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Directions: Design A Graphic Organizer Featuring The Different Inventions

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Activity 2.

Design ME

Directions: Design a graphic organizer featuring the different inventions/

discoveries during ancient, medieval , and modern times. Write a brief
description of each invention. A sample of graphic organizer design is given
below as your guide.


 The Chariot  - the first two-wheeled chariot in which a driver drove a

SUMERIANS team of animals.

 The Plow - a vital technology in farming.

 Mathematics - Their system helped lay the groundwork for the

mathematical calculations of civilizations that followed. 

 Hydraulic Engineering - the sumerians civilization was the first

develop their agriculture. Who designed complex systems of canals, with
dams constructed of reeds, palm trunks and mud whose gates could be
The First
 opened Mapto- regulate
or closed The Babylonian
the flow ofMap of the World is circular and
depicts mountains, rivers, canals, and swamps. The seven small circles
 Writing
on the map - the Sumerians
represent were the
the seven first to develop
Babylonian cities.  a writing system. Either
way, it’s clear that they were using written communication
 Cuneiform-is the first-known form of written communication by 2800- B.C.
is the
first-known form of written communication. It is  a language as it
 Language And Writing-Many Sumerian clay tablets written in
comprised script
cuneiform less than
discovered.and Theythese
are characters wereexample
not the oldest used forof
writing, administrative
but nevertheless and business
represent a greatpurposes.
advance in the human ability to
 write down historyis a and
practice in farmer sector and this invention of
the stone plow to set the ground. The Babylonians regulated the flow of
 Religion-Sumerians
water to irrigate theirbelieved
crops and in dug
anthropomorphic polytheism,
canals and irrigation or of
ditches many
gods in human form, which were specific to each city-state. 
along with the plow, led the way for a new era of agricultural revolution.
 Urbanization-the Babylonians gradually moved from rural areas to
 Technology-Sumerians invented or improved a wide range of
more developed
technology, regions.
including the Babylonia as people
wheel, cuneiform moved
script, to citiesgeometry,
arithmetic, to seek
educational and employment opportunities. 
irrigation, saws and other tools, sandals, chariots, harpoons, and beer.
 Astrology and Horoscopy- introduced by the Babylonians as they
believed in the divinity of the celestial bodies.
 The Concept of Time-the Babylonians, who devised a system of
dividing time into 60 sections. Babylonians estimated that the earth
moved around the sun one degree in a day and took 360 days.
 The Sailboat-  water transportation during their times.
 The First Wheel-their Land Transportation.
 The Chariot-carts were used for the transportation of goods and for
 The Study of Mathematics-Babylonians developed many advanced
mathematical theories which are still in use today.
 Art and Architecture-The Babylonians were prolific artists, and even
the most mundane household objects were beautifully decorated with
images of human or animal forms.
 Medicines-treated physical and mental illnesses as the work of the gods
EGPTIANS and attempted to treat them using religious and magic remedies
performed by priests or even exorcists.

 The Lock-represents a significant shift in the history of engineering. 

 The Police-to patrol and regulate the ships and boats traveling on the
Nile, to protect them from thieves and ensure that trade and the economy
continued to prosper.

 Toothpaste And Breath Mints-toothpaste became one of the most

 prominent
The Water Egyptian
Mill-meansinventions to prevent
to grind, and thatthem for those
invariably means whoto could
afford it. 
GREEKS grain.

 The Odometer-measures
Tables-an explosion in the the art
distance traveled byas intricately
of furniture, a vehicle such as a
bicycle or automobile.
items began to be created in Egypt. 

 The Alarm
Roman Clock-to possess
Numerals-Roman a large began
numerals water clock
to be with an unspecified
replaced by Arabic
 The
alarm Calendar
signal And
similar to Timekeeping-the
the sound of a water Egyptian
organ. calendar was divided
into twelvewhich
months benefitted
of 30 days from thealong
each, use ofwith
the five
making them
days much
at the
 Cartography-is
more useful for the study
arithmetic andand practice
counting.  of making maps. It has played
end of the year to bring the total up to 365.
 an important
An Early form role of
in travel and navigation since
Newspaper-inscribed news ancient times.affairs unto
of current
 Olympics-They
stones, papyri, or were dedicated
metal to cut
slabs, which to were
and thegroom
placed gods and
thein hair
publicand were staged
spaces.  using
 sharpened
on the plains
Modern flints and shells.
of Olympia.
Plumbing and Sanitary Management-Romans were very
 Basis of Geometry-is
knowledgeable when it came doubtless
to civiloneengineering.their
of the oldest branches
engineering of
 Make-Up
mathematics. And Wigs-Cosmetics and beauty regimes were also Egyptian
excellence is highlighted by their sewage and sanitary plumbing systems.
 Using
Practice toof Build Structures-The
Medicine-it arch of
came to the curing directs pressure
 downwards
Paper and outwards, creating
Ink-papyrus, aofstrong
a way after
named passagereeds
the grassy underneath
world itaround
grew which
the the
from to support
which the heavy
was made. 
them, without resorting to religion, myth, or magic.

 The Hypocaust
Concept System-was a heating
of Democracy-The idea ofmechanism
every citizensomewhat
to modern-day central heating, or radiant floor
opportunity and a say in government constitutes the concept ofheating. 
 Aqueducts-Romans
democracy. built aqueducts to bring fresh water in from
 neighboring
Discoveries sources into their
in Modern growing cities
Science-The and towns.
Greeks had so much influence
 The First Surgical Tools- precision medical instruments 
in the early concepts of science that most symbols used in physics and
ROMANS  Developing
math equations Concrete
are derived tofrom
Strengthen Roman Buildings-Using a
the Greek alphabet.
mixture of volcanic ash, lime, and seawater, they developed a mix that
they used to add structural integrity to their buildings.
 Roads That Can Withstand Time- Romans used a combination of
dirt and gravel with bricks made from hardened volcanic lava or granite,
making the roads immensely strong no matter the weather.
 The Codex- The First Bound Book
The Electric Dynamo – 1831
The invention of the electric dynamo by Michael Faraday opened up the
practical use of electricity – from transport to power tools and home

Computer – 1860s – Charles Babbage’s analytic engine is often seen as

the forerunner of the modern computer. It had the ability to be programmed
and calculate mathematical equations From these early experimental
machines, we saw the development of later electronic versions. Although the
electronic computer wasn’t really developed until after the 1940s.

Pasteurisation – 1864 Developed by Louis Pasteur. This provided a way

to prevent the growth of bacteria in substances such as wine, beer and milk.
It made milk safer to drink.
Paper-China was the first nation to invent paper.
Plastic – 1869 Developed
Printing-Printed by John AWesley
in Tang Dynasty BuddhistHyatt.
is thewasfirstanbook
in the
world and
a verifiable Hedatewasoflooking
printing. for a cheap substitute to ivory billiard
balls. Hyatt combined
Gunpowder -Creditcellulose
for the nitrate
invention andofcamphor
gunpowder to produce
also goes a mouldable
to ancient
China. material – celluloid.
the Compass – 1876 The
 Sinan- the telephone was tool
earliest guide invented
in the in 1876 by Alexander
world.The compass, an
Graham navigational
Bell. Scottish borntool,
Bell waswasanother
a teacher significant
for thegift deaffromat ancient
University. In researching ways to teach the deaf, he experimented with
transmitting sound via electricity.
Phonograph – 1877 Thomas Edison found that sound could be captured
and replayed using a rotating cylinder covered with paraffin paper and a
Medieval  Mechanical
Lightbulb – 1879 Throughout
Clock-the Middlethe nineteenth
Ages that the century,
technology inventors produced
was invented that
Times allowed for mechanical clocks to accurately keep track of time. 
simple electric lights. For example, Joseph Swan produced a simple electric
 Printing
light, but, he Press-printing technology ahad
struggled to maintain been source
power developedandin the
century China,
it was the 15th century German
burned out when the vacuum was exhausted. Johannes Gutenberg and his printing press that
started a new era of the mass production of books.
Bicycle 1885 – Velocipedes were invented early in the nineteenth century.
 Gunpowder-Gunpowder was invented in China sometime between the 9th and
The most popular at the time was the Penny Farthing, with its huge big
11th centuries, and it did not take long it to be used in weapons.
 Water But,and theWind bigMills-which
advancement allowedinpeople
biketo technology came from
harness the energy with the
forces likeof rivers
a chain andtowind,
process tothat
back wheel. to the present-day.
Aluminium 1886 Until kind
 Coffee House-These the 1890s, Aluminium
of establishments wouldwasspread
considered a precious
into Europe during
metal thebecause it was so hard to isolate. However, Ohio chemist,
early modern era, changing not only how people ate and drank, but creating Charles
Martin Hall ways of social interaction.
discovered how to isolate Aluminium, through a process of
 Eyeglasses-Its
electrolysis.  ability to correct vision problems makes it a much it one of the
Motor most
Car useful medieval 1898
– 1898 By inventions.
the German engineer Karl Benz produced the
  Public Library-The Library of Malatesta Novello in Cesena, Italy is considered
first modern automobile using a patented internal combustion engine. The
to be first ever public library in the world.
car used electrical ignition, a water-cooled internal combustion engine and
 Flying Buttress-the flying buttress allowed buildings to have much higher
different gears. 
ceilings, thinner walls and larger windows.
Pneumatic Tyre – 1888 Invented
 Paper money-the common way currency by John Boyd Dunlop; it was developed
is issued.
Modern Times asa way to make tricycle riding moreable comfortable.
Quadrant and Astrolabe-Being to measure the distance between two
Camera – 1888 – Louis Daguerre made
objects, they proved to be useful instruments a breakthrough
in astronomy,with a camera
navigation and
took imprints to be developed by chemicals.Transatlantic
Telegram 1901 G. Marconi developed the first long-distance wireless
communication. On 12 December 1901, the first telegram was sent across
the Atlantic in Morse code.
X-Ray Machines (1914) The X-Ray was first discovered by W. Roentgen
in 1895. Marie Curie developed this discovery and through her work by 1914
and been able to successfully create an X-ray machine which could be used
to take images of the human skeleton.

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