by traditional,
mechanical and solvent methods were evaluated using standard analytical procedures. The results showed that oil samples are
within the range of 0.08-0.060% moisture & matter volatile, 0.13-0.44%m/m insoluble impurities, 0.942-0.951 relative
humidity, 1.20-4.14mg/KOH/g acid value, 134.60-168.30mg/KOH/g saponification value, 38.46-47.37g/100g iodine value,
5.20-7.03mEq/kg peroxide value, 2.08-3.60mg/KOH/g free fatty acid, 6.80-8.40g/kg unsaponifiable matter with refractive
index of 1.46 for all the oil samples, suggesting significant differences (p<0.05) among samples. However, oil extracted by
traditional method was the best in terms of storability, resistance to hydrolysis, oxidative deterioration and decomposition
likely to be caused by enzymes.

Keywords: physicochemical properties, groundnut seeds, extraction methods, groundnut oils

1. Introduction groundnut institute. The health benefits come from its mono
Groundnut seed (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important food, saturated fatty acid contents with regular consumption
feed and principal oil seed crops which is cultivated on large helping to lower the blood cholesterol level.
scale throughout the world. It is an annual crop principally Traditionally, groundnut oil extraction involves shelling the
for its edible oil and protein rich kernel seeds, borne in pods groundnut pods, roasting the shelled groundnut seeds, de-
which develop and mature below the soil surface. (Ayoola skinning/winnowing the roasted seeds, milling and kneading
and Adeyeye, 2010) [1]. Groundnut seed also known as pea the paste produced (Ewaodo, 2007) [5]. Mechanical method
nut is the most common oil nut grown as an annual crop on of oil extraction involves the direct application of pressure
about 19 million hectares of land in tropical, sub-tropical to the wrapped paste of these oil-bearing materials, forcing a
and warm temperature region of the world. It is grown relative reduction in their volumes to initiate the expulsion
principally for its edible oil and protein rich seeds. They of oil from the materials (Amoo et al.,) [6] Solvent extraction
provide characteristic flavor and texture to food as an method involves the leaching out of the soluble solid
integral diet component (Odoemalam, 2005) [2]. Peanut is structure of the oil seed by the use of volatile organic
classified as both a grain legume (“Grain Legumes”) and solvents like N-Hexane. These compounds enable more oil
because of its high oil content, an oil crop. As a legume, the to be extracted from the primary oil bearing material. The
peanut belongs to the botanical family Fabaceae; this is also extracted oil could be placed in an oven to evaporate.
known as leguminosea and commonly known as the bean or (Nwabueze, 2007) [7].
pea family (Royal Botanical Gardens, 2016) [3]. Like most Different research work have been carried out on grounds,
other legumes, peanut harbor symbiotic nitrogen-fixing among which are chemical composition of groundnuts
bacteria in root nodules (Legumes of the work (Royal (Asibuo, 2008) [4], chemical analyses of groundnut (Arachis
Botanical Gardens, 2016) [3]. The capacity to fix nitrogen hypogaea) oil (Anyasor, 2009) [8], peanut allergy: an
means peanuts require less nitrogen- containing fertilizer overview (Al-Ahamed et al., 2008) [9], physic chemical
and improve soil improve infertility, making them available studies on oils from five selected Nigerian plant seeds
in crop rotations. (Akubugwo and Ugbogu, 2007) [10], effect of heating on the
Peanut seeds provides an inexpensive source of high quality chemical composition and physic chemical properties of
dietary protein and oil. It contains palmitic acid, arachidonic groundnut seed flour oil (Arachis hypogaea L.) (Ayoola and
acid, lignoic acid and other fatty acids. Groundnut seeds Adeyeye, 2010) [1] among others. Therefore, the objectives
contain 44-56% and 22-30% protein on a dry seed basis and of this present work are to evaluate the chemical properties
are a rich source of minerals (Phosphorous, Calcium, of oil obtained from groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea)
Magnesium and Potassium) and vitamins E, K and B subjected to three different extraction methods with a view
groups. The vast food incorporating groundnut to improve of ascertaining whether the method of extraction impose any
the protein level have helped in no small way in reducing changes on the properties of the oil.
malnutrition in the developing Countries. The special taste
and flavor of foods containing groundnut seeds is important Materials and Methods
in the acceptance of this food preparation. (Asibuo et al., Source of Materials
2008) [4] Groundnut seed oil may be one of the most cardio Matured groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds were
protective foods readily consumed according to the purchased from Sayedero, a local market in Ilaro, Ogun

International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

State and transported in a polythene bag to the Laboratories pycnometer was weighed and filled with water maintained
of Department of Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic, at 20oC and weighed again. The bottle was emptied, dried
Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria. and filled with oil and weighed. The value was calculated
using the equation:
Sample Preparation
The nuts were thoroughly screened to remove stones, sticks,
other adhering materials and defected ones. The seed coats
were removed manually to recover seed kernels. The seeds
were toasted in oven for 3 hours at 105oC. The toasted seeds It is temperature dependent and decreases in value when
were grounded into paste using mortar and pestle. temperature

Method of Extraction of Oils Saponification Value

Traditional Method Saponification value was determined according to the
The paste obtained from grounded toasted seeds (500g) was titrimetric method of Pearson (Pearson, 1981) [14]. 2g of oil
suspended in boiling water for 30 minutes using firewood as sample was weighed into a conical flask and 25ml of
fuel. Liberated oils floated on the surface and further alcoholic potassium hydroxide was added. The solution was
quantities of water were randomly added after boiling to heated in boiling water for 1hour. 1ml of 1%
replace lost by evaporation as well as encouraging more oil phenolphthalein was added and titrated with 0.5N HCL. A
to float to the surface. The oil was carefully scooped with blank was prepared alongside the oil samples.
stainless spoon from the surface of the water into shallow
dish and then heated over a fire to remove residual moisture. Saponification Value = 56.1N (A-B) W
The slurry was also placed in a muslin cloth and pressed to
remove the remaining oil. The oil was put in a plastic bottle Where;
and stored at room temperature prior to analysis. N=Normality of HCL used
A=Volume of H2So4 for blank in ml
Mechanical Method B=Volume of H2So4 for sample in ml
This method was carried out using a hydraulic press 56.1= Equivalent weight of potassium hydroxide
extraction. The paste obtained from grounded toasted seeds W= Weight of the oil used.
(500g) was tied in a muslin cloth, placed inside the
extraction chamber of the hydraulic press and pressure was Acid Value
applied to expel the oils. The oil sample was collected in a Acid value was determined by trite metric method of
conical flask (AOAC, 2000) [11]. (Pearson, 1970) [15]. 5g of the oil sample was weighed and
75ml of hot neutral alcohol was added with few drops of
Solvent Extraction Method phenolphthalein. The mixture was shaken until the pink
The method described by (Faritan et al., 2010) [12] was used colouration remains permanent. Acid value was calculated
for solvent extraction of seeds. The already grounded using the formula:
roasted paste (500g) was placed in a paper and fed to a
soxhlet apparatus connected with a water bath for 6 hours
with n-hexane (b.p 65-68oC). After the extraction was
accomplished, the excess of the solvent was removed under
reduced pressure using a rotary vacuum evaporator
(EYELA, N.N. Series, Rikakikai Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). Iodine Value
The oil was stored in plastic bottles prior to analysis at room This was determined according to the titrimetric method of
temperature. All chemicals and reagents used were of (Pearson, 1970) [15]. 2 g of oil weighed into a dry glass
analytical grade. stopper bottle of 25ml capacity and 10ml of carbon
tetrachloride was added to the oil. About 20ml Wij’s
Analytical Procedures. solution was then added and allowed to stand in the dark for
Estimation of Moisture 30minutes. 15ml of (10%) potassium iodide and 100ml of
The moisture content of groundnut sample was determined water were added and then titrated with 0.iM sodium
by drying in oven at 100-107oC to constant weight. (AOAC, thiosuphate solution using starch as indicator first before the
2000) [11]. end point. A blank was also prepared for the oil sample.
Iodine value was calculated from the formula:
Insoluble Impurities
This refers to extraneous substance such as dirt, debris and
fibres. Also defined as substances which remain insoluble
and can be filtered off after the oil is dissolved in specific
solvent such as petroleum (0.003-0.008) Where;
V2 =Titre value for blank
Relative Density V1 =Titre value for sample (s)
Pycnometer, i.e. specific gravity bottle was used in
measuring the density/ specific gravity. The specific gravity Peroxide Value
of oil is the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume oil at The peroxide values for the oil samples were determined
a defined temperature to that of the same volume of water at using the method described by (AOAC, 1984) [16]. 2g oil
the same temperature (AOAC, 2000) [11]. Cleaned, dried sample was weighed into a tube and 1g of powdered

International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

potassium iodide with 20ml of solvent mixture (glacial Refractive Index

acetic acid and chloroform) was added. This was then The refractive index was determined by hand refractometer
placed in boiling water for 30 seconds. The content was (Ermma Hand Refractometer) as described by (Ayo and
poured into a flask containing 20ml of 55 iodide solution. Agu, 2012) [17]. It has a range of 0-32. A drop of the oil was
The tube was then washed with 25ml of distilled water and placed on the surface of the refractometer and the reading
titrated with 0.002N sodium thiosulphate solution using was taken directly.
starch as indicator. A blank was prepared alongside the oil
samples. Peroxide value was calculated as: Free Fatty Acid
The free fatty acid value was estimated by titrating the oil
against Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) in the presence of
phenolphthalein indicator. Free fatty acid content is
Where; V2 =Blank titre value expressed as oleic acid equivalent (Cox and Pearson, 1962)
V1 =Sample (s) titre value .

Results and Discussion


Table 1: Physico-chemical Properties of Groundnut Oil using Different Extraction Methods

Parameters Samples
Moisture and Matter Volatile at 105oC (%) 0.08±0.028a 0.50±0.07 b 0.60±0.6 b
Insoluble Impurities (%m/m 0.13±0.007b 0.45±0.007 b 0.44±0.275 b
a a
Relative Density at 27oC 0.951±0.001 0.951±0.070 0.942±0.227 a
Acid Value (mg/KOH/g oil) 1.20±0.028c 2.24±0.282 b 4.14±0.028 a
Saponofication Value (mg/KOH/g/oil 168.30±0.028 a 146.87±0.007 b 134.60±36.869 c
Iodine Value (g/100g) 44.20±0.282 b 39.46±0.000 c 47.37±94.014 a
c b
Peroxide Value (mEq/kg 5.20±0.000 6.40±0.282 7.03±1.98 a
Refractive Index at (40oC) 1.46±0.000 a 1.46±0.000a 1.46±0.000 a
Free Fatty Acid(mg/KOH/g 3.60±0.282 a 2.22.70±0.282 a 2.08.4±0.282 b
a a
Unsaponifiable Matter (g/kg 7.70±0.141 8.40±0.141 6.80±0.141 a
Values with different superscript in the same row are significantly different at (p<0.05) confidence level.
Key: TM: Traditional method, MM: Mechanical method, SE: Solvent extraction method

The results of the physicochemical properties of groundnut acids calculated as oleic acid. Acid value measures the
extracted using different methods are shown in Table 1. The extent to which glyceride in the oil has been decomposed by
determination of these physicochemical values is often used lipase and other actions such as light and heat. (Atasie et al.,
as a general indicator of the condition and edibility of oil. 2009) [20]. Acid value of 4.14mg/KOH/g was close to
The moisture and matter volatile ranged from 0.08-0.60 for Arachis (4.0mg/KOH/g) by (Pearson 1981) [14] and soya
the three oil samples, indicating significant differences bean 4.279mg/KOH/g (Eka and Chidi, 2009) [22]. Also low
(p<0.05) among samples. It was observed that oil extracted level of acid value of about 4mg/KOH/g oil sample shows
traditionally had the lowest value of 0.08% with oil that the oil is as good as edible oil (Denniston et al., 1991)
extracted by solvent method having the highest value of . Saponification value of 165.30mg/KOH/g,
0.60%. (Mandioi et al., 2014) [19] Had specified 0.20 146.87mg/KOH/g and 134.60mg/KOH/g were obtained for
maximum level of moisture in oil. However, oils containing traditional, mechanical and solvent extracted oils, indicating
higher values can lead to infestation by insects and significant differences among samples (p<0.05). These
microbial attack which will allow rancidity to set in. the value are lower 9187-196mg/KOH/g) reported by (Pearson,
insoluble impurities for the oils samples were 0.13% (m/m), 1981) [14] this properly makes the oil useful in soap making.
0.45% (m/m) and 0.44% (m/m) for the three extraction (Denniston et al., 1991) [24]. stated that oils with high
methods respectively. Oil extracted traditionally has the saponification value contain high proportion of lower fatty
lowest values of 0.13% (m/m), indicating little extraneous acid. However, (Ajayi and Oderinde, 2002) [25] reported that
materials while both mechanical and solvent extracted oil high saponification value indicated the presence of greater
had higher values of 0.45% (m/m) and 0.44% (m/m) number of ester bond, suggesting that the fat molecules
suggesting high insoluble impurities which can reduce the were intact. Iodine value is a measure of the amount of
oil quality. There are no significant differences (p<0.05) in unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Iodine value varied from
the relative density of all the oil samples under 39.46-47.37g/100g for all the oil samples extracted. A fatty
consideration. Specification level of 0.912-0.920 had been acid that is missing any hydrogen atoms is classified as
set by (Mandioi et al., 2014) [19]. Relative density of 0.951, being unsaturated and this indicates all mono unsaturated
0.951 and 0.942 at 27oC as obtained in this present work and polyunsaturated fatty acids. High iodine value denotes
revealed higher levels above the tolerable level. high degree of unsaturation of the oil caused by the extent of
The acid values ranged from 1.20mg/KOH/g- extraction and degree of heat treatment during processing
4.14mg/KOH/g for the for the oil samples. The acid value is (Popoola and Yangomodou, 2006) [26]. The iodine values
a relative measure of rancidity as free fatty acids are (39.46-47.37g/100g) indicates low degree of unsaturation
normally formed during decomposition of oil glycerides. and classified the oil as non-drying oil (80-100g/100g) as
The value can also be expressed as percent of free fatty recorded for most edible oil ((Pearson 1981 and Atasie et

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