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Abstract: The level of total lipid and oryzanol content, an important antioxidant compound in
locally produced bran was investigated. Total lipid in rice bran was extracted using 3:2
chloroform:methanol mixture yielding 16.4% fat. Oryzanol content was determined without
saponification using a reverse-phase HPLC. Four fractions of oryzanol were successfully separated
and quantitated. The 4 isomers were cycloartenyl ferulate, 24-methylene cycloartanyl ferulate,
campestryl ferulate and mixtures of β–sitosteryl ferulate and cycloartanyl ferulate. The oryzanol
content of local mixed varieties ranged from 23.7–43.0 mg g-1. The oryzanol concentration may
depend on factors such as plant varieties, processing methods employed, extracting solvent used
and ratio of extracting solvent to bran as well as extracting solvent temperatures. This study showed
the potential of oryzanol extract from rice bran as a source of antioxidant.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail: maznah@medic.upm.edu.my or maznahis@putra.upm.edu.my
Prabhakar (1986) have shown that a higher detected in raw samples was in week 2, while
concentration of oryzanol was extracted using in stabilized samples the highest concentration
chloroform:methanol mixture (2:1, v/v). was during week 12. There was steady
Besides the solvent type, other factors such as increment detected in the content of oryzanol
solvent to bran ratio and extraction from 0 - 5 and 0 - 12 weeks in raw and stabilized
temperatures may also influence the samples, respectively. The slow release of
extractability of rice lipid and its minor oryzanol in rice bran lipid observed could be
components (Hu et al., 1996). Diack and Saska due to the fact that fat-soluble antioxidants
(1994) found that when separating such as tocotrienol and tocotrienol-like
antioxidants of rice bran such as vitamin E and compounds (including oryzanol) are bound
oryzanol compounds, their concentrations to insoluble cellular components of the plant
also varied substantially according to the origin tissues (Qureshi et al., 2000). In this study, the
of the rice bran. effect of autoclave and microwave methods to
Figures 3 and 4 show the changes in stabilize rice bran was comparable as shown
oryzanol content over 48 weeks of storage by the observed similar trend.
following unstabilized (raw) and two different The reduced concentrations of oryzanol
stabilization methods (microwave and after the 5th week and 12th week for raw and
autoclave). Overall, the oryzanol levels in raw stabilized samples, respectively, indicated that
and stabilized samples reduced with storage the involvement of this compound in
time. The highest γ–oryzanol concentration combating non-enzymatic lipid oxidation
(Sowbhagya and Bhattacharya, 1976). The The quantity of plant-sterol in the lipid fraction
oxidation that occurred could have been of rice bran is influenced by plant genetics,
catalyzed by the presence of the naturally growing and harvesting conditions, the state
present metal ions in the rice bran or of maturity at har vest and processing
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